The best modern aircraft in the world. Military aircraft of the air forces of Russia and the world video, photos, pictures to watch

The most important evaluation criterion is combat experience. All the fighters represented, except for the 10th place (but there is a good reason for that), participated in the hostilities. Secondly, without exception, all machines have some kind of clear advantage, most have outstanding performance characteristics.

10th place - F-22 "Raptor"

The only 5th generation fighter in the world, built according to the concept of "first to see, first to fire, first to hit the target." Supersonic "stealth machine" equipped with last word technology, has become the object of heated debate about its price, capabilities and relevance. Literally from the words of an American broadcast: “Why spend 66 billion dollars on the F-22 program, if a deep modernization of the F-15 and F-16 can give a comparable effect? Because technology must evolve, progress cannot be stopped…”
The lack of real combat experience negatively affects the assessment of the Raptor. Most modern fighter occupies only 10th place.

9th place - Messerschmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe"

The world's first jet combat aircraft. 900 km/h It was a breakthrough. It was used as a fighter-interceptor, blitz bomber and reconnaissance aircraft.
The airborne complex included 4 30 mm cannons with 100 rounds per barrel and 24 unguided rockets, which made it possible to riddle a 4-engine bomber in one go.
Having received the captured "Swallows", the Allies were impressed by their technical excellence and manufacturability. What was the cost of crystal clear radio communication.
Until the end of the war, the Germans managed to release 1900 "Swallows", of which only three hundred were able to take to the skies.

8th place - MiG-25

Soviet supersonic high-altitude interceptor that set 29 world records. In this role, the MiG-25 had no competitors, but its combat capabilities remained unclaimed. The only victory was achieved on January 17, 1991, when an Iraqi MiG shot down a US Navy F/A-18C Hornet carrier-based fighter.
Much more productive was his service as a scout. During combat service in the zone of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the MiG-25R opened the entire system of fortifications of the Bar-Leva line. The flights were on top speed and an altitude of 17-23 km, which was the only means of protecting an unarmed intelligence officer. In this mode, the engines gobbled up half a ton of fuel every minute, the aircraft became lighter and gradually accelerated to 2.8 M. The MiG skin heated up to 300 ° C., according to the pilots, even the cockpit lantern heated up so that it was impossible to touch it. Unlike the titanium SR-71 "Black Bird", the thermal barrier became a problem for the MiG-25. The allowed flight time at speeds over Mach 2.5 was limited to 8 minutes, which, however, was long enough to cross Israeli territory.
Another remarkable feature of the MiG-25R was its potential ability to "capture" 2 tons of bombs in flight. This especially tickled the nerves of the Israeli military: an indestructible scout is still tolerable, but an indestructible bomber is really scary.

7th - British Aerospace Sea Harrier

The first vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (the land version of the Hawker Siddeley Harrier appeared back in 1967). Having gone through a series of upgrades, it still remains in service with the US Marine Corps under the name McDonnell Douglas AV-8 Harrier II. The clumsy-looking aircraft is very photogenic in flight - the sight of a combat vehicle hovering in one place will not leave anyone indifferent.
The main secret of the British designers was the way to create lifting thrust. Unlike their Soviet counterparts from the Yakovlev Design Bureau, who used a scheme with 3 independent jet engines, the Harrier uses a single Rolls-Royce Pegasus power unit with a deflectable thrust vector. This made it possible to increase the combat load of the aircraft to 5,000 pounds (about 2.3 tons).
During the Falklands War, the Harriers of the Royal Navy operated at a distance of 12,000 km from home and achieved excellent results: they shot down 23 Argentine aircraft, without a single loss in air battles. Pretty good for a subsonic aircraft. In total, 20 Harriers took part in the hostilities, of which 6 were shot down when attacking ground targets.
According to all experts, without the support of carrier-based aircraft, the Royal Navy could not have defended the Falklands.

