Gosha Kutsenko - biography, information, personal life. Secretive Gosha Kutsenko and his actress Gosha Kutsenko family

Gosha Kutsenko is a Russian theater and film actor, film director, singer, screenwriter and producer. Honored Artist of Russia. He rightfully earned the unspoken title of the public's favorite, films with his participation "Love-carrot", "Gene Concrete", "Doctor", "Ambulance" are becoming popular among Russian viewers.

The multifaceted talent of the artist manifested itself in music. Group Kutsenko "GK" - a frequent guest in the capital's clubs.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko, better known as Gosha Kutsenko, was born on May 20, 1967 in Zaporozhye. Yuriy's father, Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko, a Ukrainian by nationality, worked at the Ministry of Radio Industry, and Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko (nee Nazimova) was a radiologist. Only the paternal grandmother was related to art in the family of the future actor. In her youth, the woman was an opera singer.

They named Kutsenko Jr. in honor of the astronaut, but his mother called her son Gosha as a child. The boy liked it, especially since he did not have to pronounce the naughty letter "r" when introducing himself.

At school age, Kutsenko moved to Lviv with his family. Yuri studied well, after graduation he entered the local polytechnic institute. The young man did not have time to finish his studies, as he was drafted into the army. After the service, Gosha decided not to return to Lviv, especially since dad was appointed Deputy Minister of the USSR Radio Industry. The family moved to Moscow.

In the Soviet capital, Kutsenko entered the Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering and Electronics. It was only then that he realized that his true calling was theater.

After 2 years of study, the student left the university. This choice of the son of the parents surprised. The father even tried to prevent Gosha from entering the Moscow Art Theater School, but his son entered. At that time, Yuri had not yet got rid of his burr and spoke with a Ukrainian accent. The head of the selection committee was so bribed that Kutsenko was accepted.


A cinematic biography of Gosha Kutsenko started in 1991, when he was a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. The aspiring actor played in the episode of the film "The Man from the Alpha Team". In the same year, the artist, along with fellow students, starred in the comedy-farce called "The Mummy from the Suitcase."

In 1992, Gosha Kutsenko graduated from the theater, but soon became disillusioned with his choice. Theaters did not want to take on newcomers, and the young artist got only episodic roles in entreprises and not particularly significant performances.

Gosha Kutsenko in the film "Under the sign of Scorpio"

They invited the man to the cinema. During these years, Kutsenko played in the ironic parable "Children of the Iron Gods", the crime melodrama "Nocturne for Drum and Motorcycle" and the social drama "Hammer and Sickle". But everywhere - only episodes.

In 1995, Gosha went on television. He hosted the program “Party Zone” on TV-6, and also appeared on MUZ-TV. This work the actor got bored quickly. A 5-year break came, Kutsenko almost did not act in films. At this time, the artist taught at VGIK on the course.

Popularity came to the artist when Kutsenko stopped waiting for recognition. Director Konstantin Murzenko invited him to star in the action movie "April". Gosha got the main role in this film. Brutal appearance, charisma and athletic build contributed to the success of the actor on the screen.

But "April" was only a prelude to the glory that fell upon the artist after the action movie "Antikiller". Kutsenko was entrusted with the main role of the former criminal investigation opera, nicknamed the Fox. The character did not fit into the usual framework of a positive hero, but aroused the interest of the viewer.

Trailer of the film "Antikiller"

"Antikiller" opened the gates of popularity. The creative biography of Gosha Kutsenko really began with this action movie. After the appearance of the picture, the artist was invited to the main roles in the thriller "Loneliness of Blood" and the melodrama "The Road". Then the man played the killer Smurov in the TV series "Experts are investigating."

For a more convincing performance, the actor was kept in a real pre-trial detention center for several hours. As a result, this work only added popularity.

The historical film "Golden Age" and the continuation of "Antikiller", as well as the blockbuster "" helped to consolidate fame. In the film, the artist appeared in a rather unusual image of an elegant seducer in a wig. And Gosha's partner in the film was the former wife of the actor. Work in the series Yesenin and the blockbuster Turkish Gambit became successful for Kutsenko.

Also, film critics note the work of Kutsenko in the films “Mother Do not Cry”, “This is What Happens to Me”, “Kings Can Do Everything”, “Exercises in Beauty”. A new round of success overtook Gosha after appearing in the family comedy "Love-Carrot", where he played the main character Andrei Golubev, who once "swapped" his body with his wife Marina (). In a new guise, a married couple had to solve each other's problems. The high box office of the film prompted the producers to release 2 more parts of the comedy.

