What does the ranking mean when entering a university. What documents are needed for admission? What you need to know when applying to universities

Enrollment in the university takes place in two waves. At the same time, 80% of budget places are filled in the first one, and the remaining 20% ​​are filled in the second.

As a rule, the next day after the completion of the acceptance of applications for admission and the completion of entrance examinations at the university, lists of applicants (applicants who have applied for admission) appear on its website, arranged in descending order of points.

Priority enrollment and the first wave

Applicants applicants without exams (olympiads, target students, some categories of beneficiaries), given one day to provide original documents and statements of consent for enrollment. The rest of the categories of applicants who wish to be enrolled in the first wave are given 5 days.

It should be borne in mind that applicants entering on a general basis will take in the first wave 80% of the state-funded places remaining after the priority enrollment of Olympiads, beneficiaries and target recipients.

For example, a university is able to accept 126 people on the budget for one training program. The original documents have already been submitted by 3 target students, 12 Olympiads and 11 orphans, that is, a total of 26 people who have the right to enter without exams. The remaining applicants in the first wave can be accepted to 80% of the remaining 100 places. 80% of 100 are 80 people.

If an applicant eligible for special conditions enrollment, will provide the original documents later than the due date, he will be able to enter the budget place on a general basis.

Another example. The applicant has applied to two universities. In one of them, he passes by points for the budget in the first wave, but he would like to enter another university more. If, according to the competitive lists, which change every day during the enrollment period, the applicant sees that he has a chance to enter another university, at least in the second wave, then there is no need to rush to provide the original documents to the first university. According to the new rules, if an applicant passes the points for the budget in the first wave, but does not bring the original documents to this university on time, he does not drop out of the competitive lists of applicants, but with the same success he can “compete” for budget places in the second wave of enrollment . In any case, applicants with the highest scores from among those who provided the original documents will be enrolled.

Second wave

The second stage of enrollment begins immediately after the issuance of an order for the enrollment of persons who submitted original documents and applications in the first wave. This time, those wishing to get into state-funded places at the university must provide original documents on education within 2 days.

At the second stage of enrollment, applicants occupy the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Everyone can act only on a general basis, without any priorities.

The number of places in the second wave may increase slightly. This may happen due to the fact that some applicants enrolled in the first wave, for some reason, take away their documents. Or in the first wave, a smaller number of originals were provided, which did not fill all 80%. Thus, the number of places in the second wave will increase by this number.

In addition to budget, universities always offer a sufficient number of paid places. The deadlines for enrolling in paid places are set by universities independently and begin long before the start of admission to the budget. An applicant can simultaneously apply for both paid and free. There are cases when applicants who have concluded an agreement and paid for tuition pass by points for free. Then the contract on paid education is terminated, the money is returned, and the applicant is enrolled in a budget place.

This question is asked by many applicants. Let's try to understand it in more detail.

To simplify, let's imagine a situation where there is a field of study (specialty) for which 100 budget places are allocated. This is the so-called dial plan. On June 20, universities started accepting documents and forming a list of applicants for enrollment, ranked in descending order of points. Thus, at the head of this list will be applicants with higher scores than the rest.

Let's assume that by the end of the acceptance of documents (July 26) it will include 500 people in total, some of whom brought original documents, and the other part copies. On July 29, the university announces: if you want to be enrolled - until August 1, inclusive, bring the original documents, otherwise you will be left behind. But, as a rule, not everyone responds to this call; some applicants do not consider this university as a priority.

In this case, a situation may arise in which by August 1, in total, only 90 people will bring the original documents. But will they all be included? It turns out that it doesn't. The reception mechanism works in such a way that at the first stage no more than 80% of the dialing plan can be accepted, i.e. no more than 80 people. Thus, in the end it turns out that 90 people brought the original documents, and only 80 of them, who have higher scores compared to others, will be enrolled in the university. And all this will become known no earlier than August 3, when the orders for enrollment, received at the 1st stage, will be issued.

A reasonable question, what will happen to the remaining 20 places that remain free? In total, 100 budget places have been allocated. The answer is simple - they will be transferred to the 2nd stage of enrollment, which begins immediately after the end of the first and will last until August 8th. At the same time, on August 3, the university will again offer EVERYONE remaining from the list who was not previously enrolled to bring the originals in a timely manner (until August 6 inclusive), and if this condition is met, then the next enrollment order is issued on August 8 (stage 2). But again, only those applicants who will have top scores compared to the rest.

What do we end up with? In fact, a lottery in which even at the 1st stage applicants with a total of both 290 points and 150 can be enrolled. And all this is only because many others from the list of applicants, corny, did not bring the originals. But these are the general rules of the game for all that will have to be reckoned with.