6th place - Mitsubishi A6M

Legendary deck Zero-sen. An enigmatic plane from Mitsubishi engineers, which combines the incongruous. Excellent maneuverability, powerful armament and a record flight range - 2600 km (!) With a curb weight of 2.5 tons.
"Zero" was the embodiment of the samurai spirit, demonstrating contempt for death throughout its design. The Japanese fighter was completely devoid of armor and sealed fuel tanks, the entire payload reserve was spent on fuel and ammunition.
For a whole year, aircraft of this type dominated the sky over Pacific Ocean, providing a victorious offensive Imperial Navy. At the end of World War II, the Zero played a grim role, becoming one of the main assets of kamikaze pilots.

5th place - F-16 "Fighting Falcon"

The review of the F-16 is written in the form of a comparison with the MiG-29, I hope this will help answer many questions for readers.

The rule of fighter aviation says: whoever finds his enemy first has the advantage. Therefore, the optical view in air combat has great importance. Here "American" has the advantage. The frontal projection of the F-16 almost matches the MiG-21, about which American pilots said that at a distance of 3 kilometers it is almost impossible to visually notice. Visibility from the F-16's cockpit is also better, thanks to the canopy. For the MiG-29, the fact that the RD-33 engine creates a dense plume of smoke in some flight modes is disadvantageous.
In close maneuverable combat, thanks to the integral layout and the presence of 2 engines, the MiG has outstanding flight characteristics. F-16 is somewhat behind. The turning speed of the MiG-29 reaches, according to Russian data, 22.8 ° / s, while that of the F-16 - 21.5 ° / s. The MiG is gaining altitude at a speed of 334 m/s, the rate of climb of the F-16 is 294 m/s. The difference is not so great and good pilots can level it.

Front-line fighter armament should include both the air-to-air and air-to-ground weapon categories. The F-16 has at its disposal the largest set of weapons, is capable of using guided and unguided bombs and anti-radar missiles. Electronics placed in an additional container makes it possible to point the use of weapons. The MiG-29, on the contrary, is forced to limit itself to unguided bombs and NURSs. In terms of carrying capacity, a net loss: for the MiG-29 this figure is 2200 kg, for the F-16 - up to 7.5 tons.

Such a huge difference is explained simply: the payload reserve of the MiG-29 “ate” the second engine. According to many experts, the MiG has a largely erroneous layout, 2 engines for a front-line fighter is too much. Rostislav Belyakov, General Designer of the MiG Design Bureau, said it best on Farnborough-88: "If we had such a reliable and high-torque engine as Pratt & Whitney, we would have designed a single-engine aircraft without a doubt." The range also suffered from such twists and turns: for the MiG-29 it does not exceed 2000 km with PTB, for the F-16 the flight range with PTB and 2 2000-pound bombs can reach 3000-3500 km.

Both fighters are equally armed with medium-range air-to-air missiles. For example, the Russian R-77 has impressive declared performance characteristics, while the American AIM-120 has repeatedly confirmed its rather modest performance in combat. net parity. But the MiG-29 has a longer airgun range and a larger caliber. The six-barreled "Volcano" F-16, on the contrary, has a larger ammunition load (511 shells versus 150 for the MiG).

The most important element is avionics. Radars are difficult to evaluate, because manufacturers hide the exact characteristics. But according to some statements by pilots, it can be determined that the MiG-29 radar has the largest viewing angle - 140 degrees. The APG-66 radar for the F-16A and, accordingly, the APG-68 for the F-16C have viewing angles of no more than 120 degrees. A significant advantage of the MiG-29 aircraft is that the pilot has a helmet with a Slit-ZOOM sight, which gives decisive superiority in close air combat. But the F-16 again has its own important advantage - the flight control system (Fly-by-Wire) and the HOTAS engine control system (Hands on Throttle and Stick), which makes the aircraft exceptionally easy to fly. At the push of a single switch, the Falcon is ready for battle. In contrast, the MiG-29 is manually tuned, which takes much longer to get into combat.
Design Bureau MiG and General Dynamics demonstrated completely different approaches to solving the same problem. Interesting design solutions have been implemented in both aircraft, and in general the verdict is as follows: the F-16 is a multifunctional fighter, while the MiG is a pure air fighter, focused primarily on close maneuverable combat. Here he has no equal.

