What to do if you forgot your password. What to do if you forgot your computer password: help. Through a specialized service center of the operator

To be honest, everyone can forget the address of their email box. No seriously. Imagine that you got up in the morning, turned on your computer out of habit in order to check your mailbox, but you can’t log in - you forgot your login. And if you have several postal addresses, then it is not surprising to forget them ... What to do in such a situation?

This article applies to absolutely any mail service, including, etc.


  • The vast majority of users remember their e-mail address in the browser (or rather, it is saved there automatically), so if you click on an empty window where you need to enter a login, then those logins that are used on your computer will probably appear there. One of them will be yours. True, this applies only to those cases if the data in the browser is not cleared before exiting (by default, this function is disabled).
  • You can do the following. If you used mail to register on various services, then go to one of them. Let's say you registered on a social network site, and indicated your mailbox as your e-mail. So you need to go to VK, open the settings and see the mail address. True, it is not visible in all services. In the same VK, only a few letters from the address are indicated, so it makes sense to use another service, for example, some kind of forum.
  • If all else fails, you can try to contact a friend or work colleague who received letters from you. They need to go to their mail and find your letter, where the mailing address will be indicated. Inconvenient, yes, but what to do if you feel the urge?
  • If you use Gmail mail and your mobile device is based on the OS, then you can go to the settings and see your e-mail there (an account is attached to it).

In general, I recommend writing addresses in a notebook or in a text document created on a computer. I strongly advise against storing passwords on a PC, as they can be stolen, but with mail it’s not so scary. In the end, anyone can recognize it anyway if you use it constantly.

Forgetting the password from a contact, as it turned out, is a common problem. Very often, users forget the VKontakte password, because at home they simply do not click on the exit for several months. That is, they do not need to enter a password every time they enter the site. And then accidentally leaving the contact, they realize that they forgot the password. It doesn’t matter why you forgot your password, what matters is how to recover a forgotten VKontakte password.

What to do if you forgot your VKontakte password

On the main page of the site "VKontakte" the user is asked to enter his E-mail (login) and password. When a person forgets his VKontakte password, he should:

  1. Click on the inscription "forgot your password?" on the same page.
  2. After that, he will be asked to enter the E-mail or login that the user used when registering on VKontakte. Then he clicks the "next" button.
  3. One login is not enough. You need an active phone number that was linked to the page.
  4. If the user writes a phone number that is really linked to his VKontakte page, then within 10 minutes an SMS will be sent to this number. This whole procedure is free.
  5. When a person received an SMS with a code on his phone, this code should be entered in the appropriate column on the site. On the same page, he enters a new password and repeats it.
  6. The password has been changed successfully. And the user enters a new password and login (Email), as usual in the form on the left.

What to do if you forgot your VKontakte login and password

When a person has forgotten his username or Email, with which he registered VKontakte, it can also be restored. But it will take a little more time. If the phone number is no longer active, then use the same instructions.

  1. The person must also click on the button "forgot your password?" on the social network login page.
  2. Now look at the note at the bottom of the window, where it is proposed to use a special form to restore access to your contact page.
  3. This form is similar to a questionnaire, all columns of which must be filled out.
  4. In addition, the person will be asked to attach two photographs. One must have a clear image of an identity document. The condition is a photograph, seal and full name in the document. Instead of a passport, you can use a driver's license, student ID, for example. And the second image should be with you in the background of the message on the page.

If you forgot your VKontakte password and restore your access in this way, you have the right to know that the page will return with the real name and surname from the documents.

If you don't have time to do your homework, you can easily find an excuse not to get a bad grade or remark. There are plenty of excuses (from broken equipment to inconvenient schedules) that could very well be the reason for missing homework. When you think of an excuse, try to keep the excuse relevant. However, don't get used to it. You don’t need to lie all the time, because it has a bad effect on your studies. In the future, try to do your homework on time.


Part 1

Pick an excuse

    Blame it on technology. One of the simplest and most plausible excuses is a technical problem. For example, you can say that your computer or printer is broken, the Internet or some program is not working. Most people (including the teacher) encountered technical problems.

    • This is a great excuse if you need to write and print some kind of document. In addition, it will work if the homework had to be done using the Internet. It can be said that you are almost done with your work when the network fails and all data is lost.
    • Putting the blame on printer problems is not such a good idea. The teacher may ask you to send homework to him by email instead of in hard copy. Obviously, you can't do this if you don't have the work done. In addition, the teacher may ask why you did not print the document in the library or with one of your friends, instead of showing up to class without homework.
  1. Think about how you can refer to family circumstances. If you have a specific family situation, you can use it to your advantage. Has anything special happened to you at home? Are there any circumstances that you could take advantage of?

