Top tank weapon vk 30.01 p. Computer service expert. What tool should I choose?

Hi all. Today I will tell you about my notes on the Vk30.01P tank.


The tank is stock

I have been in possession since 08/01/15

About modules

For all the time I managed to pump the chassis. There are plans to upgrade the 8.8 cm Kwk 36L/56 gun.

Leveling plan

  • 1) Chassis-Yes
  • 2) Top gun-Yes
  • 3) Tower-Yes
  • 4) Gun 7.5cm Kwk 42L/70-Yes
  • 5) Tower-Yes
  • 6) Engine

About the tank

  • Now I'm in stock. tank on this moment headache. Like all stock tanks, it has a lot of flaws. Let's start with the fact that you feel constantly disadvantaged. After all, most often it throws me to level 8. At this level, I can't offer proper resistance, so I'm going with allies and trying to help at least a little. Sometimes, by the way, it works out. There was a fight when I calmly killed an AMX CDC with two slaps. He stood next to me. Therefore, it was not difficult to break through it. Trouble with the rest of the tanks. Most often he caught enemy "fireflies" and quickly dealt with them. With the advent of "bulldogs" the life of our tank has not deteriorated much. After all, our armor is something between foil and cardboard + square shapes. In general, it is better for us not to butt heads at close range with the "buddog".
  • On city maps, diamond tactics and playing from the side often roll, especially in Khimki. At our level, we can still bend down, even destroy in stock poor technique enemy. We're not very agile, but that's it for now.
  • I asked my friends for an opinion about the tank. For the most part, it is unfortunately negative precisely because of the shortcomings of the tank
  • The tank, if you look at it like that, is underweight, it has manners like that of the Tiger, in terms of size, but does not have a normal gun

Our pros and cons

Excellent speed

Frontal armor of the turret

Tower location

  • -Armor (3 splashes and we are in the hangar)
  • -No slope armor
  • -It is not possible to break through level 8 tanks (to which we are often thrown)
  • - Dimensions and maneuverability

Stock gun

Our weapon is not bad for our level

  • Average damage 110/110/175
  • Penetration 110/158/38

But the accuracy is lame enough. Annoying when at a crucial moment the projectile flies the devil knows where

Gun 8.8 cm Kw.k. 36L/56

The top gun pleases with a stable damage of 220 hp, sometimes 280. And for weakly armored targets, all 350hp. But with a small armor penetration from my point of view. We are not able to break through some tanks. Then you have to track down hatches or put on a harp. Due to the small spread, we only mow occasionally. And so the gun is just lovely, unlike the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42L/70. Gun 7.5 larger hole puncher with less spread and reload time

Gun 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42L/70.

"Hole Punch" with Pretty little time reloading and with a small spread. Also, armor penetration is 18mm more than that of the top one. But on the other hand, the damage is 135. I did not like the gun with the aiming time of 2.3 seconds, it is not always possible for them to shoot accurately and over long distances. The weapon is more suitable for close combat and at medium distances. sniper characteristics this weapon cannot boast.

Gun 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28

High explosive. With a very low penetration of 64 and high damage of 350. Using this weapon, I skated 10 battles. I will say right away the purpose of this weapon is to shoot down the tracks of the enemy, sometimes shooting at the sides at medium and short distances. Sometimes we deal with art with a one-shot. This weapon is receding into the background.

What tool should I choose?

Now the choice is between Penetration and Damage. My choice fell on the 8.8 cm Kw.k. 36L/56. I consider it top-end and comfortable enough to conduct active offensive and defensive operations. A tank with this gun gives heat and the T-150, which tries to play from the gusli and ISam, punching them into the lower armor plate or on the "cheeks". I do not exclude the possibility of using a "hole punch", but for me it is more convenient to use this tool.

throws me

I specifically spotted to which levels it throws me

  • Out of 10 fights:
  • 6 fights to level 8
  • 4 fights to level 6

We are at the top

Unified tactics

Information will appear in the near future

About modules

I talked about the tools above. Now I'll tell you about the rest of the modules of this tank

Driving properties

  • Engine 2x Porsche Typ 100/1-600hp (already installed)
  • Engine 2x Porsche Typ 100/3-720hp (everything would be fine, but I'm too lazy to download it)
  • Suspension VK 30.01 (P) verstärkteketten- turning speed 28 g/s


VK 30.01 (P) Krupp Turm - fairly armored turret - 100/82/82.

