Russia has created the first strike drone. Russian aviation

The Irkut corporation has begun testing a drone within the framework of the Proryv ROC (also known as the Yak-133 project), which is capable of reconnaissance and destroying enemy targets, while remaining invisible to its radars.

“In the future, the latest drone will be equipped not only guided missiles air-to-ground class and bombs, but also optoelectronic systems, electronic intelligence systems and even radar,

According to him, “the aerodynamic design of the latest drone (a combination of geometric and structural aircraft) is very complex, containing many unique technical solutions, previously not used in any of the serial aircraft.

“At the design stage, there were discussions between representatives of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Irkut and Yakovlev Design Bureau, during which opinions were expressed that an apparatus of this form would not be able to fly at all. Doubts were dispelled only after the first test flight took place in August. Everything went well, the designers were congratulated,” the source said.

He noted that the composition of the weapons of the UAV has not been fully determined, however, it is already known that “it will destroy stationary targets with bombs with laser and optical heads homing, as well as corrected by the GLONASS signal.

“The unique aerodynamic design of the drone makes it possible to make the UAV invisible to enemy radars even at the moment when it is using or conducting reconnaissance, as well as being quite maneuverable and fast. In order for the newest drone with the selected aerodynamic design to be able to fly, we had to do a lot hard work for the integration of UAVs, to which, in particular, specialists from Roskosmos were involved, ” the source said.

He explained that the term "integration" means "reducing the operation of all systems and subsystems installed on board into a single complex."

“All systems of the aircraft must act as a complex, as a single organism. If the pilot, for example, begins to perform a maneuver, then all onboard systems - navigation, engine control, etc. - taking into account the design of the aircraft and its characteristics, they optimize their work so as to perform the specified maneuver without disruption. In modern aircraft, there are several thousand different systems and subsystems that control and manage hundreds of flight parameters, and the pilot cannot independently monitor the operation of each. Therefore, modern aircraft are equipped with information and control systems (ICS), which make the aircraft work as a complex,” said a representative of the aviation industry.

Head of the AeroNet direction of the National Technology Initiative Sergey Zhukov: “Unmanned technologies in Russia are now developing very actively both in the state industry and in the private segment. If we talk about gliders, then we are now approximately at the level of world standards in terms of small UAVs and have a non-critical - less than three years - lag in terms of ultralight composite structures for UAVs large sizes. If we talk about navigation and control systems, then our developments are not inferior to foreign analogues, but the minus is that they are still made on a foreign element base. By power plants we are somewhat behind, but I can state that we are currently developing in the field of localizing the production of piston and turbojet engines, so that the domestic industry is closing this niche at an accelerated pace. For processing monitoring data, we create our own problem-oriented products and are already bringing them to the world market. And in terms of integration into the common airspace, we may even be ahead of the world level by 1-2 years.”

Quoting the press: " Ground-based tracking devices recorded the appearance of an unknown military unmanned aerial vehicle in the sky over Ulyanovsk, the Kommersant newspaper writes in its February 24 issue. To investigate the incident in the Volga Territorial Administration air transport created a special commission.

The incident happened on the morning of February 17 in the regulated area for aircraft flights at Barataevka airport. The aircraft appeared on the radar screens dangerously close to two aircraft of the DOSAAF flying club, which were conducting training. The drone followed at a speed of 500 kilometers an hour at an altitude of more than two thousand meters the same course as the L-29 training aircraft of the flying club, and went into their tail. The controller gave the pilots the command to change course. After that, the drone continued flying in the direction of Penza and soon disappeared from radar.

In the Ulyanovsk organization center air traffic confirmed the appearance of an unidentified drone in the area for flights of civil aircraft, but did not disclose any details about the incident. According to a Kommersant source close to the aviation industry, the dimensions of the drone were similar to the L-29 training aircraft (wingspan of about ten meters, fuselage length of almost 11 meters, weight ready for takeoff - more than three tons). According to the newspaper, the Skat drone project had similar characteristics, the development of which, however, had previously been suspended.

