Qigong gymnastics for weight loss: exercises and recommendations. Qigong: Chinese practice for weight loss

Two Chinese words form the word "qigong", the first part "qi" means energy or vitality, which permeates all living things, the second part, “gun”, means the achievement that is derived from regular practice. Together, the two words form a qigong practice that is used to achieve maximum body energy and well-being, including ideal weight.

Qigong is a form of physical exercise that includes certain movements and postures, as well as breathing exercises and mental concentration in order to cultivate life energy.

People who have cardiovascular diseases and diseases of kidney or liver dysfunction, as well as women during pregnancy should refrain from doing qigong practice due to deep breathing methods.

Nutrition according to the qigong system

According to the qigong system, proper nutrition is a harmonious combination of five tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy. In addition, you need to learn to “listen” to your body and understand what it needs. Qigong masters recommend replacing meat with soy and eating dinner four hours before bedtime. There are no strict dietary restrictions, qigong practitioners claim that after a while the appetite will decrease.

Qigong gymnastics

Taiwanese scientists assessed the real impact of qigong exercises on health and quality of life. After testing 165 people who did qigong exercises, the scientists concluded that, compared with those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the subjects improved their overall health. So qigong is an excellent gymnastics for middle-aged and elderly people, as well as for weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight with qigong exercises?

Breathing exercises restore the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to weight loss, it is easier to achieve weight loss, experts at the Japanese clinic Aoyama found out. The experiment involved 40 women aged 40 to 50 years.

Twenty of them were healthy, the rest were obese. It turned out that after breathing exercises in the group obese women the nervous system was restored. A month later, this group lost a lot of weight, which allowed scientists to conclude that breathing exercises are effective for weight loss.

Qigong - gymnastics for weight loss, video

The basis of gymnastics is made up of three types of exercises (this video can be viewed online and also downloaded):

  • Frog. According to the qigong master, this exercise reduces appetite.

Sit on a chair and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. The feet should be pressed to the floor, and the angle between the lower leg and thigh should be 90 degrees. Squeeze left hand into a fist and grab it with your right hand. Lower your elbows to your knees, tilt your torso forward, lower your head with your forehead on your hands and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale slowly through your mouth. Relax your abdominal muscles (the video demonstrates all of this).

Inhaling through your nose, tighten your stomach - it should “puff up” and take on the shape of a ball. Hold your breath for a moment and continue breathing as described above. Exercise should be performed no more than 15 minutes 3 times a day. Take your time: after completing the exercise, sit for a while with eyes closed.

  • Wave. This exercise is recommended to be done when you are very hungry.

Lying on your back, bend your knees at a right angle. Feet should be pressed to the floor. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Inhale, draw in your stomach. As you exhale, draw in your chest and “inflate” your stomach. Repeat 40 times. Complete the exercise in the same way as the previous one.

  • Lotus."Lotus" restores strength and stimulates metabolism.

The exercise is performed while sitting. Cross your legs and place your arms so that your palms are facing up and your wrists are resting on your hips. Straighten your back and close your eyes. For five minutes, alternate deep and even breaths with the same exhalations. Then focus on the exhalation: it should be silent and deep. Breathe at this pace for another 5 minutes.

After that, breathe as usual. You may feel like you are in a dream. The duration of this phase is 10 minutes. You need to complete the exercise in the same way as the previous two.

In this article, I told and demonstrated the video only the basics of what qigong is, and how to lose weight while practicing qigong. excess weight. But I hope that this is enough to seriously interest you in this amazing system that can help not only lose weight, but achieve health, harmony and longevity.

I would like to introduce all Soviet women to the very interesting breathing exercises “jianfei”, which in Russian means “lose fat”. With the help of three types of breathing exercises, you can short term lose weight, keep for years slim figure while maintaining excellent health. I heard a lot about this amazing gymnastics in Beijing and for the sake of curiosity and experiment I decided to test its miraculous power for myself. The results were completely unexpected, literally in two or three days I threw off a kilogram, and two months later, with my height of 160 cm, I returned to my girlish weight - 50 kg, dropping 9 kilograms during this time. I no longer part with this breathing exercises, I do it every day, adjusting my weight at my own discretion.

