What Zverev Sr. says about his son. Zverev Sergey (junior). DNA test determined relationship

Sergei Zverev is known to every person in our country, he is known far beyond its borders. But it would be impossible to unambiguously determine his status and occupation if he did not give himself an extremely brief and precise description - a star. And so as not to be confused with the rest of the heavenly bodies, he added "in shock." This definition, instantly remembered and forever stuck to him, perfectly fits the description of his life and biography, which he created absolutely himself, as well as this vivid statement.

Stylist, hairdresser, showman, actor, singer, businessman - and these are not all the professions of Sergei Zverev. He is admired by thousands of fans, but the number of those whom he annoys is no less. And indeed - he is not like anyone else, bright, knowing his own worth and not afraid to embarrass anyone. He skillfully plays with the feelings and emotions of the public, manipulates rumors, creates legends about himself. Therefore, it is often impossible to determine where in the stories about his biography is truth and where is fiction. But one conclusion can be made for sure - he has earned the right to be called as he wants - "star in shock."

Even about the place of birth of the future stylist, it is impossible to say absolutely exactly. In this capacity, the Buryat village of Guzhiry, located in the Tunkinsky district, as well as the village of Kultuk located in the Slyudyansky district of the Irkutsk region, appear. Sergei Zverev was born on July 19, 1963, which means that he will soon turn 55 years old.

None of those living in the village of Kultuk at that time would have suspected that in the family of Anatoly Andreevich Zverev, who worked as a mechanic at a car company, and his wife Valentina Timofeevna, a technologist at a meat processing plant, a show business star is growing.

Soon the boy knew the first loss - in 1969, when he was only 5 years old, his father died - a car crashed into his motorcycle. The mother soon married another man, and at the age of six Zverev Sergey moved with his family to live in the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.

The loss of a father is not the only tragedy in the life of a designer. His brother Alexander, who was two years older than him, died at the age of 29. He worked in a hazardous industry and fell ill with a severe form of asthma. Sergey Anatolyevich also claims that the mother of his child also died in a car accident.

His mother had a great influence on the formation of the character of our hero. Brought up during the war years in an orphanage, she demanded from her sons absolute obedience and strict observance of the regime. Zverev himself believes that such a harsh upbringing gave him the opportunity to cope with any difficulties and overcome all obstacles along the way to the goal.

Even at school, the boy became interested in cutting and sewing, so after graduation there was no question of where to go to study. He entered vocational school No. 13 of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, and he studied three professions there at once - a make-up specialist, a fashion designer and a hairdresser. According to Sergei Zverev, he was not allowed to study right away, allegedly he entered the vocational school three times because they did not want to take him to women's specialties. And it seems that at the age of 16 he left for Paris, where he studied as a stylist and worked as a model - how plausible this is, everyone decides for himself.

In the eighties, he served in the army in the air defense forces stationed in Poland. There, the initiative soldier became deputy platoon commander, secretary of the Komsomol cell, he finished his service with the rank of sergeant. Another stylist claimed that at that time he became a member of the CPSU.

Already while studying at a vocational school, Sergey Zverev began to participate in numerous hairdressing competitions, at which his talent began to be clearly manifested. After the army, he moved to Moscow, and began his journey to the pinnacle of stylistic excellence, working in small hairdressing salons, continuing to participate in competitions.

It was at such an event that he was noticed by the famous Dolores Kondrashova, who coached the national team Soviet Union in hairdressing. She helped him get a job in one of the famous beauty salons. It was at the turn of the 80s - 90s.

At the same time, star clients began to appear at the still novice master. Tatyana Vedeneeva was the first to decide to trust the unknown boy - and did not regret it. She was so delighted with the result that she began to recommend Sergey Zverev to everyone she knew.

So among his clients appeared Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valery Leontiev, Laima Vaikule, Bogdan Titomir and many other famous characters. A young hairdresser and make-up artist becomes fashionable, celebrities signed up for him in line for a month.

This was facilitated by the fact that Zverev Sergey in the early nineties won many national and international competitions in hairdressing. A real triumph was his performance at the European Championships in 1997, where he became the undisputed winner. A year before, at the same competition, he took second place. And in 1998 he was officially recognized as the best hairdresser on the planet, having won the World Championship.