In 2012, a multi-part project of the Russian-Ukrainian company GSC Game World called "Stalker" was created. Kutsenko has repeatedly told media representatives about the work on the project, which was developed on the basis of a computer game.

Kristina Orbakaite and Gosha Kutsenko in the comedy "Love-carrot"

In 2014, Kutsenko took part in the filming of the comedy "Gene Concrete", and a year later the series "Sniper: The Last Shot" appeared on the screens. In this film, he appeared in the already familiar military theme. Previously, the artist was remembered by viewers for filming in the comedy film "Savages". The comedy genre is gradually replacing pictures of military or criminal subjects from the filmography of the actor.

Among the artist's works is the main role in the author's project "Country of OZ". In the New Year's black comedy, Kutsenko appeared in an ensemble cast with Inna Surikova.

In 2016, 2 films with the participation of the actor appeared on the screens - "Doctor" and "Yolki 5". He also continues to work on films as a co-owner of a film company that has already produced a large number of successful films. Kutsenko is also the founder of the Step Together charity foundation.

May 20, 2017 Gosha Kutsenko celebrated his anniversary on a grand scale. Close friends and colleagues came to congratulate the artist, among whom were,. Concert "Gosh, don't cry!" took place on the stage of the theater of the Russian army.

In the anniversary year for the actor, screenings of the comedy “Graphomafia” and the film almanac “About Love. For adults only." In both films, the man appeared in the lead roles.

Music and theater

Gosha's creative biography is full of not only cinematic pages. Kutsenko is also a musician and a singer. The first performances of a rock band, the soloist of which was previously a man, began in the mid-90s. The team was called "Lamb-97".

In 2004, Kutsenko met the ideologist and creator of the Tokyo group Yaroslav Maly and starred in 2 videos: Moscow and I'm a Star.

Group "Tokyo" - "Moscow"

In the same year, the tandem "Gosha Kutsenko & Anatomy of Soul" was created, which lasted 4 years. During this time, the musicians gave several dozen concerts in Russian cities and took part in the festivals "Invasion", "Emmaus", "Old New Rock" and others. Songs from that period were included in the soundtracks of the films "Mars", "The Fourth Wish", "Kings Can Do Anything" and "Savages".

In 2008, Kutsenko united a new team of talented musicians around him. The result was a work that combined various musical directions.

A year later, Gosha, together with the soloist of the Chi-Li group, sang the song "Tales". The video for the composition was appreciated by fans, and the musicians appeared together at the concert "Song of the Year 2009".

Gosha Kutsenko and the group "Chi-Li" - "Tales"

Gosha's debut album My World, released by Mazai Communications in 2010, was presented in Moscow on the eve of the actor's birthday. In November 2014, at the Artist Club, Kutsenko presented the new disc Music.

In the early 2000s, the artist began to appear on the stage. He played the role of Max on the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater in the production of Metro, then shone in the play The Devil at the Theatrical Events Factory. Popular was his work in the entreprise "Pelevin Theater" in the production of "Chapaev and the Void", where Kutsenko reincarnated as a hero.

Since 2008, the actor has been a member of the troupe of the Moscow City Council Theater, where the performances “God” and “The Inspector General” were staged with his participation. Now the celebrity pays more attention to the enterprise. The productions of "Love Letters", in which Gosha plays along with, and "The Bench" in a duet with, are popular. The comedy performance with the participation of the star of the screen "LADIES" NIGHT. Only for women ", which has been sold out all over the country for more than 15 years, enjoys great love from the audience.

Personal life

Tall, stately (Gosha's height is 184 cm and weighs 83 kg), the man is always in sight. The personal life of Gosha Kutsenko is under the scrutiny of the press, because the actor is at the peak of his popularity.

The man has 2 marriages. The first, civil, happened while Kutsenko was studying at the Moscow Art Theater School. There, the actor met Maria Poroshina, who was 6 years younger than him. Soon the couple began to live together, and in 1996 their daughter Polina was born. The marriage of Kutsenko and Poroshina was short-lived - after 5 years the couple broke up. Today they maintain a good relationship.

The actor does not like to talk about his personal life, so his family photos rarely appear on social networks. In 2012, the model and actress Irina Skrinichenko became the wife of the actor. The couple officially legalized the relationship, and the artist's mother-in-law was the only witness to the celebration.

