How animals prepare for winter in autumn. Open lesson "How the animals prepare for winter" in the senior preparatory group. How a badger prepares for winter

How a badger prepares for winter, you will learn from this article.

How does a badger prepare for winter?

The badger is a very responsible animal. He begins to prepare for winter in the fall. First of all, he is engaged in repairing his home, breaking through new passages, insulating the mink. If, during the warm season, he did not acquire a place for hibernation, then it doesn't matter. A badger can dig a cozy home for the winter in just one day. After the hole has been dug, the animal rakes a large pile of leaves, dry grass and small branches into its hole, arranges a soft, comfortable bed out of them, and goes to bed for the whole winter. Sometimes in badger hole it still winters together with a benevolent host and a guest, for example, a raccoon - it is much warmer together to wait out severe frosts and negative temperatures. But in winter, the badger does not sleep as soundly as the hedgehog, for example. When the thaws begin, he can often wake up and even crawl out of his cozy hole to bask a little in the sun and stretch himself.

Also, in addition to arranging a hole, the animal conscientiously walks up several kilograms of fat, which will serve as a source of livelihood for it for a long time. winter sleep. He eats mice, lizards, beetles, frogs, berries and fruits in very more. And by the time the badger falls into hibernation, it often barely moves.

The seasons play a huge role in the life of animals. For them, each season is a period of a certain activity. If a person can transfer his plans or change his lifestyle, then animals are not capable of this. Living by the rules of nature is in their blood.


How do animals celebrate spring?

Spring for all animals is a period of new life. After a long and calm winter, all representatives of the animal world begin to actively prepare for the onset of a hot summer.

Spring days in the life of animals are accompanied by a change of coat - from winter to summer. Squirrels change their gray skin to bright red. They are increasingly found in parks. Squirrels jump through the trees in search of food.

Chipmunks wake up after hibernation. Outwardly, it can be confused with a squirrel, but the main difference is the five dark stripes on the back. Chipmunks have been stocking up on food since winter, before they hibernate. Therefore, these animals, with the advent of spring, are not puzzled by the search for what they can get enough of.

But bears, also hibernating, do not care about what they will eat after a long sleep. Therefore, in the spring they leave their dens in search of food.

For wolves, spring is the time when they breed. Little wolf cubs are in the den of their parents until such time as they have the sight to navigate well in space. Being small, they are very similar to foxes, only the tips of their tails are not white, but gray.

Hares begin to molt, changing their winter white skin to gray and less warm. Also raccoon dogs, waking up after hibernation, change their color to a less remarkable one. The color of the coat is great importance. In winter, the skins are white, this makes it possible to merge with the snow-white cover of the earth if a predator hunts nearby. Gray wool in the summer also serves as a kind of camouflage.

In early spring, hedgehogs wake up, because in April they have to breed.


animal life in summer

Summer is the most favorable period in the life of animals. Long sunny days, warmth and abundance of food, of course, delight the animals. At this time of the year they are especially active. They are not yet preparing for winter, but they are preparing their offspring for the harsh period. Therefore, animals are in constant search of food for their cubs in order to saturate them with useful substances and vitamins.

Herbivorous mammals sometimes go out of their habitats, because what they feed on grows everywhere. Fresh juicy leaves allow them to stock up on useful substances for the future.

For birds, summer is a feast, because they can find treats absolutely everywhere. Midges, worms, caterpillars, fish - all this is their food in summer time. Also, birds are assistants to gardeners. They eat all the pests that can destroy the crop.

Despite the fact that summer is the most active period in the life of animals, there is one exception. Gophers prefer to rest during these warm days. And to saturate with vital energy, they go hunting at night.

The most active animals in summer period are squirrels, wolves, bears, various rodents. Also love this time: giraffes, camels, hyenas, cheetahs, monkeys and many others.


Change in animal life in autumn

Autumn is the period of preparation for the winter cold. How they live through the autumn, what they manage to do during this time, their life in the winter depends. Furry, feathered, predators - everyone should take this preparation responsibly, because they are at stake own life and the life of offspring.