And today it is interesting to watch the recordings of those performances by the maestro. The virtuoso art of Sergei Zverev, which he demonstrates there in all its splendor, cannot but arouse admiration. Even many of those who are extremely negative about his personality, after watching his best demonstration numbers, where he transforms a person beyond recognition in a matter of minutes, begin to feel an involuntary respect for him.

Now the hands of the master are insured for a million dollars, he is personal stylist Ksenia Sobchak and Alla Pugacheva.

Singer and actor - why not?

And the acquaintance of Sergei and the Primadonna began back in those days when she had an affair with Sergei Vasilyevich Chelobanov. She convinced her hairdresser that it was time for him to do show business himself.

In 2006, the first album of the "young" artist "For the sake of you" was released, one of the most famous songs on it was the composition "Alla". Probably, no one had any questions to whom it is dedicated.

A wave of criticism and ridicule poured over the novice singer, many of which were quite justified. But the abundance of negative ratings and dubious vocal data did not become an obstacle for the artist. Already on next year he releases a new album "Star in shock ... !!!", consisting of 22 songs.

The most recognizable among them was Dolce Gabbana. Sergey's latest singing experiments were in 2015, when he, together with Diana Sharapova, performed the song "You Didn't Come to the New Year's Ball" and together with Dj Nil created the song "You Won't Know".

Also, the star hairdresser often flashes on the screens in various films. For the first time he starred in 2006 in the film "Paparatsa". Then he was noted in the films "Alice's Dreams" and "Club". And today in his filmography there are many projects. The most famous were "Like Cossacks ...", "Love is not show business", "The Most best movie 3-DE" and "Oh, lucky."

Now the artist’s creative piggy bank has more than a dozen paintings, of which the most famous are “Waiting for a Miracle”, “Love is not show business”, “Like Cossacks ...”, “Oh, Lucky!” and "The Best Movie 3-DE". How theater actor he made his debut in the play "The Bureau of Happiness", staged by Lyudmila Gurchenko, who played the main role in it.

The appearance of the famous stylist is an equally important factor in his popularity and ambiguous reputation. If you look at the photo, which depicts Sergei Zverev in his youth, it is striking how his face has undergone changes at the hands of plastic surgeons. They started in 1995.

Again, from the words of Sergei himself, it is known that pushed him to this step car accident, allegedly severely mutilated his face. Initially, he decided to change the nose, then make the lips fuller. From the first time, the result did not suit him, new operations followed. Then came the turn to the cheekbones and chin.

Now we see an almost doll-like face of a person without age, reminiscent of the appearance of Michael Jackson. Whether the makeup artist will continue to improve his appearance, no one knows yet.

Family and personal life

In his personal life, such a bright character could not do without a lot of novels, breakups, dramas and scandals. Only Sergei Zverev had four official marriages, however, each of them lasted less three years. The stylist is credited with novels with his patroness Dolores Kondrashova, with singers Natalya Vetlitskaya and Irina Ponarovskaya.

Openly, he was in a relationship with Oksana Kabunina, whom the audience knew as Sasha Project. Another friend of the star became former member group "Brilliant" Yulianna Lukasheva. He changed her to another singer, Paola, and then an affair with Ukrainian artist Irina Bilyk followed.

In the second half of the nineties, Sergei Zverev began to appear on social events and on television with a blond boy, his son, who was also named Sergei. Where the showman came from the child, no one knew. The father himself said that the boy's mother died a few years ago in a car accident. But this version seemed unconvincing to many - even about a person who has passed away, some information should still remain.

There was also an opinion that Sergei Zverev Jr. was the stylist's own nephew, the son of his deceased brother. But this option also does not stand up to criticism - the star hairdresser has nephews, and he communicates with them, but they grew up with their mother.

A more plausible assumption, which was confirmed by many of the artist's acquaintances, is that he took the child in an orphanage in the early nineties. Now the designer himself does not deny this fact. Many media reports that the boy was in terrible state, suffered from many chronic diseases, from which he has not yet been cured.

Father dreamed that Sergey Sergeevich would repeat his path, become a media person and be related to the fashion world. The son did not agree with this interpretation of his fate and, having matured, told him about it. On this basis, they had a conflict, the young man left home, preferring to build his life without support and financial assistance famous parent.