  • Turret rotation speed 28 g/s
  • review 370m


  • FuG 12-Top radio station. 710m communication range. It is recommended to pump
  • FuG 7 is the radio station that I currently have 415 m communication range, so far I'm satisfied

Chronology of events

08/15/15 - pumped the chassis and tower

08/16/15 - upgraded guns

08/17/15 - bled the engine

What is this blog?

I decided to try writing a dynamic guide in the form of notes. What is it??

Dynamic guide - a gradually developing blog. Notes in which the knowledge of the author is transferred.

In the tank part, these notes will give a lot of in-depth information about this technique, and all this is done as a technique test.

If you like, I can continue to supplement the database with similar blogs and update them.

I'm waiting for your opinion.

Researched at PL 4 for 26,235 XP.

Module research order

  • Let's examine the engine first. I must say that with a stock engine, the tank moves at the speed of a KV-4 (which is very, very slow). With the second engine, the tank acquires normal mobility for the ST
  • Now we research and buy running gear
  • Now the tower. She adds 100 HP and is pretty well armored.
  • Now let's move on to the tools. 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 - Stock gun, unremarkable. Too bad for a level 6. 10.5 cm Kw.K. L / 28 high-explosive. But with a high explosive at level 6?.. 7.5 cm KwK L70 is the best of all installed on this tank. Plays 8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 in alpha (one-shot) damage, but surpasses it in accuracy, reload speed and penetration. Personally, I ride with this gun
  • Walkie-talkies should have been researched a long time ago
  • for 45,100 experience.


Use in combat

The stock tank is bad. Very bad. The speed is at the level of the slowest TTs, the gun does not penetrate anyone and, in addition, has low damage. VK has weak armor and a square shape like everyone else German tanks, so it breaks through often and dies quickly. With further pumping and installation of new modules, the tank receives an accurate penetrating cannon and a speed of 60 km per hour. Although our tank is quite large, it is quite difficult to hit it at such a speed.
The best tactic would be to support the allies and bypass the enemies on the flanks and from the rear. Speed ​​will allow us to inflict quick strikes and go back. Flattery is not worth the trouble because of weak armor. You can also use sniper tactics, an accurate gun will help us with this, allowing us to aim weak spots opponents.

One of the advantages of the VC is the strong frontal armor of the turret, in particular the mantlet of the gun. From all this comes the tactics of the game from the tower.
Also, the VC, like all German tanks, suffers on bad soils, so it will not be superfluous to pump the tankers with the appropriate skills, for example, mech-water - the off-road king.

Equipment and equipment

Our strongest side is the gun, so from the equipment it is worth putting rammer. You can also put stereo tube and reinforced pickup drives.

Equipment standard: first aid kit, repair kit and fire extinguisher.

Crew skills

Be sure to download repair, as well as any tank. VK is German, so its cross-country ability is not good, because of this it is desirable to pump mech-water off-road king and virtuoso, smooth running. VK has good accuracy, so you can download Eagle Eye, disguise and radio interception.


35-37 armor-piercing, 10 gold and 5 land mines.

That's all about this tank. I hope you liked my guide.

Prepared by: dfk33

VK 30.01 (P)- Deutsch medium tank VI level. It was a prototype heavy tank from Porsche.
It is presented in the game as a medium tank, which is researched for 26235 experience, and its cost is 920 thousand credits.