While doing this gymnastics, I involuntarily thought about the Soviet country, which, by the will of fate, became my second homeland: I was born there, my childhood passed there. I know many Soviet women with beautiful, beautiful faces but suffering from their fullness. And I think it will be interesting for them, and for men too, to learn about a tool that will easily make them beautiful and slim.

After all, Jianfei breathing exercises are available to everyone.

employee of the Russian edition of the China magazine

Breathing exercises "jianfei" consists of three parts - exercises "Wave", "Frog" and "Lotus". Thanks to the “wave” exercises, the feeling of hunger disappears in people, and they can, without any effort, reduce the amount of food they eat, or stop eating altogether for a while, or eat only small amounts of vegetables and fruits. Usually, the cessation of eating is accompanied by a weakening of the body, dizziness and other symptoms, however, by doing these three types of exercises, all this can be avoided.

When performing all three types of exercises, you must first loosen the belt and unfasten the clothes that hinder the movement of the body.

Exercises “WAVE”

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, at a right angle, put your feet straight (see Fig. 1), put one palm on your chest, the other on your stomach, and then start breathing exercises, helping a little with your hands.

When inhaling, straighten the chest, draw in the stomach, while exhaling, on the contrary, draw in the chest, inflate the stomach (as completely as possible, but without excessive effort).

Exercises of the chest (up and down) and abdomen (down and up) seem to form waves. The respiratory rate should approach normal (if some individuals experience slight dizziness during exercise, then slow down breathing a little).

Do 40 full breaths (inhale-exhale).

This movement can also be done while standing, sitting, while walking, while riding a bicycle.

Wave exercises are done in the first days of classes and later only when you feel hungry. "Hungry - exercise, not hungry - do not exercise." (In some individuals, even after 60 full breaths (inhale-exhale), there is still a strong feeling of hunger and a number of deviations occur. This means that the Wave exercises are not suitable for their body.)

Exercises “FROG”

Sit on a chair 35 - 40 cm high so that the lower leg and thigh form a straight or slightly smaller angle, knees apart at shoulder level. The woman clenched her left hand into a fist, and right palm clasps a clenched fist (see Fig. 2), the man clenched his right hand into a fist, and clasped it with his left palm. Put your elbows on your knees and put your forehead on your fist (see Fig. 2), then you need to cover your eyes, touch your lips with a smile, relax your whole body and take the most comfortable position, bring yourself to a state of complete rest.

Then you need to regulate your thoughts and nervous system, that is, calm down, relax internally. To do this, it is enough to first breathe once, as if after fatigue, so that the whole body seems to go limp. Now try to think about the most beautiful and joyful things in your life (for example, that you are lying on the grass near the water and enjoying nature) in order to get spiritual satisfaction, peace of mind. For a minute or two, you maintain a physically and mentally calm, pleasant state.

After you settle your thoughts, proceed to the main stage of the Frog exercises. All thoughts are completely focused on breathing exercises. First, take a free breath through your nose and guide the air, helping yourself mentally, into the abdomen, then exhale through your mouth lightly, slowly, evenly - while there is a feeling that the abdomen is gradually becoming relaxed and soft. When all the air is slowly exhaled, inhale again through the nose, the inhalation should also be light, slow, even. During a breath, the lower part of the abdomen, as it were, is gradually filled with air and swells. When the stomach is full, freeze for two seconds, then take an additional short breath, after which immediately begin a slow exhalation. Thus, such a cycle of breathing is obtained - exhale, inhale, freeze for two seconds, take a short breath and exhale again, inhale, and so on. During the respiratory process, the chest does not rise, only the abdomen is drawn in, then swells, which is very reminiscent of a frog.

During the “Frog” exercises, you need to monitor the degree of filling the abdomen with air when inhaling, taking into account the state of your body, otherwise unwanted deviations are possible. You can not do these exercises with internal bleeding and those who have not yet expired three months after internal surgery. For those who suffer from cardiovascular and gastrointestinal and other serious diseases, it is enough to bring the degree of filling the abdomen with air when inhaling to 10-20 percent. It is better for women during menstruation to suspend classes, replacing them with Lotus exercises. The overwhelming majority healthy people and people suffering from common chronic diseases can do these exercises, and the degree of air filling of the abdomen can be increased to 80 to 90 percent.

