Physical training of paratroopers. Preparation for service in the Airborne Forces and selection criteria for candidates. Training in the Airborne Forces

In the Armed Forces Russian Federation are functioning different kinds troops, complex use skills and abilities which allows you to gain an advantage in the performance of combat missions, as well as save the Fatherland from a military offensive. One of the main branches is the air- landing troops who participate in combat operations, both on land and from the air. The unit is one of the most prestigious, but getting into the ranks of the soldiers is not so easy.

Introduction to the topic

The practice of offensives from the air has been known since the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that the first detachments were formed, attacking the enemy from the rear, which went to the place of the operation by helicopters. Then the soldiers landed with parachutes, and proceeded to implement the order received.

Experience has shown a high rate of successful completion of tasks with minimal time and human resources, so over the years such units began to appear on the territory of all subjects of the Federation.

Later, it was decided to form a detachment of troops, which in peacetime would undergo enhanced training, and in the military they would be involved in combat missions. So, the modern airborne troops of Russia were formed.

Goals and tasks of the landing troops

The Airborne Forces are highly mobile units whose activities are aimed at capturing the enemy, however, the work of the units is also carried out in peacetime.

Table No. 1 "The purpose of the Russian airborne troops"

Also, in peacetime, when there is a threat of a military invasion from the outside, these types of troops perform the following functions:

  • strengthening the country's borders;
  • organization of combat readiness in areas awaiting attack;
  • strengthening the protection of strategic facilities;
  • countering terrorism;
  • participation in operations jointly with other units.

Service Benefits

The conscription and contract service in the Airborne Forces is one of the most attractive places for employment of future military personnel. This is due to many factors, namely:

  • prestige;
  • the right to receive additional benefits and benefits;
  • high profit payment;
  • possibility of early retirement.

We must not forget that such work is far from just sitting at the computer, so the thrill is guaranteed.

How to get into the service in the Airborne Forces

Work under the contract in the units is possible only after the preliminary passage of a special military training, as well as in case of meeting all the criteria for the vacancy. As for conscription service in the Airborne Forces, here the distribution procedure will be somewhat different.

Attention! Questions regarding the place of service are decided by the commission of the military registration and enlistment office, therefore, it is necessary to express your desire to be sent to the Airborne Forces there.

During the preliminary registration with the military commissariat, information is recorded on whether the young man wants to connect his life with military service. In the future, the answer to this question will affect the direction of the call.

After passing the medical commission, an interview with the conscript is scheduled, where the working group of the military registration and enlistment office asks about the preferred place of work. It is important to clearly articulate your desire to go to the Airborne Forces, arguing the dream of continuing to serve under the contract in the unit.

Preparation for service in the Airborne Forces

Even in peacetime, airborne troops work hard. This is especially true of physical training, since endurance and speed are the main weapons of a soldier. A young person who wants to work in this field must prepare for employment in advance. In particular, attention should be paid to the following aspects of training:

  • getting an education (intellectual abilities are no less important than physical strength);
  • sports (helps develop endurance);
  • visiting clubs of hand-to-hand combat (the style studied does not matter and it is better if there are rewards for winning competitions).

We must not forget about the moral aspects. Psychologically, paratroopers are taught to be hardy and self-confident, so the slightest sign of weakness in front of the demands of the service is fraught with dismissal.

Criteria for selecting recruits

Federal Law "On military service and military service” recorded a list of requirements and standards of contract servicemen, the observance of which is mandatory for employment.

Table No. 2 "Requirements for candidates"

signsWhat to look out for
HealthThis is one of the most important selection factors, you need to consider the following points:
absence of congenital pathologies and chronic diseases;
there was no surgical intervention;
the candidate is not disposed to inflammatory diseases;
there were no inherited diseases in the family;
mental health.
In general, the medical commission, when assigning a health category, must mark A1. You can also ask to write that you are fit for service in the Airborne Forces
Physical CriteriaStrict selection conditions are provided for the weight and height of candidates. In particular, only men whose weight varies within 75-85 kg, height 1.75-1.95 m can be allowed to serve.
Physical strengthMandatory delivery of standards, including running and strength exercises. Positive screening results increase the chance of employment
EducationIt is obligatory to receive at least a complete secondary education (that is, graduation from school), while a certificate with marks will be required
Sports achivmentsThe presence of ranks in sports is welcome, but this is not a mandatory factor
An experienceIncreases chances of employment and recruitment personal experience skydiving

Where are the paratroopers?