Why did the Falcon win, and the MiG-29 did not enter the Top 10 rating at all? And again, the results of the combat use of these machines will be the answer. F-16 fought in the skies of Palestine, passed the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. A separate page of Falcon "and was a raid on the Iraqi nuclear center" Osirak "in 1981. Having overcome 2800 km, the Israeli Air Force F-16s secretly penetrated Iraqi airspace, destroyed the reactor complex and returned without loss to the Etzion airbase. The total number of air victories of the F-16 under the control of pilots from NATO countries, Israel, Pakistan and Venezuela is about 50 aircraft.There is no data on the defeat of the F-16 in air combat, although one aircraft of this type was shot down by air defense systems in Yugoslavia.

4th place - MiG-15

A single-seat jet fighter, whose name has become a household name in the West for all Soviet fighters. Entered service with the Air Force Soviet Union in 1949. The plane that prevented the Third world war.
Literally, from the words of the Military Channel: “In Western society, there is an opinion that Soviet technology is something cumbersome, heavy and outdated. There was nothing like this in the MiG-15. A fast and agile fighter with clean lines and an elegant shape ... "His appearance in the skies of Korea caused a sensation in the Western press and headache for the US Air Force Command. All plans for drawing collapsed nuclear strike across the territory of the USSR, from now on the B-29 strategic bombers did not have a single chance to break through the barrier of jet MiGs.
And one more important point - the MiG-15 became the most massive jet aircraft in history. It was in service with the Air Force of 40 countries of the world.

3rd place - Messerschmitt Bf.109

Favorite fighter aces of the Luftwaffe. Four famous modifications: E ("Emil") - the hero of the battle for England, F ("Friedrich") - it was these fighters that "broke the silence at dawn" on June 22, 1941, G ("Gustav") - the hero of the Eastern Front, the most successful modification, K ("Elector") - overpowered fighter, an attempt to squeeze out all the remaining reserves from the car.
104 German pilots who fought on the Messerschmitt were able to bring their score to 100 or more downed vehicles.
An ominous, fast and powerful aircraft. The real Fighter.

2nd place - MiG-21 vs F-4 "Phantom II"

Two different looks jet fighter 2 generations. An 8-ton light front-line fighter and a 20-ton universal fighter-bomber, which became the basis of the fighter fleet of the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.
Two irreconcilable adversaries. Hot battles in the skies of Vietnam, Palestine, Iraq, India and Pakistan. Hundreds of downed cars on both sides. Bright combat history. Until now, they are in service with the air forces of many countries.

Soviet designers have relied on maneuverability. Americans - on missiles and electronic equipment. Both views turned out to be wrong: after the first air battles, it became clear that the Phantom had abandoned the guns in vain. And the creators of the MiG realized that 2 air-to-air missiles are unacceptably small.

1st place - F-15 "Eagle"

