What to do if you meet a bear in the forest. Meeting a man with a bear. How to behave and what to do? A small reminder The chance of a bear attacking a person

Will attack, mainly during an unexpected meeting. That is why you need to warn the predator in advance about your appearance - make noise, shout, sing songs, talk loudly. If a meeting with a predator has occurred, then it is necessary to strictly observe the distance: the bear must have its own personal space. Keeping a distance, you need to know that each bear has its own paths. You can not be in the way of this beast. In no case should the path of his retreat be blocked, otherwise the predator will have nothing left but to defend himself by attacking a person.

You can't run from a bear

If there was a meeting with a bear, then in no case is it possible. There is no need to panic, you need to remain calm. If a person starts to run away from a bear, then he will think that he needs to be caught up, and will rush to do it. Bears run very well, reaching speeds of up to 70 km / h. You can not run away from a predator and swim. There is a risk that the bear will follow the person into the water.

It is not recommended to bear long and intently. You should start to slowly retreat, but not be on the only retreat path of the bear itself. If the movement of a person begins to provoke the beast to approach, then you should freeze, saying the following to the predator in body language: “I am not afraid of you and I can attack in response!”. If the predator does not leave in this case, then you can try to scare it away by rattling bowlers, shooting from a rocket launcher into the air, etc. The fact is that some bears are shy, and such gestures make them retreat. But not everyone!

Need to distract the bear

If it is not possible to scare the bear, and he comes closer and closer, trying to sniff the person, then you need to carefully remove the hiking backpack from yourself, placing it in front of you. You can take off your outer clothing and put it in front of you. In this case, there is a chance that the predator will be interested in the things of a person, and not in himself. If this does not help, and the bear is preparing to attack (growls, digs the ground with its paw, makes short lunges forward), then it is necessary to grab the gun (if any) and shoot into the air. You can use the existing firecrackers, creating a bright noise show. Bears are afraid of such fuss.

A meeting with a bear and her offspring is life-threatening!

It is very dangerous to be between the cubs and their mother: the bear attack will be inevitable. The fact is that the female is very aggressive at this time, because she has to protect her brood. Since the attack in this case will be inevitable, then you need to fight back as it will: use improvised means (if there is no small arms). It should be remembered that weak point bears is their nose and eyes. If there is a gun, then you must first shoot into the air in order to scare off the predator, and if this does not help, shoot to kill!

Who is forewarned is forearmed!

In order for a meeting with a bear not to be life-threatening, it is necessary to go to the taiga forests, having a carbine, a hunting rifle and other officially registered weapon. It must be remembered that you should not immediately shoot the beast and kill it. If possible, everything must be done to incur minimal losses and costs. This has already been written above. If the threat to life really exists, then it is necessary to shoot the beast.

In the forests where bears live, the probability of meeting with the "owner of the forest" is quite high. Cases of bear attacks on humans are not uncommon. people for wild beast- uninvited guests. And from these guests, he will protect his territory.

A meeting with a bear in the forest often ends in tragedy. At the beast strong paws, big claws and sharp teeth. If he gets angry, he can not only cripple a person, but also bully him.

Are bears dangerous?

This is a very dangerous forest predator. It is impossible to predict the outcome of a random meeting of a person with him. The fact is that the psyche of each animal is different. There are cowardly bears, and there are fearless ones, there are arrogant and aggressive ones, and there are quite calm ones. To the question: “Do bears attack people?”, The answer is yes. They attack. And it happens quite often.

The reasons for attacks on people are different. But still, it should be noted that attacks without any reason, without provocations on the part of a person, are quite likely. And it is unlikely that a person who sees the massive carcass of a predator is capable of provocations. God forbid, save yourself and stay alive.

There are many stories about the unpredictable behavior of animals when meeting a person. Therefore, when planning to visit places where a bear can meet in the forest, one must be prepared for the unexpected. You need to know exactly what to do if you meet a bear.

The main reasons for the attack of brown bears on people

The behavior of the clubfoot depends on the season, age and meeting place.

