Leonid Yakubovich. Yakubovich explained why he lives separately from his wife and all relatives who do not watch his TV shows Leonid Yakubovich on television

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich. Born July 31, 1945 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, writer, producer. National artist Russian Federation (2002).

Father - engineer Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich (1913-1983), head of the design bureau.

Mother - gynecologist Rimma Semyonovna Yakubovich (nee Shenker; 1919-2005).

As a child, he went in for sports: first-class in swimming and shooting.

In his youth, Yakubovich was expelled from school. He worked at an aircraft factory as a turner and electrician.

He received his secondary education at night school. He entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, where he played in the Theater of Student Miniatures.

Then he went to study at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. V. V. Kuibyshev. During his studies, he played in the institute's KVN team. By the way, he studied at the same construction institute. He, unlike Yakubovich, who graduated from the institute, was expelled because of his passion for creativity, went to the evening, and then to the circus school. Yakubovich and Khazanov quickly became friends.

From 1976 to 1977 he worked at the Likhachev Plant, from 1977 - in the ZIL commissioning department.

Since 1979 he has been literary activity- wrote texts and scripts for the programs "Come on, guys!" and “Come on, girls!”. Since 1980 he has been a member of the Allied Committee of Moscow Playwrights. In 1988 he became the scriptwriter and host of the first Moscow beauty contest.

From 1984 to 1991 he worked as an auctioneer.

Leonid Yakubovich on television

In 1991, he came to audition for the new host of the "Field of Miracles" (TV company VID), which is the Russian counterpart American program"Wheel of fortune" (Wheel of Fortune), and successfully managed to pass them.

In 1996, he was a host or participant in the "Analysis of the Week" program on RTR.

From January 7, 1996 to August 29, 2000, he also became the host of the Wheel of History program (TV channel Rossiya), which, after closing in 1996 due to a low rating, switched to ORT and existed there until August 29, 2000 (with a break in July 1999 - June 2000).

From November 20, 1999 to August 12, 2000, the Guessing program was released, in the creation of which Yakubovich took part.

From 2000 to the present, he has been a member of the jury of the Major League of KVN.

In June 2001, for several days CEO TV channel "Moskovia".

On Ukrainian television in 2002, he hosted the program Dikanka.

In 2004, 2006 and 2010 he was the host of the Million Wash program.

Since 2005 - producer and director of special projects of the Management Company of the VID Group of Companies, previously was the artistic director of the VID television company.

In 2010, he hosted one episode of the TV game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, swapping places with Dmitry Dibrov.

From April to May 2014, he was one of the hosts of the Island of Crimea project.

Since March 15, 2015, he has been delivering introductory and final words in the program "Collection of the First Channel".

Known as a pilot who mastered control different types aircraft and helicopters (member of the Russian team, participant of the World Aerospace Olympic Games). An excellent billiard player (he was vice-president of the Billiard Sports Federation of the Russian Federation) and a race car driver (he took part in auto races in Africa).

In addition, a skier, a rider, sailed, parachuted, and water skied.

Good presenter. Gambling collector (reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, old books) and numismatist (paper money from different countries).

He acted in films, among his works: “One day twenty years later”, “Moscow holidays”, “Timur and his team $”, “Russian Amazons”, “Clowns are not killed”.

He played on the stage of the theater: the performances "Let's have some fun", "Be healthy, monsieur!".

Realized as a writer: author of more than 300 stories and monologues for the stage; scripts for shows and TV programs (“Gravity of the Earth”, “Parade of parodists”, “Wider circle”, “We need victory like air”, “Come on, guys!”, “Come on, girls!”); plays ("Haunted Hotel", "Pu-ku, man!", "Tutti"); screenplay "Grandfather of my dreams"; stories, books "A little bit"; as well as poems and fables.

Social and political views of Leonid Yakubovich

In the 1995 elections, he ran for deputies State Duma Russian Federation on the list of KEDR, but could not overcome the 5% barrier.

Member of the party " United Russia» since 2004. In February 2012, he entered the list of proxies of the candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

In June 1996, during the youth election campaign "Vote or lose!" on the re-election of the President of the Russian Federation, Yakubovich and the popular TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev made a "Concert and educational flight" Yeltsin is our President!

