How to buy healthy seedlings of vegetables and flowers. About natural phenomena. February Snow fell on the threshold

It's also February. And today we are talking about him, reading poetry, getting acquainted with proverbs and sayings, guessing riddles about February and much more!

February for children

February is the last month of our beautiful winter. It is also the shortest of the year. It has only 28 days. And every four years there are 29 days. This is such magic! Especially this fact becomes even more unique when someone's birthday is on February 29th. Then he celebrates his birthday not every year, like everyone else, but only once every four years. A year with 29 days in February is called a leap year. There is an opinion among the people that a leap year is a difficult year.

The wind is still howling and a blizzard is blowing, but severe frosts are already only at night, and during the day the sun is shining more and more. The day is getting longer. The people call February "Fierce". The name "Mezhen" also went around, since February was, as it were, the middle between winter and spring. There is still a rather cold March ahead, but spring is already approaching, and this makes the soul feel warm and joyful.

Holidays in February

February 9 is International Dentist Day. Teeth must be protected from childhood. And dentists play an important role in keeping them healthy.

In February, the Maslenitsa holiday, adored by many, is celebrated. In 2018, it falls on the week of February 12-18. it pagan holiday who came to us about our ancient ancestors - the Slavs. They celebrate the whole week, go to visit, have fun, play, bake delicious pancakes and, of course, arrange festivities. Every day has its own meaning. Why are pancakes baked? Everything is very simple - the pancake was considered a symbol of the sun, for which everyone yearned so much for the winter. And on the last day, an effigy of Maslenitsa is burned. The holiday is dedicated to the transition from winter to spring. This is a very cheerful and playful celebration of farewell to winter.

Are you a soul, my Maslenitsa,
quail bones,
Your paper body
Your sugary lips
Sweet speech!
Come to visit me
To the wide yard
ride on the mountains,
Roll in pancakes
Cheer up your heart.
You, my Maslenitsa,
red beauty,
blond braid,
Thirty brothers sister,
You are my quail!
Come to visit me
In the tesov house
Rejoice in the soul
Mind to have fun
Enjoy the speech!

On February 14, a good tradition was born, which gave the name to the next holiday “International Book Giving Day”. To give a book to a child or an adult on this day is a good and important thing.

February 14 is another well-known holiday - Valentine's Day. Although the holiday is not originally Russian, it is a great occasion to get together with the whole family and spend this day with dear to the heart people.

February 17th is another soulful Spontaneous Kindness Day. It is incredibly important to be kind and tolerant of each other. We also talked a lot about kindness, and even spent big project « ».

February 21 is International Mother Language Day. The holiday is significant and important. Native language is the language of history, the language of the soul...

On February 23 we celebrate one of important holidays This is Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, congratulations to all the men who defended the Motherland from enemies and continue to do so every day! On this day, it is customary to congratulate veterans, visit memorial sites and hold memorial dinners in honor of those heroes who fell in the battle for a peaceful sky above our heads. Solemn and bright day!

February 23

winter day,
February day
We are walking down the street.
Belted day today
Strong leather belt
And the medals ring on it,
Orders burn on it.
winter day,
February day
We're walking across the square
To the heart of a warrior soldier
We put flowers on granite
And the defender of the people
We honor in silence.
winter day,
February day
We will go all over the country.
We'll take off on a plane
We will sail on the sea
And we'll see how it burns
The sky with festive fire.
(V. Stepanov)

February 26 is celebrated most interesting holiday World Day of Slowness. The idea of ​​such an institution belongs to the Italians. It was they, a very active and emotional people, who first celebrated the Day of Slowness in 2007, with the aim of leisurely enjoying life in every unique moment. And this is not surprising - in our age of speed and progress, many people forget about pleasant daily trifles, favorite activities and, in general, about the quality of life.

When a blizzard sweeps outside, it is so nice to wrap yourself in a warm blanket in the evening, make hot tea or cocoa and read together. Poems, stories, proverbs and sayings about February that have come down to us will add bright winter emotions to you and your child. They tell how other people, including writers, see the world in February. You will be able to draw an analogy, whether their descriptions match current situation affairs. Comparing is an exciting activity for you and your baby, it also develops analytical skills and intelligence.

