Alexander Dobrovinsky: “People who take themselves too seriously are terrible, boring people. In a state of "flow" with Olga Kasatkina: a conversation with Marina Dobrovinskaya Dobrovolsky lawyer biography

Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky - Russian lawyer, Managing Partner of the Moscow Bar Association "Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners". Known for participating in high-profile criminal and civil affairs VIPs from the world of politics, show business, sports and art. Among his clients were celebrities such as, and others. In 2003, at the Leader of the Year competition, he was named the best lawyer in Russia.

In the biography of Alexander Dobrovinsky there were also changes in the countries of residence, and even a series of surnames. He was born on September 25, 1954, according to the sign of the zodiac - Libra. Born in Moscow in the family of Abram Alexandrovich and Lucy Rubenovna Dobrovinsky, Jews by nationality. The boy lost his father early. Soon, my mother remarried, and her second husband, Andrei Aivazyants, adopted the boy.

When Alexander received a passport, he regained his father's surname, but at the same time left the patronymic of his stepfather who raised him, becoming Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky. By the way, the lawyer has a famous ancestor - grandfather Ruben Kusikov, who, together with him, was a member of the poetic circle "Order of the Imagists".

After school, the young man enters VGIK at the Faculty of Economics, but does not graduate from it and leaves to live in Paris, where his mother already lived by that time. In France, Dobrovinsky worked at the Russian cuisine restaurant "Regal" and graduated from the business school "Insead", and later moved to the United States, where he received a higher education. legal education. The man also spent some time in Switzerland and Luxembourg. Alexander returned to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, confirmed his law degree and opened the first private law office. BUT Fluency English and French only helped the cause.


Initially, Alexander Andreevich began to specialize in corporate law, as well as in divorce proceedings. Among his clients are other popular artists, athletes, businessmen, politicians. He owns large quantity personal secrets and successfully converts them into banknotes. According to rumors, in 2010 his fee ranged from $1.5 million per case.

It is noteworthy that Dobrovinsky did not always work on the side of the stars. At least once he happened to defend the interests of a non-public personality against a singer whom a lawyer's client accused of beating.

Of the latest high-profile cases of Alexander Andreevich, the scandal of plagiarism between Russian singer Philip Kirkorov and French musician, founder of the Space group. In this scandalous story the lawyer represented Kirkorov, and the situation itself, which led to the brief arrest of Marouani in Moscow, was described by the Frenchman as a "stupid criminal act."

In addition to legal work, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky hosted the Yoga for the Brain program at the Silver Rain radio station, wrote articles for periodicals and had his own column in Tatler magazine. He also tried himself as a film actor, starring in the psychological detective Week End and the family comedy Grandfather of My Dreams. In addition, the lawyer was the chairman of the board of the Potok company, and since 2013 he has been a co-owner of Pushkino Bank.

Dobrovinsky also lectures on the topics of family and marriage and, together with a TV presenter, a former common-law wife, is preparing a bill according to which it would be possible in the eyes of the law to equate an actual marriage with an official one.

Alexander Andreevich is a frequent guest on television, he was invited as an expert to the program "Live", where she tried to prove once again that she was not her father's son. After the release of the transfer, the lawyer decided to comment on this matter. Personally, he has no doubt that Timur is a son, and what doubts can anyone have if the DNA examination showed 99.99% and was carried out in the best laboratory in the country, the results of which are trusted even by the Prosecutor General's Office.

In 2016, NTV aired a whole program about Alexander Dobrovinsky - “Mirror for a Hero”. He also came to the studio to the "International sawmill".

In 2017 he published the book Dobrovinsky Gallery. Second season". By the way, this is already his third literary work, before that he released the Dobrovinsky Gallery and Odessa Stories of a Moscow Lawyer, which readers were happy to parse into quotes and catchphrases.

Personal life

The wife of Alexander Dobrovinsky, whose name is Marina, is a dentist by education, but in recent times deals with the affairs of her husband as a curator and art manager. They met in the early 90s through her mother. Alexander first found mutual language with her future mother-in-law, and the woman called her daughter from Paris, where she had a dental clinic. Marina and Alexander talked all evening and realized that they had a lot in common.

Two weeks later, the girl had already accepted the offer to become the wife of the lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. They have two daughters, Alexandra and Adriana. It is noteworthy that the spouses entered into a marriage contract, according to which, in the event of a divorce, all real estate and property will go to the wife and children of the lawyer.

True, in 2015, his joint photos with an unknown brunette. Later, journalists found out that this was the writer Zhanna Golubitskaya. When reporters came to the lawyer's office to interview him, they caught the couple looking at the pictures. They did not hide tender feelings, especially Zhanna.

The girl did not skimp on comments that she loves Alexander and is divorcing her husband. She also boasted that she had already been at Dobrovinsky’s house and was delighted with the presence of a hammam in the apartment. Jeanne is not embarrassed by the fact that the man is married. But Alexander Andreevich himself seemed to have missed the questions of journalists about who Zhanna really is for him - a lover or just a friend.