The Frog exercises take about 15 minutes. After completing them, do not immediately open your eyes to avoid dizziness. Raise your head with your eyes closed, rub your palms together 10 times, then with the fingers of both hands “comb” your head several times, then open your eyes, clench your hands into fists, lift up, stretch, take a deep breath, after which your eyes will clear up, increase forces.

These exercises during intensive weight loss you need to do three times a day, each time for 15 minutes; can be done during normal meal times, you can choose another time.

Exercises "Frog" stimulate blood circulation throughout the body, metabolism in the body. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. With deep inhalations and exhalations, the diaphragm of the chest rises and falls, which plays a wonderful role of massage. internal organs.

Frog exercises raise the tone of the whole organism and effectively eliminate or mitigate all the adverse effects that food restriction usually causes.

Exercises "LOTUS"

The Lotus exercises are usually done while sitting, as in the Frog exercises, or with the legs tucked under oneself, that is, in the position of the Buddha. Hands palm up put one above the other, on the legs in front of the stomach (see Fig. 3), the woman - the left over the right, and the man - vice versa. Do not lean on the back of the chair, slightly straighten your lower back, lower your shoulders, remove your chest, lower your chin a little, close your eyes, lift the tip of your tongue up and lightly touch it to the palate (near the upper teeth), completely relax, take a comfortable, natural position.

After you have taken the necessary position, bring your thoughts into the proper state. To do this, you must first take a deep breath and relax, then think for one or two minutes about the most joyful and pleasant in your life, in order to create a calm, light mood before starting breathing exercises.

Following this, focus all your thoughts on the regulation of breathing, while nothing should interfere. The breathing exercise is divided into three stages.

First stage. Breathing should be deep, long, light, even and very natural. The chest and abdomen should not noticeably rise and fall. Beginners can quietly listen to the sounds of breathing and gradually achieve soundless breathing, you control breathing, regulate it. This step is 5 minutes.

Second phase. Inhale naturally, not paying attention to the breath, do not control it. When exhaling, relax completely and achieve soundless, deep, long, even breathing. The second step will also take five minutes.

Third stage. Do not control either inhalation or exhalation, Breathe naturally, not paying attention to the depth, evenness of breathing. With all this, invariably keep the feeling that the breath is there, it is either close, or far away, or appears, or disappears. If at the same time extraneous thoughts appear, do not pay attention to them and calm yourself. This step takes about ten minutes. Those suffering from chronic diseases can do the Lotus exercises for longer than 20-30 and 40-50 minutes.

Do Lotus exercises three times a day. You can follow the “Frog” exercises, or you can do it in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed.

Exercises "Frog" and exercises "Lotus" are useful for relieving fatigue, improving metabolism, curing various chronic diseases. Therefore, they can be done separately from each other, not in order to get rid of fullness, but in order to strengthen the body and maintain health.

And stretching exercises, but not many of us know how effective the therapeutic use of Qigong for weight loss is.

Qigong is a form of independent exercise practice that cultivates Qi (vital energy) and actively rebuilds all levels of the body, creating a new internal environment.

Qigong Benefits for Weight Loss

Qigong is one of the most effective methods of relieving stress and tension in the body. Under stress, the body's digestive system shuts down and the body begins to store and retain fat. Qigong converts this tension into positive energy and helps the digestive system return to a balanced state.

Qigong not only increases the metabolism in the body, but also reduces cravings for excess and unhealthy food, the source of which is usually the same stress. And excess weight is the main indicator of the development of disharmony of the main functions of the human body.

Through deep breathing exercises, activating internal energy, Qigong will not only allow you to lose excess pounds, but also help you find inner harmony.

The Basics of Qigong for Weight Loss

Qigong classes for weight loss are available for people of all ages and levels. physical training. No matter what stage of the journey to healthy body you are, Qigong offers you many ways to restore your body.