Insects are the first to feel the arrival of cold weather. They begin to build their own minks, seek shelter, which most often falls on fallen leaves or tree bark. Here they will spend the whole winter.

Butterflies have their own way of getting through cold period- they turn into pupae.

Toads, frogs, snakes and lizards are also among the first to hide. Some frogs live closer to bodies of water so that when cold weather sets in, they dive into them and sleep at the bottom until warm days return. But toads, on the contrary, hide on land. Their winter refuge is tree roots or rodent burrows.

Forest animals in the autumn period begin to eat often and satisfyingly, because they need to accumulate a supply of substances and fat that will help them survive in severe frosts.

And squirrels, mice and moles begin to stock up on food for the future. They bring as many nuts, berries and cones as possible into the house.

Most animals go through a natural process of pre-winter molting. They again change their skins to warmer and less attractive ones.


How animals hibernate

As a rule, only those animals that are capable of hibernation hibernate. And those who are categorically afraid of the cold run away to the southern regions.

Animal life in winter time freezes. In autumn, everyone prepared for themselves the shelters in which they now live. The cold is not terrible for those warmly dressed in their skins: hares, squirrels, arctic foxes, foxes, wolves, elks and many others.

And some just fall asleep: raccoons, marmots, chipmunks, badgers, bears and other animals.

Mollusks burrow into the mud for the winter. Also minks prepared for themselves wasps, bumblebees, tarantulas.

Newts hide on the shore, in a thick layer of fallen leaves or branched tree roots.

Gophers, hamsters and jerboas prefer sleep in winter.

In late August - early September, ground squirrels, hamsters, jerboas climb into their deep holes and fall asleep.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 11 "Fairy tale" of the combined view of the urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan


BY THEME: How animals prepare for winter.

Prepared by the teacher

Saklakova Larisa Vladimirovna


Program content: To form ideas about the forest as a habitat for wild animals, and about the ecological pyramid; to consolidate the concepts: wild animals, herbivores, predatory animals; where wild animals live, what they eat, how they prepare for winter; develop the ability to compose stories on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”, educate careful attitude to the forest and its inhabitants, drawing up an ecological pyramid.

Preliminary work: conversations with children about the forest ,

comparison of wild and domestic animals,

comparison of herbivores and carnivores,

conversation about how wild animals preparing for winter

viewing illustrations of wild animals,

guessing riddles about wild animals, reading stories about animals

Material: Object pictures (wild animals), plot pictures (how animals prepare for winter), colored pencils, paper.


(Children stand in a semicircle)

TEACHER: Today, children, I decided to read you an excerpt from E. Trutneva's poem "Autumn".

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard as in sunshine -

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

What time of year is the poem talking about?

Children's answers (About autumn)

Name the autumn months.

Children's answers (September October November)

How do you understand the expression "leaves fall like rain"?

Answers children . Falling leaves are coming.

What are the signs of autumn?

Children's answers: In autumn the sun shines, but warms weakly. The day is getting shorter than the night. The sky in autumn is gray, overcast, gloomy. The leaves on the trees become colorful. The leaf fall begins. Migratory birds fly away to warmer climes, and the wintering ones stay with us. Wild animals are preparing for winter.

TEACHER: What wild animals of Bashkortostan do you know?

Children's answers: Fox, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, elk, hare, wild boar, lynx.

Educator: Why are these animals called wild?

Children's answers: Because they live in the forest and people don't care about them. Because they take care of themselves and live in the wild.

Educator: children, I propose to remember where wild animals live in the forest. (A didactic game "Who lives where")

TEACHER: Where does the squirrel live? (squirrel lives in a hollow).

Where does the bear live? (the bear lives in a den).

Where does the fox live? (The fox lives in a hole).

Where does the wolf live? (The wolf lives in a lair).

Where does the hedgehog live? (the hedgehog lives in a nest of leaves).

Where does the moose live? (The elk lives in the forest thicket).

Educator : Well done, children, do not forget how wild animals have adapted to live in the forest without the help of man. What season comes after autumn?