Killer. 104 confirmed air victories without a single loss. None of the modern aircraft can boast of such an indicator. The F-15 was created specifically as an air superiority aircraft and for 10 years, before the advent of the Su-27, it was generally out of competition.
The first time the F-15 went into battle on June 27, 1979, when the Israeli "Needles" shot 5 Syrian MiG-21s in close maneuvering combat. For more than 30 years of combat service, the MiG-21, MiG-23, Mirage F1, Su-22 and MiG-29 (4 in Yugoslavia, 5 in Iraq) have become F-15 trophies. No less impressive were the achievements of the “Needles” in Asia, for example, during the “Team Spirit-82” exercises, 24 F-15 fighters based on Okinawa made 418 “combat” sorties in 9 days, of which 233 - within three days, while the degree of combat readiness of all aircraft was almost continuously 100%.
The high flight characteristics of the F-15, its ability to operate autonomously in the conditions of the use of electronic warfare by the enemy, day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions, at high and low altitudes, made it possible to create the F-15E "Stike Eagle" strike aircraft based on its design ( 340 cars were produced). By 2015, the troops will receive a "stealth" version of the fighter-bomber based on the F-15 - the F-15SE "Silent Eagle".
The combat use of the F-15 is the cause of much controversy. Especially questioned is the fact that not a single Eagle was lost in combat. According to statements by Syrian and Yugoslav pilots, at least ten F-15s were shot down over Lebanon, Serbia and Syria. But it is not possible to confirm their words, because. neither side was able to demonstrate the wreckage. One thing is certain, the participation of the F-15 in hostilities largely determined the course of many military operations (for example, the 1982 Lebanon War).
F-15 "Eagle" is the most formidable and effective combat vehicle, so it deservedly takes 1st place.


Unfortunately, many of the outstanding designs were left out of the "Top 10" rankings. The hero of all air shows, the Su-27 is the best peacetime aircraft, the flight qualities of which allow you to perform the most complex aerobatics, and did not make it into the rating. The Supermarine Spitfire did not make it into the rating either - just a good aircraft in all respects. Too many successful designs were created and it was very difficult to choose the best from them.

Starting with the Second World War, and possibly during the armed conflicts that preceded it, such as the wars in Spain and Abyssinia, the decisive role in the outcome of hostilities of aviation became obvious. Air supremacy determines success. Then there were Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq, the Middle East, Iraq again and many other local clashes that confirmed the great importance of aircraft in combat. Without the ability to effectively resist the actions of enemy attack and bomber aircraft, there is no chance of victory. And for this you need funds. air defense, and aircraft of a special type, with a number of special qualities, such as speed, maneuverability and low vulnerability.

Ideas about what should be the most best fighter have changed over the years. The metamorphosis of this type of military equipment was influenced by both developing technologies and experience gained at the cost of great sacrifices.

Thirties-forties, the era of propeller fighters

In the sky of Spain, the I-16 performed well. As of 1936, it was perhaps the best fighter in the world. In its design, the engineers of the Polikarpov bureau applied the latest technical solutions, revolutionary for that time. It was the first production model with retractable landing gear, a powerful engine and weapons (including the possibility of installing unguided rockets). But the reign of "Chatos" ("Snub-nosed" - as the Republicans called him for the wide profile of the hood) did not last long. The German Messerschmitt-109 appeared in the sky, which underwent several modifications throughout the Second World War. Only some planes close in class and engine power could compete with him, including the English Spitfire and the American Mustang developed somewhat later.

However, with all the outstanding technical characteristics, it is very difficult to find an all-encompassing criterion in order to determine the best aircraft. A fighter, it turns out, can also be different, and you need to evaluate it in many ways.

Fifties, Korea

AT postwar period with the advent, the countdown of generations of fighters began. The first of them can be attributed to the initial developments of engineers around the world, created back in the mid-forties. For us it was the MiG-9, which, in terms of its parameters, was not far from the Messerschmitt-262. Already at the time, the Americans were shocked by an unpleasant surprise for them.

The swift, compact and highly maneuverable MiG-15 crushed the seemingly unshakable power strategic aviation USA. From this MiG originates the second generation. Then it was the best fighter in the world, and it took time to create a worthy rival for him, which became the Saber.

Sixties, Vietnam and the Middle East

Then there was In the sky, two lifelong rivals, the Phantom and the MiG-21, spun in "dog fights". These aircraft were very different, both in size, and in weight, and in the degree of armament. The American F-4 weighed twice as much as the Soviet interceptor, was less maneuverable, but had a number of advantages in long-range combat.

It is difficult to determine which was the best fighter in the Vietnamese skies, but the overall score was in favor of the MiG. It should also be taken into account that, in comparable prices, a Soviet aircraft cost much (many times) cheaper, moreover, in the event of an unfavorable outcome of the battle, the Americans lost two pilots, and not one. Both of these aircraft belonged to the third generation. aviation technology. Meanwhile, progress continued, more and more stringent requirements were imposed on the interceptors.