Hobbies - collecting reference books, aviation.

He is vice-president of the Russian Billiard Sports Federation.

In 2001, he starred in several commercials for Izh cars, in 2010 in a commercial for the Accu-Chek Performa Nano glucometer. In 2013, he starred in an advertisement for the satellite television operator Telekarta and an advertisement for the Nanoplast medical plaster. In 2004, he advertised the first book of records in Russia - the Book of Records "Lefty".

It has military rank retired lieutenant colonel.

Member public council Russian Jewish Congress.

Scandals involving Leonid Yakubovich

On August 19, 2001, Yakubovich hit a pedestrian to death. He was driving his Hyundai Accent car when a tragic incident occurred on the Volokolamsk highway: the showman killed 30-year-old Sergei Nikitenko, who came to work from Kyrgyzstan, to death. The pedestrian was blamed for the accident.

In March 2010, Yakubovich smashed the far-view mirror in the Belgian ambassador's car., protecting the spouse from the insults of the driver of the Belgian diplomat.

The incident took place in Moscow in Karetny Ryad - the ambassador's car blocked the way for Yakubovich's car. As the showman admitted Russian media, he went to such an act to protect his wife Marina from insults and received a blow in the face from the ambassador's driver.

“When something happens at the Novaya Opera theatre, people come in cars and block all the exits. My wife was driving and couldn’t get out. ? Could you take it away?" As Yakubovich says, in response to this request, the driver of the embassy "Volvo" insulted his wife. And he elbowed me in the nose. He says: "You go there too. Do you think that since you are on television there, then everything is possible for you ?!" And he closed the window,” Yakubovich said. After that, he “couldn’t stand it” and broke the far-view mirror. The ambassador’s driver told the arriving police that Yakubovich was drunk. The TV presenter dismissed these accusations.

On March 15, 2013, Yakubovich made a scandal at the Sheremetyevo airport. At first, he harshly criticized the work of Aeroflot, since the departure of the Moscow-Ho Chi Minh flight was delayed for five hours, according to airport employees, due to bad weather. The passengers waiting for the flight, including Leonid Arkadyevich, having learned that the planes were actually taking off at that time, almost started a fight with the airline employees, and the TV presenter took the initiative.

Rumors about the death of a TV presenter constantly appear in the media. In 2016 alone, these were announced 5 times. He himself refers to this with humor.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program "Alone with everyone"

The growth of Leonid Yakubovich: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich:

First wife - Galina Antonova, guide VDNH. They met at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. An intelligent and calm girl Galya performed in the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Citizens", and student Lenya was an activist in the emerging game of KVN. Once, at an outdoor concert in Issyk-Kul, a guy noticed a soloist and decided to start a conversation with her.

"Lenya transferred to us from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. We studied at different streams: I - at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Yakubovich - at the Faculty of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation. Studying was never his strong point especially mathematics. Lena immediately had to go to the theater and engage in KVN, but his dad, Arkady Solomonovich, graduated from construction. KVN, in 1961, was only in its infancy and was perceived as something frivolous, a hobby, "Galina Antonova recalled.

They signed in the registry office, and the wedding was held at the National restaurant. Gennady Khazanov was a witness at their wedding.

Galina Antonova - the first wife of Leonid Yakubovich

Married on April 5, 1973, a son was born - Artyom Antonov, graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. Kuibyshev and the Academy of Foreign Trade, works on Channel One. He has a daughter (born 2000) - Sofya Petrova.

"As a man, Lenya was secretive, he never showed jealousy, and there was nothing like that. I'm very jealous. Like public person, Leni always had fans. They came to me even after the divorce: with letters, parcels. I was hiding, but sometimes I gave the TV phone number. People came from afar. Thank God there were no crazy fans. Maybe they appeared in another house. I liked Lena manhood. He could calm down, like: “You know what, never mind!”. If we consider Lenya as a father, I can say one thing: it’s good that he didn’t molest the child and didn’t climb with his nonsense. Yakubovich always had a crazy number of friends, and he was more busy with them than with his son, "said Yakubovich's first wife.

Second wife - Marina Yakubovich(nee - Vido), works in the television company "VID". Married on March 28, 1998, a daughter, Barbara, was born.

