Aras Agalarov and his mistress Anastasia. What do the wives of Russian oligarchs look like. How to survive a crisis

2018-01-22 7427

The life path of Araz Agalarov did not make sharp turns. A purposeful and self-confident businessman systematically walked towards his goals. As a result, a trade union worker from Baku received a permanent residence permit in the prestigious Forbes rating - as of the end of 2017, his capital is estimated at $ 1,700 million, and the title of one of the “kings of Russian real estate».



  • FULL NAME: Araz Iskender oglu Agalarov.
  • Date of Birth: November 8, 1955.
  • Education: Baku Polytechnic Institute, specialty "engineer of electronic computers".
  • start date entrepreneurial activity/ age: 1989 / 35 years old.
  • Type of activity at the start: export of Russian souvenirs, import of computer equipment.
  • Current activity: President of the Crocus Group.
  • Current state:$1,700 million according to Forbes in 2017.

A respectable middle-aged man of an aristocratic appearance in a fashionable, tailored suit, with a platinum Patek Philippe watch on his arm and a radiant smile on his face. Real prince. But this is not a prince, but one of the "kings of Russian real estate" - Araz Agalarov.

Rice. 1. Araz Agalarov is an aristocrat by nature.

He is known as the owner of the Crocus Group - one of the largest development companies in Russia and the father of the singer Emin. Luxury and elegance distinguish most of the objects erected under the guidance of a businessman.

What is Crocus City Mall worth, where, surrounded by exotic trees and murmuring fountains, there are more than two hundred boutiques of the world's most famous brands.

Rice. 2. Father and son of the Agalarovs in the Crocus City Mall.

Marble and crystal, birdsong - a real museum of familiarity with the beautiful, where you can safely take foreigners to show the beauty of modern Moscow. The construction of the complex cost the billionaire more than $100 million.

Or restaurants of Japanese cuisine Nobu in Moscow, opened in agreement with Robert de Niro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa, the owners of the brand, which even professional restaurateurs could not do before.

Focusing on the luxury segment is one of the components of Araz Agalarov's business success. But the most profitable project is considered to be the network of hypermarkets "Your House", which sells materials for repairs and interior items. Hundreds of thousands of customers make purchases here every day, and the market is steadily growing.

But in addition to building and leasing commercial real estate, the billionaire's company also takes on state contracts.

Rice. 3. Far Eastern projects of Agalarov are supported by the state.

In his piggy bank are the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island, the bridge to Russky Island, the Myakinino metro station, the construction of 2 stadiums for the World Cup in Kaliningrad and Rostov-on-Don, the construction of the first launch complex of the Central Ring Road.

Agalarov himself prefers to work without partners, relying only on his own connections and abilities.

“If I work with someone together, I will have to reckon with his opinion, discuss how to do it. And the comfort in which I am now - to create at my own discretion - will be limited, which I do not want under any financial prospects, ”A. Agalarov.

Business for him is not a means to earn money, but a way to realize ideas.

“I don’t need to look for ideas - I dream about them at night,” the billionaire said.

He possesses unique ability inspire the respect of professionals and the location of those in power.

Rice. 4. Agalarov and Vladimir Putin.

But despite this support, short biography Araz Agalarov found a place for white spots and scandals. The press periodically leaks information about the businessman's connections with crime and suspicious sources of funding for his ambitious and large-scale projects.

“Those who do not work and do not interact have no problems. If difficulties arise, it means that the work process is underway,” - A. Agalarov.

But Agalarov's money cannot be called "airy" - since 2006, he has become a regular participant in the Russian Forbes, with the exception of the crisis year of 2009. And in 2017, he took 51st place in the ranking of "200 richest businessmen Russia" with a capital of $1,700 million.

The dynamics of changes in the state of a billionaire is displayed clearly on the graph.

Fig.5. Graph of changes in the state of Araz Agalarov in 2006-2017
Source: Forbes

Baku childhood

Information about the childhood and youth of Araz Agalarov is practically absent. It is known for certain that the future billionaire was born in Baku, where he graduated high school, university.

The businessman himself recalls his childhood as a carefree time. He studied without much effort, did not do his homework, went to school without a portfolio, which incredibly annoyed the teachers.

“It’s in me, of course, from my father. He had such an ability that he had incredible knowledge in any field,” recalls Araz Iskender oglu.

The boy lost his father at the age of 14. But he was remembered by Araz as an authoritative person.

"Frowning or smiling - and everything is clear."

