Training sniper tactics. Sniper Rifle Lessons: Sniper Training. Assault on a building under cover of a sniper



Annex to COP 32

Edition of the Combat Training Directorate of the Ground Forces of the Red Army

Moscow 1933


1. In modern shooting combat, snipers may be assigned the following tasks:

a) the destruction of the enemy command personnel, his surveillance and communications agencies;

b) suppression of enemy fire weapons, especially well-camouflaged ones;

c) blinding enemy armored vehicles;

d) the fight against descending enemy aircraft.

2. Snipers fire at ground targets from rifles with open sights up to 1000 m, with optical sights up to 1500 m.

In general, shooting for snipers is possible within the slicing of the sight, taking into account the visibility of the target, the importance and the possibility of hitting it. Snipers can shoot at air targets up to 500 m.

3. Fire training of snipers consists of a consistent study of the following training tasks:

a) the production of a dedicated, accurate and confident shot at a fixed target when firing with an ordinary and optical sight;

b) the production of a quick shot to defeat (suddenly appearing for a short time targets;

c) hitting fast moving ground targets;

d) production of a well-aimed shot from various positions, “stop from behind shelters when firing with an ordinary and optical sight;

e) defeating enemy air targets;

f) rapid destruction of several targets with the transfer of fire along the front and in depth with an ordinary and optical sight;

g) firing at different target visibility;

h) firing as part of a group of snipers.

4. Tactical exercises with live fire to study the issues of tactical use of snipers in combat and their interaction with firepower and the actions of units of the unit in the area or composition of which they operate, snipers take part in the corresponding exercises with live fire as part of their units.

5. Learning tasks are built in the order of the methodological sequence of training, which is mandatory.

6. Completion of a test exercise for each task is a verification of the assimilation of each stage of training and indicates the readiness of the sniper to perform any combat mission of this type within the limits stipulated by this training task.

7. Only fighters who, during training in a company (squadron), completed the test exercises of the first three tasks of the rifle firing course with an “excellent” rating and passed a special classification exercise, are allowed to take this firing course in teams for training snipers.

8. All shooting is carried out with rifles without bayonets. For each sniper rifle, a form must be kept, in which the number of issued cartridges is recorded, indicating the factory, year, batch and sample, when firing with an open and optical sight separately.

9. To identify the advantages of an optical sight over an open one, a number of exercises are necessary at the discretion of the team leader, to pass at any visibility of targets (after sunset and before dawn), except for the task that must be completed in complete darkness.

10. All exercises conducted on the ground, and all test exercises, if possible, should be worked out in camouflage suits; tasks 6 and 8 are worked out in camouflage suits without fail. Mask robes should match the color of the area on which the lesson is performed. The rest of the exercises are worked out in guard uniform according to the time of year.

11. There are no special shooting exercises in a gas mask in the Firing Course, but at the discretion of the team leader, part of the preparatory exercises must be completed in gas masks and in protective clothing against RH.

12. The fighters who have completed the test exercises of the first 7 tasks of the shooting course (at least with a shootout) are awarded the title of "shooters-snipers" with the announcement of this in the order in part. In addition, fighters who complete these exercises with an "excellent" rating are awarded a special badge. Fighters who have not completed the next task, even as a result of additional work and re-checking, are suspended from further passage of the course.

13. For the preparation of a sniper of the 1st year of service, 354 pieces of live ammunition and 115 pieces of small-caliber cartridges are issued for each fighter. In the absence of an optical sight, the release of live ammunition is reduced to 222 pieces.

To maintain the training of snipers in subsequent years of service, 100 combat and 50 small-caliber cartridges are issued per sniper.

14. During the 45-day training camp in the first year of service, all 8 tasks of this firing course must be worked out.

At other training camps, as well as during their stay in companies (squadrons), snipers go through the exercises of this Firing Course for training snipers at the discretion of the head of the sniper team and approval by the unit commander in order to maintain acquired skills and improve quality.

In addition, they should be widely used in their specialty in all live firing as part of subunits and units.

15. Calculation of the full descent of cartridges after passing the Firing Course for snipers:




To complete the task, combat cartridges are released: for an ordinary sight - 48 (credit ex. - 4, prep. - 28, zap. - 16); for an optical sight - 55 (credits exercise - 4, training - 31, zap. - 20).

Total rounds for the first mission - 107. Note. In the absence of an optical sight, the cartridges issued for it are not consumed.

Test exercise 1

Target No. 19 - a light machine gun in a firing position, hiding in case of defeat.

Distance 800 m - when shooting with an optical sight; 600 m - when shooting with an ordinary sight.

Cartridges- 8 (4 for each sight).

Time- 2 minutes, counting the preparation and loading.

shooting position- lying down, using a gun belt. The use of an emphasis is allowed.

Grade- hit the target: excellent - with two bullets, good - with three bullets, satisfactory - with four bullets.

Reasons for non-compliance exercises, in addition to those set out in the tasks of the first and second rifle shooting courses for fighters, are:

a) inaccurate installation of the sight (altitude limb in the optical sight);

b) inaccurate setting of the eyepiece of the optical sight in the eyes (for clarity);

c) incorrect attachment (too high or low insertion of the buttstock into the shoulder, the insertion is not in the notch of the shoulder);

d) incorrect position of the head and eye of the shooter in relation to the eyepiece of the optical sight: high, low, to the right, to the left, too close to the eye or far from it, due to which the pupil of the eye when aiming is not in the directions of the axis of the sight and out of focus;

e) lack of skill in accurate aiming at long distances.

Preparatory exercises

1a. Acquaintance with the additional combat properties of a rifle with an optical sight

The exercise is carried out in the form of demonstration shooting and a movie screening, accompanied by a conversation with the commander.

As a result, work through the exercises to achieve a clear idea:

a) On the accuracy of a rifle with an optical sight;

b) about the nature of the optical sight device;

c) about the advantages and disadvantages of an optical sight.

1b. Training in installing (putting on) and removing an optical sight on a rifle, loading and unloading a rifle with an optical sight put on

Loading training is carried out on training cartridges, first in a sitting position, with a rifle at rest, and then in a prone position.

The exercise is to be carried out on training samples of the sight, allowing the use of combat rifles for the necessary display only with the permission of the unit commander and with strict observance of the rules of conservation.


a) the ability to correctly, deftly put on an optical sight on a rifle and properly fix it;

b) the ability to properly remove the sight and put it in a case;

c) dexterous loading and unloading of a rifle with a sight on.

1c. Learning to apply and aim with an optical sight

Perform exercises from the machine and in the prone position, first at shortened, and then at actual distances. Start by aiming at round targets and then move on to different shapes.

When working out the exercise, achieve:

a) understanding the essence of aiming;

b) the correct installation of the eyepiece in the eyes (for clarity);

c) correct installation of the shooter's head and eye in relation to the eyepiece (position of the eye on the continuation of the axis of the sight and at a certain distance from the eyepiece (in focus);

d) the ability to correctly aim at fixed targets (figures of various shapes and sizes).

1g Training in setting the high-altitude (sight) and side limbs of the optical sight to the required division

Exercise to take place on training samples of sights. It is highly recommended to install training models of sights with limbs like real ones using the means of regimental workshops. It is useful to have enlarged models of the height and side limbs for quick assimilation of the scale of divisions and the value of divisions of both limbs.

Perform exercises while sitting or standing, with the rifle on the stop, and then lying down, connecting them with unloading and loading the rifle.


a) the ability to correctly and accurately place the sight (high-altitude limb) at various distances;

b) the ability to correctly and accurately set the lateral limb to the required division and to know what deviation of the bullet in the lateral direction causes one or another permutation of the lateral limb at a given distance.

1d. Practice for the care, conservation and storage of an optical sight

When working out the exercise to achieve skills:

a) in wiping, cleaning the optical sight after classes, both without shooting and with shooting;

b) in the storage and conservation of the optical sight in various situations (in the barracks, in a tent, on a hike, when moving and in various combat conditions).

Exercise 1e is performed in parallel with exercise 1b, 1c, 1d.

1e. Training in the connected execution of all techniques for firing a shot from a rifle with an optical sight in the prone position, using a gun sling

These exercises are carried out with training cartridges at actual distances (up to 1000 m) both on round and figured targets. When pulling the trigger, require a mandatory report on the position of the front sight relative to the aiming point at the moment the trigger is pulled.

As a result of daily training in this exercise, both during the passage of the first and subsequent tasks, stable skills in the correct, deft and quick execution of all techniques for producing a well-aimed shot, brought to automatism, should appear.

Trainers should observe that the trainees do not have any errors noted in the instructions for the test exercise, and if any are found, persistently eradicate them.

1zh. Deepening knowledge on the material part of the rifle

The exercise should consist in the development and deepening of knowledge and practical skills instilled in exercises 1m, 2e, 3c of the Rifle Shooting Course. As a result of the study, the trainees should:

a) know all the shortcomings and possible malfunctions of the sniper rifle, and their impact on the shooting results;

b) know perfectly the rules for saving, storing and cleaning a rifle and preventing malfunctions in it;

c) be able to inspect a rifle assembled and disassembled;

e) understand the importance of the quality of cartridges for accurate shooting and be able to select the best cartridges required for accurate shooting;

f) know the rules for storing and saving cartridges.

1z. Practicing distance reading, camouflage, and battlefield observation

a) Work out the preparatory exercises of the first task of the course for determining distances up to 1500 m;

b) to work out the preparatory exercises of the first task of the training course in combat use of the terrain and observation.

When working out the exercise for observing the battlefield and determining distances, set, among others, smaller targets (observers, periscopes, loopholes, stereo tubes, liaison dogs, etc.).

1i. Practice in solving problems of choosing an aiming point in various shooting conditions and for various targets

For this exercise, a life-size model of medium trajectories is prepared for distances from 200 to 1000 m (for distances from 800 to 1000 m, only the descending branch of the trajectory with an excess of 2 m and below can be prepared). To do this, a line is precisely hung, on it every 50 m racks are driven in (strictly in alignment with each other). On each rack, at a certain height, in accordance with the excess of the average trajectory for a given distance, the required number of carnations is driven in. Each stud has an inscription, what is the excess and for what height of the sight. When showing the desired trajectory, a cord (string) is suspended and pulled on the appropriate studs and the necessary targets are set at the required points.

The exercise is carried out in the form of solving technical shooting problems against the background of the simplest tactical situation. At the same time, you should train in the coherent performance of all the elements worked out in the previous exercises.

The next trainees independently solve the task of shelling various single targets (with firing a blank cartridge), after which their actions are analyzed with the involvement of all trainees in the analysis.

As a result of the study of the exercise to achieve:

a) a clear idea of ​​exceeding and lowering the average trajectory relative to the aiming line within up to 1000 m;

b) a clear understanding of the influence of air temperature, wind, atmospheric pressure and derivation on the flight of a bullet and the ability to solve fire problems with the help of a sniper line.

1 to. Consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills by shooting, studying the combat of a rifle at 200, 300, 400, 600, 800 and 1,000 m when firing with ordinary and optical sights

Targets and distances

1) No. 5 round - 200 m;

2) No. 3 round - 300 m;

3) No. 3 round - 400 m;

4) No. 2 round - 600 m;

5) No. 1 round - 800 m;

6) No. 1 round - 1000 m.

Note 1 . In the absence of special targets, it is allowed to glue a black apple of the appropriate size directly onto a shield with drawn circles or to evaluate it using a ruler of size (Fig. 1)

RICE. one.

The ruler has 3 columns: 1st for target No. 3, 2nd for target No. 2, 3rd for target No. 1.

The ruler is superimposed with a hole (against 0) on the center of the target, turns with an edge with a scale to the hole and it is read in which circle this hole lies.

The figure above the edge with a scale indicates the dimensions in cm.

Note 2 . In targets 1, 2 and 3, only the dimensions of the circles and the black apple are observed, which serves as the aiming point and is glued so that when shooting, the middle point of impact is aligned with the center of the target (10 and 5).

When shooting with an optical sight at round targets, in order to better align the middle point of impact with a circle of 10 or 5, it is allowed to glue the center of the black apple with a circle of white paper of the appropriate diameter.


Aim- according to the distance. Prone shooting position using a sling.

Show hits- after firing at each target. Show to produce in accordance with paragraph 330 of COP 32.


Order of execution. The trainee shoots at each distance with an ordinary and optical sight.

Shooting at a longer distance is allowed only after completing the task at the previous close distance. If the trainee fails to complete the task at one of the distances, the continuation of the exercise stops, the reason is clarified and, if necessary, the trainee is sent for additional training, after which the exercise continues (on the same day or one of the next).

The Range Officer for the next shift must require that shooters, after the results have been shown, make notes in their shooting books about each hit and the selected aiming point at each distance for guidance in subsequent exercises.

Targets with the best shooting results should be used to show the trainees the possible results.

1l. Practice in shooting at various (intermediate) distances, taking into account the excess of the trajectory when firing with ordinary and optical sights

Target- 3 figures No. 14, pasted on a shield 1x1.5m.


shooting position- lying with the use of a belt (simultaneous use of an emphasis is allowed).

