What you need to know about men and life in Uzbekistan. The most beautiful Uzbek women

Uzbeks are representatives of the Turkic-speaking peoples and have their own unique story and a culture that differs in many ways even from their neighbors. In their appearance, Uzbek women have absorbed features characteristic of Asians - a special structure of the face and figure, the shape of the eyes and even some manners of behavior. They also have a peculiar way of dressing - residents of Uzbekistan respect their national clothes very much and wear it even in Everyday life. This article presents the most beautiful Uzbek women who are loved not only in the country, but also far beyond its borders.

Today Rayhon is one of the most popular singers in the country. She was born in the capital, in a family famous artists. Her father Otabek Ganiev was an actor and the grandson of the founder of cinema in Uzbekistan. Mom - Tamara Shakirova was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the country.

Since childhood, the girl was fond of painting, singing and dancing. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having seen the talents of their daughter, the parents sent Raykhon to study at a specialized art and music school, where gifted children studied. As a 9th grade student, she already sang to the accompaniment of a symphony orchestra. After graduation high school, Rayhon decided to connect her life with music.

Originally an actress and singer from Fergana. Despite her young age, Sevich has already managed to work on one film set with the first beauties of Uzbek cinema Alisher Khamraev, Tutti Yusupov and others no less popular actors. The girl is equally good at both the most difficult movie roles and the recording of songs that later become hits.

The girl was born in a family of actors. Uzbek, Tatar and Arab blood is mixed in her veins. Despite the fact that the girl is called one of the most beautiful girls in the country, she does not consider herself as such, believing that there are more worthy candidates for this title.

In Uzbekistan, she is one of the most popular singers, better known as Lola. The girl herself writes words and music for her songs. And she owes her popularity to the song "Mukhabbatim", which means "my love" in translation. In 2004, she was awarded the Tarona Award as the owner of the best stage costume and the title of Best Singer of the Year. After that, Lola got married and did not perform for some time. She decided to start show business again in 2011.

The popular actress in Uzbekistan graduated from the University of Economics and Diplomacy. Shahzoda never took acting lessons, but this did not stop her from acting in 18 films for 3 years. Her first experience of filming in international series was the role in the TV series Dorm.

Matluba was one of the most beautiful women in the USSR. She has not lost her attractiveness even now, so she is often called the beauty of Uzbekistan. She is only half Uzbek, on her paternal side. Her mother had Russian, Georgian, Polish and even German roots. Matlyuba studied at the course of Alexei Batalov at the VGTK. She always speaks of her mentor with special respect, calling him the standard of personality, and loves to remember his manner of upbringing and the various instructions that the master liked to give before his wards went on stage. It was he who taught future star theater and cinema not to be afraid of the audience and fully open up on stage.

Immediately after graduating from the institute, Matluba was waiting for his first film debut. It was the role of passionate Laura in the TV series "Little Tragedies", which was staged based on Pushkin's work by director Mikhail Schwartz. Her partner on the set then became Vladimir Vysotsky. This work gave her a ticket to a big movie.

Born in Uzbekistan, Irina won the title of "Miss Tatarstan" in 2010 and the first "Vice-Miss in Russia". After that, it was decided to send her to represent the country at the Miss World contest. The girl is also only half Uzbek on her paternal side. Mom had a whole mixture of roots, including Russian, Uzbek, Ukrainian and Tatar. Perhaps it was thanks to this that the girl became a real beauty, taking the best from each of her parents.

The girl acts in films and works as a fashion model in her homeland and in Russia. She was born in Tashkent in the family of a teacher and a communications engineer. While studying at school, Camila was very fond of playing in a variety of school productions. In addition, she studied vocals and sang in the school musical group.

Camila was an active and enthusiastic child. She loved to draw and graduated from art school. In parallel with all this, she was engaged in acrobatics. After leaving school, the girl entered the circus variety school, but a year later, she decided that she liked to sing more and transferred to the vocal department.

After graduating from college, Camila brilliantly passes the exams for admission to the theater institute of Tashkent, where she is accepted to the pop faculty. After which she decides to enter GITIS. In Moscow, she is also accepted into the pop faculty. Among the paintings in which Mukhlisova has already managed to appear, one can single out: “Dream Diary”, “Between Two Fires”, “Donor”, ​​“Beekeeper” and “What Women Dream About”.

Despite the fact that she is very much loved in Uzbekistan, not much is known about Muborak. The girl acts in films and sings in the well-known musical group Shakhrizoda in the country. The smile and incredible look of this girl captivate the audience, which is why she is called one of the most beautiful women in the country.