This Qigong weight loss program is divided into three parts and offers various exercises that you could do no matter what form you're in.

  • The first part of this program warms up the body, forms deep and full breathing, relieves stress, activates the energy of the digestive organs to speed up metabolism.
  • The second part is aimed at developing the deep abdominal muscles through correct breathing and exercise.
  • The third part begins to activate the large muscles in the body and causes an even more powerful metabolism, increased strength and flexibility.

So, the Qigong weight loss program includes:

2 minutes before meals

A simple exercise that will help "wake up" your metabolism - deep breathing. The reason for this is that the stomach consumes more oxygen than any other tissue in the body. Over 90% of all energy that is generated in the body comes from a simple combination of oxygen plus nutrition. This is why breathing is such an important part of a Qigong weight loss program.

Before you start eating, set aside two minutes for proper breathing, focused in the lower abdomen. It will also be useful as for all internal organs and relieve tension.

Start with deep abdominal breathing. Place your hands on your lower abdomen and take a few slow, deep breaths. Feel your belly fill up as you inhale and relax as you exhale. Duration 90 seconds.

Next, go for a quick breathing exercises to speed up metabolism. Concentrate on the exhalation and "squeeze" all the air out of yourself, so that there is a feeling that the stomach "sticks" to the spine. Don't worry about inhaling, it will happen by itself.

Continue this breathing pattern, but pick up the pace as fast as you feel comfortable. This takes practice, so start slowly at first and don't force things. Duration 30 seconds.

2 minutes after eating

After eating, the stomach needs energy to process and digest the food. After you've eaten, try a simple qigong massage to ease the digestion process:

  • Make circular movements with your hands, about 50-100 times.

Qigong program that this exercise is great for digestive system and increasing life expectancy.

Also interesting: .

Reducing food cravings

AT acupressure qigong slimming programs auricles, thanks to a strong connection with nervous system, are closely related to the effect on excessive food cravings. By stimulating the ears, the brain receives signals with a calming effect on the nervous system.

This method is also effective for getting rid of different kind addictions, including smoking and drug use.

When you feel like you're starting to have an excessive craving for food, or just want to reduce the amount of food you eat, just massage your ears. To do this, grasp the ear with the thumb and forefinger of both hands and massage each part of the ear for at least one minute.

Qigong exercise video for weight loss

(more videos of classes in the category Useful video for losing weight,
article )


These exercises are contraindicated for pregnant women or those with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. The weight loss qigong program is not recommended for those who experience symptoms of dizziness and weakness.

Qigong is Chinese breathing technique in combination with certain motor exercises, based on the management and distribution of a person's internal bioenergy (qi). The Chinese believe that all diseases and problems of the body (including excess weight) are due to the fact that qi flows through the body incorrectly. Heal, improve well-being and emotional condition, as well as get rid of the problems of excess weight, you can use the regulation of qi. Sending her to the right way, you will fill the part of the body that needs healing with life-giving energy, remove “dirty” energy from it and fill it with life-giving energy. This is the essence of qigong - this is the management of the energy of the body.

Relatively recently began to use qigong for weight loss- after all, excess weight is a concentration of bad energy, and if you remove it from the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, then it will be cleansed with the help of qi energy. According to reviews of qigong for weight loss, this gymnastics really helps, but it requires a lot of concentration and a very serious attitude towards yourself: this is not fitness, which you can do twice a week, then take a break for a month and start going to the gym again; qigong requires mindfulness and constancy. To get the desired result - a beautiful slim figure - do qigong gymnastics for weight loss daily. During classes, concentrate on what is happening inside you, and on your feelings, eliminate all external stimuli - TV, radio. The music is slow, without words, quiet.

According to reviews of qigong for weight loss, you should not rush: in Eastern philosophy there is no place for rush at all, and this method of weight loss also does not promise you a rapid weight loss. Weight will go away gradually, and only extra - that is, if your goal is an anorexic figure with protruding bones, this system not for you. Qigong brings the body and mind into harmony, and harmony has nothing to do with a lack of body weight.