Poems about February for children

February is a colorful and peculiar month, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to. Many poets could not leave him without poems dedicated to him, so now we read and enjoy them with pleasure, imagine the February in which the author composed these very poems for us.


In white and blue February
A blizzard rushes on a broom,
But longing will take her
And in the sun side
This blizzard warms
February is getting better.
Our February is not so bad
He knocks down the horn from the winter.
I am with a slingshot in the meadows
I'm going to knock off her horns.

M. Sukhorukova


The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly.
A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Rising, flights of aircraft rush into the distance,
Glory to the native army, on her birthday.

S. Marshak

* * *

Winter's last darkness
February is the heir of January.
The river is flowing, drifting snows are floating,
They fall into the snowy seas.

And me from the rainbow shine
Do not hold back happy tears.
On the southern slope of the copse -
Funnels at the roots of birches.

And, having listened to the tunes of spring,
Parting the withered grass,
A snowdrop will hatch with a sprout
Through last year's leaves...

A. Ivanov

Riddles about February for children

Riddles perfectly develop the horizons and thinking of the child, give positive and increase self-confidence. Here are riddles about no one else - the month of February:

Snow is falling in bags from the sky, drifts of snow are standing like a house.
Then snowstorms and blizzards hit the village.
At night, the frost is strong, during the day the sound of drops is heard.
The day has grown noticeably. Well, so what month is it?

We all know he has
Twenty-eight days total!
Leap year will come
And bring an extra!

After brother January
It's my turn to serve.
My friends help me:
Snowstorm and blizzards.

The last winter month is a pity
He is the shortest - ... ( February)

Frost creaks at night
During the day it stings a little.
The day has grown noticeably
So, what is this month?

Even more mysteries about winter, its months and weather - in the article "".

Proverbs and sayings about February for children

Which were invented back in ancient times for a reason, they carry the doctrine of life, express in oral form the worldview, observations of phenomena. There are quite a lot of them among the people. Below are proverbs and sayings not only about February, but also about winter in general.

  • February breaks winter, lets water in, adds three hours.
  • February draws, paints, smells red spring.
  • February has two friends: a blizzard and a blizzard.
  • January-priest - frosts, and February - a blizzard.
  • Fierce, February, do not be fierce, and do not frown on your eyebrows in the spring.
  • Blizzards and blizzards swooped in February.
  • Whiter winter - greener summer.
  • Thanks, the frost that caused the snow.
  • February is a fierce month, asks how they are shod.
  • February in the bear's den warms the side.
  • In February, winter meets spring for the first time.
  • As it comes around in February, it will respond in the fall.

For many years, people have observed nature and its changes and formed interesting signs about February. Some of them have survived to this day.

  • The beginning of February is more serene - and expect an early and beautiful spring.
  • In February, winter meets spring for the first time.
  • Long February icicles promise a long winter.
  • The crows danced in the sky - to the snowfall.
  • Warm February brings cold spring.
  • Leap February is the most difficult month.
  • What January missed, February will pick up.
  • February snow smells like spring.
  • February will add three hours to the day.
  • February-bokogrey - crooked roads.
  • Although February is angry, it smells spring.
  • January - frosts, February - snowstorms.
  • February is rich in snow, April in water.
  • In February, severe frosts - a short winter.
  • February will let the water in, and March will pick it up.
  • The bullfinch sings in winter - in the snow, in the blizzard.

February for children

And now the New Year holidays are already over, everyone is starting to slowly dismantle the Christmas trees, get involved in study and work. There is a blizzard and frost outside the window, but is this a reason to be bored? Of course not! In February, you can also come up with a lot of wonderful and interesting entertainment for yourself and your child!

February is a serious month. Everyone has already entered the working rhythm after the new year and the long winter holidays. But no one was allowed to have fun. It will be great if you go to the circus or theater. You can also have a great time in the winter zoo, watch how its inhabitants behave in winter. Museums and exhibitions are open for the most inquisitive. Be sure to go to the Maslenitsa festivities in the park or city center, there is always a lot of fun, a lot of games and entertainment for you and your baby.

