What happened to Diana Shurygina's husband. Diana Shirygina was raped by her husband: it's true, what details, see photos. Latest news Husband of Diana Shurygina Andrey

Long-awaited wedding Diana Shurygina and Andrei Shpagin took place this month. Intrigues and gossip haunt the newlyweds from the very beginning of their relationship.

Diana Shurygina for a long time endured the tubs of criticism and dirt, which were poured on her in double size from the moment of preparation for the wedding. When the 18-year-old beauty, along with her newly-made husband, left for Sochi, and the streams of insults did not end, she lost her nerve.

Shurygina cheated on her husband: At the beginning of the month, network star Diana Shurygina got married

A few days before the celebration, the girl decided to organize a bachelorette party, to which she invited her closest friends. And although just the day before, she admitted in an interview with NTV that meeting her future husband had changed her a lot, now she does not fall into a rage from criticism strangers, does not drink alcohol and is generally attuned to the family, before the wedding, the future bride nevertheless remembered her former self. And reminded everyone else of her.

In the company of her friends and mother, Diana rode around the capital's bars in a rented limousine all night, seeing single life alcohol and cheeky dancing.

Diana Shurygina posted a video from the bachelorette party on Instagram. Alcoholic cocktails were drunk non-stop, Diana danced on the table and hood of a rented car, and then began kissing one of their bridesmaids. And when she noticed that the operator was filming her, she was afraid that if she saw it future husband he will kill her.

Shurygina cheated on her husband: Diana Shurygina lost her nerve due to constant criticism

And now Shurygina shared with subscribers photos from honeymoon trip. The lovers went to Sochi. They were accompanied by unknown men. Apparently, this circumstance worried some fans, while others confirmed the idea that the wedding was just PR. In general, Diana was attacked with criticism.

Shurygina cheated on her husband: Raped network star

The echo of the high-profile wedding of the raped Diana Shurygina does not subside even a week after the high-profile event. The fact is that no one understands under what surname an aspiring pop star and just a beautiful girl will continue her career.

On the one hand, numerous photographs of the wedding published in Instagram account, which may belong to Diana Shurygina, was accompanied by the hashtag #weddingbashurygins. Readers unambiguously accepted this information: probably, Shurygina's chosen one took her last name. Not such a rare occurrence, maybe the groom never liked his native surname, but here such luck.

However, after the wedding, it turned out that everything happened exactly the opposite. Presumably, on her Instagram, Shurygina announced to her fans that she had taken her husband's surname. But then everything turned out to be difficult.

In nature, there are now three variants of the new pseudonym Diana Shurygina. Judge for yourself - if a girl marries a man by the name of Shlyagin, or maybe Shlyanin and even Shlyamin - what surname will she wear?

Initially, it was reported that the operator of Channel One, Andrei Shlyagin, became the chosen one of a young beauty with a difficult past. Then Shurygina announced that her husband's surname was not Shlyagin, but Shlyanin. At the same time, on the husband’s official page on the VKontakte social network, it is indicated that he is Shlyamin. guess now real name Shurygina.

Shurygina cheated on her husband: “My husband will kill me”

The fun party lasted until the morning and ended on one of the embankments of Moscow - also dancing. And already in the morning, apparently, I feel guilty before my future husband, Shurygina cooked porridge for him.

Before the wedding, Diana visited a sexologist, so she decided to invite him to a gala banquet. He came to the holiday with an unusual gift to please the newly-made spouses. The wedding is scandalous famous girl not without a brawl, and this time too. A fight broke out between Shlyagin and the uninvited guest. Eyewitnesses claim that blogger Dmitry Dorin unsuccessfully tried to give the bride a gift - eight red carnations. The guards did not allow the young man to do this, ordering him to leave the premises. After that, the groom himself came out to Dorin, the Rosregistr.ru portal reports. Andrei knocked him to the floor and began to threaten with violence.

He explained his behavior as a desire to protect the girl. Previously, allegedly the blogger had already pursued Shurygina. Dmitry visited the cafe where the girl worked and demanded a selfie from her.

