What does a chupacabra look like. Where did the chupacabra come from: different versions Video of the real chupacabra

Who is the Chupacabra? A new kind of animal? Mutant? Alien? Hardly. There is a more scientific hypothesis - this article is devoted to it.

There is a lot of mystery in the world - everyone who at least sometimes leaves the limits of their comfort zone will confirm this to you. Each tourist has a whole collection of tales about wonderful animals, which they either met themselves, or heard about them from friends, "but they won't lie." And what speleologists, diggers and not only will tell ... And what is most interesting, among their stories sometimes come across truthful ones: in places where a human foot does not set foot, creatures unknown to science can indeed be found.

But if they talk about chupacabra, it's the other way around. She was not seen more often, not in dungeons, but in villages and on farms. This animal, according to many eyewitnesses, is found in close proximity to human habitats - is this possible? Official science knows nothing about this beast. So far, only cryptozoologists have been studying it.

Who is Chupocabra? Cryptid, a semi-mythical creature allegedly attacking livestock and sucking blood from it. Possesses an unusual animal intelligence and probably psychic abilities. Potentially dangerous to humans.

Is there a chupacabra?

Is there a chupacabra? Ask about the farmers whose livestock was bled. They have no doubt: the mysterious killer is not a fox at all.

The legend of the chupacabra originated in Latin America, where for the first time in the world, mysterious murders pets. The “goat vampire”, as the locals called the unknown predator, made his way into closed paddocks, locked stables, passed unnoticed by guard dogs and averted the eyes of people: not a single individual, dead or alive, to get long time failed. Later, about ten years ago, under the same circumstances, cattle began to die in Ukraine - and the Chupacabra became a star, pushing Nessie and Bigfoot on the pedestal of cryptozoological glory.

Chupacabra in Ukraine met with worthy resistance: every rural uncle here has in his arsenal, if not a hunting rifle, then a solid ax - and is ready to kill anyone who encroaches on his chickens or piglets. News about the killed unknown little animals comes from the fronts almost every day, reporters are invited to the scene of events to testify to the victory Ukrainian people over overseas trash ... but city guests find only the corpses of wild dogs, foxes, ferrets, raccoons, weasels, and other quite ordinary living creatures.

“Have you heard, Semyonovna? Someone broke the lock on Petrovich’s chicken coop and took away the whole bird - none other than the Chupacabra!”

It would seem that you can laugh and forget - but someone is killing cattle! Kills - and does not eat, which is completely uncharacteristic of dogs, foxes, weasels and others known predators. In the middle latitudes, bloodsucking animals are not found, as in the same Latin America. Vampire bats live in Mexico and can be blamed for bleeding goats. There are none in Ukraine. Therefore, after the reporters, amateur cryptozoological expeditions arrive at the scene of the incident, in order to thoroughly question local residents about their mysticism. The collection of eyewitness accounts is this moment almost the only way Find out if the Chupacabra really exists.

What does a real chupacabra look like?

The enemy, even a potential one, must be known by sight. Let's see what a real chupacabra looks like - I found a completely believable photo.

Eyewitness accounts differ in details, but among common features An unknown beast can be distinguished as follows: this creature is hairless, with massive hind legs and short front legs, with a long tail - that is, it resembles a kangaroo in appearance. Its muzzle is more like a dog or a hyena. The fantasy of some eyewitnesses draws half-meter fangs, then horns, then wings, then human hands which sounds quite unbelievable.

On the Internet, you can find many photos and videos of the defendant alive (almost all of them are ordinary dogs that seemed suspicious to the witnesses) or in the form of carrion. Which during life was also a dog or an ordinary forest predator. When decomposing, the corpses of animals lose their hair - remember the children's rhyme: the cat died, the tail peeled off ... And if the body lies in the sun in summer heat, it does not rot, but mummifies, and after that it looks even more mysterious. It is impossible to rely on such evidence: if not all of them, then almost all of them are fakes, designed for an extremely ignorant viewer.