Knowing some of the nuances of the behavior of the beast, you can navigate the situation and figure out , how to protect yourself from a bear in the forest.

  • So, a connecting rod that came out of hibernation at the wrong time for any reason (accumulated little fat or someone disturbed it) is especially dangerous.
  • If you meet an animal near the place where the trophy is buried, then the clubfoot will see an opponent in you and will try to destroy it.
  • At the beginning of spring, when predators come out of hibernation, they look for food for themselves, therefore they are aggressive and dangerous.
  • Late spring is the time for bear weddings. During this period, males are most dangerous. In fights, they are cruel and attack everyone who meets on the way.
  • A meeting with a she-bear nurturing her children is also dangerous. From the side of any creature, she sees danger and is ready to fight for her children in mortal combat.

Less dangerous are the owners of forests in summer time: there is a lot of food, so predators do not seek to meet a person.

How to behave when meeting

With a sleeping or prey-eating beast

A sleeping animal should never be disturbed. You don't have to take pictures of it. Move away immediately! Most importantly, don't make noise. If he wakes up, then the bear attack may end sadly.

But what to do if you see a bear eating prey? Freeze and try to demonstrate that you do not need bear food. You should straighten up and start talking loudly (if you are alone, then say a monologue - whatever comes to mind). You can't show your back to the beast. It is better to retreat backwards, diagonally, without letting the predator out of sight. Move slowly and smoothly, without sudden movements.

The probability of an attack depends on the distance: the smaller it is, the more dangerous the situation.

With a group of animals

You can cross with several clubfoot at the same time in the following cases:

  • during the rut;
  • during the period when the she-bear raises cubs and takes care of them;
  • at a time when the young animals driven away by the mother are still moving together.

During the rut, the animals are very aggressive and fight to the death. Therefore, to catch the eye of such a team is deadly. During this period, both males and females are vicious.

Young individuals are less dangerous. They do not yet have experience of meeting people, so an attack is not ruled out. But it's much easier to scare them away.

With a teddy bear

A bear with a brood is dangerous when she thinks that trouble threatens her children. For cubs, she will tear anyone. You should never approach baby bear cubs in the forest. We must try to quickly and silently retreat.

On the hunt

A hunter who moves in the habitats of predators puts his life in danger. After all, the beast can be encountered quite suddenly. If suddenly a bearish figure flashed on the horizon, try not to catch his eye. You will be lucky if you are on the leeward side, because the predator has a keen sense of smell. If the bear smells you, then make a loud clap with your hands, shoot into the air. You don't have to shoot the animal. Wounded, he is much more dangerous.

What to do if a bear is approaching?

When the beast approaches, you can not run away. The bear has an excellent sense of smell, but poor eyesight. A blind predator sees only a silhouette, so it comes close to examine the object. It happens that the animal begins to go around a person in order to stand upwind and smell the smell. It happens that, recognizing a person, he runs away.

You can try to drive away the clubfoot. If he is approaching or chasing while keeping a distance, then make noise. Tap with metal objects such as mugs or bowls. Use a rocket launcher, firecrackers, shoot into the air. There are special aerosols based on pepper, but they only work for a short distance in calm weather.

It should be noted that bears often do not plan to attack, they try to force a stranger to leave their territory.

You cannot attack an animal by throwing stones at it. Walk away calmly, backing away, slowly, without sudden movements.

What to do if a bear attacks?

In the event of an attack, you should try to concentrate on your behavior. Consider specifically what to do if a bear attacked.

In the absence of weapons, you need to figure out how to divert the attention of a predator. Place any bulky items (basket, bucket, backpack) in front of you.

If there is nothing, then you need to lie on your stomach or curl up in a baby's position. Clasp your hands over your head to protect it. You have to pretend to be dead. Having concentrated all your strength, you must endure if he starts sniffing you. Sometimes the beast throws the victim with dry leaves and branches. Wait patiently for him to leave. The main thing is not to move.