Dobrovinsky is considered one of the most stylish Russian lawyers, who appears before the audience not only in the same bow tie, but also has an uncountable number of glasses that are designed for different seasons.

One of the most significant hobbies of Alexander Andreevich is golf, he is the president of the Moscow golf club, and in 2002 he even became the champion of Russia in this sport. An equally interesting hobby of a lawyer is collecting art objects. He owns the world's largest private collection of Soviet porcelain, as well as lacquered boxes, Tibetan iconography of the Middle Ages, and old photographs. Not so long ago, Dobrovinsky bought part of the dacha and where the personal archive of the actress was preserved. In this place, the lawyer intends to create a museum of creativity Orlova and Alexandrov.

Dobrovinsky is a socially active person. He has "

Everyone gets acquainted by chance, and Marina and I - on purpose. In the mid-1990s, at one of the Moscow parties, I met my future mother-in-law. We got to talking: she lived in Paris, I spent 20 years there - there were a lot of common themes and acquaintances. She spoke about her daughter, who also lives in Paris, runs a dental clinic and is soon to be married to a famous French lawyer. And she added that she must certainly introduce us. She called Marina and asked to urgently bring some documents to Moscow. Marina, good daughter, flew out the next day, and right from the airport they went to visit me. Nelly, my mother-in-law, then told Marina a wonderful phrase: “If you don’t like each other, you will be friends.” We talked all evening - it turned out that in childhood we lived on neighboring streets, then traveled to the same countries, made friends with the same people. We have a common past, so we react to many things in the present in the same way. I immediately realized that such a chance should not be missed, and a couple of weeks later I made her an offer, which I did not regret for a single day.

Marina turned out to be the one I was always looking for. She dresses the way I like, runs the house the way I would like. Once she told one of the journalists: "Alexander Andreevich today is what he wanted to be at the age of 18." We never talked about it, but she felt it.

We've had minor misunderstandings. Once we did not speak for four days. And there are absolutely unsolvable situations. For example, I like to sleep with an open window in any frost, but Marina does not. It's a tough fight. I open the window, it gets cold - I get a kick with my foot and I have to get up and close it. We take a break from this only in the country, where the window is located so that it does not bother anyone.

Marina understood very well the main commandment of business: one should not be afraid of big expenses, one should be afraid of small incomes. Yes, we love to live beautifully. We are both collectors of antiques. And my wife never forbade me to buy things for the collection.

We never discuss the cases that I handle at home. Marina, by her temperament, by the logic of her thinking, is not a lawyer, but rather a prosecutor. But she has extreme respect for her husband: he is always right. She doesn't often get into a discussion with me, which is good.

When the youngest daughter was four and the oldest nine, they wanted a dog. They just tortured me. To be left behind, I promised: when the youngest goes to school, you will have a dog. And they calmed down. The deadline has come, Marina has already found a dog, but I did not plan such a development of events at all. Serious battles began with persuasion and tears, but I was inexorable: either I or the dog. The case was heading for divorce. And then Marina offered to go to the rabbi for advice. He listened to his wife's version, then mine and said: “Man, children cannot be deceived - you must buy a dog. But you didn't promise that you would live with her. Take a woman to look after and put her in the country. On the same day, Marina brought a Yorkshire terrier puppy, a girl, I came home and saw a creature trembling with fear. I saw and melted. Three days later, I already told the maid complaining about a puddle in the wrong place that this dog can do anything.

Marina is a very active person, a brilliant organizer. She can't help but work: some time ago she signed an agreement with the Phillips de Pury auction house and made art history courses, which I myself sometimes attend - so interesting!

I spoil the children, and my wife brings up. She gets the hardest, but such is life. Marina knows me very well, respects and trusts me. There can be no question of any jealousy. It happens that I meet a client in a restaurant, and “kind” people call Marina and report. She always answers: "Alexander Andreevich is working."

Being a gallant gentleman and socialite, Alexander was always amiable with the fair sex - and never went beyond the bounds of decency. Even gossip about his romance with TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya (the former common-law wife of football player Arshavin) gradually subsided: the couple really had a lot in common - but not adultery, but a bill. Secular chroniclers had already decided that behind such exemplary family man it’s not worth watching, but then the star master of divorces unexpectedly plunged into history himself.

Dobrovinsky often appears surrounded by admirers, and there is nothing strange in this: in addition to his other virtues so beloved by women - such as wealth and a big name - he recently made his film debut. And not just anywhere, but at Stanislav Govorukhin's - in the "Weekend", which quickly became fashionable in a stylish black and white ribbon. Spectacular young ladies are more than enough among his clients (Little Red Riding Hood Yana Poplavskaya, former sausage queen singer Angelica Agurbash, Mata Hari of the 21st century Goga Ashkenazi, Ekaterina Liepa, Lada Dance and many others - beautiful, rich and famous). Therefore, the appearance of Alexander with new passion At first, no one was alerted - secular chroniclers decided that this was another client.