In 2014, Gosha and Irina had a daughter, Evgenia. Despite being busy, a man always tries to pay attention to children, because the family is the main thing for a Russian movie star.

In May 2017, the actor visited the program "Alone with Everyone". He answered various questions and also talked about plans for the future. Users "Instagram" and other social networks constantly monitor the work of the actor. Fans are sure that the idol will be able to surprise with new works that have not previously appeared in his biography.

Gosha Kutsenko on the program "Alone with everyone"

June 7, 2017 Gosha Kutsenko became a father for the third time. The wife gave the 50-year-old actor another daughter. The girl was named Svetlana.

Gosha Kutsenko now

The popular actor continues to delight fans with first-class comedies and melodramas today. Filmography Kutsenko exceeds 130 projects. With his participation in August 2018, the series "" was shown, which was created by the TNT channel. "Olga".

The recent musical achievements of Gosha Kutsenko include the release of the collection “DUETO!”, In which the actor presented duet compositions performed with the stars of Russian show business:, and others. The track "The Sun", in the creation of which she participated, was included in the singer's new album "On Pause".

Gosha Kutsenko on the set of the series "Ambulance" in 2018

Gosha also recorded the song "Olga", which was included in the musical accompaniment of the comedy of the same name. Another hit, "Ambulance", was used in the film "Ambulance", in which Kutsenko played the main role. Both compositions were included in the next album of the musician, called "Words".


  • 1991 - "Mummy from a suitcase"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 1998 - "Mom, don't cry"
  • 2001 - "April"
  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2006 - "Savages"
  • 2007 - "Love-carrot"
  • 2011 - "My boyfriend is an angel"
  • 2014 - "Gene Concrete"
  • 2016 - "Doctor"
  • 2017 - "Graphomafia"
  • 2018 - House Arrest
  • 2018 - "Ambulance"
  • 2018 - "Olga"

Gosha Kutsenko at a photo shoot

Gosha Kutsenko is a Russian filmmaker, director, producer and screenwriter. In 2013 he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. He became famous thanks to such films as "Antikiller", "Savages", "Mother Do not Cry", "Exercises in the Beautiful", "Night Watch".

Happy and carefree childhood

Gosha Kutsenko was born on May 20, 1967 in Zaporozhye (Ukraine). The parents of the future celebrity had nothing to do with filmmaking: his father worked in the Ministry of Radio Industry, his mother was a doctor in a hospital.

But once Gosha had hair ...

Gosha's parents paid him a lot of attention. The guy studied well and rarely even got four. The problematic subject was only chemistry. The boy connected school with sports. After studying, Kutsenko attended the wrestling section. By the way, Gosha often got into all kinds of fights and showdowns. For several years, Kutsenko studied in Zaporozhye, and then moved to Lviv because of his father's work. There he entered the Polytechnic Institute, but did not have time to finish his studies, because he was called to serve his homeland.

The actor himself has repeatedly said that his childhood was incredibly happy. However, he realized this already being a mature man.

Life in Moscow

In 1988, Gosha's father became Deputy Minister of the USSR Radio Industry. The whole family was forced to move to Moscow. In the capital, Gosha entered the Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. After a while, the student realized that he wanted to become a theater actor. So he had the idea to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. Parents were, to put it mildly, “shocked” by such a wonderful choice of their son. The father immediately called the dean's office of the theater and demanded that they not dare to take such a "burry idiot". But even such threats from his father did not prevent Gosha from passing all the exams with excellent marks, which allowed him to start training as an aspiring actor.

First works

Kutsenko received his first role in the film three years later (in 1991) after the start of his studies. Then he played in one episode of the film “The Man from the Alpha Team”. After a short period of time, the actor, along with fellow students, starred in the title role of the tape "The Mummy from the Suitcase". In 1992, Gosha graduated from the university, but he did not expect that he would soon be disappointed. Theaters simply did not want to take on novice filmmakers. Kutsenko continued to play minor roles in films. So, he starred in the parable "Children of the Iron Gods", the crime film "Nocturne for Drum and Motorcycle", as well as the drama "Hammer and Sickle".

Shot from the film "Hammer and Sickle"

In 1995, the actor was invited to television. He began to conduct a program called "Party Zone" on the TV-6 channel. However, this type of activity bothered the future celebrity after two years. Gosha got depressed. For 40 days he sat at home doing absolutely nothing except playing computer games.