The world-famous model was born in Uzbekistan. Today she has many contracts in Japan and China. To work in modeling business she started while still living in Uzbekistan, where she was invited to shoot in fashion magazines.

Dilzona is one of the most demanded actresses in Uzbekistan today. After graduation, the girl entered the drama department of the Tashkent Institute of Culture. The girl admits that as a child she began to collect a collection of postcards and continues to do so today.

As a child, the future actress loved to arrange home performances for her family and even neighbors. Her parents strongly encouraged the efforts of little Dilzona. In addition, she participated in school theater productions.

Not only very beautiful, but also a promising actress who has been acting in films for more than 10 years. At the same time, each of her works impresses with its skill. For the first time, Gulchehra appeared on the screen back in 200 in a film called “Fatima and Zuhra”, where her partner on the set was the then-famous singer Shahzoda. This picture gave the girl a great start, after which Uzbek directors began to take an interest in her and invite her to their films.

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, so immediately after graduating from high school, she applied for admission to the Institute of Culture in Tashkent, which she entered without difficulty. Thanks to her talent and beauty, Asal was quickly noticed and the best Uzbek directors began to invite to act.

In 2016, the girl married an oligarch from Kazakhstan, Patokh Chodiev, with whom they played a luxurious wedding in Monaco. After that, the girl announced the end of her acting career.

Women Uzbekistan (in Uzbek. Uzbek ayollari) are one of the most decent and beautiful women in the world, say the peoples of Europe, Asia and the whole world. According to statistics, 1-2% live in Uzbekistan more women than men. This is due to the fact that the age of women is slightly longer than that of men, which affects the statistics. Uzbeks say among the people that women have “40 lives”, which indicates the tolerance of women in Uzbekistan….

Photo of beautiful women of Uzbekistan

Women in Uzbekistan, according to the legislative basis, have equal rights among men and among the people have great respect. For example, when in the streets women hardly carry a heavy load, then young people quickly run across to them and help in their work.

The average life expectancy for women in Uzbekistan is 74 years while for men it is 68 years. Retirement age for women in Uzbekistan, it is accepted from the age of 58, while for men 63 years old, and here is also proof of men that they have taken the burden and responsibility upon themselves. Girls in the country usually get married at the age of 18-23, and if they get married later, then she is considered among the people as a girl with disabilities.

Status - the position of women in society (Tashkent)

In recent years, due to the fact that the female gender is given more attention, their studies at universities are considered a priority. The President of Uzbekistan personally often demands that women, and in particular from among young leaders, occupy good positions in government.

In the media, there is often such information that women in Uzbekistan suffer from various life problems, including their husbands leave them alone and leave for Russia or other countries under the pretext of earning money and sometimes do not return to their homeland. According to some calculations, approximately 5-8% of such cases have facts; in other cases, mostly boys of Uzbekistan marry Russian girls or women to satisfy their various needs, including sexual and material, during their labor migration to Russia ...

Woman's Life - Russians with Uzbeks

By nature, Uzbek women are calmer than some other nations and obey and are also afraid of their husbands, although sometimes in 10-20% of cases, depending on geography, social status, level of knowledge, age, the situation can be much different from the figures given. The number of men who leave their wives in Uzbekistan is approximately 50,000 per year, and most of them marry a second time abroad on an informal basis. Although, according to official data, the termination of bravkas in the region of 10 thousand rubles a year

The main reasons for the dissolution of marriages in Uzbekistan between women and men are considered to be the inconsistency of young people about the composition of the marriage. As you know, in Uzbekistan, marriages are made mainly (in 80% of cases) at the request of the parents and they choose the bride, which from time to time will contribute to the separation of family members and the appearance of uncomplicated women and children who will be left unattended.

Uzbek daughters-in-law

How do women live? After the dissolution of marriages in the family of women in Uzbekistan, sometimes new strength which makes them famous and rich through their own pure labor. But sometimes, or rather often, in such single lives, women get very huge pressure as they will feed the children and work. According to some reports, the number of women who are engaged in prostitution inside Uzbekistan is about 1000-2000 and they charge $ 10 per night from each client, and this is only due to their difficult economic situations. After all, it is known that for culture and religious reasons, it is not decent for a woman in Uzbekistan to work in society, and in particular in rural areas. If women work in the villages, they should work in the family circle.