But if the beast starts to attack, then you should fight back. Try to get in the eyes. Use sharp objects aiming at the eye sockets. You can't give up, fighting is the only chance to survive.

You can use a firearm in such a situation if its power is allowed to kill the beast, and you know exactly where to shoot the bear.

How to avoid meeting a bear in the forest?

Many people get lost and do not know what to do when they encounter a bear.

If you happen to get into the forests where bears live, then try to adhere to the following rules:

  • try to move to open places and where the forest is rarer, to see the beast in advance and try to avoid a meeting, or scare it away;
  • know that bears live in elfin cedars and willows;
  • do not follow the bear trails, and if you come across tracks, then change the route;
  • do not walk along the rivers where salmon is found, at night and before dawn - the time of bear fishing;
  • walk around the bear grounds in groups - this is less likely to be attacked by animals;
  • you can’t run away from the beast, its speed from a place reaches 40-60 km per hour. Back away slowly;
  • it is better to try to scare away curious animals that do not show aggression;
  • on the close range no need to look closely into the eyes of the beast - he will regard this as the beginning of an attack;
  • at night, it is advisable to light a fire and keep the fire going until dawn - the beast will be scared away by a bright flame;
  • at night you don’t have to walk through the forest - you can stumble upon a bear by chance;
  • no need to feed forest bears. This is fraught with a loss of fear of people and the emergence of the habit of "begging" for tasty things from people. Those who do not give the animals a treat when they meet may suffer;
  • on halts it is necessary to remove the remnants of food and try not to spread the smell of food so as not to attract hungry animals.

Remember that when meeting with a predator or when attacked by a bear, only composure can save your life.


Most often, a bear shows aggression if he wants to protect his offspring from a potential threat from a person. His behavior at such moments can be different, ranging from a simple manifestation of antipathy towards the person he met and ending with active actions, that is, a direct attack on him.

In some cases, the bear himself becomes the initiator of a meeting with people. Curiosity, smells tasty food force him to slowly and carefully approach the camp of tourists or locality. If a bear lives nearby and often sees people, then most often it shows less aggression and can even let people close to it at a fairly short distance. However, it is better not to take risks and check the friendliness of this or that animal.

Many are familiar with such a concept as the "threshold of convergence." It indicates the permissible limit of approach to the animal. If it is violated and a person approaches the predator closer than allowed, then the animal sees the aggressor in him and behaves appropriately. So, a bear can attack a person not only when it is necessary to protect its cubs, but also in cases when it is injured, afraid of losing its prey, or a couple of minutes ago was frightened by something or someone else.

The degree of risk of an unfavorable outcome of such a meeting with a bear depends on the season and on the time of day in which this event occurred. The most aggressive and prone to attack is the bear after hibernation, awakened in winter or during the rut. These animals feel especially relaxed at night. Therefore, if you need to go to the taiga at this particular time of day, then be sure to take lighting devices with you.

How to avoid possible encounters with a bear

In order to reduce the risk of meeting such an animal as a bear in the forest, the following rules should be observed:

The bear avoids any noise in every possible way. You can sing and talk loudly in the forest. You can tie a bell to a backpack or clothes, make other noises. Travel whenever possible big group. Try to avoid windbreaks, do not go into dense thickets.

Do not create near the camp or settlement of dumps or warehouses with food and food waste. It is they who attract animals, contribute to their concentration close to people. Should not be buried organic waste into the ground - at any depth, brown bears with an excellent sense of smell will detect them and dig them out. All waste should be disposed of away from home. The dump site is marked special sign that everyone should be aware of locals. If there is no possibility of disposal, then food waste should be burned regularly.

If possible, take your dog into the forest with you. We are talking about sheep dogs and other breeds that can show a vicious reaction and thereby protect you when a bear appears. It should also be remembered that any pets, as well as food for them, can become additional bait for a bear.

Do not approach the remains of fallen animals, birds, fish found in the forest. They can be prey brown bear who will protect her and attack you.