What does a real chupacabra look like? Are there photos of the Chupacabra in full height, normal quality, which clearly shows that this is not a dog? I managed to find this:

This creature was caught in China in 2010, and it really does not look like any animal known to science. Pay attention to his mouth: there are almost no teeth in it, except for the two lower fangs - the chupacabra is just such a structure of the jaw that is needed to bite through the victim's neck and suck blood. Scientists have taken the prisoner to the laboratory... and so far no research results have been made public. It is hard to believe that the Ukrainian chupacabra has reached the Celestial Empire - even though meetings with it have been recorded both in Belarus and in the western regions of Russia, but China is very, very far away ... But this particular individual, as in the photo, was caught in a poultry yard, where she was engaged in her usual business - she drank the blood of chickens. Something to think about...

Where did the chupacabra come from?

There is only one hypothesis about where the Chupacabra came from that a literate person can accept as reasonable: this is the result of controlled mutations.

The main question that disturbs the minds of inquisitive citizens is where did the Chupacabra come from? After all, animals do not appear suddenly: in order to arise the new kind, it takes centuries natural selection. So a systematic conclusion suggests itself: there is nothing natural in the appearance of the Chupacabra. This is not a spontaneous mutation - mutants are most often not viable and almost always sterile. These are not people from other worlds - this hypothesis is too unscientific. These are artificially bred animals, probably origin.

Modifications to the genetic code of animals are prohibited worldwide. It is a fact. It is possible to grow GMO crops in some countries, but not to create new types of animals. Too dangerous: if the transgene gets into the natural environment, it will have the most detrimental effect on the ecosystem. In addition, the very existence of artificial animals is a danger to humans. However, it is not at all a fact that scientists adhere to the ban. Whether for purely academic purposes or quite pragmatic, such experiments may well be carried out. And the only hypothesis of the origin of the Chupacabra that claims at least some scientific logic is that this animal was created artificially. And not in a single copy.

We look further. The escape of an experimental animal from a secret laboratory is more of a plot for a Hollywood horror movie, and not something that is possible in real conditions. Moreover, a mass escape - after all, a Chupacabra cannot be in a dozen places at the same time, in America and Eurasia. No, bloodsuckers were brought to their place further habitation in natural environment and released. What for? And this is the most interesting thing. Geneticists want to test how the transgene will feel in the wild, whether it will be able to hunt, and how this will affect the local ecosystem. Is it not for nothing that third world countries were chosen as a testing ground? ..

small lyrical digression. At the time of the development of America by settlers, someone smart suggested: let's not fight the Indians? War is expensive, it takes a long time, people are killed in a war ... It’s better to kill the bison - the main food base of the local population, and the enemies themselves will rest from hunger. So we decided. The ecocide was a success: dead bison piled up like mountains everywhere, feeding the flies. Then came the epidemics, because the water and the earth were poisoned by cadaveric poison. Result? You know the result. The remnants of the once proud indigenous peoples of America now live in nature reserves as local fauna and sell baubles to tourists.

Nowadays, Eastern Europe. Not like an animal, a cunning and insidious creature slaughters cattle. Everything every year more posts about the visits of the mysterious bloodsucker - but extremely rare real cases his murder or capture. The habitat of the new animal is expanding. Draw your own conclusions: what is a Chupacabra, how not biological weapons? His trials have already begun - the only question is how far they will go. And who is the very mysterious enemy who brought this fantastically tenacious transgene to our land?..

The truth is worth looking for anywhere, but not in the media. There you will be shown only another dead dog - and real facts scientists hide with all care to prevent premature panic.

April 17, 2017: website: In Spanish, the word "chupacabra" means "sucking goats." For the first time, residents of Puerto Rico encountered a semi-mythical creature that kills domestic defenseless animals at night, sucking blood from them, in the early 70s. At that time, this mysterious animal was called the Moka Vampire. In the 90s, Puerto Ricans witnessed a second wave of mass vampire attacks, and he began to be called "El Chupacabras". Since then, in different places the globe periodically there is information about the atrocities of the "chupacabra".

