“He raised his hand to me and cheated. I don’t know what all this is for me ”- the first frank interview with Kerzhakova about a divorce from her husband. Personal life of Milana Kerzhakova

This interview was recorded a year ago - immediately after the death of Vadim Tyulpanov. Milana, who barely survived this tragedy, was under the influence of strong sedatives: she was confused in words, but nevertheless decided to give an interview that was never published at the request of Kerzhakova herself. The girl hoped that she would be able to save the family. A year later, when it became clear that the point of no return had been reached, Kerzhakova herself admitted on her Instagram: “he is a fallen man,” and today she stated that he had stolen her child from her.

The misses of the Zenit striker Alexander Kerzhakov in his personal life can only be compared with the number soccer balls, not hitting the gates of opposing teams. The first time “It didn’t work out” was with Maria Golova, from whose marriage Alexander has a daughter. The second time "did not grow together" with Ekaterina Safronova, from whom he took away the child, accusing her of drug addiction. It was planned to find a safe harbor with the daughter of the now deceased senator of St. Petersburg Vadim Tyulpanov, Milana. A year ago, Milana gave birth to Alexander's son, and a little earlier, a terrible tragedy occurred in Milana's life: when mysterious circumstances her father died. It was then that a black streak came in the Kerzhakov family.

In the first interview about Alexander Kerzhakov, Milana Tyulpanova told SUPER about how her husband had changed after the death of her father, about betrayal and blackmail, and also about why she considers the union with the football player a marriage of convenience.

Milana, how did the disagreements start in your family?

I honestly still can't figure out why this happened. It's not like thunder among clear sky It's like breaking your legs. AT last days Dad called me very often and said that he loves me very much, that he would very much like to spend time with me more often. I already had the 9th month, Sasha called me - my husband - and said that my dad had died. You can't describe my feelings. Everything fell down with me, everything that was alive there fell down. I still can't get over this tragedy. It's one thing when you have a man behind you who will cover and support you in everything, and a completely different story when this man is not there. I used to know that if I had a fight with Sasha or someone else, I would come to my dad and say: “I feel bad,” and he would always protect me from everything. And now I understand that I'm all alone and I have no one to go to. When I go to Sasha, he does not understand why I feel so bad. It seems to him that after 4 months I should have fun, rejoice, give him peace.

How much has Sasha's behavior changed since his father's death?

I will never slander Sasha. At first he helped me, he loved me, he protected me, he bought my mother a car, he fulfilled all my whims. But it did not last long - for a month. After that, he began to get tired, maybe like any other man. He began to say that he did not need everything for a long time. He said: "If your mother is an alcoholic and a drug addict, then this is her own business. Let her figure it out herself." They changed Sasha: he was always dissatisfied, he insulted my relatives. He said that I allegedly drink, that I was allegedly on pills. Although this did not really happen, he had hallucinations, apparently from experience past life. I was the person left without everyone. All I needed was love and support. That's all. Only love. Come and hug me, tell me everything will be alright.

What is going on in your relationship right now?

Now he just left home, said that when I arrive, I should not be at home with the child. At the same time, if I do not let him see the child when he wants, he will sue me. I told him that I did not want to destroy the family. He said: “I don’t give a fuck about what you want, you are leaving with the child and if you don’t let me see him, we won’t communicate at all.” He doesn't want to be near me. I do not know why. He woke up and said: I don't want to. We agreed that we are waiting for the end of August, and if he wants, he will return home, if not, this is a divorce (Speech about August 2017 - Approx. ed.). We have a broken family in the cold remnant. And it really was a worthy, respected family in society. All the time when Sasha had problems in his career, I asked high-ranking people for him. I asked, I begged. I even wrote to Slutsky myself, who did not want to take him to the national team in 2016. I wrote: "Don't you see how a person suffers, please take him."

When you got married, they said that Sasha married you for selfish purposes. Do you think so too?

I don't understand what I did to deserve all this. We were sitting in the kitchen, and I suggested that maybe he met me for a reason and that he planned it all in advance. He got angry and gave me a slap on the back of the head.

You talked about the videos with which Alexander blackmails you. What's on them?