However, the couple became more frequent: starting from March, they appeared here and there, absorbed in each other and not paying attention to anyone. And this is a courteous gentleman, whom Dobrovinsky has proven himself to be! The ladies' part of secular Moscow was offended - and the rumor rushed through the Mother See.

Photojournalist MK Natalia Gubernatorova was the first to react. An interesting blonde, she entered the lawyer's office under the guise of a client, hiding the equipment in a folder with papers. While waiting for the owner of the establishment, I tried to ask the office staff, but they kept a professional silence.

But then, on her journalistic luck, the same stranger swam right out of the master’s office - moreover, in an embrace with him.

Here it turned out that the couple is not particularly encrypted (or so relaxed). The brunette clung to Alexander, and he enthusiastically showed her new arrivals in his famous collection of paintings (opening day at Dobrovinsky right in the office) and told the lady about his new grandiose undertaking - a historical epic from the life of Grigory Alexandrov and Lyubov Orlova (in their house Sasha visited as a child and described it in his book "Dobrovinsky Gallery"). However, the new project promises to become not a book, but a museum exhibit - such rare facts and photographs are collected there. It sat right there creative Group historians, art historians and artists, discussing requests to the British Museum and other most important museums in the world, where there may be exhibits related to the life of Alexandrov on different stages his creative way- and even these people already knew the unknown brunette!

Where did she come from in life and in the office of Alexander Dobrovinsky?

Are you an artist? - Natalia threw the bait.

No, I'm a writer, - the stranger readily responded.

This is my Jeanne! Dobrovinsky corrected his friend.

Here it turned out that Zhanna Golubitskaya, the author of 7 books for women ("A Man as an Object", "One F in big city", "Reporting from hairpins", etc.) And, at the same time, it became clear how she managed to get closer to Alexander: she was looking for materials for her new book about the behavior of men in the division of property. At first, for the purity of the experiment, she also wanted to pretend to be a client, but, having read the Dobrovinsky Gallery, I realized that Dobrovinsky would understand it as a writer of a writer without any tricks.

It was in March, - Zhanna Golubitskaya clarifies. - And now I'm really getting a divorce. I love Alexander! - and the writer looked at the lawyer with inexpressible tenderness.

But he's married! - the photojournalist MK could not stand it, who, if not she, is aware of the matrimonial layouts of secular Moscow.

So what! Jeanne responded easily. - You know when you're next to me a real man, everything else becomes unimportant! I call Alexander my Messire. Do you know why? Incredible power emanates from him - but not ordinary, as in formal power - but some kind of downright unearthly! I have always dreamed of meeting a truly influential, powerful, strong, generous man, and that his main erogenous zone was the brain. From whom, like Bulgakov, you don’t have to ask for anything - he will offer, he will give. My Messire can do anything - I feel it! He is extraordinary: he should live in the era of picaresque novels - in best sense this word! In times of enchanting adventures, court passions, duels of honor and love, flashing from an ankle accidentally seen at a ball beautiful lady! And also my Messire is kind: in divorces, he is always on the side of the unfortunate spouse. He is very thin - he immediately feels who is harder to break. Heavier is usually given to women, so he often protects wives. Well, then my Messire conducts seminars about love and is an experienced nudist, so he knows how to make a woman happy in all manifestations - both mentally and physically. What else does a woman need to be completely happy?

I don't know, Jeanne replies. - When Messir is next to you, this answer is quite normal. If your lover is a specialist in love and divorce, you can not think about anything at all. I only know that I met the Man of my dreams, who led me to a fairy tale. As a child, I thought that my prince should live on the Arbat (because I myself was born there, but moved a long time ago, and now I want to go back) and drive a Rolls-Royce. Imagine it came true! My Messir lives on the Arbat and has a hammam in his apartment, which I adore. These are such fateful coincidences! Yes, now I will divorce all my life, just to be next to Messire.

Alexander, what do you say? - I could not believe my ears photojournalist.

But the mysterious and unpredictable Messire pretended not to hear the question. But everyone saw how that very piece of the devil flashed in his eyes - which is so often mentioned in his connection.