When moving through the forest, try not to follow the bear trails. You can recognize them by their shape: this is a path of two parallel lines pits located about 20 centimeters apart. Try not to walk at dusk, at night and at dawn to the river, especially along spawning grounds where bears hunt.

Bear behavior


The defensive behavior of the beast can be encountered in cases where you have invaded his private property or something to frighten him. Most often, a female bear behaves this way with her offspring, accidentally encountering a person in the forest. The animal perceives a person as a source of threat to offspring and himself personally, or protects his prey. Outwardly, such a reaction can be different: from slight excitement to a sharp and sudden attack. defensive


An animal can approach a person not only for defense purposes. Sometimes he is overwhelmed by curiosity or attracted by the smell of food. Some bears deliberately walk near the camp, trying to catch the smell of food. They approach slowly, raising their heads and pricking their ears.


Those bears that live in close proximity to people do not show much excitement and can let them close enough to themselves, especially where the animals are already accustomed to seeing a person. Individuals accustomed to people do not observe the distance so clearly, but it still remains. Human intrusion into the private space of any bear is dangerous.


A predatory bear will show a special interest in a person and will consider you as a potential prey. At first, the beast simply shows curiosity, but if the bear is not rebuffed, then it will turn out to be a predator. He will slowly approach you with his head held high, his ears pricked up, or appear suddenly in your path. However, such an event as an attack on people by bears does not happen often.

How to Avoid Danger When Encountering a Bear

If, walking through the forest, you suddenly see a bear nearby, you need to stop and soberly assess the situation. There is a chance that the animal has not noticed you yet, then there is a chance to calmly retire the minute the animal turns away and looks the other way. Keep watching the animals. If you manage to get away unnoticed, make a small detour and go around the bear or go back the same route. It often happens that a bear is nearby and tries to avoid contact with a tourist or a hunter, and he does not even assume that the beast is hiding here. The smaller the distance between you the second the animal notices you, the more likely the animal is to have a defensive reaction.

When the animal begins to approach you, be sure to watch for changes in its behavior. Stop and try to look natural. Talk to the animal, your confident voice will help him calm down. Try to make it clear that the bear has met a human. If the animal could not immediately understand with whom it is dealing, it will stand on its hind legs or approach the subject of interest to it in order to examine it or sniff it. If the paws of the animal are lowered, then it is driven only by curiosity and in this moment it is not dangerous. Without taking your eyes off the beast (but do not look into the eyes), step back smoothly and slowly, but at the slightest movement of the bear behind you, immediately stop and do not move again.

Do not shout or throw objects at the bear in the hope of defending yourself. Your aggressive behavior will anger the predator, and he will most likely attack you.

Also, do not run, you are unlikely to be able to do this, but flight can provoke the beast to aggression and attack.

Behavior during a bear attack

To encounter an aggressive bear in the forest is a terrible test for anyone. Despite the statistics, which show a small number of cases of aggressive attacks of people by bears, such incidents do happen. How to behave in such situations?

If a predator approaches you, do not move. Talk to him in a calm, even tone. After the bear has stopped moving, carefully try to increase the distance between you again. A non-aggressive bear may give up its intention to continue the attack and simply leave for another place.

Whatever the attack - defensive or predatory - you should immediately freeze in place. If you could not immediately scare away the beast and it began to attack, then the reaction may be different: in the case of a defensive tactic of a bear, you better not move, but if the beast has attacked, you should fight back.

Usually predatory attacks are accompanied by aggression from bears. Your reaction in this case should also be offensive. The beast must recognize your willingness to fight. And the more confidently the animal comes, the more aggressive your behavior should be. Try to make more noise: shout loudly, but not shrillly, if possible, knock on hard objects, nearby trees. Do not imitate sounds similar to the growl of the bear itself.

Always look the beast in the eyes if it has already attacked. Show your confidence and superiority. You can stomp your foot and take a couple of steps towards him. If possible, stand on something to get taller. Bears are scared harsh sounds, you can clap, open a raincoat or umbrella. Threaten the animal with whatever you have in your hands or can reach. Many bears are prone to a sudden cessation of the launched attack, so it can break off at any moment.