Rice. 6. "Mom played a huge role in my upbringing."

Araz's business acumen really came from his father's side. His ancestors lived in Shamakhi - the cultural capital of Azerbaijan in the middle of the 19th century and were engaged in the trade in manufactory. Moreover, they brought goods not only from Russia, but also from Iran and China. Amazing Stories the boy was told about his ancestors by his paternal grandmother, an uneducated Muslim woman.

Maybe it was these fairy-tale grandmother's stories that became the grain that later sprouted in a favorable environment and gave fertile branches, from which Agalarov still collects "golden" fruits.

Education and early career

First steps in independent life Araz did by entering the Baku Polytechnic Institute in 1972. This was the first, but not the last education of Agalarov.

Then he will graduate from the Higher School of Trade Unions, postgraduate studies, write a dissertation on the topic “How to form and rationally use the salary fund in communications enterprises”, and take a business course in the USA. But he does not speak very positively about socialist education.

“... if I had received a full-fledged education in the West, it would have helped me more than education under socialism. Socialist education is not in great demand…” - A. Agalarov.

Meanwhile, he believes that “education is the ability to learn, to systematically approach different things and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Reference! Agalarov will send his children to study in America: a son at the age of 12, a daughter from the age of 6.

In the last year of the institute, he marries Irina, a student Pedagogical Institute, with whom he was familiar from the school bench. Irina will become a wonderful wife and faithful companion Araz.

Before the first attempts to do business, Agalarov worked:

  • Since 1977 at the Research Institute in Baku.
  • Junior since 1988 researcher in scientific center All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in Moscow.

He was a member of the CPSU and was actively involved in trade union activities.

Business formation

Agalarov began his business career modestly - in 1987 he organized the Shafran cooperative, which traded in Russian souvenirs, sending them for export. Then the cooperative will start importing computers - where the funds for this direction came from remains a mystery.

Just a couple of years later, the trade union worker opens the joint Russian-American venture Crocus International, which will later become the Crocus Group company. Again, the funding sources are unknown.

In 1990 he holds the first international exhibition computer technology in leased space.

“It was the era of computerization. I noticed that with the start of privatization business people they go to international exhibitions and try to acquire equipment there, mainly computers. And I had an idea, why not drag the exhibition itself to Russia”, - A. Agalarov.

By 1995, Agalarov's exhibition will be the third largest in the world in terms of size and significance.

But the starting point for the accumulation of capital for Agalarov was the Cherkizovsky market. Owning part of the flea market, he managed not only to save money for the development of his business, but also to acquire the necessary connections both in business and in criminal circles. It is here that he meets and - the owners of the Kyiv Ploshchad company, with whom he will often cross paths in the future on business issues.

Although the businessman himself emphasizes that he has no friends.

“It may sound immodest, but I don’t have rich friends, not one. And that never stopped us from talking. And we know each other - scary to say - for 40-50 years. But if something happens to me at night, I won’t call anyone. I will get out myself, ”- A. Agalarov.

And already in 1997, Agalarov's company was building Agalarov House - an elite residential complex, which is located in a fashionable district of Moscow.

Fig.7. The premium class club house is located on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 19.
Source: social media

For 10 years, the business history of Araz Agalarov has taken a sharp turn - the trade unionist and merchant of nesting dolls has become one of the largest rentiers.

Crocus Group today

“I am not a builder, not an exhibition manager, not a retailer, I am a conductor: I control that everything works smoothly and turns out beautifully,” says Agalarov.

And he directed this play called "Crocus Group" perfectly. The company is included in the "200 largest private companies in Russia", where, as of 2016, it occupies 172nd place with a capital of 39.7 billion rubles. It is in 11th place in the Forbes "Kings of Russian Real Estate" rating.

Araz Iskenderovich himself calls the key to success systems approach. Business development in one area automatically increases the efficiency of related areas. And this is clearly seen in his unique projects.

  • Crocus City.

For a long time, people have been interested in how their neighbors, relatives and other families around them live. In the modern world, one of these niches is rightfully occupied by well-known and popular personalities, about whom people are ready to talk for days on end, discussing who had how many wives and husbands, who earns and spends how, where he rests and how to PR. But one of the most sensitive topics is the marriage of stellar personalities, or rather, interethnic marriages among celebrities. The most interesting thing is how strong and sincere such attitudes are, it was precisely this question that the experts of the department of the publication "Market Leader" thought about.

