Airborne troops of Russia: history, structure, weapons. Special Forces of the Airborne Forces - an elite unit of the airborne troops Why the airborne elite

Many people have heard the expression "elite troops" of Russia, but not everyone has an idea what this expression actually means. There are no clear criteria that would help classify this or that special unit as more prestigious. As a rule, such a rank is usually deserved by troops that are in full combat readiness every minute and have the greatest combat capability. Troops can also earn an honorary title among the people for displaying heroism and high professionalism in combat operations. AT Russian elite troops list, which is located below, included the most prestigious divisions based on surveys.


Opens a list of Russian elite troops. The main task of the special unit is anti-terrorist measures. The detachments are engaged in the release of hostages, eliminate riots, and are also engaged in the elimination of illegal armed groups. Also, the competence of the National Guard Troops includes the neutralization and detention of criminals who pose a particular danger to society. The special forces of this detachment celebrate their official day on March 27th.


Belongs to the most prestigious troops of the fatherland. The creation of the Armed Forces took place in 1992 of the 20th century. The main function of the special unit is to protect the territory of the country, its integrity. The Armed Forces have one of the largest stocks of military equipment, as well as weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. In 2017, the number of special forces military personnel amounted to just over a million people, and the mobilization resource is over 60 million. The recruitment of the Armed Forces occurs in two ways - conscription through the army and contract service. The state annually spends more than 3 trillion rubles annually on the development of the Armed Forces.


belongs by right to the most prestigious troops of the Russian Federation. He stands guard over the country, protecting it from attacks outside the land zone. The Navy is designed to conduct combat operations in the open spaces of the water. The navy has been guarding our state for more than three hundred years. In addition to the main tasks, the competence of the special unit includes ensuring the safety of maritime activities in the expanses of the World Ocean. The Navy possesses high firepower and a high range of destruction, which makes it possible to destroy the enemy at a great distance - up to several thousand meters.


The FSSP of Russia certainly belongs to the elite troops of the Russian Federation. It includes rapid response units, which are required to undergo special training. The FSSP is armed with automatic weapons and ensures the safety of ships, and also personally guards the leadership of the Federal Bailiff Service.


Included in the list of elite troops of the country. The main tasks of the special forces are to detect and eliminate terrorist groups. Among other goals of the troops is the conduct of special measures on enemy territory.


They are considered one of the most elite troops of the Russian state. Airborne troops are engaged in the implementation of special events behind enemy lines. Also, the tasks of the special forces include the capture of enemy objects and the capture of the enemy. The selection for the landing force is strict in all respects. The future paratrooper must not only have good physical data, but also have a stable psycho-emotional background, since the military personnel of the Airborne Forces have to perform quite difficult tasks. The official creation of the special forces took place in 1992. The Airborne Forces actively participated in the Afghan, Chechen wars, and also took part in hostilities with Georgia.


is an elite special unit in service with the Russian state. Refers to troops that are in constant and full combat readiness. The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles with warheads. The formation of the special forces took place in the middle of the last century. To date, the missile forces include 3 armies, which include 12 missile divisions. Strategic Missile Forces are armed with more than three hundred complexes of various types.


Opens the top three most elite troops of the Russian Federation. The armed forces are designed to conduct maritime operations, which include the conduct of hostilities with the capture of the enemy's coastline. In addition, the special unit performs other operations, including the protection of coastal areas. The main tasks of the Marine Corps are the conquest of coastal territories and their retention until the main forces approach. The special unit is part of the Russian Navy.


The elite, without any doubt, includes, whose main tasks are the defense of the state in the aerospace field, the detection and complete destruction of the enemy, as well as the reflection of hostilities from ballistic missiles. Also, the competence of the Aerospace Forces includes the identification of possible combat attacks by missiles and being in full combat readiness. A component of the Aerospace Forces are the Russian Space Forces. The main tasks of the last special unit are the observation of objects in space, as well as the timely detection and combat defeat of space threats.

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Airborne - airborne troops- These are one of the most prestigious troops of the Russian Federation. Hearing that a soldier is serving in the airborne troops, this person immediately, automatically, grows great respect. After all, if you delve into the very essence of the profession, then you can safely say that these people are the real defenders and patriots of their state.

