Divorced, married, divorced again. And all past Gossip. Why did Evgeny Ustyugov leave biathlon? That is, you were imbued with historical tapes

Alexander Ustyugov

Alexander Ustyugov not only popular actor, whose shooting is scheduled months in advance, but also a person with an incredible range of hobbies: from antiques to antiques.

Alexander, you act a lot, play in the theater. How do you find time for hobbies? How serious is boxing?

Haven't been to the gym in a very long time. I think as soon as I have time, I will immediately go to the gym. I dream that someday a picture will appear, on the set of which it will be necessary to restore physical and sports data. When I just have an obligation to practice. It's really a dream to be forced, against my will, forced to go to the gym. (Laughs.)

Are you also a motorcyclist? Previously, they loved to ride a bike from St. Petersburg to Moscow and back, but today?

Motorcycles, of course! Although I am "flying out" for the third motoseason due to employment. I used to drive fifteen thousand kilometers during the summer, now I can hardly do five. And all because I work. (Smiling.) Today I try to ride a motorcycle to work. This year I plan to visit the motorcycle festival in Riga, to go to the "Invasion". I will definitely go to Tver. I'll see if there are more routes. Perhaps not rule out work-related. Time is short, I regret it, and the season is short. I dream that there would be some kind of winter court where I could roll out, work out some tricks and tricks. So far there is no such thing.

- Where is your other hobby - art photography?

I take the camera in my hands now, only when I need it for business. For example, for filming my pieces of wood - then I remember some photo skills. I wind up a discrete "poltos" (a lens with a fixed focal length. - ICD) with a ½ aperture - and forward. Wood is my hobby-business, for five years I have been dealing with antiquarks. Plus carving. Accordingly, photographs are needed, then I myself shoot. And now I rarely shoot for myself - the phone has already supplanted it so much artistic photo that, in principle, when there is a desire to take equipment with you somewhere, you think that a huge suitcase is obtained. Well, our air carriers now prohibit the transportation of photographic equipment.

- What about your group "Ekibastuz"?

We are currently writing our second album. It turns out very joyful, positive, brings a lot of happiness.

- The owner of the bar is a new and unknown type of business for you. Does everything work out?

At first it was scary to start in the restaurant business, but we have been working since November last year, and we really like everything. Everything is great. I think the bar will expand. It will close on itself both motorcycles, and the motor capital, and festivals. By the summer, I want to believe, a new word will appear in the restaurant business.

- You were born in Kazakhstan, lived in the capital for a long time. And why, in the end, did they prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow?

I did not prefer - I lived in Moscow and filmed for twelve years in St. Petersburg. For six months I lived in St. Petersburg, and for six months I was anywhere. Therefore, Moscow was also divided between Belarus, Ukraine and the place where the shooting took place. At some point, I simply stayed in St. Petersburg and did not leave. And did not regret it. In addition, on my mother's side, my relatives were all Leningraders, blockade survivors. Grandfather - colonel, commanded air defense. Apparently, something is working, and Peter gives me great spiritual joy. Every time I come back here with pleasure. The city's creative potential is insane. I think if I had stayed in Moscow, I would not have made even a quarter of what I have now. And Peter is very inspiring.

- You once called Moscow a "production facility"...

“…Yes, absolutely. And St. Petersburg is the place where you can live, love, just walk, this is a niche for calming down. And the longer I do not live in Moscow, the more I understand that this is true.

- One of your new works is a role in the TV series “ Golden Horde". How satisfied are you with the reviews?

I don't look at reviews. But everything I hear is quite favorable. I know that those people who I did not count on were watching unexpectedly. The target audience was somewhat different. It's not bad. So it's interesting for someone. Yes, and I myself, I confess, have not seen the film.

- What's on the way?

Two historic projects are on the way. These are "Decembrists" and "Boris Godunov". Large-scale and interesting projects: horses, nature ... Very beautiful scenery of old Moscow was built for Boris Godunov. I have been in the cinema for twenty years and for the first time I see such a beautiful work that directly delights: the Kremlin wall, the Spasskaya Tower, everything is on a hill ...