Fourth generation since the seventies

Since 1970, the development of the fighter aircraft industry has gone along new main lines. Avionics has become not just a tool to help the pilot in detecting enemies and solving navigation problems, it has taken on a number of control functions. Became extremely important degree of visibility aircraft for enemy radars. The parameters of the engines have changed, and the thrust vector has become variable, which forced us to radically reconsider the concept of maneuverability. Determining which is the best fighter belongs to the fourth generation is not so easy, opinions are divided on this matter. The American F-15 has its supporters, especially in the West, and they have their own arguments, the main of which remains the successful experience of the combat use of the Eagle. Others believe that in the fourth generation the best fighter in the world is the Russian-made Su-27.

Generation after generation

Generations of jet interceptors are separated from each other according to several criteria: by the time of development, the shape and type of the wing, information richness and some other criteria, but it is not always easy to draw a clear line between them, it remains conditional. For example, a deep modification of the MiG-21 has improved its performance so much that it can be roughly considered a fourth-generation aircraft in almost all indicators of combat effectiveness.

Direction of design thought

Fifth generation interceptors today form the basis of Russia and other technologically advanced countries. They are able to perform various combat missions, protect the airspace of their states, they are sold within the framework of military-technical cooperation to strategic partners. But work on new projects are continuously. Promising samples of the latest aviation technology have some features that distinguish them from previous models, which gives reason to believe that the turn of the fifth generation has come. Its features include low radar visibility, expressed in the desire to remove all types of weapons previously placed on external suspensions and the technology of radar absorbing surfaces, which received light hand Americans name "Stells". In addition, all the latest achievements in the field of aircraft engine building, rudders and control systems also indicate that the aircraft belongs to the latest generation. It is also important to use composite materials in the design, which reduces weight, and again, increases stealth. This is exactly what the best fighter in the world should be today. A photo of such an aircraft is recognizable, the outlines of the fuselage and planes are somewhat angular, the engines leave an inconspicuous contrail, and the nozzles have a rather high angle of possible rotation.


In some ways, they are subtly similar, although the general layout schemes and technical parameters differ significantly. These include, first of all, the Raptor F-22. Specialists, mainly American, believe that this is the best fighter in the world. The main argument in favor of this opinion is the fact that the Raptor is the only mass-produced and adopted machine in the world that meets the requirements for a fifth-generation interceptor. All other similar models, including Russian ones, are under development and refinement. There is also an important factor that allows one to doubt the correctness of such an opinion. The fact is that the F-22 has never participated in hostilities, and how it will behave in a real battle is unknown. At one time, the American military-industrial complex widely advertised the Bi-2 stealth bomber, and then it turned out that even outdated Soviet radars, which were in service with the Yugoslav army, could well detect it.

How about us?

Russia, of course, does not disregard the US attempts to achieve military hegemony. We are planning to create an aircraft capable of fighting the most advanced interceptor of a potential enemy. It was planned to "put it on the wing" back in 2005, but difficulties, mainly of an economic nature, prevented it. In developed countries, it usually takes a decade and a half to create a similar model and put it into service, and the Sukhoi Design Bureau received the terms of reference in 1999. simple calculations suggest that the date when the Russian Air Force will receive the best fighter in the world is 2014 or 2015.

Little is known about him. They called the project not just an aircraft or an interceptor, but a Frontal Aviation Complex. (PAKFA - "P" stands for promising, "A" - aviation, some tautology is excusable for aircraft designers.) Take-off weight is about 20 tons, like the American F-22 and the F-35, which has not yet been put into service. Tactical characteristics make it possible to use the machine from small VPD, the technology of low radio visibility is applied. Naturally, the electronic equipment is the most modern. It is likely that this will be the best fighter in the world. T-50 is another name for the PAKFA platform, it is possible that these working codes will give way to the classic designation "Su" with some number.