It is the paratroopers who are the first to be sent by air to fight the enemy in his rear. Besides, Airborne can form the basis of the mobile forces of the rapid reaction troops. Suffice it to recall that the Airborne Forces were born during the Great Patriotic War, made an unbearable contribution to victory, and it will immediately become clear why they are so prestigious and respected.

If a young man decides to connect his life with the army, then the choice is in favor of landing troops deserves great respect. Today, the most famous and well-known educational institution for the training of excellent paratroopers is the world-famous Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops. This is the highest institution that produces real officers.

Also, there is a "242 training center", which is currently located in the city of Omsk and Ishim. He also specializes in training quality specialists in his field.

Airborne is a complex science

What is taught in these military institutions of future officers? Of course, we will not list all the disciplines, but we will focus on the most important skills that young people acquire. Some of the key subjects are: tactics and strategy of combat, shooting, military landing equipment.

Cadets are taught not only theory, but also practice. Mandatory learning process are trips to the exercises. Of course, cadets learn to jump from a parachute, learn to survive in difficult conditions, fight in rural and urban areas, master the skills of combat with cold weapons, and learn the basics of controlling air force equipment. In addition to combat, they are trained in the repair of military equipment, so that in any situation the military could prepare and put into action any combat unit, from a tank to a fighter. Great attention is paid to the physical training of cadets. No wonder the fighters from airborne troops Associated among civilians with mighty and strong people, they are.

One American general in the second half of the 20th century said: “Give me a company of Russian paratroopers and we will take over the whole world!”

It's not just strength that counts here.

In addition to military disciplines, great attention is paid to standard humanitarian and mathematical disciplines, foreign languages ​​and computer classes. Cadets are even taught ballroom dancing, etiquette, demeanor. Therefore, officers come out as comprehensively developed people and are well versed not only in military tactics and military equipment, but are also cultured and well-read people.

Based on this, we can safely say that the officers Airborne- these are really people who should inspire awe and respect from everyone.

Blue berets only on the front line

The "winged infantry" has its own day in the calendar - this is August 2, the day when colleagues and classmates meet, remember their service and training. And there is something to remember, because how many bright and unforgettable pages were made by the landing troops in our glorious history, and how many more of these pages will be inscribed by them!

The Blue Berets are always at the forefront, ahead of the rest. They are where the greatest danger is, where strength and courage are required. These are people who inspire respect, both among pensioners and veterans, and among young people.

The well-being of absolutely any state directly depends on the national army. The more combat-ready it is, the fewer threats there will be to the country's security. But one should understand the fact that the army is a systemic concept that has internal features and specific structural components. Each of these elements is entrusted with a number of specific functions necessary to ensure the defense capability of the state. It must also be remembered that the army performs important tasks both in wartime and in peacetime. In the classic version, it consists of several main elements, namely: naval, ground, air forces.

In especially developed countries, there are other troops, for example, in the Russian Federation there are space troops. Behind the scenes, special elite troops are allocated, which are assigned special functions. It is about such national military formations of the Russian Federation that will be discussed in the article below.

The essence of the concept

To get into the most elite troops of Russia, you need to train hard and for a long time. Many experts advise starting physical training even before the onset. Both conscripts and officers who have graduated from special universities get into the Airborne Forces. Knowledge of any martial arts or the presence of military sports training is welcome. This type of troops is the most promising in the Russian Federation, because personnel are recruited from it in the GRU, FSB and other secret special forces units.


We examined the elite troops of Russia. Note that this list may change over time. Nevertheless, the rating is based on the facts of combat capability and detailed surveys of the population. The article also answers the question of how to get into the elite troops of Russia. In conclusion, we add that the army is the lot of strong and purposeful people. If you are one hundred percent sure of yourself, then the elite of the armed forces of the Russian Federation is waiting!

On August 2, Russia celebrates the Day of the Airborne Troops. As always, groups in vests and blue berets will try to find a common language with the police and climb into the fountains to swim. A religious procession and a festive concert are planned in Moscow.

Paratroopers are often referred to as the army's elite. Experts interviewed by Radio Liberty talk about the criteria for elitism in general, applicable to the Soviet and Russian armies, and about the airborne troops in particular.