The glory of "Antikiller"

Kutsenko in the film "Antikiller"

Popularity came to George quite unexpectedly. The action movie of his friend Kostya Murzenko "April", where Kutsenko played the main role, almost no one noticed. But in 2002, Yegor Konchalovsky, thanks to his Antikiller, made a real star out of Gosha.

The film featured many well-known actors. Kutsenko in this picture was entrusted with the role of a former criminal investigation officer named "Fox". This character was far from a positive hero. He was released to begin to translate his rules and laws into reality. Gosha's game was noted by several well-known critics, and the film collected quite an impressive amount at the box office.

Popularity, recognition and recent films

After the tape "Antikiller" Kutsenko became a real celebrity. Gaucher immediately received several tempting offers, which he could not refuse. The actor starred in the 2002 thriller The Loneliness of Blood and the film The Road. He also tried himself in the image of the killer Smurov in the TV series "Experts are investigating." By the way, Gosha has repeatedly noted that he does not like to act in TV shows and made exceptions only a few times.

Frame from the film "Loneliness of Blood"

Well, then came one of the main pictures in the career of an actor. We are talking about the 2004 blockbuster called "Night Watch". Despite the fact that Kutsenko played an insignificant role in this film - an elegant seductive wig, his image was noticed and highlighted and well appreciated by both critics and viewers.

After that, the actor starred in the TV series "Yesenin" in 2005, where he got the role of the poet's killer.

In 2006, Kutsenko played a major role in the adventure comedy The Savages, which grossed $1,600,000 at the box office (with a budget of $800,000). Well, in 2007, Kutsenko appears with Kristina Orbakaite in another comedy called Love-Carrot, which literally won the audience's sympathy.

Gosha Kutsenko as a savage

Almost all the latest films where Gosha Kutsenko was shot belong to the comedy genre. For example, in 2012 he played in the films Good Luck Gentlemen! and “That Carlson!”, and in 2014 appeared in the film “Unreal Love”, the plot of which is based on the life of Moscow beauties who conquer men's hearts.

Gosh in the film "Gentlemen, good luck!"

Personal life

In the third year of study at a university in Moscow, Gosha met Maria Porshina. She was also an actress and only entered the studio school. Soon the couple got married and their daughter Polina was born.

Maria Porshina - the first wife of Gosha Kutsenko

After 5 years, the couple broke up, but remained close friends. Maria and Gosha claim that their past relationship does not interfere with their work in any way.

Gosha's next girlfriend was Irina Skrinichenko, with whom he signed in 2012.. The couple did not arrange a magnificent wedding. On June 23, 2014, Gosha and Irina had a daughter, Evgenia.

Gosha Kutsenko in the company of his wife Irina Skrinichenko (photo)


  • 2006, "MTV-Russia", "Best Villain" (film "From 180 and above").
  • 2007, "MTV-Russia", "Best comedy role" (film "Savages").
  • 2008, "MTV-Russia", "Best comedy role" (film "Love-carrot").


1995 Under the sign of ScorpioMaxim Peshkov
1997 Countess de MonsoreauClaude, Duke de Chevreuse
1998 Mom, don't worryArthur
1999 Good and badAlexey Ivanovich Zhukov, criminal businessman
1999 eight and a half dollarsIndian
2001 AprilArthur
2002 AntikillerMajor Korenev, Fox
2002 In movethe guest
2002 Special ForcesSharaf Rashdi
2002 The investigation is conducted by ZnatoKi. Pound of goldSmurin
2003 Criminal tangopoliceman
2003 Kidnapping"Hedgehog"
2003 Golden agePrince of Wales, later King George IV
2003 Antikiller 2: AntiterrorMajor Korenev, Fox
2004 The night WatchIgnat
2004 MarsBoris Nikitin
2005 Destructive Force-6: "Cape of Good Hope"Rybakov
2005 Deer huntingLuchkov
2005 YeseninYakov Blumkin
2005 HarpastumAlexander Blok
2005 The death of an empireGibson
2005 Turkish gambitIsmail Bey
2005 From 180 and aboveAlik
2005 Last weekendfrenzied
2005 Mama Don't Cry 2Arthur
2005 Day WatchIgnat
2006 SavagesAi-Yai
2006 tinnaked man
2007 love-carrotAndrey Golubev
2007 Section 78Goodwin
2007 Chapter 78Goodwin
2007 cheeky daysCaptain of the Tortuga
2008 Kings Can Do AnythingMax Shalnov, journalist
2008 IndigoVadim Sukhanov
2008 Carrot Love 2Andrey Golubev
2009 inhabited islandunderground worker Vepr
2009 PresentRussian general
2009 Antikiller D.K.Major Korenev, Fox
2009 Book of MastersKoschei the Immortal
2010 irony of lovegeneral
2011 Carrot Love 3Andrey Golubev
2011 Story. There isStump-cultivator
2011 2011 - PhantomMatvey
2011 Yolki 2actor dressed as a dragon
2012 August. eighthGeorge
2012 That one Carloson!Novitsky
2013 Yolki 3professor Andrey Nikolaevich
2014 Gena ConcreteGena Concrete