Recall that in the past, Diana Shurygina was raped on her friend's birthday. The offender was put in jail. The details of the crime were discussed in detail on the TV show Let Them Talk.

On October 5, 18-year-old Diana Shurygina married Channel One operator Andrei Shlyagin. Andrei is 29 years old, and they met a girl during the filming of the program "Let them talk." The young man confessed to reporters more than once that he fell deeply in love with a girl and already three months after they met, he decided to propose to her, although his entourage dissuaded him.


Shurygina had a classic White dress with a fluffy white skirt and a bodice inlaid with sequins for 75 thousand rubles. There was no veil on the girl; instead, a small tiara adorned her head.


The day before, the girl arranged a bachelorette party at the spa and stayed overnight at the hotel alone. On the morning of the wedding day, a make-up artist, hairdresser and mother came to her to help her get ready.


But the preparations, apparently, dragged on, because Diana was late for her own wedding. Registration was scheduled for 13.30, and Diana and her "retinue" arrived only at 14.15. The employees of the registry office did not punish the non-punctual girl and painted her with Andrei.


After registration, the young people with friends went for a ride in a rented limousine around Moscow.


The evening banquet took place in the Duchess teahouse, located in the Butovo district of Moscow. Diana and Andrei invited 80 friends and relatives, and journalists from one of the glossy publications were also at the celebration.

were at the ceremony and uninvited guests. So, at the entrance to Duchess, a popular Instagram blogger was waiting for guests, whose channel is called Homeless on Hype. Disguised as a homeless young man pestered the guests of the ceremony with tactless questions. After that, he and several other unknown teenagers began to chant offensive slogans under the windows of the restaurant. In particular, they demanded that he is now serving a sentence in a pre-trial detention center for raping Diana.

Also, another video blogger appeared at the wedding - Dmitry Torin. It was this young man who went into hysterics at the coffee shop where she worked. The blogger began to demand to take a selfie with him and “cook him coffee on the bottom.” On the wedding day, he wanted to joke by giving the bride eight red carnations in three-liter jar. The newly-made husband of Diana did not appreciate Thorin's act - a fight ensued.


The guests ran out onto the stairs to separate them, followed by Diana, who, seeing what was happening, began to beg her husband to stop. In addition, a whole crowd of anti-fans, who arrived in several cars, was waiting for Shurygin at the teahouse building.


Despite the ill-wishers, the wedding took place, and the guests of the ceremony were satisfied. Diana's girlfriends are still posting videos from the holiday on the Web. Here, for example, the dance of the young:

Diana Alekseevna Shurygina is a girl who became famous after the rape scandal in Ulyanovsk. After her case received public outcry, Diana became a frequent guest on talk shows like Let Them Talk and Really.


Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in Ulyanovsk. Diana's father, Aleksey Viktorovich Shurygin (born 1979), was a truck driver (after the scandal, he said, he left his job due to constant threats). Mother - Natalya Shurygina (born 1983), before the story of the rape of her daughter, she worked in a hypermarket of goods for creativity.

Natalya gave birth to her first daughter very early - she was not yet sixteen when Diana was born. In 2008, Diana had a younger sister, Karina. The family, first huddled in a dorm room, then moved to rented apartment always in dire need of money.

According to Diana's acquaintances, she was never distinguished by modesty and exemplary behavior. Proof of this - numerous photos from social networks. After the rape story, Diana deactivated most of her old accounts, but some of the content managed to scatter across the Web, such as this video.

Diana Shurygina in the car

Journalists captured Diana on a joint smoke break with her father. The fact that he did not react in any way to his daughter inhaling nicotine also speaks volumes. In May 2015, 15-year-old Diana left home. Parents sounded the alarm and turned to the authorities for the control of neglected children, who found the girl at home with an adult Vladislav Troshin. Shurygina explained that she loves him and is with him in intimate relationships for about 4 months now. At the insistence of the authorities, Diana's mother wrote a statement to Troshin. Beloved Shurygina received a year of restriction of freedom.

