Fortune telling on the power of feelings. Divination for love and relationships online. Tarot layout "Pyramid of Love"

The personal relationships of a man and a woman are so complex and unpredictable that sometimes only fortune-telling on playing cards can help predict the development of events. How your chosen one treats you, what are his true intentions, whether your couple has a future, a deck of classic cards opens the curtain on these and other secrets. Several different layouts will help every woman deal with difficult situations with her beloved.

Most people in the world want to find love or get married. With the help of this prophetic action on 52 cards, you can learn the secret of your marital fate - whether you will get married (get married) and how soon this will happen. You can lay out cards for love in fortune-telling only once a year at Christmas or at any other time. Repeated such predictions can no longer be made until the current year changes.

"Crown of Love" - ​​online divination for a loved one
The gift of the goddess Aphrodite has the power of purity and eternal Love, never dying, reviving and awakening the hearts of lovers. Fortune telling with the help of the Crown will tell girlish hearts in love everything about the beloved guy, about the man who likes - he loves or does not love, wants or does not want, and how the relationship will develop further ...

"Chamomile" - classic fortune-telling
What to do if it is winter outside, or you live among the asphalt and have not seen a camomile for a long time? Yes, and running every time in search of a secret flower is quite difficult. Let flowers adorn nature further, now you can use love divination on a daisy for love at any time using the site www.???...

"Flower" - online divination for a loved one
Suitable for girls. A comic characterization of a loved one, comparing your loved one with a flower and giving in a nutshell a very harsh description of his behavior in his personal life. This fortune-telling should not be taken completely seriously, but, as they say, in every accident there can be some truth.

"Postal Dove" - ​​fortune-telling oracle
Pigeons have long been considered a symbol of peace and love, lovers are often called "doves". There are many myths and legends that glorify the ability of pigeons to bring any situation to peace. Our free love divination is dedicated to romantic feelings. The mail dove will bring you the answer to the hidden question and answer - YES or NO!

"Book of Changes about love" divination online
Yin and Yang are two opposite poles - feminine and masculine, dark and light, far and near. These opposites revealed from non-existence all living and non-living things on Earth. Natural phenomena, our development, the events of our life - all this is the result of attraction or, on the contrary, the collision of Yin and Yang ... In this divination for love, you will come into contact with the wonderful energy of the cosmos!

Fortune telling on relationships and feelings

"Book of fate" - questions about love
The Book of Fates - in addition to general questions, it is most often addressed with love questions. The Book of Fates is a kind of road sign. When starting a romantic fortune-telling, try to get away from the problem, calm down and try not to think about the bad. After all, if you are tuned to the situation negatively, then a positive answer is out of the question.

"Hearts" - fortune-telling for a loved one
If you are here, it means that you are in love and you know that love is beauty, grandeur, brilliance, power, crushing power! Here is the best divination for love for all lovers - divination "Eleven Hearts". This is a kind of oracle. This relationship fortune-telling will definitely clarify your relationship with the person you like!

You do not have to be in a state of choice between two partners. The main thing here is the desire to look into your future about love. This prediction is great for Valentine's Day, but you can tell fortunes at any other time. The short forecast may surprise you.

"Thermometer of Love" - ​​fortune-telling for relationships
How to determine if you are loved and find out how strong feelings of love your husband or boyfriend is experiencing? If love is really present, then this natural impulse of the soul is hard to miss. Attention, respect, views, words - a guiding thread. Also, intuition. When we look somewhere, or at something, or at someone, we perceive the object not only consciously, but also subconsciously ...

In this article:

Magic rituals for predicting the future and getting answers to various questions have always been popular in our country. In Russia, divination often acted not as a sacrament or witchcraft, but as a way to pass the long winter evenings, it was for these purposes that rites of prediction appeared on such topics as: the name of the betrothed, the power of love, the number of children and other issues that are not of paramount importance .

Rituals for the power of love

Fortune-telling, which allows you to determine how much and sincerely a girl is loved, is distinguished by simplicity and ease. Anyone can easily conduct such a ceremony at any time, the main thing in this matter is the desire and focus on success. For such fortune-telling, neither experience nor many years of practice and extensive knowledge in the magical arts are needed.

Another important advantage of such rituals is that they can be performed at any time, on any day and several times a day, the main thing is not to forget about such an important rule as: “you can never guess if you are not satisfied with the result” .

Repeated layouts will not only not be true, but they can also anger higher powers that can interfere in your life and bring a lot of trouble.

Card ritual for the power of love

To conduct this divination, you will need a standard deck of 36 cards, which has not yet been used in the game or other magical rites. Take the deck in your hand and concentrate on your desire to receive truthful information. After that, the deck is shuffled nine times, and its upper part is removed with the right hand towards itself. Now you need to remove three cards and put them on the table:

  • 1 - top card,
  • 2 - bottom card,
  • 3 - a card drawn at random from the middle.