When attacking for the purpose of defense, at the very last second it is better for you to fall on the ground down on your stomach and spread your legs or lie curled up. It is better to cover your head with your hands, placing crossed fingers on the back of the head - thanks to this position, the face and neck are protected. This is important because almost all bears target the face. The beast will try to roll you over - in this case, roll back onto your stomach in order to provide maximum protection to your face and internal organs. No need to fight the predator, no need to scream. Remain still and silent. Otherwise, the beast that had retired would notice this and return to continue the attack.

Additional literature: advice from Nikita Ovsyanikov, the most respected Russian scientist who studies polar bears. We are talking about polar bears, so advice may vary.

If you met a wolf

Without significant reasons, not a single animal attacks a person. The most common reasons for an aggressive attack of a person by a wolf are the following:

  • rabies, the main signs of which are a tucked tail, a dull coat color, a cloudy absent look, a head down strongly, profuse salivation, as well as the fact that the animal is not in a flock, but walks by itself;
  • hunger, forcing the animal to seek its prey among people;
  • the desire to protect offspring, prompting wolves to attack anyone who appears in the immediate vicinity of their cubs.

However, whatever true reason, when meeting with a predator, there is absolutely no time to find out his motives, the main thing is to maintain composure and calmness, which will help you escape in this extra-difficult situation.

What to do if you see a wolf

If you noticed a wolf in the forest in time, but he has not yet reacted to your presence, you can try to quietly leave this place. This attempt is not always successful, especially when we are talking not about a lone wolf, but about a meeting with a whole pack, but it's worth a try. You may be lucky, and then your life will be saved.

If it is not possible to leave unnoticed, you should try to slowly move back, but on the condition that the animal does not react to your movements in any way and does not follow you. Do not look the animal in the eyes, this can provoke him to aggressive behavior. Wolves see this as a message to decisive action and start attacking. Growling means the wolf's confidence in his strength and his readiness for a swift attack. As soon as the beast put his ears to his head and crouched, expect an immediate jump from his side. Immediately try to grab the predator by the throat and, if possible, press on it with all your might. In this battle, the one who has the strength and endurance to withstand the pressure of the opponent will win.

Don't even try to run away from a wolf or other predator in the forest. Any animal is faster and stronger than a man, so you simply will not have a chance of salvation. Turning away from the beast in an attempt to escape, showing him his back and trying to escape, you automatically recognize yourself as a victim and increase the likelihood of a subsequent attack by a predator. You can try to escape from the wolf by climbing the nearest tall tree. However, the wolf is incredibly patient, and you will have to sit upstairs long time while waiting for help or until the animal leaves.

To distract the wolf, you can throw something edible at it if you have something on hand. Often this option helps. An animal may give up its intention to attack you if it receives a tasty treat and is occupied with it for some time.

If you understand that the attack from the wolf can no longer be avoided, take it in the fetal position. This body position will limit the wolf's access to many vulnerabilities, including help to cover the neck. It is better, however, not to give up, but to give the wolf a decisive rebuff, using any means at hand. Pepper spray, taser, sharp or piercing objects would be ideal to intimidate the enemy. However, if you don’t have anything essential for protection with you, then use what you find nearby: a thick stick, a heavy stone, a dry tree trunk. Try to hit the wolf in the most sensitive place - in the face, aiming at the most painful thing - in the nose. You can also strike in the stomach of the wolf or in the chest at the moment when the predator is jumping.

If there is a river nearby, get to it. Go waist-deep into the water, then you will have an advantage over the wolf, because the paws of the beast will not reach the bottom and he will not be able to attack at full strength.

If the wolf knocked you down, get up immediately, remembering to constantly scold the enemy loudly. Your confident voice and clear movements will definitely instill fear in the predator. However, do not panic, control your emotions. As soon as you give up and show weakness, the predator will immediately overcome you. Having fought off the wolf and moving away from the battlefield, do not stop watching the defeated enemy from the corner of your eye. Be prepared for the fact that the wolf may attack you again.