Military observer Alexander Golts considers the definition of "elite troops" purely subjective:

Eliteness is determined, first of all, by the severity of selection for the troops and the skills possessed by a serviceman of these troops. By definition, elite troops cannot be massive. An example is the Marine Corps. For Russia, where there are only a few brigades of marines, of course, these are elite troops.
The Soviet Union also, of course, had elite troops. This applied to the above-mentioned intelligence units, marines, airborne troops and special forces brigades of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

A lot of films were made about the landing troops in the Soviet Union, which made many boys want to serve in the Airborne Forces. However, Andrei Soldatov, editor-in-chief of the website, says that the real elite had nothing to do with the landing:

In Soviet times, there was a big difference between the special forces and the airborne forces. And even if special forces officers were trained at the Ryazan Airborne School, it was still a separate course. Among the paratroopers, physical strength has always been cultivated - all these broken bricks, big biceps, vests. And the special forces always treated this somewhat condescendingly. In the special forces, basically, they took people of small stature and rather fragile, who treated the flaunting of physical strength not only with contempt, but with a smile. In the special forces, intelligence was valued, the ability to plan some kind of daring actions, and by no means brute physical strength. And the formation of the famous 45th Special Forces Regiment as part of the Airborne Forces is a new phenomenon that has appeared in the Russian army.

Artem Sheinin, a television journalist who works in a senior position in one of the largest Russian television companies, talks about his landing past. In the mid-80s, he was drafted into the Airborne Forces, ended up in Afghanistan, fought in an airborne assault battalion. In the Armed Forces of the USSR, Artyom Sheinin, the wearers of blue vests and berets were really the elite, including due to the fact that they were looked after in advance:

On a national scale, a system of pre-conscription, pre-army training of people for service in the Airborne Forces worked. It was a mass practice. With most of the people with whom I was then together in Ferghana, we met back in February 1984. I was called up in April 1984, and in February 1984 we jumped at the Volosov airfield in the Moscow region.

All that is happening with the Russian army now does not meet my idea of ​​a combat-ready army. It is difficult for me to judge the state of aviation and the Strategic Missile Forces, but I know for sure that it is impossible to raise a normal airborne fighter in a year of service, even if, as they say, he will not be engaged in kitchen outfits and household work during this year. I know quite a lot of people from big cities who have recently served in the army and were drafted into the Airborne Forces. But I have not heard anything about the fact that now, as in Soviet times, military registration and enlistment offices would organize the mass export of those drafted into the Airborne Forces for training jumps.

Nevertheless, Artem Sheinin is sure that the landing force still remains the elite of the Russian army, if only because of the tasks for which these units are preparing. Artyom says this with the hope that in real life the order to carry out such tasks will never follow.

Russian paratroopers are revered not only in their own country. They are respected by the whole world. One American general is known to have said that if he had a company of Russian paratroopers, he would have conquered the entire planet. Among the legendary formations of the Russian army is the 45th Airborne Regiment. It has an interesting history, the central part of which is occupied by heroic deeds.

We are proud of our paratroopers, honor their courage, valor and readiness to defend the interests of the Motherland at any cost. The glorious pages of the military history of the USSR, and then Russia, appeared, largely due to the heroic deeds of paratroopers. The soldiers serving in the Airborne Forces fearlessly carried out the most difficult tasks and special operations. The airborne troops are among the most prestigious formations of the Russian army. Soldiers strive to get there, wanting to feel involved in creating the glorious military history of their country.

45th Airborne Regiment: key facts

The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces was formed in early 1994. Its base was separate battalions number 218 and 901. By the middle of the year, the regiment was equipped with weapons and fighters. The 45th regiment began its first combat operation in December 1994 in Chechnya. The paratroopers participated in the battles until February 1995, and then returned to the Moscow region, to the base of their deployment on a permanent basis. In 2005, the regiment received the Battle Flag of the Guards Regiment No. 119

From the moment of its foundation, the military formation became known as the 45th reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces. But in early 2008, it was renamed the Special Forces Regiment. In August of the same year, it participated in a special operation to force Georgia to peace. In 2010, Regiment 45 tactical group ensured the safety of Russian citizens during the riots in Kyrgyzstan.


The basis for the formation of the 45th separate guards regiment was the 218th and 901st special forces battalions. The fighters of the first battalion had taken part in three combat operations by that time. In the summer of 1992, the battalion served in Transnistria, in September - in the territories where the conflict between Ossetian and Ingush military groups took place, in December - in Abkhazia.

