The youngest son is returning from service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Father and older brother ask: - Well, tell me, how is it served in the Ministry of Emergency Situations? And then we only served in the Soviet army for a long time, but they say in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, wow, how they serve. The son replies: - Yes, complete ******* ism. There is nothing to tell. - Tell me. - Yes, what to tell, if you want, I'll show you better. In the evening we gather at the table, we will hold a meeting, the daily routine for tomorrow. They gather at the table in the evening. Son: - So, it means tomorrow: at 6 in the morning we get up, at 8 for breakfast, at 10 we leave for firewood. The father is appointed responsible for the transport - you will harness the horse, and the older brother is appointed responsible for the inventory - 3 axes, 3 saws, 3 ropes. Father and older brother are indignant: - On *** get up so early? Let's get up at 9, have breakfast at 9:30, leave at 10. Son: Not ****, at 6 we wake up, at 8 breakfast, at 10 we leave for firewood. Well, we got up at 6, harnessed the horse in 5 minutes, collected equipment, walked from corner to corner until 8, had breakfast, walked from corner to corner until 10, finally 10 o'clock. View inventory. - 3 axes, 3 saws, everything is in place. We load the inventory, we leave. Sit down, let's go. Pass 100 meters, son: - Stop! Inventory check. Father and brother: - What test? Just checked. Son: - Not ****. At the last check, something *****at could. Stopped. We laid out 3 axes, 3 saws, everything is in place. We load the inventory, we go further. And so every 100 meters. They drive up to the river. Son: - So, here we are fucking wade. Father: - Why? 300 meters away from the bridge, let's go across the bridge. Son: - Not ****! So you've wasted a lot of time. I said wade means wade. They fucked up. They drowned the cart. Barely pulled out. Toward evening we reached the forest. Chopped, drunk. Son: - We load inventory, we load firewood. Downloaded, let's go. After 100 meters: - Stop! Inventory check. Father and brother: - On ***, he's under the wood. Son: - Not ****, unload. Unloaded, checked: 3 axes, 3 saws, everything is in place. We load inventory, we load firewood. And so every 100 meters. They drive up to the river. Son: - So, here we are fucking wade. Father and brother: - On ***? Let's go across the bridge. Son: - Not ****! Wade. Well. The cart was drowned, barely pulled out. Firewood went down the river. Somehow we got home. Son: - So, no one should leave, in an hour there will be a meeting: summarizing the results for today and clarifying the tasks for tomorrow. Gathered. Son: - So, what did we do today and what was the result? Father: - The whole day ******, no result. Son: - That's right! So tomorrow: at 6 we get up, at 8 for breakfast, at 10 we leave for firewood.

There is a shorter version:
At 6 am, the whole village woke up from an eerie sound made by a hanging rail on the main square in front of the village council. After 5 minutes, the entire square was filled with people, everyone came running. Demobilization stopped hammering on the rail, went up to the crowd and ordered:
- Get up! Level up ... set aside! Level up! Attention!!! So... now we are going with my father and brother for firewood, the rest are on schedule. Disperse!