Our Chinese Friends for a long time did not bother with the task of developing their own aircraft. Usually in the PRC, they chose a good Soviet model that received a good reputation, purchased technical documentation and produced it under their own index, consisting of the letter Y (for civilians) or J (for military) and a number. However, the economic boom of recent decades, which has turned China into a global workshop, has pushed the people's aircraft industry to start working on their own projects. Perhaps the J-10 is not the best fighter in the world, but all the known technical specifications of this aircraft indicate that it is a machine on the verge of IV and V generations with the possibility of further modification. The original solution of the general layout scheme (delta-shaped "duck" without the classic tail) eloquently says that this time the Chinese aircraft builders did without external borrowings, showing their own approach.

Top hit parade

The history of world aviation is rich in outstanding achievements. The mere enumeration of interceptor aircraft, which have become masterpieces of engineering art, will take up too much space. How to choose the best fighter among them? Among the successful models, one cannot but recall the La-5 and La-7, the Aerocobra, on which I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin fought, the French Mirage, the Swedish Saabs, the English Lightning and many other powerful and beautiful machines. The task is complicated by the fact that no matter how perfect he was, he almost always found a worthy opponent. Therefore, it makes sense to present the conditional rating of the most outstanding interceptors in pairs:

  1. Messerschmitt-109 and Spitfire. During the Second World War Soviet aircraft were good, but they lacked powerful engines, so they were not on the top list.
  2. MiG-15 and Saber F-86. They had plenty of war with each other in Korea.
  3. "Phantom" F-4 and MiG-21. Vietnam, the Middle East and other military conflicts have pointed to strong and weak sides these very different planes.
  4. "Eagle" F-15 against the Su-27. Eagle has a very good reputation for successful application in modern theaters of war. "Dry" is not inferior to him in most technical and tactical indicators, and in some he is superior, but his combat experience is not enough for him to absolute victory in the competition for the title of "the best fighter in the world." 2014 was marked by the adoption of a dozen Su-35S aircraft, which are a deeply modernized version of the Su-27, into the combat units of the Russian Air Force.
  5. T-50 and Raptor. Opponents, apparently, are quite worthy. It would be better for them not to meet in air fights, but if this does happen in the future, there is a high probability that our car will not let you down.

What will be the best fighter in the world of the 21st century? One can only guess what new concepts the aircraft engineers of the future will come up with. The century has just begun, and by all indications, it will be turbulent ...


The Gripen multi-role fighter has been created since the mid-1980s for the defense of its country - there was a need for a new generation fighter, created at a qualitatively new level, which could simultaneously be an interceptor, reconnaissance and strike aircraft. The concept of the fighter was initially based on flexibility: the new fighter had to be able to operate from poorly prepared airfields and have a short take-off, be convenient and easy to maintain, have a high time between failures and be maximally optimized for combat operations in Sweden.

The aircraft is made according to the aerodynamic scheme "Duck" with a medium delta wing. The airframe of the aircraft was created taking into account the reduction of radar visibility: 30% of the body is made of composites, 2 S-shaped air intakes. It has one Volvo Aero RM-12 bypass turbojet engine, developed on the basis of the General Electric F404.


During the 1999 air campaign, the F-16 was one of NATO's main strike aircraft; aircraft of the US Air Force, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Turkey took part in the hostilities. American planes actively used to combat the Yugoslav radars. During the campaign, Fighting Falcon pilots scored two aerial victories over MiG-29 fighters, one of which belonged to a Royal Netherlands Air Force pilot. According to official NATO data, the losses amounted to one aircraft, which was shot down on May 2 by the S-125 anti-aircraft missile system; the pilot ejected and was evacuated. Serbian and Russian sources claim heavier losses (according to one of the publications - at least 7 "reliably shot down" F-16s.)