Traveling in a group: meeting with wolves

If you are traveling in a group and have been attacked by wolves, try not to split up. Stay together all the time. Watch out for small children and the wounded, if any - it is them that the wolves consider the weakest and choose as targets for attacks. You should not show sympathy and pity for predators, they will not be able to appreciate this and will still continue to try to attack you. if you have firearms, use it. Even if you don't want to kill a wolf, a shot from a gun can scare him away and make him give up his aggressive intentions.

If you have a dog traveling with you, keep an eye on it at all times. Try to make sure that the animal does not bark in the forest, be sure to collect excrement behind it so as not to attract the attention of predators. Do not compare the behavior of a domestic dog and timber wolf. The wolf looks like a dog in appearance, but it is a wild and unpredictable animal, and you can expect anything from it.

If the wolves decide to attack you after you have set up camp, try to scare off predators with a fire. Everyone knows the fact that wolves are most afraid of fire, especially if there is a lot of smoke. For getting maximum number smoke in the fire, put freshly picked leaves, spruce branch, damp branches or lightly pour water over burning firewood. To build a fire, you need to choose the leeward side, then the wolves will not dare to attack the camp, and your group will be in relative safety.

In case of a negative outcome of an accidental meeting with wolves, be sure to consult a doctor for help. The wolf that bit you may be infected with rabies, and then you will also be infected. If you do not start timely treatment against this dangerous disease, a fatal outcome will occur in a few days.

When hiking in a forest where bears live, it is advisable to have a special balloon with you to scare away. The means available in the Russian assortment are of little use for this. From foreign ones, FRONTIERSMAN Bear Spray works properly. A short 12-gauge shotgun with expansive stopper bullets is also suitable.

Make some noise

The first rule when you go hiking in places where there are bears: make more noise. Most attacks occur when hikers unexpectedly stumble upon a surprised animal, often a she-bear with cubs. Do not think that they are so easy to spot: even a huge male can hide in the bush or in the tall grass.

Forget about running

If you see a bear, resist the urge to run away. Remember that he will always catch up with you. At short distances, these animals reach speeds of under 60 km / h! And don't think that you can save yourself by climbing a tree. It will help only if you have enough time to climb ten meters. Our native bears are good at climbing trees, American grizzlies are also able to climb at least half the height of the trunk. And if there is a pond or a river nearby, do not try to swim away. They also love to swim.

calm him down

You need to remain calm and slowly back away. If you're standing downwind and the bear hasn't seen you yet, try not to make any noise as you back away. If he has already noticed you, say something to him in a calm but firm voice. This will help him understand that you are human. Try not to look him in the eyes, this can be perceived as a sign of aggression. It is better to look away and turn your head to the side: this is the posture of submission. If possible, when moving away from the bear, keep to the windward side - it is important that he knows that you are human. If there are more than one of you, stick together, this will make you appear bigger and this may stop the beast.

Never hurry

Often a bear attack turns out to be a bluff - the beast rushes at you, but then stops nearby. This is a warning: go away! We repeat: back away slowly. But if the worst happens and the animal attacks, grab the anti-bear pepper spray. It should lie so that it can be quickly reached - there is little use in a backpack from a spray can.

Swear and cover

Sometimes the sound of a pepper spray can stop a bear. But if it keeps getting closer and there is no other way out, drop to the ground and pretend to be dead. Either lie on your stomach, protecting your neck with your hands, or “curl up”, pulling your legs to your chest and bending your head. Leave the backpack - it can serve as a shield. You need to somehow protect the most vulnerable parts of the body from a huge beast. The main thing - do not get up and do not move until you are sure that the bear is gone. One hiker reached for a pepper spray while the animal was still nearby, provoking him to attack.

