Modern Templars. How and why the Knights Templar was destroyed in one day

Our compatriot anthropologist Kirill Serebrenitsky is known in Russia as a tireless researcher of secret religions and an analyst of the centuries-old intricacies of genealogical branches. During his recent visit to Samara, Anton Stegalin managed to get an exclusive interview with him for our newspaper.

- Do the Templars exist today?

There is such an exquisitely disturbing story by Henri de Regnier: in Venice, in a gloomy abandoned palazzo, there is an old mirror, and in it lives - appearing and disappearing - a reflection of a person. This man has been dead for a long time, two centuries already, but he exists in some closed mysterious space. The same can be said about the Templars (

As you know, the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ from Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem was defeated in all European countries and officially banned by the Pope. The destruction of the order began in France in 1308, in 1310 the Order was abolished.

I know about fifty now operating organizations, claiming to be descended from the Order of the Temple, but this is not the limit. The variety here is incredible. There are Good Templars - this is an international Christian movement that advocates a sober lifestyle. There are Eastern Templars - these are worshipers of Satan, their ancestor is the famous Aleister Crowley. There is a strictly Catholic Order of the Knights of Christ, it is represented in Italy, Germany, countries of Eastern Europe, - although they do not insist that they are descended from those same Templars. Templar operates in Paris educational institution for kids.

There was the Order of the New Templars - these are Aryan pagans, extreme Nazis, and the Order of de Molay - a kind of scouting movement, defenders of American values. In France - now for every taste: the Templar Church of the Elder Brothers of the Rose and the Cross, the Space Templars, the Initiate Templars, the Solar Templars, the Fire Templars - these are, however, mostly small, unstable, albeit assertive, groups. There are also quite strong Templar structures that have both the means and political opportunities.

Perhaps the most significant is the Military and Sovereign Order of the Temple, which is represented in Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

Well, of course, there are countless clubs of historical reconstruction involved in the restoration of elements material culture Medieval - many of them raise flags with Templar symbols.

That is, there are no real successors to the Order of the Temple, and all today's "Templars" are nothing more than people playing historical games?

At the beginning of the 18th century in a short time a rumor spread that during the destruction of the Order, especially dedicated commanders and knights took refuge in remote mountain castles. That the Templars preserve their Order - from generation to generation, in conditions of strict secrecy.

The restoration of the Order began - simply incredible in scope. The Templar - an intellectual fashion, if you like - then dominated politics, science, and art.

Dozens of communities arose, one way or another deriving themselves from the Templars. The most significant are the Scottish Templars. Royal Order, as they were called. Their Grand Master was at first Prince Charles Edward Stuart, King in Exile of Scotland. By the end of the 18th century, these Templars also appeared in Russia.
The Swedish Templars followed, and Crown Prince Gustavus Adolf became Master of the Templars, who succeeded to the throne as King Gustav III.

- And what about Russia?

Russia was torn in spirit and mind to the West, immediately picked up any call and fashion. The Templars appeared in Russia almost immediately. Both Scottish and Swedish. In the 1760s in St. Petersburg, the German Johann Stark founded a special offshoot, the Capitulum Clericorum Petropolitanum Templierum. He claimed that the true Templars live in the north of Russia. And later, his own Order - Byzantine - was created by the Russian general Pyotr Melissino, a Greek by birth. According to him, after 1314, the Templars could not hide anywhere in Catholic Europe, they had only one way - to the east, to Orthodox lands, to Greece.

- A little more - it turns out that the Templars live in Samara ...

If you like, they were: two centuries ago. Samara turned into a provincial city thanks to the Templars. In 1822 the Russian Colonel Vasily Perovsky in Edinburgh was initiated into the Kilwinning Society, also descended from the Templars. Prior to this, Perovsky had already been knighted by the Swedish ritual.

It was the Templar Vasily Perovsky who initiated the creation of the Samara province. So the Samarans owe this to the Templars.

Some Samara nobles were initiated into the Orders of the Scottish and Swedish rituals. I met in Samara with a lady from the Chemodurov family - it was at one time a loud surname in Samara - her great-great-grandfather was initiated into the Templars of the Scottish ritual in Simbirsk.

-Maybe even some Templar castles have been preserved in our province?