After graduating from the 9th grade, Diana entered the vocational pedagogical college as an inspector of machine and locksmith work.

The rape of Diana Shurygina

The story, which became known only at the beginning of 2017, happened on the night of March 31 to April 1, 2016. The girl was in the company of guys who celebrated the birthday of a 20-year-old friend in a rented cottage. The party was not without strong alcohol and narcotic smoking mixtures.

The next morning after the party, Shurygina filed a rape complaint with the police department. According to her version, at night one of the guests, Sergei Semyonov (born 1995), tried to perform violent actions on her, taking advantage of Diana's helpless state.

The investigation, which lasted about 8 months, ended for young man sentenced to 8 years and 3 months of strict regime. Such a sentence was due to the fact that, according to the court, Sergei was aware young age Diana and understood that she did not want to enter into a relationship with him. intimate relationship. Later, Semenov's defense filed an appeal, as a result of which the sentence was commuted to 3 years and 3 months. However, in January 2018, the young man was released on parole.


Perhaps Diana would have remained one of the thousands of unknown victims of rape if the TV program “Let them talk” on Channel One, which Semenov’s parents turned to with a request to cover this unpleasant story, had not become interested in the case in Ulyanovsk. Shurygina and her family, as well as relatives and friends of Semenov, were invited to shoot in Moscow. Diana's parents refused to go, but the girl decided at all costs to convey her version of what had happened to the audience.

The first issue of "Let them talk" with Shurygina

In the studio of Andrey Malakhov, Diana told her version of what happened. The girl said that because of a sick stomach, she could not drink beer - she had to drink vodka. A little, out of respect for the birthday boy. As a result, she drank more than the norm, went to look for friends, but ended up face-to-face in a room with Semenov. According to Shurygina, he pushed her onto the bed and, ignoring her resistance, hit her in the face and raped her.

Sergey's relatives insisted that the sexual intercourse took place by mutual consent. Information surfaced that Shurygina's father demanded a million rubles from the suspect's family in order to "hush up the case." Other party guests recalled that Shurygina got drunk and was not averse to spending time with someone in bed, but after the “rape” she did not go home, but continued to drink as if nothing had happened.

Apparently, the arguments of Semenov’s side turned out to be more convincing - after the release of “Let them talk” on the air, a flurry of criticism fell upon Shurygina: Diana was accused of dissolute behavior and perjury. Among the people who sided with Semenov were popular bloggers, for example, Maryana Ro. The persecution had a deplorable effect on Diana's health - she ended up in the hospital.

Immediately after the release of the program, the image of Shurygina became an Internet meme: in in social networks hundreds of parodies of the girl, photo collages and even music tracks based on the phrases spoken by Diana appeared. The phrase "on the bottom" went to the people and even settled on T-shirts. In just a few days, Shurygina earned millions of followers on Instagram.

In the next 2 months, 4 more issues of “Let them talk” dedicated to the rape scandal came out one after another. During the new releases, Diana and her parents admitted that their life had become a nightmare - they received threats, their mother was attacked, and tires were punctured on Alexei Viktorovich's car.

In the summer of 2017, Shurygina and her family, due to the increased attention of the residents of Ulyanovsk, moved to Moscow, where she got a job as a barista in a cafe at mall. The attention of fans and opponents did not have to wait long: videos quickly appeared on the network with Shurygina, angry with the sharp appeals of visitors who recognized her.

Diana Shurygina in a cafe

At the same time, she began to receive offers of cooperation from celebrities. For example, Aiza Anokhina ( ex-wife rapper Guf) offered her a place in her beauty salon. The girl managed to talk with Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov, Elena Flying, Nikolai Fomenko. Passers-by regularly approached her with a request to take a joint selfie - Diana did not refuse and gladly showed her signature “on the bottom” to the camera.