Children's answers: (After autumn comes winter)

Educator: That's right, after autumn comes winter. Winter is a very difficult, cold season. In winter, it is very difficult for wild animals in the forest: it is cold, there is little food. Therefore, wild animals are preparing for winter. But first, let's do a warm-up, we, the children, also need to get ready for school. Held finger gymnastics: "Animals we can show."

Children come to the board, on which there are pictures of wild animals.

Oh, listen, someone is knocking on our door. Quiet. I'm gonna chech it. Children, this Dunno came to us. He says he also wants to know how the animals prepare for winter. Shall we tell the stranger? Sit down, Dunno, make yourself comfortable and listen.

Children, I give you a magic ball that can record our conversation. Then we will give it to Dunno, suddenly he will forget something, bring it to his ear and hear your stories again. Pass the ball carefully, slowly. As soon as you hear the word stop, start a story about how wild animals prepare for winter.

The teacher holds a ball and tells how moose hibernate: moose go far into the thicket of the forest, where there are a lot of bushes and deadwood, where the cold wind subsides and it is easier to endure the cold, where it is difficult for predatory animals to get through. Dense fur prevents predators from advancing in dense deadwood and elks hibernate in safety.

The teacher passes the ball to the children.

CHILDREN: Squirrel makes stocks for the winter in summer and autumn, hides cones, nuts in his forest pantries, dried mushrooms. She arranges forest pantries in an old hollow, which was left by a hardworking woodpecker. The squirrel's coat color and thickness change in winter.

Hare changes the gray fur coat to a white, warmer one. He does this to keep warm in winter and to be invisible in the snow. After all, the bunny has a lot of enemies. This is a fox, and a wolf, and an owl, and a marten. If in the summer the bunny nibbled grass to its heart's content, and in the fall it ate juicy cabbage and carrots, then in winter it is hard for him, only the bark of trees and branches of shrubs sticking out from under the snow remain.

Hedgehog in the autumn he eats heartily in order to accumulate under his prickly coat a lot of fat, because in winter he hibernates and he needs to sleep peacefully all winter. The hedgehog chooses for itself a convenient hole, or a small hollow, somewhere under a sprawling tree, wraps itself in leaves and falls asleep, waiting for it to be covered with snow.

BEAR you also need to eat well, accumulate more fat under the skin so that you can sleep peacefully all winter. The bear arranges a lair for himself in a small ravine, heaping a tree on it and throwing it with dry deadwood. Gets inside and falls asleep. When snow falls and the ravine falls asleep, the bear becomes warm and comfortable.

TEACHER: Guys, the fox and the wolf are not preparing for winter, why are these animals not preparing for winter? (they are predators and therefore they are always looking for food).

Yes, it is not easy for wild animals to be in the forest in winter. Well, Dunno, get a magic ball and run, tell what you learned. Children, Dunno thanked you, say goodbye to Dunno.

It's time for us to play.

Physical education:

Hares are jumping hop-hop-hop!

Yes, on a little white snow,

Sit down, listen -

Is the wolf coming?

Once - bent, unbent,

Two - bent down, stretched,

Three nods of the head, stood up, jumped to the side. They stood, looked and sat down.

TEACHER: Come to the tables. Children, wild animals have prepared mushrooms for you. Treat - wild animals were allowed to give tea to the one who names the words - definitions for animals. (Children say - which one, which one, choosing pictures with a wild animal on the board, removing the pictures after answering).

TEACHER calls the children. Children give definitions:

Squirrel - caring, hardworking, troublesome, nimble, dexterous.

Hare - cowardly, timid, shy, white, gray,

Bear - clumsy, clumsy, clumsy

Hedgehog - prickly, brave, courageous, bold.

Lynx - dexterous, quick, bold, sensitive.

Moose - big, strong, fast, herbivorous

The wolf is fast, angry, gray, toothy.

Fox - beautiful, fluffy, cautious, cunning, fast.

Educator: Children, name the herbivorous wild animals of Bashkortostan. (Hare, elk, squirrel).

What wild predatory animals of Bashkortostan do you know? (wolf, fox, lynx, hedgehog).

Do you think there should be fewer predatory animals than herbivores or more?