Interview with Gosha Kutsenko (video)

Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko (acting pseudonym - Gosha Kutsenko) - theater and film actor, screenwriter, director, songwriter. Graduate of the Moscow Art Theater. The heyday of his popularity came in the zero years thanks to the filming of Yegor Konchalovsky's Antikiller and Timur Bekmambetov's Night Watch. In 2013 he became the Honored Artist of Russia.

Childhood: Zaporozhye - Lviv

Recalling his own childhood years in Zaporozhye, and then in Lviv, Gosha Kutsenko calls them absolutely happy. He was born in the Soviet Union on May 20, 1967, in the family of a radiologist Svetlana Vasilievna and a radio engineer Georgy Pavlovich.

In Zaporozhye, the preschool boy's worries that kept him awake were the morning exchange of stamps for buttons ripening cherries and mulberries, which grew in abundance in Ukraine. Sitting on a bicycle, Yura raced to the banks of the Dnieper, where his friends were already waiting for him. Boyish freemen, swimming, bulls on the pavement ... "It was a wonderful time!" – said the actor in an interview.

The Lvov period is the time of studying at school. Loving caring parents, mother Svetlana Vasilievna and father Georgy Pavlovich, rejoiced at the success of their son, an almost excellent student, athlete and exemplary pioneer, member of the Komsomol.

Gosha Kutsenko - "Mom" (Video chronicle from the personal archive of the actor)

After the graduation ball, Yuri entered the Polytechnic University. Kutsenko did not have time to finish it, because he was called up to serve in the army. Some time after serving in the army, Yura's father was appointed Deputy Minister of the USSR Radio Industry, and in 1988 the whole family moved from Lvov to Moscow.

Youth: Moscow - MIREA - Moscow Art Theater

In the capital, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation MIREA. But after the second year of study, Kutsenko firmly decided to become an actor and took his documents to the Moscow Art Theater. In the Kutsenko family, then for the first time there was a split. The father, secretly proud that his son had followed in his footsteps, even demanded from the admissions committee not to accept his son, and at the technical university Yura was promised to give the documents only if he passed the session without triples. Yuri passed all the exams perfectly.

In the theater, Kutsenko liked the chairman of the commission, Oleg Tabakov, with his Yesenin spontaneity. The master was especially amused by how the applicant dealt with his own burriness when he said that it was better to call him Gosha, since that is what his mother calls him. Kutsenko's perseverance and originality were rewarded: he, as he dreamed, became a student at the Moscow Art Theater.

Gosha Kutsenko received a diploma from a theater university in 1992, at a time of crisis for the country. Theaters had no time for young graduates, fees for rare, and besides, episodic, film roles were not enough to live on. For a couple of years, the actor worked as a TV presenter, then taught at VGIK. In parallel, he was the lead singer of the rock group "Lamb-97".

Maturity: career - family - popularity

Filming in Konchalovsky's Antikiller in 2002 opened the door to big cinema for the artist. His Fox became, without exaggeration, a new national hero. The set gave Gosha the experience of working with such stars of Russian cinema as Mikhail Ulyanov, Ivan Bortnik, Alexander Belyavsky.

From that moment on, the roles fell on the actor like from a cornucopia. In just a few years, Gosha starred in the big-budget "Special Forces", "Night Watch" by Timur Bekmambetov, "Turkish Gambit" by Dzhanik Fayziev and even played a Russian general in the American "Gift" with Shane West and Jonathan Pryce. In the series of comedies by Alexander Strizhenov "Love-carrot" Kutsenko showed that he could be a good comedian.

Gosha Kutsenko - "Lena"

In parallel with the filming, Gosha's musical activity continued, which in 2010 resulted in the long-awaited debut album "My World", and in 2014 - the album "Music". The situation in Ukraine deeply disturbed the actor, which he spoke about at the presentation of the album, speaking out against the war in the territory of Donbass.