Unfortunately not, although they could. The Templars were the Zubovs. Prince Platon Alexandrovich Zubov, favorite of Catherine II and his brothers, Counts Valerian, Dmitry and Nikolai. The Zubovs were from our places, they owned the current Chelno-Vershinsky district and part of the neighboring ones. In Zubovka - it is still a fairly large village - there was their ancestral home a real castle. Now in its place is a wasteland.

They told me: under the palace in Zubovka, a huge underground passage. A treasure is allegedly buried in Chistovka, and some people have already come to look for it. Mysterious ruins, almost hidden underground, in the forests near Mount Shishki, in the Isaklinsky district, are also the remains of one of the estates of the Counts of the Zubovs.

On the territory of the former Samara province, the Templars of the Scottish ritual even tried to create their own state, in vassal dependence on Russia. To do this, they used the invitation of the Germans to the Trans-Volga colonies.

In 1764, the Belgian Baron Ferdinand de Beauregard de Cano brought to our area several hundred families of immigrants from Switzerland, West Germany, founded several villages on the Volga, along the Karaman River. I definitely managed to establish that it was a Templar landing. Baron Beauregard himself and his assistant, Colonel Otto de Monjou, were Templars of high dedication. Then the connection with Europe ceased, by the end of the 18th century the fashion for the Templars ended and the project died down.

However, ordinary colonists, Germans and Flemings, for the most part, hardly knew what a grandiose project they were involved in. But still, the memory survived. In Samara, I wrote several times in German families: our ancestors were knights. In 2000, in Togliatti, gangsters from the Ruzlyaev organized crime group killed a successful businessman Alexander Beauregard - this was most likely the last descendant of that same baron in our area.

- What caused such interest in the Order of the Templars on your part?

I have with the Templars - family ties. Many years ago, I found out - by chance that the retired lieutenant Prince Pyotr Frolovich Engalychev was knighted in the Swedish Order of the Temple, this was in 1778. Six years later he became commander of the Temple in Moscow. I am a descendant of his brother, Prince Ivan Frolovich. So today I am the last of the offspring of this Templar Commander.

- That is, you can also be engaged in the restoration of the order?

I have the opinion that the Order of the Temple does not need to be restored: it still exists. In Portugal, the Templars were found not guilty, no one persecuted them. In 1319, the King of Portugal resumed the Order of the Knights Templar, under the name of the Order of the Knights of Christ. This Order inherited the local possessions of the Templars. Authority over this Order has been contested for centuries by the Pope and kings. In 1905, the Pope split off his branch of the Order of Christ. Now this order can be considered a legitimate continuation of the Knights Templar. Thus, a paradoxical situation is obtained - today Pope Benedict is de jure the Grand Master of the Order of Christ.

The reason for the appearance of Samarr in Russia and Iraq is revealed quite simply. Interest in such a schematic may exist only among those for whom this name has great importance. And here the most interesting begins, it turns out that Samaria was the main city of the Jewish tribe Manas and at one time even the capital and the name of the entire Northern Kingdom - here is the clue for you confirming the fact of the Jewish raid on Russia (and not only) ...

A difficult topic is why the Order of the Templars disappeared, perished. I do not have sufficient knowledge in the history of the Knights Templar, so I set out to compile an overview using different sources from the Internet.

The Order of the Templars was created after the 1st Crusade in Palestine. It is believed that they created it to protect the pilgrims to Jerusalem (although this is an ostentatious purpose). It was officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1128 at the Council in Troyes. The charter of the military monastic Order was written by Bernard of Clairvaux. He also became the initiator of the 2nd Crusade. All the first templars participated in the crusade, ie. they carried the faith in a completely inhumane way - with a sword and a spear.

Today they talk a lot about the secrets and mysteries of the most mystical monastic brotherhood - the Order of the Templars. It is still unknown how the “poor knighthood of Christ and the Temple of Solomon” (this was the official name of the Knights Templar) became the owner of untold wealth and the largest European landowner. For example, based on historical facts, researchers argue that the Knights Templar was much richer than any ruler of Western Europe.

In addition, founded in 1118, in 50 years the Knights Templar became the most influential and powerful organization in Europe. The Templars financed the construction of cathedrals, built roads, became international bankers. There is also evidence that the Templars sailed to America - much earlier than Columbus.

What did the Knights Templar do in Europe?