A month after my father died, he made a video. I was barely alive. I don't care what I say, how I say it. Any adequate person, faced with such grief, should have understood me. Even if he lays it out, which of course is bestial, then it will be on his conscience. In the video, I come after the auction drunk, I can’t get up, crying and asking him not to leave me. We often fought with him, I just had it all accumulated. There is nothing terrible there. I don't throw knives at anyone. I'm just - like a small downtrodden animal - I ask that they don't leave me.

Did you know about all Alexander's betrayals?

I knew about Yeregina, about other women. What can I do? Throw it? I cant. I hacked his Instagram, you don’t have to go far there: the first correspondence in Direct, he writes to some woman: “I’m waiting for you at my farewell match, I need you so much, please come.” Who is this woman, what is it at all, I don’t know, believe me, he has a million of them.

Why didn't you leave him?

I gave birth to a child from him, but I can’t just leave him like that. I would like to keep it. My parents have been married for 30 years, and I'm not one of those who are ready to ruin a family with a 4-month-old baby in their arms just because someone didn't like something. I believe that family is mutual work. People should understand who they are marrying, and even if they have problems and something does not suit someone, then you need to look for options. You married this man, you have a family. You cannot abandon your family, especially when there is a child there.

Margarita Zvyagintseva Society

Ex-footballer of "Zenith" and former striker Russian national team, the best scorer in the history of the country and teen idol Alexander Kerzhakov, apparently, is free again. The day before, May 22, the 35-year-old athlete appeared in public without wedding ring. When the journalists of "78" tried to find out how things were in the football player's family, he simply turned away and left - without answers, confessions and repentance.

In the same time, last spouse Kerzhakova, the daughter of St. Petersburg Senator Vadim Tyulpanov - Milan, announced on her Instagram page on May 13 that she had not been in a relationship with Alexander for a long time. Moreover, the girl called the father of her child "absolutely fallen, not worthy of respect."

The subscribers of the 24-year-old beauty, however, were not at all surprised by such a statement. After this remark, comments poured in that Kerzhakov was a "prudent, cruel person" and "a person with narrow thinking and poverty of moral values."

The followers of Milana Kerzhakova vied with each other to claim that the footballer was with her only because of her high-ranking father. Now, when Tyulpanov is no longer alive, neither beauty nor youth can no longer keep the football player next to the girl.

Comments on social networks should not be taken seriously, but in this case, such conclusions suggest themselves. Milana Tyulpanova and Alexander Kerzhakov got married on June 27, 2015. This summer, all the media were full of luxury photos amazingly beautiful couple. In the photographs, however, the young were not alone - they were accompanied by the son of Kerzhakov from the former common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova.

Pretty soon, Milan also gave birth to Kerzhakov's son - baby Artemy was born on April 10, 2017. But by this time, the couple had long ceased to be happy.

The child appeared at the most difficult time for Milan. Less than a week before, on April 4, 2017, the girl's father, Senator Vadim Tyulpanov, died. The politician, according to media reports, slipped in the bath, fell and received a fracture of the base of the skull. True, according to the official press service of Tyulpanov, the cause of his death was acute heart failure.

It was during this period, according to rumors, that Kerzhakov began to move away from his family. Stories began to appear in the press “from Milana’s close friends”, who claimed that after the loss of an influential father-in-law, the athlete rarely spent the night at home. What is happening almost like two drops of water resembled the situation of 22-year-old Anastasia Soltan, the daughter of Pavel Soltan, vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly, who died in a car accident. The young husband Alexei Plotnikov, who built political career, divorced the girl almost immediately after the death of her father.

According to media reports, shortly after the birth of her son, Milan moved in with her mother - perhaps tired of her husband's disregard. And last winter, a rather shocking picture appeared on the girl’s Instagram: the beauty posted a photo of a bruise under her own eye and a bruise. The photo of Milan was accompanied by a vague caption: “A little hit ...”

However, just a few hours later, the girl deleted the post without explaining anything. In the comments to reporters, Milana until the last claimed that everything was fine in their family, her relationship with her husband was good, and those journalists who came up with "tales" about Kerzhakov's quarrels were simply "sick in the head."

The previous passion of the football player Ekaterina Safronova confirmed to reporters that a year ago, in the spring of 2017, the relationship between Milan and Alexander began to burst at the seams. According to Safronova, Milan herself complained to her about her husband, which the woman was not surprised at all.