Based on press release

September 13, 2010, 14:53

To get an appointment with Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky, you need to go over the heads of the leaders. AT literally: the way to the chambers of the most famous lawyer in Moscow is covered with carpets with portraits of Lenin, Stalin and Molotov. “It's funny to watch how indifferently the young people step on the carpets and the old guard shifts from one foot to the other in confusion,” smiles the owner of the office in the Last Lane. The office is a little more luxurious than its non-poor visitors have the right to expect. Art Deco is mixed with Sots Art: the contrast of beige and black lacquer, a lot of paintings and shelving, in which the collector Dobrovinsky settled porcelain trumpeters and Palekh Red Army soldiers who did not fit into the apartment for a long time. “You see, I am a complete hedonist. And as soon as I spend at work most life, I want to feel good here. I generally do everything for pleasure. Including talking to you. But as soon as I get tired of it, I will tell you honestly about it. I hear these words at about the second minute of the conversation. One has only to turn on the TV, you immediately understand: there is no lawyer more in demand today. A gentleman in a bow tie rescued Vladimir Nekrasov, the ex-owner of Arbat Prestige, from prison. In the case of the inheritance of the shot Shabtai von Kalmanovich, he defends the interests of his eldest daughter Liat and wife Anna. To this day, he defends the wallet of the Ural raw materials oligarch, whose betrayals the ex-wife estimates in the amount of nine zeros. But the cases of two fathers, who in all seriousness believe that it is harmful and even dangerous for their children to live with their mothers, received nationwide resonance. Ruslan Baisarov signed a peace agreement with Kristina Orbakaite, according to which the eleven-year-old Denis remains with him. Senator Vladimir Slutsker also received the right to live with Misha and Anya at the time of the issue. Now the spouses have to determine the order of communication with the children and divide the property. I was not given the opportunity to speak in court, - Valentin Yudashkin is surprised. The fashion designer is in a delicate position - his good friends and clients long years are both the lawyer himself and Olga Slutsker. “It’s terrible when children are isolated and put in a situation of choice. I would advocate that both the mother and the father have the opportunity to communicate with the children to begin with. I saw Dobrovinsky in the Baisarov case. Then a compromise was found. I think Alexander Andreevich will do his best even now.” Compromise is good, but in the eyes of many, lawyer Dobrovinsky will forever remain a man who takes children away from his mother. Does this stigma bother him? Not at all. “People who talk like that are not my clients. I do my job and I don't care who I represent. There are no emotions in business. If I see that I can help, I will. No - so no." As proof that he is not a pro-father's lawyer at all, Dobrovinsky says that he was on the side of the wife of the founder of Renaissance Capital, Tina Jennings, and the wife of the aluminum king Lev Chernoy, Lyudmila. And both ladies have everything in chocolate. And just yesterday, a doctor from the Sklifosovsky Institute turned to him with a salary of sixty thousand rubles: “The wife of a rich man left him, and he is fighting to ensure that two children stay with her. I found money only for a consultation and asked for practical advice in order to conduct the process myself. I will protect him for free." I notice that, in theory, not a doctor, but an oligarch, should have rushed to Dobrovinsky. “And he will surely come. But one of the commandments of a lawyer is that if a person told me something, I have no right to even listen to the other side. But immediately after the process, Alexander Andreevich Slutskerov accepted a tempting offer from a certain businessman: “He will pay me a certain amount a month so that I never go against him.” Dobrovinsky can say as much as he likes that in this case he had no emotions, and his rivals were overwhelmed with emotions. But the friends of Olga Slutsker, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Albina Nazimova, Yulia Bordovskikh, who got to the closed meetings, unanimously claim that the court was turned into a farce. Both the senator and his defender were joking. For example, when the now deceased lawyer Olga Geralina Lyubarskaya asked to postpone the consideration of the case due to her going on vacation, Dobrovinsky noted that the vacation was probably on maternity leave, and the pause would drag on for nine months. Geralina Vladimirovna was sixty-nine years old. “The late Mrs. Lyubarskaya, right in court, addressed my client as nothing more than a horned senator. She wanted to piss him off,” explains Dobrovinsky. - On that day, the process was already over, and we were just discussing the date of the next meeting. Lyubarskaya said she was going on vacation. It was a tactical move - it was important for her to gain time. Well, of course, I couldn't resist. The joke was good, and I'm holding on to it. But the fact that Geralina Vladimirovna died is a tragedy. Some of my colleagues blame Dobrovinsky personally for this tragedy. But this does not bring him down: “I don't feel guilty. I think she knew she was going to lose." In a professional environment, opinions about Alexander Andreevich are very contradictory. “The legal community, first of all, evaluates the formation of a legal position, the ability to argue a non-disclosure policy, and vice versa - Dobrovinsky has obvious gaps here,” one of the most famous Moscow lawyers comments on condition of anonymity. – But his ability to “pierce” the structure and willingness to go ahead is undeniable. Objectively, he achieves results. “The profession of a defense lawyer is full of temptations, but it must be remembered that there is a moral bar below which he has no right to fall,” says Sergei Vladimirovich Berezovsky, father of Olga Slutsker, a veteran of the bar with half a century of experience. “I have to admit that Alexander Dobrovinsky simply ignores the code of ethics.” It is unlikely that in the Slutsker case, Dobrovinsky's penetrating resource was more powerful than that of the senator, who came to court as if to his own home - the bailiff ran to open the gate to his official territory. But in public affairs framing, smokescreen at times more important than the essence. And here Dobrovinsky spoke in all its glory. He took the fire on himself and brought the client out from under the blow. He shocked, scoffed, threw his phone, folded two fingers in the sign of Victory. Even, according to eyewitnesses, he deliberately picked his nose. Behind the emotions was a cold calculation. And it worked. “Nine lawyers acted against me and my assistant at some point. And they all focused not on winning the process, but on tearing apart Dobrovinsky's lawyer. These people wrote down my every word. Sometimes it reached the