When all the cards remain on the table, they must be turned over and explained.

The meaning of the cards

  • Worms - love, sincerity, loyalty.
  • Tambourines - friendship, devotion, honesty.
  • Clubs - trouble, deceit, lies.
  • Peaks - betrayal, illness, pain.
  • Ace - a date, a meeting.
  • King - events in the near future.
  • Lady - hidden feelings.
  • Jack - reciprocal feelings.
  • Ten - problems.
  • Nine - expectation, lead.
  • Eight - a new acquaintance.
  • Seven - your actions.
  • Six is ​​the road.

Based on separate data on the meaning of suits and cards, it will be possible to interpret each card separately. As an example, we can consider several interesting layouts.

Let's say you got cards: Ace of Hearts, Ten of Diamonds and Jack of Clubs. The ace of hearts is a date, sincerity, loyalty and love, so the meaning of the card is a quick meeting or a date with a person that you like or like. If the question is asked about the power of love, this is a clear sign of sincerity.

Ten of diamonds - friendship, loyalty and devotion, this card can have several interpretations, both positive and negative, but in the case of a strong ace of hearts, the card rather means that thanks to friends you can overcome any difficulties.

Jack of clubs - deception and reciprocal feelings, that is, some person may try to deceive you that he loves you, however, since the previous cards have a clearly positive meaning, you can also interpret in a positive way, for example, that you worry in vain about the sincerity of your chosen one.

As you can see from the example, there is a huge number of values ​​​​for each layout. To correctly interpret the cards, you will have to learn to trust your own intuition.

It would seem - what is easier than finding out the answer to the question "What is the power of love?" at your sweetheart.

Ask in the forehead, evaluate the reaction. But we do not always believe the words and facial expressions. Sometimes it’s easier for us to trust the online fortune-telling that is now common.

But this is not our method! Let's turn to the oracles for help. Once in our hands, they will feel everything and help you figure out how strong the bond between lovers is.

Fortune telling about love in general is the most frequent, probably because this is the most vague area of ​​​​relationships. We really want certainty.

The simplest fortune-telling that cannot be done online is to watch the bouquet that a loved one gave. Did the flowers wither the same day they presented the gift? Well, you can’t praise the power of his love to his girlfriends. Well, or just the flowers were old.

The longer the bouquet retains its beautiful appearance, the stronger the feelings of the young man. Proven by time.

It will be lucky if your soul mate gives you a houseplant:

  • If it is bursting with "health", grows and blooms in a lush color - do not hesitate! Love is!
  • If the flower starts to hurt and wither, then take care of it. And for him, and for feelings.

Again with us is a playing deck - 36 cards. We will take a very simple guess. Shuffle well, remove three images: the top one, the bottom one, and a card from the middle.

Let's evaluate the colors. All three red cards fell out - excellent! Everything is great, it's only better when three pictures of worms fall out at once.

Reds predominate - not bad, but it's time to take action. Only one card of a warm suit - if you want to maintain a relationship, then make every effort to do so.

About the meaning of black suits, we think you already understand everything, luck was not on your side. Fortune telling, however, is not a reason to get upset, but a reason to evaluate the reason indicated by the cards that have fallen out and fight it.

  • The queen of clubs is a sign that there is a strong rival, the peak queen is resentment and anger.
  • King of Clubs - loss of interest in you is caused by rumors spread by a person who has a great influence on your loved one; the king of spades - too many troubles, now he is not up to love.
  • Ace of clubs - your chosen one is very worried about some problems related to the state body; ace of spades - he has a problem with alcohol.
  • Jack - if a club fell out: a loved one has trouble with money, which is probably why he has cooled a little towards you; peak - he tried to surround you with care, but your behavior indicated some kind of neglect, so he decided to stop wasting time.
  • Dozens - clubs say that now his interest in finance is higher than in love; spades - that he is interested in some other girl.
  • Nines - spades - a serious betrayal; clubs - he had a chance to marry very profitably.
  • Eights - clubs indicate that someone accused you of self-interest in relation to a loved one, spades - someone revealed to him some of your secrets.
  • Sevens - peak - he was scared away by your tears; clubs - the last date disappointed him.
  • Sixes - peak - he will have a long journey alone; clubs - some kind of late meeting of yours worked against you.

Now you know the reason why the power of love suddenly began to wane. So you can work to remove all obstacles to happiness. Online such results would not show you.

To know what awaits a person in the future is one of the most common desires of all time. Man has always dreamed of looking ahead in order to be ready for what is destined for him, or in order to use his knowledge to improve life. The interpretation of dreams, the use of signs, divination - there are a lot of methods to discover the secret of the future.

However, deck laying is considered one of the most effective. Manipulating certain objects allows you to get an answer to the moment of interest at almost any time. What could be better?

love rites

The most popular were and are rituals aimed at finding out about the feelings of the right person. You can guess the power of love at any time of the day, any day.