Kommersant's source in the Ministry of Defense rejected the version that any foreign aircraft could have flown over Ulyanovsk, since no border crossing was recorded. The defense department did not provide any other comments on the incident." ( )

"Kommersant": Military drone went AWOL : " the appearance of an unknown heavy unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for military purposes was recorded in the sky over Ulyanovsk"

Aviation circles note that this is "a rather scandalous incident, since an unknown drone actually appeared over the city."

IMHO: Let me doubt that we can talk about the Skat of the MiG corporation, whose passport data: a wingspan of 11.5 meters, a length of 10.25, a parking height of 2.7 m, a maximum takeoff weight of 10 tons, maximum speed up to 800 km / h, altitude ceiling - 12 thousand meters, flight range up to 4000 kilometers, RD-5000B bypass turbojet engine with a thrust of 5040 kgf, protected from detection in the infrared range. The reason for doubt is the complete unavailability of Skat's electronic equipment at the moment, in particular software, these issues have not been resolved by Sukhoi to date.

But it is very likely that the Yak-133BR "Breakthrough-U" of the "Breakthrough" program of the Yakovlev company was in the airspace of Ulyanovsk. UAV Yak-133BR is protected from radar detection at long and medium distances. Its characteristics are similar to those of Skat: take-off weight up to ten tons in the impact version, service ceiling up to 16 kilometers, speed up to 1100 km/h. However, it is possible we are talking about the “Breakthrough-R” or “Breakthrough-RLD” models that have the ability to stay in the air for up to 16 hours. By tth series UAVs "Breakthrough" are similar to the promising BBS X-47B, developed by Northrop Grumman and X-45B, developed by Boeing.

If, however, the impressions of observers about the similarity in size with the L-29 aircraft were somewhat exaggerated, then we can also talk about the KAMAZ - "Dozor-600", a patrol UAV of the Predator / Hermes class, developed by Gennady Trubnikov, but I doubt that it in general can be compared with L-29, except with reference to optical illusions.

It would be interesting to know that we are talking about a classic unmanned aircraft developed by the Kazan Design Bureau "Sokol" (R&D "Altius").

But, preliminary, a more probable event, apparently, it should be considered that, nevertheless, the tests were carried out by the OKB im. A.S. Yakovlev, and in the air was a model of Yuri Yankevich, the Irkut corporation with the participation of the Italian company Alenia Ermacchi (Finmeccanica group of companies). To date, all permits have already been received from the ministries of defense of Russia and Italy.

When creating the Yak-133 UAV, the experience and developments in the Yak-130 UTK were taken into account.
Where did the UAV come from? So from the GLITS in Akhtubinsk ... or from the assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Sokol Aviation Plant, and this, quite possibly, is the Yak-133BR unmanned reconnaissance and strike aircraft. And, yes, it's more like an "Albatross" than a "Dolphin".

Yes, I forgot to say, but the Italians somehow did not take root in Russia, and they left the Proryv project having acquired the right to develop their own version of the UAV and produce their own M346 aircraft based on a joint project.

Irkut Corporation has begun testing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as part of the Proryv (Proryv) development work (formerly known as the Yak-133 project). The device is capable of reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroy enemy targets, while remaining invisible to its radar, Izvestia reports. The novelty is built according to the original aerodynamic scheme and looks very different from traditional aircraft.

In the future, the latest drone will be equipped not only with air-to-ground guided missiles and bombs, but also with optoelectronic systems, electronic intelligence systems and even a radar.

The aerodynamic scheme of the latest drone (a combination of the geometric and structural scheme of the aircraft) is very complex, containing many unique technical solutions that have not previously been used in any of the serial aircraft. On the official website of the OKB im. Yakovlev, there is a mention that this UAV was developed on the basis of the Yak-130 UBS with the processing of the original project by 60%.