point of absurdity. Such an example: the judge forbade us to use mobile phone. I sit and send sms. At this moment, someone says: "Keep Dobrovinsky out of the hall, he is using the phone." My language is known, sharpness of thinking too. I answer: “I don’t use the phone. I'm counting the fee, it's a calculating machine." The opponents hesitated, a minute passes, and suddenly Olga Sergeevna's lawyer, Mr. Koblev, jumps up and for no reason shouts: “But I earn more than Dobrovinsky!” The judge looks at him, bulging eyes - what, where, why? You see, the whole team wanted to win against me and de facto against Volodya - for me this is best compliment throughout my career." We meet on Friday evening, and Dobrovinsky is dressed in casual friday: a navy blue knitted vest, tweed jacket, a plaid shirt with personal initials embroidered on the cuffs. Even the motley butterfly, which he put on many years ago, so as not to stand out - for in America and France all the servants of Themis wore butterflies - and she flew away, making room for an equally beautiful silk scarf. “I never get tired of repeating the following to my subordinates. First, you must trade face at social events. Secondly, you must be remembered. Monogram, watch, butterfly - it doesn't matter. Thirdly, do not learn the codes by heart - better than a computer no one knows the law. And finally, don't make the situation legal, as ninety-nine percent of colleagues do. It is necessary to adjust the law to the situation, as Solomon taught me. Solomon Shvartsman is a New York lawyer of Odessa origin, for whom Dobrovinsky, having arrived in America, carried a briefcase for free. It was this old man who sent the persistent altruistic young man to law courses. And later he contributed to his admission to the authoritative Parisian business school INSEAD. Here, however, there is a certain gag: in the legal environment, Dobrovinsky is reputed to be a man without special education. Moreover, he is reproached almost for the fact that he added a Harvard diploma to himself. So was Harvard? “It was about 1994, and in an interview with a journalist I explained that I received an MBA from INSEAD. They asked me what it was, and for clarity, I answered: “It's like Harvard.” And since then it has been stuck in their heads, ”explains the lawyer. Education is not the only controversial point in his biography. Dobrovinsky is a mythologized personality. Why? He, of course, says that about all successful people make up legends, and envy is to blame. The undoubted acting abilities of Alexander Andreevich are rooted in the early seventies, when he studied four courses at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK. The young man went to cinematography in company with a friend and against the will of the family, who saw in him the hope of domestic biochemistry. “And I came to VGIK, met in the foyer the famous cameraman Boris Volchek and the legendary Chapaev, the actor Boris Babochkin. And the actress Alexandra Khokhlova, the wife of the founder of editing Lev Kuleshov, also went there. And I liked it so much that I took it and entered. Upon learning of this, my mother said: “You are hopeless, Sasha, I am leaving this country.” Mom-ballerina left for France forever, leaving her son to use a luxurious two-room apartment on Gorky street. And the everyday life of the golden youth began: a “penny” car, shoulder-length hair, a corduroy jacket, a bell-bottom, a clog, five hundred dollars a trimester from mom and a student card, according to which any young lady she liked could be taken to the Cinema House while watching “Cabaret ' put her on your lap. In the fourth year, two letters fell out of Sasha's mailbox. One, from my mother, smelled of Chanel and invited me to permanent residence in Paris, the other called me to the draft board. “I went, and some major said to me: you have been honored - you were assigned to the navy. And that's three years of service. The argument that my Jewish mother believed that only those who know how to swim drown, and she didn’t teach me how to swim, didn’t make an impression. A month later, Dobrovinsky landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport. In Paris, he made acquaintance with the famous St. Petersburg lawyer Lev Adolfovich Aranson, who told him everything about who one should be. And at the same time, being a major collector, he introduced to antiques: “I began to speculate. I read a lot, slowly began to understand the subject. Since I am a born marketer, I bought things that were not in demand at that time. And then the fashion began on them. So the debut collection of opium pipes was collected and sold for fabulous money - they skyrocketed in price after the movie Once Upon a Time in America. There, in America, Dobrovinsky was drawn by two circumstances: love and the certainty that this was the promised land. Way to american dream, as usual, lay across the taxi rank in Manhattan. The turnover was two hundred dollars a day: seventy went to rent a car, thirty for gas and food. There was a hundred left, which Sasha folded for the future account :). I slept in the car, took a shower at the station and reminded myself of my childhood idol D'Artagnan: not a penny of money, but everything is fine. One day he opened the New York phone book. I found twelve Dobrovinskys: eight lawyers, three doctors and one rabbi. I called the first lawyer and said: “I also have the surname Dobrovinsky, but I don’t want money. I want to treat you to coffee". “He did not speak Russian at all. At first he treated me with apprehension, but gradually got inspired and, when he found out that I had relatives in Odessa, he said: there is one most serious lawyer with a building on fifty-something street. He is also from Odessa and speaks Russian. After some time, I was introduced to this very bar guru. “I will make a man out of you, but you will earn money yourself,” Solomon promised. Dobrovinsky continued to drive a car in order to make ends meet and carry a briefcase for free for a patron. In the States, as you know, everyone is a narrow specialist in something. Alexander did not like the prisons: they smelled bad and they were far from New York. The prospect of sitting in hospitals and sticking victims in plaster Business Cards didn't budge either. I was intrigued by the most difficult thing possible - maritime law: an explosive Anglo-Portuguese-Dutch mixture of terms, which in nightmare will not dream. Soon the first case was won and the first hundred and fifty thousand dollars were earned. And Solomon Schwartzman called his protege to the carpet: “So, where do you live there? In Brooklyn? So that I don't hear it. Move to the Upper East Side, to the area of ​​the seventies, drive a BMW, wear a white or blue shirt, only a yellow tie, or preferably a bow tie with a yellow sparkle. There was a list of restaurants where you had to show your face regularly, and a list of shops like Ralph Lauren where you were supposed to dress up. The pen had to be Montblanc, the briefcase was allowed to be chosen by oneself - the main thing is not from crocodile