The year 2011 in Kutsenko's life was marked by the establishment of the Step Together Foundation to support children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. In 2014, the actor delighted the audience with a touching role in the black comedy Country of Oz by Vasily Sigarev, where the charming Yana Troyanova became the actor's partner.

Gosha Kutsenko in the film "Doctor" (trailer)

In 2016, Gosha Kutsenko said that he wanted to “quit” acting and completely immerse himself in directing. A year before, he presented two of his paintings to the audience - "Doctor" and "If you love ...".

Kutsenko was inspired to shoot the film "Doctor" by a family tragedy. In 2011, his mother passed away from glioblastoma (an incurable brain tumor similar to that of Zhanna Friske). Three months later, my father died, also of cancer. Kutsenko dedicated his tape to heroic neurosurgeons and patients who still could not be saved.

A year later, to the delight of the fans, the actor returned to action, starring in the next "Christmas Trees". In 2017, the actor appeared in a brilliant cast (John Malkovich, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Victoria Isakova) in the lyrical comedy About Love. For adults only." The film was directed by Anna Melikyan, Pavel Ruminov and others.

"The best in the country": Gosha Kutsenko

Personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

With his first wife, actress Maria Poroshina, Kutsenko met at the Moscow Art Theater. They did not have time to legalize their relationship, and in 1996 the couple had a daughter, Polina. However, the young family soon broke up, but Maria and Gaucher managed to maintain a warm relationship.

The 45th anniversary was a landmark in the life of Gosha Kutsenko, he married for the second time to the fashion model and actress Irina Skrinichenko. Beloved wife first gave the actor a daughter, Eugene, and then, by his 50th birthday, a daughter, Svetlana, named after her grandmother. The first wife Maria Poroshina and her daughter Polina also congratulated the happy father.

Despite the total employment, the actor finds time for all his girls, whom he loves dearly. Family values ​​instilled by parents are supported in his family. Polina Kutsenko tries herself in the acting field.

Gosha Kutsenko now

Now Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko continues to actively work in the cinema, tour, sing, direct his own films. In the spring of 2018, the shooting of the first season of the series "Ambulance" directed by Bogdan Drobyazko, where Gosha has the main role, ended. The film “Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock-n-roll" by director and screenwriter Anna Matison, and the joint Russian-Serbian project "Balkan Frontier", where Kutsenko acts not only as an actor, but also as a producer.

May 2018 was marked for Gosha Kutsenko by an Israeli tour with the play “Ladies’ Night. Only for women”, which is produced by Elshan Mammadov. The role of Greg, one of the six unemployed steelworkers who, ironically, became strippers, invariably causes laughter, a lot of emotions and a flurry of applause from the audience.

Irina Skrinichenko is a model, born in Moscow in 1980. Today you will not see her at secular parties, but five years ago she did not miss a single event and was known as a socialite. Fashionable blonde posed for photo shoots, starred with her star boyfriend. Soon she began to flicker in the scenes of premiere films. Gosha Kutsenko's wife Irina Skrinichenko met with George for twelve whole years and finally, everything ended with a long-awaited wedding. Kutsenko became a successful director, and the model became a happy mother and faithful wife.

Biography of the wife of Gosha Kutsenko

Young Irina was tall and rather thin, which is why the modeling business was open to her. The well-known Fashion Group agency invited her to cooperate. In 1997, she enters the Plekhanov Academy and receives a successful diploma, soon gets a job as a pr-manager in a production company, where she worked for a wonderful seven years.

Nine years later, she was given the unique right to represent a well-known photographic agency in our country, and a year later she made her debut in the tragicomedy Mermaid. Participation in the action movie Antikiller Danila Koretsky "Love Without Memory" in the episode became a memorable work, Kutsenko's wife starred in the new version of the Diamond Hand and in. dramatic production of "Son", it was this picture that became Kutsenko's debut. In the drama "Doctor" Kutsenko's wife Gosha starred three years later. Today, the woman is involved in charity work and is a member of the Step Together Foundation.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife photo

Gosha Kutsenko met his wife even before the ex-wife Maria Poroshina left. There were a variety of rumors about the connection with Skrinichenko, they either converged or parted again. In 2010, Gosha proposed to her, but the wedding never took place, they practically did not appear in public together. A little later, rumors appeared that Kutsenko had started an affair with the Chi-li soloist. Two years later, since the first attempt failed, Gosha decided to propose to Irina a second time, and the marriage was registered. The personal life of the spouses was simply wonderful, and soon Kutsenko and his current wife had a daughter, who was named Evgenia.