At the design stage, there were discussions between representatives of the Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), Irkut and Yakovlev Design Bureau, during which opinions were expressed that an apparatus of this form would not be able to fly at all, - said one of the project participants. - Doubts were dispelled only after the first test flight took place in August. Everything went well, congratulations to the designers.

The composition of the armament of the drone has not yet been fully determined, but it is already known that the stationary targets of the UAV will be destroyed by bombs with laser and optical homing heads, as well as those adjusted by the GLONASS signal.

The unique aerodynamic scheme of the drone makes it possible to make the UAV invisible to enemy radars even at the moment when it uses weapons or conducts reconnaissance, but also quite maneuverable and fast, - said the aircraft manufacturer. - In order for the latest drone with the selected aerodynamic configuration to be able to fly, it was necessary to do a very difficult job of integrating the UAV, which, in particular, involved specialists from Roscosmos.

The term "integration" means the reduction of the operation of all systems and subsystems installed on board the aircraft into a single complex. According to the expert, using modern technologies, you can make even a stool fly and perform maneuvers, but the problem remains how to control such a product.

All aircraft systems must act as a complex, as a single organism. If the pilot, for example, begins to perform a maneuver, then all onboard systems - navigation, engine control, etc. - taking into account the design of the aircraft and its characteristics, they optimize their work so that they can perform the given maneuver without disruption, - the representative of the aircraft industry explained. - In modern aircraft, there are several thousand different systems and subsystems that control and manage hundreds of flight parameters, and the pilot cannot independently monitor the operation of each. Therefore, modern aircraft are equipped with information and control systems (ICS), which make the aircraft work as a complex.

The most important part of complexing is to write algorithms and mathematical formulas, which set the logic and operation parameters of all systems of the aircraft, which, having turned into a special program, are laid down in the IMS of the aircraft.

Unmanned technologies in Russia are now developing very actively both in the state industry and in the private segment, - says Sergey Zhukov, head of the AeroNet direction of the National Technology Initiative. - If we talk about gliders, then we are now approximately at the level of world standards in terms of small UAVs and have a non-critical - less than three years - lag in terms of ultra-light composite structures for large UAVs. If we talk about navigation and control systems, then our developments are not inferior to foreign analogues, but the minus is that they are still made on a foreign element base. In terms of power plants, we are somewhat behind, but I can state that we are currently developing in the field of localizing the production of piston and turbojet engines, so that the domestic industry is closing this niche at an accelerated pace. For processing monitoring data, we create our own problem-oriented products and are already bringing them to the world market. And in terms of integration into the common airspace, we may even be ahead of the world level by 1-2 years.

The Yak-133BR is an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft based on the developments of the Yak-130 combat training aircraft. OKB im. Yakovlev considered a number of interspecies promising unmanned multifunctional aviation complexes. The development of the Raven and Klest UAVs was carried out in the usual way, but in the construction of more expensive and complex UAVs of the Breakthrough family, it was planned to use an unconventional scheme. An important point is that the drone project was based on the scientific and technical groundwork, which was obtained in the process of developing the UBS Yak-130.

Most of the elements of the control system and avionics of the aircraft were transferred to the drone. This made it possible to carry out the development of an aviation unmanned complex at a lower cost than during traditional design, and the production time and technical risks are also reduced.

The UAV of the Proryv family Yak-133BR has 3 modifications: a reconnaissance radar patrol and an attack aircraft, in which there is a large number of interchangeable systems and units.

Drones are capable of performing almost all tasks with respect to aerial reconnaissance and conduct special operations. According to the concept of creating the Yak-133BR model, the new unmanned vehicle will have much in common with the Yak-130 trainer, which is now at the final stage of flight tests.

These 3 unmanned aerial vehicles are structurally and ideologically connected with each other. In order to successfully implement programs for the development of aircraft complexes with UAVs, it is necessary to invent a mechanism for organizing production process at all its levels up to the target orientation of devices.