Only in 2004 in Texas did an American farmer manage to prevent a massive loss of livestock on his farm. The animal he killed was very reminiscent of a dog in outline, but at the same time there was no woolen cover.

According to eyewitnesses, the height of the Chupacabra did not exceed 150 cm. Outwardly, the animal looked very much like a kangaroo. Wherein hallmark"Chupacabra" was the absence of hairline, the presence of spikes on the ridge, the tail of the possum and the eyes on the protruding. And its main distinguishing feature was the structure oral cavity, which, equipped with three huge fangs, made it possible to carry out such brutal attacks.

There was an opinion that the "chupacabra" is a victim of genetic experiments that were carried out at a secret military base in the United States. The beginning of the 21st century in the United States was also marked by the Chupacabra adventures. Texas farmers have managed to kill this mysterious beast several times. In some cases, they even carried out a genetic examination, the results of which made it possible to assert that the so-called chupacabra is a bald old coyote.

In 2003, reports of the appearance of the Chupacabra appeared on the territory of Ukraine. The first wave of messages concerned the western regions of the country. And by 2009, this monster, suffocating mostly rabbits, reached the east of Ukraine. Some Ukrainian residents managed to kill the offender. However, the results of the autopsy did not allow answering the question about the species of the Chupacabra.

It turned out only that the "chupacabra" has a fairly small blind process and no large intestine. But what was most surprising was that in the stomach of the predatory "chupacabra", which by that time had already allowed itself to attack a person, nothing but mulberry was found.

One of the versions when establishing the species identity of the Chupacabra was that it is a hybrid of a wolf and a dog. However, scientists actively resist this assumption. Say, this kind of hybrids live very little and are not capable of such active actions. According to breaking news, loudly declaring that the secret of the "chupacabra" is revealed, this mysterious animal is none other than raccoon dog with a huge bouquet various diseases, including ringworm.

For example, last year the news spread around the Internet that the Peruvian military managed to catch this unguided animal, but as it turned out, this is just a giant flying fox, which for a long time managed to terrorize local residents with its attacks. A huge bat attacked not only domestic animals, but also happened to people. The specimen that the military captured, the giant flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus) has a wingspan of up to 2 meters and is one of the largest known specimens of its kind.

As ornithologists explain, the giant flying fox blood, animal flesh is not included in the diet, she is a vegetarian by “origin”, eats fruits. Lives in Indonesia, its main "enemies" predator birds and snakes. Some people also willingly eat their meat. So with our "chupacabra", it has nothing to do.

Will we hear more about this blood-sucking monster? Probably yes! And a worthy replacement for Grandpa Babai to scare the kids with negligent parents was definitely found.

Chupacabra in the Nizhny Novgorod region

In Buturlinsky district Nizhny Novgorod region an unknown creature has been operating for several weeks now. It breaks into the master's yards and attacks domestic animals, destroying them. The creature kills rabbits, chickens, sheep, goats and sucks their blood. According to all descriptions of eyewitnesses, the creature looks like the so-called chupacabra. Residents of the regional village of Buturlino periodically find dead and bloodless cattle in their farmsteads. Apparently, there is more than one creature in the area, as there can be attacks in several different places in one night.

People are scared, afraid to go outside at night. After all, an unknown creature moves quickly and it is not known how it can behave, it is not predictable. The creature has been operating in the Buturlinsky district for at least about two weeks, but for some reason the local authorities have not taken any measures. The victims appealed to the police and other district organizations, but so far no one has responded to their appeals. In response to the appeals of the victims, the authorities assure that there is no Chupacabra, so there is nothing to be afraid of. But the cattle are dying. Perhaps there is no Chupacabra, but whoever this creature is, it still needs to be caught somehow. Whoever this creature is, it destroys cattle in large quantities and instills fear in the population. Is this not a reason for the district authorities to be alarmed.