Today there are many varieties and schools of qigong. All of them have their own characteristics and differences, but certain basic postulates for all areas of this oriental technique are the same - these are correct breathing and the basic rules for performing exercises. The essence of proper qigong breathing for weight loss is to take a deep breath through the nose, while inflating the stomach - this way you help open the diaphragm and let air into the lungs, allowing them to completely fill up. Exhalation - quick, sharp, through the mouth.

All qigong exercises for weight loss are performed at an average pace.. Avoid jerks, distribute the load evenly.

The benefits of qigong exercises for weight loss

What is the connection between special breathing, slow movements and weight loss? Does an invisible energy really work or is there a more practical explanation for the effectiveness of qigong gymnastics for weight loss?

It is, of course, there. During the exercises, you work directly with your internal processes. Therefore, the effectiveness of qigong for weight loss is to accelerate metabolism and activate oxidative processes in adipose tissue, improving digestion by oxygenating the blood, reducing appetite and improving the digestibility of food consumed. It relieves spasms and clamps in the human body, therefore, the blood supply to all organs improves, the movement of food through the digestive tract is facilitated, and due to relaxation during qigong exercises for weight loss, stress is reduced, sleep improves emotional state stabilizes.

According to reviews of qigong for weight loss, as a result of regular exercise, cravings for food, especially for sweet, fatty and unhealthy foods, decrease, mood improves, attention and concentration increase, problems with bowel movements disappear.

The system itself is divided into three 3 stages. First, you form the correct breathing, warm up the body, normalize the emotional state and activate the work of the digestive organs, speed up the metabolism. Then you improve intestinal motility and, finally, increase the rate of metabolic processes even more.

The best way to lose weight is physical activity. This is not only beauty and harmony, but also good health, ease of movement, grace and plasticity. Can you go to gym, you can do dancing or fitness. One of the latest fashion trends in the area physical activity- qigong gymnastics. Exercises for weight loss can be performed slowly and with pleasure.

Origin of the complex

Initially, Chinese gymnastics had nothing to do with issues of excess weight. It was a spiritual and philosophical practice aimed at understanding oneself, one's “I”, and the exercises were just one of the elements of the complex. Nevertheless, the Chinese monks are not Lana Anatole, they were hardly going to use qigong for weight loss.

The task of gymnastics was to normalize the flow of qi in the body with the help of proper breathing. Qi is the life energy circulating in the human body. The Chinese believed that well-being depends entirely on the balance of qi. Acupuncture, massage, meditative practices - all these are ways to normalize qi flows, return the human spirit to a state of balance.

Purpose of qigong practice

Qigong is not only gymnastics. More precisely, this is not gymnastics in the European sense of the word. This is not a set of physical exercises, the task of which is to strengthen the muscles and make the ligaments elastic. Qigong is a whole philosophy designed to reveal the spiritual essence of a person, his true potential.

Self-improvement, meditation and self-knowledge were essential elements of the complex.

Besides great importance had a diet. No frills, just proper nutrition. A minimum of meat and alcohol, a lot of fish and vegetables. However, the same was the case with yoga, which is now rather a kind of acrobatic gymnastics, and with many martial arts that have turned into a banal power sport, having lost their philosophical and religious content.

Qigong as a set of exercises

Although is the past qigong so important? This system offers quite effective exercises for weight loss, diets also contribute to weight loss and improve well-being. And if someone wants more and is seriously interested in Eastern philosophy and spiritual self-development - so much the better! Any movement forward is good.

Qigong attracts those who want to lose weight with the simplicity of a set of exercises. There is no need to lift heavy barbells and sweat on the simulators, as in the gym. No jumping and swinging legs, as in aerobics. Qigong gymnastics is available to everyone - both the old man and the child. In China, right in the city park, you can meet a group of grandmothers who went out to work out on fresh air, or babies doing exercises with their mothers. Of course, they don't use qigong for weight loss. It's just a way to strengthen the body and improve well-being.

