Animals of North Ossetia. Flora and fauna

Vegetation and animal world North Ossetia and the Genaldon Gorge, as well as the entire mountainous part, are distinguished by great diversity and richness of species. The flora and fauna in the mountains are usually placed in vertical zones, but their placement also depends on the illumination of the mountain slopes by the sun. Karmadon, located south of the Rocky Range and receiving almost half as much rainfall as the northern slopes of this range, lies in the zone of mountain woodlands and mountain meadows.

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Light forest covers the right-bank (eastern) slopes of the Genaldon Gorge, since these slopes are less illuminated by the sun and therefore retain more moisture. In separate patches, light forests are located along the beams cutting through the left-bank slopes of the gorge.

The light forest consists mainly of willows and mountain birches. Bird cherry, mountain ash, hawthorn, wild rose, juniper are occasionally mixed with them, and thickets of raspberries and currants are common in the undergrowth.

Under the trees and shrubs there is a dense and high grassy cover with a large admixture of Caucasian blueberries and lingonberries.

The left-bank (western) terraces and slopes of the mountains of the Genaldon Gorge are covered with lush mixed-grass meadows with a predominance of variegated fescue, white-bearded, silky mantle, alpine clover, ciliated bird-crown, etc.

Starting in May, the mountain meadows of Karmadon are covered with an emerald grassy canopy, against which bright colors flower carpets and lawns.

Flora and fauna of North Ossetia - watch a video about the beauty of this region:

The eye of the observer is pleasantly caressed by pale blue forget-me-nots, dark blue gentians, pink and white anemones, light lilac scabioses, dark purple primroses, and buttercups turn yellow in wet hollows. By the end of summer, the meadows are replenished with new colors of flowers. Pale-yellow poppies, pink daisies, white grains and multi-colored bells are blooming.

On the southern slopes of the Arau-khskh and Chizhjity-khokh mountains, which are always desiccated sunbeams, herbage is lower and less frequent. Common here mountain steppes with dry plants. Among them are bearded feather grass, motley bonfire, thin-legged slender, sage, sainfoin, timothy grass, wormwood, thyme, etc.

On the slopes and screes grow saxifrage, bluebells, alpine valerian, cuffs. The ridges of the mountains surrounding Karmadon are covered with high-mountain meadows, which, as they approach the zone of eternal snows and glaciers of the Side Range, turn into high-mountain tundra with stunted bushes of creeping willows and birches. Here you can also see thickets of the Caucasian rhododendron - a creeping shrub with dense leathery leaves, blooming in June with white-cream flowers with a delicate smell.

The mountain meadows of Karmadon and its environs are used as summer pastures and hayfields. On impregnable rocks rising above the Upper Karmadon, mountain goats-turs live, widespread in the mountains of the Caucasus. Tours are very cautious and shy animals. During the day they hide among the rocks and cliffs, and in the evening they descend to the mountain meadows, where they feed until the morning dawn.

Tours usually go in herds of 20-40 animals. As we have already said, they often visit the sources of the Upper Karmadon to feast on salt water. Mountain ular turkeys usually keep in the same zone. These are large birds with a gray protective coloration. In summer they are found in the upper part of the mountains, and in winter they descend to the light forest zone.

Beautiful and slender chamois live on steep slopes overgrown with woodlands. These are brave and hardy animals easily overcoming steep cliffs and deep abysses. In winter, chamois go to the sunny slopes of the mountains, and in summer they prefer shady birch copses.

Among the rocks overgrown with birch, lives. Unlike its northern counterpart, it does not hibernate in winter. In summer, one can observe on the right-bank slopes of Genaldon, where they feast on ripe raspberries, blueberries and currants.

In wooded ravines they arrange their burrows that feed on vegetation and small animals. Everywhere in the meadows and among the stone rubble you can meet foxes and hares.

Predators such as wolves enter the Karmadon zone from the forest region in search of prey. The latter appear in the summer, following the herds of sheep rising to the mountain pastures. A large number of birds nest in the mountain meadows of Karmadon. Many of them live here all year round. These, first of all, include the Caucasian black grouse, which lives in thickets of rhododendron. Partridges and mountain hens can be found on the edges of woodlands. On the cliffs nests very rare and beautiful bird- Caucasian schur, distinguished by ruby-red plumage. Among the boulders and rock fragments in the floodplain, redstarts nest. In winter, they, like other birds of the alpine zone, descend down the gorge and huddle in thickets of bushes.