If this is the first time you hear about the chupacabra, then, apparently, you have never watched TV or read newspapers. Once upon a time, this unknown little animal did not leave the lips of at least half of the world's population. Does it exist in reality? No one can vouch for the exact answer.

And it all started in the 70s of the last century in Spain, in Puerto Rico, where strange cases began to occur among the goat herd. More precisely, the owners of small cattle began to find their favorites bled. The most interesting thing is that the only traces left by the killer were only two small holes on the body of the victims.

Of course, the worried residents immediately drew an analogy with vampires, and the mysterious creature was dubbed "chupacabra", which means "sucking goats". After a while, the attacks stopped as suddenly as they began.

Perhaps the terrible secret of the creature would not have spread further. But the attacks resumed after 20 years! With the difference that now news of similar incidents began to come from other continents. A once small tragedy in one country immediately became a world sensation! One might even say mass hysteria. People rushed to hunt for an unknown creature.

What does a chupacabra look like?

Nobody knew exactly what the Chupacabra looked like. Common in almost all versions was that the beast had an elongated muzzle, moved on four limbs, and was about the size of a fox. Information about the skin varied: someone claimed that the beast was bald, but the majority insisted on the presence of a short gray coat.

Newspaper headlines were full of reports of chupacabras caught or seen. But scientists persistently rejected all attempts to officially register the creature. Every evidence he brought: a skin, a skeleton, a corpse, after a thorough examination, was already declared known to science a beast or even a fiction, a fake.

Foxes, dogs and coyotes became the most popular regulars on the tables of scientists. Photo of the skeleton, considered the remains of the Chupacabra for the longest time:

In the end, and he was declared the skeleton of a fox.

What is this animal?

Of course, after some time ordinary people these explanations ceased to satisfy (someone continued to kill the unfortunate pets), and they independently put forward several versions:

  1. Chupacabra is a mutant. Perhaps this theory is the most widely accepted. It was believed that radiation, environmental pollution, etc. were to blame.
  2. Chupacabra is the result of biological experiments . It was alleged that the creature was bred in laboratories, and then escaped or was deliberately released "on free bread" to observe him in real conditions.
  3. Chupacabra is an alien. This version was put forward more as a joke, but it also quickly gained its followers. Someone believed that they were sent creatures with the aim of collecting biomaterials of earthly creatures. Someone that's messengers from parallel worlds abandoned to us with an unknown purpose.

To date, the Chupacabra has already managed to visit almost all corners of the world. At least, so say the eyewitnesses who allegedly encountered her in life.

There have been no recorded cases of monster attacks on humans. Perhaps this means that even if the Chupacabra is not a myth, it is unlikely that it represents great danger than the same foxes. And given the fact that no one can do high quality photos or a video of an unknown animal, then the probability of meeting him becomes very, very low.

Video on the topic of the article

Chupacabra caught in Texas:

The fauna of our planet is striking in its beauty and quirkiness. But some animals cause fear. The Chupacabra is an animal whose existence has not yet been proven. Residents from all over the world claim to have seen her. From our article, you can find out who the Chupacabra is and what harm it does.

Who is the Chupacabra?

Chupacabra is a creature whose existence scientists from all over the world cannot prove and explain. It is known that in most cases it was seen in rural areas. There, the Chupacabra steals goats, chickens and others. Surprisingly, the beast does not eat meat. He hunts animals only to drink blood.

Recognizing a Chupacabra attack is not difficult. As a rule, the beast silently attacks its prey at night, and then drinks all the blood from it. Chupacabra stacks the corpses of victims in a row or a pile. Despite the fact that the existence of the beast has not been proven, the number of eyewitnesses is increasing every year. Some scientists argue that this is not an unknown animal at all, but just a predator that has been exposed to genetic mutation due to the influence of external factors.

Cases of an attack by an unknown beast. What does a chupacabra look like?