On the this moment throughout Russia there are several military formations preparing specialists for service in the Airborne Forces. In particular, they train the following categories of specialists:

  • paratroopers (act by delivering parachutes to the place of the operation);
  • attack aircraft (rapid reaction units, their task is to capture the enemy);
  • mountain detachments (perform operations in mountainous areas).

Table No. 3 "Location of military formations where military personnel of this category are trained"

Novorossiysk7th division;
Ulyanovsk31st brigade;
Ulan-Ude11th brigade;
Ivanovo98th division;
Kamyshin56th brigade;
Bear lakes38th regiment;
Tula106th division;
Moscow45th brigade;
Pskov76th division;
Ussuriysk83rd brigade.

Now this is an exclusive list of places where military personnel of these directions can be trained. Another regiment is planned to be formed next year.

Surely anyone who goes in for sports at least a little and tries to keep himself in good physical shape is interested in the standards that contract servicemen are required to pass. Next, we bring to your attention mandatory standards physical training in the army, airborne and special forces.


Contractual service can be divided into several categories: age groups and by gender. Yes, women also serve under the contract. By age, the standards are divided into two categories: up to 30 years old and over 30 - for men, up to 25 years and over 25 - for women. You must sign your first contract between the ages of 18 and 40. Fitness standards consist of three levels: strength training, speed data and your endurance level. Therefore, it includes such types as push-ups, pull-ups, running and cross-country skiing. Let's look at all this in more detail.

Men under 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 10 times
- push-ups: 45 times
- 60 meters run: 9.8 seconds
- running for 100 meters: 15.1 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 28.5 s.
- 3 km run: 14.4 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.2 min.
- cross-country skiing (5km): 28 minutes

Men over 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 8 times
- push-ups: 40 times
- 60 meters run: 10 seconds
- 100 meters run: 15.8 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 29.5 s.
- 3 km run: 15.5 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.45 min.
- cross-country skiing (5km): 29 minutes

As you can see, the age standards differ, but not so much, so the older generation, with regular training, is quite tough. Now let's move on to the fair sex.

Women under 25:

Torso forward: 25 times
- push-ups: 12 times
- 60 meters run: 12.9 seconds
- 100 meters run: 19.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 38 s.
- 1 km run: 5.20 min.

Women over 25:

Torso forward: 20 times
- push-ups: 10 times
- 60 meters run: 13.9 seconds
- 100 meters run: 20.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 39 s.
- 1 km run: 5.45 min.

The airborne troops have always been considered the elite of the Russian army, so their physical training standards are especially interesting. Paratroopers are required extremely high level endurance. So, let's look and analyze:

Pull-ups on the bar: 13 times
- 100 meters run: 14.1 seconds
- 3 km run: 12.3 minutes
- 5K cross: 24 minutes
- 5 km ski race: 28 minutes
- ski march 10 km: 1 hour 15 minutes
- march throw as part of a unit: 56 minutes
- overcoming the obstacle course: 2 minutes 25 seconds
- swimming in uniform with weapons: 100 meters
- special complex hand-to-hand combat: estimated by a point

In addition to everything, there are several power complexes and a number of tests to overcome the obstacle course.


And now, perhaps, the most delicious. To meet these requirements, you have to seriously sweat in the gym.

Pull-ups on the bar: 25 times
- push-ups: 90 times
- bench press: 10 times (weight not less than your own, but not more than 100 kg)
- press lying on the back: 100 times
- Shuttle run 10x10 meters: 25 seconds
- 100 meters run: 12.7 seconds
- cross 3 km: 11 minutes
- jumping up with a change of legs: 90 times

Also, this entire list is supplemented by the demonstration of the technique of punches and kicks and participation in various sparring fights. And the standard exercise, which we even decided to take out separately from all the others - CSU (complex strength exercise). This includes: 10 push-ups from the floor, 10 times the press lying on the back, 10 times the emphasis crouching - emphasis lying, 10 times the jump up from the stop crouching. And this complex must be performed 8 times in a row without a break!
As you can see, everyone's workload is different. For contract service, the standards are not so harsh, and most sports people will comply with them without any problems. Further, of course, everything is no longer so simple - for the level of the Airborne Forces and special services you need to be a real athlete.

Preparation in Airborne troops

There are not so many men left in Russia who are ready to serve in the army. Few people go to pay their debt to their homeland with a desire, but there are still such brave guys. Without a doubt, they prepare in advance for the service and, before being distributed in parts, they have an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhere they want to go. Someone aspires to the border troops, some to the motorized rifle, and many want to get into the elite airborne troops.