skin, because it is bad manners. Solomon called him again. “You know, I was not disappointed in you. You are not an idiot. A man will grow out of you. But since you came from red Russia ( Soviet Union he couldn’t pronounce) and you don’t have business skills, you need to get an MBA.” In 1983, Alexander returned to Paris and entered INSEAD: “Uch:) was insanely expensive, at the end I didn’t even have money to buy pencils”. But the graduate was gladly hired by a large law firm. One of her clients was a Genevan billionaire, again of Odessa origin, the owner of Inter Maritime Bank - Bank of New York, Bruce Rappoport. It was he who, having worked with Alexander, uttered the fateful phrase: “I pay your lousy office ten thousand a day for the work that you do alone. Let me pay you three and you will move to Geneva.” Rappoport flew to Russia a lot: he said that you can always make good money in a mess. And Alexander under tears ex-wife Lena, with whom today she has a wonderful relationship, eventually moved from Switzerland to Moscow. In the capital, Dobrovinsky proudly announced that he was a corporate lawyer. Fellow lawyers with a salary of sixty rubles a month were very surprised and asked who it was. Indulging in explanations in the early nineties was useless. Alexander actively hung out, ate everything he earned with Rappoport, and packed his suitcase to return to his wife. “Once, a healthy uncle knocked on the door of the apartment, which I rented from the hockey player Fetisov. He asked if I knew what tolling was. I said I know. And then he asked: “Can you fly to Krasnoyarsk with me and tell the boys? How much is it? I figured out how much it should cost in the West. I didn't want to miss my first client. And for some reason he said in English: “Five, OK?” He asked, “Fifty thousand dollars? Fits." The "healthy guy" was called Mikhail Chernoy - together with his brother Leo, they controlled a significant part of the Russian aluminum sector. Dobrovinsky flew to Krasnoyarsk and that's how he met half of the current Forbes dozens. Things rained down on him louder than one another. For one and a half million dollars, he returned Purneftegaz to Rosneft: “When I named the amount of the fee, my colleagues gasped. But I didn't care. I thought that social status a lawyer in Russia is greatly underestimated. And it was I who lifted it." Dobrovinsky took the side of Mikhail Chernoy and Iskander Makhmudov against Alfa Group in the battle for Nizhnevartovskneftegaz (according to rumors, four hundred and fifty million dollars were at stake). Participated in the conflict around the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, where the issue price was equal to thirty percent of the shares of Magnitogorsk. Finally protected the owner oil company"Birkenholz" Yevgeny Rybin, who led a long lawsuit with the then all-powerful Yukos. “Once, in a public place, a very famous Moscow man approached me, took out a gun, put it to my head and said: “Consider Rybin is gone, and you will be next. Why do you need this?". I was scared for my two daughters. I came home - I will never forget that night - and told Marina that we would have to leave. Marina asked only one question: “How much time do I have to pack my suitcase?” No where, no why. On the first flight we flew to Bulgaria, then to Israel. I lived there until 1999 and got citizenship(another myth about Dobrovinsky - in the press they write that in addition to Russian he has two more citizenships - Greek and French). The poetess Zinaida Gippius once uttered a phrase that was brilliant in its simplicity: “If you need to explain, then ... you don’t need to explain.” This phrase tells everything about the relationship between Dobrovinsky and his third wife. “I doubted that I would be lucky to meet a woman who would not have to tell anything about herself. And suddenly - Marina. Seventeen years ago, their future mother-in-law introduced them: “She deceived Marina, called from Paris, said that some documents needed to be drawn up. My wife is like everyone else. normal people, hates being introduced to the scope. As soon as the deception was revealed, the mother-in-law, whom I adore, said: if you don’t like it, you will be friends. A month later, I already made an offer to Marina. “Our meeting was like the intersection of two parallel lines” Dobrovinsky continues. It turned out that they lived nearby not only in Moscow (he is on Tverskaya, she is in Stoleshnikov), but also in Paris and New York. Dobrovinsky was proud that after so many years of emigration he did not insert the words "shopping" and "parking" into his delicious Russian speech. And Marina, knowing six languages, has no habit of mixing them. “She went to the same school as me. This is how I imagined the woman next to me. She has an amazing sense of tact. If she walks into a restaurant and sees me with girls, she doesn't come up and doesn't even say hello. He knows that I'm working." A dentist by profession, Marina organized art history courses at the Phillips de Pury auction house a year ago. According to her husband, the company is brilliant in terms of marketing. TSUM, champagne, lectures after seven in the evening, when the main buyers of the store who? That's right, men ... Girls learn to distinguish Galliano from Saryan, do less nonsense, less drip on their brains. And the husbands are happy. "How much time do I have?" I ask after two hours of conversation. "Yes, as much as you like", - Dobrovinsky seems to have forgotten how he threatened to end our interview at the first sign of displeasure. And we're going to look at the collections. Former pride, Soviet agitation porcelain has now faded into the background: "I've got the biggest collection in the world and calmed down". Now all Dobrovinsky's thoughts are occupied by agitlak - Palekh caskets, on which, instead of icon-painting plots, for example, the life of Trotsky is depicted. And also agitation - just try to imagine an aircraft propeller made of mammoth bone: one end is carved in the form of a pilot Chkalov in a helmet, the other is Stalin in a cap, and on the blades is written "Stalin's falcons - the pride of the USSR." But that's not all. On the way new collection. The name has not been invented yet, but by analogy with the predecessors, I would suggest “agitation treasure”. For example, a marvelous gold powder box with enamel, on which a man and a woman are drawn in caps and with guns at the ready. And in Russian: "We will not give up Madrid!" - Nowhere to put it. Probably, I will have to buy a big dacha after Slutsker, the lawyer complains. - Does the fee allow? “Children allow everything. How much are you willing to pay for children?- Yes, everything that is, probably. “That’s what everyone who comes into my office says.- Well, given the number of court cases won, you could retire a long time ago and calmly collect your agit ... - You'll have to work more. I want my daughters and Marina not to cry at my funeral, but to smile while reading the will. ________________________________________________________________________ Source - magazine