The Chupacabra was first found in the 70s of the last century. Then the bodies of farm animals without blood were found in Puerto Rico. Such an incident has not been repeated for 10 years, so the mythical beast was quickly forgotten. In the 90s, the Chupacabra attack was repeated. Similar cases began to occur in other parts of our planet. Today, the inhabitants of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus know firsthand about the Chupacabra. It is for this reason that people living in rural areas try not to go outside at night. Attacks have been recorded not only on animals, but also on residents of villages and small towns.

It is impossible to say exactly what the Chupacabra looks like. Eyewitnesses describe the beast in different ways. Most likely, the Chupacabra is a four-legged animal that is very similar to a dog. It has a powerful jaw and large strong claws. This is how eyewitnesses describe Chupacabra most often.

Versions of the origin of the Chupacabra

Scientists and zoologists often argue about the origin of the beast. According to their assumptions, the Chupacabra is the result of someone's breeding work. It's no secret that the world exists a large number of centers where illegal experiments and research are carried out. Perhaps the result of one of the experiments was the Chupacabra.

There is another version. Six years ago, there was a case of attacks on domestic farm animals in the United States. Then scientists proved that it was not the mythical Chupacabra who did it, but a wild dog that is sick with scabies. With this disease, the dog loses its fur, smells unpleasant and has thickened skin. The general background of the body weakens, and the animal cannot hunt wild animals. It is for this reason that it attacks agricultural animals. The version of scientists instantly caused a lot of controversy, because representatives of canines do not consume blood. They choose meat.

The most famous attacks

More than 10 years ago, a Chupacabra was killed in Texas. There was no hair on the body of the mysterious animal. It was the size of a dog. AT urgently DNA tests were taken. The results showed that it was not a chupacabra, but the most common coyote that was sick with scabies. In the same year, several more such animals were killed.

In 2005, the first Chupacabra was spotted in Russia. Eyewitnesses said that all the corpses of farm animals were bled. In a single night in 2006, the Chupacabra killed over 30 turkeys and 30 sheep. At the same time, eyewitnesses reported an unknown animal that was seen not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. His body resembled a kangaroo, but his head was like a crocodile.

In the summer of 2006, in one of the states of America, a strange animal was found on the side of the road with powerful fangs. Most likely it was hit by a car. The animal had no fur. Eyewitnesses believe that this is a Chupacabra. The photo taken at the scene shocked all local residents. Scientists suggest that this is a mixed breed dog. Unfortunately, it was not possible to take materials for analysis. This is due to the fact that the corpse was eaten by vultures even before the arrival of experts.

8 years ago in the state of Texas, a CCTV camera installed on the highway recorded the movement strange creature. It had no fur. Its head was narrow and elongated, and its hind legs were noticeably longer than its front legs. There is an opinion that it was a hybrid of a wolf and a coyote.

Chupacabra in the Volga region

Last spring, two residents of a small village in the Saratov region were driving a car. They saw on the roadside His height was no more than a meter. It stood on its hind legs and moved by jumping. The animal walked around the car for some time, and then disappeared into the forest. Eyewitnesses had no doubt - this is a Chupacabra. The photo taken during the incident aroused the interest of local residents.

The next morning, almost all the people who lived in the village went to explore the territory. They found a large number of three-toed footprints that are not left by other animals living in the area. Upon discovering the evidence, they recalled many cases where farm animals disappeared from their yards without a trace or were killed and bled to death.

The existence of the Chupacabra was also suspected in the neighboring village of Kochetovka. It is known that there once dogs were chasing unknown creature but never managed to catch him.

attack on a person

The Chupacabra only hunts at night. The animal is not afraid of people, but tries not to catch their eye. For walks at night, it is recommended to take a powerful flashlight with you, because the beast does not tolerate bright light.
The first case when a person was injured by a Chupacabra was recorded in Mexico. There, the beast grabbed its fangs into the hand of a local resident. Fortunately, the Chupacabra did not like the blood. The Mexican citizen escaped with only two shallow bites.