After all, it is there that the physical training of the Airborne Forces is a priority. Every soldier serving in parts of the Airborne Forces, always by the end of the service will have great shape which will be envied by many. The training of the Airborne Forces in itself consists of a complex of various classes, cyclically repeated throughout the entire period of military service. If you are striving to get in excellent physical shape, as well as take an excellent course in combat airborne training, then you just need to go to serve in the airborne troops. Yes, it will not be easy and simple for you there, but all your work will not be in vain, but will benefit your body.

Tips for physical training to serve in the Airborne Forces

What can you advise a conscript who is going to serve in the airborne troops, troops special purpose? Of course, this is a very interesting question, because it is better to come to the army unit at least a little prepared than completely unprepared. Preparing for airborne service first of all, it should include training the future soldier in the skills of hand-to-hand combat, coordination of movements, and endurance. Of course, the ability to perform simple everyday activities will not be superfluous - no one has yet canceled hemming.

Before serving in the army, it would not be bad to take care of your physical form, as well as start living in compliance with the regime ... Waking up at 6 in the morning and going for a run is one of the main tasks of the future paratrooper. The training program for the Airborne Forces is very difficult in part, and everything described above will help you get into the training rhythm more easily. Probably, the most important thing is that the young fighter is ready psychologically, does not break down when difficulties arise. It is morally necessary to be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult, but through work and efforts, the young soldier will become a real paratrooper.

The training of the Airborne Forces on a variety of videos is well shown on the Internet. A huge number of programs will make you think about the choice. Of course, ideally, review all thematic collections, but you can at least master one of them. The skills acquired through these videos will also help you more easily transfer military service in parts of the Airborne Forces.

Much attention is paid to shooting. For a paratrooper, this is a very important aspect. In any branch of the military, you must be able to shoot, confidently and accurately. This ideally requires a lot of practice. The recruit will be able to get the maximum practice in the airborne troops. The Airborne Forces training program is set up so that each employee can train and shoot at a good level.

Combat training of the Airborne Forces the most important aspect in training a young soldier. As you know, since 2013, Russia has adopted a law to increase training on this item. Most of the classes will now be held at night, which is much more difficult than training during the day. Skills acquired during combat training will be useful to any soldier during his service. Outside part. Yes, and everyday after army life, all these skills will no doubt come in handy. A variety of complexes for soldiers, developed over the years, will help any soldier acquire indispensable skills to protect civilians from a potential enemy.

Methods of training in the Airborne Forces of the USSR

It is a well-known fact that the paratroopers who served in Soviet army are considered more prepared than their successors. At least the 90s and "zero" years are not considered the standard of b / g in all branches of the military. Fortunately, the situation is now changing and there is a tendency to return the role of combat training of conscripts, and even more so - contract soldiers.

The training of the Airborne Forces in the USSR occupied a very important place. In that troubled time, when at any moment the enemy could invade the territory of the union, each paratrooper had to be trained to the highest standard. And the representatives of the airborne troops were trained just like that. Each of them, without hesitation, would give his life for his homeland, for the country, for the people he loves. Moral preparation, as well as physical, was also at the level in those years. In modern years, in Russia and the CIS countries adopted best practices from that airborne training program. Old developments work without a doubt. Why look for something new, if the methods proven over the years work flawlessly. There is no doubt that it will not hurt to always introduce a piece of innovation into the learning process, but the main thing here is not to overdo it and remember your history.

Generations that have won different wars, transfer their experience in parts and now. A real paratrooper will respect what they have achieved. We hope that more such wars as World War II will never be repeated on our land, and throughout the world as well.

Voentorg “Voenpro” wholeheartedly wishes the future paratroopers good service and become our indispensable shield, which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used to be in the old days. Serve the Motherland in such a way that you are not ashamed, and we will pray for you and your health.

“In striving to ensure that our Fatherland would never be humiliated by anyone and that the name of the Russian always stands “honestly and formidably”, we must wish that we always have strong army and that citizens be imbued with a sense of patriotism, and therefore love their army, with all its virtues, which are undeniable, and with all its shortcomings, which are correctable.

Paratroopers in parade formation on Red Square

Our country has a world priority in the creation of airborne troops; in this field of military art, it is truly "ahead of the rest." It was in the Soviet Union in the 20-30s. In the 20th century, paratrooper units were created and used for the first time in the world in the course of large-scale complex military exercises. And this made such a deep impression on foreign observers that work began immediately in the largest armies of Europe to create their own parachute troops.