The MiG-31 is a two-seat, long-range supersonic all-weather fighter-interceptor. Developed at OKB-155 (now RSK MiG PJSC) in the 1970s. The first Soviet combat aircraft of the fourth generation. It was originally intended to intercept cruise missiles in the entire range of altitudes and speeds, as well as low-flying satellites. MiG-31 regiments for several years had the status of special forces (Spetsnaz) as part of air defense.

The MiG-31 is designed to intercept and destroy air targets at extremely low, low, medium and high altitudes, day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions, when the enemy uses active and passive radar interference, as well as false thermal targets. A group of four MiG-31 aircraft is capable of controlling airspace with a frontal length of up to 1,100 km.


McDonnell-Douglas F-15 "Eagle" - American all-weather fighter of the fourth generation. Designed in 1972. Designed to gain air superiority. Transferred to service in 1976.

The aircraft airframe design uses titanium alloys (26.7%), aluminum alloys (37%), high-strength steels (5%), composite materials (at least 5-7%).

Fuel on the F-15 is located in six fuel tanks: four fuselage and two wing. The fuselage tanks are soft, the wing tanks, produced in the first place, are caisson. The aircraft has autonomous power supply systems for engines with its own supply tanks and a banding system. Most of fuel lines are located in the tanks. Consumable tanks are protected by a protector from bullets of caliber up to 12.7 mm. To ensure explosion safety, all fuel tanks filled with polyurethane foam.

F-15 aircraft were used in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and Yugoslavia. The F-15 Eagle will remain in the US Air Force until 2025.


The Su-35 fighter is a deep modernization of the Su-27. It has a largely new reinforced airframe; unlike the "old" Su-27M, it does not have a front horizontal tail and a brake flap. Braking during landing is carried out by deflecting the rudders in different directions.

The Su-35S has an advanced information and control system, a radar station with a passive phased antenna array N035 Irbis, as well as new AL-41F1S engines developed by NPO Saturn with a plasma ignition system and thrust vector control (UVT). These engines meet the requirements for an engine for a fifth-generation fighter, including the ability to develop supersonic speeds without afterburner, but use an old electronic-mechanical control system.

According to the statement of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the assigned resource of the Su-35 is 6000 flight hours or 30 years. The declared assigned resource of engines is 4000 hours.


The Dassault Rafale is a fourth-generation French multirole fighter aircraft developed by the French company Dassault Aviation. He made his first flight on July 4, 1986. Adopted by the French Navy and Air Force in 2004 and 2006, respectively. In 2009, the French Ministry of Defense ordered an additional 60 fighter jets.

It is made according to the tailless aerodynamic configuration traditional for Dassault Aviation fighters with an additional high-lying front horizontal tail (the so-called canards), a mid-position triangular wing in plan with root influxes and two engines in the rear fuselage.

The fighter is equipped with an OPS, radar with PAR / AFAR RBE / RBE2 (since 2012). Equipped with the Thales SPECTRA warning system, it includes: laser radiation warning, radar radiation warning, DDM-NG missile attack warning system (since 2012), consisting of 2 passive IR sensors on the keel. The DDM-NG system allows you to get a spherical image in the infrared range. The air intake channels are S-shaped and shield the compressor blades, thereby reducing the EPR of the aircraft.


The Eurofighter Typhoon is a fourth-generation multirole fighter. The Typhoon was designed and manufactured by Eurofighter GmbH, established in 1986 by a consortium of Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems and EADS. Studies of a promising aircraft began in 1979.

The serial production of the fighter is currently underway. The aircraft was put into service with the Air Forces: Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Austria and Saudi Arabia. Contracts for delivery to Oman and Kuwait were signed.


Potential buyer"Super Hornets" is Australia, which has a significant fleet of Hornet fighters early series. On May 3, 2007, a contract was signed for the supply of 24 F/A-18F Super Hornets to Australia worth $2.9 billion. Czech Republic.