The effect of qigong

Gymnastics has a positive effect on general condition person. Regular exercise perfectly strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps to normalize blood pressure. For people suffering from pain in the joints and back, qigong will help get rid of discomfort. In addition, this gymnastics is absolutely non-traumatic. Movements must be performed slowly and smoothly - this is required condition classes. This principle is the best suited to the needs of people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, all exercises need to be performed, only by adjusting accordingly. A feeling of warmth and peace should accompany qigong practice, only then they will be effective. Therefore, gymnastics is a good way of simplified meditation. Qigong classes will help in the fight against stress, insomnia and nervous overload.

The main thing is attitude

Before practicing qigong for weight loss or improving well-being, you need to properly tune in. After all, gymnastics is based precisely on the close interaction of the physical and spiritual.

Qi flows in the body. They are responsible for the state of the body and mood, it depends on qi whether a person is healthy and cheerful or sick and sad. Therefore, when starting classes, you need to close your eyes for a few minutes and feel how energy flows in the body. Therefore, movements in qigong are smooth and fluid, like water. They are a continuation of the energy flows moving through the human body.

Qi circulation in the body

The easiest way is to imagine qi as a liquid and move as if warm, pure water washing every muscle, every cell. Then gymnastics will be not just a set of movements, but a good meditative, relaxation practice. No fitness will give that feeling of warmth and peace that a person who practices qigong experiences. Weight loss exercises are like a slow, smooth dance, full of grace and grace, they strengthen muscles well and develop coordination.

Qigong involves the use of three types of practices - dynamic, meditative and static. In addition, the wellness complex may include massage and self-massage, taking decoctions medicinal herbs and even use right food- non-strict vegetarianism.

Static elements

One of the most popular promoters of the complex today is Lana Anatole. Qigong for weight loss in her performance resembles modern complex exercise, it is easy to find. There are many options close to the classical Chinese designs. They use not only active movements but also static loads. For European traditions, they are quite unusual.

The static practice of qigong is an exercise for which you need not to make movements, but to freeze in certain poses. In this regard, the complex resembles the familiar yoga or callanetics. Static tension strengthens the muscles, the body becomes more toned, flabbiness of the skin disappears. The main thing when performing such exercises is to really carefully follow all the instructions. Hold the desired position, strain your muscles as much as possible - only in this case you can use qigong for weight loss and be sure of the result.

These exercises not only make the muscles stronger, but also stretch the ligaments, improve blood flow and lymph flow. During the execution of the complex, the spine, head and heels should be within the same plane.

Here are some static exercises:

  1. "Hug a tree." Spread your legs so that your feet are shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly. Raise your hands to shoulder height in such a position as if they are hugging an invisible tree or Balloon. The palms are opposite the shoulders, the thumbs look up and slightly out, the little fingers look down and in. Breathing is slow, deep, the stomach is tucked up. Stay in this position for 5 minutes or more. Exercise will help to cheer up, feel the fullness and joy of life.
  2. "Keep the balls." Sit straight, put your hands on your hips as if there was a ball in each of them: palms up. Bent elbows should be wide apart. Close your eyes and, slowly inhaling and exhaling, feel the circulation of energy in the body. Exercise should be performed with a breakdown and a frequent companion of losing weight - depression.
  3. "Acquisition of Spiritual Balance". You need to lie on your right side, put a flat pillow under your head. The left hand should be placed on the thigh or in the groin area, the right hand - under the cheek or temple. Right leg you need to bend, the left, on the contrary, stretch, so that the lower leg is located on the right foot. You need to focus on one of the energy centers of the body - the heart, abdomen, solar plexus - and try to control the energy flows, distributing them throughout the body. Exercise helps to relieve stress and gain peace of mind.


The meditative practice of qigong involves the correct attitude during class. It is better for beginners to simply imagine the sounds of nature: the splashing of sea waves, the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves. This is already enough to calm the shattered nerves. Those who have achieved some success in concentration can try to energize the body by focusing on the repetition of so-called affirmations. These are positive statements in an active, positive way: “I am gradually losing weight”, “I love physical exercises or “I only eat when my body needs it.”

Of course, this is not even self-deception, because it is obvious that such statements are far from reality. But with the right attitude, the subconscious mind begins to perceive these phrases as recommendations for action. And in the fight against excess weight, the psychological component plays a very important role. At this point, those who use qigong for weight loss should definitely pay attention. Reviews of practitioners in this regard are unanimous. If the weight is not decreasing, the right mental attitude really helps get things off the ground.