What to do on a walk in winter

At your disposal are still snow and ice slides, skating or skiing, building a snowman or snowman building a snow fort and playing snowballs.

It would be a great idea to go to winter forest where you can see trees, animal tracks, birdwatching and some other forest dwellers, if you're lucky.

Another one of great ideas on a walk with a child - make an angel. The tradition came to us from another country, but it has taken root well with us. To leave your mark in the form of an angel, you need to gently lie on your back on clean and soft snow and spread your arms to the side. Without bending, move your arms and legs up and down, and then stand up. We guarantee you children's delight and a lot of positive emotions.

A snow labyrinth will be a wonderful entertainment on a walk - one of you makes an intricate labyrinth out of traces, and then someone has to go through it.

You can try to take a stick and draw mysterious pictures on the snow.

In general, in February you can find a lot of fun and interesting fun on the street. The main thing is to take good mood and dress appropriately for the weather.

We walk through the snowdrifts
Raise your leg higher
Top top, top top
Wow! Everyone fell into a snowdrift!

5 things to do at home with kids in February

If you decide to stay at home some day, you can easily organize exciting leisure for the whole family.

  1. You already know that February is especially hard for the birds. Make a feeder for them all together, it will take you and your child for several hours, develop fine motor skills. At the same time, you will do a good deed. Bird feeding in February is very important.

Feed the birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich:
A handful of grain is all you need,
Let alone, and not scary
They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count.
It's hard to see
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And stayed together
Winter with people.

Train your birds in winter
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
You meet spring.

  1. A must for Shrovetide week.
  2. An interesting activity will be, grandfather or brother on February 23. Such a souvenir will surely find a response in the soul of every man.
  3. You can spend a winter day making a Shrovetide effigy. That's where the expanse for fantasy will be. And how many emotions you will get from the joint burning and invocation of spring on the last Maslenitsa day.
  4. Take care of joint cleaning by spring with cheerful music. It is useful for your household, very fun and brings together.

And finally, a cartoon from Aunt Owl about February:

It's February, which means spring is coming soon! Enjoy the frosty days of the outgoing winter, playing plenty of snow games.

I wish you a warm mood!


February-Bokogrey. The sun bakes - it warms the sides, so they called the month - Bokogrey. Quite a bit, and Candlemas will come, this is when people say that winter meets spring. And there, and Shrovetide in a big way to walk, pancakes bake.

February: severe blizzard and blizzard

Description of the nature of February (I - II week)
January smoothly flows into the cold month of February, the beginning of which is often characterized by snowstorms and blizzards with strong gusts of freezing wind. From time to time, bright cloudless weather sets in the sky, the sun already shines more often and brighter, tearing away further from the horizon, but it will only begin to warm from mid-February, when the falling rays of the sun begin to imperceptibly warm the cheeks from the icy frost.

The blizzard subsides. Strong wind, changing direction, fine snow powder and strives to get to the face. But it will sweep, sweep, and clear sunlight suddenly peeps through the snowy veil. Cold weather gives way to the first thaws. The sun is now longer above the horizon, and although it is still very weak, nevertheless, willow trees appear in the forest, and buds make their way on the willow with soft fluffy dots - a joyful sign of an imminent spring. The snow hardens and becomes covered with an icy crust, the paths are now trodden, the roads have a smooth track.

February in the folk calendar

"February - winter meets spring for the first time"

The sun will soon begin to warm up, and the winter birds will fly away, and as Makariev's day came - February 1, they began to think about the upcoming spring, looked at signs. If the weather is clear in the first days of February, then the early arrival of spring was expected. Well, if on February 2, a blizzard blows Yefimiya, then spring will be delayed with the arrival. By February 4, half-winter, it was believed, behind - Timothy-Poluzimnik.

It’s still a long time to be winter, and it’s too early for snowstorms and frosts to let go of nature, but still the second half - warm winter, and by spring the movements become more noticeable. Spring is still far away, but Aksinya the Spring Indicator is already predicting spring. Whatever the day, then signs. What kind of weather Aksinya will bring, such weather will be in spring. And now the wind has picked up. If on February 10 - Ephraim the winds blow, damp and spring and summer will seem. On February 14, the night sky was looked at Tryphon. A scattering of stars, then spring will have to wait a long time.