On the mountain meadows of Karmadon, white-throated thrushes, mountain buntings and horned larks settle in whole colonies, and on steep rocks you can see a wall-climber - an ash-gray bird with bright red-crimson wings and a long curved beak. Wild pigeons settle in the crevices of the rocks and in the ancient towers. Yellow-billed alpine jackdaws and red-billed choughs fly over the meadows with a sharp, unpleasant cry. The abundance of birds attracts predators to the Karmadon region. The golden eagle and the bearded eagle build their nests on impregnable rocks. Often, in search of prey, a hawk-legged buzzard flies here, which follows migratory birds from the north. In the rivers and streams of Karmadon there is a very tasty fish - trout.

In order to preserve the rich and original Karmadona, all top part Genaldon Gorge announced state reserve, where hunting for birds and animals is prohibited, as well as the destruction of vegetation cover. In connection with the construction of the resort, coniferous and deciduous forests are being planted on treeless coastal terraces and mountain slopes on an area of ​​109 hectares.

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  • to acquaint children with the Red Book of North Ossetia-Alania, animals and plants that are included in it;


  • Educational: expand and deepen knowledge about plants and animals found in our area.
  • Developing: to develop in students an understanding of the importance of the role of animals and plants in human life.
  • Educational: fostering a sense of responsibility of students for their behavior in the natural world, careful attitude to animals and plants.

The "Red Book of North Ossetia" was published in 1981. It was incomplete, as it included only mammals, birds and vascular plants. The second edition of the Red Book was in 2002. It includes: 9 species of lichens, 16 species of fungi, 105 species of vascular plants, 1 species of cyclostomes, 3 species of fish, 3 species of amphibians, more than 30 species of birds, 45 species of insects, 9 species of reptiles , 15 species of mammals.

In 1999, the Red Book was published in North Ossetia, established by Decree of the Government of the Republic No. 34 of February 14, 1997, which approved the list of rare and endangered species of plants, animals and fungi. It included 12 species of fungi, 6 species of lichens, 4 species of gymnosperms and 101 species of angiosperms, 15 species of mammals, 51 species of birds, 11 species of amphibians, 4 species of cyclostomes and fish, 46 species of insects.

The Red Book of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania contains a large list of species that have become rare and disappearing on the territory of the republic; its pages are not painted with signal colors, but if they were, on the black pages, unfortunately, 9 species of animals that disappeared from the territory should have been recorded . What are these animals? (Children's answers - steppe eagle birds, belladonna, bustard, little bustard, avdotka, animals - bat long-winged, Caucasian mink, Persian leopard or a leopard (it is destroyed in almost the entire territory of the Caucasus).

For the time being, only one species can be introduced into the green pages - bison, the number of which is being restored. These are very beautiful, large (up to 1 ton in weight) calm herbivores. Once upon a time there were a lot of them in the mountains of Ossetia, but people completely exterminated them. They began to breed again and now their number is 70 heads. They live in the State nature reserve, located in the Alagir district.


Currently, the problem of conservation of many plant species due to their extinction is very relevant. Hypothesis: there are a large number of endangered plant species in the republic. Purpose: to find out what rare plants grow in our area. Object of study: a collection of rare and endangered plant species Subject of study: rare plants of our region

yellow-bellied snake. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". Harmless to humans and very beautiful inhabitant of the steppe belt.

Its uniqueness lies in the ability to move quickly (up to 4 km per hour) over any terrain: rocky, ravine, overgrown with shrubs. It also dexterously moves through the trees and in the water. Able to jump high. He likes to settle along the steep banks of the steppe rivers. Its main food is rodents, birds and lizards, rarely eats amphibians, snakes, large insects.

The main reason for the decrease in numbers is the undershirting of the steppes. Often dies when meeting with people.