Children's answers : Predatory animals should be less.

Educator: Such relationships are expressed in the form of various pyramids, which are called “ecological pyramids”.

In order for herbivores to eat, there must be more blades of grass than herbivores. Therefore, the strip with grass is longer than the strip with herbivores, and there are fewer herbivores than grasses. Well, herbivores are not averse to eating predators for lunch. They are bigger and stronger and need to eat a lot of herbivores. So in the forest

there must be more herbivores than carnivores in order for everyone to have enough food. This is where the pyramid comes in. The bottom line is that in order for everyone to have enough food, there must be more grass than herbivores, and more herbivores than predatory wild animals. (An ecological pyramid is laid out on the board).

Topic: How animals prepare for winter.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of forest animals in the autumn.



Clarification of ideas about the signs of autumn, seasonal changes in nature; to systematize knowledge about forest animals about how they prepare for winter; fix the application technique of woolen thread.


The ability to determine features animals; enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; continue to develop fine motor skills.


To instill a love for nature, a respectful attitude towards forest dwellers; ability to listen to each other.

Preliminary work:

Observation of changes in nature in autumn (walk);

Conversations about autumn, about preparing forest animals for winter;

Examination of paintings depicting wild animals, discussion of the content

Reading the stories of G. Skrebitsky "Four Artists".

Thematic physical minutes.

Integration educational areas:

Cognition (acquaintance with nature), artistic creativity (application from waste material).

Materials for the lesson:

Painting "Seasons";

Pictures depicting wild animals;

Model cards;

Didactic game"When it happens";

Musical accompaniment;

For each child, a mushroom template, threads (for application);


Course progress.

caregiver - Guys, I suggest you make a trip through the seasons (picture "Seasons")

Here is summer and autumn, winter and spring,

Spring is coming, forests are turning green

And bird voices are ringing everywhere.

Red - summer has come - everything is blooming

And ripe berries ask in the mouth.

Yellow autumn will color our garden

beautiful leaves they fly in the wind.

Winter covers the fields with snow

And of blue color the earth slumbers.

Now let's play a little.

Game "When it happens."

Children have colored cards. Blue cards are for winter, green for spring, red for summer, and yellow for autumn.

caregiver “I will give you riddles, and you will show me the riddles.

Snow on the fields

ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking.

When does it happen?

Answer: in winter

Snowball melts

The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.

When does it happen?

Answer: in spring

The sun bakes

Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening

When does it happen?

Answer: in summer

empty fields,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen?

Answer: in autumn

Children accompany their answers by raising cards.

Educator - What season is it now? What are the signs of autumn?

(The sky is gray and gloomy; the sun shines less often, not so warm; it often rains; the leaves turn yellow and fall off; people dress warmly; birds fly to warmer climes).

The story is accompanied by a display of visual symbols (pictures).

A conversation about how animals prepare for winter.

Educator - Yes, you correctly named all the signs of autumn, we harvested, put on warm clothes - we are ready for winter. Interesting, a forest animals getting ready for the cold. Let's figure it out.

The teacher, makes riddles as he guesses, lays out the image of animals (pictures).


Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.

Answer: Yozh

Educator - The back, sides and even part of the hedgehog's head are covered with sharp needles.

Why do you think? (children's answers)

In the fall, the hedgehog prepares a mink for himself, insulates it with moss and dry foliage.

He will choose a place where the dry leaves will curl up in a ball and begin to roll on them. He will collect the leaves on his thorns, run up to the mink, get rid of these leaves and run again.

And what does the hedgehog eat? (children's answers)

Hedgehogs hunt at night, in autumn they feed heavily and get fat - they are preparing for winter. To lie down in a mink and sleep until spring. Hedgehog sleeps in winter.

2. Riddle

The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.

Answer: Bear

Educator - The bear is also called clubfoot, it is true, you can see it if you look at its footprints: it puts its paws with its heels out.

What does a bear eat all summer and autumn? (children's answers)

Is the bear stocking up for the winter? Why? (children's answers)

So the bear, like a hedgehog, has to eat up and fatten up for the whole cold winter.