Winter in Russian poetry

Let's turn to the work of A. S. Pushkin, who understood how much fun snow brings to children, how many adventures and games winter nature will give them, harsh but not dull. The poet also mentions the skating rink:

"Tier than fashionable parquet
The river is shining
Dressed in ice.
Boys joyful people
Ice skates soundly cuts ice ... "

Mentions Pushkin and other children's games:

"Here runs the yard boy,
Planting a bug in a sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny..."

In the poems of other Russian poets, nature in winter is also presented in a variety of ways - romantic, menacing, sad, and fun. Many lyrical lines were dedicated to nature by Sergei Yesenin, in winter time she seemed to him sleeping, and majestic:

"Bewitched by the invisible,
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.
Like a white scarf
The pine tree is tied."

February: intersection with spring

Description winter nature February (III - IV week)
From mid-February, sometimes in the very frosts of February with a snowstorm and chilly winds, winter intersects with spring, the harbinger of which is the first bright, it would seem, just about warm, rays of the sun. Sunlight shows its brightness and persistence, penetrating into all parts of the sleeping winter nature. It seemed that spring would come from day to day, but winter would not give up its power over the sleeping realm of nature for a long time, and only by the end of the month the sun began to break through the white haze more often and warm hands, cheeks and bare brown branches of trees.

On the approach of spring, under the influence of the daytime sun, icicles begin to ring. Snow blockages are covered with a darkening crust. The last frosts will thunder and spring will step on the threshold.

For long months winter sleep, nature rested enough, gained strength for new growth. Forest, trees, bushes, insects, whole vegetable world already ready to wake up as soon as the long-awaited warmth comes to replace. The warm rays of the sun that have barely broken through so far only amuse nature on the rise, winter will not recede immediately. How long, with her harsh character, will she keep the world yearning for awakening in winter captivity, but with the first rays of solar heat the beginning of the growing season will be laid. Spring is coming!

The second half of February in the folk calendar

"Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads - it's time for winter to take its feet"

The very middle of February. The month of February is short, filled with anticipation of spring. And, behold, February 15 - the key date - Candlemas. Meeting of winter with spring. And the sun is already filled with spring forces, and nature is lurking in anticipation, and the people are already preparing for the meeting of spring-beauty. On the Candlemas, they said about spring: if it’s warm and drops start to fall, then it won’t be long to wait for early spring, but if it’s snow and cold, then spring will come not soon, but it will take a long time to come with dampness and rains.

The winter does not let go of the cold, in the end it will hit with frost. From this, and on February 17, Nikolai the Studen was nicknamed. And 24 - Vlasiev day, so, in general, with Vlasiev frosts, winter delays the arrival of spring, does not want to give up just like that. But the short month of February is coming to an end, and with it, winter ends its season. The end of winter and the onset new spring Maslenitsa is widely celebrated in Russia. Pancakes are baked all week, funny games are arranged and a scarecrow is burned. Farewell winter. And along with the winter on "forgiveness Sunday" - they asked their friends, relatives, friends for forgiveness. So, with dancing and festivities, they saw off the winter and rejoiced in the spring. Spring came!

Winter in Russian painting

Many artists see winter differently; for some, winter is serenity and loneliness, as in the famous painting by I. Levitan “Winter in the Forest”, for others it is a joyful time of the year that people spend in songs and dances in anticipation of spring. A striking example This is why the painting by V. Surikov "The Capture of the Snow Town". One way or another, but it is safe to say that many of them considered winter to be the original Russian season.

(Painting by K. Yuon "Sorceress-winter")

The real opposite of the painting "Winter in the Forest" is the creation of Konstantin Yuon "Sorceress-Winter". The picture just radiates positive, because it depicts children who get a lot of pleasure from playing in the snow. Here, winter appears before us as a source of cheerful mood. By the way, Konstantin Yuon has many works in which he admired precisely the winter landscape, because for him it is favorite time year, the time of miracles and magic.