Machaon. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". It occurs in small groups in the steppe and alpine belts. Extraordinarily beautiful and bright diurnal butterfly, whose wingspan reaches 7 cm. It pollinates flowering clover and other meadow plants. Gives two generations a year: in spring and summer. Caterpillars are yellow-green, with black and orange spots, live on various types umbrella plants and feed on them. The causes of death are degradation of pastures and capture by collectors-entomologists.

Caucasian river otter. Disappearing view - "Red Page". This is a medium-sized predatory animal that lives in the river. Terek on the territory of the Mozdok region of the republic. The otter has a wonderful shiny and completely waterproof skin.

The main food of the otter is fish, but it is not an enemy, but a friend of the fisherman, as it cleans the reservoirs of weakened and sick fish, acting as a nurse. A decrease in the number of otters in a river is usually accompanied by a decrease in fish stocks in it. Among the reasons for the decrease in the number of otters in our republic are hunting, pollution of water bodies, lack of food.

Caucasian grouse. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". Like all grouse, the Caucasian grouse is a master of beautiful mating games, which are called currents. Starting from May, elegant red-browed males can show off for hours in front of modest gray females, proving their superiority over other males.

The Caucasian black grouse inhabits all the high mountain ranges of North Ossetia-Alania, nests at an altitude of 2000-2200 m above sea level, prefers to live on steep mountain slopes near the upper border of the forest. It feeds on berries and shoots of blueberries, lingonberries, clover leaves, and in spring - birch buds. Nests are built on the ground, they are often trampled down by cattle or ruined by shepherd dogs and people.

Black vulture. Disappearing view - "Red Page". Occasionally observed RNO-A over Lesistoy, Pasture basins. Very large (weight up to 12 kg., wingspan up to 3 meters), beautiful with dense plumage, scavenger bird. The main food is fallen cattle, therefore vultures are called predators, not sowing death, but waiting for its arrival. They eat all the corpses of animals that get in their way, which they can easily see even from a height of 3-4 cm.

Bison. The number is recovering - "Green Pages" These are very beautiful, large (up to 1 ton in weight) calm herbivores. Once upon a time there were a lot of them in the mountains of Ossetia, but people completely exterminated them. They began to breed again and now their number is 70 heads. They live in the State Nature Reserve, located in the Alagir district.

Roe. Small deer. Males have small double-branching horns. Coloration is dark red in summer, gray-brown in winter, in the tail area. White spot; the tail is very small. In the western part of the Palaearctic, the European roe deer (lat. Capreolus Capreolus), further to the east lives the Siberian roe deer (lat. Capreolus pygargus), which differs more large size(shoulder height over 80 cm) and large, widely spaced, strongly tuberculate horns. The roe deer is a valuable hunting (commercial in Siberia) animal. Lives in deciduous and mixed forests and in open areas along the bushes, typical for the forest-steppe, in the mountains it rises to a strip of eternal snow.

The eagle owl is one of the largest owls in the world. The sizes of males vary geographically from 50 cm and 1100 g to 65 cm and 2800 g, females are larger: 60-75 cm and 1700-4200 g. Wingspan - from 160 to 188 cm. two back. This helps the eagle owls to grab prey easily. Sometimes, for comfortable sitting on a branch or perch, the third finger of the bird may turn forward. The intensity of the dark plumage pattern is different, a thin transverse ripple on the belly and black wide longitudinal streaks on the chest and neck are characteristic. In nature, eagle owls live up to 20 years or more, in captivity - up to 60. Eagle owl is one of the most common representatives of owls in Russia. It is second in size only to the fish owl. The eagle owl is easily identified by its size, dark beak, paws pubescent to the claws and feather ears tilted outward. It differs from the fish owl by more saturated pigmentation of plumage and iridescent eyes, feathered paws and silent flight.

The eagle owl is characterized by deep and measured flapping of wide wings. As a rule, this bird flies leisurely over the ground, looking for prey, alternating flapping flight with short gliding. Eagle owls living in mountains and gorges can use ascending air currents and soar for a long time, describing circles in height, but such a flight is not characteristic of it. If necessary, the eagle owl is able to fly at a speed sufficient to easily overtake the crow. He also has the ability to develop full speed almost instantly, from the first stroke. Sitting down to rest on a tree or the ground, keeps the body upright.