The Order of the Templars grew rapidly, owned lands in all countries of Western Europe, especially in France, Catalonia, and Italy. Also:

  • They had many privileges from the Pope and from the overlords.
  • The Templars came up with a non-cash method of transferring money, in which gold no longer needed to be carried with you, but it was possible to receive it by loan letters from treasurers in the priories. And since these priories, like a web, covered the entire then Christian world. No other secular pawnbroker could provide such a service to clients, but it was easy for the templars. In addition, it was they who came up with the system of checks and letters of credit to bearer, and introduced such a concept as a "current account".
  • The Templars issued money loans to sovereigns, moreover, on the security of profitable lands, and even state treasures!
  • They struck the French kings with a blow of unprecedented strength: they minted and began to keep a standard gold livre in their Temple. So now any gold coin that was different from it was declared counterfeit and was not accepted by them in the calculations!
  • They built and maintained roads. Taking a check with him, the pilgrim could not carry money with him, but exchange it at any preceptory (comturium) of the templars, this made it senseless for the robbers to attack for the purpose of robbery.
  • They created their own fleet, received a monopoly on transportation along mediterranean sea making good money on it.

The influence of the Knights Templar was especially strong in France. It was there that the end of this organization was put. The Templars concentrated great wealth. The French king Philip IV was not burdened with moral qualities, but was called Handsome, he planned to do away with the order. Philip Handsome helluva lot indebted to the Order. Many sources write that this is how the king decided to get rid of the debt - to destroy the credit institution.

Actions of King Phipip IV

Whether only the idea of ​​​​Philip the Handsome killed the knights-templars, or there were other reasons, weaknesses within their organization, it is difficult for us to judge. The archive of the Knights Templar, as well as their gold reserves, according to the official version, disappeared. The king of France got rid of the order, but did not find their wealth. Perhaps Philip IV, being a contemporary of the events, saw something else, for example, internal strife in the Order, the confrontation of some forces fighting for power and influence and took advantage of the situation.

The elimination of the Templar order was clearly a planned action, and these plans were not formed spontaneously. To begin with, the order was deliberately accused of heresy. Not subject to local kings, subject only to the Pope (and even then formally), exemption from taxes only added to the hatred of the templars.

At night on October 13, 1307 by order of the King of France, all the Templars in the country were arrested, and all their property fell under it. The investigation was conducted for several years, and it would even be strange if during this time most of the knights did not confess to the most terrible deeds for a Christian: that they worshiped the devil, desecrated Holy Communion, desecrated a crucifix, killed newborn babies, sin of Sodom and many other equally vile sins.

The executioners had no choice but to send the knights to the stake. None of the laws of the kingdom worked for the Templars. Whereas a witch who renounced heresy was usually spared and released, a Templar who renounced heresy was sentenced to be burned at the stake.

Curse of Jacques de Molay

It is stubbornly told that the master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, before being burned at the stake, summoned King Philip IV of France, Pope Clement V and the closest adviser to the monarch de Nogaret to the Judgment of God. Jacques de Molay cursed them and their offspring: “Papa Clement! Knight Guillaume de Nogaret! King Philip! In less than a year, I will call you to the judgment of God and you will be rewarded with a just punishment! Curse!! A curse on your family up to the thirteenth generation!!!”

Two weeks later, Pope Clement V died suddenly of an illness. Almost at the same time, death overtook the colleague of the French king de Nogaret. They say that Nogare's death was hastened by Countess Matilda Artois, who did not hide her disgust for Nogare and said: "God is merciful and if he is in no hurry to fulfill the curse of the Master of the Templars, I will help him!" And Philip the Beautiful did not live long - in November of the same year, when he defeated the order, he suddenly died of a stroke.

The fate of the king was shared by the three sons of Philip - the people called them "damned kings." For 14 years, they alternately died under very mysterious circumstances, leaving no offspring behind. The death of the last of them, Charles VI, interrupted the reign of the Capetian dynasty. But the new French Valois dynasty, which took the French throne, also faced unheard-of disasters. In 1337, the famous Hundred Years War began.

During the war, one of the Valois - John the Good died in captivity by the British, the other - Charles V lost his mind. tragic fate befell all the representatives of the Valois dynasty:

  • killed in the tournament Henry II (1547-1559),
  • as a result medical error died Francis II (1559-1560),
  • was poisoned by Charles IX (1560-1574),
  • died at the hands of the fanatic Henry III (1574-1589).