Over the past few years, Zverev's son has twice married girls who are not related to show business or secular life. At the weddings, the father was not, the choice of his son was not to his liking.

Sergei Sergeevich is far from any fame or stardom, lives and works in the Moscow region, photographs in in social networks demonstrate his complete indifference to fashion trends or famous brands. AT recent times he appeared on several television shows in connection with the clarification of his ancestry and the search for blood relatives.

Sergey Zverev today - latest news

From the very beginning of his fame, Sergey has become one of the most frequent visitors to various TV projects. He also had his own TV shows, which he hosted - "Star in a Cube" and "Stars in Fashion." Now he is still a regular guest of various shows, a frequenter of exhibitions and competitions, a jury member at fashion shows. A secular lion and celebrities - this is how he positions himself, this is how he is perceived.

At the stylist own business– in 2008 he became the owner of the beauty salon Celebrity, which is located in mall Sheremetevsky. And a little later, the famous hairdresser presented a salon, which is called “Sergey Zverev” and is located on First Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street.

Zverev does not forget the craft that made him famous. He is still in high demand, and his services are incredibly expensive. But getting to him is almost impossible, and that's it. less people who can boast in a fashionable way from Sergei Zverev.


The life and career of Sergei Zverev is a clear proof that the impossible is possible, that everything can be achieved if you really want it and do as you see fit. One can treat this person differently, but one cannot but agree with the statement that he himself made his own destiny, focusing only on his talent and his desires.

Sergey Zverev in his youth and Sergey Zverev today are two different person, nothing like similar friend on the other even outwardly. And for sure, he will surprise us more than once with his new images, shocking outfits, shocking statements. But after all, this is the main purpose of the man-star, which he wanted to become and became.

One of recent appearances on TV there was a program “Let them talk”, where they discussed the marriage of Serezha, which was objectionable to the famous dad. Recently, they started talking about Zverev Jr. again - the young man decided to sort out his family ties and try to find his mother.

Childhood and youth

In the early 2000s, fans of Sergei Zverev were very surprised to learn that the outrageous fashion designer had a growing heir. The stylist began to appear in public in the company of a blond boy, saying that this was his son. Fans had little faith in the legend, but on family ties Seryozha's appearance indicated - he was very much like his father. The Russians assumed that this was a nephew or even a younger brother.

Meanwhile, the stylist claimed that the child was born from civil wife whose life was claimed by a car accident. Mom Valentina Timofeevna helped raise the boy, the family lived in Moscow.

Grandmother instilled in her child the ideals of beauty and love for nature, often taking Seryozha to the picturesque village of Kultuk, where she spent her youth. In the village, of course, there was no trace of the capital's glamorous life. Sergey was friends with local guys, rode a bicycle for days on end, fished on the lake.

In Moscow, everything was different: endless photo shoots with my father, parties, interviews with journalists. In honor of the 14th birthday, Zverev threw a bright party for the heir in a popular and expensive club. As a gift, the teenager received a real striptease. The action was even shown on TV. The hairdresser spoke of his son like this:

“This is the most beloved person and the most devoted friend. He and I have a day of the week when the two of us go for a walk or eat at a candy cafe. He has such a sweet tooth, all in me! Although sometimes he takes it and "lays" me in front of everyone: we come somewhere with Seryozha, and everyone thinks that this is my brother. And suddenly Seryozha says in front of everyone: “Dad!”

Once Zverev opened the cards scandalous showman Stanislav Sadalsky. In LiveJournal, the artist said that the popular stylist adopted a three-year-old child whom he found in Irkutsk orphanage. Sergei, who ended up in a shelter, was struck by poverty and lack of normal conditions for kids. The children were allegedly even poorly fed. According to Sadalsky, they had to save a dying child with a bouquet of diseases.

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Sergei Zverev Jr. did not want to connect his biography with show business and refused the help of his star father. At the age of 20, the young man moved to the provincial Kolomna, declaring that he would earn money for a living on his own.

Serezha changed many professions. He managed to work as an auto mechanic, a seller in the market, a handyman in a hotel. In an interview with reporters, the young man said that he was satisfied humble life- receives 30 thousand rubles. per month, which is enough to pay for utility bills and groceries.