Take away food

As every tourist knows, food during a hike should be stored either in the trunk of a car or in containers specially protected from bears. If you don't have one or the other, hang your bag with groceries and utensils no closer than 60 m from the campsite. Food, cooking equipment and clothes in which you cook food are placed in the bag, then it is hung on a strong bough - no lower than three meters from the ground, and no closer than 1.5 m from the tree trunk. Be sure to put all the items related to cooking and the clothes that you were wearing when you cooked there. Sleeping in such clothes is like giving animals an invitation to dinner in which you are the main course.

Any walk away from settlements is nothing more than an invasion of someone else's (in this case, for a person) territory. It should always be remembered that the true owners on it are wild animals, since it is their habitat. The bear is the most dangerous and strong beast in our forests. And if he met on the way, you need to clearly understand what you can do and what you can’t, so as not to provoke his attack.

Basic rules of behavior in the forest

Don't try to take over territory

Who is in the forest true master- known. If you find a bear even at a great distance, you should not organize a halt in this place, and even more so, set up a tent camp. It is better to step back a little, adjust the route and choose another site. The same applies to his many traces. Without experience, it is difficult to determine whether the beast just passed or he is used to hunting here, feasting on the gifts of nature, and so on. Perhaps this is his path or somewhere nearby there are cubs. Trying to settle down next door will not lead to anything good.

Don't get close

The bear is not just a hermit. He understands that there is no equal in strength in the forest, and he regards any intrusion into his territory as a threat to himself personally. If you meet a bear in the forest, you should go around it in an arc, while constantly keeping it in sight. As a rule, it is quite enough to disperse peacefully. A bear in such situations, if not provoked, does not attack.

A special warning to those who like to take selfies. Now it is in fashion, and not only among young people. Such "self-photography", and even against the background of the beast, implies almost close contact with him. How this may end, it is pointless to explain. It is unlikely that the bear will appreciate such a "craving for the beautiful" and will accept in this Active participation. A clear example of close communication with a predator is a recent case in one of our zoos, when a lady tried to take a selfie in front of a cage with a tiger. In principle, the same thing - playing with fire.

Do not go deep into the thickets

Like any animal, the bear prefers to hide in the thicket. Special attention shoots (shrubs, small trees) with fruits. For example, wild raspberries. In a hiking trip, you need to move around open areas of the area, and if we are talking about picking mushrooms and berries, then when moving through the forest, you should create more noise, warning its inhabitants in advance about your approach. At unexpected meeting the bear may get scared and rush at the person.

Don't relax and keep looking back

The forest is not your own apartment. It is full of surprises, so you should not forget about elementary precautions.

What to do in emergency situations

They can be very different. The most typical cases when meeting a bear in the forest:

  • the animal noticed the person, looks in his direction, but does not change its location;
  • the bear is approaching;
  • the meeting took place unexpectedly, both for the beast and for the man.

How to proceed

  • Move away slowly, while speaking in an undertone (but not shouting) or humming. And do it calmly, without betraying fear. You can even start a “conversation” with the beast, reassuring him that no one encroaches on his territory. According to experienced hunters-hunters, a fenced Russian mat is another reliable remedy for an attack by a clubfoot. Feeling the confidence of a person, the bear will understand that the potential victim is quite capable of defending himself and is absolutely not afraid of him. Therefore, he will not attack.
  • Get up in full height. It is advisable to raise both hands, holding a cap, jacket or something else in one of them. The main thing is to appear as big as possible.
  • Stay calm, no matter how scary, do not panic.
  • Fall down and pretend to be dead. This is practiced if close contact with a predator cannot be avoided. In many cases, this ends with the bear having sniffed the prey and leaving. The best position is flat, with your stomach pressed to the ground. There are recommendations that you need to lie on your side, curled up. This is hardly justified, since it is not a fact that the clubfoot will not wake up with simple curiosity, and he will not turn the victim over. And he does it with his claws. How it ends is clear, even if you don’t make a sound. The bear will leave, but the wounds will be impressive. Yes, and it is unlikely that a person will endure such a thing. BUT loud screams the beast will only be irritated.