- That is, you were imbued with historical tapes?

Life goes in stripes. Now went historical! Then - military pictures, then - bandits ... Everything is filmed in cycles.

- You were married twice, divorced twice. Do you think God loves trinity?

I don't think about this topic. Because God loves, God gives, God takes. In this regard, if the Lord gives me another chance to fall in love, so be it. As my heart tells me, so I will do. In this case, I won’t say at all that I will never love again! No, I am absolutely in the power of the Lord. But I think it would be crazy. (Laughs.) After all, love does a lot with people ... It changes them! (Laughs.) Therefore, on the one hand, I pray and ask you to give me love, on the other, I am very much afraid of this. What will happen to me, I can not even imagine. (Laughs.)

With ex-wives, Yanina Sokolovskaya and Anna Ozar, parted amicably? What is your relationship with them today?

Parted amicably. And the relationship is absolutely normal. Meet, talk, eat common topics. Yes, the child is growing. Everything is good in this regard.

- Do you think you spend a lot of time with her?

No, of course not. Here it is impossible to measure the category "time and children." It's never enough, no matter how much. Want more and more. I want to lay her down and wake her up, take her to school. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

- Are you a good father, do you spoil the child?

I try not to spoil. In this regard, I have a very large resource, I can fill it with gifts, diamonds, gold, but I realize that this is not necessary. Firstly, it is unethical, and secondly, it will be difficult for her later, in adulthood. Therefore, we have teddy bears, love, kisses, flowers, everything about it. Something like this.

- What does she like, what does she like?

Studying - at school, the load is serious, a large number of circles. She likes dancing now. Theatrical including. Employment is huge. Sometimes I want to thin out this busyness. Zhenya leaves early, returns late. All the time there are some reporting concerts, preparations for something, rehearsals ... The schedule is not for children. But she likes it.

Have you ever seen her diary?

Yes, I even do homework with her ... (Laughs.)

Zhenya Ustyugov is 30 years old. Such an age, yes, to run and run more.

I remember very well that conversation after Sochi, a couple of days before the Race of Champions. Zhenya called late and immediately:

- Mash, well, everything, I decided to finish ..

I even got bored. He hinted at the thought of finishing a couple of times, back in the Olympic season, but somehow he couldn’t believe everything.

- Zhenya, well, think again, - I say, - Age allows, there are conditions, even though you are a two-time Olympic champion but there is still room to grow..

“I won’t be the same as in Vancouver. The further, the less chance. And when you know what real success, to be someone there is no desire, no meaning. And then the further, the more difficult it will be in ordinary life adapt... And most importantly, I want to see a family.

The parting clip was edited anyway, of course. Because she hoped with her head, but with her heart she understood that Zhenya was the most important step already done.

Ustyugov is always and in all situations so resolute. I don’t remember a single story when he changed his mind about something really important. Therefore, it was strange to read the coach's comments that Zhenya would think and return. Nevermind. He already had his own path drawn at that moment.

I know that there are characters pushing themes that Zhenya got stuck, that he blew his talent .. These people are amazing to me. Yes, at the Sochi Games in his best personal race he was only 5th in the pursuit, 12 seconds off the podium..

But I will never forget how Ustyugov flew into the last climb in the Vancouver mass start; how desperately he was pursuing this first individual men's Olympic gold in nearly two decades; how two years later he ran to the finish line in Holmenkollen, leaving behind Bjoerndalen and Swensen; how he finished in pre-Olympic Sochi with a flag; as the last rower in that luxurious gold Olympic relay in Sochi 2014.

Zhenya Ustyugov, a two-time Olympic champion, was able to give us pieces of happiness that will always warm our hearts. And thanks to him for that.

And from me, a huge personal one - for the fact that he knows how to choose the path himself, and not wait until life / circumstances / conditions choose something for him.

And yes. Zhenya Ustyugov feels great now - he works as deputy chairman of Dynamo in Krasnoyarsk, spends a lot of time in the house he built with his wife and two wonderful daughters, wants more children, and does not regret anything.