Alexander Dobrovinsky is a fairly well-known Moscow lawyer who became famous for quite high-profile cases related to the protection of interests domestic stars and politicians. Born on September 25, 1954 in Moscow. He lost his father early big influence the grandfather on the mother's side provided for the upbringing of the grandson. The wife of Alexander Dobrovinsky is a dentist, the mother of his two daughters.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky: biography, career, family

Biography of lawyer Dobrovinsky receives new round with his move to the USA. In America, a purposeful young man received a higher legal education and worked for some time as an assistant in one of the law firms. And to pay for training, he had to earn extra money as a taxi driver. Later, the lawyer, not without pride, noted this fact in his interviews.

Dobrovinsky lawyer wife

Alexander Dobrovinsky's father passed away early. The mother married a second time to Andrei Bogdanovich Aivazyanets, who adopted a fourteen-year-old boy. According to A. Dobrovinsky himself, in 1972 he changed his surname Aivazyants to his father's surname, but did not change his patronymic, since that time he has been Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky.

I persuaded Marina to sign a marriage contract "

Everyone gets acquainted by chance, and Marina and I - on purpose. In the mid-1990s, at one of the Moscow parties, I met my future mother-in-law. We got to talking: she lived in Paris, I spent 20 years there - there were a lot of common themes and acquaintances. She spoke about her daughter, who also lives in Paris, runs a dental clinic and is soon to be married to a famous French lawyer. And she added that she must certainly introduce us. She called Marina and asked to urgently bring some documents to Moscow. Marina, a good daughter, flew out the next day, and right from the airport they went to visit me. Nelly, my mother-in-law, then told Marina a wonderful phrase: “If you don’t like each other, you will be friends.” We talked all evening - it turned out that in childhood we lived on neighboring streets, then traveled to the same countries, made friends with the same people. We have a common past, so we react to many things in the present in the same way. I immediately realized that such a chance should not be missed, and a couple of weeks later I made her an offer, which I did not regret for a single day.