Failed to escape the curse of Jacques de Molay and Bourbon dynasty who replaced the Valois on the throne: the first of the Bourbons, Henry IV, died from the killer's knife, and the last Louis XVI ended his life on the scaffold. The following fact is interesting: before the execution, the king was imprisoned in the Temple Tower, which was previously considered the stronghold of the Knights Templar. Eyewitnesses of the execution claim that after the execution of the king, a man shouted: "Jacques de Molay, you have been avenged!"

Secrets of the Knights Templar

In the history of the Templars there are more mysteries than clues.

  • Where could such a number of material and spiritual treasures of the templars be hidden?
  • Why were the Templars so active in reviving the legends of the Brotherhood of the Round Table and the glorious King Arthur?
  • Were the knights really the guardians of one of the greatest relics of Christianity - the Holy Grail?
  • Where did thousands of knights of the order draw such tremendous spiritual power from?
  • And who were the Templars really - the servants of the Lord or the subordinates of the dark forces?
  • Were they heretics or victims of slander?

Even the sources of the Templars' wealth raise questions. Many believe that the templars received numerous donations from the aristocracy and monarchs. But donations went not only to the order of the templars, why in the XII-XIII centuries the strength, influence and wealth of the Templars far exceeded other concessions?

How did the Templars get so much silver? They generously paid with silver coins. But during the time of the Templars, there were no significant deposits of silver in Europe. Where did they get silver in such huge quantities?

Causes deeper, consequences longer

There is another assumption: since the templars maintained normal relations with the Muslim world, it is possible that it was the well-established trade with the Saracens that brought the knights huge income. Many researchers are of the opinion that the significant financial transactions carried out by the Templars without regard to the rulers European states and the Church, as well as numerous "manipulations with material values" and hastened the death of the Order of the Temple. The question is not clear, how did a powerful military-religious order, which has professional warrior-monks, dutifully allow itself to be destroyed?

Historians believe that the creation of a powerful paramilitary structure, which has at its disposal huge cash, had far-reaching plans. Most likely the goal was to create a united Europe with a single government and economy. At the basis of a single European economy, the Templars intended to put a monetary system similar to that which operated in the order. At the head of a unified political power in Europe it was planned to place the Merovingians, who were declared direct descendants of Christ. The knights of the order set themselves a daunting task, which even now no one can cope with.

Modern bankers, no doubt, recognize that the Knights Templar created a stable credit and financial system with its debt obligations (bills) and loan interest. The Templars managed to build a pan-European usury network, very similar to modern system banking capital. They were not afraid to violate the prohibition of the church, which does not allow Christians to profit from the interest on loans, i.e. receive unearned money. Only Jews were forgiven for engaging in this type of activity, considering them to be Gentiles - let us recall Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and " of the miserly knight» Pushkin.

By the way, the ban on usury in Islam is still in effect (I wonder if Islamic states know about this?). It seems that the main reason that the Knights Templar failed to carry out the planned radical changes in Europe in the 14th century is that Europe itself was not ripe for such advanced transformations.

Philip the Handsome was not allowed to know about all the plans of the Templars. But he considered dangerous for his empire and for himself personally the influence that the templars had acquired over the years of their existence. The Templars, on an equal footing, communicated with the mighty of the world, had stable ties with regions of the whole world, could manage any secret sects and teachings. I must say that Philip himself also hatched plans to receive the crown of the Roman Empire, but he was afraid that the Knights Templar would interfere with the implementation of his ambitious plans.

The treasury of France was devastated, the indignation of the people was growing, and the Templars, to their misfortune, were not only fabulously rich, but were also the main creditors of Philip the Handsome. His actions towards the order of the templars led to the fact that Philip the Handsome entered into world history not as a ruler who cares for the triumph of law and the glory of religion, but as a robber and murderer, on whose hands the blood of members of the Templar order.

Not everyone died, but it was not possible to revive the past

But not everywhere the Templars were persecuted and destroyed. Scotland was one of the countries that gave them asylum. Many knights of the order joined the ranks of other military monastic orders, among them the Order of Malta, the Order of the Temple of Solomon, the Order of the Knights of Christ (Portugal). So, Vasco da Gamma and Prince Enrique the Navigator were knights of the Order of Christ. The prince contributed to the development of shipbuilding in Portugal, he equipped ships to explore new lands and they sailed under the flags of the Templars. The symbols of the Templars were on the ships of Columbus when he crossed the Atlantic.

Why was it that the Order was so seemingly easily disbanded in one night, and its riches and documents were not found?