Yew berry. Its number is declining - "Yellow Page". Surprisingly beautiful and valuable relic (very ancient) coniferous plant, can live up to 3000 years. Some trees growing in the Caucasus are about 1500 years old. It differs from other conifers in that the seeds do not ripen in cones, but in special bright red formations resembling berries, hence its name - "berry". It has a very dense reddish wood that does not rot for centuries. For this it is called the "non-pus-tree." High-quality yew wood from antiquity to the present is used by people in construction, the manufacture of furniture and household items, is one of the reasons for the reduction of its reserves in North Ossetia-Alania. Yew grows as single trees or small groves on the Wooded, Pasture and northern slopes of the Rocky Range.

Intermediate hoof. Rare view - "White Page". A very interesting relic plant with evergreen leaves resembling a horse's hoof print in shape. It grows in shady forests, rarely found in lighted places. Blooms in early spring with red-brown flowers. Remarkable in that it has the taste and smell of black pepper. Is poisonous, but also medicinal plant, folk healers used it to treat heart disease. In North Ossetia-Alania, wild hoof is known only in places: on the Forest Range near the city of Vladikavkaz, and in the vicinity of the village of Bekan (at the foot of the southern slope of the Zmeysky Mountains).

Snowdrop narrow-leaved. Its number is declining - "Yellow Page". Found only in the North Caucasus.

grows in deciduous forests, among shrubs and along the edges in the mountains and foothills of the republic (in the Zmeysky mountains, on the Woody, Pasture, Rocky and Side Ridges). Very beautiful early spring plant with a delicate aroma. It begins to bloom in February - March, when the snow has not yet melted, and when warm winter– already in January. Disappears due to the massive collection of flowering plants, mainly for sale. To save the plants, such collection must be completely stopped. It can be grown as an ornamental garden plant.

In the Red Book of North Ossetia-Alania there are 3 more types of snowdrop: Caucasian, Lagodekhi and broad-leaved.

Ossetian bell. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". This very beautiful fragile plant with pale purple flowers can only be found in the Central and Eastern Caucasus. It has an amazing ability to settle on sheer limestone cliffs, sometimes found in mountain meadows. Distributed in the republic on the Rocky Range, less often on the Pasture Range, from the river. Urukh to the upper reaches of the river. Kambileevka at an altitude of 700 to 2400 m above sea level. Another 6 species of bluebell are included in the Red Book of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania: Ardon, Dolomite, and others. Their numbers are restored with great difficulty, and therefore the preservation of these wonders of our flora is especially important.

The Radde birch is a small tree with pinkish-white bark. Earrings single, protruding.

It is distributed along the Main Caucasian Range and in Dagestan, preserved as a relic of the Tertiary period.

It occupies the belt of subalpine crooked forests up to 2000 m above sea level.

Forms pure communities or occurs as an admixture with other tree species.

Populations are severely affected by logging. It is protected in Dagestan (Gunib grove) and in North Ossetia.

Rowan Greek, despite its name, is widespread from Iraq, the Caucasus and Lebanon to the southeast Western Europe, and south to North Africa. In the forests, it rises to the mountains to the upper border of the forest, entering the subalpine zone (up to 2500 m). Introduced into culture in the first half of the 19th century, but little known in Russia. Its red fruits are used in the confectionery industry.

Rowan Greek is good both in single plantings and in groups. This low tree can be used in small gardens. The leaves on the underside are densely white-felt, in the upper and middle parts with outlined lobes, leathery, obtuse at the apex, rounded or wedge-shaped narrowed towards the base, having 20–35 sharp teeth on each side.

Ardon bell. Narrow-local endemic of the river basin. Ardov in the eastern part of the Central Caucasus. Obligate petrophyte, grows on rocks composed of clay and crystalline schists, limestones, sandstones and granites, mainly eastern (southeastern) and western (southwestern) exposures, located in the forest and lower part of the subalpine belts at an altitude of 800 to 2900 m above ur. seas; optimal conditions for the growth of the species - height 1300-2400 m above sea level. seas.