Where does the bear sleep all winter? (in the den)

But the bear's sleep is very sensitive, it rather does not sleep, but dozes and hears everything that happens around. So make noise winter forest no need. In winter, the lair will be covered with a snow blanket, it will be warm for the bear in it.

Wellness minute

Our Mishutka stretched,

Once stooped, twice stooped,

Paws apart

Apparently no honey.

children perform movements according to the text

The bear got into the hive and now

mimic the walk of a bear

Licking sweet honey from paw

text imitation

And here is another forest dweller.

3. Riddle: Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

Answer: wolf

Educator - The wolf is also preparing for winter. His coat grows over the summer and autumn and becomes very thick and warm. This is necessary for the wolf, because he sleeps right on the snow, covering his nose and paws with his tail. Wolves live in families in winter - this is Wolf Pack. They sleep during the day and hunt at night. There is an expression: "The legs feed the wolf." Indeed, in search of food, he runs many kilometers. The wolf has wide, strong paws.

And what does the wolf eat? (children's answers)

4. Riddle: Cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty,

And her name is...

Answer: Fox

Educator - The fox is walking quietly, it is not audible. In winter, a fox grows thick hair on its paws,not to be cold. The fox walks like in felt boots.

What does a fox eat? (children's answers)

She loves to get mice out of the snow. The fox's hearing is good, she will hear how the mice fumble under the snow, squeak and begin to rake with their paws.

Educator - What do you guys think, why don't the wolf and the fox need to change the color of their coats?

5. Riddle: A ball of fluff,

Long ear.

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots.Answer: hare

Educator - hare changes colorfur coats. What was it like in summer, and in winter?

Interestingly, he changes the color of the fur coat. First the tail turns white, then the hind legs. You look at such a hare, as if he was wearing white pants. Then the back turns white, behind it are the ears, but not to the very tips: they remain black.

Why should a rabbit change its coat? (children's answers)

Who is the hare afraid of, from whom is he hiding? (children's answers)

How is the hare saved?(children's answers)

What helps the hare to run so fast?(children's answers)

Where is the rabbit house? (children's answers)

A hare never digs a hole for itself. During the day he sleeps under a bush. In severe frosts, it burrows into a snowdrift - it is warmer there. At night, a hare comes out to get food.

What? (children's answers)

6. Riddle Who gnawed cones on a branch

And threw the leftovers down?

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter?

Answer: Squirrel

Educator - Correctly. This is a squirrel.But look, before she was red, but now what? (children's answers)

She changed her coat for a warmer one.

Why do you think the color of the coat changed? (children's answers)

What reserves does protein make for the winter? (children's answers)

Squirrels spend their entire lives in trees. It descends to the ground only to pick a mushroom. And up again. The squirrel dries mushrooms by poking them on sharp branches, and hides nuts in holes that she digs herself among the bushes. If you come across such a pantry, do not touch it, the squirrels need these nuts more.

Tell me, what kind of tail does a squirrel have? (children's answers)

The squirrel's tail is like a parachute. The squirrel will jump from tree to tree, fluff its tail and smoothly fall onto a branch.

What is the name of the squirrel's house? (children's answers)

Inside, the animal lines its dwelling with leaves; in such a hollow there is usually one entrance, which in very coldy squirrel plugs its tail.

5. Surprise moment (Squirrel enters knock on the door)

Squirrel - Hello guys! I came to play with you a little.

Wellness minute with musical accompaniment.

"Play with me, buddy."

Get in a circle,

Be careful buddy

Step back,

Step forward

And in place turn.

We will bend the back with you,

Well, let's wag our tail

Come on,

Do not snooze

And repeat after me.

Do all day long

We are not too lazy to jump with you

Step back,

Step forward

And in place turn.

children perform movements according to the text.

Educator - Squirrel, are you ready for winter?

Squirrel Yes, nut, I stocked up a lot of cones, but I didn’t have time to mushrooms ...