Show hits- after each shot. The display is made in accordance with paragraph 330 of the COP 32.

RICE. 2.

Exercise. Hit all 3 targets in a body part as directed by the leader. The defeat is considered when it hits a circle outlined from the control point (Fig. 2) for an ordinary sight with a radius of 15 cm, for an optical sight - with a radius of 12 cm.

Order of execution. At least 9 targets are set in the following combinations:

1st group 340 475 560

2nd group 375 4-20 55

3rd group 320 450 580

4th group 350 425 525

5th group 360 440 575

All targets appear.

The leader orders to raise one of the groups (3 figures) and instructs the student to determine the distance to each target. When the trainee completes this task with an accuracy of 50 m, the leader gives the order to hit the targets, indicating (at his discretion) which target, which part of the body should be hit (head, belt, chest). Control points are marked on each part of the figure's body: 1) on the head - the left eye; 2) on the chest - 30 cm below the top edge of the headgear; 3) in the belt - a buckle (Fig. 2).

For each next trainee, the leader orders to raise a new combination of goals that make up a group of 3 figures. The trainee who completed the task with fewer cartridges than is released, does not release the rest of the cartridges.

1m. Practice in the production of a well-aimed shot at a fixed target, taking into account external influences with ordinary and optical sights

Target No. 9 - chest on the backboard with circles pasted by the center on circle 10 (the lower edge of the target is 20 cm below the center of the circle).

Distance for an ordinary sight - 450 m; for optical - 600 m.

Cartridges- 6 (Z for each sight).

Time- no more than 2 minutes with the preparation and loading for shooting with each sight.

shooting position

Show hits- after all shots of this sight.

Grade- knock out "excellent" - 20 points; "good" - 17 points and "satisfactory" - 14 points.

Order, execution. Trainees perform the exercise, both with an ordinary sight and with an optical one. When passing the exercise, pay attention to the students' independent choice of a place for shooting at the indicated line and the correct application to the terrain and camouflage. Time for shooting from the moment the “load” command is given.

This exercise is considered worked out only if it is completed with an “excellent” or “good” rating, after which the student can be allowed to pass the test exercise 1.



To complete the task, combat cartridges are released: for an ordinary sight - 20 (credits exercise - 4; preparation - 10, reserve - 6); for an optical sight - 20 (credits exercise - 3, training - 10, zap. - 7).

Total rounds for the second task - 40.

Small-caliber cartridges - 25.

Test exercise 2

Target No. 29 - a loophole with a cutout 20X20 cm against a black shield, with a fighter's head appearing in the hole in the loophole (Fig. 3).

RICE. 3.

Distance- one of the following 190-220-250 m.

Cartridges- 4 with an ordinary sight and 3 with an optical one.


shooting position- lying down, use of belts and emphasis is allowed.

Grade. To hit the figure through the loophole, using up with an ordinary sight: "excellent" - no more than one cartridge; "good" - no more than three rounds and "satisfactory" - no more than four rounds; with an optical sight: "excellent" - no more than one round, "good" - no more than two rounds and "satisfactory" - no more than three rounds.

Order of execution. After the student takes a place to shoot, the fighter's head appears in the loophole for 4-5 seconds. for an ordinary sight and for 3-4 seconds - for an optical one; this is repeated 5 times with intervals between the display of 10-15 seconds. The first show is made to get acquainted with the place of its appearance.

Preparatory exercises

2a. Practicing shooting with small caliber cartridges

Target No. 9a - round.

Distance- 50 m.

Cartridges - 5.

Time- 5 sec. for each shot, not counting the preparation and loading.

shooting position- lying down, with hands using a belt.

Show hits- after each shot.

Execution conditions- knock out at least 40 points.

2b. Deepening the knowledge of the material part of the rifle and optical sight

The exercise is an in-depth repetition of exercises 1e, 1g. Particular attention should be paid to a detailed inspection of the rifle and the telescopic sight before shooting.

2c. Training in shooting techniques at targets that appear for a short time

The exercise should be carried out first short (7-10 m), and then at actual distances (up to 800 m) with obligatory verification by an orthoscope or a side mirror. Starting training on targets that appear for 5 seconds, gradually reduce the time for the appearance of the target, as the training is successful, bringing it to 3 seconds.

2y. Practicing shooting with small caliber cartridges

Target No. 9a - round.

Distance- 50 m.

Cartridges - 5.

Time- 3 sec. for each shot, not counting the preparation and loading.

shooting position- lying down, with a hand using a belt.

Show hits- after each shot.

Execution conditions- knock out at least 40 points.

2d. Practicing distance reading, camouflage, and battlefield observation

a) Repeat the preparatory exercises of the first task of the Course for determining distances within up to 1500 m;

b) Repeat the preparatory exercises of the first task of the Course of Observation and Combat Use of the Terrain.

2e. Practicing live ammunition

Target No. 28 - periscope.

Distance- 100 m for an ordinary and 150 for an optical sight.

Cartridges- 5 (for each sight).

Time determined by the appearance of the target.

Position for shooting - prone.

Show hits- after all shots.

Grade- hit the periscope body: "excellent" - 3 bullets, "good" - 2 bullets and "satisfactory" - 1 bullet.

Order of execution. After the trainee takes place for shooting, the target appears 6 times, 5 seconds each. each time and with intervals between the display of 10-15 seconds.

2g. Practicing live ammunition

Target No. 11 - head.

Distance- for an ordinary sight 200 m and for an optical sight - 300 m.

Cartridges- 5 (for each sight).

Time determined by the appearance of the target.

shooting position- lying down.

Show hits- after all shots.

Grade- hit the target: "excellent" - 4, "good" - 3 and satisfactorily 2 bullets.

Order of execution. After the trainee takes a place for shooting, the target appears 6 times, for 3 seconds. each time, with intervals between the display of 10-15 seconds. The first display of the target is made to familiarize the shooter with the place of its appearance.

Exercises 2e and 2g are considered to be worked out only if they perform excellent or good according to the assessment, after which the trainees can be allowed to pass the test exercise 2.



RICE. 4.

To complete the task, combat cartridges are released: for an ordinary sight - 25 (credit of exercise - 4, prep - 14, start - 7); for an optical sight - 25 (credits exercise - 4, training - 14, zap. - 7).

Total live ammunition for the third task - 50, small-caliber cartridges - 30.

Test exercise 3

Target- head layout (Fig. 4) - a fighter walking along the trench along the bottom of the moat, breaking away when defeated.

Distance- 300 m.

Cartridges- 4 (for each sight).

Time determined by the movement of the target.

shooting position- lying down, using a belt and an emphasis.

Grade- hit the target: "excellent" - with two shots; "good" - from three shots; "satisfactory" - from four shots.

Order of execution. The firing line is equipped with a variety of local items, convenient to use them as shelter and emphasis. At the command of the commander, the trainee is located for firing, applying to the terrain and disguising himself; receives a surveillance sector from the commander. 3 minutes are given for the device, disguise and familiarization with the observed area. After the specified time has elapsed, a target appears and moves along the front at a speed of 2 m/sec. for 10 m and hides behind the second shelter. The target's movement is repeated 3 times.

The most common reasons for not exercising are:

a) excessive haste in firing a shot, resulting in inaccurate aiming and pulling the trigger;

b) excessive removal of the aiming point, disproportionate to the movement of the target;

c) aiming without taking into account movement lead;

d) baggy location of the target when firing with an optical sight.

Preparatory exercises

3a. Training in the production of shooting at a moving ground target

The exercise is to be carried out with training cartridges and with checking the aiming with an orthoscope, first shortly (5-10 m), and then on the actual terrain (within 400 m). Targets are depicted either as light moving targets (shortly - reduced), or living people, subject to precautions. Having started training on targets moving slowly in the direction of fire (approaching and receding), gradually, as the training is successful, complicate the exercise by changing the direction of movement (along the front, appearances), time and speed of movement. Training in shooting at targets moving to the side, start right with the reception of continuous tracking of the target with the front sight with the necessary lead.

Finish the training by firing at fast-moving ground targets: a rider, a cart, a scooter, a car, a tankette, etc. both on horizontal terrain and on slopes in various directions. When learning to shoot at a car and a tankette, it is necessary to achieve a conscious determination of the most vulnerable places (driver, engine, observation slots, etc.).

When working out the exercise, give the trainee an idea of ​​the time of flight of a bullet at various distances and develop a skill in quickly finding the relevant reference data in the shooting line for the sniper.

3b. Practicing distance reading, camouflage, and battlefield observation

a) Work out the test exercise of the first task of the Course for determining distances up to 1500 m;

b) To work out and conduct a test exercise on the first task of the Course of Observation and Combat Use of the Terrain.

Sound Practice in independent solution of shooting tasks to defeat emerging and moving targets

The exercise is carried out on the actual terrain.

Targets are either light portable targets or live people; in the latter case, the lesson is recommended to be carried out in the form of an oncoming fire collision. The exercise should address the following questions:

b) selection, occupation and equipment of a place for shooting;

c) assessment and selection of emerging and moving targets in different directions and on different terrain (slopes);

d) the choice of sight, the removal of the aiming point depending on the movement of the target, the distance to it and the external conditions of shooting;

e) correcting the fire according to the commander's conditional instructions about the place where the bullets fell;

f) conscious determination of the most vulnerable places of the car, tankette and tank;

g) determination of the required number of cartridges to hit various targets, using the reference data of the shooting line for the sniper.

Zg. Practicing shooting with a small-caliber cartridge at a moving target

Target No. 26a (car model), reduced 10 times.

Distance- 50 m.

Cartridges - 5.

Time determined by the movement of the target.

shooting position

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- hit the vulnerable part of the target with three bullets.

Order of execution. The shooter loads the rifle before the target moves. The target moves along the front for one and a half meters for 3 seconds. The movement of the target is repeated 5 times, for each movement the trainee fires 1 bullet.

Building Deepening the knowledge of the material part of the rifle and optical sight

The exercise is a deepening of exercises 1d, 1g, 2b. Pay special attention to: a) the ability to correctly assemble the rifle after complete disassembly, so that its correct battle is not disturbed, b) signs of correct debugging of the rifle.

Ze. Practicing shooting with a small-caliber cartridge at a moving target

Target No. 26 (wedge) reduced 10 times.

Distance- 50 m.

Cartridges - 5.

Time determined by the movement of the target.

shooting position- but the choice of the shooter, with a crawl of 10-15 m.

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- hit the commander or driver.

Order of execution. The shooter loads the rifle before the target moves. The target moves obliquely at an angle of approximately 45° for 1.5 meters for 3 seconds.

Target movement is repeated 5 times; for each movement of the target, the shooter fires 1 bullet.

Zzh. Practice shooting with a small-caliber cartridge at a moving target

Target No. 18 (light machine gun in motion, pasted on a shield 20X20 cm), reduced by 10 times.

Distance- 40 m.

Cartridges - 5.

Time determined by the movement of the target.

shooting position- at the choice of the shooter, with a crawl of 10-15 m.

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- hit the target with 3 bullets.

Order of execution. The shooter loads the rifle before the target moves. The target moves along the front along a distance of 1 m for 4 seconds. The target movement is repeated 5 times. For each movement, the trainee fires 1 bullet.

3z. Practicing firing live ammunition at a moving target

Target No. 14 - a running figure on a shield 1.5 m wide, moving along the front.

Distance- for an ordinary sight 300 m, for an optical sight - 400 m.

Cartridges- 5 (for each sight). Time is determined by the movement of the target.

Position- lying with the use of a belt and an emphasis.

Show hits

Grade- hit the target: "excellent" - 4 bullets; "good" - 3 bullets; "satisfactory" - 2 bullets.

Order of execution. The firing line is marked with a variety of local objects, convenient for using them as cover. Starting position for shooting 50 m from the firing line. At a signal from the commander, the trainee secretly advances to the firing line, prepares for firing, applying to the terrain and loading the rifle. Target spawns from cover after 1 min. after the sign for a dash and moves along the front for 10 m for 6-7 seconds, hiding behind the second shelter; target movement is repeated 5 times. The trainee fires at a moving target independently. An observer assists the shooter in observing the shooting.

3i. Practicing live ammunition firing at a moving target

Target No. 18 - light machine gun in motion, disappears when hit.

Distance- for an ordinary sight 350 m, for an optical sight - 500 m.

Cartridges- 5 (for each sight).

Time determined by the movement of the target.

shooting position- at the choice of the shooter with crawling to the starting position for shooting at 40-50m with application to the terrain.

Show hits- after all shots for each sight.

Grade- hit the target: "excellent" - with one bullet; “good” from three bullets, “satisfactory” from five bullets.

Order of execution the same as in exercise 3h.

Exercise 3h, 3i are considered to be worked out only if they are completed with an “excellent” or “good” rating, after which the fighter can be allowed to pass the preparatory exercise Zk and test exercise 3 with an optical sight.