Ani Lorak - Ukrainian singer married Murat Naltchajioglu who is of Turkish origin. Their daughter Sophia was born last year.

Russian singer Grigory Leps (Lepsveridze) he himself is a Georgian, and his soulmate Anna Shaplykova herself is Russian by nationality. Despite different nationalities and age differences, she gave birth to two daughters Nicole and Eva, as well as little Ivan, for her beloved husband. In addition, Gregory has an older daughter from her first marriage, Inga, she is 27 years old.

The Russian performer Safina is Tatar by nationality, but her husband Yan Abramov is Jewish by nationality. And yet the couple get along for a long time years. Their daughters Safina and Mikella are growing up.

Known for Singer Zarifa Pashaevna Mgoyan (Zara) is of Yezidi origin. Yezidis are ethnic Kurds. She was the wife of the son of the St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko. In that marriage, she decided to convert to Orthodoxy. The current husband Sergei Ivanov is Russian. The couple's wedding took place four years ago, the couple has two children: Maxim and Daniel.

- Nadezhda Mikhalkova she is Russian by nationality, while her husband Rezo Giginishvili a native of Georgia. And yet, disagreements are rare in this couple, the couple's daughter Nini is growing up. It is worth noting that before this marriage, Rezo was married to Anastasia Kochetkova, with whom they had a daughter together.

- Anastasia Prikhodko, a singer from Ukraine, married an Abkhaz Nuri Kukhilava, gave birth to his daughter Nana. The couple broke up last year, but now they are reunited.

- Avraam Russo (Avraam Zhanovich Ipdzhiyan) was born in, is of Armenian origin. His Morela Fredman, the family also has a daughter, Emanuel Russo, six years old.

The famous athlete, tennis player Anna Kournikova from Russia, is now an American citizen. For 9 years now he has been building his personal relationship with a world-famous performer Inrique Iglesias.

- Timur Bekmambetov, screenwriter, film director, clip maker was born in the Kazakh-Jewish. His wife Varvara Avdyushko is Russian by nationality. Before this marriage, they had already managed to get burned in their first family relationships where their daughters were born.

- Araz Iskanderoglu Agalarov- businessman, head of the Crocus Group. This year it ranks 61st in the Forbes ranking. He himself is Azerbaijani, and his wife is a mountain Jew Irina Agalarova. The couple has a son, Emin, and a daughter, Sheila.

Rinat Akhmetov is a businessman, billionaire, industrialist, the wealthiest person in Ukraine, the head of the Shakhtar football club. He is Tatar by nationality, and his wife Lilia Nikolaevna Russian. The couple have two sons, Almir and Damir.

Vagit Alekperov is a manager and entrepreneur. Having a personal fortune of 13.9 billion dollars last year, he took 8th position among the TOP-200 of the richest entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation from Forbes. His father is Azerbaijani by nationality, and his mother is Russian. Alekperov is married to Larisa Viktorovna Alekperova. They have a son, Yusuf, 22 years old.

The marriages of some of the artists became less successful, although people from different nationalities did not always converge.

Singer Sogdiana, whose real name is Oksana Vladimirovna Nechitailo, according to existing information, she is from Ukraine, but she was born in Uzbekistan. Husband Bashir Kushtov is of Ingush origin, he is 17 years older than his wife. The singer gave birth to his tenth child. Sogdina herself from her first husband, with whom she divorced with a big scandal, the Indian Rama, gave birth to her first child, Arjun.

Yana Rudkovskaya was married for 7 years Russian businessman Viktor Baturin, with whom she raised his son from Andrei's second marriage. She also bore him a son, Nicholas. Subsequently, the breakup of the couple was very loud and even scandalous. Meanwhile, both Yana and Viktor were born and raised in

They are loved and hated, some condemn them, while others envy them. However, they are always in the spotlight, and it is interesting for everyone to watch their life. Wives Russian oligarchs- who are these lucky ones? Today we will tell you about the guardians of the most expensive hearths of our country!


Husband: Alexander Lebedev (56), Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC National Reserve Corporation, owner of the Evening Standard, largest private shareholder and investor in Novaya Gazeta

State:$0.4 billion

29-year-old beauty Lena is the second and most beloved wife of the oligarch Alexandra Lebedeva. The husband is 27 years older than the girl, but this fact does not bother her at all, because all ages are submissive to love!

Lena grew up in the provincial Siberian town of Berdsk, and at the age of 16 she was invited to work in one of the capital modeling agencies. Now Lena Perminova- a frequent guest at all fashion shows and a star street style. The couple have three children: two sons Nikita(6) and Egor(4.5) and daughter Arina (1,5).