Educator - Guys, let's help the squirrels stock mushrooms

Artistic creativity (application from junk material)

While the children are doing the work, the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds " gold autumn. October", from the series "Seasons"

Squirrel - Thank you guys, these mushrooms will last me all winter. I want to give you nuts. (Cookies) Well, it's time for me to go to the forest, goodbye.

7. Reflection.

    What are the signs of autumn?

    What wild animals are we talking about?

    What have you learned?

    Did you enjoy the activity?

Good afternoon, dear readers!

In autumn, you often walk with your children in the park, forest. Have a conversation, tell the children how animals prepare for winter.

Let the child remember which animals are called wild. Kids can be shown pictures of wild animals, make riddles, read poems. Ask older children to decide logical tasks, read them stories about animals in the fall.

Show the relationship in the outside world - it became cold, the insects hid, the birds fly away to warmer climes, because there is no food for them.

The bunny changes its gray coat to white in winter so that predators do not eat it, it will not be so noticeable in the snow.

During the conversation, children enrich their vocabulary.

Repeat nouns: bear, wolf, fox, hare. hedgehog, squirrel, lair, hollow, lair, hole;

adjectives: shaggy, shaggy, angry, hungry, dexterous, strong, cunning;

verbs: howls, jumps, jumps, hides, hibernates, hibernates.

Children should know: names of wild animals of our forests: bear, wolf, fox, hare, elk, hedgehog, beaver, squirrel;

That wild animals get their own food and build their own dwellings;

- repeat who changes the color of the coat for winter (hare, squirrel);

Know where they live

bear (in the den)

wolf (in lair)

fox (in a hole).

Conversation with children "How animals prepare in autumn for winter"

Has come late fall: sad, rainy and cold. Not far off and winter. Winter is the hardest time for animals. They are cold and cannot find food for themselves.

Some will sleep until spring in their houses (bear, hedgehog), other animals do not sleep, but make supplies for the winter, warm their minks, change their summer coats for winter ones.

Who is first?

Most animals begin to prepare for the cold in the fall, some store food in the summer. These are mice, chipmunks. They collect seeds, grains, sunflower seeds and carry them to their minks. And then they hibernate in them.

Let's talk with children how a hare is preparing for winter, a bear, a hedgehog, a squirrel, a fox and a wolf, an elk.

First, tell about 2-3 animals, show pictures, play games so that the child remembers better how animals prepare for winter.

The bear is the owner of the forest

His house is a lair. The bear suits her in a secluded place, under the snags. Carries moss, leaves there. In winter, snow will fall and cover the lair from above, and it will not be visible at all.

Bears eat nuts, berries, roots, fish, various larvae. They eat and accumulate fat. In November, the bear climbs into the den and falls asleep. Bears sleep restlessly. If something disturbs them, they can leave their lair and make another one.

Babies are born in a bear's den - cubs, 1-2. They are very small.

Foxes and wolves

Grey, angry, cold in winter

Hungry wandering through the forest. (Wolf)

These predators do not sleep in winter. They also change their outfit, warm up. The animals begin to molt, and then thick fur grows, which helps to withstand the cold.

Wolves unite in packs in winter, hunt wild boars, hares, roe deer.

Look at what -

Everything burns like gold.

Walks in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox)

Foxes hunt at dusk or at night, catching mice, hares and birds. I sneak up on the prey, suddenly rush at it, grabbing it with sharp teeth. The fox sniffs the snow and looks for mice.

Fox house? (Nora).

Wolf house? ( lair).

Another inhabitant of the forest is a squirrel.

Who through the pines and firs

Dexterously jumps, bends the branches,

He sees where the cones are ripe,

And he carries himself in the hollow. (Squirrel)

In summer, this animal wears a red coat, and in winter it becomes gray.

Where does the squirrel live? (in hollow)

How does a squirrel prepare for winter?

Makes stocks in the summer: collects mushrooms, nuts, hides them in forest floor, hollow. Mushrooms strung on branches.

The squirrel nests on tall pines and spruces. Squirrels do not hibernate, but in severe frosts they can fall asleep in a hollow.


A large animal, a handsome forest man, wears an ornament on his head - large horns.

The elk feeds on plants, and in winter it gnaws at the bark of trees. It is difficult for moose in winter, so foresters often feed moose and deer.