Catherine at one time also complained about beatings from Kerzhakov, but then she, who was not officially married to a football player, was not taken seriously. But a young beauty from a good family known throughout the city is another matter.

Note that after the confession of the break with the Milan football player, she stopped Instagram, although she previously could post photos on her page every day, and even, sometimes, not one at a time. More recently, information appeared in the media that the girl was undergoing treatment in a clinic where she was trying to recover from a prolonged depression.

But if Milan Kerzhakov left behind only a black sediment in his soul, then Ekaterina Safronova was much less fortunate. The football player began a relationship with Katya in 2010 - then the girl already had a five-year-old daughter from her previous husband, hockey player Kirill Safronov. Kerzhakova, the girl also gave birth to a child - son Igor was born in 2013.

And already in 2014, the football player demanded through the court to deprive the former passion parental rights. After parting with Safronova, Kerzhakov took the boy to himself, and accused Catherine of drug abuse. A spokeswoman for the athlete told reporters that the girl was addicted to cocaine. In turn, Safronova's lawyer denied this.

In the winter of 2016, a scandal erupted - Ekaterina was allegedly detained on December 28 in the city center “with substances”. As the girl herself told the media, “two men in civilian clothes” unexpectedly approached her on the street, handcuffed her, put her in a car and began to search her. Three banknotes were confiscated from Safronova’s bag, which in the end allegedly turned out to be “smeared in white powder.”

Thereafter ex girlfriend Kerzhakov was taken for tests - and allegedly traces of narcotic substances were found in her blood. This was the reason to take her son away from her.

Interestingly, while Safronova was trying to draw public attention to her misfortune and keep the child to herself (or at least get the opportunity to communicate with him), Milan posted posts in social networks in defense of her husband. The daughter of Senator Tyulpanov claimed that her family "is trying, but cannot in any way influence Igor's mother," who "burns her life and does not communicate with the child."

If someday she still decides to do this, giving up drugs, we will be happy. To this day, despite all the dirt and slander that she poured against my husband, we have always been open for communication, - Milana wrote on her page on the social network in January 2017.

In response, Safronova said that Milana had "an obsessive desire to put her in a bad light," while calling her ex's new wife "an evil little girl."

However, the quarrels on the Internet did not help Catherine to return her son. In October 2014, the court terminated her parental rights. As the girl admitted to the media, in last time she saw the child when he was a year old. Now Igor is already five years old, and he has long forgotten his mother - after all, he is not allowed to see her, or even talk to her on the phone.

However, Kerzhakov himself, apparently, does not follow the life of the child too much. Safronova told reporters that the boy most lives with her grandmother, and rarely sees her father, like her young stepmother. Catherine's lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, expressed the idea in a conversation with reporters that the athlete sued the child for only one purpose - not to pay his mother large alimony.

However, the story of the "wives of Kerzhakov" does not end here either. The first wife of a football player was not a beauty from famous family, not ex-wife another famous sportsman, and 20-year-old St. Petersburg student Maria Golova.

Kerzhakov married a young girl Masha, who studied at the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, in 2005. However, it could not do without stars either: Evgeni Plushenko became a witness at the wedding.

In the same 2005, Maria gave birth to Kerzhakov's daughter Daria. The couple divorced five years later. However, the footballer left the child to his first wife. The Head herself, in an interview with reporters, told that she had saved with her daughter's father great relationship, and Dasha they bring up together.

However, when the couple divorced, the girl was not so soft and friendly in her statements. Then, in 2010, she, according to media reports, demanded half of the money from Kerzhakov from all his accounts.

The reason for the divorce, according to rumors, was Kerzhakov's new relationship - the Head allegedly found her husband in Safronova's arms right at the stadium in the back room. At that time, Katya was still married to SKA hockey player Kirill Safronov. However, when he signed a contract with a less popular club, leaving the army, the girl made a choice in favor of Kerzhakov.

Perhaps the decision not to make Safronova an official offer was influenced precisely by the situation with his first wife, who demanded a solid “compensation” from the football player. After all, why step on the same rake twice?

Now Kerzhakov, apparently, has again become an "eligible bachelor." But thirsty for thrills, St. Petersburg women should still take into account the experience of the former wives of a football player.