In fact, the Order of the Templars could only be part of another, the so-called ... Zion Order, which appeared at the turn of the XI-XII centuries. Very reminiscent of modern corporations. One belongs to the second, and the second is part of the first - about corporations.

What was this order, whose name comes from the name of the abbey of St. Mary and the Holy Spirit on Mount Zion, with a rigid hierarchy, divided into seven degrees? In 1118, his fifth degree - the Crusaders of St. John - became the Order of the Knights of John of Jerusalem (Hospitallers, Johnites), and almost simultaneously the Templars also stood out from it, and then Warband. That is, all these three orders were only legal parts of an illegal association.

With the fall of Palestine, the Order of Zion goes further into the shadows, but still manages its legal "branches". And, according to the authors of the version, foreseeing the sad fate of the Knights Templar, the “Zionists” took action. The decision they made was cruel: not to waste efforts on the compromised templars, but to save the main thing - their supranational empire, its wealth and connections.

And of course, the Zion Order did not want to give anyone its gold, which only nominally belonged to its branch in the person of the Templars.

And, since, according to the authors, the “Zionites” guessed about future events a few years before they all happened (and where did such insight come from, did no one really blurt out?), Then they had time to take out their wealth. Where did they take him? To England, which they chose as an instrument of revenge on France for ... the destruction of their branch - the Knights Templar. That's even how! Therefore, when the Hundred Years War began in 1337, all the money ended up there. Hence all the military successes of the British. After all, England at that time, compared with France, was a poor country, and suddenly such military achievements and successes? What kind of "shishi", you ask? But on which - on the "gold of the Templars"!

One of the discoverers of insulin, Canadian physiologist Frederick Banting gave half of his Nobel Prize (1923) to his assistant Charles Best, considering it unfair that he was not included in the list of laureates.
This was reminiscent of the act of the Soviet biophysicist Simon Shnol, who refused to authorize the discovery of periodic chemical reactions, which were studied by his graduate student Anatoly Zhabotinsky.

I want to have a double who would wander around the world, trying to unravel the mystery of the treasures of the Templars. King Philip the Handsome was disappointed when, after the defeat of the Knights Templar, he saw that most of the treasures of the Order had disappeared without a trace. Traces led to Italy, Spain, Scotland, Portugal, Poland, the Baltic states and even to Russia.
For those who are interested in the fate of the Templars after the defeat of the Order and their connection with Russia, I do not recommend reading the works of Zenin. Rather, they can be read, but only after the articles by Irina Voropaeva, which are published on the website

Copper Scrolls
In 1953, copper scrolls were found at Qumran, which were deciphered three years later. There is a description of the places where huge treasures were hidden - tons of gold, silver ... The Essenes of Qumran were not rich and mercantile, these are most likely the treasures of the First or Second Jewish temples.
Popular books and films about the Templars claim that the first Templars came to Jerusalem to search for these treasures. Archaeologists, they say, have found traces of their symbols on the places indicated in the scrolls. These treasures were the reason for the rapid and successful growth of the Order.
Hypotheses sound quite fantastic that the Templars took out from Jerusalem not only gold, but also sacred relics. Mention is made of the cup from which Christ drank wine at the Last Supper, the spear with which he was struck on the cross, or even the head of John the Baptist.
One way or another, the Templars surrounded themselves with mystery, which contributed to the growth of their popularity. I do not understand much in the history of the Order:
- why were the unknown French who arrived in Jerusalem after the first successful crusade allowed to settle on the Temple Mount?
– why Pope Innocent II gave them unprecedented tax incentives?
- where did the “Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon” get such money?
- why did such a powerful organization fail to organize a security service and the determination of Philip IV came as a surprise to the Templars?
And one of the symbols of the Templars, “two poor riders on one horse,” looks ridiculous now.

Modern Templars
Do you want to become a Templar? No problem! Just give me money. You don't have to become a Catholic. In Russia, the Templars are members of the public organization "Defenders of Orthodox Christians named after the Holy Prince Demetrius of Don". The charter of the organization is not as strict as that of the ancient knights. They were forced to fulfill a vow of celibacy, and the Russian Templars were only forbidden to cheat on their wives: “I undertake to eschew all shamelessness and not participate in any deeds of the flesh, except in due and permitted with my wife.”
I was a little confused by one of the tasks of the Russian Templars, voiced by the Grand Prior of Russia: “assistance and implementation of joint programs of the church with special services and law enforcement". Other tasks sound very humane and noble.