Zk. Practicing live ammunition shooting at moving targets

Target- conditions and procedure for performing the exercise, as in the test exercise 3 for shooting with an ordinary sight, but with a display of each bullet.



To complete the task, combat cartridges are released: for an open sight - 22 (credit control - 8, preparation - 9, reserve - 5); for an optical sight - 20 (credits exercise - 8, training - 7, zap. - 5).

Total live ammunition for the fourth task - 42.

Small-caliber cartridges - 20.

Test exercise 4

Target No. 13 (half).

Distance- 200 m.

Aim- ordinary and optical.

Cartridges 8 (2 rounds per position) per scope.

Time- 15 seconds for each position, not counting the first loading.

shooting position- using shelters and stops, lying, sitting, kneeling, standing.

Show hits

Exercise- hit the target from each position with two bullets.

Order of execution. Loading is carried out separately for firing from each position with two cartridges.

If the exercise is not performed from any position, repeated shooting is carried out only from this position.

The exercise is considered completed when it gives the required result from all positions of the arrows, at least after repetition at different times.

The most common reasons for not exercising are:

a) incorrect position of the shooter (position of the torso, legs, head) in one or another position of the ready position;

b) incorrect attachment (the butt is not in the recess of the shoulder, the tense position of the torso, legs, arms, especially the right hand);

c) the unstable position of the shooter and rifle due to insufficient preliminary training from the knee and standing, as a result - the desire, especially when shooting while standing, to catch the moment for a shot and pull the trigger;

d) incorrect and clumsy use of stops and covers when applying.

Preparatory exercises:

4a. Practice in combat use of the terrain, observation of the battlefield and determination of distances

1. Work out exercises 2b, 2c, 2e of the Course for determining distances.

2. Work out exercises 2a, 26, 2c of the Course of Combat Use of the Terrain and Observation.

4b. Training in the production of shooting from an emphasis and from behind various shelters with ordinary and optical sights

The exercise is carried out at a specially equipped shooting camp. Training should be done from all positions depending on the height and shape of the closure: standing, kneeling, sitting and lying, from the stop and from the hand, both with and without the use of a belt.

Exercises are performed in full camping equipment.

In the presence of sniper rifles, preparatory exercises without a live cartridge are carried out with an optical sight in order to learn the techniques for setting the head and eye in each of the combat positions of the shooter, which have their own characteristics.

To achieve the correct and dexterous use of various stops and closures on the terrain for shooting: a trench, a ditch, a funnel, a corner, houses, a window, a gap in the wall, a fence, a wattle fence, a stone, a tree, a bush, etc. Require the correct position of the shooter and rifle and the best use of the closure to protect against eyes and shots.

4c. Practicing shooting with a small-caliber cartridge with an emphasis due to closures

Target 8a - round on the shield.

Distance- 50 m.

Cartridges- 8 (2 cartridges from each position).

shooting position- lying, sitting, kneeling and standing. Use stops and closures in all positions.

Show hits- after firing from each position.

Exercise- knock out at least 9 points from each position.

Order of execution. The firing line must be equipped in advance with local items (portable wooden models, boxes with earth, poles, earthen bags, logs, etc.). Trainees, on the order of the commander, take the next position for shooting, adapting to stops and closures at their discretion, according to the rules taught. The commander, before opening fire, must check the correctness and expediency of using local items by each student.

4y. Solution of shooting and tactical tasks

In the exercise, work out and deepen the following issues: a) reconnaissance and assessment of the terrain; b) the choice of a place for a firing point and its equipment; c) drawing up a shooting card and the simplest perspective drawing of the terrain ahead; d) observation of the battlefield, search and recognition of targets; e) determination of distances to them; f) timing for opening fire; g) selection of the most advantageous sights and aiming points; 3) the choice of the most advantageous position for shooting and the moment for firing; i) firing shots and monitoring their results.

4d. Practice in the conservation and storage of rifles and ammunition in the conditions of action of agents (persistent and non-persistent)

The exercise is to be carried out with the aim of instilling in trainees skills in taking measures to preserve the rifle, optical sight and ammunition: a) at the first sign of OV; b) during a gas attack; c) after leaving the area of ​​action of the OV.

4e. Practicing live ammunition firing from rest and from behind closures

Target No. 13 - belt, pasted on a shield measuring 1X1.5 m.

Distance- 500 m.

Cartridges- 3 (for each sight).


shooting position- kneeling or standing due to closure.


Order of execution- at the first defeat of the target, the shooting stops.

The exercise is carried out in full camping equipment.

4g. Training in shooting from the knee with ordinary and optical sights

To achieve the correct and dexterous execution of the technique with the correct position of the body, legs and arms, both when using the belt and without it. The exercise is carried out with training cartridges, with verification of aiming and pulling the trigger into the orthoscope.

4z. Practicing shooting with a small-caliber cartridge from the knee and sitting

Target 8a - round on the shield.

Distance- 65 m.

Cartridges- 8 (4 from each position).

Time- 5 sec. per shot, not counting the loading.

shooting position- kneeling and sitting.

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- knock out at least 16 points.

4i. Practicing live ammunition kneeling and sitting


Distance- 300 m.

Cartridges- 2 (from each sight) from a kneeling position; 2 (from each sight) from a sitting position.

Time- 5 sec. per shot, not counting the loading.

shooting position- kneeling and sitting.

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- hit the target with each sight.

Order of execution- who fulfilled the conditions of the first bullet, do not shoot the second.

4k. Shooting practice from the hand

To achieve the correct and dexterous execution of the reception with the correct and stable position of the body, legs and arms.

Exercise to be carried out with training cartridges. Pay special attention to the correct release of the trigger.

Finish the training with exercises in shooting on the move. In cavalry units, practice shooting from a horse.

4l. Practice in shooting with a small-caliber cartridge while standing

Target 8a - round on the shield.

Distance- 65 m.

Cartridges - 4.

shooting position- standing with your hands.

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- knock out at least 14 points.

4m. Practicing live ammunition while standing

Target No. 13 - belt, pasted on a shield, 1X1.5 m in size.

Distance- 300m

Cartridges- 2, only with an ordinary sight.

Time- 5 sec. per shot, not counting loading (the butt is included in the count of time).

shooting position- standing, with hands.

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- hit the target.

Order of execution. The shooter fires both bullets, regardless of whether the first bullet hits. The exercise is to be carried out with the student checking with training and control cartridges before each shot of a live cartridge.


AIR SHOOTING (within 500 m)

a) live ammunition - 9 (main control - 7; zap. - 2);

b) small-caliber cartridges - 15 pcs.

ostentatious exercise

Target- a sleeve towed by an aircraft, a truncated cone made of cloth, base diameter 1 m, length 5 m.

Distance- 200-300 m.

Height- 100-200 m,

Cartridges- 3 per shooter (only with an ordinary sight).

Time determined by the location of the target in the sector of fire.

shooting position- kneeling or standing, applied to the terrain. Display of hits - at the end of the shooting. Execution order. The exercise is performed by a group of the best snipers, consisting of 4 pairs. Upon receipt of a tactical task, the groups occupy firing points and adapt for air defense in the sector indicated by the leader. At the signal of the leader, the aircraft with the sleeve makes three flights in succession in the designated sector. Each time an aircraft appears, the group opens fire on the sleeve. By choosing the time to shoot when the sleeve is in the sector of fire. If it is impossible to organize this exercise, one should confine oneself to practice in firing training (blank) cartridges at an aircraft that flies at different heights and in different directions within sniper distances (up to 500 m).

The program of tests and exercises is developed jointly with the invited pilot, who is to fly. The program must be in the hands of the head of the exercises and the pilot during the flight. Each item of the program should include: the direction of movement along local objects sharply visible from the sky (railway bed, highway, etc.), flight altitude and, when necessary, objects of attack for the aircraft (dive).

Such an exercise can be organized on a part scale for all units in order to give practice in the execution of shooting techniques at aircraft and the practical assimilation of the rules of shooting at them.

Note. The exercise is carried out with an ordinary sight, due to the impossibility of taking the required lead when the aircraft is flying along the front (the aircraft leaves the field of view of the optical sight). When flying obliquely and the aircraft is moving directly towards the arrow (approaching or receding), it is also possible to use an optical sight.

Test exercise

Target No. 23 (aircraft silhouette), mounted on a moving wire.

Distance- 40 m.

Cartridges- 4 (only for an ordinary sight).

Time determined by the movement of the target.

shooting position- from a knee or standing from a hand, at the discretion of the trainee.

Show hits- after all shots.

Grade- hit the silhouette: "excellent" - 4 bullets; "good" - 3 bullets; "satisfactory" - 2 bullets.

Order of execution. The exercise is performed in full hiking gear. The trainee prepares for shooting and loads the rifle before the target moves. The target moves at a speed of 3-4m per second. for at least 20 m. The movement of the target is repeated 4 times. For each movement of the target, the trainee fires one shot - at the direction of the commander or observer, when the target enters the safe firing sector.

Reason for failure exercise is usually insufficient training in the production of shooting at fast moving targets.

Preparatory exercises

5a. Training in the position for shooting at air targets

Exercise to be carried out on the ground with training cartridges.

To train in a fast and dexterous position for firing at aircraft models hung at a possible height from various positions (standing, kneeling, sitting, lying on your back) both with and without support. Increase the readiness speed for firing at an aircraft from any position, including loading a clip and setting the sight on command - up to 6 seconds.

5 B. Aircraft recognition training (friend or foe))

The exercise is to be carried out briefly on reduced models of aircraft typical of one's own or someone else's aviation, teaching to recognize the belonging of aircraft not only by identification marks, but also by external signs. To develop skills in their recognition, observation of overflying aircraft during field exercises should be widely used.

5th century Training in determining the distances to aircraft by their type and size

At first, the exercise should be carried out shortly, using reduced models of aircraft, using the Lira device and the Red Army rifle line to determine conditional distances.

In the future, move on to exercises in determining distances from actual aircraft, using, if possible, the nearest airfield or aircraft accidentally flying during field exercises. In these exercises, it is necessary to achieve the skill of quickly determining the distances to the aircraft (by the visibility of details) by eye within 500 m with an accuracy of 100 m.

5g Training in shooting at aircraft in various directions of movement

The exercise should be carried out briefly on the silhouettes or models of aircraft, first from the sighting machine with checking aiming with pointers, and then from the hand with checking aiming with an orthoscope. To achieve skill in determining the direction of movement of the aircraft and, accordingly, in choosing the installation of the sight and the aiming point for the aircraft:

a) the attacker

b) passing to the side (methods of aiming over local objects at the command of the commander with the removal of the aiming point for a certain number of aircraft bodies).

5d. Practice in shooting with a small-caliber cartridge at aircraft

Target No. 32 (silhouette of an aircraft diving at a shooter, pasted at a height possible under the conditions of the shooting range).

Distance- 10 m.

Cartridges - 3.

Time- 3 sec. per shot, not counting the preparation and loading.

shooting position- from a knee or standing from a hand - at the choice of the trainee.

Show hits- after each shot.

Exercise- hit two bullets in a circle described from the center of the aircraft's head, with a radius of 2 cm.

5th - the same.

Target No. 33 (the silhouette of an airplane passing along the front), pasted on a panorama with outstanding local objects (individual trees, churches, etc.).

The rest of the conditions are the same as in the previous exercise.

The exercise is performed by aiming over a local object at the command of the commander. The control point of the gauge is determined by the commander by crossing the lines of the direction of movement of the target and the vertical through the local object.

5zh - the same.

Target No. 34 (silhouette of an aircraft diving into a neighboring part).

The rest of the conditions are the same as in the previous exercises.

The exercise is performed by moving the aiming point to a certain number of target hulls at a distance conditionally indicated by the commander. The control point is determined by the commander by a simple measurement.



To complete the task, the following is released:

a) live ammunition - 47 (credits exercise - 15, prep - 22, reserve - 10);

b) small-caliber cartridges - 30.

The task is worked out in camouflage suits as part of a pair.

Test exercise:

Target No. 28 - periscope; No. 29 - loophole; the head of a fighter (Fig. 4), No. 12 - chest.

Distance- 100-400 m.

Cartridges - 15.

Time. Each trainee is given 10 minutes to choose a place in the specified area, to occupy and disguise it, to draw up a long-term plan; the time to shoot is determined by the appearance and movement of targets.

shooting position- at the choice of the shooter, in the area as directed by the chief of fire.

Show hits- at the end of the exercise.

Grade- hit all targets, spending no more than: "excellent" - 8 rounds; "good" - 12 rounds; "satisfactory" - 15 rounds.

