House of Nikita Mikhalkov Nikolina Gora. Star mansions. The age of supermodels is over

Alexander Tsekalo suffers from gigantomania, and Vladimir Solovyov is surrounded by many enemies

When building a dream house, the owner tries to embody all his ideas in it and make it as convenient as possible for himself and his family. Our stars are no exception. Sometimes the dachas of celebrities are distinguished by the most daring fantasies. With the help of a well-known private realtor, Maxim CHEPURA, we have compiled a rating of celebrity mansions, calculating how much artists would earn if they put their buildings up for sale right now. Psychologist Natalya VARSKA tried to characterize the personalities of their owners by looking at the facades of the houses. For the purity of the experiment, we did not tell our experts who exactly what house belongs to.

Maksim Galkin

Realtor: I recognize Galkin's "chambers" spread over a hectare of land. True, it is not clear why Maxim needed such a castle, but even if he ever decides to sell it, he will not be able to find a buyer. Unless it's your devoted billionaire fan. Such a house will always be associated with the first owner. In the future, such a building can only be converted into a hotel or a holiday home. According to the most conservative estimates, the interior decoration and decoration of the house can cost three times more than the object itself.
Psychologist: Everything is simple to the point of banality: the owner likes to impress people and be the center of attention. In certain circles, he enjoys great authority. And Vladimir Solovyov is surrounded by many enemies

Yuri Bashmet

Psychologist: Probably, the owner of this house had a poor childhood. Pronounced ambition and desire to manage. He does not like to let strangers into his life. Maybe even has some secret of Bluebeard.
Realtor: It will be almost impossible to sell such a huge territory. Most likely, the owner will not do this - the house will be inherited. Big minus - the mansion is located next to the highway. The noise from cars makes the life of the household unbearable.

Andrey Konchalovsky

Psychologist: A person who lives here is distrustful and not very positive. For him, the main thing is that others obey and obey. It is cruel at times. Perhaps this is due to the fact that, as he believes, goals are more important than people.

Nikita Mikhalkov

Psychologist: Barin at heart. It happens differently, but more often - a good man with open heart. Vulnerable, but quick-witted, although he never forgives major insults.
Realtor: The place is legendary and prestigious, besides, the prices here are among the highest. Weaving here costs about $110 thousand. Such estates are like real family estates, which, in fact, have no price. On the one hand, strange and unusual for modern man that on a vast territory (about a hectare) there are almost no additional buildings. On the other hand, I know from experience that every resident of the city dreams of such space and silence.

Yuri Antonov

Psychologist: Greed in the owner is definitely present. A man of the "kurkul" type, as the people say.
Realtor: This three-story mansion looks like a real Russian noble estate and the Soviet Palace of Culture at the same time. Apparently intended for big family. Cozy and tasteful. A similar house for sale will go flying.

Joseph Kobzon

Psychologist: Either the ancestors of the owner of this house knew what a good life, or a person from childhood dreamed of being like such people.
Realtor: The estate consists of several houses, all of them made of high quality building materials. Interior decoration also probably not cheap, so the cost of finishing can be as much as the mansion itself with a plot in addition.

Alla Pugacheva

Psychologist: It seems that the house was built as a mini-hotel. Either the owner planned to rent out the premises, or he likes to invite relatives and friends. But he's certainly not devoid of an entrepreneurial streak.
Realtor: A big plus - the house is away from others. In addition, the forest is all around, and the pond nearby automatically equates this place to a dream cottage. The mansion was built using high quality building materials in a classic style. This will last 100 years and will always be in price. In my understanding, this is exactly what a country house should be like: quiet, green, fresh and no one around.

Valentin Yudashkin

Psychologist: For a person who built such a house, punctuality is most important. He is used to a certain routine. Likes to lead people and process.
Realtor: Minskoe highway occupies the third position in the list of priority suburban areas, and Bakovka is one of the most expensive places. But today it is unfashionable and unprofitable to buy real estate here. Complex transport accessibility and too high prices can scare off buyers. The mansion is very archaic. On such it is possible to search for buyers for a long time.