It is only important to follow the basic rules:

divination involves the use of a separate deck, which is intended only for magical rituals. The playing deck will not work.
in order for the result of the event to be accurate, you must not give to anyone else and do not lend your deck. Cards should know only one mistress.
you can’t guess if you didn’t like the answer or the result. As a rule, the number of repetitions of the magic ritual for the power of love is not limited. However, in no case should you, if you do not like the answer, lay it out again in order to get the desired answer.

Following these simple rules, fortune-telling will turn out to be true, and the answer will exactly correspond to reality.


To conduct a ritual for the power of love, you need to use a fortune-telling deck.

The deck is shuffled exactly nine times, after which you need to choose three cards, where cards numbered 1 and 3 are the top and bottom of the deck, and card 2 is a random one you have chosen.

When shuffling the cards, you need to ask a question that will become the center of everything. It is on it that all fortune-telling will be based.

Now you can see the value:

worms - sincerity, fidelity, mutual love;
clubs - lies, trouble, problems, deceit;
tambourines - honesty, loyalty, friendship;
peaks - illness, pain, betrayal, betrayal.

six - road, journey;
seven - deeds, actions, results;
eight - acquaintance, meeting;
nine - news, news, expectations;
ten - troubles, problems;
jack - reciprocity, love;
lady - secrecy, mystery;
king - quick changes, events;
ace - meeting, date, happiness.

A magical rite for the power of love involves the interpretation of all three cards in the aggregate. This divination, when used correctly, will give an accurate and correct answer to the intended question. You can use it an unlimited number of times a day, asking a question each time.

The first card is the basis of your relationship, it all starts with it:
king of spades The presence of the king of spades in the spread indicates the presence of a strong, dominant male personality - a person, in all likelihood, highly intelligent, positive, ambitious, honest, guided by practical considerations and common sense. If the Client is a male and the king of spades is in the center of the spread, then he may represent the Client himself. If he finds himself in one of the corners of the alignment, then he most likely represents the father, boss, faithful friend or mentor of the Client. If the Client is a woman, then he represents a man who plays a dominant role in her life. He may be her father, brother, husband, friend, or the man seeking her hand. According to tradition, the king of spades is considered to be a swarthy, black-haired middle-aged man. This, however, is a superficial description. In this case, "dark" does not refer to his skin tone or hair color, but rather to his positive nature, courage, and ability to control position. He is not necessarily old, but has mature, firmly established views. The king of spades gravitates toward straightforward statements. Acting from the best of intentions, he can hurt the feelings of others. He may have talent in the field of material support, be well versed in business matters, have good connections and enjoy authority among his colleagues. He is noble, reasonable and kind. On the other hand, he may be too self-confident in his judgments, heavy on hand and overly stubborn in cases where the opinions of other people differ from his opinion. He is distrustful of intuitive knowledge and contemptuously rejects artistic abilities, lofty aspirations, cherished dreams and ideals of others. This attitude can lead to family discord, abuse of business and antagonism from friends. If the King of Spades represents the Client, then he should be advised to treat his loved ones with more care and caution. Excessive preoccupation with material problems and organizational issues often does not give him the opportunity to understand well enough the life difficulties of other people. If the alignment shows that the king of spades is a person with whom the Client will have to deal, it is necessary to recall the positive qualities of this person: reliability, impeccable honesty and common sense. Open opposition, harsh criticism only strengthens his stubborn decision to do his own thing, but he is sensitive to the recognition of his merits and will perceive the opinion of other people that does not coincide with his own, if it is clearly formulated and justified. He is emotional and even sentimental, and if you appeal to his best feelings, you can count on his lively response. Despite his outstanding abilities, position and power, he really needs warm personal participation and a woman who will make the meaning of his life. He does not like loneliness, cherishes every manifestation of love and affection. If the Client is a woman who is going to establish a personal or business relationship with this person, then she should be advised to carefully look at her own personality and character. He's not the type to change like gloves or wrap around your finger. If she decides on such a connection without thinking about the consequences, this can be a very bitter experience for her. If she succeeds in arousing his interest and endowing him with the warmth and tranquility that he needs, then she can count on his eternal devotion, which will provide her with comfort and happiness.

The second card is the development of your relationship, what awaits you:
6 hearts The symbol of 6 hearts is a flight of stairs that the Client has to overcome on the path to happiness. This flight of stairs is only part of a complex maze that leads to success, to the fulfillment of ambitions, or to love. 6 hearts means achievement, progress towards the intended goal, but not immediate implementation. Therefore, the Client may experience disappointment due to the partial fulfillment of his desires. In this case, one cannot show impatience or irritation and not be upset about the imaginary collapse of plans. Patience, otherwise it may be a complete failure.

The third card is the result of what everything will come to:
7 spades grief, tears, worries, you may be offended or you will be offended by your loved one.

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