Dynamic Complex

The dynamic practice of qigong is the performance of a certain set of exercises. Since it is very important to perform all movements correctly and accurately, it is better to find a health or sports center where experienced trainers teach. They will teach the basics of correct movements, put plasticity and breathing. Otherwise, gymnastics will be ineffective.

But if there are no trainers or you want to do it at home, it’s better to start with these exercises:

  1. "Pulling out the moon". You should lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body. Raise straight legs to a height of no more than half a meter and very, very slowly describe a circle in the air with them. At the same time, the socks should be extended, the muscles should be tense. One rotation should take at least 30 seconds. The exercise is more difficult than it might seem, the muscles get tired quickly. If you have the strength, you can make a few more turns, if not, relax and take a break. Turns must be made both clockwise and against it the same number of times. It is advisable to repeat the exercise every day: in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed. Over time, the muscles of the abdomen and thighs will strengthen so much that it will be possible to do up to 10 revolutions in each direction without interruption. The waist and buttocks will tighten and become elastic by this time.
  2. "Raise the sky". Runs every morning. Stand up straight, brushes down. Starting position: imagine that you are leaning with outstretched arms on the table. Elbows are straight, palms are in front of the hips, fingers almost touching. You need to take a deep breath and raise your arms up, without changing their position: only due to the movement of the shoulders. Tilt your head back, look up at the palm of your hand. Hold your breath, stretch your hands up, as if pushing the sky, and as you exhale, gently spread your arms to the sides, lower them in one motion. During the exercise, you need to focus on the flow of qi flowing through the body.
  3. "Dilution of water". You should stand up straight, raise your hands and stretch them in front of you. The hands are bent as if the palms are resting against an invisible wall, the fingers are almost touching. You need to take a deep breath through your nose and smoothly spread your arms 180 degrees without bending your elbows or changing the position of your wrists. You need to take as much air into the chest as possible, focusing on the sensation of energy filling the body. Then exhale - and return to the starting position. The exercise should be performed 10 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20. Finishing the series, you need to lower your arms while exhaling, turning your palms to the ground.
  4. "Circular Stream". You need to stand up straight, lower your arms along the body. Slowly rotate the hips - in the same movement as the gymnastic hoop is twisted, 30 circles in one direction and 30 in the other. At the same time, you should close your eyes and feel the flow of energy that forms the body, distributes, and burns excess weight.

This is one of the options initial complex exercises for everyone.

Breathing exercises

Chinese doctors believed that excess weight and excessive appetite were caused by an imbalance of energy in the body. To normalize the ratio of yin and yang, it was recommended to use proper breathing. Qigong for weight loss is a set of exercises related to the regulation of the duration of inhalations and exhalations, a certain sequence of filling the lungs with oxygen.

  1. "Frog" reduces the feeling of hunger. You need to sit on a chair. In this case, the legs should be spaced shoulder-width apart at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the body. Women need to clench their left hand into a fist and squeeze it with their right. For men, the opposite is true. Then you should bend over so that your elbows rest on your knees. Put your head on clenched hands and try to relax the muscles of the peritoneum as much as possible. Breathe deeply and slowly, while the stomach should swell, round, like a ball, filled with air.
  2. "Wave" also helps to fight increased appetite. You need to lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, while firmly resting your feet on the floor. One hand should be placed on the chest, the other - on the stomach. Inhaling, you should inflate the chest and draw in the stomach. This is quite difficult at first and takes practice. The exercise must be repeated at least 20 times.
  3. "Lotus" speeds up the metabolism in the body. You need to sit in the lotus position, close your eyes, focus on breathing, immerse yourself in it. At least 5 minutes should be deeply inhaled and exhaled until there is a feeling of drowsiness, falling into a dream. Gradually increase the duration of the exercise to 15 minutes.

According to Chinese doctors, qigong breathing exercises for weight loss allow you to control weight without experiencing a constant feeling of hunger and fatigue from heavy exercises.

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