Roslyn Chapel
This chapel near Scottish Edinburgh is described by Dan Brown. It is indeed unique in its stone carvings with mysterious signs. The chapel was built by a descendant of the Templars in the 15th century, 130 years after the burning in Paris of the chief master of the Order, Jacques de Molay.
Naturally they say that the treasures of the Order are stored under the chapel. But excavations cannot be carried out: the chapel is operational and is in a deplorable state - excavations can bring it down.
Now Scotland is on my list of countries to visit while there is still interest in travelling.

Peter the Great - a Templar?
And in order to completely finish off my brains, I read that Peter the Great was also a Templar - he was accepted into the Order during his stay in Holland. True, the authors of such statements believe that the Masons continued the traditions of the Order and that the Masons and the Templars are just crap. Actually, it's debatable.

New Year
The New Year is imminently approaching. Until the age of twenty, during the chiming of the chimes, I thought hard about how to live the next year more happily. Nothing came to mind, but I promised myself that I would try.

HOW THE Templars and Christians shared power

This insulting story for Orthodox Christians began a long time ago. No, not as long ago as esoterically preoccupied housewives and post-Soviet intellectuals “carried away” by the search for “spirituality” would like: they can’t wait for a tempting story about Hugues de Payenne, who founded the mysterious order of templars on the ruins of Solomon’s temple, about their shrines: the mystical Grail and magical the idol of Baphomet, which is Osiris and Isis, merged into an androgyne in the arms of a sacred marriage, about the sufferer Jacques de Molay and the treacherous King Philip the Handsome, who burned the Knights Templar at the stake of the Inquisition - in a word, about that Masonic garbage that the Maurice Druons and Danes Browns coupled with Hollywood clog empty heads philistines. We do not care whether the current heretics, who have planted the abomination of desolation in the holy place, are the legitimate heirs of the heretic Templars, or whether they are crafty impostors with forged seals and theatrical props. One thing is important: these are the enemies of Orthodoxy, the servants of the Antichrist...

In 1994, strange guests settled in the Kitaevskaya Hermitage of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It was not for nothing that they were allowed under the holy vaults by the Kyiv beekeeping training complex that occupied the skete: knights in white cloaks with red crosses promised the restoration and renovation of the premises, brought under Soviet rule to a state of ruins. (Remembered old joke: “I will sell one apiary and two Ukraines” ...) The Order of the Templars, as is known from history, was engaged in usury: there were enough dollars for repairs and for bribes to Ukrainian officials. A black-and-white weather vane with a Templar cross was hoisted on the monastery roof. And in the basement began to build a Templar temple. Grand Prior Yablonsky began to accept the local authorities as "great officers", "officers" and "sergeants", who had recently wiped their pants at party meetings.

Russkiy Dom magazine wrote: “Having learned about the Templars, the Orthodox believers of Kyiv on one of the December days (2001 - approx.Author) approached the Kitaevskaya Hermitage in a procession and ... expelled the uninvited guests from the territory of the monastery ... how it was, says Father Prokhor, vicegerent of the Kitaevskaya Hermitage: “After the information about the Templars was spread in the Russian House, the entire Orthodox community in Kyiv and Ukraine found out about it. Came on procession the governors of all the monasteries of Kyiv, the clergy, the monks - in general, everything was very beautiful, grandiose, powerful. It was immediately clear what Orthodoxy was. And you know, it is gratifying that people are not afraid, but are even ready to lay down their lives to defend Orthodoxy.” On that day, despite the December snowfall, Easter hymns sounded in Kitaev - as a symbol of Christ's victory over the devil. For several months, the Templar weather vane, which had been kept on the roof, - to the singing of “Christ is Risen”, - was finally overthrown.

When the Orthodox believers entered the premises of the Templars, they were stunned by what they saw. On the second floor, the monks found a lot of occult symbols (in particular, according to the viceroy, inverted crosses and carpets with the image of a cross - for ritual trampling - ed.), on the table and bookcases - a whole selection of books on magic and Satanism , as well as a detailed diagram of the Freemasons with a list of the highest degrees of initiation ... The question arises, why did the “knights” of Christ, as the Templars call themselves, needed all these materials?

As it turns out, the Order of the Templars of Yablonsky was engaged in not only religious and not only commercial activities in Ukraine ... On the sheath of one of the swords left by the Templars, a very interesting dedicatory inscription was engraved: “To the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine - Commander of the 43rd Missile Army, Colonel-General Volodymyr Mikhtyuk… from the commander of the 24th Rocket Army.” Why was a sword with such a high dedicatory inscription kept at Yablonsky's headquarters? And what kind of organization is this - the “Order of the Templars”? ..