The tank does not have outstanding armor. The only place that can withstand hits is the forehead of the tower, most of which is covered by a gun mask. This gives armor thickness ranging from 140 to 160 mm. The forehead of the hull is protected by 75 mm plates, which can only save if the projectile hits at an acute angle. The sides are covered with 80 mm of armor in the turret and 62 mm in the hull. If necessary, you can try to go to the enemy of the same level "diamond".


The tank has a total of four guns to choose from, but one of them is stock and has very mediocre performance, and the second is a specific 105 mm high explosive, which does not look good at the sixth level. Therefore, it is worth stopping at the remaining two.
Gun Kw.K. 36 L/56 caliber 88 mm has a good one-time damage of 220 HP and penetrates 145 mm of armor with the main projectile. Accuracy is good, convergence is acceptable. Second gun, 75 mm Kw.K. 42 L/70 is suitable for those who prefer precision. In addition, it has slightly better armor penetration - 150 mm. But the one-time damage is only 135 units and the aiming speed is the same as that of the previous gun. In addition, it is inferior in terms of DPM.
Both guns are approximately equal, it all depends on the personal preferences of the player: someone is a sniper, and someone is more comfortable playing “from alpha”.


This tank belongs to fast cars, his maximum speed– 60 km/h at power density at 17.5 hp / t. But at the same time, he experiences certain problems with maneuverability, because the chassis rotates only 28 degrees per second.


As in the case of other similar tanks, the game on VK 30.01 (P) depends on the installed weapon. The 88 mm cannon is best used in close combat and at medium distances. Vehicles of the eighth level can deliver certain difficulties, but most of them are penetrated by premium ammunition. And those that do not break through, it is desirable to avoid altogether. With a 75mm cannon, you can shoot from afar. True, her aiming speed is the same as that of 88 mm, so it is impossible to become a full-fledged sniper.
The tank can quickly move around the map and change positions, but nevertheless, it cannot be played as a light tank. On corners, it loses speed quite noticeably, that is, it is difficult to spin some kind of “heavyweight”, with the exception of such clumsy ones as the KV-3 or O-Ni.
In all respects, VK 30.01 (P) can be safely attributed to good tanks. It is quite easy to learn and has the right qualities for a pleasant game.

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As is usually the case with all design bureaus that develop tanks, the German designers who created the famous Tiger family had a lot of intermediate models of tanks on the way to creating these tanks. On these tanks, the designers gained experience in creating tanks, although in some cases, the combat value of some tanks raised certain doubts.

Sketch drawing of the tank VK 30.01(H)

The first "swallows" from a series of "probes" of heavy German tanks were the DWI and DWII, which had 50 mm armor and were armed with a 75 mm gun. However, in terms of combat characteristics, they were not very suitable for conducting modern war. Moreover, at Soviet Union there was already a T-34 tank, which, in general, was superior to these machines. It was necessary to oppose this tank, more modern car, with thick armor and powerful weapons. Therefore, it's time for more modern tanks. After the outbreak of World War II, in September 1939, the German war machine was in full swing. It was then, commissioned by Wa Pruef 6, that a dispatch was sent to the Henschel firm demanding the development of a new heavy tank. Moreover, the design department of this company had experience in creating tanks. New tank soon received the designation Panzerkampfwagen VI (7.5 cm) or VK 30.01 (H). In the terms of reference, again, the same requirements were indicated: 50 mm hull armor and a 75 mm gun in service, however, they planned to make a tank with a 105 mm gun in parallel.

In order not to lose much time on the design of a new chassis, the designers from Henschel decided to take the chassis from the DWIII tank project, changing only the size of the track tracks, however, during the calculations it turned out that the previous chassis will not withstand the increased weight of the tank. Therefore, the designers added two more skating rinks to the five existing ones. As a result, the undercarriage began to consist of 7 double rollers, arranged in a checkerboard pattern (initially, the DWIII had 5 double rollers). The steering wheel was located behind, leading in front. For softness, all rollers were equipped with rubber bandages. The length of the caterpillar was 2970 mm, it consisted of 77 steel tracks, 52 cm wide and the track pitch was 16 cm.