The pines are brightening every day and getting younger.

The forest turns black, the distance turns blue softer, -

February finally surrenders to damp winds,

And the alluvial snow turned yellow in the hollows.

I. Bunin

The last month of winter is "cut". He received this name in ancient times, as he cut off the year - he was the last in the family winter months. There is, however, another assumption: it was this period of the year that was previously considered the most convenient for logging in order to get good wood. And one more thing: in this month it is most convenient to cut the branches in the garden, because the trees have the least juice. February was also called "low water" - between the honey in winter and spring. Because of the frequent, blowing through snowstorms and blizzards, they called Ancient Russia his "wind blower" and "lute". This harsh month also had an affectionate nickname - “bokogrey”, because in the second half of the month the sun began to warm.


Half winter frost crackled.

Frightened people with creeps.

Winter made me

Ice rules!

I am any boyish nose

And insects, and dragonflies -

I'll dress everyone in white

I'll make it ice!

I will put fish in ice cubes,

I won't spare anyone! -

Look, this is the rule.

The sun melted.

He cracked: "I'll clean the ice,

Let the people fall!”

But this rule

The sun has melted!

The sun melted

Rays straightened.

Warmed up everything along the way,

Whispers to the butterfly: "Fly!".

V. Korzhikov

Day by day it becomes lighter, almost two hours in February the day is longer. Ahead - pre-spring, but still winter, winter ...

February proverbs

January-priest - frosts, and February - a blizzard.

February breaks winter, lets water in, adds three hours.

In February, two friends - frost and blizzard.

February is a fierce month, asks: “How are you shod?”.

Storms and blizzards came in February.

Fierce, February, do not be fierce, and do not frown on your eyebrows in the spring.

February and the bear in the den heats up the side.

In February, winter meets spring for the first time.

February draws, paints, smells red spring.

As it comes around in February, it will respond in the fall.

Mysteries of Bokogrey

1. Lying, lying, but ran into the river. (Snow.)

2. Not gem, but it shines. (Ice.)

3. White carrot grows in winter. (Icicle.)


Birds and animals have suffered from the hard winter. Whatever the day - a blizzard, whatever the night - frost. Winter has no end in sight. The bear slept in the den. I forgot, probably, that it's time for him to roll over to the other side.

There is a forest sign: as the bear will turn over on the other side, so the sun will turn to the summer. The patience of birds and animals has burst. Let's go wake up the bear.

Hey Bear, it's time! Winter is over for everyone! We missed the sun. Roll over, roll over! Bed sore for sure?

The bear didn’t hum in response: it doesn’t move, it doesn’t stir. Know snoring.

Oh, to beat him in the back of the head! - exclaimed the woodpecker, - I suppose it would immediately stir!

No, no, - moaned the Elk, - with him it is necessary to respectfully, respectfully. Hey, Mikhailo Potapych! Hear us, we tearfully ask and beg: turn over, at least slowly, on the other side! Life is not nice. We, moose, are standing in an aspen forest, like a cow in a stall - you can’t take a step to the side. The snow is deep in the forest! The trouble is, if the wolves sniff out about us.

The bear moved his ear, grumbles through his teeth:

And what do I care about you, moose! The deep snow is only good for me: both warm and calm!

Here White Partridge wailed:

Aren't you ashamed, Bear? All the berries, all the bushes with buds were covered with snow - what do you order us to peck? Well, why should you roll over on the other side, hurry up the winter? Hop - and you're done!

And the Bear is his:

Even funny! They are tired of winter, and I turn over from side to side! Well, what do I care about kidneys and berries? I have a supply of fat under the skin.

The squirrel endured, endured - could not endure:

Oh, you, shaggy mattress, turn over to him, you see, laziness! And you would have jumped on the branches with ice cream. I would have skinned my paws to the blood, like me! .. Roll over, couch potato, I count to three: one, two, three!

Four five six! Bear laughs. - That scared me! And well - shoo otsedova! You interfere with sleep.