If the bear has retired, you can not immediately proceed to some kind of active action. Perhaps he just walked away, hid and watches. Therefore, you should wait a little, carefully look around, without making sudden movements, and only then slowly leave this place.

In the event of a clear attack, when there is no doubt about the intentions of the bear, resist and call for help. Throw everything that is at hand - stones, large branches, earth (it is advisable to get into the eyes). Arm yourself with a stick and fight back. Sometimes such a fierce rebuff leads to the fact that the bear retreats and leaves in search of a weaker prey. The fact is that, as a rule, young, inexperienced and self-confident individuals attack a person. When they feel that they are being squeezed, they stop trying.

What to do when you meet a bear

Look the bear straight in the eye

He will take this as an immediate challenge and may attack.

Take your dog to the forest

Of course, if we are not talking about hunting. If you can’t do without a four-legged pet, it must be kept on a leash, and a short one at that. It is not uncommon for a dog to provoke a bear attack on a person - with its constant barking, or even direct attempts to bite a clubfoot. The beast will not like such an annoying neighborhood, and he will definitely take measures to get rid of uninvited guests.

Stay in the area where the animal is seen

Even if he left, this does not mean that this section of the forest is safe. The bear can change position, stealthily approach the victim from the other side, and so on. There are many options. It is better to immediately leave this place and try to get out, if not from the forest, then to the most open space.

Make sudden movements

The bear will regard this as a clear threat to its own safety. And even more aggressive.

try to hide

Firstly, this is a useless exercise, since a bear will quickly detect a person, especially if he has already noticed him. Secondly, such actions are a sign of cowardice. The beast will immediately understand that it is an easy prey.

Turn your back on the bear

This is for him - as a signal to attack, because the potential victim opened the most unprotected place.

Run away

It makes no sense, given that over rough terrain, an adult bear quickly accelerates to 60 - 65 km / h. By the way, running away is the worst option. A clubfoot is a hunter by nature, and such actions of a person will only excite him. He involuntarily rushes in pursuit, but the result is predictable.

As an exception - the extraordinary physical data of a person. If you have confidence in your abilities, you can run away. The bear needs to be worn out by constantly changing direction. Since its mass is significant, it loses a lot of speed when cornering. In addition, he runs well for short distances, but he does not last long on long ones. Therefore, with a good physical training there is an opportunity to be saved. It is advisable to choose the direction in such a way as to approach people, the road, the settlement. This will further increase your chances.

sneak up on a bear

There are such lovers - it is better to consider, photograph, just admire, observe. The clubfoot has an excellent instinct, besides, he is in “his element” (in nature), so any attempt to deceive him is doomed to failure in advance. He will regard this as preparation for a possible attack, and will respond in kind, and more proactively.

escape on a tree

In this case, the chances of salvation are practically reduced to zero. Despite external slowness, bears differ not only in strength, but also in agility and the ability to climb trees.

The only option is if the trunk is thick and tall enough. Due to its weight, the beast may not reach the upper branches. But how long can a person stay in this position? But the bear knows how to wait. Therefore, this method of salvation is an extreme case.

Walking in the woods in the dark

You don't even have to go far from the tent. The explanation is simple. The bear is a predominantly nocturnal hunter, and a person practically does not orient himself at this time. Already - a clear superiority of the clubfoot.

Approach the bear cubs

The bear will never leave them alone. If the mother is not visible, this does not mean that she has left, leaving the babies unattended. Well, what will end any attempts to play with the cubs, it is clear without further explanation.

It is impossible to give recommendations for all cases. But one more piece of advice will not be superfluous. Right choice way to resolve conflict situation" largely depends on the knowledge of the bear's habits. When going to the forest, it is useful to read something. The psychological aspect is also important. If you understand the motivation of certain actions of the beast (protecting your babies, satisfying hunger, and so on), it is easier to assess the situation and take appropriate measures. Then a walk through the forest will bring real pleasure, and will not become fatal.

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