“Marina and I have what is called a parallel existence: everyone is busy with their own business, and one does not interfere with the other. Formerly wife worked in advertising agency at the TV company "VID". We met on a ship, on a Mediterranean cruise during the filming of one of the programs. They crowded together there, so they bothered. Over time, Marina stopped working. She keeps the house, and this, by the way, is a great profession. In general, I believe that the mission of a woman, unless, of course, she has a wild attraction to some business, is home. I can't imagine any other task for my wife. What for? If he wants to work - let him, but I don't see the point in that. And my job is to ensure her life in such a way that she does what she likes, "said the showman.

Filmography of Leonid Yakubovich:

1980 - One day twenty years later - Lenya, classmate
1992 - Let's do it without tricks! - a client, an acquaintance of Kanevsky
1993 - Anna: from 6 to 18 - host of the Moscow Beauty contest
1994 - Groom from Miami - Leonid Arkadievich, colleague of Mikhail
1995 - Moscow holidays - police chief
1996 - Yeralash - doctor
1996 - Old songs about the main thing - intercity bus driver
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - Santa Claus
1997 - Yeralash - director of the circus Zverev
1998 - Should we send a messenger? - cameo
2000 - Brother 2 - cameo
2000 - Accelerated Help - Stepan
2002 - OK! - Apollon Orestovich Kostanakis
2002 - Russian Amazons - Leonid Semakin
2003 - Don't get used to miracles - family friend
2003 - Russian Amazons 2 - Leonid Semakin
2004 - Timur and his commandos - Panteleich, a local resident
2005 - Prime Time Goddess - Cameo
2005 - Clowns are not killed - cameo
2005 - Kill a carp - Boris
2006 - Paparatsa - Zaporozhye, editor
2006 - Rails of happiness - Petya
2007 - Three days in Odessa - Lev Aronovich
2008 - You can't forbid living beautifully
2012 - Both fathers and children - Oleg Evgenievich
2013 - m / f Return of Pinocchio - cat Basilio
2014 - Grandfather of my dreams
2015 - There is such a letter - presenter
2016 - Wonderland - cameo

Born at the end of July 1945 in Moscow. He graduated from evening school, while working as an electrician and a turner, he graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute. He actively participated in theatrical performances and played in the KVN team.

After graduation, he worked by profession, and from the end of the 70s he took up writing activities. He wrote texts and scripts for various humorous programs. In the early 90s, he wrote scripts for the Yeralash film magazine. In 1991, he was selected for the host of the Field of Miracles program, in which he works to this day.

He is fond of cooking, aviation and billiard sports.

Personal life

Mother is a gynecologist. Father is a design engineer, participant in the Second World War, holder of the Order of the Red Star. Jewish by nationality.

For the first time he married a girl named Raisa. The second wife was Galina Antonova. In this marriage, a son appeared, who was named Artem (1973), he works in the directorate on the "First". In 2000, his daughter Sophia was born with his wife.

For the third time he married Marina Vido, from this marriage in the late 90s a daughter, Varvara, appeared.

Leonid Yakubovich's apartment

Leonid Arkadyevich has been living in the house on Karetny Ryad, 5/10 building 2 for more than twenty-five years. He bought this apartment back in the early 90s. Here, in 1998, the daughter of Varvara was born. At the end of 2017, the artist invited a renovation program to remodel the living room and bedroom. The only wishes of the owners for the design were light walls and the absence of flashy details. During the discussion of the work, the designers also suggested renovating the bathroom. Thus, the entire two-room apartment, except for the kitchen, underwent alteration.

The designers chose a classic modern style with beige and white elements. The walls in the living room were finished with special plaster imitating eggshells with a silky sheen. The living room was divided into two functional areas: a fireplace with soft sofas and a dining room.

A false fireplace in a classic style was installed in the fireplace area, and a sofa and armchairs made using Italian technology were placed opposite. Between them, a small coffee table made of solid oak to match the upholstered furniture was installed. In the conditional dining room, they put a table and chairs in a classic design made of hand-carved solid cherry wood.

The front door was replaced with a more modern one with an improved security system: with video surveillance and a touch panel. Such a door has a bank degree of protection, but the owners can open it with almost one click. Built-in closet in the hallway with mirrored doors with diamond engraving. The same doors were installed at the entrance to the bathroom and in the wardrobe in the bedroom.