Cases of attacks are also known in Ukraine. The first victim was an older woman. The next victim was a schoolgirl. In a case was recorded when a real chupacabra attacked a girl during the day. She received many injuries and bites. The girl's friend tried to drive away the beast with stick blows. The victim was hospitalized urgently. She quickly recovered, but died six months later for an unknown reason.

The information that there is a real Chupacabra causes fear among residents of small towns and villages. In 2011, an unknown animal attacked a high school student in Ukraine. Eyewitnesses claim that the beast was huge, about two meters.

Beast in Bashkiria

In the winter of this year, more than 30 rabbits became victims of an unknown beast in Bashkiria. Similar cases have occurred before. Locals believe that the Chupacabra attacks animals, however, there is no evidence of this point of view yet.

An eyewitness claims that an unknown beast not only killed large quantity rabbits, but also gnawed through the bars of the fence. In addition, the animal tore off the iron bars. The victim notes that this is not the first case in the microdistrict. In the yard, footprints similar to those of a dog were found in the snow. The victim claims that she does not have a dog, similar prints never been in the yard.

Chupacabra in Bashkiria often attacks other farm animals. In February of this year, not only rabbits, but also sheep died from the attack of the beast. The affected residents soon wrote a statement to the police with a request to fix the damage. They claim that on the same day a local district police officer came and drew up a protocol.

It is known that this year the video, which was filmed by a resident of Bashkiria, is especially popular this year. He believes that on the video he captured the very Chupacabra that caused great damage to local residents.

Killed animal in Belarus

Today, almost everyone knows who the Chupacabra is. Photos provided by eyewitnesses amaze almost everyone. Today, cases of Chupacabra attacks are noted in all corners of the world. It is worth noting that earlier the animal caused harm only at night. Now there are cases when the Chupacabra attacked in the daytime.

Not everyone knows that a Chupacabra was caught in Belarus. On one of the farms, workers discovered a strange animal. For several months, it regularly killed farm livestock. Farm workers claim that the animal had an intimidating appearance. It had no fur. As it turned out later, the killed Chupacabra in Belarus is just a fiction. Veterinarians examined the carcass of the animal and found that the farmers had killed a raccoon dog that had a skin disease.

It is known that later the investigated corpse disappeared from the veterinary clinic. There is information that it was stolen by a girl who believes in the Chupacabra.

The history of the origin of the name and animal

Many people know who the Chupacabra is. You can find photos with this mysterious animal in our article. The name "chupacabra" did not appear by chance. Goats were the first to suffer from the beast. The name is associated with them. When literally deciphered, Chupacabra is a "goat vampire."

There is an opinion that the Chupacabra is the ancestor of the kangaroo that lives secretive life. There is another interesting version of the origin of the mysterious animal - space. Some are sure that the beast came to us from another planet in the 90s of the last century.

vampire dog

In Belarus recent times actively discuss the existence of Chupacabra. There is a known case when residents of a small village told TV reporters about the disappearance of animals. Local authorities promised to take care of everything. In the near future, a night watch of the police was organized.

Patrols gathered in the late afternoon. A local resident said that cases with a strange killing of animals have been happening for several years. Some eyewitnesses claim that there is no Chupacabra. In the village, a pack of vampire dogs attacks animals.

Closer to the night, the patrol began to look for the most the best place for an ambush. The police say that at eight o'clock in the evening there is no one on the street. They decided to stop near the garages where many animals died last night. According to local residents, the Chupacabra was the cause of death. The patrol kept watch until morning. Nothing suspicious was found by the police.

Expert opinion

After the incident in Belarus, the experts immediately took the bodies of the dead farm animals for examination. After spending whole line studies, experts found that the cause of death was a bite of a dog or marten. They found that the animal had no pathologies and did not suffer from rabies.

Experts learned opinion and psychologist. He believes that residents of small towns lack information and events. It is for this reason that one person comes up with a version, and the rest believe in it. They need it in order to get any emotions.

Chupacabra: myth or reality?