Modern life of the young

The family for a woman is now in the first place, but she does not cease to participate with her husband in his creative projects, he does not cease to advertise his wife's photo on the Internet. She supports Kutsenko in everything, as a result of which an interesting family work appeared to create a video for the song “Such Love”. Here Gosha Kutsenko is a clip maker, and his wife and Zhenechka also took part in the main role, she has already turned a year and a half here. The presentation of this work took place in a famous Moscow cinema and today you can find this touching interesting video on YouTube. Last year, in the summer, Irina gave birth to Gosha Kutsenko another daughter, this is a bright and radiant child, the girl was named Svetlana.

The fifty-year-old actor shares his good news with reporters. So this time he told me that he was expecting a long-awaited son, but in fact, after the appearance of the post on the Instagram microblog, everyone found out that a girl was born. Congratulatory comments began to pour in, and for the father of three children this is real happiness. The first daughter from Maria Poroshina is called Polina, she was born in 1996, but, unfortunately, the relationship did not last long, he participates in every possible way in the upbringing and helps Polina, so she followed in her father's footsteps and even starred with him in the series "The Last Cop ".

Kutsenko is happy to work with his daughter, they are in close relationship and work from morning to night. The shooting brought them closer, you can talk and discuss something, and most importantly, Gosha found out what it is like when a daughter kisses a guy in front of his eyes. Irina speaks very warmly and reverently about the ex-wife of the actor and director, arguing that the first marriage for him is a certain experience that was not wasted.

You will recognize him from a thousand ... ". What is worth only his hair. Today we are talking about the Russian actor, director and screenwriter Gosha Kutsenko. His biography is a series of eventful events, in which thousands of his fans all over Russia are interested. The female half is especially interested in the personal life of the actor. We hasten to upset them. The man is happily married.

Moreover, Gosha Kutsenko can be safely considered a father of many children. The man has three daughters. Despite the fact that they are from different women, the actor tries to pay attention to each of them. The celebrity especially loves to spend time with her youngest. Recall that this summer the actor became a father.

Actor biography

Gosha Kutsenko is primarily known as an actor. As a screenwriter and director - already later. How a man came to this, read in our article. Gosha Kutsenko - he is Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko. The man comes from the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. Gosha celebrates his birthday on May 20th. This year the actor celebrated his birthday. He is 50 years old.

His parents had nothing to do with art. Mother is a doctor, and father worked in the industry. The only one who theoretically could have a creative influence on little Gosha is his grandmother. In her youth, the woman was an opera singer. However, closer to old age, her career did not work out.

Childhood photo of the actor

The real name Gosha has an interesting history. It was named after cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. As a child, my mother called the boy Gosha. He liked it, because he did not have to quickly learn how to pronounce the letter Y.

After moving to the West, Gosha entered the Lviv Polytechnic University. Failed to learn. He was drafted into the army. The move to Moscow took place in 1988. Gosha entered MIREA, but did not finish his studies. Then there was the Moscow Art Theater School. He graduated from it in 1992.

Now Gosha works in the theater of the Moscow City Council. He also starred in commercials. In 2016, the actor announced that he intends to no longer act in films, but wants to start directing.

Actor in his youth

The most famous works in the cinema Gosha Kutsenko:

  1. "Mom, don't worry."
  2. "Antikiller".
  3. "That's what's happening to me."
  4. "Love-carrot".
  5. "Savages".

In total, there are more than three dozen films in the filmography of Gosha Kutsenko. He voiced three cartoons and directed 3 films. This list will be expanded in the future.

On the set of the film "Antikiller"

How did the family happiness of the Russian Bruce Willis?

Photos of Gosha Kutsenko with his wife often appear on the network. The actor appreciates his family very much, so he tries to show his personal life only superficially. There are several marriages in the biography of Gosha Kutsenko. Kutsenko met his ex-wife, actress Maria Poroshina, at the Moscow Art Theater School. The girl just entered the educational institution. Gosha was 6 years older than Maria.

Soon after they met, the young people decided to live together. In 1996, the couple had a girl. They named her Polina. Unfortunately, the marriage of young people did not last long. After 5 years, Gosha and Maria made a decision - they need to leave. Unlike other Russian famous couples, Kutsenko and Poroshina have maintained exceptionally friendly relations.