Alexander Tsekalo

Psychologist: Strange house. You don't need to be a psychologist to understand: his owner is trying to realize in him all his hidden fantasies. Gigantomania is clearly visible here. Perhaps the cause is some serious complex. And, most likely, coming from childhood.
Realtor: If we take into account the cost of finishing, then the price can reach more than half a billion rubles. Now the house is under construction, and so far it is difficult to imagine what else the owner will think of building on the site. The house, made in high-tech style, will certainly be the most noticeable in the village. Unusual facade, exclusive design, elite building materials - it will be problematic to sell the object.

Alexander Malinin

Psychologist: This person is different: for some he is soft and faithful, for others - cruel and narcissistic. His goal in life is the desire to embrace the immensity.
Realtor: Very nice house both in terms of architecture and design. color scheme, what is not less important. All existing buildings are made with excessive accuracy and in the same style, successfully harmonizing. Made with taste and love. The perfect home for a happy big family.

Masha Rasputina

Psychologist: A person from his youth tries to prove to others that he is no worse than others, and sometimes even much better. Infantile and slightly insecure.
Realtor: The house is fabulous, even a toy. It is immediately obvious: the hostess is a woman, a man, I think, would not allow himself such an abundance of pink shades. Successful landscape design. But the project is too individual and therefore not attractive for sale.

Ivan Urgant

Psychologist: Perceives only himself and his point of view. Clearly egocentric. He strives by any means to occupy the attention of people with himself.
Realtor: Extremely unusual shape mansion. Against the backdrop of classic dachas, it looks like something cosmic. There are too many outbuildings: one gets the impression that before one's eyes is a factory, and not a house for a family. The owner obviously builds for the ages! Subsequently, few buyers will be interested in such a domino.

Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya

Psychologist: Adherent to everything Western. He wants to be appreciated not in the narrow context of the family, but far beyond it.

Alexander Lazarev

Psychologist: I think he is a very open and sociable person. There are no people who would not like it. Honest, trusting, compassionate.
Realtor: Both houses look very modern - classic and Mediterranean style. But they demand cosmetic repairs. This may reduce the price somewhat, but not significantly. Moreover, I am sure that the new owners will not rush with restructuring.

Vladimir Pozner

Psychologist: Definitely very creative person. For him, the traditions of the ancestors are overly important.
Realtor: The house was built long ago and without frills. The latter is a big selling point. But, even despite the proximity of the airport, this place is considered an elite one, which is why cottages here are not cheap.

Alexander Gradsky

Psychologist: The owner of the house is a pedant, appreciates stability. He is surrounded by many people, he is constantly in contact with someone. But he often gets tired of communication, therefore he often needs personal space, to which outsiders are ordered to enter.
Realtor: This is one of the oldest summer cottages, houses here have always been valued. The proximity of the airport does not bother buyers. Even in the "hot" season, several super-expensive mansions go here. The house with columns and spacious balconies was built in a classical style, I would even say - in the Soviet one. In my opinion, such an object may be of interest to older people, young people today prefer something more bizarre.

Leonid Yarmolnik

Psychologist: The owner is a great dreamer, dreamer and owner of an artistic gift. As a child, he probably loved fairy tales, adventure stories and mischief.
Realtor: Simplicity and nothing more. The pool area is always popular. But there is a feeling that the house was built a long time ago, and it is clear that it needs renovation. Do not sell expensive! A good option for those who want to buy a cottage in a prestigious place at a reasonable price. I'm just afraid that the repair would not cost more.

Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva

Psychologist: It is felt that the owner experienced little real happiness and joy in his life. Often feels misunderstood. To own appearance treated without fanaticism.
Realtor: Classic country house, nothing remarkable and interesting. It has no individuality. There are a lot of them on the market. The picture is spoiled by a dubious wooden shed in the corner and a building materials dump. If I were the owners, I would at least paint the house in some cheerful colors. It will not hurt him to bring a marafet. Boring option.

Vladimir Solovyov

Psychologist: Nervous person, sometimes it comes to acrimony. Has many enemies. Maybe that's where the irritation comes from. Open only with the closest.
Realtor: Two pretty good houses - a three-story mansion and a house with a veranda. A very modest lot by today's standards. In my opinion, there is not enough space for a large family or friendly gatherings.

Alexander Domogarov

Psychologist: It is clearly an inquisitive and sociable person. I would say that the owner of this house has an easy, flexible character. A huge number of ideas swarm in his head, but not global ones.
Realtor: In this elite village closed type there are about
20 housing constructions located in woodland. The dwelling in the photo looks quite simple, but thanks to a rather large area land plot and convenient location to communications looks quite cozy. The territory is spacious, there are no unnecessary objects and pretentious buildings. As they say, everything you need for quiet happiness. I think the house would attract many buyers.