The animals tucked their tails in, the birds hung their noses - they began to disperse. And then the Mouse leaned out of the hay and how it squeaked:

So big, but scared? Is it really necessary to talk to him, short-haired, like that? He doesn't understand well or badly. It is necessary with him in our way, in a mouse way. You ask me - I will turn it over in an instant!

Are you a Bear!? the animals gasped.

With one left paw! - the Mouse boasts.

She darted into the den - let's tickle the Bear.

He runs along it, scratches with claws, bites his teeth, the Bear twitched, squealed like a piglet, twitched his legs.

Oh, I can't! - howls, - oh, I'll roll over, just don't tickle! Oh-ho-ho-ho! A-ha-ha-ha!

And the steam from the lair is like smoke from a chimney!

The mouse leaned out and squeaked:

Turned over like a cute little one! I would have been told a long time ago.

Well, as the Bear turned over on the other side, the sun immediately turned to the summer.

Every day - the sun is higher, every day - spring is closer. Every day - brighter, more fun in the forest!

N. Sladkov


When I left the hut, I loaded the gun with small shot. I thought I would meet a hazel grouse - I’ll shoot it for lunch. I walk quietly, trying not to make the snow creak under my boots. Around the Christmas tree are covered with shaggy hoarfrost, like a beard. I went out into the clearing, I look - ahead under the tree is something black. He came closer - and this is a brown butterfly sitting on the snow. Around the snowdrifts piled up, the frost is cracking - and suddenly a butterfly! I hung the gun on my shoulder, took off my hat and began to come closer, I wanted to cover it with my hat, and then the snow exploded under my feet - flutter-flutter! - and three hazel grouse flew out. While I was shooting the gun, they disappeared into the fir trees. Only holes in the snow remained from the hazel grouse. I walked through the forest, looked, but now you can only find them. They lurk on the fir trees, sit and laugh at me: how did I take a grouse tuft for a butterfly? This hazel grouse stuck its head out from under the snow to spy on me. Another time I will not catch butterflies in winter!

February has two friends - a blizzard and a blizzard.
If it doesn’t take frost, it will sweep all the roads.

February is the last month of the calendar winter, it “turns the sun for the summer and adds up to 2 o’clock in the afternoon.”

On the coast, February is the most cold month year, but in most of the territory the average temperature in February is higher than in January by 0.5–2.0 degrees. The average monthly air temperature in the region varies from -10 °C to -15 °C. Sometimes February turns out to be colder than January, as it was in 1986 - on average by 4-5 degrees per month, and on February 18-20, the most low temperatures, in the east reached dangerous values-45°C, -53°C. The year 1990 was unusually warm. The air temperature in the region was -1 °C, -3 °C, which is 9-11 degrees above the norm.

During the month, thaws are possible, on average 2 days, while Maximum temperature air can rise up to 4–5 °C.

In February, precipitation is less than in January and their amount varies from 20 to 40 mm. On average, there are up to 20 days with precipitation per month. In some years, from 10 to 20 mm can fall out per day. Precipitation is predominant in the form of snow, during thaws - in the form of rain and sleet. Relative Humidity remains high - more than 80%.

The average monthly wind speed fluctuates within the same limits as in January - from 2 to 7 m/s.

Snowstorms are somewhat less than in January. In some years, their number can reach 15–20 days.

In Arkhangelsk, the average temperature in February is almost 1 degree higher than in January. The warmest year on record for more than a century was 1990.. average temperature for the month was -1.5 °C, the maximum rose to +4 °C.

In the most warm years the absolute maximum in the daytime reached 4–5 °C, and in the coldest years the absolute minimum air temperature was recorded at −40 °C, −45 °C. Over the past 10 years, every year except 2002 and 2005, frosts of -30 °C and below were observed.

In February, up to 30 mm of precipitation falls. In some years, the monthly amount of precipitation differs significantly from the norm, so in 1961 there were almost 270% of them, and in 1978 only 20%.

According to folk signs: “February is cold dry - August is hot”, “Wind on Ephraim (February 10) - to a wet year”, “What is the weather on Candlemas (February 15), such will be the spring. If the sun peeps out from under the clouds on Sretenya before sunset and, as it were, smiles in the end, there will be no more hard frosts.