According to rumors, the relationship with the father of the young man went wrong back in 2014. Allegedly, Zverev expelled the heir from the house because he refuses financial assistance. According to other information, a crack in the relationship happened after the marriage of the young man. Relatives did not communicate for several years.

Personal life

At the end of 2014, rumors appeared in the press about the imminent marriage of Sergei Zverev Jr. Became the chosen one ordinary girl, a waitress from Kolomna Maria Bikmaeva. The wedding was arranged modestly, without pathos and frills, only relatives were present at the ceremony. There was no star stylist among the guests, because he did not approve of his son's choice. Sergei Zverev told the press that the heir would marry in spite of his real lover.

The marriage didn't really last long. The couple divorced six months later. Ex-wife explained the reason for the breakup: soon after the wedding, she and Serezha realized that they were just friends.

In 2017, the young man married for the second time. I met a girl named Julia, a colleague, a hotel administrator, for a year. The wedding again did not differ in pomp, and Sergei Zverev Sr. again did not come to the ceremony.

Seryozha himself commented on his relationship with his father even before going to the registry office in the program “You Won’t Believe It”:

“I didn’t introduce the girl to my dad, the case has not yet presented itself. And why do it for now?

According to the assumptions of journalists, the stylist himself refuses to get acquainted with the passions of his son.

Yulia Zvereva's page on Instagram introduces the life of a young married couple. The girl is happy to share photos in which she poses with Sergey.

Sergey Zverev Jr. now

In the summer of 2018, Sergei Zverev Jr. again attracted the attention of the press and compatriots - he finally found out the truth about his parents. The young man decided to get to the bottom of the truth and answer the question: is the famous stylist his biological father.

In the release of Andrey Malakhov's show "Live" received the results of a DNA test and burst into tears. However, the audience did not know the details.

I also wanted to find my mother. Serezha became the hero of Dmitry Shepelev's program "Actually". The host promised that he would do everything to find the young man's parent, and he kept his word. It seems that Sergei still found his mother - a woman named Victoria was waiting behind the scenes of the show.

She is sure: Zverev Jr. is her native child, who was selected by the guardianship authorities two decades ago. Shepelev noted that the results of the genetic examination confirmed the absolute relationship. Sergey's meeting with his mother and her family took place on July 17 in the "Actually" program.

Victoria told the whole truth about the mistake of youth. According to the mother of Sergei Zverev Jr. (at birth - Dmitry Parfenov), she wanted to take revenge on her husband by cheating on him with the husband of a woman with whom her husband had previously had an affair. Communication ended unwanted pregnancy. At the 8th month, Victoria tried to induce childbirth, but Dima survived, having been born with a bunch of diseases. Having escaped from the hospital, Vika began new life married and had a third child.

The son of Sergei Zverev, Sergei found out that he was adopted a few years ago. During a major quarrel, his grandmother told the guy about it. He decided to find mother. Allegedly, he spent his early years in an orphanage in Irkutsk, since Serezha found an extract from there in their apartment. He decided to go to those parts with his wife Yulia. For her, the visit to the relatives of Zverev Jr. is the first in their life together.

Sergei recalls how he rested in those parts. “I often changed schools, as there were conflicts. I didn’t want them to know that I was the son of Zverev, ”said the heir to the superstar.

This is not the first visit of Serezha to those parts. Earlier, he came to visit his grandmother, and she did not even open the door. He met with relatives on the line of cousin uncle Victor. The guy then told his relatives that the father was behaving badly because of the unwanted wedding of his son.

“We are looking for a mother. It’s just interesting who she is, where she is, ”said Sergey.

The young man does not suffer from the fact that now he does not attend social events. Julia, Sergei's wife, also traveled with him to the Irkutsk region. There he visited the house of a classmate of the stylist. Nadezhda Filippova is sure that he native son Zverev. Sergei's relatives were also happy to see them.

Studio guests noted that the young man was always surrounded by care. After a conflict with a relative, Zverev became calm in the family. Galina Georgievna, a friend of her grandmother, believes that a boy cannot be a relative of a famous stylist.

Zverev Jr. had a fight with his father because of his wedding with Yulia. There were rumors that the chosen one has a child. However, Julia denies these words.

Sergey's relatives put forward their own versions of what happened to native mother guy. “At first they said that she had died, then again it was all forgotten. Then they brought and said: here is yours, ”said cousin Zverev Sr.