Relatively tanks PzKpfw IV and DW, the hull of the new VK 30.01(H) received almost no changes. The hull was assembled from armor plates, the armor scheme was as follows: bottom 20 mm, roof 25 mm, sides and forehead - 50-35 mm. In the middle part there was a fighting compartment, which housed the gunner, loader and tank commander. In front of the case there was a transmission with controls, as well as a gunner-radio operator on the right and a mechanical driver on the left.

In terms of design, the turret of the VK 30.01(H) was similar to the PzIV, however, it differed in 50 mm armour. A 75 mm 7.5 KwK37 L / 24 gun (UVN from -10 to + 20 degrees) and a coaxial MG34 machine gun were installed in the tower. To counter enemy infantry, a second machine gun was installed in the hull, from which a radio operator could fire. For firing from the KwK37 L / 24 cannon, the TZF9 sight was used (viewing angle 24 degrees, 2.5x magnification).

Tank chassis VK 30.01(H)

Tank chassis VK 30.01(H)

The Maybach HL116 power 300-horsepower unit was installed in the aft part of the hull. The engine had an air cooling system. The transmission consisted of a manual gearbox providing 6 forward gears and one reverse gear.

Testing the chassis of the VK 30.01(H) tank

In parallel with the VK 30.01 (H) tank, work was underway to create heavy tank VK 30.01(P) by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. Which, with persistence, promoted the idea of ​​​​creating a tank with an electric transmission (later, on the heavy tank "Tiger Porsche" and on the self-propelled guns "Ferdinand / Elephant"). This transmission was technically complex, so work on the VK 30.01(H) was much faster.

The heavy tank VK 30.01(H) should have looked something like this

The first prototype of the VK 30.01(H) tank was ready in January of 1940, and by April and May of the same year it was already undergoing ground tests. According to the test results, it was clear that the VK 30.01 (H) tank as a whole is not inferior to the PzIV tank in terms of technical parameters. Although its maximum speed was only 35 km / h, and the cruising range was not more than 150 kilometers. In general, the Wehrmacht suited such a tank. It is worth noting that the VK 30.01(H) tank had no armament during field tests, and a compensator equal to the weight of the turret was installed in place of the turret.

According to the data received, the designers managed to get a government order for a small batch of 8 chassis for new tanks. By the autumn of 1941, 3 chassis were ready. But by that time, the military abandoned the VK 30.01 (H) tank project, recognizing it as unpromising. BUT " green color"Received projects of heavy tanks VK 45.01 (P) and VK 36.01. They had good armor protection and more powerful weapons.

Testing the chassis of the VK 30.01(H) tank with a bulldozer blade

Therefore, the fate of the VK 30.01(H) tanks was a foregone conclusion, although they passed all the necessary tests. After that, all three chassis were transferred to a tank school for training future drivers. One of the German factories produced 6 out of 12 ordered turrets for the VK 30.01(H) armed with 75 mm short-barreled guns. These towers were used in the construction of the Atlantic Wall.

Turret with gun 7,5 KwK37 L/24 designed for tank VK 30.01(H), mounted on fortifications"Atlantic Wall"

Armor scheme of the VK 30.01(H) tank

Usually, after the completion of the tank project, the Germans dismantled the remaining chassis for scrap. But in this case it was not so. After the German tankers and gunners encountered Soviet KV and T-34 tanks on the battlefield, they concluded that the troops needed an effective anti-tank self-propelled guns. At that time, the Wehrmacht had self-propelled guns with 45-75 mm caliber guns, which could not always cope with armor Soviet tanks. On the remaining two chassis from VK 30.01(H) they decided to install two 128-mm guns 12,8cm K L / 61 from Rheinmetall. The ACS project received the designation Pz.Sf.IV (12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61) c. Since the 12,8cm K L / 61 gun was developed as anti-aircraft gun, its technical and weight data were appropriate, about this, and other German self-propelled guns will be discussed in another article.

The performance characteristics of the heavy tank VK 30.01 (H) (Henschel)

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