Execution order. The leader gives each sniper a brief tactical situation and a task, indicating the area for location and sector of activity. A trained post, applied to the terrain and disguised, studies the received sector and draws up a long-term plan. The target area should be marked with a number of local features and landmarks. In the center of the target area, a target is set - a trench with a loophole at a distance of 200-250 m. After 10 minutes. after the assignment of the task, the manager starts showing the goals:

a) The first target appears - chest at a distance of 300-400 m and stands until the defeat, but no longer than 45 seconds; when hit, immediately falls (hides).

b) After 1 min. from the beginning of the appearance of the first target, the second target appears at a distance of 150-200 m - the head of a fighter (Fig. 4), moving along the front from one closing to another for 10 m for 15 seconds; the shooter transfers fire to her; when hit, the target falls (hidden).

c) After 2 minutes from the beginning of the appearance of the first target, a soldier’s head appears in the loophole of the trench (Fig. 3), on which the shooter opens fire independently; target appears for 5 sec. several times (with intervals between appearances of 7-10 seconds) before defeat, but no more than 5 times; when hit, the target immediately disappears and does not appear again.

d) 2.5 minutes after the start of the appearance of the first target away from it, at a distance of 100-150 m, the fourth target appears - a periscope for 40 seconds, the shooter transfers fire to it; when hit, the target is immediately hidden.

If the shooter does not hit any of the first three targets, the exercise is interrupted and the shooter is removed from continuing it for additional training.

The leader is warned about non-hitting targets by indicators or by phone or by conventional signs from the dugout (flag).

Preparatory exercises

6a. The solution of the small arms tactical task of firing in battle

The exercise is played on a real terrain with training cartridges. Targets are either light portable targets or live people. In the latter case, it can be carried out in the form of an oncoming fire collision. The exercise should address the following questions:

a) covert movement on the battlefield with camouflage and application to the terrain;

b) observation of the battlefield;

c) evaluation and selection of goals;

d) drawing up a long-term plan;

e) determination of distances;

e) keeping a log of observations;

g) interchangeability of snipers;

h) the choice of sight and aiming points depending on the size of the targets;

i) determination of the required number of cartridges to hit various targets.

6b. Practicing distance reading, camouflage, and battlefield observation

a) Work out the exercise: “Practice in determining distances using an optical sight” - conditions as in exercise 2nd of the Course of determining distances;

b) work out exercises 2d, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3v of the Course of Observation and Combat Use of the Terrain.

6c. Practice in firing a live cartridge with the transfer of fire along the front

Target No. 11 - head and No. 12 - chest at an interval of 10-12 m, falling or hiding in case of damage.

Distance- 300--400 m.

Cartridges - 5.

Time- 40 sec. without loading.

shooting position- at the choice of the student.

Show hits- after all shots.

Grade- hit both pieces, spending no more than: "excellent" - 3 rounds; "good" - 4 rounds; "satisfactory" - 5 rounds.

Order of execution. At 20-30 m from the firing line, the sniper is given a brief tactical situation and the observation sector is indicated. The sniper, applying to the terrain, takes up a place for shooting and disguises himself. After that, he is given 1.5 minutes to familiarize himself with the area. Then both targets spawn for 40 seconds. The sniper determines the distance to the target on his own. The hit figure hides (falls) and does not reappear. The exercise is carried out in a camouflage suit. For a better study of the issue of shooting from unmeasured distances, it is recommended to change the firing line for each shift or show a new target.

6y. Practice in firing a live cartridge with the transfer of fire in depth

Target No. 28 - the periscope and the head of a fighter (Fig. 3), appearing in the loophole, 20X30 cm in size.

Distance- to the first target 150 m, to the second - 250 m

Cartridges - 5.

Time determined by the appearance of the target.

shooting position- at the choice of the trainee, with application to the terrain.

Show hits- after all shots.

Grade- to hit both targets, having used up no more cartridges: "excellent" - 3 cartridges; "good" - 4 rounds; "satisfactory" - 5 rounds.

Order of execution. The leader gives the sniper a brief tactical situation and indicates to him the sector of his activity. The trainee is applied to the terrain, disguises himself, studies the received sector. 2 minutes after the assignment of the task, on the order of the manager, the display of goals begins.

First, a periscope appears for 20 seconds, on which the shooter opens fire; when hit, the periscope is immediately hidden. After 20 sec. after the appearance of the periscope, a second target appears - a head in the loophole. The head appears 5 times, each time for 5 seconds, with intervals between the display of 10-15 seconds. After the first defeat, the head no longer appears.

6d. Practice in firing a live cartridge with the transfer of fire along the front and in depth

Goals: No. 28 - periscope, head (Fig. 3) in the loophole and the head of a fighter (Fig. 4), moving along the front.

Distance- 100-300 m.

Cartridges - 12.

Time determined by the appearance and movement of the target.

shooting position- at the choice of the student.

Show hits- at the end of the exercise.

Grade- hit all targets, spending no more than: "excellent" - 8 rounds; “good - 10 rounds; "satisfactory" - 12 rounds.

Order of execution- the exercise is carried out similarly to test exercise 5.



To complete the task, combat cartridges are released: for an ordinary sight - 12 (credit control - 3, port - 3 and deputy - 6); for an optical sight - 12 (credits exercise -3, preparation -3 zap.-6).

Small-caliber cartridges - 10.

Test exercise 7

Target No. 14 is a running piece.

Distance- 200 m.

Cartridges- 3 (for each sight).

Aim- ordinary and optical.

Time- for each illumination of the target, make a shot.

shooting position- lying down, using a belt and an emphasis is allowed.

Show hits- after all shots with this sight.

Evaluation - hit the target: "excellent" - 3 bullets; "good" - 2 bullets and "satisfactory" - 1 bullet.

Execution order. The trainee receives a brief tactical task from the leader and is located for shooting. The device is given 2 minutes, after which the commander orders the indicators to start working. Indicators, after 5-10 seconds. after the learned order, illuminate the target for 3-4 seconds. The target is illuminated 4 times with uneven intervals of 5-10 seconds.

Preparatory exercises

7a. Practicing distance reading, battlefield observation, and camouflage

1. Work out the third task of the Course for determining distances.

2. Work out exercises 3e, 3g, 3h and 3i of the Course of Observation and Combat Use of the Terrain.

7b. Practice in shooting with a small-caliber cartridge in the dark with short target illumination

Target No. 14 - a running figure, reduced by 10 times, pasted on the panorama.

Distance- 25 m.

Cartridges - 3.

Time- for each illumination of the target, fire 1 shot.

shooting position- lying down, from the stop.

Show hits- after all shots.

Execution conditions- hit the target.

Order of execution. The trainee prepares to shoot and loads the rifle in the dark. The target is briefly illuminated by the commander, unexpectedly for the trainee, by turning on the light above the distance or a secret lantern. The target is illuminated 4 times, each time for 3-4 seconds. at irregular intervals of 5-10 seconds.

7th century Practice shooting live ammunition in total darkness

Target No. 12 - chest, on a shield 1X1 m, a hole with a diameter of 2 cm was made in the mouth of the target.

Distance- 150 m.

Cartridges- 3 (for each sight).

Aim- ordinary and optical.

Time- no more than 1.5 minutes.

shooting position- at the discretion of the student.

Show hits- after shooting with each sight.

Grade- hit the target: “excellent - 3 bullets; "good" - 2 bullets; "satisfactory" - 1 bullet.

Order of execution. When shooting with an ordinary sight, it is allowed to cover the front sight and cut it with a luminous composition. Trainees take up positions for shooting. By order of the leader, the indicator illuminates the hole in the shield from the back (imitation of smoking by the enemy observer) for 3-4 seconds, then takes a break for 5-6 seconds. and illuminates again. This is repeated 4 times.


FIRE AS A SNIPER GROUP (within 1500 m)

To complete the task, combat cartridges are released - 39 per trainee (credits exercise - 25, preparation - 7, reserve - 7).

Test exercise 8

Subject- the actions of a group of snipers in combat guards during the defense.

learning goals.

1) Checking the platoon commander in organizing the fire of a group of snipers.

2) Testing snipers in the ability to act in cooperation with neighboring pairs of snipers.

Shooting program

Setting tasks for snipers by the platoon commander; selection, arrangement and occupation by snipers of places for shooting; drawing up long-term plans or shooting cards; organization of observation. Firing with snipers; separation and adjustment of fire.

Shooting organization

Head-commander of a rifle company or head of a sniper team. Tactical background - a platoon in combat guard. The number of targets and the order in which they are located are shown in Diagram 1. All targets must be appearing, falling or hiding when hit. To monitor the application to the terrain and their camouflage in the area of ​​​​the target environment, observers with periscopes are located in dugouts (not in alignment with fired targets).


The time for setting up, occupying places for shooting and camouflage and preparing data for shooting is 15 minutes and for shooting - 5 minutes. Calculation of live ammunition for four pairs of snipers - 200 (25 pieces per shooter).

Order of conduct

Four pairs of snipers take part in the shooting at the same time. One pair is allowed to carry out shooting with an optical sight. Each shift is made up of snipers from one company under the command of one of the platoon commanders, as designated by the chief of fire. The leader announces a brief tactical situation to the platoon leader, the platoon leader explains the situation and gives the task to the snipers, after which the snipers, at the direction of the platoon leader, begin to carry out their task. After the snipers occupy places for shooting and are ready for shooting, the leader gives an order to raise targets. All targets are raised at the same time.

Snipers open fire on their own. Each hit target is immediately hidden. After five minutes from the moment the targets appeared, on the order of the leader, unhit targets are hidden.

Shooting score - penalty points are counted for each unhit target: for an unhit battalion gun - 3 points; for an undamaged easel machine gun - 3 points; for an unhit light machine gun - 2 points and each unhit target from among the rest - 1 point. To complete the exercise, you need to get no more than 10 penalty points with the greatest savings of cartridges: “excellent” - with a consumption of no more than 160 cartridges; “good” - with a consumption of no more than 180; “satisfactory” - with a consumption of no more than 200 cartridges.


Preparatory exercises

8a. Practice in solving shooting problems

The exercise is worked out as part of a group of snipers. The exercise is carried out on a variety of terrain, repeating it at different times of the day. When working out the exercise, pay attention to the organization of observation, the distribution of fire between pairs of snipers; to assess targets and determine the required number of rounds to hit various targets.

8b. Practice in firing as part of a group of snipers with its distribution on targets

The goal is as indicated in diagram 2.

Distance - from 200 to 800 m.

Cartridges - 56 for 4 pairs of snipers (7 pieces per heating pad).

Time - 2 minutes after the end of preparation for shooting.

Sight - one pair is allowed optical, the rest - ordinary.

Shooting score - penalty points are counted for each unhit target: for an unhit heavy machine gun - 3 points; for an unhit light machine gun - 2 points and each unhit target from among the rest - 1 point.

The mark "excellent" is given when receiving no more than 3 penalty points.

Rating "good" - when receiving no more than 7 penalty points.

Grade "satisfactory" - when receiving no more than 10 penalty points.

The order of execution is in relation to the test exercise 6, but the installation of all targets is dead.

Rifle shooters fire a shot while exhaling, using a respiratory pause (an interval of 1-2 seconds) between inhalation and exhalation. Why do riflemen do it this way and not otherwise? To better understand this, take the prone position with an emphasis. Aim the rifle at the target. Breathe in. You will feel that when you inhale, the chest has increased in volume and risen. Together with her, the butt of the weapon also rose, and the front sight lowered accordingly. When exhaling, the chest contracts in volume and the front sight rises. This happens both when shooting from a stop, and when shooting from a sling. A person who shoots a pistol can shoot both on an inhalation and on a half-exhalation, but a prone shooter from a rifle can shoot fully only on an exhalation. At the moment of a respiratory pause, on exhalation, carbon dioxide begins to accumulate in the body, which acts on the muscles in a relaxing way. The pulsation at the time of the respiratory pause is the smallest. With exhaled air and a contracted chest, the body of the shooter is relaxed in the most natural way.

Therefore, the shooter assumes a position on the target in such a way that when exhaling, the front sight or other sighting devices naturally move under the target.

Nature has given people different organisms. In some individuals, on a full exhalation, a tense state of the body is created.

This is especially pronounced in hand-to-hand fighters. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended, having exhaled air from the lungs, inhale slightly (one quarter or half) and hold your breath. You can not hold your breath sharply. Breath holding is performed by soft cessation of breathing at full exhalation, half exhalation or half inhalation.

The shooter can and should train himself to hold his breath for the 10-15 seconds it takes to shoot. Before the shot, it is recommended to take a few deep, calm breaths and exhalations to enrich the body with oxygen.

At the time of the shot, the position of the front sight and other sighting devices relative to the target must be stable, that is, uniform. Such a stable position during sniper shooting can only be during a respiratory pause. Therefore, the sometimes used method of clarifying and vertically correcting aiming by holding the breath at various moments will be erroneous. For example, when shooting prone, the front sight is higher or lower relative to the target and the shooter is trying to adjust the aiming point higher or lower by inhaling or exhaling. This method is not recommended for beginners. This is sometimes done only by experienced craftsmen who are fluent in shooting techniques.

For novice shooters, a whole system of errors and misses is associated with improper breathing when shooting.