There is also a version that Seryozha - bastard sibling Zverev Sr., Sasha. "The man was suffering from serious bronchial asthma. He jumped out of the window and died so as not to torment himself or his loved ones, ”said a friend.

Sergey Jr. also has health problems, and sometimes his asthma worsens. Zverev decided to take a DNA test with his paternal grandfather.

Alexander Andreevich Zverev hosted Sergei and his wife. The man remembered: he was once told that Serezha's mother works at the embassy.

The great-uncle and Zverev Jr. provided the biomaterial. The host of the program, Andrey Malakhov, suggested that Sergey personally see the results of the DNA test that the specialist brought. However, the stylist's son was shocked by what he saw and, barely holding back tears, left the studio. The guests never found out whether Sergey and Alexander Alexandrovich were relatives or not.

"King of Glamour" Sergei Zverev finally reconciled with his son. The singing stylist spoke about this at the celebration of the 11th birthday of the Musicbox TV channel. According to the artist, all the misunderstandings with the offspring were left behind.
Zverev was one of the first guests on the holiday. At first, his mood was not at all joyful. Apparently, because they began to ask him about his childhood.
“I grew up in a barracks,” the singer did not hide. - We had one toilet for ten barracks, and then on the street. There were always rats running around him. But I wanted beauty. I dreamed that when I grew up I would buy myself a white suit. I realized that there might not be enough money for it. Therefore, I decided this: I will buy a white jacket and dark trousers!
In a conversation with reporters, the topic of the relationship between the stylist and his son, Sergei Zverev Jr., surfaced. Recall that the conflict star family occurred when the offspring decided to marry. The famous hairdresser categorically did not like the chosen one of his son. He began to publicly find fault with his daughter-in-law and did not even appear at his son's wedding. He was sure: the guy will divorce and very soon.

Sergei Zverev Jr. admitted that he was wrong when he did not obey his father

- With Serezha, everything is fine with us now, - Zverev explained to ProZvezd. - Recently he visited his grandmother in Altai. Today I met him at the airport, we stopped at a restaurant, ate, had a great conversation. He told me: “Dad, how wrong I was that I didn’t listen to you!” In principle, we did not quarrel with him. This situation has been misrepresented in the media. I will say this: my son and I had a misunderstanding. Children, when they get married, do not see anything around. They think they know everything best. And everything turned out the way I said.
- Recently you said that you are going to look for a wife for your son. What should she be?
"I'll take whatever he likes." This is the main thing - nothing can be without feelings. I saw that he did not love her. The son himself did not hide it. They are not a couple at all. Everyone saw it. They made a monster out of me! But they really called me and said: “Your daughter-in-law has been a prostitute since she was 11 years old.” Would you like to hear that? And I don't! Young people need to understand that they are obliged to show their chosen one or chosen one to the family. And if their relatives do not approve of their choice, then you need to think about it. And it is better to listen to grandmothers and fathers, mothers are not always right, because they are jealous.
The stylist said that after the divorce, the son came to grips with work:
- He's leaving tomorrow. He works in the same place as before. He started there as a DJ, then became an assistant manager. They see that the guy is trying. Now he is in high esteem there. I am proud of my son. He's a good guy for me!

from our star commentator Otar Kushanashvili:
“However, when it came to X, Y’s narrative confidence vanished instantly.” There is a suspicion that the young man who grew up before my eyes and whom SZ subjected to such tests that it is strange that the guy survived is the same war son as I am Bob Dylan's heir. But mercy is great anyway.

No one could believe that such a shocking and scandalous figure could have a family and children at all!

They said that this is the younger brother, a student who will get all the secrets of the barber science, and even the nephew of a stylist from Irkutsk.

Zverev himself often says in the media that this is his own son, and his wife left them or died tragically. In a word, the testimony is confused. And there is no evidence that this woman existed.

But Zverev really has nephews. The stylist had an older brother Alexander. Due to work at a "harmful" enterprise, he fell ill with asthma and died in 1990. Sasha's widow Galya and their two children live in Ust-Kamenogorsk. But Alexander's son lives with his mother and never left for Moscow.


It turns out that 12 years ago, Sergei Zverev brought a three-year-old boy from an orphanage in Irkutsk. And it was not an ordinary adoption. The stylist had to save a literally dying child. The situation in orphanages at that time was catastrophic.