And yet, how to be in such an uncertain situation? There is no single recipe here. However, we note a number important points to which attention should be paid.

First: you need to have a complete picture of the number of budget places for the specialty you are interested in for each of the admission conditions.

Secondly, it is necessary to understand that some of the budget places will be occupied by target students, preferential categories of applicants and olympiads. The order for their enrollment will be issued on July 29, and therefore, by the evening of the same day, you will know the exact number of budget places that will remain for the general competition, i.e. for those who enter USE results.

Third: keep in mind that there are quotas for targeted students and preferential categories of applicants, and if they are not filled, vacancies transferred to the general competition. Thus, total number more budget places.

Fourth: after obtaining an accurate idea of ​​the number of budget places, it is necessary to daily mode monitor the situation with competitive lists. Especially in the period July 29 to August 1, when the ranked list of applicants with their scores will already be known, the number of originals submitted will be seen, it will be clear how many applicants were enrolled earlier. To do this, you can make tables in EXEL for each university (specialty), and daily enter relevant information into them. This will allow us to consider the movement within the competitive list in dynamics.

Fifth: it must be remembered that August 1 is the last day for accepting original documents from persons included in the competition list and wishing to be enrolled at stage 1, and, therefore, if you have not yet brought the originals, then you should understand that the final selection is necessary do it before the end of the day.

Sixth: you should not think that nothing depends on you in this situation. Painstaking and careful analysis of competitive lists, in most cases, is bearing fruit.

In full measure, all of the above applies to the 2nd stage of enrollment, where it is important to know: how many budget places are left free after the 1st stage, how is the movement with the originals within the competitive list, what place do you occupy in the ranking.

Still have questions? ask

In our country, recent schoolchildren, as well as graduates of previous years, continue to enter universities. There is no time left for applicants to submit documents. Since today it is allowed to enter several different universities at the same time, there is a separate procedure for enrolling in the country's universities. They are supposed to have 2 orders for admission, this admission regulation is the same for all universities in the country without exception. Applicants and their parents may not fully represent given order and needs to be studied more carefully. How is enrollment in a university in 2018: the procedure and terms of admission, what is the first and second wave of enrollment, when do they sign enrollment orders.

Photo: pixabay.com

Until what date is it allowed to apply for admission to the university

The entrance campaign in Russian universities ends today - July 26. This is the last day to apply for Russian universities. From July 27, enrollment will begin directly.

Universities make a special rating of applicants according to the points they received on the Unified State Examination. In addition to those entering on a general basis, places in universities will go to all kinds of beneficiaries: special-purpose students, Olympiad students, orphans, etc. A certain number of guaranteed places are always allocated for them.

The first order on crediting to the budget will be published on July 29, the second - on August 3. Free enrollment/ paid seats will be produced from August 8, 2018.

The main question in terms of how universities are enrolled in 2018, which is not fully understood for many applicants, is what the first and second enrollment orders are, and how the lists of applicants are formed in these orders.

Photo: pixabay.com

The procedure for enrolling in universities in the first wave

First of all, places are given to beneficiaries, target recipients and winners of the Olympiads. They must submit the original documents to the university within 1 day.

Also, on the basis of the rating of points received at the Unified State Examination, a preliminary list of applicants passing the competition and having the opportunity to be enrolled in this university is formed. Under them, in the first order, 80% of the remaining budget places are allocated. For applicants on a general basis, the deadline for submitting original documents is 5 days.

There are a number of nuances here. The first is related to the deadlines for submitting original documents by beneficiaries / target recipients / Olympiads. If they want to enter this particular university and at the same time do not have time to submit documents within the allotted time, then they lose the benefit as such and can only be enrolled on a general basis based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

The second nuance is that applicants have the opportunity to apply for admission to several universities. This is the most important advantage of the USE.

Naturally, school graduates with good USE results often pass on the first order to several universities. In this case, they have a choice educational institution. And then everything is simple - the applicant submits the original documents to the university of priority for himself, in other universities they do not wait for him, and he will no longer be included in the second order. And his place will be given to a person from among those who received a smaller number of points on the exam.

Another potential situation is more complicated. For example, a graduate first of all wants to enter university A, but has also applied to university B. On July 29, it becomes clear that he is guaranteed to get into university B, and at university A he is not included in the list of applicants, but he is among the leaders in points Unified State Examination among those who did not pass on the first order.

Here you should not get upset and take the original documents to the conditional university B. You will need to wait for the second order for admission to appear.