Today, most suburban houses near Moscow are built in the classical style. Average area land plots is 10 - 12 acres, and the average area of ​​cottages - from 500 to two thousand square meters. meters. But there are objects and six - eight thousand square meters. meters. Middle level prices for such mansions in elite places - $ 8 million. For comparison: a similar building in Marbella (Spain) will cost a maximum of 1.5 million euros.

By the way
by the most expensive house in the world is the mansion of the British Stuart Hughes in Switzerland. The cost of the object with an area of ​​725 sq. m is estimated at 7.5 billion euros. During the construction, 200 tons of gold and platinum were used.

Without exaggeration Andrei Konchalovsky can be called a man of the world, so much time he lives and works in different countries A: America, France, Italy, England, China.
But among hundreds of others, one place is especially dear to the director - the house on Nikolina Gora, half an hour from Moscow, where the Mikhalkov family has been living since 1951.
“It is important for me that I live on Nikolina Gora, on this land,” says Andrey Konchalovsky. “After all, our family settled here more than 50 years ago, my brother and I had our own house, and next to our parents we had our own. I spent my youth here and so many vivid memories are associated with this place.

So it is not surprising that after spending many years away from this home in America and Europe, Andrei Sergeevich, together with his wife Yulia, returned to " family nest". More precisely, in 2000, Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya decided to move from Los Angeles to a dacha outside Moscow just for the summer months.

However, instead of summer months, the couple spent a whole year on Nikolina Gora, after which they decided that they were finally moving here to live. AT home Andrey Sergeevich felt great, but Yulia took a long time to get used to the new place. "Before this arrival, I saw the house on Nikolina Gora: once we drove past with Andrei Sergeevich, and he pointed out through the open gate:" Look, there is our dacha ". They just didn’t go in, because everything was dug up there, the construction of the dacha was going on Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov.

“Now the brothers’ dachas are opposite each other: Nikita Sergeevich rebuilt the house where he once lived with his brother, and Andrei Sergeevich occupied his mother’s house. And when we moved in, everything was comfortable, - Yulia continues the story, - but the house still seemed to me not only uninhabited, but alien.
At first I began to wash, scrub, clean everything, because when you come to a new place, you want it to “smell of you”. And then the idea was born to rebuild it, I wanted to scale.
For example, the kitchen turned out to be too small, and when guests came, everything turned into a mess.” Konchalovsky had long wanted to make a spacious hall and a library in the house. When the director returned to Russia in the early 90s, he built a third over two floors, where his office is now located.

But Konchalovsky set himself a difficult task: in no case did he want to radically change his mother's house, so the new part had to fit into the overall picture.
But now the director proudly says that not a single board has changed in the old part, he managed to combine elements of the old and the new.
Although some redevelopment parent part happened: where it used to be kitchen, — children's bathroom; instead of a veranda - now winter Garden , and also in this part of the house - spouses' bedrooms, cabinet Konchalovsky and sports room.

And the new part of the house is basically a living room, above which, on the balcony, there is a library, and in the basement there is a spacious kitchen and dining room.

Arguing with Yulia over how they should look common Home, Konchalovsky practically did not arise.

Except a couple of times. “In general, I don’t understand anything in architecture, so my husband came up with the whole concept of the house,” the actress admits.
“But sometimes I did get involved. For example, those arches in the living room, which I now really like, caused me rejection before construction. And I am very glad that my husband did not agree with me and did it his own way.

But the kitchen, dining room, my bathroom and bedroom were decorated the way I wanted.” Julia decided that the kitchen should be in the Provencal style. After looking through dozens of books, she chose the cabinets, chairs, tables she liked, sketched out sketches, according to which Russian craftsmen made furniture. The idea for the design of the dining room, located next to the kitchen, was given by ... two carved chairs from three hundred years ago.

Focusing on them, we made all the furniture in the dining room - and similar chairs, and a large dining table. And only by how her bathroom should look, Yulia did not find support from her husband: “I wanted it to have logs and even a wooden floor, thinking that I would be very neat, I wouldn’t even take a shower, but only lie in the bathroom by candlelight. But Andrey Sergeevich convinced me, saying that it was unreasonable. Now there is a warm, dark stone.