Daria Zhukova (34)

Husband: Roman Abramovich (49), private investor, member of the Chukotka Duma, owner of the London football team Chelsea

State:$9.1 billion

This couple does not give any interviews about their personal lives, and one can only guess how Dasha won the heart of the billionaire Roman, because for her he left his second wife with six children. However, it is worth noting that the girl was definitely not interested in the oligarch's wallet. She was born in the family of the founder of the company Sintez Oil Alexander Zhukov.

And by the time she met Roman in 2005, Dasha was one of the authors of the clothing brand Kova&T which is worn by many Hollywood stars. Of all her business projects, the most favorite is the center contemporary art "Garage". Recall that the couple has two children: a son Aaron(6) and daughter Lei(2,5).

Polina Deripaska (36)

Husband: Oleg Deripaska (48), President of UC Rusal, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Basic Element

State:$6.2 billion

Married to Polina, daughter Valentina Yumasheva(58), former councilor Boris Yeltsin(1931–2007), with Russian billionaire Oleg never had a calculation. They got married in 2001 and did not even begin to conclude marriage contract. “Two beautiful children born in love - this is our contract,” Polina shared then in an interview. However, even such perfect marriage the end has come. Now the couple have not lived together for a long time and have not yet been officially divorced.

Now Polina is the head of the publishing house Forward Media Group, which she once helped to acquire Oleg Deripaska. The couple has two children - a son Peter(15) and daughter Maria (12).

Irina Viner (67)

Husband: Alisher Usmanov (62), founder and main shareholder of USM Holdings

State:$14.4 billion

Wife Alisher Usmanova I'm not used to sitting behind my husband's back. Honored Coach of Russia Irina - self-sufficient personality, on whose account there are dozens of famous pupils-gymnasts. Here is their secret happy marriage, according to Irina, is that she is a real oriental wife who will support her beloved husband at any moment.

“Alisher Burkhanovich and I live in different houses. But if he calls, I will drop everything and come. Alisher is such a busy person that he should not be disturbed once again and infringe on his freedom, ”she shared.

Irina Agalarova (59)

Husband: Aras Agalarov (60), President of Crocus Group

State:$1.9 billion

Irina is the wife of one of the richest peopleRussian Aras Agalarov. They have known each other since school, and got married when they were in their last years at institutes: Aras - polytechnic, and Irina - pedagogical. According to her, in a relationship between two, “sincerity of feelings plus a little bit of intelligence” are important.

The couple has two children: a son Emin(36) and daughter Sheila. Today Irina has to live on two continents: between America where her daughter lives, and Russia. Besides, in Moscow she has own business- Together with a friend, they opened two beauty salons, which also require attention.

Marina Dobrynina (57)

Husband: Viktor Vekselberg (58), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova group of companies

State:$14.2 billion

Billionaire's wife Viktor Vekselberg looks younger than her husband, but they are almost the same age. Marina and Viktor studied together at MIIT That is, they met on a student trip, and got married after graduating from high school.

She immediately went into the shadows, preferring to raise two children, and first appeared before everyone in 2007.Now Marina leads charitable foundation support « good age» which helps children and adults with mental disorders.

Alexandra (Sandra) Melnichenko (38)

Husband: Andrey Melnichenko (43), Chairman of the Strategy Committee of EuroChem

State:$9.1 billion

former model and the lead singer of the Belgrade group Models met businessman Andrei in 2003 with friends in the south France. In 2005, the couple played a luxurious wedding on Cote d'Azur , which cost the groom $ 30 million. Especially for the newlyweds, then they built a copy of the old Russian chapel where they got married.

And for three hundred guests, planes and a five-star hotel were ordered in Cannes, evening dresses and tuxedos for men were waiting for them in the room. Performed at the wedding Julio and, Whitney Houston and Christina Aguilera. After marriage, the Serbian model left the catwalk and devoted herself entirely to her family.

Stella Kesaeva (50)

Husband: Igor Kesaev (49), president of the Mercury group of companies

State:$3 billion

Billionaire's wife Igor Kesaev after marriage, she did not sit idly by. She is now a contemporary art collector and founder of the foundation. Stella Art Foundation. Owns the largest Russia a collection of works by Western and Russian artists, which includes 1500 exhibits.

when you were born in famous family, then it is practically doomed to be “the son of such and such” or “the daughter of such and such”. This feeling can either destroy your life, or, conversely, make you prove to everyone that you are talented on your own.