So far, Milan and Alexander have not reported which name they have chosen for their heir. Even before the birth of the baby, the couple discussed with the whole family what to name their son. The young woman admitted that during pregnancy she gained 20 extra pounds. However, fans hurried to convince Kerzhakova that she looks great, and pregnancy only decorates her and makes her incredibly feminine. They are sure that the athlete's wife will quickly lose weight and return to her previous shape.

The wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov, Milan, became a mother for the first time. The athlete's son was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg. Now the mother and newborn baby feel great and receive numerous congratulations from relatives and friends. The boy was born with a weight of 2099 grams and a height of 53 centimeters. The boy's dad personally shared the good news with subscribers.

“Thank you for your son, my love,” Alexander thanked his wife, posting a picture from the ward with a newborn in his arms.

"Congratulations! Health to mom and baby!”, “Congratulations to your family from the bottom of our hearts!”, “New top scorer”, “What a baby!” - the footballer's followers admired.

The couple was looking forward to the birth of the baby. A few weeks before the birth, Milan turned to her future heir through StarHit.

“I incredibly want to see you as soon as possible, take you in my arms, and, of course, I dream that you look like your father - then you, handsome, will definitely like all the girls. I am also sure that you and I will have no problems - after all, you are my son, which means that you will grow up as an independent, inquisitive and active person. When you settled in me, you and I did not calm down, did not stop - we flew, traveled. Did you like the sea? Soon you will see him for yourself!” - wrote Kerzhakova to her child.

A few days before the boy was born, the Kerzhakov family had to face tragedy - as a result of an accident, Milana's dad, Senator of St. Petersburg Vadim Tyulpanov, passed away. For all relatives, this was a real blow. The man was only 52 years old. The daughter always talked about a strong connection with her parents, thanked them for their upbringing and always listened to their opinion on any issue.

The black stripe in the Kerzhakov-Tulpanov family was replaced by a white one. On April 4, the father of Milana Kerzhakova, Senator Vadim Tyulpanov, passed away. And after 6 days a new family member was born - the grandson of Vadim Albertovich.

Milana gave birth on Monday morning.

"Thank you for your son, my love!" - wrote her husband, football player Alexander Kerzhakov on Instagram. The happy father posted a touching picture where he holds a small bundle in his hands. The baby's face in the photo was covered with a sticker. The player himself is in a medical shirt, cap and mask. It seems that Alexander was present at the birth and, as he could, helped his wife endure all the hardships of the process.

For 23-year-old Milana, this is the first baby. But Alexander is already an experienced parent. The football player brings up 11-year-old daughter Dasha from his first marriage, as well as 3-year-old son Igor from his ex civil wife Ekaterina Safronova.

Alexander Kerzhakov and Milan got married in June 2015. For the first time, a football player saw a girl on an airplane. But he was too shy to approach - Milan was with her parents. I dared to meet only after two years. He just wrote SMS: “Girl, don’t take it as impudence, but I would like to get to know you.” We talked on the phone, the player offered to meet.

When you go on a date with a recognizable athlete, and even with such a story behind you (meaning Kerzhakov’s scandalous divorce from Ekaterina Safronova. - Approx. Woman's Day), you imagine some character more interesting for the press than for live communication Milana said. - Of course, I was flattered that he invited me, but nothing more. And suddenly I saw a man - the exact opposite of the picture that I had in my head. In front of me was not a brutal self-confident athlete, but a man who was completely disappointed in the relationship.

But Milan was different from ex girlfriend footballer. The girl was already seriously thinking about children. In her head, a picture of the family clearly formed, into which Alexander fit in. It remains only to rejoice for the lovers and congratulate them on the birth of their son!


Accepts congratulations on the birth of the baby and Anna Sedokova. The 34-year-old singer is now a mother three times. Anna gave birth to a son in an elite clinic in Los Angeles, whose clients were Salma Hayek, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Milla Jovovich and Christina Aguilera. Childbirth here costs at least 21 thousand dollars. By the way, Anna's second daughter also appeared in this clinic. ()

Getting used to the new role of mother Irina Shayk. The model gave birth to Bradley Cooper's first child. True, so far everything connected with the baby is shrouded in mystery. The gender of the newborn is not known exact date– when a beautiful couple became parents. It is even possible that the baby was born ahead of schedule: some Western media suggested that the child of Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper would be born only at the end of May. (

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