At the end of 2016, the wife of Alexander Ustyugov unexpectedly cleaned up her pages in in social networks. Anna returned maiden name, removed all joint photos with Alexander and even excluded him from friends.


Not remained in debt and Ustyugov. On his page, the actor regained the status of "free", and on fresh pictures on right hand Alexandra is no longer seen wedding ring. Particularly inquisitive fans of Ustyugov suggested that he could return to his first wife, actress Yanina Sokolovskaya, and daughter Zhenya.

However, the ex-wife of Ustyugov denied these assumptions. “I don’t feel like an abandoned woman raising her daughter alone. Despite the fact that Sasha moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, he often sees Zhenya. She is very similar to her dad. She dances, goes to theater studio and for vocals. In addition, the daughter made her debut on the RAMT stage. BUT new year holidays we spent at home - together with my parents and neighbor friends. So everything is fine with us," Eg.RU quotes Sokolovskaya.

Reporters also contacted Ustyugov himself. He said that he met New Year lonely. “On December 31, I had a job in Moscow, after which I jumped on the train and went to St. Petersburg, home. There I opened a bottle of whiskey, turned on the TV, met 2017 very quietly and calmly. The next day I woke up quite late, because for the first time I didn’t have to run anywhere. I finally slept! I even turned off the phone so that no one bothered me. I was alone and had a great time, "said the actor.

Recall that in the summer of 2015, Alexander Ustyugov divorced Yanina Sokolovskaya and married the daughter of the general director of the Sukhoi aviation holding, Igor Ozar, Anna. However, the happiness of the lovers was short-lived. if the information about their breakup is correct, then Ustyugov's marriage lasted less than two years.

Two-time Olympic champion Evgeny Ustyugov announced his retirement from biathlon. He is now only 28. When Magdalena Neuner left, the entire biathlon space was seething, putting forward one version of such an early departure outlandish than the other. In the case of Ustyugov, Sportbox.ru columnist Evgeny Slyusarenko was surprised only by the way he left, but not by the fact itself. Speaking directly, Evgeny Ustyugov finished biathlon four years ago - after winning in Vancouver. The rest of the years he endured rather than enjoyed. It must be said right away that Ustyugov made a great career. There are very few of our people who have won the Olympics more than once. If we remove those who won only relay races, Nikolai Kruglov Sr., Anatoly Alyabyev and Sergey Chepikov will remain. And if those who did it are not within the same Olympics, then only Chepikov.

In other words, we, contemporaries of Evgeny Ustyugov, saw with our own eyes one of the coolest characters in the history of our biathlon. This is a mathematical fact. And in response to any o (b) judgment, this character may well use the famous meme "What did you achieve, boy?". And, in general, like no one else will have every right to do so.

Another thing is that Evgeny Ustyugov could achieve more. Much more. “When we got him, I thought that now Bjoerndalen and all Norwegians will have serious problems for many years. His last lap is something unique,” ​​said Vladimir Alikin, head coach of the men's national team Russia in 2006-2010. As a result, in addition to two Olympic victories, Ustyugov has two silver medals championship peace-2011 and three individual wins racing at the World Cup. It's all. AT World Cup he debuted as recently as January 2009. Some five years later he spent his last race.

This story, meanwhile, is not only about Ustyugov. This is the story of a whole generation of Russian biathletes - coincidentally, came at the time of the leadership SBR oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov and his team. This is the story of those who grew up on "Doshirak" and reserved seat cars, and then suddenly got into the world of business class flights, team managers with handkerchiefs at the ready and generous prize money, when for success in one race can pay in several places at the same time. This is the story of those who - like all our athletes - were afraid of coaches like fire, and then got the opportunity to resolve all issues directly with top management. One call - and the famous coach turned into nothing decisive servants.

There is such a famous "caisson disease" - with a sharp rise from depth to the surface, divers must take precautions. In biathlon, they did not know the limits, and most of them could not stand the ascent to the top. Well, as they could not stand it, they simply became different.