If the shooter does not hold his breath at all when firing, contrary to the instructions of the instructor, from the side you can see how the barrel of his rifle "breathes" up and down. Separations in this case go vertically with a large value.

The breath should be held immediately before the shot, 5-6 seconds before it, after the preparation is verified, the shooter "lay down", first pointed the weapon at the target and peered into it. A mistake often made by beginner shooters is that they hold their breath without "gazing" at the target, and sometimes without even "laying down". At the same time, at the very end of the shot, they run out of air, the beginner begins to choke and quickly presses on the trigger. This leads to inevitable failures. For an instructor, a sign of an early breath holding by a cadet is that the barrel of a rifle, which during normal work of breathing also "breathes" up and down, and then stops for 5-6 seconds to fire, does not "breathe" from the very beginning, and before the shot small convulsive vibrations of the trunk.

Beginners also go to the other extreme: they hold their breath too late, just before the shot, when the weapon has not yet "levelled" and "settled" for the shot properly. Separations are observed along the vertical, most often upwards. The instructor notices such a student's mistake, paying attention to the absence of a stop of the up and down oscillations of the barrel before the shot, or to a very slight stop.

A widespread vice of novice shooters is holding their breath for a long time when firing. When the shooter holds his breath for a very long time, delaying the shot, then in the end he does not have enough air, oxygen starvation sets in, and the shooter tries to quickly pull the trigger and finish the shot. The result is most often a miss. With all this, the shooter imperceptibly strains, which causes increased fatigue.

For a normal shot, you need no more than 5-6, a maximum of 8 seconds. If the shooter cannot meet this time, then something is stopping him. First of all, the instructor must check the correctness of the preparation: with the correct “resting” and trained, accumulated preparation, when everything that could have been ill, has been ill and does not hurt, does not pull or press on any side, nothing should interfere with the arrow. In this case, the instructor, using a stroboscope or clamping a rifle into a sighting machine with control aiming, checks the correct aiming of a particular shooter.

Such checks sometimes reveal very interesting "surprises". In the memory of the author, one of the shooters stubbornly aimed his front sight flush with the shoulders of the chest target. It turned out that his mane of the rear sight was too blurry, and therefore he always took a large fly. In another case, the shooter worked on a large target with a gap and took a very large gap. With a large gap, it is much more difficult to maintain its uniform size, and therefore this shooter all the time, as they say, "played with the gap", scattering bullets vertically.

The shooter is assigned additional exercises to develop stability and balance (see earlier). With increased nervous excitability, swimming is very useful: it calms a person like no other procedure, and increases lung capacity.

Attention is drawn to the work of the finger on the descent. Prolonged breath holding may be due to the fact that the finger simply does not "pull" the trigger (see the "Trigger Release Technique" section below).

In beginners, the most common cause of prolonged breath holding is low shooting stability due to insufficient training. Therefore, a novice shooter is forced to take a ready position for a prone position with a rifle and, observing all the rules of aiming, maintain the front sight at the designated aiming point, without breaking away from the weapon and without tearing the butt from the shoulder for an hour. All this happens without idle clicks. The shooter trains only breath-holding, performing it at the moment of combining the front sight with the desired aiming point. At the same time, the fabrication is refined and corrected at the same time. The shooter gets used to the increased loads and determines what he did right in the ready, and what was wrong and what clearly interfered with him. It is very important for the instructor that the cadet understands the need for all this and does all this consciously. The conscious enthusiasm of the shooter "from the inside" in such cases is more important than the commander's corrections "outside".

Some shooters, especially when shooting while standing, involuntarily tense the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abdomen, abdominals, neck and even face when holding their breath. As already mentioned, when shooting while standing, you need to apply calm force, but you can’t strain. The tension of one muscle group reflexively entails excessive and senseless tension of other muscles. This negates the coordination of movements when aiming and pulling the trigger. Excessive tension causes increased fatigue of the shooter.

When a shooter is tense, he will usually take a quick deep breath before firing and a quick exhale after firing. And even the expression on the face of such a shooter is tense and preoccupied.

To relieve tension, there is a very good practical technique: "sitting, while inhaling, raise your arms through the sides with your palms up, at the same time stretch your legs forward. Holding your breath for 2-3 seconds, stretch strongly. Then, turning your palms forward and relaxing your muscles, as you exhale lower your arms down and pull your legs up to the starting position "(F.I. Zhamkov. Initial training of the shooter-athlete).

Combat psychophysiology is the science of attracting unclaimed potential reserves of the human body for a sharp increase in the effectiveness of combat activity. The sniper must have sharpened vision and hearing, an increased level of observation and a kind of "animal instinct" that allows him to predict the enemy's movements, his behavior, movements and tactical plans.

To complete a combat mission and stay alive, the sniper needs to locate a target before that target detects him. To detect a lurking distant and camouflaged target, you need to see it, or determine its presence by the smallest signs of the surrounding landscape, indicating the presence of a cloaked target. This can be done only with trained visual observation. The sniper must notice what others cannot see Observation is the ability to note the natural or unnatural state of objects, phenomena, human and animal behavior. Observation is also the ability to build a logical causal relationship between the observed phenomena, the changeable or unchanging position of objects on the landscape, the behavior of living beings, comparing facts and unraveling the possible actions of the enemy. The value of trained observation, combined with work on the map, is difficult to overestimate. This is the only real way to develop tactical non-standard thinking, which is so necessary for both the sniper and the reconnaissance.

Observation is the same natural psycho-physiological ability to perceive information as vision, hearing, smell. It can and should be developed, and there are no limits to the improvement of this development.

Observation training is carried out by very simple methods.

  • The instructor puts several items on the table: cartridges from various weapons, buttons, insignia, camouflage patches, stones, cigarettes of various varieties and, of course, a compass. The cadet is allowed to look at all this for several seconds, then the composition is covered with a tarpaulin and the cadet is offered to list everything presented on it.
  • An unwarned cadet lists, at best, half of what he saw. The instructor needs to be corrected. “You didn’t say what kind of weapon the cartridges were from and how many of them, how many stones, what sizes and what origin they were, how many cigarettes and what sorts they were, how many spots were on the camouflage, and you didn’t list what kind of insignia they were.” For slow-wittedness and negligence, the cadet receives an outfit out of turn. Further training progresses a little more progressively. Show times are reduced. The number of items and their range are subject to change. When the cadet begins to accurately describe everything that is shown to him, the classes are transferred to nature.
  • At a distance of 100 meters, the cadet is allowed to look at the landscape with the naked eye, then he turns his back and the assistant (the same cadet) makes minor changes near the target field. The cadet is turned to face the targets, and he is instructed to tell about the changes that have taken place there. Gradually, training distances increase to 300 meters. At this distance, the sniper should detect with the naked eye changes in the position of objects - broken branches, trampled grass, swaying bushes, cigarette smoke, the appearance and disappearance of small objects (the size of a tin can). It is with the naked eye, because in the process of such training, vision is noticeably sharpened. Then the cadets alternately equip camouflaged positions and, again, with the naked eye, at the same distances up to 300 meters, they train in detecting signs of these positions (compressed grass, cleared shelling sectors, shaded places on the edge of the forest, etc.). Then the same thing is done in motion by car - the cadets determine at a distance places suitable for setting up sniper ambushes by the enemy according to the landscape of the area. It is difficult to overestimate snipers trained in this way in mobile actions - in the head marching outpost, when escorting columns, in a reconnaissance sabotage or search and jaeger group. The one who equipped such positions in training will be able to predict the places of their setting in combat conditions. This is quite real - a person who is waiting for an attack on the move has a very aggravated susceptibility.

During the trainings described above, the psychophysiological method of mobilizing the reserve of a living organism, known to practical physicians, is used. In daily activities, a person needs to constantly receive some amount of vital everyday information. It is known that in deaf people who do not receive part of everyday operational information, this loss is compensated by an increased development of visual observation. Therefore, a knowledgeable instructor will force the cadet to tightly plug his ears when he is strictly required to complete the training task of identifying a target at distances of 300 meters or more. At the same time, the results are noticeably progressing, and vision is noticeably sharpened.

Observation training is transferred to the training ground. At distances of more than 300 meters, snipers-observers in any case are already forced to use optical devices. At distances of 300, 350, 400 meters, the cadet is tasked to survey the landscape to every square decimeter for several hours, clearly determine the distances to landmarks, predict where the enemy will equip sniper positions and draw up a fire card. At night covertly advance and equip camouflaged positions. At the same time, the instructors encourage the creative initiative of the cadets in every possible way. Another group of cadets receives the same task, but "from that front line." With dawn, both of them train in detecting equipped positions by changes in terrain and other signs. The first one to discover them is rewarded, the last one is punished. Exactly the same training is then carried out at longer distances - up to 600 and 800 meters.

To develop visual observation in the old days, snipers were forced to watch ... construction workers for hours. In this case, the observer had to be at such a distance that the wind carried fragments of colloquial speech. The content of the conversation had to be guessed from the articulation of the lips of the speakers and from their gestures. This enormously developed the so-called audiovisual observation and allowed the sniper to study the patterns of human behavior and the system of his movements in a confined space. It was a kind of study of human habits. The observer himself, in a training manner, had to determine how and where this or that builder disappeared in the labyrinth of a building under construction, where, in what place, from what angle and after what period of time he should appear. As floor after floor grew, the architecture of the building appeared before the observer "in a section" and it became easier and easier for the observer to predict the movements of possible targets. Then the classes were transferred to the field, to large-scale military exercises. A camouflaged sniper, close to the positions of a mock enemy, observed the life of his trenches, dugouts, and communications. At the same time, snipers learned to intuitively “turn on” the target and sense its appearance in advance in some open and unprotected place. When approaching such a place, the enemy still did not assume anything, and the sniper already kept this place on sight with the trigger previously “squeezed out”. Trained observation allowed the sniper to determine at the slightest sign that the target was entering a dangerous place, and to squeeze the descent even before it appeared there. As a result, the fascist, who moved a little from the shelter, immediately received a bullet in the head. Such things were taught in the special courses of the NKVD before the war. During the war, snipers learned such combat foresight right on the positions. There was no need to teach such things to snipers recruited from Siberian shooters and eastern peoples - Nanais, Nivkhs, Yakuts, who felt nature and from a distance felt changes in it, there was no need to teach such things - they knew how to do it from childhood. At the front, they kept a note of all artificial depressions in the parapets of the enemy defenses, knowing that it was there that sooner or later someone would have to lean out to see what was being done on the front line. And who leaned out, received a bullet in the forehead.

A more or less trained sniper always strives to catch the moment when the enemy, crawling like a bell in the shallow folds of the terrain, raises his head. Sooner or later he must pick it up to look around. After a sniper shot, the one who raised his head lowered it once and for all. Knowledgeable and trained snipers who have learned to feel nature, the slightest change in it and the slightest, even the most insignificant falseness in the landscape, will always calculate the open or closed position of the sniper. Moreover, they will figure out in their minds exactly where it is more convenient, profitable and discreet for the enemy to place an open sniper position, which does not take much time to equip or occupy. A knowledgeable sniper will always determine from what position, at what time of day, in what light and position of the sun, the enemy will shoot. And a knowledgeable sniper will expect at this time that it is at this position that the enemy will raise his head for a shot. And with the beginning of this ascent, the sniper will squeeze the descent so that the "raised forehead", a colleague from the other side, "caught" a sniper bullet. And in no case will a knowledgeable sniper be curious about the results of his shot - he bit and disappeared. So it will be more reliable. If the enemy is killed, intelligence will report about it. If not killed, then he will manifest.

Most convincingly, such moments are presented in the testimony of eyewitnesses:

"... On the first combat mission, Naumicheva was sent in a pair with an experienced male shooter. Zinaida was delighted when, for shelter, her partner offered her the same bomb crater that she noticed. He himself settled down about a hundred meters to the left. Zina watched carefully "how, having safely reached the place, the sniper began to equip his firing point and then completely disappeared from sight. A little more time passed, and then Zina saw him again. Aiming, he slightly raised his head, and at the same second a shot from the enemy rang out. It happened "Snipers, like miners, make a mistake once," they used to say at the school.

(T. Kral. "Right-flank")

A budding female sniper is lucky. If a successful position (an aerial bomb crater) was noticed at the same time by both she and her mentor, the German sniper probably noticed it too. Moreover, the German, who must have studied the area, spotted a convenient sniper position next to this funnel and waited for the Russian to raise his head on it. And waited. Among other things, this sniper pair for some reason entered the position before dark, in violation of all instructions.

"... It happened in the spring, on a clear May day. The girls lay down under a mighty century-old oak. They disguised themselves - you can't imagine better. In any case, the shelling from the enemy side, which lasted for an hour, did not even touch the branches near the snipers. Then everything was quiet. Koshevaya looked through the line of defense through the scope. What is it? A small Christmas tree has grown from somewhere, before the shelling it didn’t seem to exist. Come on, come on! Komyakova also noticed a new Christmas tree. But, apparently, she moved. Two shots fired towards each other at the same time Koshevaya saw how the Nazi sniper dropped his rifle, the Christmas tree, not supported by anything, fell on the dead body. She looked back at her friend ... Anya Komyakova dropped her head on the butt, a thin, dark stream flowed down into the ground. The enemy's shot was also accurate " .