    Put all the blame on your poor health. You can tell the teacher that you had a very bad night. Be sure to mention the fact that you didn't dare skip school because you weren't feeling well and didn't have homework. The teacher will take pity on you and delight in the fact that you came to school despite not feeling well.

    • Before class, you can run a little along the school corridor or on the playground in front of the school. Then your face will turn a little red, and you will feel hot. If you have an unhealthy appearance, the teacher is likely to believe you.
    • Be aware that some teachers may need a note from your parents if you get sick. If you know that the teacher usually requires a note as proof, it's best to come up with another excuse.
  2. Say that you did not cope with the task, because it was difficult. Say, “I didn’t understand the assignment. I tried very hard to solve it, but nothing worked out for me. Can I talk to you after class?" Your teacher's job is to help you understand the topic. The teacher will admire your desire to learn if you say that you simply did not understand the topic. If you convince the teacher of your desire for knowledge, the teacher will be more loyal to the unfinished homework.

    Say you lost your homework. Go into the classroom and start panicking, tell the teacher that you can't find your homework. If you behave accordingly, the teacher is more likely to believe you. Your instructor may schedule another day for you to submit your work for review.

    • Do not say that you forgot your homework at home. The teacher may ask you to call your parents to bring work to school. Then he will definitely understand that you are lying.
  3. Blame it on an overly inconvenient schedule. Say that you had a very busy day yesterday, that you didn't do your work because of extracurricular activities and other lessons. This excuse will work if you usually do well in school and turn in your homework on time. The teacher will take pity on you if he realizes that you are really very busy.

    • If you are not doing anything, this preposition should be used very carefully. If you are often late for class and do not participate in any school activities, the teacher will understand that you are lying.
  4. Don't try to be stupid. You may want to pretend to be stupid. But you can’t say that you forgot about your homework altogether. This excuse has very unpleasant consequences. Forgetting homework is just as bad as refusing to do it. The teacher is unlikely to feel sorry for you, most likely you will get a deuce for the lesson.

    • Don't lie about being absent the day your homework was given. To figure out your lie, the teacher only needs to look at the magazine.
  5. Remember all the details. Before you tell your teacher your story, briefly sketch out some details. This is especially useful if you have to improvise during the story. Lies are revealed quite easily when the details of the story change over time. If you remember the details of your story, it will stay consistent. Because of this, the story will be more believable.

  6. Watch for physical signs. Many people often give themselves away physically, because of this it becomes clear that they are lying. For example, your voice may tremble, you may fidget and avoid eye contact. When telling your story, try not to show any outward signs of lying.

    • To calm down, take a few deep breaths before entering the office.
    • Try to maintain eye contact with the teacher most of the time.
    • Control your reactions and actions. Try not to fidget, do not itch, do not fuss.

Part 3

Think about the consequences
  1. Think about what will happen if you are suddenly taken to clean water. Before you come up with an excuse, think about the consequences of your lying. Be aware of school policy on this matter.

    • Read the school rules. There may be an honesty policy, as well as information about the consequences of lying to a teacher.
    • If you have a copy of the school manual (school charter or similar document), it's worth flipping through it. Read the sections on what happens if you violate the Academic Integrity Policy.
    • Depending on the teacher and subject, the consequences can be different. In some cases, you will only receive a reprimand. But some teachers may have educational talks with you and your parents. This can lead to serious trouble both at school and at home.
  2. Think about the consequences if you just tell the truth. What happens if you honestly tell your teacher that you forgot to do your homework? What will be the consequences if you don't turn in your work or don't turn it in on time?

    • It all depends on the work itself. Perhaps the work is not accepted on another day, and if it is given little points, maybe it's not worth the risk? However, if the work is 15% of your original grade for a subject, it's probably worth asking your teacher if you can show the work later.
    • Talk to other students who have previously studied with this teacher. Ask them how this teacher feels about unfinished or overdue homework. Some teachers give a lower grade if the work is not submitted on time. Some teachers allow you to show the work in the next lesson if this situation happened for the first time. If so, it might be best to just tell the truth.

Setting a password on an Android device is a fairly reliable way to protect personal data from prying eyes, but this method of blocking has its drawbacks, the first of which is that users simply forget their passwords or the gadget falls into playful children's hands. A logical question arises: what to do in this case? In this article, we will consider only the main, “painless” ways to unlock. To begin with, a small lyrical digression: you should always have a backup copy of the most important data, at least the phone book. Most have proprietary applications for these purposes (for example, Samsung's Kies), there are cloud storages (Dropbox and so on) and the standard Google sync capability.