The updated rules for enrolling in universities are such that an applicant, even if he did not submit the original documents within 5 days after the first order, is not completely removed from the lists. He is included in the second list, so a place in the university B in conditional example he will still be guaranteed. But if in university A he finds himself among the leaders among those not included in the first list, then he is almost guaranteed to be in the second order. When those for whom this university was a reserve will be weeded out.

Photo: pixabay.com

How is enrollment in universities under the second order

The second order for enrollment will be issued at universities on August 3. It will fill the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Any benefits are not valid here, everyone will act in accordance with the points earned on the exam.

The deadline for submitting original documents for those falling under the second order is 2 days.

20% of budget places filled by the second order are the minimum. Sometimes the number of places can be even more. For example, if someone submitted original documents after the first order, and then took them away. Or not all of those who got into the first order submitted original documents (which happens more often).

Hello reader! Long time I did not raise the problems that are sore for students, but today I decided to pay attention to applicants who face a very important life choice. It's summer of change for them!

Indeed, after graduating from school, there comes a complete realization that it is necessary to decide on a future profession as soon as possible, but this is where the hitches arise. Sometimes our desires do not coincide with financial possibilities, and choose future profession at the call of the heart, alas, it does not work.

Do not blame fate and despair, because the state provides budget form of education available to every student today.

So, in this regard, let's discuss the question of how to enter a university on a budget, and how real are your chances in this undertaking! Never forget that you are no worse than others, however, in order to achieve your goals, you will have to sweat a lot. But, believe me, then all the work will pay off with the proud status of "first-year student."

Advantages of the budget form of education

Before talking about the rules for entering a university, it is worth stopping your attention on the question, why does free education attract applicants so much?

First, the question already contains the answer, because to get higher education at the expense of their "brains" and with the help of the state - this is really chance to break through in this life, the main thing is not to lose it from what has come in student years feelings of deep euphoria.

Secondly, the applicant has a unique opportunity to choose the specialty and future profession that is closest to him in spirit and desired from childhood.

Then the problem of "discrepancy between opportunities and desires" disappears by itself, and after graduation from the university, a qualified specialist with great ambitions and excellent prospects enters the labor exchange.

Thirdly, all students are state employees for five to six years of study every month receive a scholarship, unless, of course, they pass each session only for good and excellent marks.

This is one of the incentives to prove yourself in your student years, and even the slightest independence from parents already exalts in your own eyes and the eyes of your environment.

Fourthly, there is an opinion that public sector students have deeper knowledge in their specialty than students on a paid basis. Perhaps there is some truth in this, but still you should not get personal, because even among the "contract" worthy personalities and qualified specialists are produced.

Features of the budgetary form of education

Before talking about the budget form of education, it is important to understand what it means to study for free! This is a great responsibility for the student and no less significant risk for him, since documents for expulsion in case of unsatisfactory studies or disgusting behavior get signed by the rector at lightning speed.

That is why every student of a higher educational institution always needs to feel the border that separates a state student from a soldier military service(as an option).

All applicants can enter the university on a budgetary basis, passed the exam. However, there are those categories of students who are entitled to free education outside the competitive program.

About whom in question? The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually approves lists of categories of applicants who are subject to privileges.

As a rule, these are children from large and low-income families, disabled people, applicants with disabilities, who also expressed a desire to receive higher education along with everyone else.

In such cases, a mandatory document upon admission becomes medical certificate about the state of health. In other cases, in without fail USE results are required, and the testing itself takes place within the walls of the school.

The right choice of university and future specialty

In order to still get higher education for free, it is necessary to approach this issue as responsibly as possible, and most importantly, in advance. Even at school, you need to test the soil, that is, find out for yourself which university and for which specialties there is less competition, and where, accordingly, there are more chances to enter.

However, it is important here not to rush from one extreme to another, but to choose for yourself the specialty that will be considered an acceptable compromise.

For example, today there is still a big competition for such prestigious professions as a lawyer, economist, tourism manager, linguist, psychologist, programmer and sociologist. So it is important to weigh your mental abilities and real strengths, and not live in rose-colored glasses, which will certainly break into reality during admission.

Preparatory courses at the university are a real chance to enter the budget

If the university is determined, then already in the graduating class it is necessary to individually enroll in training courses. As a rule, such classes take place within the walls of the university several times a week, but you will have to pay extra for them.

This is only a small contribution to your bright and carefree future, so it is better not to ignore it. In addition, this is a unique opportunity to take entrance exams twice: according to the results preparatory courses and then again with the general flow.