(G. Evstigneev. "Three Annas". Collection "Snipers". Abridged)

This episode needs little to no comment. The German sniper acted classically: he advanced and camouflaged his position during shelling - an event that diverts attention and does not allow him to raise his head. Russian female snipers acted presumptuously, observing through a telescopic sight, and not through a periscope. The fact that they noticed a new Christmas tree, which did not exist before the shelling, was the merit of an instructor who had previously trained snipers for observation. But the German sniper, apparently, was also trained for increased observation. Otherwise, he would not have noticed the movement that cost the life of a Russian female sniper. No matter how disguised the sniper, in an open position, he must lie motionless. In a combat situation, everything is noticed and everything becomes clear, because when there is a strong need, perception is sharpened.

After the proper level of observation has been developed, the sniper must "open his ears" and train his hearing. On the battlefield, especially in ambushes at night and in operational search, a sniper must not only see well, but also hear well.

Hearing develops very well during night work, and in extreme conditions at night it develops even faster.

From time immemorial, there has been a very simple and affordable way to train your hearing using a wrist or pocket watch. Lie on your back and put the watch at arm's length from you. Try to hear the mechanism work. Gradually move the clock away from you. Having clearly caught the sounds of a running clock, count their strokes up to a hundred - this trains operational attention. If you do not hear them when you move the clock back again, do not strain your hearing - sharpen your "auditory attention", and you will soon hear them. There is a direct physiological connection between heightened attention and hearing acuity. Remember! Hearing works with full dedication when a person is in a calm state. An angry and enraged person hears very badly.

Start training your hearing at night, when it is sharper in itself, in a physiological way, and gradually move on to daytime training.

A person hears better when the area is illuminated, even if it is weak and dim. Green color also makes hearing sharper. This is the nature of the nervous system.

Lying on the back worsen the sound orientation, and lying on the stomach, on the contrary, improve. To improve hearing, a pressing massage of the auricles is performed. It is performed as follows: clench your hands into fists and slowly press the backs of your fists on the ears and quickly release. It is important that air passes through the knuckles and there is no "smack" in the ears. Do 10-15 such pressures, and you will feel that your ears have noticeably "cleared up".

Despite trained vision and hearing, scouts and snipers always use additional techniques to improve visual acuity and hearing. It is known that sugar and glucose are energy substances necessary for the functioning of the heart, brain and nervous system as a whole, and, consequently, the sense organs.

A piece of sugar placed under the tongue significantly improves the efficiency of night vision and hearing. Their sharpness is increased by chewing sweet and sour tablets.

Of the simple and affordable means, chewing a pinch of tea with a pinch of sugar is used in practice (but do not swallow it right away!). Theine contained in tea has a tonic effect, and sugar is an energy material for the brain. This method causes a significant increase in the sensitivity of vision at night and reduces the time of adaptation in the dark from 30-40 to 5-7 minutes. When chewing sweet tea, the energy potential of a person sharply increases compared to his usual state. The same effect is achieved by the simplest procedural technique - wiping the forehead, temples, neck with cold water.

Night vision is enhanced when sitting. No one knows why this happens, but this method is effective and proven.

Purposeful attention increases night vision and hearing by 1.5-2 times.

The eye is the main working body of the sniper. In shooting sports, it is allowed to shoot with glasses from all types of sporting weapons. Brutal combat practice places increased demands on the shooter, and therefore the sniper's vision must be impeccable. When selecting snipers directly in units and subunits, they are guided by the following provisions.

“A person with normal vision can clearly see objects 1 mm in size at a distance of 4 meters. The shading on a white circle with black lines 1 mm thick will also be clearly visible at this distance (diagram 102, given in the original).

As the shaded circle moves away from the subject, the latter will become worse and worse to distinguish between black and white lines, and at about 8 - 10 meters he will not see them at all. Only the gray circle will be visible.

When testing visual acuity, a circle with hatching should be placed 8 meters from the subject and shown to him 4-5 times with hatching in different directions. The candidate, having closed one eye, must determine the direction of the hatching each time.

Scheme 102. Shaded circle for checking visual acuity:

For sniper training, it is advisable to enroll only those who, without errors, determine the position of the hatching on the circle from a distance of 8 meters "(F.I. Zhomkov. Manual for instructors).

To sharpen his vision, a sniper needs a diet, namely, vitamin A, the source of which is carrots, but it must be eaten with something fatty - with any butter or sour cream, because carotene (provitamin A) contained in carrots, from which the vitamin itself is synthesized, fat-soluble and in a fatty environment is absorbed much better.

This moment is well known to practical snipers who nibble on carrots at every opportunity and in any quantity. Blueberries in any form are even more useful.

The author still remembers the times when special forces snipers were strictly forbidden to read while lying down and watch TV - from an hour of reading on the back and one and a half to two hours of watching TV, vision noticeably deteriorates for three days.

As already mentioned, a conventional optical sight makes it possible to see the target in poor lighting conditions, that is, at dawn, in rain, fog, dusk and even a little in the dark.

In a combat situation, a sniper often has to work in such conditions, and for the shooter's eyesight this has its own characteristics.

When visibility deteriorates (twilight, rain, etc.), one should not focus on the target in the desire to see it better, while excessive tension of the aiming eye occurs and the nervous system is depleted due to general tension. Tension of the nervous system leads to reflex uncontrolled tension of almost all the muscles of the shooter , even those that are not usually involved in the shot process. The pulse rises reflexively, and all this leads to a decrease in the stability of the weapon. If you need to shoot at dusk and the target looks like a gray, half-blurred, shapeless silhouette, there is no need to shoot it strictly at the bridge of the nose - aim somewhere in the middle of the target’s silhouette, focusing your eyesight on the aiming element - the tip of a stump or aiming square. At the same time, your eyesight is not strained and, accordingly, body is not stressed.

Remember! Usually, when working with an optical sight, the shooter does not notice the deterioration in visibility until it has decreased to a significant level. Looking into the sight, the shooter is sure that he sees normally, and involuntarily strains his eyesight with the above consequences, trying to see the target better After the shot, even with normal visual load, visual acuity is restored 4-5 times longer than the time spent on the shot.

In case of visual fatigue that occurs after a shot in the dark or at dusk, you need to "rest with your eyes" until visual acuity is fully restored and unpleasant sensations in the eyes disappear. Otherwise, vision can simply be "teared off"

At night, you should not peer into the darkness for a long time, so as not to tire your eyesight. It is recommended to periodically close your eyes for 5-10 seconds. Such a short rest will help get rid of fatigue.

When working at night, it may be necessary to look at a map, at some document, or simply shine a light near you. To do this, use only red light with a narrow beam, covering the aiming eye with your hand so as not to disturb its accommodation.

At night, do not look at the flashes of signal and lighting rockets. Look not at the rocket, but at what is under it, in the field of its illumination. One beautiful rocket that you admire while it burns will be enough to reduce your ability to see clearly for half an hour. If you need to look at something luminous, take a button and look through its holes, closing your aiming eye. Never look at a fire at night - you still won't see those who are behind it. Cover your eye from the flame with your hand and look around the periphery of the illuminated place, then you will see what will be there.

Try to "place" the target immediately, which has arisen during the flash of a rocket or under other illumination, because a competent target, after its illumination, will immediately try to disappear from the field of view.

With an optical sight, you can "see a little" in the dark, and if you develop the sharpness of the so-called "night vision", then you can see even more with the sight. Night vision is not a supernatural phenomenon, but a normal function of the body, inherited from our distant ancestors and in an unclaimed state of dormant atavism. For snipers and scouts of the last war, night vision was an everyday tool for current combat work.

To awaken and develop night vision, look at the stars at night more often. After looking at them for ten minutes without stopping, you state that there seem to be more of them. It escalated and "tuned" night vision

Excessive "gazing" into observation devices significantly reduces visual acuity. Therefore, when working in a sniper pair, the sniper "rests with his eyes", and his partner constantly monitors through the periscope or stereotube, determines the distance to the targets and performs ballistic calculations.

In the dark, try to enrich the brain with oxygen and take 10-12 deep breaths per minute with your nose for 4-5 minutes. This sharpens the sharpness of night vision and hearing. For the same purpose, you can do chewing movements that increase cerebral circulation. The same effect is achieved by using 0.1 % atropine solution Put a piece of sugar under the tongue, and let it gradually dissolve there. Keep it in your mouth longer and do not swallow immediately. Night vision and hearing are aggravated at the same time by one and a half times.

A sniper who is in a sniper ambush must listen not only to the atmosphere, but also to the ground. Sounds from steps, movement of equipment, dropping loads, trenching, and in some cases even human speech are well transmitted in the ground. A sniper, forced to be tied to a rifle and visually control the situation, can listen to the ground in two practical ways: stick a small shovel into the ground and listen with his ear pressed to the handle, or bury a bottle or flask half-filled with water into the ground, into the neck of which through insert the rubber tube into the hole in the plug. Insert the other end of the tube into your ear and listen.

Remember! Snipers can't smoke! Nicotine "clamps" blood vessels, reduces visual acuity and increases pulsation. After one cigarette smoked for 2-3 hours, the quality of sniper shooting deteriorates by 15-20%. In addition, constant smoking reduces overall sensitivity and susceptibility.

The sniper has no right to be angry. Anger is good in a direct attack, but in accurate shooting it only brings harm. Anger increases the pulsation and thus noticeably worsens the quality of shooting. The sniper has no right to negative emotions at all. Fear "de-energizes" the shooter and deprives him of nervous and physical energy, and excitement causes an increased "jitters". Therefore, professional snipers gradually wean themselves to worry, get angry and worry in general, introducing themselves into a state of "combat indifference". It ends with complete immunity to stressful situations. And so the sniper shoots at a live target in the same way as at a paper target, without experiencing any emotions. The composure of snipers borders on indifference.

Cases have been repeatedly noted when snipers of reconnaissance and sabotage groups fell asleep in aircraft before parachute landing, and woke them up immediately before being thrown out.

The best sport to encourage shooting is swimming, preferably at a slow pace over long distances. Swimming very well develops the muscle groups necessary for shooting, effectively and quickly "sets shooting breathing". As already known, the quality of breathing when shooting is difficult to overestimate. Very useful are dumbbell gymnastics and training of the vestibular apparatus in any way possible.

Running, cross-country, stayer jerks, karate classes negatively affect accurate rifle shooting. And therefore, if a sniper works in a reconnaissance and sabotage group, where everything is based on the speed of movement, it is preferable for him to move with a quick athletic step, and in hand-to-hand combat, work not with his fists, but with a silent pistol, since they have done enough for the Russian army.

Women shoot better than men. It's not even that they don't drink or smoke. Psychophysiologically, women are much more adapted to work in extreme conditions than men. The threshold of patience for women is higher than for men. The physiological endurance and adaptability of the female body is not comparable in efficiency to the male one. Women have more acute perception systems, in particular, increased potential for night vision, hearing and smell. Their combat intuition, originally laid down by nature, instantly works. Women are incredibly observant.

A woman, psychologically prepared in advance for the conduct of hostilities, does not experience a feeling of confusion on the battlefield. When fulfilling the assigned combat mission, women work (namely work) in a collected, purposeful and ruthless manner. Combat work is carried out clearly, diligently and accurately. Military women are very clear about the implementation of official instructions, not deviating from them even a step. Women treat the process of sniper shooting very carefully and carefully, just like following a constant instruction, so they are more trained in shooting than men. The process of disguise women are creative, with incredible ingenuity, this process is very organic for them. The performance of a female sniper will always be higher than that of a male sniper. In combat practice, women are more careful, when injured, they are more tenacious.

Taking into account these features, in the middle of 1943, the Central Women's School of Snipers was formed in Moscow. In two years, more than 1,800 female snipers were trained, who by the end of the war destroyed, according to the most rough estimates, more than 18,000 Germans, that is, one German division of the full front line.

I wonder if anyone knows how to become a sniper? Let's first figure out who a sniper is. This is a soldier trained according to a special program, perfectly mastering the art of camouflage, marksmanship and observation. He can destroy the target with the first shot.

The task of the sniper is to eliminate the enemy, liaison and command personnel, defeat important camouflaged, moving, appearing and open single targets (officers, enemy snipers, and so on). Such a shooter uses a sniper rifle equipped with an optical sight and other specific devices that facilitate aiming.

Quite often, well-aimed fighters in others (aviation, artillery) are called snipers.

The term "sniper" first appeared during the First World War in the British troops. It comes from the English word "snipe" - a small and fast bird whose flight path is unpredictable. It is difficult to hunt it: the shot must be carried out offhand.