F414-GE400 engine, based on F404. Serially produced since 1998, it has the FADEC function (electronic digital engine control system). The LPC is 13 cm longer, which increased the air consumption by 16%, the afterburner is shorter by 10 cm, the combustion chamber is 2.5 cm shorter, the LPC disks and blades are one-piece cast (blisk), the blades and turbines of both turbine stages are also a single whole and are made by extension (single-crystal blisk).

The engine is double-circuit, two-shaft, consists of a 3-stage low-pressure compressor and a 7-stage compressor high pressure, combustion chambers (with ceramic coating from F402), 1-stage high pressure compressor turbine and 1-stage low pressure compressor turbine, afterburner (from YF120), converging - expanding, adjustable nozzle (from F404-GE-400). The gearbox is located at the bottom of the engine. The compression ratio has increased to 30.

Estimated resource F / A-18E was planned at the level of 6000 hours and no more than 100 deck landings per year. However, the Strategy Page reports that the life of the aircraft wing part is expected to be no more than 3,000 hours. Despite this, dozens of F / A-18Es have already flown over 3000 hours. As part of the ongoing modernization, it is planned to increase the service life to 10,000 hours.


The Lockheed Martin F-35 is a family of promising fifth-generation stealth fighter-bombers developed by the American company Lockheed Martin in three versions: an option for the needs of the US Air Force (ground fighter - CTOL), for the Corps marines US and British Navy (short takeoff and vertical landing fighter - STOVL), and for the needs of the US Navy (carrier-based fighter - CV).

The F-35 used many of the technological solutions worked out on the F-22. Designations of serial variants: F-35A (with standard takeoff and landing), F-35B (with short takeoff and vertical landing) and F-35C (takeoff from the deck of an aircraft carrier using a catapult, and landing on the deck using an arrester).

F-35 has a wide range of weapons. Among them are AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-132 ASRAAM and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, as well as Storm Shadow and AGM-158 JASSM cruise missiles. The range also includes JDAM corrective bombs weighing up to 910 kg, cluster bombs CBU-103, -104 and -105 WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser), guided by aviation bombs AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon and Brimstone anti-tank missiles.

In addition to the basic requirements, Norway and Australia are funding work to adapt the Naval Strike Missile (NSM), which will be called the Joint Strike Missile (JSM), to the F-35. According to the manufacturer, the F-35 will be able to launch missiles and guided bombs from internal compartments at maximum supersonic speeds.


The F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation multirole fighter developed by Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics to replace the F-15 Eagle. The F-22 is the first fifth-generation fighter in service. And also he is the most expensive fighter in the world.

The F-22 is equipped with two Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 afterburner turbojet engines (TRDF) with a thrust of 15876 kgf, and equipped with a controllable thrust vector in a vertical plane. These engines have a non-afterburning thrust of about 10,000 kgf and allow the aircraft to fly at supersonic speeds without afterburner, which is an important tactical advantage.

The engine nozzles have a flat shape, which reduces the visibility of the aircraft in the infrared range. In the design of the nozzle devices, a ceramic-based radio-absorbing material is used, which reduces the radar visibility of the aircraft.

The F-22 is armed with a 20mm M61A2 Vulcan cannon, 480 rounds, air-to-air missiles: six AIM-120C AMRAAM and two AIM-9M Sidewinder. As well as JDAM adjustable bombs.

The F-22 is compatible with the GBU-39 and SDB-53 / B guided precision bombs, test drops have been performed, however, no plans have been announced for 2015 to integrate them with the F-22. The fighter is capable of launching missiles and dropping bombs from internal compartments at supersonic speeds.

On September 23, 2014, information appeared in the media about the first combat use of the US Air Force F-22 against Islamists in Syria. The aircraft attacked the city of Raqqa and its suburbs. By February 2015, F-22s had completed at least 112 combat missions in Syrian skies. By June 2015, F-22s were included in every group of strike aircraft bombing Syria. One 11-hour sortie is described, in which the F-22 clearly demonstrated its versatility by performing a strike mission, scouting enemy ground forces, pointing other aircraft at targets, and escorting bombers.

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