Method 1

The first, easiest and most understandable way is with your own Google account, but this requires access to the network. Enter the wrong password several times. After 5 incorrect attempts, the screen will be locked, the inscription "Forgot password" will appear, you need to click on it:

Fields will appear for entering the username and password of the Google account to which the smartphone or tablet is linked:

Press the "Login" button. You will be prompted for a new password. I think it's not worth reminding that a password is needed remember (or write down for accuracy). We confirm our actions. Now on the device a new one, famous You will receive a password, which you can remove if you wish. This method involves the complete saving of all data on the device. One of the nuances is the need for an Internet connection. A couple of solutions:

  • insert another SIM card with activated data transfer;
  • turn the device off and on. there is a short period of time as soon as the download occurs, during which it will be possible to have time to call the top curtain.

The second possible problem is the password for the Google account is lost. In this case, Google itself can help this page. Account login - the first part of the e-mail (before @gmail.com).

Method 2: Call from another phone

It does not always work and not on all devices. In any case, it's worth trying before moving on to the third method. The first requirement is the presence of a radio module for calls. You can try to make a call from another phone, pick up the handset and try (without ending the call) to get to the bottom of the smartphone settings.

Method 3: Remove all data from the device

The next method is more radical and entails the loss of information on the device. Google provides the "Android Remote Control" feature (if it was previously enabled on the device and it is connected to the network). It allows you to erase the data on your device from a PC. To do this, you need to go to link and enter your details:

A plate will appear with the name of the device and the approximate location:

In it, you can delete all data from your gadget:

The device has returned to factory settings.

Method 4. Hard Reset

You need to do a Hard Reset (factory reset). This is done from Recovery mode. In most cases, it turns on as follows: when the smartphone is turned off, you need to hold down the power and volume up buttons:

After the image appears on the screen, release the power button. The gadget will boot into Recovery mode (the menu may look different, but the essence remains the same):

On some devices, it is done a little differently, for example, in some Samsung you also need to hold down the Home button, and in some places the decrease button is used instead of increasing the volume. Using the volume buttons, you need to select the item Wipe data (Clear memory) and confirm by pressing the power button. The device will warn about the subsequent loss of information and ask you to confirm the actions.

Ready. The gadget returned to the factory state. These are the main methods for solving this problem. There are also options with the need for ROOT rights and / or flashing. On Android gadgets from different manufacturers, this is done in different ways, from 3 minutes of several simple operations to long dances with a tambourine. This is a topic for a separate large article, in this material we will not touch on it. Readers are asked to write in the comments about methods that are universal, but not listed above.

Forgetfulness is different. Sometimes you freeze in mid-sentence, having lost the thread of your own thought. At the grocery store, once again pass by the desired department, not remembering that the salt has run out at home. When you meet an old acquaintance, you begin to blush because you forgot his name. To a simple question from the boss about a project that was recently handed over, they are forced to go into the computer - because they don’t even remember what was there. For different cases of "memory lapses" are responsible for different information storage systems in the brain. And to understand whether it is normal that you forgot about something, you need to find out what type of memory is responsible for storing this information.

Remember everything

All human memory consists of four main systems. AT working or operational, memory stores information that is needed right now. The lifetime of working memory is in seconds. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for its proper functioning - the very part of the brain that makes a person a person, determines consciousness and behavior.

episodic memory- these are memories, both about what happened a couple of minutes ago, and about the events of twenty years ago. These memories are stored in a region of the brain called the hippocampus. semantic memory It is a kind of a set of human knowledge about the world. Here are the words and their meanings, the names of objects. The temporal lobes of the brain are responsible for semantic memory.

procedural memory about the ability to do something. If a person remembers how to ride a bicycle, having once learned how to do it in childhood, then procedural memory works well for him. The basal ganglia, the cerebellum, and the motor cortex are responsible for body memory.

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What does "forget" mean? This is usually not about the fact that some information has disappeared from the brain. Rather, it was difficult to "get" it out of there. For example, a word that literally spins around in the language is a semantic memory access problem. A person can remember the right word if you say the first letter to him or give a semantic clue. Forgetfulness of a healthy person is difficult access to one or more types of memory. If you can't quickly retrieve from your episodic memory the memory of running out of salt at home, you won't go to the appropriate department in the supermarket. Also, forgetfulness can occur due to the small amount of RAM: now you have already come for salt, but are distracted by flour and forgot about your original goal.