Today there is no proven information that the Chupacabra exists. Many experts argue that this is all fiction. They associate the mysterious beast with an ordinary sick animal. Under the descriptions of eyewitnesses, for example, a dog with scabies may fit.

It is also worth noting that most often the descriptions of eyewitnesses are completely different. It is possible that the image of the Chupacabra is fictional. Its existence is often denied by veterinarians. As a rule, the corpse of a Chupacabra brought for examination turns out to be a raccoon dog or a coyote.

Do not believe in the existence of Chupacabra and many residents of our country. They argue that the animal cannot go unnoticed for many years.

Summing up

Chupacabra is a mysterious beast that instills fear in the inhabitants of small towns and villages. Its existence has not yet been proven. However, cases of beast attacks happen quite often. Many materials brought for examination disprove the existence of the Chupacabra. Most often it is an animal with scabies. Believe in chupacabra or not - you decide.

A terrible creature, catching fear and horror on all the inhabitants of the planet Earth. A monster capable of leaving a flock of sheep or a whole corral of rabbits without blood overnight. A meeting with such a monster does not bode well for a person. Despite its small size, it can easily bite the throat of even a strong man. If you doubt the existence of this beast, then you should learn some facts about it.

In this article:

Where and when did the Chupacabra appear

For the first time, the existence of this mysterious creature was talked about in Puerto Rico. The uproar arose after local farmers found their cattle dead one by one. All animals from chickens to cows were killed in a strange way. There were no external injuries on the corpses except for two small holes in the neck. There was also no blood or signs of a struggle. However, there was no blood in the carcasses themselves. Cattle had their tongues torn out.

There was talk of vampires and satanic sects, but soon hairs began to be found at the sites of massacres. The laboratory found that the wool belongs to an animal unknown to science. The existence of mysterious beasts was less frightening than the people who rebelled after death. The panic subsided, and for a long 40 years the world forgot about the Chupacabra.

What does a chupacabra look like

According to eyewitnesses, it was possible to draw up an approximate portrait of a night vampire. But these animals are strikingly different from each other depending on their habitats.

In the United States of America

This is a creature that looks like a jackal, but with long upper fangs. At the withers, about 100 cm. The upper jaw protrudes noticeably, which allows the fangs to have a straight shape and a size of 4-7 cm. The coat is harsh, usually brown or brown in color. The eyes are small and glow in the dark. The hind legs are shorter than the front ones, which does not prevent the animal from making giant jumps.

In Brazil

The inhabitants of this country got an absolutely bald predator. naked body, with spots similar to deep burns and a long tail, resembles giant rats burned out from radiation. It moves mainly on its hind legs and has long, sharp claws on its front legs. The size is approximately 60-80 cm and a length of 100 cm. Huge black eyes and jerky body movements literally make you believe that this creature is of extraterrestrial origin.

In Russia

The Russian version of the Chupacabra, judging by the photo, outwardly differs little from the American one. The same dimensions, but the hair is completely absent; long paws and burning eyes. Only in our country there was a case when this monster was able to take control of a person and hypnotize him until he escaped from persecution in a dense forest. It turns out that the Chupacabra has hypnosis and uses it when there is a real danger?

Where did she come from?

Humanity has been asking this question for 60 years. Most often, people tend to believe that these are wolves and foxes mutated after accidents at nuclear power plants. In the 50s there were many cases of release into the atmosphere chemical substances. This version is supported by the fact that no one has ever seen this animal before.

An interesting hypothesis about the mystical origin of the bloodthirsty beast. AT North America after the Chupacabra raids, people clearly smelled sulfur in outbuildings for a long time. And one person even saw how this creature howled with ultrasound and disappeared before our eyes.

Biologists are inclined to the version that this animal could have been obtained as a result of an ordinary mutation. But what animal could mutate like that and breed all over the planet? Judging by its actions, we can safely say that it has a mind and thinks pretty quickly.