Perennial herbaceous plant with a thick, branched, many-headed rhizome. The aerial part is almost bare or completely devoid of pubescence. Stems 10-20 cm high, thin, one-flowered. The bases of the stems are densely covered with the remnants of petioles of dead leaves. Basal leaves are narrowly linear, with a spaced-serrated edge, the base is drawn into a narrow filiform petiole. The stem leaves are very narrow. Blooms in May-June. Flowers with a dark blue narrow-bell-shaped corolla 1.5-2 cm long, about half divided into lobes. Calyx with narrowly linear, pointed, almost subulate teeth. The column does not extend beyond the rim. The fruit is a hemispherical-conical box with oblong pale brown seeds. The Ardon bell propagates by seeds and vegetatively.

Eastern spruce. Tree 32-47 (55) m tall, with a dense branched conical crown. The bark is scaly, brown, dark gray in mature plants.

Young shoots are yellow-gray or red, more mature shoots are light gray or gray.

Buds 2-6 mm long, ovoid, reddish-brown, non-resinous, with triangular scales, the tops of which are slightly recurved.

Needles less than 10 (usually 5-9) mm long, 0.8-1.1 mm wide, tetrahedral, blunt on top, slightly flattened, rough, brightly shiny, on the upper side with one or two stomatal lines on each side, and below - with two to five stomatal lines; the needles are more or less flat.

Cones are cylindrical, 6-11 cm long and 2 cm thick, young red, then light brown. Seed scales are obovate, with an almost rounded entire upper margin, streaked along the back, with a bright sheen. Seeds 2-5 mm long, black, with a longer yellowish-brown wing.

Dolomitic bellflower is found in subalpine meadows with a dolomitic base of the Rocky and Lateral Ranges of the North Caucasus.

Leaves with long petioles, with grayish-tomentose pubescence. The flowers on long peduncles are white and very large.

Only about ten sites are known to be inhabited by this rare plant. Protected in the North Ossetian Reserve.

Saxifrage columnar. All known locations are located on the Rocky Range - from Gizeldon in North Ossetia to the river. Malki in Kabardino-Balkaria. Recently discovered in Checheno-Ingushetia - the middle course of the river. Armkhi, southern slopes of the town of Stolovaya (Nazranovsky district) and the upper reaches of the river. Fortanga in the vicinity of the ruins of the villages. Khai (Achkhoi-Martan district).

It occurs only on rocks in the subalpine zone. It needs sufficient moisture and is confined to limestones. A valuable species for science, in addition, it is very beautiful and original, it is of great interest for ornamental horticulture.

The organization of reserves in the places of its growth and full protection are necessary. Control over the state of populations should be organized with the participation of the North Ossetian and Kabardino-Balkar reserves. There is experience of cultivation in culture.