Since 1979, battalion number 901 has been part of the Soviet troops on the territory of Czechoslovakia, in 1989 it was redeployed to Latvia and transferred to the structure of the Baltic Military District. In 1991, the 901st Special Forces Battalion was relocated to the Abkhaz ASSR. In 1992, it was renamed the paratrooper battalion. In 1993, the formation performed tasks related to the protection of state and military facilities. In the fall of 1993, the battalion was redeployed to the Moscow region. Then the 45th regiment of the Russian Airborne Forces appeared.


In 1995, the 45th Airborne Regiment received the Diploma of the President of Russia for services to the country. In July 1997, the formation was awarded the banner of the airborne regiment number 5, which participated in the hostilities during the Great Patriotic War. In 2001, the regiment received Vympel from the Minister of Defense of Russia - for courage, high combat skills and real valor when participating in hostilities on the territory of Chechnya. The 45th Guards Regiment of the Airborne Forces owns the Order of Kutuzov - the corresponding decree was signed by the President of Russia. The military formation was awarded this award for the success in the heroic performance of military operations, the heroism and courage shown by the soldiers and the command. The regiment became the first carrier in the modern history of our country. In July 2009, the formation received the St. George banner.

The title of Hero of Russia was given to ten fighters, whose duty station was the 45th Airborne Regiment. The Order of Courage was awarded to 79 paratroopers. Ten military personnel of the regiment were awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the second degree. Seventeen and three paratroopers received the Orders "For Military Merit" and "For Merit to the Fatherland", respectively. Medals "For Courage" were received by 174 servicemen, the medal of Suvorov - 166. Seven people were awarded the Zhukov medal.


Kubinka near Moscow - the 45th Airborne Regiment is based there - in July 2014 was the place where the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation were held. The event was held in an open door format - the paratroopers showed their combat skills to the guests, the parachute units lowered the flag of the Airborne Forces from the sky, and the famous pilots from the Russian Knights team showed miracles of aerobatics on fighter jets.

The legendary regiment as part of the Airborne Forces

Which includes the 45th regiment - Airborne Forces (airborne troops) of Russia. Their history dates back to August 2, 1930. Then the first paratroopers of the Air Force of the Moscow District made a parachute landing in our country. It was a kind of experiment that showed military theorists how promising the landing of parachute units could be from the point of view of combat operations. The first official unit of the airborne troops of the USSR appeared only the following year in the Leningrad Military District. The formation included 164 people, all of them were servicemen of the airborne assault detachment. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were five airborne corps in the USSR, each of which served 10,000 fighters.

Airborne Forces during the Great Patriotic War

With the outbreak of war, all Soviet airborne corps entered into battles taking place on the territory of the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian Republics. The largest operation involving paratroopers during the war years is considered to be the battle with a group of Germans near Moscow in early 1942. Then 10 thousand paratroopers won the most important victory for the front. Parts of the Airborne Forces were connected to the battles near Stalingrad.

The paratroopers of the Soviet army fulfilled their duty to defend the city with honor. The Airborne Forces of the USSR army also took part in the battles after the defeat of Nazi Germany - in August 1945 they fought in the Far East against the imperial armed forces of Japan. Over 4,000 paratroopers helped the Soviet troops win important victories in this sector of the front.

After the war

Particular attention, according to the observation of military analysts, in the post-war strategy for the development of the USSR Airborne Forces was given to organizing military operations behind enemy lines, increasing the combat capability of soldiers, and interacting with army units, subject to the possible use of atomic weapons. The troops began to be equipped with new aircraft of the AN-12 and AN-22 types, which, thanks to their large carrying capacity, could deliver vehicles, armored vehicles, artillery and other means of warfare behind enemy lines.

Every year, an increasing number of military exercises were conducted with the participation of airborne soldiers. Among the largest - held in the spring of 1970 in the Byelorussian ASSR. As part of the Dvina exercises, more than 7 thousand soldiers and more than 150 guns were parachuted. In 1971, exercises "South" of a comparable scale took place. In the late 1970s, the use of new Il-76 aircraft in landing operations was first tested. Until the collapse of the USSR, the soldiers of the Airborne Forces at each of the exercises repeatedly showed the highest combat skills.

Airborne troops of the Russian Federation today

Now the Airborne Forces are considered a structure that is called upon to independently (or as part of it) perform combat missions in conflicts of various scales - from local to global. About 95% of the Airborne Forces are in a state of constant combat readiness. Landing forces are considered one of the most mobile branches of the Russian military. are also called upon to perform the functions of conducting combat operations behind enemy lines.