Preparatory courses are also an acquaintance with the walls, future fellow students and teachers. That is why you should not miss such a chance, and it is desirable to find contact with all your new surroundings.

It is possible that such a smart approach and quick adaptation to the “new terrain” will help you mentally calm down before the exam and set yourself up for further fruitful work.

According to statistics, 60-80% of applicants for the first year enter just on the basis of the results of preparatory courses, and the remaining 20-40% are applicants who ignored such classes, were confident in their abilities without additional training and were not mistaken.

Successful passing of the entrance exam is the final stage of admission to the university

You can feel like a student only after the lists of applicants are published, but for this you need to successfully pass all the entrance exams.

This is the most hard part admission to a university, because you will not only have to put together all your strengths and knowledge, but also show resourcefulness, flexibility of character and ingenuity. There are many pitfalls that every applicant must remember.

Where to sit? The first and last desks are definitely not an option, since it is precisely on these places in the audience that the attention of strict teachers is drawn.

Let this be the middle of the row, while it is also desirable to choose the middle row. The main thing here is to successfully get lost in the crowd, but not to attract close attention from the outside.

How to dress? At this event, it is advisable to avoid bright and revealing outfits so that the teacher does not react to you like a bull to a red rag.

It definitely must be strict classic style, but no frills: pretentiousness is best reserved for a wedding or other celebration, and dullness for a funeral. Here again, a sense of proportion is useful, and not a subconscious panic on the verge of hysteria.

Take cribs? It is necessary to write cheat sheets before the exam, but before taking them with you to such an important event, it is advisable to think several times. The risk is great, and it is not always justified. If teachers notice such tricks, then we can assume that this exam is over for you, and not entirely successfully. So it is advisable to prepare and cope with the task without outside help, especially since the future life depends on it.

Write off? Cheating in this case is the slippery slope that can lead to the wrong direction. You can use this method only in those cases when you are definitely convinced of the literacy of your deskmate and of his deep knowledge in a particular subject.

Help teacher! This is the last chance: if there are no solutions at all, then why not ask the teacher for help? The teacher will definitely appreciate such sincerity and desire to understand and, perhaps, give practical advice on the topic.

Conclusion: If my article inspired you at least a little to exploits, then it's time to sit down for textbooks, because the entrance exams are just around the corner. If you have already decided on your future specialty, then it's time to ask yourself the question "how to enter a university on a budget."

Now you know about how to budget.

Let's deal with this issue using a specific example and see how the mechanism of admission to universities works in the general case.

To simplify, let's imagine that there is an applicant who is not a target or beneficiary, and enters a university on a general basis, i.e. according to the results of the exam. Let's also assume that this applicant is interested in a specialty for which 100 state-funded places are allocated. This is the so-called dial plan.

Not later than June 20, universities begin accepting documents and forming a list of applicants for enrollment, ranked in descending order of points. Thus, at the head of this list will be applicants with higher results compared to the rest.

Suppose that by the end of the acceptance of documents (July 26), it will include 500 people in total, many of whom have submitted copies of documents. On July 29, the university announces: if you want to be enrolled - before August 1, inclusive, bring the original documents and a statement of consent to enrollment, otherwise you will be left behind. But, as a rule, not everyone responds to this call; some of the applicants who are included in the list do not consider this university as a priority.

In this case, a situation may arise in which, by August 1, a total of original documents will be brought and only 90 people will give their consent. But will they all be included? It turns out that it doesn't. The reception mechanism works in such a way that no more than 80% of the dialing plan can be accepted at stage 1, i.e. no more than 80 people. Thus, in the end it turns out that 90 people brought the original documents and agreed to be enrolled, and only 80 of them, who have higher scores compared to others, will actually be admitted to the university. And all this will become known no earlier than August 3, when the orders for enrollment, received at the 1st stage, will be issued.

A reasonable question, what will happen to the remaining 20 places that remain free? In total, 100 budget places have been allocated. The answer is simple - they will be transferred to the 2nd stage of enrollment, which begins immediately after the end of the first and will last until August 8th. At the same time, on August 3, the university will again offer EVERYONE remaining from the list who was not previously enrolled to bring the originals and the application in a timely manner (until August 6 inclusive), and if this condition is met, then on August 8 an order is issued on their enrollment at stage 2. But again, only those applicants who will have the best results will be lucky.

What do we end up with? In fact, a lottery in which even at the 1st stage applicants with a total of both 290 and 150 points can be enrolled. And all this is only because many of the applicants, corny, did not bring the originals and did not give consent for enrollment. But these are the general rules of the game for all that will have to be reckoned with.

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