Video about Women of Uzbekistan

Alas, sometimes not small facts can be met with such news that a woman is killed by her relatives - husbands. The soil of such adverse event basically jealousy. After all, the men of Uzbekistan generally strictly demand that their wives submit to any requirements. If women are not obedient to their wives then their misunderstanding is even their own parents. Although Uzbekistan officially celebrates the international day of mothers "March 8" and declares it a day off, but these days, mothers are mostly given attention if it is a successful family. In a word, rights on paper, but in society, in reality, women are very limited in their abilities.

It should be noted that the majority of 82% of the country's women live in rural areas and it is almost impossible to find a job there, while the men themselves go abroad to find a job. It hurts when women suffer because they are our mothers and we have our wives and daughters who can suffer such fates.

The role of young women in society - Uzbek Women

Love for a woman in Uzbekistan is at its best and, as in other countries of the world, it is considered decent to give women flowers and gifts, but to say in honor beautiful words just charm and luck. Tajik women in society have their own cultural customs and peculiar manners. For example, they tend to call each other by the name of their husbands. They love to dress in national dresses, dance and go to events where they solemnly celebrate weddings and national holidays. It is worth recalling that in Uzbekistan there is a National Association business women Uzbekistan.

Photo beautiful women of Uzbekistan

women dating uzbekistan

Uzbeks are a Turkic-speaking people of approximately 28 million people. In the USSR, Uzbeks were the third largest people (after Russians and Ukrainians). Currently, about 23 million Uzbeks live in Uzbekistan (81.7% of the population of the republic), about 2.7 million - in Afghanistan, more than 900 thousand in Tajikistan and about 800 thousand - in Kyrgyzstan. There is also a significant Uzbek diaspora in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia and other countries.
Uzbeks (like Tajiks) are Caucasians, belong to the Pamir-Fergana race. The Uzbeks of Northern Khorezm have an admixture of Mongoloid elements.

28th place: Iroda Nosirova- singer.

27th place: Svetlana (Oydin) Norbaeva(born 1944, Tashkent) - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR. Svetlana Norbaeva is the mother of the famous director and producer Dzhanik Faiziev.

26th place: Rano Chodieva- Uzbek actress.

25th place: Diyora is an Uzbek singer.

24th place: Sevinch Muminova- Uzbek singer and actress.

23rd place: Laylo Galiyeva- singer. Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/laylo.galieva/

22nd place: Matlyuba Alimova (born August 12, 1954) - Soviet and Russian actress, known for the films "Little Tragedies" (1979), "Gypsy" (1979), "Vasily Buslaev" (1982), "The Tale of star boy"(1983)," The Return of Budulai "(1985) and others. Matlyuba Alimova is an Uzbek by her father.

21st place: Munisa Rizaeva- Uzbek singer.

20th place: Asal Chodieva- Uzbek actress.

18th place: Tamara Shakirova(November 26, 1955 - February 22, 2012) - actress, Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR. Tamara Shakirova (by her husband - Ganieva) is the mother of the modern Uzbek singer Raykhon Ganieva, who is also represented in this rating.

17th place: Zamzama- Uzbek singer.

16th place: Muborak Zhamolkhonova (Ashurboeva)(born August 5, 1986) - actress and singer, member of the Shakhrizoda group.

14th place: Parisoda Shermatova is an actress. Page on Odnoklassniki - http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/profile/551027544240/

13th place: Farida - model. Portfolio - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w2mt8jlangt52wv/eOtY9ex0O1#/

12th place: Zilola Nuraliyeva(b. December 24, 1986) is a model working in China and Japan under the pseudonym "Lola". Height 179 cm, figure parameters 84-61-90.

10th place: Lola Yuldasheva(born September 4, 1985), better known as "Lola", is an Uzbek singer and actress.

7th place: Shahzoda Matchanova(born August 8, 1987) - Uzbek actress. Official site - matchanova.ru

5th place: Zarina Nizomiddinova- Uzbek actress.

2nd place: Zilola Musayeva(born July 28, 1979), better known under the pseudonym "Shahzoda" - Uzbek singer and actress. Official site - shakhzoda.ru

1st place: Rayhon Ganieva(born September 16, 1978) - Uzbek actress and singer. Raikhon is the daughter of the famous actress Tamara Shakirova. Rayhon official website - rayhon.uz

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The country's government, headed by President Islam Karimov, is making great efforts to ensure that a woman can become a full member of society and take part in solving political and economic issues of the state. In this regard, the position of women in society and the family must change.

In Uzbekistan, women make up most population than men. They take care of the upbringing of children Active participation in all areas public life. Based on this, the main priority task of the state is to increase the intellectual and cultural level of women.

Uzbek women are employed in almost all major sectors - education, medicine, trade, light industry, transport and Agriculture. A large number of women hold positions in the judiciary. Many of them are active participants political parties hold positions in the government.