Additional Information

February (febrarius) got its name in connection with the rite of purification in Ancient Rome. This ceremony was performed on the fifteenth day of February, which was called "dies februatus" - the day of purification. On this day, the Romans sacrificed goats to the god of fields and forests, Lupert. Our ancestors called February - "cut". This name refers to the time when the year began on March 1st. February was last month per year and "cut off" old year from new. For the abundance of snowfalls, this month was also called "snow", for severe frosts "lute", and for blizzards - "cool". February was also called side warmer - on the sunny side it starts to warm up.

By meteorological characteristics February is close to January. But more often by February cold weather observed in the first half of the month. In the second half, due to increased inflow solar radiation, probability severe frosts decrease.

People said about February:

  • Blizzards and blizzards flew in February.

In the same time:

  • February knocks down the horn of winter.

In February, most of all they judged what kind of spring it would be.

  • If the weather is clear on Makariev's day, spring will be early.
  • On Efimiya at noon the sun - by early spring.
  • If a blizzard breaks out on Efimiya during the day, the whole Maslenitsa is blizzard.

February 7— Gregory the Theologian. What is the day from morning to noon, such will be the first half of next winter.

  • What is Aksinya, such is spring.
  • The wind rushed to Yefim - a wet year.

On the fourth day after Efim - Tryphon. The stars turned out to be a predictor for him.

  • If starry - by late spring.
  • On Stretenya, a caftan met a fur coat.
  • On Stretenya, gypsies sell fur coats.

Spring was judged:

  • If a thaw has set in on Stretene, the spring is early and warm;
  • If on Stretenye it carries snow across the road, the spring is late and cold.
  • Before Prokhor, the old woman groaned: “Oh, it’s cold!”
  • Prokhor da Vlas came: "We can't have spring soon."
  • Vlasiy spills oil on the road - it's time to clean the legs in winter.

In Stretenia, drops portend the harvest of wheat, and the wind - the fertility of fruit trees. Start feeding the birds. "Feed the chickens with oats - in the spring and summer you will be with an egg."

second month of the year ancient name- "fierce", since at that time there were severe (severe) frosts. The name of February "snow" is also known. Sometimes in Russian chronicles the month of February was called "weddings", since this time in Russia was devoted to playing weddings. So, under 1402 of the Pskov Chronicle we read: "a tailed star appeared on the western side, and ascended with other stars from weddings to Palm Saturday." The peasants of the northern and middle provinces called February side warmer, since at this time the cattle came out of the stables and warmed their sides in the sun.
The people said about February like this: “February will add three hours in the afternoon. February will let the water in, March will pick it up. On Candlemas (February 2), winter met summer. The sun turned to summer, winter to frost. Knock off the horn from winter. Blizzards, blizzards flew in February. Main folk omens on the days of this month were as follows: 1. Mch. Tryphon. Trifonov day. On this day, mice are conjured so as not to spoil stacks of bread. 2. Meeting of the Lord. Meeting. Meeting frosts. Winter met summer at the Meeting. If a blizzard sweeps the road at the Meeting, then it will pick up all the food. 3. St. Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess. It is believed that on this night the brownie calls in horses. 5. Mts. Agathia. Agathia Korovnitsa. It is believed that on this day Cow Death runs through the cities and villages. 6. St. Vukola, ep. Smirnsky. Vukola Calf. On the day of Vukola, beetles (i.e. black cows) calve. 11. St. martyr. Vlasia, Ep. Sevastian. Vlas'ev day. The Vlasyev day came, and the Vlasyev frosts came. 15. Ap. Onesimus. Onesimus Ovcharnik. On this night, the shepherds call to the stars for the abundant fertility of the sheep. 25. St. Tarasius, archbishop Constantinople. Taras Kumashnik. It is believed that it is dangerous to go to bed on this day: you can catch kumakh (fever). 28. Rev. Basil the Confessor. Vasily Kapelnik. It is believed that on this day there is always a thaw. 29. Rev. Cassian the Roman. Kasyan the Terrible. Zinul Kasyan against the peasants. Our Kasyan looks at everything - everything fades.

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"


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