As practice shows, the championship in the creation of UAVs in Russia is given to aircraft design bureaus, because these design bureaus have vast experience in creating aircraft using complex technical units and systems.

Yakovlev Yak-133BR characteristics:

X characteristics "Proryv-U" "Proryv-R" "Proryv-RLD"
Type of long range long range long range
Purpose (basic / modifications) Shock Scout Radar patrol
Wingspan / fuselage length, m - - -
Starting weight, kg 10 000 9800 10000
Weight of target equipment, kg 1000...3000 1000... 1200 1000
Speed, km/h 1100 750 750
Flight duration, h 6 20 16
Practical ceiling, m 16 000 20 000 14 000

Irkut Corporation has begun testing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as part of the Proryv (Proryv) development work (formerly known as the Yak-133 project).

The device is able to conduct reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroy enemy targets, while remaining invisible to its radars. The novelty is built according to the original aerodynamic scheme and looks very different from traditional aircraft.

In the future, the latest drone will be equipped not only with air-to-ground guided missiles and bombs, but also with optoelectronic systems, electronic intelligence systems and even a radar.

As the interlocutor of Izvestia in the aircraft industry noted, the aerodynamic design of the latest drone (a combination of the geometric and structural design of the aircraft) is very complex, containing many unique technical solutions that have not previously been used in any of the serial aircraft.

“At the design stage, there were discussions between representatives of the Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), Irkut and the Yakovlev Design Bureau, during which opinions were expressed that an apparatus of this form would not be able to fly at all,” one of the project participants told Izvestia.

“Doubts were dispelled only after the first test flight took place in August. Everything went great, congratulations to the designers.”

The composition of the armament of the drone has not yet been fully determined, but it is already known that the UAV will destroy stationary targets with bombs with laser and optical homing heads, as well as those corrected by the GLONASS signal.

“The unique aerodynamic design of the drone makes it possible to make the UAV invisible to enemy radars even at the moment when it is using weapons or conducting reconnaissance, but also quite maneuverable and fast,” said the aircraft manufacturer. “In order for the latest drone with the selected aerodynamic configuration to be able to fly, we had to do a very difficult job of integrating the UAV, which, in particular, involved specialists from Roscosmos.”

The term "integration" means the reduction of the operation of all systems and subsystems installed on board the aircraft into a single complex. According to the interlocutor of Izvestia, using modern technologies, even a stool can be made to fly and perform maneuvers, but the problem remains how to control such a product.

“All systems of the aircraft must act as a complex, as a single organism. If the pilot, for example, starts to perform a maneuver, then all on-board systems - navigation, engine control, etc. - taking into account the design of the aircraft and its characteristics - optimize their work so as to perform the specified maneuver without disruption, - explained the representative of the aircraft building industries.

In modern aircraft, there are several thousand different systems and subsystems that control and manage hundreds of flight parameters, and the pilot cannot independently monitor the operation of each. Therefore, modern aircraft are equipped with information and control systems (ICS), which make the aircraft work as a whole.”

The most important part of integration is to prescribe algorithms and mathematical formulas that define the logic and operation parameters of all systems of the aircraft, which, having turned into a special program, are embedded in the IMS of the aircraft.

“Unmanned technologies in Russia are now developing very actively both in the state industry and in the private segment,” says Sergey Zhukov, head of the AeroNet direction of the National Technology Initiative.

If we talk about gliders, then we are now approximately at the level of world standards in terms of small UAVs and have a non-critical - less than three years - lag in terms of ultra-light composite structures for large UAVs. If we talk about navigation and control systems, then our developments are not inferior to foreign analogues, but the minus is that they are still made on a foreign element base.

In terms of power plants, we are somewhat behind, but I can state that we are currently developing in the field of localizing the production of piston and turbojet engines, so that the domestic industry is closing this niche at an accelerated pace.

For processing monitoring data, we create our own problem-oriented products and are already bringing them to the world market. And in terms of integration into the common airspace, we may even be ahead of the world level by 1-2 years.”

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