From some point on, the guys have changed a lot, - Alikin recalled. - We sit at the training camp, until Olympics- three months. I hear conversations: they are discussing what repairs to do in the house, whom to hire and what car to buy. If something is not to their liking, they began to call the authorities. It has always taken their side. This is the end for the coach.

I understand everything, but we need to stop the practice of solving problems at the top, and not within the team, - at a recent coaching council, even the cautious Nikolay Lopukhov, head coach of the men's team in 2012-2014, could not stand it. - I had no leverage on my athletes. The same Yevgeny Ustyugov did no more than 70 percent of the work that was needed. And there was nothing I could do about it.

The fact that Ustyugov, after Vancouver, did not give himself up to the profession to the end, was said by all those involved in the process - first on the sidelines, then without hiding. The athlete himself denied this, but results spoke for themselves: not a single personal victory in these four years. Most likely, the real purpose was simply not enough. After all, what a thing: when sport becomes only a means to change life for the better, this is a good motivation, but temporary. She leaves quickly.

Because of work, Yana and I often have to part ways. On the one hand, there is nothing good in this, but on the other hand, it gives family relations sharpness and drive. We miss each other and meet with such joy, as if we had not seen each other for a hundred years. Parting protects married life from the routine,” says Alexander. To make separation less painful, the actor taught his wife how to use the Internet - now Yana sends her beloved husband emails and photos of her daughter. “Sasha is a wonderful father. Of course, it would be better if he visited us more often, but then who would earn a living? Yes, and acting and directorial ambitions are very important to satisfy. But when in the summer I starred in the continuation of the series “Paradise Apples”, he did a great job with Zhenya for a whole month.

I can’t get enough of seeing how attached he is to her, ”says Sokolovskaya.

For four years, Sasha and Yana have been working in the same theater, at the RAMT, but they practically do not intersect on stage - they are busy in different performances. Yana loves to talk with her husband about work, but Alexander severely suppresses this. “I immediately told my wife: “We go home - that's it! No thoughts about work. Turn off your phones and relax." When, as a director, I released the play “The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...”, and Sokolovskaya played Komilkova, it got ridiculous - we couldn’t cross the threshold of the apartment for three hours - we stood and analyzed Yanina’s role. “At rehearsals, it was embarrassing for me to ask. Colleagues might think: “Well, what is she asking now? At home, why not?”

Sokolovskaya explains.

Even when they played together in "Cop Wars-3" (Yana played Shilov's beloved), Alexander did not deviate from the principles and refused to analyze joint scenes with his wife. "It was terrible! While driving from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Yana kept talking about her role. I tried to reason with her: there is a director, and discuss with him. - “And I thought that Sasha would help me put everything on the shelves and I could play better, especially since we had a bed scene.” “There is nothing complicated in these scenes,” Ustyugov believes. - Somehow I was offered a small role in the TV series “All So Sudden”. There was a lot of work to do, and I immediately refused. And they say to me: "One shooting day, and I will have to kiss Semenovich." "I agree!" - I answer. I really liked it,” Sasha laughs.

Yana reacted calmly to this story, because her husband never gives reasons for jealousy. In addition, he is so eager to be with his family as often as possible that thanks to his efforts in continuing the Cop Wars, viewers will see Yana now in the role of Roman Shilov's wife, and their daughter Zhenya as the daughter of the main characters. “I am against giving protection to close people, but when they were looking for a girl for the role of my lover, the first thought was that Yanka would have played! And when the little daughter of the heroes was needed, God himself ordered to take Zhenya - she is like two drops of water like me.

Yana and Alexander have long understood: love is love, but family is, first of all, work. Therefore, they are not lazy, develop their own rules of conduct and turn a blind eye to minor grievances ... “It’s not easy to live with me, but Yana managed to find an approach to me and eliminate all my fears,” says Alexander.

Correctly consider: the man is made by the woman. Here my woman always understands me, does not re-educate, and for this I carry her in my arms.

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