The central place in the bedroom is occupied by a Tiffany-style bed. The headboard is upholstered with velor with decorative carnations. Nearby bedside cabinets white color, trimmed with reptile skin. Special attention is drawn to multi-layered textiles, which, despite their complexity, seem light and harmonious. General style here the classic "American" is chosen, in beige and milky tones.

The bathroom was decorated in an English retro style. The walls were finished with Italian tiles and plaster. The floors were laid out with Italian tiles with a heating system. All plumbing is made in the English style using modern technologies.

The interior has a lot of light colors, there is a trendy olive shade today. Next to the sink is a tall cabinet in which we managed to hide the boiler and the washing machine.

According to CIAN, two-room apartments at Karetny Ryad, 5/10 st.2 cost from 19 to 22 million rubles.

The permanent host of the Field of Miracles program Leonid Yakubovich became the hero of the Honest Word program with Yuri Nikolaev. The 72-year-old presenter said that he tries to remain a good family man, although this is difficult for him. The thing is that the TV presenter has not lived with his wife for a long time. She watches over their country house, and he lives in a Moscow apartment.

There is a country house where we live. But, if I have shooting for two or three days in Moscow, then I stay in a city apartment. Because you can get to the city only once, and only there, but there is no way back, - Leonid Arkadyevich explained.

According to average estimates, Vacation home in a small cottage village "Penates" cost Yakubovich almost $ 7 million. Yakubovich's wife and his daughter Varya now live there. In the area of ​​​​his country house Yakubovich, which resulted in the death of a person.

He was meter 80, apparently. He hit his head on the mirror, the speed was 38-39 km / h. He was very drunk, as the examination showed, - Yakubovich recalled, adding that after the incident he could not drive a car for some time.


Yakubovich also touched on the topic of his cardinal weight loss. Three years ago he suffered greatly because of excess weight, which was about 103 kilograms.

Two steps and I was all wet. My sugar skyrocketed, I could hardly breathe. To such an extent that they put cardiac stents on me. Three years ago, I ended up on the court quite by accident: I brought Varya here. It was funny: I waved the racket for 20 minutes, then they carried me to the bench, where I walked for an hour and a half later - it was sports that helped Yakubovich solve his health problem.


Leonid Arkadyevich admitted, by the way, that he forbids his relatives to watch "Field of Miracles". Yes, and he himself does not see the programs in which he is removed:

I myself do not watch, because I'm afraid to repeat myself. Unlike you, Yuri Alexandrovich, I'm not a professional actor, so I'm afraid to repeat myself in facial expressions. And my relatives don't watch, because I don't watch, - he smiled.

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is a popular Russian showman, permanent host of the Field of Miracles capital show, co-host of Alexander Strizhenov in the Star on a Star program.

The childhood of Leonid Yakubovich

Amazing events accompany Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich literally from childhood. Why, take at least the story of his parents' acquaintance!

Rimma Semyonovna Shenker during the Great Patriotic War was engaged in sending parcels to the front. The girl collected warm clothes, knitted something herself, sometimes got sweets and canned food. All parcels with gifts were sent in random order, that is, no addresses were indicated on them. One of them went to Captain Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich. Knitted mittens were found in the bundle, both on one hand. The officer was touched and wrote an answer to the needlewoman, a correspondence began. A little later, Rimma Semyonovna became his wife.

Immediately after the war, Leonid Yakubovich was born. Parents began to teach their son to independence with early childhood. Once Lenya asked his dad to check the diary, to which his father replied sternly: “I don’t need it, it’s up to you how to study. There will be problems, then contact.

However, Leonid did not have any special problems, the young man especially liked the lessons of history and literature. True, in the eighth grade he was expelled from school, because he skipped for three whole months. Then, back in the summer holidays, Yakubovich and a friend saw an ad on the street: young people were required for an expedition to Eastern Siberia. It didn't take long to think. On the same day, Leonid told his parents that he was leaving for Siberia.