Where was the chupacabra found in Russia

In 2004, the appearance of a mysterious beast was recorded in Russia. The skeletons of animals found in the forests resembled those of a dog, but upon closer examination, many differences were noticed. The photo of these remains has long excited the minds of Russians. People couldn't believe that creepy monster was able to move to another continent and open the hunting season here. However, after 7 years, strong evidence emerged.

Chupacabra in the Rostov region

In the city of Volgodonsk, a local farmer caught a mysterious beast red-handed. Opening the door to the chicken coop in the morning, he saw that the whole floor was covered with dead carcasses of chickens. And in the corner sat the hero of the bloody celebration himself and calmly sucked blood from another victim. The man described him as a bald dog with powerful paws. The pensioner was not taken aback and hit uninvited guest shovel. The animal had a good reaction and it instantly rushed at the person. Fortunately, he got only a piece of pants, as the farmer was in tarpaulin boots. Naturally, the animal disappeared, but the owners are sure that they will see it more than once in their yard.

In Bashkiria

It was here that the Chupacabra appeared several times over short term. In the village of Nizhne-Atashevo, a resident lost all her chickens through the fault of this night hunter. The most shocking thing was that the beast gnawed through the metal grate and thick boards. None forest predator it will not be possible to break the steel mesh with the help of teeth. On the carcasses, there are still the same two holes on the neck and the absence of blood at the place of massacre.

But the most amazing thing is that they managed to film the Chupacabra on video. A dash cam in a passing man's car captured the creature crossing the road. Everyone should watch the video to know who to be wary of when they meet. Most likely it was a cub, so he was not afraid of the noise of the car. However, the speed of movement of this animal can be envied.

In Nizhniy Novgorod

Novgorodians also survived the raids of these monsters several times. In one of the villages, the bloodless corpses of chickens and rabbits have been regularly found for many months. This time, the residents are talking about an upright bald creature. It runs away from pursuers with powerful leaps and has unusually strong hind legs. It is with their paws that they knock out doors in sheds and chicken coops.

Many photos of 2018 speak in favor of the existence of the Chupacabra. Different in appearance and identical in preferences, these animals undoubtedly live next to us. People deny this fact because not a single animal has been caught alive and studied by biologists. But this suggests that these creatures are incredibly smart and quick-witted. People saw them, but to catch such fast predator can't even Olympic champion on the run.

This year, you can often hear that the Chupacabra began to attack people. There are no serious injuries, but the animal left teeth and claw marks on the body for two Texas residents. Trying to catch a real chupacabra can end tragically and should not be forgotten.

How to behave when meeting

If you are "lucky enough to meet" this creature away from the city and locality, then do not make sudden movements. Under no circumstances should you run away or scream. Stay calm and don't make eye contact with her. Back away slowly as soon as she loses interest in you. Don't try to feed her. You can make her angry and she will feed on your blood. If you have a weapon in your hands - do not try to shoot! If this creature can take control of a person's mind, then it is not known who else you will shoot at.

  • After meeting the Chupacabra, a resident Tula region couldn't speak for 5 days
  • It is noticed that the activity of the beast depends on the phases of the moon
  • In winter, the creature appears many times less often.
  • Chupacabra without wool is much more aggressive than its wool counterpart
  • A real chupacabra is not afraid of a person
  • Makes a strange whistle while hunting

Last appearance

A terrible story happened to the inhabitants of Canada. Moving along the highway in their car, they stopped to clear their heads in the cool of the night. A creature on its hind legs stepped out of the forest onto the road. The men did not immediately understand who they were dealing with, but they took a gun out of the car. At the sight of the weapon, the Chupacabra let out a long drawn-out whistle. One of the men described it this way:

“When I heard this sound, it was as if a hole had formed in my head. I could not move and there were no thoughts at that moment. If Steve hadn't fired, I probably would have fallen and smashed my head on the hood."

The men called the police to the scene and the cops arrived in time to quickly load the body into the car. im in bright colors painted what awaits us if they talk about it at every corner. Fortunately, they managed to take a photo and now everyone can see this incredible beast with paws similar to human hands and feet.

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