And let's now consider the question of how to become a sniper in Russia. Interestingly, back in 2011, four Russian military districts decided to massively train combatant snipers. It is planned until 2016 to provide all motorized rifle and tank brigades with a thousand superbly trained shooters capable of destroying the enemy from a distance of about two kilometers. The military say there are not enough specialists for high-precision destruction of enemy targets.

And what weapon will the sniper get? They intend to arm the shooters of the ground units with 7.62 mm snipers. By the way, earlier the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that it was no longer going to purchase this outdated weapon. In addition, the fighters will receive 9-millimeter "Vintorez". For special forces units, they promised to purchase imported small arms. And sniper pairs were to be equipped with a small-sized laser reconnaissance device and means for calculating the initial data for aimed fire.

Lyudmila is the most successful female sniper in world history. On her account there are 309 deadly hits (confirmed) in the rank and file and officers of the enemy army.

In general, it has long been believed that war is a male occupation. But in June 1941, when the German army stormed the borders of our Motherland, all the people rose to defend its independence. And adults, and children, and men, and women stood in the way of the enemy with weapons in their hands!

In the wonderful annals of the Great Patriotic War, a colossal number of female names are recorded, marked by military awards of the Soviet Union. In it you can read about the pilots, and about the signalmen, and about the partisans. The homeland was defended by a nurse, a scout, and a sniper girl too. And one female fighter became a full cavalier of the soldier's Order of Glory.

The famous female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko eliminated almost an entire battalion of the enemy in fierce battles! People will always remember Aliya Moldagulova, Tatiana Kostyrina, Masha Polivanova, Tatiana Baramzina, Nina Pavlovna Petrova and thousands of other female shooters. The radiance of the stars acquired by them in fierce fire battles will never go out.

Selection of candidates for ATS snipers

And now we will tell you how to become an ATS sniper. When selecting candidates for such a position, experts use professional psychological selection. There are two important aspects to this process. The first is the identification of persons who, due to their moral, psychological, professional and psycho-physiological qualities, cannot perform the tasks of a sniper. Thus, the number of qualification errors and nervous breakdowns during military operations or special operations decreases, and the possibility of developing mental illness in the future is reduced.

You are thinking about how to become a sniper. First you need to study the psychophysiological and psychological indications for appointment to this position:

  • chronic ailments;
  • condition after illness;
  • reduced psychological stability, belonging to a group of mental maladaptation;
  • low degree of development of qualifying important parameters;
  • increased anxiety, fear, anxiety;
  • excessive impulsiveness, lack of restraint, a tendency to spectacular response;
  • emotional-vegetative inconstancy (frequent blanching or reddening of the face, sweating, constant trembling of the eyelids and hands);
  • resentment, irritability, a tendency to negative emotional and evaluative reactions.

The second aspect is to determine the degree of moral-psychological, psycho-physiological and qualification readiness of candidates for the implementation of the combat work of a sniper.

All candidates are assessed on the following parameters:

  • value-legal orientation (impeccable sense of duty, purposefulness);
  • moral postulates;
  • clarity of motivation (voluntary desire to solve a difficult work task);
  • level of claims, self-confidence, adequacy of self-esteem, (responsibility, realism, decisiveness in a difficult situation, flexibility of behavior);
  • intellectual string (general intelligence, heuristic and operational thinking);
  • resistance to physical and mental stress;
  • level of self-control (poise, restraint, self-control).

Important nuances are also called the ability to quickly understand a dynamically changing and complex environment, well-developed perception, coordination of movements, speed-strength endurance and spatial orientation.


And while some are pondering the question of how to become a good sniper, we will consider the training of shooters for anti-armed intruder teams. Such lessons are distinguished by characteristic features, the main of which is that the shooting distance here is 300-400 m. And in the army, snipers are offered two to three times more distance for training. Moreover, a sniper serving in the police must be able to correctly determine the target, take into account the presence of hostages, members of his group or random persons who may be present near the criminal, be able to stay in one position (several hours), be ready to answer in the future before the court for their deeds.

Many people are interested in how to learn to shoot right on target. This is a serious question, and the answer to it will be this: the selection for ATS snipers is very tough. Candidates are selected on a voluntary basis. It is not enough just to have the desire to be a sniper. Usually people are selected for such a position from participants in shooting competitions or from persons with obvious ability to shoot. In addition, candidates must have a working knowledge of ballistics.

And also, those who want to be a sniper must have tremendous experience in law enforcement, and be well versed in police activities. Usually preference is given to mature, calm and patient faces. Pay attention to emotionally balanced, non-smoking and non-alcoholic individuals.

Before asking a question about how to learn to shoot, you need to pay attention to personal qualities. Management always selects candidates with good physical fitness who are able to endure heavy loads. Excellent health means instant reaction, breath control, precise muscle control. It is very important that the sniper has excellent vision and increased stamina. Agree, if the shooter loses or breaks his glasses, he will become defenseless. In addition, the lenses of the glasses reflect the sun's rays, and, therefore, give out the location of the sniper. By the way, such a valuable employee must constantly improve his professionalism and improve himself.


It is known that a sniper shot can change history. Therefore, candidates for this position are selected with an above-average IQ. In addition, the future shooter must express his thoughts clearly and clearly when communicating on the radio, be able to understand ballistics, communications, optics, navigation, and so on. Experts also check the degree of observation of the newcomer, visual memory and the ability to analyze, collect useful data, and apply them in different situations.

Selection is usually divided into two stages. First, the available information about the level of development of abilities, the state of health is studied. What qualities of a sniper are important in the job? Usually pay attention to the physical, business, psycho-physiological and moral-psychological parameters of the individual. Then testing is carried out to determine the level of development of these qualities.

So, not every excellent shooter can be a sniper. Therefore, evaluating candidates, experts always show integrity and firmness.

In order for the sniper to always have a high psychological tone, he is regularly subjected to a psychodiagnostic examination (talking, testing, observing). For the prevention of stress diseases, regular relaxation classes are recommended. They are necessary for the formation of self-confidence, the elimination of inhibition and the fight against anxiety, a specific fear of going to surgery.

"Gods of war"

In the military environment, snipers are called "gods of war." You will never find them in the crowd, in appearance they are no different from ordinary people. No one will notice that the shooter is shell-shocked, and that his eyes have seen death more than once.

Snipers are people with colossal combat experience, excellent shooting marks, limitless endurance and nerves of steel. These are fearless people.

In general, the work of a sniper is associated with iron calmness: he can hold a target for up to three days.

Do you know how candidates are screened? The beginner is put on a chair near the window, pointed to any object and forced to look at it for twelve hours without looking away! Agree, not everyone is capable of this!

And there is also such a test: in training, snipers are raised at night and taken out into the field one at a time. They are handed a rifle, shown a target (a person), and told: "Shoot!". If the sniper does not pull the trigger within five seconds, the test fails. In fact, such a specific fighter must be ready to immediately shoot what they show him.

In general, this work is similar to a dangerous game. She is both captivating and cold-blooded at the same time. They say that sniper combat is like chess.

Notable shooters

Do you know that there are great snipers not only in the Soviet Union? Let's list them in order:

  1. In the First World War, Francis Pegamegebow was known (378 liquidated soldiers and officers of the enemy).
  2. Finnish-Soviet War (1939-1940): Simo Häyhä (542 liquidated Soviet officers and soldiers).
  3. In modern history, snipers of the USSR are known: Tuleugali Nasyrkhanovich Abdybekov, Akhmanov Makhmud, Akhat Abdulkhakovich Akhmetyanov, Grigoryevich and others.
  4. The Vietnam War introduces us to the following snipers: Carlos Hatchcock (USA), Chuck Mavinney (USA) and Adelbert Waldron III (USA).

So, we looked at how you can learn sniper business, and we hope that this article will help those who wish to choose this profession.

Combat psychophysiology is the science of attracting unclaimed potential reserves of the human body for a sharp increase in the effectiveness of combat activity. The sniper must have sharpened vision and hearing, an increased level of observation and a kind of "animal instinct" that allows him to predict the enemy's movements, his behavior, movements and tactical plans.

To complete a combat mission and stay alive, the sniper needs to locate a target before that target detects him. To detect a lurking distant and camouflaged target, you need to see it, or determine its presence by the smallest signs of the surrounding landscape, indicating the presence of a cloaked target.

This can be done only with trained visual observation. The sniper must notice what others cannot see Observation is the ability to note the natural or unnatural state of objects, phenomena, human and animal behavior. Observation is also the ability to build a logical causal relationship between the observed phenomena, the changeable or unchanging position of objects on the landscape, the behavior of living beings, comparing facts and unraveling the possible actions of the enemy. The value of trained observation, combined with work on the map, is difficult to overestimate. This is the only real way to develop tactical non-standard thinking, which is so necessary for both the sniper and the reconnaissance.

Observation is the same natural psycho-physiological ability to perceive information as vision, hearing, smell. It can and should be developed, and there are no limits to the improvement of this development.

Observation training is carried out by very simple methods.

The instructor puts several items on the table: cartridges from various weapons, buttons, insignia, camouflage patches, stones, cigarettes of various varieties and, of course, a compass. The cadet is allowed to look at all this for several seconds, then the composition is covered with a tarpaulin and the cadet is offered to list everything presented on it.

An unwarned cadet lists, at best, half of what he saw. The instructor needs to be corrected. “You didn’t say what kind of weapon the cartridges were from and how many of them, how many stones, what sizes and what origin they were, how many cigarettes and what sorts they were, how many spots were on the camouflage, and you didn’t list what kind of insignia they were.” For slow-wittedness and negligence, the cadet receives an outfit out of turn. Further training progresses a little more progressively. Show times are reduced. The number of items and their range are subject to change. When the cadet begins to accurately describe everything that is shown to him, the classes are transferred to nature.

At a distance of 100 meters, the cadet is allowed to look at the landscape with the naked eye, then he turns his back and the assistant (the same cadet) makes minor changes near the target field. The cadet is turned to face the targets, and he is instructed to tell about the changes that have taken place there.

Gradually, training distances increase to 300 meters. At this distance, the sniper should detect with the naked eye changes in the position of objects - broken branches, trampled grass, swaying bushes, cigarette smoke, the appearance and disappearance of small objects (the size of a tin can). It is with the naked eye, because in the process of such training, vision is noticeably sharpened. Then the cadets alternately equip camouflaged positions and, again, with the naked eye, at the same distances up to 300 meters, they train in detecting signs of these positions (compressed grass, cleared shelling sectors, shaded places on the edge of the forest, etc.). Then the same thing is done in motion by car - the cadets determine at a distance places suitable for setting up sniper ambushes by the enemy according to the landscape of the area. It is difficult to overestimate snipers trained in this way in mobile actions - in the head marching outpost, when escorting columns, in a reconnaissance sabotage or search and jaeger group. The one who equipped such positions in training will be able to predict the places of their setting in combat conditions. This is quite real - a person who is waiting for an attack on the move has a very aggravated susceptibility.

During the trainings described above, the psychophysiological method of mobilizing the reserve of a living organism, known to practical physicians, is used. In daily activities, a person needs to constantly receive some amount of vital everyday information. It is known that in deaf people who do not receive part of everyday operational information, this loss is compensated by an increased development of visual observation. Therefore, a knowledgeable instructor will force the cadet to tightly plug his ears when he is strictly required to complete the training task of identifying a target at distances of 300 meters or more. At the same time, the results are noticeably progressing, and vision is noticeably sharpened.

Observation training is transferred to the training ground. At distances of more than 300 meters, snipers-observers in any case are already forced to use optical devices. At distances of 300, 350, 400 meters, the cadet is tasked to survey the landscape to every square decimeter for several hours, clearly determine the distances to landmarks, predict where the enemy will equip sniper positions and draw up a fire card. At night covertly advance and equip camouflaged positions. At the same time, the instructors encourage the creative initiative of the cadets in every possible way. Another group of cadets receives the same task, but "from that front line." With dawn, both of them train in detecting equipped positions by changes in terrain and other signs.

The first one to discover them is rewarded, the last one is punished. Exactly the same training is then carried out at longer distances - up to 600 and 800 meters.

To develop visual observation in the old days, snipers were forced to watch ... construction workers for hours. In this case, the observer had to be at such a distance that the wind carried fragments of colloquial speech. The content of the conversation had to be guessed from the articulation of the lips of the speakers and from their gestures. This enormously developed the so-called audiovisual observation and allowed the sniper to study the patterns of human behavior and the system of his movements in a confined space. It was a kind of study of human habits. The observer himself, in a training manner, had to determine how and where this or that builder disappeared in the labyrinth of a building under construction, where, in what place, from what angle and after what period of time he should appear. As floor after floor grew, the architecture of the building appeared before the observer "in a section" and it became easier and easier for the observer to predict the movements of possible targets. Then the classes were transferred to the field, to large-scale military exercises. A camouflaged sniper, close to the positions of a mock enemy, observed the life of his trenches, dugouts, and communications. At the same time, snipers learned to intuitively "turn on" the target and sense its appearance in advance in some open and unprotected place. When approaching such a place, the enemy still did not assume anything, and the sniper already kept this place on sight with the trigger previously “squeezed out”.