The work turned out to be rather strange - the guys worked as live bait. They sat in the taiga on a stump, wearing only shorts and a quilted jacket, and wrote down at what time, who bit them and where: “10.50 - a bite at right leg. 10.55 - bite in left leg". The legs of the teenagers were smeared with various mosquito repellents - their effectiveness was just tested on the expedition. Summer vacation came to an end, but the expedition did not. Leonid had to stay in the taiga forests, and upon returning to Moscow, he learned that he had been expelled. Young Yakubovich had to go to night school, and at the same time earn extra money at the Tupolev plant as an electrician.

After successfully graduating from evening school, Leonid Yakubovich unexpectedly passed the competition at once in three theatrical universities. But his father asked him to first get a "livable" specialty, and then go anywhere. Therefore, Leonid Arkadyevich decided to enter the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. But he did not bury his talent in the ground and soon made his debut at the Theater of Student Miniatures. A little later, he transferred to the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute (modern MGSU), because there was an excellent KVN team.

Vivid performances, true friends, traveling around the country, meeting with Galina Antonova, the soloist of the Gorozhanki ensemble - Yakubovich always noted that these years were the happiest in his life.

The creative path of Leonid Yakubovich

In 1971, Yakubovich graduated from the institute, becoming a certified engineer in ventilation and air conditioning. Until 1977, he worked at the Likhachev plant, after which, until 1980, he was listed as an employee of the commissioning department.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program "Alone with everyone"

But the soul of the future artist did not lie in the "technical" work. Ever since his student days, Leonid was fond of writing scripts with an emphasis on the humorous genre. In 1980, he was even accepted into the professional committee of Moscow playwrights. Since then, Yakubovich has written more than 300 works for pop singers. Written with the participation of Leonid Arkadievich, "The Monologue of the Sergeant" was brilliantly performed by Vladimir Vinokur (according to many, it was this humorous sketch that made him famous). The works of Leonid Arkadyevich were performed by many masters of domestic humor, in particular, Evgeny Petrosyan.

He also wrote several plays for stage production (“Gravity of the Earth”, “Wider Circle”, “Parade of Parodists”, “We need victory like air”, “Hotel with ghosts”, “Ku-ku, man!”, “ Tutti").

In the same 1980, he played a minor role in Yuri Yegorov's thoughtful drama One Day Twenty Years Later, starring Natalya Gundareva and Viktor Proskurin. According to the plot of the film, former classmates gather for a graduation party. Yakubovich played one of former comrades by school.

Leonid Yakubovich at the "Field of Miracles"

Real audience popularity came to Yakubovich after he began hosting the Field of Miracles program in 1991, replacing the first host, Vladislav Listyev.

Simple Rules perhaps every Russian viewer is familiar with the gambling program: three stages, three winners and the fight in the superfinal. And at the end, the winner had a choice - to lose everything or choose a super prize. The charisma and charm of Yakubovich helped the program to win people's love. All his lines and actions were pure improvisation without the help of screenwriters and editors.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program "Evening Urgant"

The real legend of the "Field of Miracles" was the museum, which over the years of broadcasting has collected a truly countless number of exhibits donated to Yakubovich by the players of the show. Part of the collection was exhibited at VDNKh in Moscow, part - in Ostankino, another part - in Tver.

Yakubovich's mustache, following the owner, became a kind of symbol of the "Field of Miracles". They were so inseparable from the image of Leonid Arkadyevich that even in his contract with Channel One there was a clause - not to shave off his mustache. However, the showman wore a mustache from the very beginning. labor activity, he shaved them only once, in 1971. Then he worked as an administrator at the Moscow Comedy Theater and, on duty, went on tour with the troupe. Before an important meeting, he decided to make a marathon and began to shave in a hotel room, but something did not add up: one mustache is shorter, then the other. “As a result, he turned into Hitler and shaved off everything completely,” the host joked. He was almost kicked out of the meeting - they simply did not recognize him.

The gushing energy of Leonid Yakubovich knew no bounds. Therefore, the artist could not pass by the cinema, already being the star of the most popular entertainment show on Russian television. He showed his bright comedic talent in a number of significant paintings. So, the actor appeared as a policeman in the film "Moscow Holidays", played himself in the TV series "They Don't Kill Clowns", exposing the reverse side of the alluring show business, repeatedly appeared from the cameras in "Yeralash". But it is worth noting that the offers to the host were received regularly and in large volumes, but Leonid Arkadyevich never accepted them if he did not like the role, although he liked the process of “acting” itself.