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Nature, plants and animals of Ossetia Flora of Ossetia Genaldon gorge Alpine clover Belous Karmadon gorge Buttercups Primroses Anemones with forget-me-nots Poppies, bluebells Mountains Chizhdzhity-khokh Sage, sainfoin, thyme Small-leaved bellflowerCold-loving bell Smolevka Markovich Nomad blue Animal world of OssetiaMountain goats-tours Mountain turkey Fox Chamois From rodents to deciduous forests prevails wood mouse. The baby mouse, the Caucasian mouse and the dormice (forest and dormouse) are not numerous. The bush vole lives along the edges and bushes. More often the squirrel can be found in oak forests and hazel forests. The hare avoids solid forest areas and keeps along the edges and forest clearings. Of predators in deciduous forests, they are common pine marten and the American mink and raccoon dog acclimatized in 1951. The otter, unfortunately, has practically disappeared, only single and irregular visits to the reserve are noted. Marten raccoon dog MinkOtter Wall Climber mass view beech forests - blackbird. The song thrush and robin are also numerous. BlackbirdSinging Thrush Robin Wren is also common here, especially willingly inhabiting moist forests in the floodplains of rivers and streams, but unlike thrushes and robins, it also nests in higher belts, up to rock masses at the Tsey glacier. Wren The woodpecker (5 species) and the tit are characteristic of the forest belt: the great tit, the moskovka, the long-tailed tit. The bearded vulture and the vulture nest. Griffon vultures are often found, and some black vultures are known. Nesting of these birds has not been recorded. Vulture Bearded Vulture The floodplains of Ardon and Fiagdon are distinguished by a special complex of birds. Here, the Caucasian shrike nests in the thickets of wild rose and sea buckthorn. Among the grass in stony soil, the carrier oystercatcher nests. Dipper is found everywhere along rivers and streams, from the highlands to the plain. AT in large numbers gray cranes, steppe eagles, buzzards, black kites fly by. Imperial eagles, white-tailed eagles also fly, field harriers, hawks - sparrowhawk and goshawk, kestrels, mute swans, gray geese, different types herons. Quail, golden bee-eaters, woodcocks, etc. overcome the axial ridges of the Caucasus in large flocks. Steppe eagle Yellow-bellied snake. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". Non-hazardous to humans and a very beautiful inhabitant of the steppe belt. Its uniqueness lies in the ability to quickly (up to 4 km per hour) move through any terrain: rocky, ravine, overgrown with shrubs. It also dexterously moves through the trees and in the water. Able to jump high. He likes to settle along the steep banks of the steppe rivers. Its main food is rodents, birds and lizards, less often it eats amphibians, snakes, large insects. The main reason for the decrease in numbers is the undershirt of the steppes. Often dies when meeting with people. Machaon. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". It occurs in small groups in the steppe and alpine belts. An unusually beautiful and bright diurnal butterfly, whose wingspan reaches 7 cm. It pollinates flowering clover and other meadow plants. Gives two generations a year: in spring and summer. Caterpillars are yellow-green, with black and orange spots, live on and feed on various types of umbrella plants. The causes of death are degradation of pastures and capture by collectors-entomologists. Caucasian river otter. Disappearing view - "Red Page". This is a medium-sized predatory animal that lives in the river. Terek on the territory of the Mozdok region of the republic. The otter has a wonderful shiny and absolutely waterproof skin. The main food of the otter is fish, but it is not an enemy, but a friend of the fisherman, as it cleans water from weakened and sick fish, acting as a nurse. A decrease in the number of otters in a river is usually accompanied by a decrease in fish stocks in it. Among the reasons for the decrease in the number of otters in our republic are hunting, pollution of water bodies, lack of food. Caucasian grouse. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". Like all grouse, the Caucasian grouse is a master of beautiful mating games, which are called mating. Starting from May, elegant red-browed males can show off for hours in front of modest gray females, proving their superiority over other males. at the top of the forest. It feeds on berries and shoots of blueberries, lingonberries, clover leaves, and in spring - birch buds. Nests are built on the ground, they are often trampled down by cattle or ruined by shepherd dogs and people. Black vulture. Disappearing view - "Red Page". Occasionally observed RNO-A over Lesistoy, Pasture basins. Very large (weight up to 12 kg., wingspan up to 3 meters), beautiful with dense plumage, scavenger bird. The main food is fallen cattle, therefore vultures are called predators, not sowing death, but waiting for its arrival. They eat all the corpses of animals that get in their way, which they can easily see even from a height of 3-4 cm. Bison. The number is recovering - "Green Pages" These are very beautiful, large (up to 1 ton in weight) calm herbivores. Once upon a time there were a lot of them in the mountains of Ossetia, but people completely exterminated them. They began to breed again and now their number is 70 heads. They live in the State Nature Reserve, located in the Alagir district. Roe. Small deer. Males have small double-branching horns. The coloration is dark red in summer, gray-brown in winter, with a white spot in the tail area; the tail is very small. European roe deer (lat. Capreolus Capreolus) is common in the western part of the Palearctic, further to the east lives the Siberian roe deer (lat. Capreolus pygargus), which is distinguished by its larger size (height at the shoulders is more than 80 cm) and large, widely spaced, strongly tuberculate horns. The roe deer is a