Emin Agalarov is primarily the son of Aras Agalarov, who created a luxury empire called Crocus City, a huge mall built outside the Moscow Ring Road. Having received an excellent education, Emin became the commercial director of Crocus City Mall. But, apparently, the whispering behind my back, painfully familiar to me (“of course, daddy had already done everything for him”) did not allow Emin to sleep peacefully. And he decided to discover new talents in himself. I already knew that Emin has a fail-safe way to make any girl fall in love with him - take her to a karaoke bar and sing there. How many women's hearts were broken under My Way in his performance!

A little digressing, I want to say that karaoke in Moscow is the whole world with its own laws and favorites, closed, unfortunately, for voiceless people like me. It turns out that, like good gamblers, known by name and merit, "karaoke players" are a special caste in which there is no place for strangers... surprised. Although he is not a sea siren, he sings no worse!

Apparently, moving from free life to the family, Emin decided to move from karaoke to the big stage. A week before the wedding, he invited me to the presentation of his first disc. The entrance to the hall was decorated simply but tastefully: huge black and white photos from the first clip of Emin Agalarov, directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk and cameraman Maxim Osadchiy. The best equipment was on the stage - not every Kirkorov has such! There are only family friends in the hall, including many stars: Vinokur and Leshchenko, Katya Lel with her boyfriend Igor, Zhanna Friske - as always, alone, but in amazing jeans, Timothy, Lada Dance and Ksenia Virganskaya-Gorbacheva.

Emin, as befits a star, came out late, but he sang very soulfully. It was nice to see how happy his parents were. Irina Iosifovna Agalarova came out the very first with a huge bouquet of roses. “This is my mother,” the singer said modestly. In the clip, which was shown on large screens, Emin was sad and hugging beauties, apparently saying goodbye to his single life. I don’t know if his fiancee liked the clip, but during the concert she looked at the performer without stopping.

The songs are really beautiful and lyrical. I was glad to learn that Emin wrote 6 of the 12 songs of the first solo album himself, because it is so unusual when a man instead of football and hunting chooses writing poetry and music as a hobby. The only thing you need to know when meeting with the future son-in-law of Aliyev: why is the album of such a successful young man called Still or, as he himself translates, “For now”?

Agalarov Araz (Aras) Iskender-ogly was born on November 8, 1955 in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) into an Azerbaijani family.

In 1977 he graduated from the Baku Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electronic computers engineer.

From 1977 to 1983 he worked at a research institute in Baku, then at the Baku City Committee of the CPSU.

From 1983 to 1987 he was a student high school trade union movement of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. N. M. Shvernik in the city of Moscow.

From 1988 to 1990 he worked at the scientific center of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions as a junior researcher.

In 1989, he founded the US-Soviet joint commercial venture Crocus International (hereinafter referred to as the Crocus Group).

He is the President of the Crocus Group and the Krasnogorsk branch of Crocus City, Chairman of the Board of CB Crocus Bank, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Crotex (Your House hypermarket chain). Part of his business empire is Crocus City Mall, which has an area of ​​62,000 m, as well as retail network Crocus Moscow.

In 2010, Araz Agalarov took first place in the ranking of top Russian business leaders (nomination "Trade") according to the publication "Kommersant Money".

At the initiative of Araz Agalarov, the Crocus Group acted as an investor in the construction of the Myakinino metro station to increase the attractiveness of its Crocus City, as well as the general contractor for the construction of Far Eastern Federal University facilities on Russky Island (Primorsky Territory).

In 1997, he built the famous elite 34-apartment Agalarov House complex, located in one of the most fashionable districts of Moscow, at the intersection of Bolshaya Gruzinskaya and Klimashkina streets.

Member of the Board of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs", member of the presidium of the all-Russian public organization "All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress", member of the board non-profit partnership"Association of Entrepreneurial Organizations of Russia" ("OPORA"), President non-profit organization Union of Producers and Importers.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, in 1998 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Formation and use of the fund wages on the example of a communications enterprise.

In 2002, he was elected vice-president of the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress.

Founder of the non-profit organization "Muslim Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Fund".