The difference between simple forgetfulness and severe memory impairment is that a healthy person, although not immediately, can remember important facts and events from his life. With memory impairment, patients forget the names of objects that they use every day, the names of loved ones, and even forget how to do simple household operations.

You may not immediately remember what you did last weekend, but if what happened five minutes ago fell out of your memory, this is a reason to be wary. If you can't remember the name of a classmate you last saw 15 years ago, that's fine. If you forget your husband's name or the way home, this is an occasion to see a doctor - such symptoms can be a sign of amnesia associated with a stroke or, alcohol or drug abuse, infection or dementia.

So why are you forgetting everything?

There are several quite common and common causes that cause "non-serious" memory problems.

Numerous studies have shown that it negatively affects the functions of the hippocampus - and it is in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain that episodic memory is concentrated. Under the influence of severe stress, it becomes especially difficult to extract the desired memory from episodic memory.

Scientists have confirmed this in an experiment on rats. The rodents had to complete a simple task - to choose in a pool with several lanes the one in which the platform is hidden. Before participating in the experiment, the animals were trained to remember the "correct" track. After training, the rats were sent to rest. The control group was returned to their familiar and safe cage - and its representatives did not experience any excitement. But the experimental group was forced to experience stress while in a cage next to the cat.

When, at the end of the break, the rodents returned to the task, the calm rats coped with it better. Stress did not affect the animals' memory when the task was easier, but the more difficult it became, the worse the excited rats remembered the correct answer.

Stress also reduces working memory. In this experiment, 35 young men had to read several sentences in a row, memorizing the last word in each of them, and at the end say these words in the correct order. Half of the participants had to go through a stress test before the task, the rest were calm. The presence of anxiety in the first group was confirmed by saliva analysis for the stress hormone cortisol. The result of the experiment confirmed the hypothesis - the nervous group memorized words worse than the participants from the control group. This means that stress worsened the work of their working memory, in which they were supposed to retain the necessary information. When you are under stress, it is harder for you to remember complex information and keep different tasks in your head. Do not rely on the hippocampus and working memory - if you have an exciting event, it is better to write down all the most important things in your diary or smartphone notes (and set reminders). And given that many people today are under chronic stress, writing down always and everything is not such a bad idea.

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Forgetfulness may be one of the first symptoms. How memory works in people with depression can be figured out using a word test. In the experiment, subjects - healthy volunteers and patients with depression - had to memorize words after one, three or five repetitions.

When people with depression had to recall words after five repetitions, they remembered the same number of words as participants in the control group, but they did it more slowly. But after one repetition, patients with depression recognized fewer words and forgot them faster.

Scientists concluded that depression affects memory in two ways: on the one hand, it makes it difficult to learn and remember new information, on the other hand, it complicates access to existing memories. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with depression, do not be angry with yourself for the fact that you can remember the right things longer than usual. And you definitely shouldn’t take on learning new things during the period of illness - knowledge will be poorly retained in your head, which will further spoil your mood and self-esteem.

The first to suffer is working memory. Studies in which people were deprived of sleep for 24 to 72 hours showed that sleep-deprived participants performed worse on tasks that required them to keep information in their heads. Episodic memory also suffers from sleep deprivation. According to scientists, the prefrontal cortex is responsible for this - we recall that it also controls working memory. And although episodic memory is “stored” in the hippocampus, in order to get memories from there, enhanced work of the prefrontal cortex is required. But this most "conscious" area of ​​the brain works worse with every hour of lack of sleep - so it becomes more and more difficult to extract a certain episode from memory.

Forgetfulness persists for some time after the day when you did not get enough sleep: for example, in a study where people were deprived of sleep for two days, participants did not fully recover even after two nights of full sleep. Interestingly, sleep problems increase the likelihood of forming false memories. This was confirmed in an experiment on students who were deprived of the opportunity to sleep normally.

The students were shown photographs of crime scenes. After a while, they were given certain statements related to the crimes to read, some of which contradicted the images in the photo (but the participants did not know that they were trying to confuse them). At the end, students had to answer questions about what really happened.

As a result, young people who were deprived of sleep were more likely to make mistakes - they had already forgotten what was shown in the photo and believed what was written after. Thus, they formed false memories. So, if you regularly lack sleep, it will not only be difficult for you to keep information in your head and remember the necessary facts, it will also be easier to confuse and confuse you by “planting” fake memories in your head.

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