valuable hunting (commercial in Siberia) animal. It lives in deciduous and mixed forests and in open areas in bushes, is typical for the forest-steppe, in the mountains it rises to a strip of eternal snow. Vulture. Total population in Russia 65-70 pairs, of which in Krasnodar Territory- 4-5 pairs, in Stavropol Territory- 30 pairs Several pairs seem to breed in the Rocky Ridge system. North Ossetia and in the foothill and mountain districts of Dagestan. Probably nests in the Elbrus region. A population is characterized by the presence of groups of individuals that do not participate in reproduction. In the Krasnodar Territory, from 7 to 22 individuals were noted in such groups, and most of the birds were sexually mature. The reduction of the range and number of the species occurs as a result of the economic development of nesting habitats, direct destruction. AT recent times in some districts (for example, in the Western Caucasus), the trophic conditions for the habitat of the vulture have deteriorated significantly due to the reduction in pastoral cattle breeding and a decrease in the number of cattle burial grounds. The catchy appearance and less caution compared to other necrophagous birds of prey determine the vulnerability of vultures as potential victims of illegal shooting. The eagle owl is one of the largest owls in the world. The sizes of males vary geographically from 50 cm and 1100 g to 65 cm and 2800 g, females are larger: 60-75 cm and 1700-4200 g. The wingspan is from 160 to 188 cm. two back. This helps the eagle owls to grab prey easily. Sometimes, for comfortable sitting on a branch or perch, the third finger of a bird can turn forward. The intensity of the dark plumage pattern is different, a thin transverse ripple on the belly and black wide longitudinal streaks on the chest and neck are characteristic. In nature, eagle owls live up to 20 years or more, in in captivity - up to 60. Owl - one of the most common representatives of owls in Russia. It is second in size only to the fish owl. The eagle owl is easily identified by its size, dark beak, paws pubescent to the claws and feather ears tilted outward. It differs from the fish owl in a more saturated pigmentation of plumage and iridescent eyes, feathered paws and silent flight. The eagle owl is characterized by deep and measured flapping of wide wings. As a rule, this bird flies slowly over the ground, looking for prey, alternating flapping flight with short gliding. Eagle owls living in mountains and gorges can use ascending air currents and soar for a long time, describing circles in height, but such a flight is not characteristic of it . If necessary, the eagle owl is able to fly at a speed sufficient to easily overtake the crow. He also has the ability to develop full speed almost instantly, from the first stroke. Sitting down to rest on a tree or the ground, keeps the body upright. Yew berry. Its number is declining - "Yellow Page". Surprisingly beautiful and valuable relic (very ancient) coniferous plant, can live up to 3000 years. Some trees growing in the Caucasus are about 1500 years old. It differs from other conifers in that the seeds do not ripen in cones, but in special bright red formations resembling berries, hence its name - "berry". It has a very dense reddish wood that does not rot for centuries. For this it is called the "non-pus-tree." High-quality yew wood from antiquity to the present is used by people in construction, the manufacture of furniture and household items, is one of the reasons for the reduction of its reserves in North Ossetia-Alania. Yew grows as single trees or small groves on the Wooded, Pasture and northern slopes of the Rocky Range. Intermediate hoof. Rare view - "White Page". A very interesting relic plant with evergreen leaves resembling a horse's hoof print in shape. It grows in shady forests, rarely found in lighted places. Blooms in early spring with red-brown flowers. Remarkable in that it has the taste and smell of black pepper. It is poisonous, but also a medicinal plant, traditional healers used it to treat heart diseases. In North Ossetia-Alania, wild hoof is known only in places: on the Forest Range near the city of Vladikavkaz, and in the vicinity of the village of Bekan (at the foot of the southern slope of the Zmeysky Mountains). Snowdrop narrow-leaved. Its number is declining - "Yellow Page". It occurs only in the North Caucasus. It grows in deciduous forests, among shrubs and along the edges in the mountains and foothills of the republic (in the Zmeysky mountains, on the Wooded, Pasture, Rocky and Side Ridges). Very beautiful early spring plant with a delicate aroma. It begins to bloom in February - March, when the snow has not yet melted, and with a warm winter - already in January. Disappears due to the massive collection of flowering plants, mainly for sale. To save the plants, such collection must be completely stopped. It can be grown as an ornamental garden plant. In the Red Book of North Ossetia-Alania there are 3 more types of snowdrop: Caucasian, Lagodekhi and broad-leaved. Ossetian bell. The number is declining - "Yellow Page". This very beautiful fragile plant with pale purple flowers can only be found in the Central and Eastern Caucasus. It has an amazing ability to settle on sheer limestone cliffs, sometimes found in mountain meadows. Distributed in the republic on the Rocky Range, less often on the Pasture Range, from the river. Urukh to the upper reaches of the river. Kambileevka at an altitude of 700 to 2400 m above sea level. Another 6 species of bluebell are included in the Red Book of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania: Ardon, Dolomite, and others. Their numbers are restored with great difficulty, and therefore the preservation of these wonders of our flora is especially important. Top 10 beautiful places OssetiaTseyskoe gorge Skazsky glacier Midagrabinskie waterfalls Mamison gorge Male Orthodox monastery Tsmiti Combat fortress Dargavs Reservoir