Andrey Konchalovsky was fully responsible for filling the house - what will be the external and internal finishes. "Husband loves old furniture, but it’s just important for me to be cozy, cute, ”explains Vysotskaya.
And in confirmation of her words, the director adds: “In our house, with the exception of computers and players, there are no modern things.

I don't like modern, which makes me feel like I'm in a gynecologist's waiting room. I do not like medical cleanliness, because life itself is not sterile. In addition, I am not a supporter of one style in the interior, so there is no single style in the house, no furniture sets. All together, all mixed up, as in life. Of course, the items are taken away, but it's still a free flight.

Practically nothing was specifically purchased for the house on Nikolina Gora. Much has been brought here from the former places where the Konchalovsky couple lived. So, an armchair of the beginning of the last century was bought a long time ago at a Los Angeles flea market, a brand new sofa moved from the same city.

An insignificant part of the furniture was inherited: for example, a bed made of Karelian birch in the form of a boat, on which the 7-year-old daughter of Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky Masha is now sleeping, was inherited from her grandfather, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.
And in the room of two-year-old Petya there is a Dutch stove, painted by Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya with her own hand.
In the hall, by a huge, wall-length window, there is a piano from the beginning of the 20th century. As a child, Andrey Sergeevich learned scales on it, now Masha and Petya are trying to perform something of their own ...

And yet, Andrei Konchalovsky made one solid acquisition - two massive staircases and a walnut library, which the director ordered in China and waited a year and a half for the Chinese craftsmen to complete the order. “I love the culture of China,” says Andrey Sergeevich. “And Chinese art can be placed everywhere, it is easily combined with our wooden house.”

However, there is still a lot of stuff from this country in the Konchalovsky house: vases, screens, figurines. Yulia Vysotskaya jokes that when they bought it all, they realized that there would be nowhere to put it. We decided, as a last resort, to give to friends.
Only it turned out that all the items got up so well in the house that I didn’t want to part with anything.

The usual, unremarkable village of Nikolskoye, from the 20s of the last century, began to be actively built up. In this place in the middle pine forest representatives of the Soviet cultural elite began to build dachas for themselves.

The Mikhalkov clan also settled here. The childhood years of the famous director Nikita Sergeevich passed here. He lives in these places to this day, for more than half a century. Let's see how Nikita Mikhalkov's house on Nikolina Gora looks like now (photo).

"Family Nest" Mikhalkov

Mansions in the village of Nikolina Gora cost from $262,000. The place is considered very prestigious, located on the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, 20 km from the capital. It has excellent ecology and developed infrastructure.

It is not surprising that the famous director Nikita Mikhalkov preferred this village near Moscow to the noisy capital and settled here. He even captured the picturesque places of Nikolina Gora in his Oscar-winning film Burnt by the Sun.

Mikhalkov wanted to keep the atmosphere of childhood in his house, which he remembered so well, to the maximum. Nikita Sergeevich often likes to tell how his grandfather, the landowner, seated him in front of him and, by the light of a kerosene lamp, read Pushkin to him, played Bach and Mozart.

Unfortunately, nothing remains of the old building where Nikita Mikhalkov grew up. In its place, he built a new building, which became a real family estate of the director. It was erected on an area of ​​several hectares. Next to the house of Nikita Mikhalkov on Nikolina Gora (photo) - family estate his brother Andrei Konchalovsky.

Modernity meets the old

Mikhalkov decided to combine modern elements in the design of the mansion with Soviet ones. For this reason, there is no single style in the house. Antiquity here resonates with modernity. Oriental motifs - with the Mediterranean. Each room has its own unique style.

The facade of a two-story mansion made of marble and stone is made in light yellow. Nearby is a small artificial pond. In Mikhalkov's mansion, the decoration is mainly made of wood (walnut), and the kitchen, made in the post-war style with antique cabinets, is combined with a cozy dining area.

In the house of Nikita Mikhalkov on Nikolina Gora (photo) there is a fireplace, next to which a white piano occupies a special place. The mansion also has a study, a gym, a sauna with a font, a winter garden, 6 bathrooms.

Favorite place Mikhalkov's house has a large living room. The whole family gathers here from time to time, distinguished guests who often visit the eminent director. Mikhalkov tried his best to leave more free space in the room.

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