When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear, ”recalls Sergey Zverev. - Wooden cribs were gnawed! I thought: "Rats!" And these are children ... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. Food was stolen and taken home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!

Zverev brought a sick baby to Moscow. In the apartment where he lived with his mother Valentina Timofeevna. By the way, Valentina Zvereva also has a childhood in an orphanage behind her. During the war years, her parents died of typhus, and she ended up in an orphanage as a baby. She lost her husband at a young age. Anatoly crashed on a motorcycle, and two sons remained in his arms. And when the children were already on their feet, the eldest died - the pride of the whole Alexander family. The heartbroken woman lost everything. And most importantly - health.

Therefore, the "fatherhood" of Serezha was perceived at first with hostility. The newly-appeared grandmother understood: all the burdens of upbringing would fall on her shoulders.

I was so scared when he brought it! - Valentina Timofeevna says with a tremor in her voice. - I remember exclaiming: “So he doesn’t walk ?!” All sick, my God! There was no place to live. Punctured from head to toe. Shame. I still treat him to this day. If not for me, he would have died long ago! He needs constant treatment. And I go everywhere with him every year, every year. He wouldn't have survived there. How sleepless nights! He didn't speak at all. I couldn't walk. Didn't know anything - no sweets, no games. He repeated only the words "enough" and "then." Everything was taken away from them in the shelter.

The stylist's mother, who herself lost her health, began to take little Earring to medical institutions. It was not possible to cure, and now the 15-year-old guy has chronic diseases.


In the course of our investigation, terrible facts were revealed: the boy turned out to be, in fact, a toy for Zverev. It turned out that the star "son" at the age of six was sent back to the boarding school! Only already Moscow. Imagine how the unfortunate child suffered - after all, he probably thought that they decided to get rid of him again. The poor boy again had to go through the stress in an orphanage. Boarding school No. 45 is engaged in the education and upbringing of children with severe speech pathology, providing specialized care, contributing to overcoming speech disorders and related features mental development. Why a wealthy stylist did not hire the same specialists at home - this question remains unanswered. But the exhausted boy needed a sense of family so much!

Further - worse. After the boarding school, Serezha Jr. changed schools like gloves. It was not easy for him: for example, at school No. 128 of the Central District, classmates mocked him. In this situation, it was necessary to pay attention to a difficult teenager, but the popular father began to only drag a minor child to parties.

The boy has recently become very nervous, - Nadezhda Konstantinovna, a concierge from the entrance of the Zverevs, shared her pain with Life. - Doesn't get enough sleep. They comb it, make up like a doll, and drive around the parties all night. They bring him home in the morning - and he goes to school. Here Seryozhka comes back after lessons, puts down his briefcase and goes to sleep in my closet. He is an agreeable, kind boy - he treats me. Not like his family! Grandma - checkmate. And my father is on the set all the time.

The Zverev family is also in conflict with the neighbors. A complaint came to the guardianship and guardianship authorities: “Deal with lawlessness!” And social workers have come to grips with this problem. It is not yet known who will win this battle.

I'm afraid of them, - Zverev Jr. shares his feelings about visiting specialists from the guardianship authorities of their home.

One can only guess how these "military actions" affect the child himself.

The appearance of the boy in scandalous shows like "Full Fashion" clearly affected his psyche. Looking at the report card with grades, you can track the deterioration in the performance of Zverev-son. Due to night parties and lack of sleep, Serezha hardly finished the 7th grade. Teachers at a prestigious school have to stretch their grades to Cs. In their opinion, Zverev Sr. neglects his parental responsibilities. And Seryozha Jr. wants fatherly love so much ...

Evgeny Shaposhnikov, professor of medical psychology

With such an unnatural way of life, the boy has a threat of neuroticism, psychological neglect, confusion in his head, loss of real life orientations.

In order for the child not to lose himself as a person, the father should stop. It is imperative to coordinate with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

I never cease to wonder how some parents ignore elementary educational principles aimed at the free abilities and inclinations of the child.

Based on psychological analysis, the father wants to protect the boy from the harsh realities of life, but by doing so, he does not give him the opportunity to develop naturally, go your own way. The father brings up his copy, only of a hypertrophied look.

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