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The Republic of North Ossetia delights with the diversity of its nature, and all thanks to the fact that it is located in different physical and geographical zones. Caucasian mountains, forest-steppes, plains - each zone has a unique climate, flora and fauna.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the glaciers, which stretch over an area of ​​200,000 m². But these are not dead glaciers, birds and animals live here, lichens, mosses and rhododendrons grow here. Glaciers are especially popular with climbers and ordinary tourists.

Flora of North Ossetia

About 22% of the republic is covered with forest, but its type differs from region to region. Thus, woodlands cover the eastern slopes of the Genaldon Gorge and consist mainly of willows and mountain birches, which are occasionally supplemented by wild rose, hawthorn, mountain ash, bird cherry and juniper. Under the trees, you can often find thickets of currants, raspberries, lingonberries and Caucasian blueberries. The western slope of the gorge is covered with lush meadows, where alpine clover, white-beard, variegated and other herbs grow.

Another gorge of North Ossetia, the Karmadonskoe, in May is covered with an emerald grassy canopy, where lawns and flower carpets are full of bright colors. There are really a lot of flowers here - these are buttercups, and primroses, and anemones with forget-me-nots. At the end of summer, new colors are added - red poppies, white grains, pink daisies and colorful bells bloom.

The southern slopes of the Chizhjity-khokh and Arau-khskh mountains are dried up by the sun's rays, and therefore only dry-loving plants grow here, such as sage, sainfoin, wormwood, thyme and timothy grass. From the flowers here you can find bells, cuffs and saxifrage. On the glaciers of the Side Ridge, the climate of the alpine tundra with small birches and willows prevails.

Fauna of North Ossetia

The most common animals of the republic are mountain goats-turs that graze in the meadows of Karmadon and its environs. Usually they walk in herds of 30-40 heads, during the day these shy animals hide in the rocks, and after dark they descend to the meadows, where they graze until dawn. Along with tours in the gorge, you can meet mountain ular turkeys - large birds with protective paint. AT warm time year they prefer to live in the upper part of the mountains and descend into the woodlands only with the onset of cold weather.

Another one business card North Ossetia - chamois. Beautiful, hardy and courageous, they easily overcome deep abysses and sheer cliffs. In summer they live in birch copses, and in winter they go to the sunny side of the mountains. On the right-bank slopes of the Genaldon Gorge, it is found Brown bear. It does not hibernate like its northern relative, but also enjoys eating raspberries, currants and blueberries. In the ravines, there are also less formidable representatives of the fauna - foxes, badgers and hares.

The meadows of Karmadon are home to many varieties of birds - larks, mountain buntings, thrushes, pigeons and wall climbers. Such an abundance of birds attracts predators; eagles and golden eagles build their nests on high cliffs. Falcons often fly too.

Those who want to enjoy all the beauties of the republic should definitely visit the North Ossetian Reserve, which is located in the upper reaches of the Tsey, Ardon and Fiagdon rivers.

Climate in North Ossetia

The climate of the republic is temperate continental, but with characteristic differences depending on the area. On the Mozdok Plain, it is arid, with a temperature of +24 °С in June and -16 °С in January. Precipitation here falls within 900 mm in the foothill areas and up to 700 mm per year on the plains.

Predominant in Piedmont and Central regions temperate zone, which is softened by the proximity of the mountains. It is characterized by long, rainy summers and mild winters. In winter, precipitation comes mainly from the Caspian Sea, and in summer it can come tropical cyclones with thunderstorms and rainy monsoons. average temperature in these areas +21 °С in summer and -3 °С in winter.

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