Alexander Dobrovinsky

Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky is a well-known Russian lawyer who works mainly with VIPs. Among his clients in different time there were such celebrities as Philip Kirkorov, Boris Berezovsky and many other politicians, businessmen, athletes, show business stars. In 2003, at the Leader of the Year competition, he was named the best lawyer in Russia.

Alexander Dobrovinsky: “People who take themselves too seriously

Yes, of course, because the moment when you reached out to give, not to take away, is very important for a person in trouble. And every divorce is a tragedy. After all, people got married in order to walk hand in hand along the thorny and winding road of life, to be together until the very end, and suddenly the family collapses. At this time, a lot of people appear around who give advice there, give advice here, in the middle there are often children who must take some position, or adults try to get the children to take this position. Often parents come in and stick to their own line. Sea of ​​advisers! And suddenly there is a person who says: “Listen, let me try to reconcile you.” And when this happens, a completely shocking state sets in!

I would participate in Putin's divorce

Baranovskaya: I think, even though I am a woman, but I will say it tougher, I think that three years is enough time to decide. You just said the word “every cohabitant”, but in principle this also applies to me, because I am not a wife, I am a cohabitant, as it turned out.

In a state of “flow” with Olga Kasatkina: a conversation with Marina Dobrovinsky

No, museums do not sell anything, they only buy for their collection. If you need to sell something, then - through an auction, but rarely. They keep everything in storerooms and gradually change the exposition, they can get some things for exhibitions, lend them to other countries and cities.

In defense of honor: in what high-profile cases was the lawyer Borodina, Volochkova and others seen

“I have never handled the case of Ekaterina Safronova,” the lawyer explained at the time. - And he did not want to deal with it due to some moral and ethical principles of the lawyer Dobrovinsky. Namely: if you cannot help, then do not take on this client for any money. This is one of the overriding principles that I have always been guided by. How to help Ekaterina Safronova, I did not see. In addition, there are too many skeletons in the closets in this case, which no one wanted to tell me about from the very beginning. That's why I refused."

Star lawyer Dobrovinsky: on women, feminism, marriage and the sex revolution

At the Taboo intellectual club, we choose amazing films about relationships that can be used as an example to start discussions. We don't have taboo topics. I brought a masterpiece of 1963 to Jurmala " Married life". In the first series, the husband shares his vision of the relationship, in the second - the wife. And the versions are different. We are trying to understand who is right and who is wrong, to see the essence of the issue.

Dobrovinsky lawyer wife

After interviewing his friends and acquaintances, Alexander came to the conclusion that the problem that fell on his head sooner or later appears in the lives of most men. It is possible to get out of it, but some material costs inevitable. Actually, what is the problem?

Where celebrities live: apartment-gallery of lawyer Dobrovinsky

Dobrovinsky's passion was adopted by his wife. Her collection of polar bears was placed in the toilet. In the bedroom - a collection of graphics from the NEP. But the most expensive collection, according to Dobrovinsky, is the one in the nursery. A well-known lawyer is not ready to sell several pairs of booties and shoes of his daughters for any money.

Alexander Dobrovinsky: "Dinner with the groom"

Since the breakup with a certain darn Anton passed me by, I decided to focus on Nicolas. Her mother ... In short, her mother knew about as much as I knew. Well, maybe a little more. The boy was seven years older than mine, worked part-time as a "simulator" in a sports club and was preparing to go somewhere for vocals. Parents ate their last bouillabaisse without salt and lived in some French provincial valley of lost souls, in some city like Urupinville. Nightmare. She needed a new silicone breast for the Milka chocolate fashion model more than my acquaintance with this “Nicolas ni dvor”. I decided to consider this news at my leisure, not in a hurry, so to speak, and took off for Paris on the next flight.

Alexander Dobrovinsky

Then completely out of control powerful stream information will pour out on you that one of her acquaintances has opened an amazing PR agency, another has become the publisher of a glossy magazine, and a third is in charge of a beauty salon. The wife will make it clear that she is in no way inferior to all these successful business women, and that you were not the only one who managed to promote your business when everything was just beginning, and anyone could catch luck. The wife will make it clear that she already has a client base, of course, from inner circle who are one hundred percent ready to give their kids to her Kindergarten, and all these outings, vegetating in the country and shopping - all this bored to the point of horror.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky spoke about the secret of the ex-wife of Arshavin

From an “abandoned woman with three children,” the newspaper writes, Yulia has turned into an interesting woman with solid life experience. Parting with Andrei Arshavin forced Baranovskaya to make her way in life and provide for her family. She got on Russian television and became a co-host on the post-show “The Bachelor. What Men Want" on TNT, and in May she joined the team of the female talk show "Girls" on the channel "Russia". Also, since June 22, Yulia Baranovskaya has been broadcasting "Reboot" on TNT.

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