What we faced then - it began to become clear only now ... When Prior Yablonsky had problems with the Orthodox Church, a fax immediately arrived to Metropolitan Vladimir of Kyiv - and not from anywhere, but from Washington - in defense of the Templars ... Judging by the materials found in Kitaevskaya Hermitage , the Ukrainian Templars, indeed, have very far-reaching connections ... Not only in Russia, but also abroad ... "

Several years have passed. Expelled from Kyiv, the Order of Devil Worshipers settled in Moscow, having established itself as a generous donor to the needs of the Moscow Patriarchate. The Kievan lesson was not in vain for the Templars: it is necessary to lure not only secular authorities into Masonic networks, but also to make their natural enemies allies.

In August 2007, the Moldavian archpriest Anatoly Chibrik visited the patriarchal residence - St. Danilov Monastery in Moscow and wrote Open letter Patriarch Alexy II about what wickedness and blasphemy he saw in the monastery hotel: about towels for feet with the image of the Calvary Cross, about the same horns for shoes, about rugs and seat upholstery, mockingly decorated with a symbol sacred to Christians. All of these satanic products were labeled "Made in France" and provided by mysterious "sponsors". The Moldavian priest did not wait for an intelligible answer to his tearful petition. (Father Anatoly Chibrik is the same zealous pastor who inspired his parishioners in Chisinau in December 2009 to dismantle the Jewish Hanukkah and erect an Orthodox Cross in its place.)

The spirit of the times is Mammon, the image is the golden calf. The hierarchy sold Christ for pieces of silver a long time ago at the new exchange rate. The false teaching of ecumenism - the universal heresy - is part of the Masonic tradition. And hotels are being restored, and metropolitan monasteries are being decorated, acquiring car washes, underground shops, massage rooms, and domes are being gilded, as predicted by the elders ... And now his “brother” - not in Christ, but in the coming Antichrist - put on a white patriarchal cockle . God-killers of all stripes live freely and cheerfully in the once Holy Russia!

If we discard the husk of mysterious tales and symbols, who are they - the Templars and what is the meaning of their "mission"? Here is what the church historian, the late archpriest Lev Lebedev, briefly explains: “Especially strong since the 12th century. the knightly Order of the Templars (templars), first created for Palestine in the Crusades, became. The Templars wanted to restore the ancient Jewish Solomon Temple and on this basis agreed with the Jewish rabbinate, in which, even during the earthly life of Christ, the worship of the devil as a “god” was hidden under the guise of the primordial biblical faith of the Jews. From them, the Templars took the teachings of Kabbalah and devil worship, but retained the appearance of a Christian Order. At the beginning of the XIV century. he was exposed and disbanded. But most of the Templars, especially from rich and noble families, who continued to have ties with the Jews, survived, having moved to England in no small number, which to a certain extent contributed to the rapid transformation of this quite seedy country “in the backyards” of Europe into a very powerful and advanced power! In the 16th century, the "fashion" for Gothic temples and castles passed, the construction brotherhoods of masons disintegrated, but the spiritual ones remained. They included the spiritual Templars as well. Their task now was to build a spiritual "Solomon's temple" in the midst of humanity, or rather, a new spiritual Tower of Babel. Such Freemasonry took shape organizationally by the end of the 18th century, retaining the camouflage of building brotherhoods (symbols of aprons, hammers, trowels, compasses, squares, a hierarchy of students, apprentices, masters and great masters (grand masters)). The multi-stage system of initiation allowed them to hide even from their own members of the initial stages their true goals and the religion of the devil under the guise of harmless humanistic societies striving to end religious enmity, enlightenment, unification of mankind, to freedom, equality, brotherhood. The latter was necessary for their secret leaders - the Jews, since the Jews did not have the necessary freedom and equality (brotherhood) with other peoples at that time in Europe. Thus, the secret elite of the Jews, as well as the secret elite of the Masons led by them, are real werewolves. We saw this in Russia in heretics - Judaizers" (from the book "Great Russia. Life Path").