AT different countries airborne troops are called differently: air infantry, winged infantry, rapid reaction forces (troops), airmobile troops, highly mobile landing troops, commandos (British commandos) and others. Soviet Union was a pioneer in the use of airborne troops.

The Airborne Forces (VDV) is a highly mobile branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces), designed to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines. The Airborne Forces are a means of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and can form the basis mobile forces. The Airborne Forces report directly to the Commander of the Airborne Forces and consist of airborne divisions, brigades, separate parts and institutions.

In the book brought to the attention of the reader, the story will focus on the combat training of the fighters of the airborne troops. A paratrooper must be able to do a lot. This book is a popular guide to the basic training of airborne fighters (sometimes such training is called "single").

No tasks impossible

Airborne Forces or Airborne Troops- a type of troops in the armed forces of the country, which are intended for combat operations behind enemy lines and its coverage in the airspace. The airborne troops are integral part Sun almost all major states, are subordinate to the commander of the Airborne Forces. They include divisions, brigades, regiments and educational institutions.

beauty and pride Russian army- Airborne Forces

Airborne Troops (VDV) - a separate branch of the Russian Armed Forces, which is a means of the Supreme High Command and is designed to cover the enemy by air and perform tasks in his rear to disrupt command and control, capture and destroy ground elements precision weapons, disruption of the advancement and deployment of reserves, disruption of the rear and communications, as well as to cover (defend) certain directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destroying landed airborne assault, breaking enemy groupings and performing other tasks. Also, the Airborne Forces are often used as rapid reaction forces.

Paratroopers on parade

Airborne Armor in all its glory

The main method of delivery of the Airborne Forces is parachute landing, they can also be delivered by helicopters; during World War II, glider delivery was practiced. The armies of many other countries adopted the idea of ​​paratroopers and airborne troops from the Russians. As V.F. Margelov: “He who wears or has ever worn blue shoulder straps with paratrooper emblems will proudly pronounce the words all his life: “I am a paratrooper!”


"Nobody except us".

Motto of the Russian Airborne Forces

The prehistory of the Soviet Airborne Forces (VDV) began in the late 1920s. last century. In April 1929, near the village of Garm (the territory of the present Republic of Tajikistan), a group of Red Army soldiers was landed on several planes, which, with the support local residents defeated the Basmachi detachment.

The history of the Russian Airborne Forces dates back to August 2, 1930, when during the exercises Air force(Air Force) of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, a 12-man paratrooper unit was parachuted from a TB-3 bomber for the first time. This experiment allowed military theorists to see the prospect of the advantage of parachute units, their enormous capabilities associated with the rapid coverage of the enemy through the air. This date is officially considered to be the birthday of the Airborne Forces.

Landing glider of the period of the Second World War

The Revolutionary Military Council of the Red Army determined one of the tasks for 1931: "... air landing operations must be comprehensively studied from the technical and tactical side by the Headquarters of the Red Army in order to develop and distribute appropriate instructions to the places ". Attention was drawn to the need for in-depth development organizational structure and theory combat use Airborne troops. First airborne unit was formed in 1931 in the Leningrad Military District (LenVO) as part of the 1st air brigade, an experienced airborne assault detachment, numbering 164 people and intended for landing by landing method. E.D. was appointed commander of the detachment. Lukin. Then, in the same air brigade, an emergency paratrooper detachment was formed. In August and September 1931, at the exercises of the Leningrad and Ukrainian military districts, the detachment landed and performed tactical tasks in the enemy's simulated rear.

Wedge suspension for DB-3. 30s USSR

The beginning of the creation of mass airborne troops was laid by the decision of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, adopted on December 11, 1932. In it, in particular, it was noted that the development aviation technology, as well as the results achieved in the design and dropping of fighters, cargo and combat vehicles from aircraft, require the organization of new combat units and formations of the Red Army. In order to develop the airborne business in the Red Army, train the relevant personnel and units, the Revolutionary Military Council decided to deploy a brigade (battalions) on the basis of the airborne detachment of the Leningrad Military District special purpose), entrusting it with the training of instructors on airborne training and development of operational and tactical standards. At the same time, it was planned to form by March 1933 one airborne detachment each in the Belorussian, Ukrainian, Moscow and Volga military districts. Already at the beginning of 1933, special-purpose aviation battalions were formed in these districts. Has begun new stage in the development of the Airborne Forces. By the end of 1933, there were already 29 airborne battalions and brigades that were part of the Air Force. The LenVO was entrusted with the task of training airborne instructors and developing operational and tactical standards.

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