In July 2017, Andrey Malakhov, the host of the talk show "Let them talk", made a film called " New life Diana Shurygina. In the film, Diana tried herself in new professions and talked about life after the scandal. Almost immediately, the video was removed from Malakhov's channel, but the video remained on the clone of the channel of the TV presenter malakhov 007. Malakhov also published several episodes of the show "Shura-mura with Diana Shurygina" on his YouTube channel.

"Shura-mura with Diana Shurygina." 1 issue

At the end of August 2017, Diana took part in the TV program “Actually”, during which the presenter Dmitry Shepelev, together with experts, again analyzed the situation with rape and checked the veracity of the girl’s words. On the lie detector, Diana confirmed that she was telling the truth about the details of the scandal. However, the relatives of Sergei Semenov, who were present during the recording of the program, claimed that it was staging, lies and editing.

In fact: Diana Shurygina on a lie detector

“She constantly evaded the answer, started a game of remember, don’t remember. Comfortable - I remember, uncomfortable - I don't know, I don't remember. The prisoner's sister sympathized with the fact that the polygraph testimonies could not be attached to the investigation materials and recalled that Sergei twice asked to arrange a polygraph test for him, but both times he was refused.

Personal life of Diana Shurygina

According to Shurygina, before the scandal, she met with a certain young man who at that time served in the army. Obviously, long-distance relationships had to be forgotten after the hype.

The wedding took place on October 5: the lovers exchanged rings in the Moscow registry office No. 4 and continued to celebrate in a teahouse in South Butovo.

Diana Shurygina now

In January 2018, Sergei Semenov, convicted of raping Diana Shurygina, was released from prison on parole (parole). The young man told the press that during this time he had matured and become smarter, in particular, he would no longer contact girls like Shurygina, he intended to get higher education at another university and get a job.

In June 2018, in connection with the move of Sergei Semenov to Moscow, a thematic issue was released " live broadcast"With Andrey Malakhov, in which Diana's friend and colleague Sasha Chest, who helps her with creating songs, said that Shurygina had an abortion from her husband, who, according to him, does not love Diana at all, but is PR on her behalf.

The wedding ceremony took place in the registry office No. 4 of the city of Moscow.

From the very morning, Diana began to prepare for this solemn moment - she drank champagne (of course, strictly on the bottom), phoned her friends (and, perhaps, with her fiancé - didn’t he run away?), posed in her underwear on the window with a glass of sparkling wine in hands. She even took a picture of her wedding shoes along with her engagement ring.

The stylist and her namesake, Diana Bicharova, prepared Diana for the wedding. Before the wedding, the bride spent the night in a hotel guarded by Bicharova and her assistants. In the morning, they did the necessary beauty procedures for the newlywed - make-up and hair, and also helped to put on an outfit.

For the wedding, Diana chose a classic outfit: a floor-length white dress, embroidered and embellished with rhinestones, with a strapless bodice. Diana did not hide her face under the veil (so that everyone could see her happiness), she made a high hairstyle, which she completed with a diadem.

In the morning, the bride held in her hands a small bouquet of small white and blue flowers.

Shlyagin chose not a classic black tuxedo for the wedding, but blue trousers and a vest, under which he put on a snow-white shirt.

In the registry office, Diana and Andrey gave each other vows of love in the presence of relatives. The ceremony was attended by the parents of the newlyweds, as well as close friends.

During the wedding ceremony, the parents of the newlyweds could not contain their emotions. Women let out tears of joy from happiness that Diana starts a new life.

The very wedding of Diana Shurygina - in the tea house "Duchess" in South Butovo with Uzbek cuisine. The entire hall was decorated in white and blue tones.

The group "Na-Na" got under the skirt to Diana Shurygina

The Na-Na group came to congratulate. The members of the group did not fail to get under Diana's skirt and wanted to steal her from own wedding. Diana, in turn, called for help from her husband.

Diana and her fiancé Andrei prepared in advance to surprise relatives and friends not only with a chic table, but also with an original birthday cake - two and a half meters high. The confectioner who created the delicacy was Alex Kush. A large-scale dessert cost about 180 thousand rubles. Traditionally, the first piece will be sold at auction for a huge amount of money.

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