Trained observation allowed the sniper to determine at the slightest sign that the target was entering a dangerous place, and to squeeze the descent even before it appeared there. As a result, the fascist, who moved a little from the shelter, immediately received a bullet in the head. Such things were taught in the special courses of the NKVD before the war. During the war, snipers learned such combat foresight right on the positions. There was no need to teach such things to snipers recruited from Siberian shooters and eastern peoples - Nanais, Nivkhs, Yakuts, who felt nature and from a distance felt changes in it, there was no need to teach such things - they knew how to do it from childhood. At the front, they kept a note of all artificial depressions in the parapets of the enemy defenses, knowing that it was there that sooner or later someone would have to lean out to see what was being done on the front line. And who leaned out, received a bullet in the forehead.

A more or less trained sniper always strives to catch the moment when the enemy, crawling like a bell in the shallow folds of the terrain, raises his head. Sooner or later he must pick it up to look around. After a sniper shot, the one who raised his head lowered it once and for all. Knowledgeable and trained snipers who have learned to feel nature, the slightest change in it and the slightest, even the most insignificant falseness in the landscape, will always calculate the open or closed position of the sniper. Moreover, they will figure out in their minds exactly where it is more convenient, profitable and discreet for the enemy to place an open sniper position, which does not take much time to equip or occupy. A knowledgeable sniper will always determine from what position, at what time of day, in what light and position of the sun, the enemy will shoot. And a knowledgeable sniper will expect at this time that it is at this position that the enemy will raise his head for a shot. And with the beginning of this ascent, the sniper will squeeze the descent so that the "raised forehead", a colleague from the other side, "caught" a sniper bullet. And in no case will a knowledgeable sniper be curious about the results of his shot - he bit and disappeared. So it will be more reliable. If the enemy is killed, intelligence will report about it. If not killed, then he will manifest.

After the proper level of observation has been developed, the sniper must "open his ears" and train his hearing. On the battlefield, especially in ambushes at night and in operational search, a sniper must not only see well, but also hear well.

Hearing develops very well during night work, and in extreme conditions at night it develops even faster.

From time immemorial, there has been a very simple and affordable way to train your hearing using a wrist or pocket watch. Lie on your back and put the watch at arm's length from you. Try to hear the mechanism work. Gradually move the clock away from you. Having clearly caught the sounds of a running clock, count their strokes up to a hundred - this trains operational attention. If you do not hear them when you move the clock back again, do not strain your hearing - sharpen your "auditory attention", and you will soon hear them. There is a direct physiological connection between heightened attention and hearing acuity. Remember! Hearing works with full dedication when a person is in a calm state. An angry and enraged person hears very badly.

Start training your hearing at night, when it is sharper in itself, in a physiological way, and gradually move on to daytime training.

A person hears better when the area is illuminated, even if it is weak and dim. Green color also makes hearing sharper. This is the nature of the nervous system. Lying on the back worsen the sound orientation, and lying on the stomach, on the contrary, improve. To improve hearing, a pressing massage of the auricles is performed. It is performed as follows: clench your hands into fists and slowly press the backs of your fists on the ears and quickly release. It is important that air passes through the knuckles and there is no "smack" in the ears. Do 10-15 such pressures, and you will feel that your ears have noticeably "cleared up".

Despite trained vision and hearing, scouts and snipers always use additional techniques to improve visual acuity and hearing. It is known that sugar and glucose are energy substances necessary for the functioning of the heart, brain and nervous system as a whole, and, consequently, the sense organs. A piece of sugar placed under the tongue significantly improves the efficiency of night vision and hearing. Their sharpness is increased by chewing sweet and sour tablets.

Of the simple and affordable means, chewing a pinch of tea with a pinch of sugar is used in practice (but do not swallow it right away!). Theine contained in tea has a tonic effect, and sugar is an energy material for the brain. This method causes a significant increase in the sensitivity of vision at night and reduces the time of adaptation in the dark from 30-40 to 5-7 minutes. When chewing sweet tea, the energy potential of a person sharply increases compared to his usual state. The same effect is achieved by the simplest procedural technique - wiping the forehead, temples, neck with cold water.

Night vision is enhanced when sitting. No one knows why this happens, but this method is effective and proven.

Purposeful attention increases night vision and hearing by 1.5-2 times.

The eye is the main working body of the sniper. In shooting sports, it is allowed to shoot with glasses from all types of sporting weapons. Brutal combat practice places increased demands on the shooter, and therefore the sniper's vision must be impeccable. When selecting snipers directly in units and subunits, they are guided by the following provisions.

“A person with normal vision can clearly see objects 1 mm in size at a distance of 4 meters. The shading on a white circle with black lines 1 mm thick will also be clearly visible at this distance (diagram 102, given in the original).

Diagram 102. Shaded circle for checking visual acuity

As the shaded circle moves away from the subject, the latter will become worse and worse to distinguish between black and white lines, and at about 8 - 10 meters he will not see them at all. Only the gray circle will be visible.

When testing visual acuity, a circle with hatching should be placed 8 meters from the subject and shown to him 4-5 times with hatching in different directions. The candidate, having closed one eye, must determine the direction of the hatching each time.

For sniper training, it is advisable to enroll only those who, without errors, determine the position of the hatching on the circle from a distance of 8 meters "(F.I. Zhomkov. Manual for instructors).

To sharpen his vision, a sniper needs a diet, namely, vitamin A, the source of which is carrots, but it must be eaten with something fatty - with any butter or sour cream, because carotene (provitamin A) contained in carrots, from which the vitamin itself is synthesized, fat-soluble and in a fatty environment is absorbed much better.

This moment is well known to practical snipers who nibble on carrots at every opportunity and in any quantity. Blueberries in any form are even more useful.

The author still remembers the times when special forces snipers were strictly forbidden to read while lying down and watch TV - from an hour of reading on the back and one and a half to two hours of watching TV, vision noticeably deteriorates for three days.

As already mentioned, a conventional optical sight makes it possible to see the target in poor lighting conditions, that is, at dawn, in rain, fog, dusk and even a little in the dark.

In a combat situation, a sniper often has to work in such conditions, and for the shooter's eyesight this has its own characteristics.

When visibility deteriorates (twilight, rain, etc.), one should not focus on the target in the desire to see it better, while excessive tension of the aiming eye occurs and the nervous system is depleted due to general tension. Tension of the nervous system leads to reflex uncontrolled tension of almost all the muscles of the shooter , even those that are not usually involved in the shot process. The pulse rises reflexively, and all this leads to a decrease in the stability of the weapon. If you need to shoot at dusk and the target looks like a gray, half-blurred, shapeless silhouette, there is no need to shoot it strictly at the bridge of the nose - aim somewhere in the middle of the target’s silhouette, focusing your eyesight on the aiming element - the tip of a stump or aiming square. At the same time, your eyesight is not strained and, accordingly, body is not stressed.

Remember! Usually, when working with an optical sight, the shooter does not notice the deterioration in visibility until it has decreased to a significant level. Looking into the sight, the shooter is sure that he sees normally, and involuntarily strains his eyesight with the above consequences, trying to see the target better After the shot, even with normal visual load, visual acuity is restored 4-5 times longer than the time spent on the shot.

In case of visual fatigue that occurs after a shot in the dark or at dusk, you need to "rest with your eyes" until visual acuity is fully restored and unpleasant sensations in the eyes disappear. Otherwise, the vision can simply be "torn off" At night, you should not peer into the darkness for a long time and intently, so as not to tire your eyesight. It is recommended to periodically close your eyes for 5-10 seconds. Such a short rest will help get rid of fatigue.

When working at night, it may be necessary to look at a map, at some document, or simply shine a light near you. To do this, use only red light with a narrow beam, covering the aiming eye with your hand so as not to disturb its accommodation.

At night, do not look at the flashes of signal and lighting rockets. Look not at the rocket, but at what is under it, in the field of its illumination. One beautiful rocket that you admire while it burns will be enough to reduce your ability to see clearly for half an hour. If you need to look at something luminous, take a button and look through its holes, closing the aiming eye. Never look at the fire at night - you still will not see those who are behind it. Cover your eye from the flame with your hand and look around the periphery of the illuminated place, then you will see what will be there.

Try to "place" the target immediately, which has arisen during the flash of a rocket or under other illumination, because a competent target, after its illumination, will immediately try to disappear from the field of view.

With an optical sight, you can "see a little" in the dark, and if you develop the sharpness of the so-called "night vision", then you can see even more with the sight. Night vision is not a supernatural phenomenon, but a normal function of the body, inherited from our distant ancestors and in an unclaimed state of dormant atavism. For snipers and scouts of the last war, night vision was an everyday tool for current combat work.

To awaken and develop night vision, look at the stars at night more often. After looking at them for ten minutes without stopping, you state that there seem to be more of them. This aggravated and "tuned" night vision.

Excessive "gazing" into observation devices significantly reduces visual acuity. Therefore, when working in a sniper pair, the sniper "rests with his eyes", and his partner constantly monitors through the periscope or stereotube, determines the distance to the targets and performs ballistic calculations.

In the dark, try to enrich the brain with oxygen and take 10-12 deep breaths per minute with your nose for 4-5 minutes. This sharpens the sharpness of night vision and hearing. For the same purpose, you can do chewing movements that increase cerebral circulation. The same effect is achieved by using 0.1 % atropine solution Put a piece of sugar under the tongue, and let it gradually dissolve there. Keep it in your mouth longer and do not swallow immediately. Night vision and hearing are aggravated at the same time by one and a half times.

A sniper who is in a sniper ambush must listen not only to the atmosphere, but also to the ground. Sounds from steps, movement of equipment, dropping loads, trenching, and in some cases even human speech are well transmitted in the ground. A sniper, forced to be tied to a rifle and visually control the situation, can listen to the ground in two practical ways: stick a small shovel into the ground and listen with his ear pressed to the handle, or bury a bottle or flask half-filled with water into the ground, into the neck of which through insert the rubber tube into the hole in the plug. Insert the other end of the tube into your ear and listen.

Remember! Snipers can't smoke! Nicotine "clamps" blood vessels, reduces visual acuity and increases pulsation. After one cigarette smoked for 2-3 hours, the quality of sniper shooting deteriorates by 15-20%. In addition, constant smoking reduces overall sensitivity and susceptibility.

The sniper has no right to be angry. Anger is good in a direct attack, but in accurate shooting it only brings harm. Anger increases the pulsation and thus noticeably worsens the quality of shooting. The sniper has no right to negative emotions at all. Fear "de-energizes" the shooter and deprives him of nervous and physical energy, and excitement causes an increased "jitters". Therefore, professional snipers gradually wean themselves to worry, get angry and worry in general, introducing themselves into a state of "combat indifference". It ends with complete immunity to stressful situations. And so the sniper shoots at a live target in the same way as at a paper target, without experiencing any emotions. The composure of snipers borders on indifference. Cases have been repeatedly noted when snipers of reconnaissance and sabotage groups fell asleep in aircraft before parachute landing, and woke them up immediately before being thrown out.

The best sport to encourage shooting is swimming, preferably at a slow pace over long distances. Swimming very well develops the muscle groups necessary for shooting, effectively and quickly "sets shooting breathing". As already known, the quality of breathing when shooting is difficult to overestimate. Very useful are dumbbell gymnastics and training of the vestibular apparatus in any way possible.

Running, cross-country, stayer jerks, karate classes negatively affect accurate rifle shooting. And therefore, if a sniper works in a reconnaissance and sabotage group, where everything is based on the speed of movement, it is preferable for him to move with a quick athletic step, and in hand-to-hand combat, work not with his fists, but with a silent pistol, since they have done enough for the Russian army.

Women shoot better than men. It's not even that they don't drink or smoke. Psychophysiologically, women are much more adapted to work in extreme conditions than men. The threshold of patience for women is higher than for men. The physiological endurance and adaptability of the female body is not comparable in efficiency to the male one. Women have more acute perception systems, in particular, increased potential for night vision, hearing and smell. Their combat intuition, originally laid down by nature, instantly works. Women are incredibly observant.

A woman, psychologically prepared in advance for the conduct of hostilities, does not experience a feeling of confusion on the battlefield. When fulfilling the assigned combat mission, women work (namely work) in a collected, purposeful and ruthless manner. Combat work is carried out clearly, diligently and accurately. Women-military personnel are very clear about the fulfillment of official instructions, not deviating from them even a step. Women treat the process of sniper shooting very carefully and carefully, just like following a constant instruction, so they are more trained in shooting than men. The process of disguise women are creative, with incredible ingenuity, this process is very organic for them. The performance of a female sniper will always be higher than that of a male sniper. In combat practice, women are more careful, when injured, they are more tenacious.

Taking into account these features, in the middle of 1943, the Central Women's School of Snipers was formed in Moscow. In two years, more than 1,800 female snipers were trained, who by the end of the war destroyed, according to the most rough estimates, more than 18,000 Germans, that is, one German division of the full front line.

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