AT recent times women often compete in entrepreneurial activity with men, which even some 20 or 30 years ago was unimaginable. Their main field of activity is the production of consumer goods, the development of industries using natural resources Uzbekistan.

Nowadays, almost every Uzbek woman has all the conditions to receive higher education as well as for professional development.

Support and development of Uzbek women

In 1995 Uzbekistan joined international convention UN, it was about improving the situation Uzbek women. At the moment, the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan, established in 1991, has become an organization actively dealing with women's issues.

The main goals and objectives of this organization are the protection of childhood and motherhood, legal support for women who find themselves in difficult situation, increasing their literacy and cultural level, propaganda healthy lifestyle life. The Committee deals with the problems of large and low-income families, women with disabilities, the elderly and singles.

The Women's Committee pays great attention to attracting as many women as possible to sports. Many have become active participants in the republican sports festival "Tumaris". More than 500 housewives and working women competed in various types sports competitions - rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, table tennis, etc.

Women of Uzbekistan created their own organization "Women's Wing". It discusses more traditional and close to the heart of every woman problems - family, raising children, healthy motherhood.

It can be confidently asserted that a woman who occupies a worthy place in society, has an education, a profession, will always be able to defend her rights and raise a worthy future generation.

All over the world you can find a lot of talented and beautiful movie stars. So Uzbekistan is famous for its actresses. Many of them have made a great contribution to the development of theater and cinema in the country. The most famous actresses of Uzbekistan include the following: Rano Chodieva, Matlyuba Alimova, Raykhon Ganieva, Shakhzoda Matchanova. From this article you can learn about the biography of actresses, as well as about their creative activity.

Famous actress of Uzbekistan

Early Chodieva - famous actress Uzbekistan. She was born in August 1979. My creative career She started early in 1995, at the time she was only 16 years old. The debut film for Chodieva was the film "Everything around was covered with snow." Despite the fact that this was the first work of the Uzbek actress in the cinema, she was entrusted with the role of the main character named Asal. This is a story about a young girl who experiences death. loved one- mothers. Suffering from grief and loneliness, Asal meets a young guy, Kamil, and love breaks out between the characters.

One more successful work Early in the movie was the role in the film "Day of Truth", filmed in 2011. In it, the actress appeared in the image of Munisa Suleymanova, the main character of the film. Munisa is a young woman who is engaged in entrepreneurship. The heroine is happy with her life, because she is successful and lives in abundance. However, everything changes when Munisa finds out that she is sick with a deadly disease. Then she realizes that she would like to live her life in a completely different way.

On account of Chodieva more than fifteen works in various films. Now the actress continues to successfully act in films and delight viewers with her new images.

Matlyuba Alimova is an actress who has been doing her favorite thing for more than thirty years in a row. She got her profession back in the days Soviet Union, and after its collapse, she began to travel the world and act in various projects. The Uzbek actress was born in August 1954. The list of films in which she starred is endless. “Little tragedies”, “Vasily Busaev”, “And I'm with you again” are some of the most successful projects in the career of Matlyuba Alimova.

The most popular actress brought the role of the gypsy Nastya in the film "Gypsy". Her personal life was not the most successful way. Matluba Alimova was married once. They met their future husband while entering the institute. Their marriage was concluded for love and the young people were very happy. However, everything soon changed. Matluba's husband, Murat Akhmetov, turned out to be a very jealous man. Quarrels broke out between the spouses very often, and because of his jealousy, the husband made constant scandals. For Alimova, this was the biggest disappointment in life, in the end the couple divorced.

Uzbek actress and singer Raykhon Ganieva

Raykhon Ganieva was born in 1978 in the city of Tashkent. Her parents were also famous actors in Uzbekistan. Already in early childhood Raykhon liked to sing, and her mother and father decided to send the girl to an art school. AT school years the girl wrote her first song, however, when she entered the institute, Raikhon chose the faculty of English philology, which was not related to her creative hobbies. While studying at the university, the girl collected her own musical group, but in 2000 she decided to perform solo. In addition to her career as a singer, Raykhon Ganiyeva also starred in several films, most of them in the musical genre.

Shahzoda Matchanova is an Uzbek actress who was born and raised in the city of Nukus. Shahzoda never dreamed of acting career and studied economics at the institute. However, the girl was lucky. Her photographs ended up in the hand of the director, who invited Shahzoda to participate in the casting for filming a movie. So the actress got on the set of the film "April-May", in which she performed leading role. Shahzoda Matchanova has roles in more than twenty films.

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