Order of Honor (June 26, 2013) - for labor achievements, many years of conscientious work and active social activities

Order of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree

Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (2009)

Winner of the Commercial Real Estate Awards in the nomination "Developer of the Year" (2011)

Winner of The MICAM Awards

Donald Trump Diamond Excellence Award Winner


Married, two children.
Wife - Irina Agalarova.
Son - Emin Agalarov, Vice President of Crocus Group (married to the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev Leyla Aliyeva).
Daughter - Sheila Agalarova, student of the Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC, USA.
Grandchildren - Ali and Mikail Agalarov.


In April 2000, journalists wrote about Aras Agalarov in connection with one strange story. The next exhibition of computer technology "Comtek`2000" was held in Moscow. On the day of its opening, it became known that the exhibition had been sold to a new owner. The former owner, Comtek International, sold the business to the British firm International Trade & Exhibition. In this regard, journalists noted that in the whole story with the sale, only the role of the second organizer of Comtek, Agalarov's company Crocus International, remained incomprehensible. All rights to trademarks, databases and other intellectual property owned by Comtek International. And what did Crocus get from the deal? Journalists noticed that, according to rumors, the exhibition was organized mainly by Crocus. Additional attention was drawn to Comtek on Wednesday, when due to an anonymous call about a bomb planted on the territory of the Expocentre, all participants and visitors of the exhibition were urgently evacuated.

Source: Kommersant newspaper No. 70 (1955) dated 04/21/2000

In November 2005, Aras Agalarov interested journalists in connection with the fact that, being one of the owners of the Moscow Cherkizovsky market, he became the owner of the new Grand shopping complex in Khimki. In this regard, journalists drew attention to a rather sharp manifestation of nationalism on the part of Agalarov in personnel matters. It was noted, in particular, that all the old technical workers of Grand, who were not Azerbaijanis, had problems in connection with the appearance of new workers, Azerbaijanis. In addition, it was reported that 1,500 Russian employees were fired from Crocus City, which was also owned by Aras Agalarov, instead of which employees who worked for Cherkizovsky market Azerbaijanis. The media also wrote that the tenants of the Grand, who sold furniture, also had problems: they feared that Agalarov's people would also take their places. This assumption was based on the fact that former chairman GTK Mikhail Vanin is a close friend of Aras Agalarov. It was thanks to his acquaintance with Vanin when he was his "head of customs" that the Azerbaijani businessman greatly expanded and strengthened his empire.

Source: B-F.Ru, 11/15/2005

In January 2006, news appeared that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev intended to intermarry with Aras Agalarov. Eldest daughter Aliyeva Leyla got engaged to 25-year-old Emin Agalarov, the son of Aras Agalarov.

Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda, January 14, 2006

At the end of 2006, some journalists called the successes of Agalarov's Crocus City company bogus, based on Agalarov's own advertising. In addition, it was reported about the competition between Agalarov and the Mountain Jews God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev, who seized huge areas of land near Moscow in the immediate vicinity of Agalarov's territories. The media also drew attention to the fact that Mountain Jews also own shares in the Cherkizovsky market and in Grande. However, in the future, this topic was not discussed by journalists. It was also reported about the strange economic situation that has developed around one of Agalarov's projects - a cottage village in New Riga. The project was waiting for an investment of $ 1 billion, despite the fact that the entire fortune of Aras Agalarov, who occupied only 145th place in the Forbes list, was then equal to $ 150 million.

Source: solomin, 05.12.2006

Thanks to kinship with the President of Azerbaijan, Agalarov at the end of 2007 was able to start a new project in Azerbaijan. The businessman decided to build a resort area worth about $1 billion on an area of ​​200 hectares in Nardaran, a suburb of Baku. Aras Agalarov told the Azerbaijani news agency about the creation of the Crocus Azerbaijan company, which will build a resort area on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The businessman specified that the total area of ​​all buildings of the new resort on the shore of the Absheron Peninsula will be 500-600 thousand square meters. m. The press expressed doubts about the legality of the conditions under which he received a plot of 200 hectares, located on a two-kilometer coastline.

Source: Kommersant newspaper No. 204 (3780) dated 11/07/2007

In February 2008, residents of the village of Voronino in the Istra district of the Moscow region turned to journalists for help. - CJSC "Crocus International" bought around the land with total area more than 300 hectares, where an elite cottage settlement will be built worth up to $30 million. The company says the village will be demolished and replaced by Europe's largest golf course. Crocus International employees exert moral pressure on local residents, many of whom have already been forced to sell their homes. The rest were promised to create unfavourable conditions for living and are already doing it. People are simply "squeezed out" from their homes. Help stop this “war for land” and get officials to pay attention to our problems.”

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