With his first wife Maria Poroshina

Actors can often be found on the set of the same pictures. In addition, they communicate and off the set.

The second time Gosha was seen in official relations only in 2012. From unverified sources, it is known that Kutsenko met with his second wife for 10 years. Relatively recently, lovers decided to officially legalize their relationship.

Who is Irina Skrinichenko?

The second wife of Gosha Kutsenko is even younger than the first wife of the actor. Irina is 13 years younger than her star husband. This does not prevent the couple from finding a common language in controversial situations and adhering to mutual understanding in relationships. Irina is a fashion model. The woman also acted in films. But she cannot be called a full-fledged actress.

The second wife of Gosha Kutsenko decided not to advertise their relationship. The wedding was very modest. Only his mother-in-law witnessed the change in status in the actor's personal life. Unfortunately, in the biography of Gosha Kutsenko there is no information whether there was any celebration on the occasion of the beginning of his life together with his first wife, Maria Poroshina.

The second wife of the actor Irina Skrinichenko

As Gosha Kutsenko said, the secret painting is an initiative exclusively of Irina. It was she who did not want to arrange a magnificent celebration. Gosha himself would not mind inviting guests to a magnificent banquet.

Gosha also said that despite the absence of guests, their wedding with Irina can be called full-fledged. The bride came to the painting in a wedding dress. The groom put on a suit. As for wedding gifts to each other, Gosha said that he gives gifts to his wife every day. Kutsenko shared with reporters that he gives his wife absolutely everything he has. Irina appreciates it very much.

The younger daughters of the actor

Polina is not the only daughter of Gosha Kutsenko. His second wife, Irina Skrinichenko, gave birth to his middle and youngest daughter. In 2014, Evgenia was born. The baby's parents say that her creative abilities all went to her dad. Gosha has already managed to shoot his daughter in his video "Love is like that." The girl was named the youngest Russian actress. In 2017, the youngest daughter was born to Gosha Kutsenko.

With second wife and daughter

The girl was named Svetlana. Information has repeatedly appeared in the press that the couple should have a boy. However, a girl appeared again in the Kutsenko family.

It is not known who the actor wanted more. He's crazy about his daughters anyway. It is possible that in the future the wife will still give Gosha a son.

When did it become known about the replenishment in the Kutsenko family?

Gosha Kutsenko with his youngest newborn daughter

The second pregnancy of the current wife of actor Irina Skrinichenko became known shortly before the woman's birth. In early June, the couple again became the happiest parents. A few days after the birth of his daughter, the actor showed her picture to Internet users. The photo was just published on the eve of Father's Day. Gosh commented on the post with humor.

Another daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Evgenia, is only three years old. The eldest Polina is 21 years old.

What connects the artist's former and current wives?

In ordinary life, tender friendship between the former and current wives of one man is very rare. It probably doesn't even occur at all. But when it comes to Russian and foreign celebrities, everything is possible. Gosha Kutsenko is very lucky. Two of his close women managed to find a common language.

Maria Poroshina and Irina Skrinichenko often meet at Gosha's concerts. Moreover, women even visit each other. Women even managed to act together in one picture. Together with Poroshina and Skrinichenko, the eldest daughter of Kutsenko, Polina, took part in the filming. Between Maria and Kutsenko himself there are also exceptionally friendly relations.

Kutsenko with her eldest daughter Polina

Look at the photo of Gosha Kutsenko. Once he was very happy in his personal life with Maria Poroshina. But the paths of their biographies diverged. Gosha's ex-wife says that she would accept his choice unconditionally. But she was lucky. The woman had a good relationship with her new wife Kutsenko. Maria says that Ira is a very erudite and talkative woman. They are interested in talking.

To the surprise of everyone, Maria was very happy about the news about the replenishment in the Kutsenko family, both for the first and second time. Actress Maria Poroshina says that motherhood has changed Irina a lot. With the advent of babies in her life, Ira became more tender and feminine. Maria believes that motherhood is her only benefit.

The actor is happy in his second marriage

An interesting fact - the eldest daughter Kutsenko maintains a relationship with the younger ones. Children consider themselves sisters, despite the fact that they have different mothers.

The daughters of Maria Poroshina from actor Ilya Drevnov consider the daughters of Gosha Kutsenko and Irina Skrinichenko to be their sisters. Papa Gosha is very touched.

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