At the end of autumn, the elk sheds its antlers. new ones grow in the spring.


That in the forest I'm famous

That is covered with needles.

And I'm not afraid of enemies -

I snort and curl into a ball. (Hedgehog)

In early autumn, the hedgehog prepares a house for wintering - a mink. Carries leaves, soft moss in it. In autumn, hedgehogs have little food: it is difficult to find frogs, lizards and worms. Therefore, the hedgehog hibernates.

It will burrow into leaves, curl up in a ball and sleep all winter until spring, until the sun begins to warm.


Ask the children if they know where beavers live.

water masters
Building a house without an ax

The house of their brushwood and mud,

And a dam. (Beavers)

Beavers are amazing animals. They have very sharp teeth with which they gnaw through trees. A beaver's coat does not get wet in the water.

Beavers take care of their coat: comb it with their front paws, claws. And other beavers help to comb the back.

In autumn, beavers harvest a lot of branches, stack them not far from house-hut. This will be their food for the winter.

Beavers don't sleep in winter. The entrance to the house is underwater.

How does a hare prepare for winter?

Gray in summer.

And white in winter. (Hare)

The bunny changes its gray coat to white for the winter. What for? So that he would not be seen in the snow and not caught for dinner by predators.

In winter, hares feed on tree branches: aspen, birch, willow. and also gnaw at the bark.

The hare does not have a permanent house; in severe frosts, the hares hide under the bushes.

In autumn, the hare has babies - hares. This happens during leaf fall. Bunny is what they call it leaf fall.

The bunny feeds them and runs away so that the predators do not find the bunnies by smell. Milk is enough for 3 days. Then the hare returns or a strange mother comes running and feeds all the rabbits, even strangers.

Games on the topic "How animals prepare for winter"

After talking with the children about how animals prepare for winter, you can play.

For older kids preschool age and junior school spend quiz.

1. What do animals do to protect themselves from frost?

a) fly to warm countries.

b) change a summer coat for a winter one.

2. Which animal sleeps in winter?

a) a fox

c) badger.

3. Who doesn't change their fur coat?

4. What do hibernating animals need?

a) fat stores

c) silence.

5 What does a hare eat in winter?

a) carrots

b) cabbage

c) bark and branches of trees.

Game » Who is the odd one here?

Having eaten during the summer, the bear, badgers, mice, hedgehogs hibernate. (Mice don't hibernate. They just burrow under the snow.)

In search of prey, predators roam the forest: wolf, fox, elk. (The elk is not a carnivore, but a herbivore)

Moose, wild boars, hares eat tree branches, bark, roots and fresh leaves in winter. (No fresh leaves in winter).

Exercise "Call me affectionately"

Squirrel - squirrel

Fox - fox,

hare - bunny,

bear is a bear cub.

D / exercise "Choose a definition"

Wolf (what?) - gray, angry, angry, hungry ...

bear (what?) - brown, big, clumsy ..

fox (What?) - red, cunning, fluffy. beautiful…

hedgehog (what?) - prickly, small ...

hare (what?) - shy, white, long-eared ...

Game "Who lives where?"

Does he live in a den? (bear).

A (who?) -fox lives in a hole.

Does he live in a lair? - wolf.

Does he live in a hollow? - squirrel.

Invite the kids to name the family of animals.

Mom, dad, babies.

Bear, she-bear, cubs.

wolf, she-wolf, cubs,

Bunny, bunny, bunny.

Game "Who is superfluous and why?"

Squirrel, wolf, cow, fox. (A cow is a pet).

Hedgehog, bear, hare, dog (Dog is a pet).

Fox, cat, hare, wolf ( cat - domestic animal).

This is how you can have an interesting time with children: have a conversation about how animals prepare for winter, play word games, look at pictures.

As a result, the vocabulary is enriched, the horizons of children expand, and love for nature is brought up.

V. Bianchi "How animals prepare for winter"

G. Skrebitsky "Who is preparing for the winter"


Today we talked with the children about how animals prepare for winter.

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Sincerely, Olga.

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