Leonid Yakubovich in Yeralash

Also, Leonid Arkadievich was a producer and screenwriter of the comedy "Grandfather of My Dreams", which was released in 2014. He also appeared in the cast, playing a magical grandfather and the host of the show "Field of Miracles". The film was awarded two prizes at the festival "Smile, Russia!"; one went to Yakubovich himself for the best male role, the second recognized the tape as "the kindest, most fun and wisest film."

In 2016, the Zvezda TV channel aired the Zvezda on Zvezda talk show with Yakubovich and Alexander Strizhenov as hosts. Each issue they invited to the studio famous people: artists, artists, athletes, and had intimate conversations with them.

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich. Hobbies and hobbies

With his first wife, Galina Antonova, Leonid Arkadievich met in student years. He performed in KVN, and she was a soloist of the Gorozhanki ensemble. The first meeting of the future spouses took place at an outdoor concert near Issyk-Kul. The wedding was played in the fifth year, and in 1973 Galina gave Leonid a son, Artem.

The son of Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the same Kuibyshev Institute as his father, received a higher economics at the Academy of Foreign Trade, and then got a job on television.

Alas, the marriage of Leonid and Galina broke up in 1995, and it was the TV presenter who initiated the divorce. He was brewing an affair with Marina Vido, who worked with him at the VID television company. Soon they got married.

Among the artist's other hobbies was billiards (aka for a long time was a member of the Presidium of the Federation of Billiard Sports of Russia). Other hobbies - skiing, preference, cooking, numismatics, collecting reference books, car racing on safari.

Leonid Yakubovich now

In 2016, Leonid Yakubovich still met the guests of the Field of Miracles studio and captivated the audience with a wide smile and his trademark charm. However, in August 2016, disturbing rumors appeared in the media: the press claimed that Yakubovich was seriously ill and was undergoing treatment in Germany. He had to refuse to participate in the play "The Last Aztec", where the artist was invited instead of the deceased Albert Filozov. However, it turned out that everything is in order with the health of the artist, and information about his illness is nothing more than rumors of ill-wishers.

In 2017, Yakubovich became the host of the new show “I Can!”, in which anyone could demonstrate their unique talent in the studio and receive a cash prize for this if they break their own record.

Leonid Yakubovich conquers more than one generation of viewers with his charm, simplicity and charisma. What are his unchanging mustaches and cunning squinting of eyes, which have long become calling card 72 year old artist. Despite the busy schedule, Leonid Arkadyevich tries to remain a good family man. However, according to him, it is given to him with difficulty.

So, Yakubovich is forced to live away from his wife Marina. On the air of Yuri Nikolaev’s “Honest Word” program, the TV presenter admitted that they had been living separately for a long time - she was in a country house outside the city, and he was in a Moscow apartment.

According to rumors, a country house in a small cottage village "Penates" cost Yakubovich almost $ 7 million. However, the owner is really not the most frequent guests there. Neighbors have repeatedly told reporters that the wife of the TV star Marina and her daughter Varya mostly live here, and Leonid Arkadyevich occasionally comes to visit his relatives.

“There is a country house where we live. But, if I have shooting for two or three days in Moscow, then I stay in a city apartment. Because you can get to the city only once, and only there, but there is no way back, ”explained Leonid Arkadyevich.

On the air of the program, Leonid Arkadyevich also spoke about health problems. So, three years ago, he suffered greatly due to excess weight, which was about 103 kilograms.

“Two steps and I was all wet. My sugar skyrocketed, I could hardly breathe. To such an extent that they put cardiac stents on me. Three years ago, I ended up on the court quite by accident: I brought Varya here. It was funny: I waved the racket for 20 minutes, then they carried me to the bench, where I walked for an hour and a half later, ”it was sports that helped Yakubovich solve his health problem.

Yakubovich also admitted that he forbids his relatives to watch the Field of Miracles. “I don’t watch it myself, because I’m afraid to repeat myself. Unlike you, Yuri Alexandrovich, I'm not a professional actor, so I'm afraid to repeat myself in facial expressions. And my relatives don’t watch, because I don’t watch, - Yakubovich smiled.

The TV presenter also remembered the tragic episode of his life. At one time, he became a participant in an accident in which a person died.

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