As part of the Russian Airborne Forces - four divisions, its own training center, institute, as well as a large number of structures that perform work on provision, supply and maintenance.

The motto of the Russian Airborne Forces is "No one but us!" The service of a paratrooper is considered by many to be one of the most prestigious and at the same time difficult. As of 2010, 4,000 officers, 7,000 contract soldiers, and 24,000 conscripts served in the Airborne Forces. Another 28,000 are civilian personnel of the formation.

Paratroopers and operation in Afghanistan

The largest participation of the Airborne Forces in hostilities after the Great Patriotic War took place in Afghanistan. The 103rd division, the 345th airborne regiment, two battalions, motorized rifle brigades participated in the battles. A number of military analysts believe that the specifics of the conduct of hostilities in Afghanistan did not imply the expediency of using parachute landing as a method of transferring army combat personnel. This, according to analysts, is due to the country's mountainous terrain, as well as the high level of costs for such operations. The personnel of the Airborne Forces, as a rule, were transferred using helicopters.

The largest operation of the USSR Airborne Forces in Afghanistan was the Battle of Panjer in 1982. More than 4 thousand paratroopers took part in it (with a total number of soldiers involved in the operation of 12 thousand people). as a result of the fighting, she was able to take the main part of the Panjer Gorge under her control.

Combat operations of the Airborne Forces after the collapse of the USSR

The paratroopers, despite the difficult times that came after the collapse of the superpower, continued to defend the interests of their country. They were often peacekeepers in the territories of the former Soviet republics. Russian paratroopers made themselves known to the whole world during the conflict in Yugoslavia in 1999. Soldiers of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation made the famous throw at Pristina, having managed to get ahead of the military from NATO.

Throw on Pristina

On the night of June 11-12, 1999, Russian paratroopers appeared on the territory of Yugoslavia, starting from neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina. They managed to occupy an airfield located near the city of Pristina. There, a few hours later, NATO soldiers appeared. Some details of those events are known. In particular, US Army General Clark ordered his colleague from the British armed forces to prevent the Russians from seizing the airfield. He replied that he did not want to provoke a third world war. However, the main part of the information on the essence of the operation in Pristina is not available - it is all classified.

Russian paratroopers in Chechnya

Troops of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation took part in both Chechen wars. Regarding the first - most of the data is still secret. It is known, for example, that among the most famous operations of the second campaign with the participation of the Airborne Forces is the battle of Argun. The Russian army received the task of blocking a strategically significant section of the transport highways passing through the Argun Gorge. According to him, the separatists received food, weapons and medicines. The paratroopers joined the operation in December as part of the 56th Airborne Regiment.

The heroic feat of the paratroopers participating in the battles for 776 heights near the Chechen Ulus-Kert is known. In February 2000, the 6th company of the Airborne Forces from Pskov entered the battle with the grouping of Khattab and Basaev, ten times larger in number. During the day, the militants were blocked inside the Argun Gorge. Performing the task, the soldiers of the Pskov company of the Airborne Forces did not spare themselves. Only 6 soldiers survived.

Russian paratroopers and the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict

In the 1990s, units of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation performed in the territories where the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict took place, mainly peacekeeping functions. But in 2008, the paratroopers participated in combat operations. When the Georgian army attacked South Ossetia, units of the Russian army were sent to the war area, including the 76th division of the Russian Airborne Forces from Pskov. According to a number of military analysts, there were no major amphibious landings in this special operation. However, according to experts, the participation of Russian paratroopers had a psychological effect - primarily on the political leadership of Georgia.

45th regiment: renaming

Recently, information has appeared that the 45th Airborne Regiment may receive the honorary name of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. A military formation with this name was founded by Peter the Great and became legendary. There is a version that the initiative regarding the fact that the 45th regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation should be renamed comes from a statement by the President of Russia, who expressed the opinion that formations named after famous regiments, such as Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky, should appear in the Russian army. At one of the military councils of the Russian Airborne Forces, as indicated in some sources, the proposal of the President was considered, and as a result, responsible persons were instructed to prepare information on the start of work on the creation of historical army regiments. It is quite possible that the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation will receive the title of Preobrazhensky.

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