On December 17-19 of the past year, a series of strange incidents. The audience in white cloaks with "crossed out crosses" (an expression of St. Nikon (Rozhdestvensky)), in white Masonic gloves, with order chains and signs, girded with a white rope, sat as if at home, received new adherents, awarded themselves archipous titles and church letters - with the active participation of priests authorized by the authorities from the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces. This department is headed by the notorious hierochekist Dimitry Smirnov, a “Radonezh” radio hooligan…

Templars in St. Danilov

The "Great Officer" of the Knights Templar, Moscow lawyer Igor Trunov, out of his great mind, posted on the official website of the Order ( photos of the ungodly action. There is also a portrait of the beloved Jacques de Molay, and tales about the Grail and the Merovingians - "descendants of Mary Magdalene "(vile blasphemy, replicated for the profane by the Da Vinci Code"), and the plastic faces of foreign curators - "Grand Masters and Commanders". Black-haired witches in the style of the unforgettable Juna Davitashvili are ominously expressive in the photo - apparently, in order to avoid the old accusations of sodomy, it was decided to dedicate women to the Order as well. By the way, is it necessary during the initiation, as it was before, to “kiss through the nine natural openings” of the elder brothers in the Order? they will run as fast as they can to join another "closed elite club", they will incur membership fees for Western Satanists ... A certain rank of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already been chattle himself for posterity in the photo next to the Templars. Knight "Hugo the Lost" in colonel's uniform...

Secret sign.

The most notorious alliance of homosexuals, usurers, drunkards and devil-worshippers in history could not, of course, do without a moral sermon. The Ten Biblical Commandments and the New Testament Beatitudes are heavy for this brethren, and now, either in the spirit of the code of the builders of communism, or in the style of fashionable self-development sects, they have been rewritten from the Western original:


Always remember the example of the old Templars and the principles of our Charter.

Fight unceasingly for the Rights of Man and defend the weakest and the oppressed.

Also fight for the preservation of universal human values.

Start by improving yourself before you pretend to improve others and the world around you.

Build your life in accordance with your deep convictions, without hypocrisy and always respecting the beliefs of others.

Be always sincere in your statements and honest in your actions.

Always be true to the fight and keep your word.

Truly love nothing but spirituality, brotherhood, friendship.

Always give preference to dialogue and exchange of opinions, rather than confrontation and war.

Face all the difficulties you face with courage, knowing that you will find in yourself and in these higher principles the strength you need to overcome trials and improve.

Never forget that your basic rights and freedoms end where they begin with others.

Never forget that the value of a person lies in what he really is, and not in what he owns or what he seems to be.

At the bottom, a crooked pentagram is spinning - a banner of the friendly organization Right Cause (in the elections to the Voronezh Duma, its party list is headed by the curly-haired, thick-cheeked Freemason Bogdanov, remembered for the comedy of the 2008 presidential elections). But the meanest thing of all is the good-looking mask that the werewolves covered themselves with: they called themselves the “Society of Defenders of Orthodox Christians named after. St. book. Dimitry Donskoy.


Templars and priests

The children of the devil did exactly the same trick last autumn in Bulgaria: “On October 4, the Spiritual Council of the Bulgarian Templars took place in the Vereya Hotel in Stara Zagora. 180 Templars, as well as a large number of Orthodox priests, took part in the work of the Council. The presence of the latter was due to the fact that the organizers of the Council are not only the knightly order and the city administration, which is being revived on an Orthodox basis, but also the Stara Zagora Metropolis of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Sunday Liturgy on October 4, which was celebrated by Metropolitan Galaktion of Stara Zagorsk in the Cathedral of St. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, was timed to coincide with the beginning of the Council, and the Metropolitan himself will now be the official spiritual mentor of the Cathedral ... Before the start of the plenary session, the Grand Prior of the Templars of Bulgaria Rumen Ralchev announced the official start of the campaign to erect a memorial church in honor of the heavenly patron of Stara Zagora - the Holy Great Martyr Ignatius Starozagorsky,” reported on October 7, 2009. Wishing to destroy the "altars and thrones", the Freemasons chose as their nominal leaders the monarchs of the states doomed by them to perish, and those, flattered by the peacock titles, perished along with their monarchies. Now, wanting to spiritually disarm the Orthodox hierarchs, Satanists elect them to their presidium, and they are deprived of the grace of God along with the flock. This is how the mystery of iniquity is accomplished...

The Templar and His Grail: Communion!

Where did the uninvited defenders come from on our heads? But their success is undoubted: the current Patriarchal St. Danilov Monastery is much more presentable than the dilapidated Kitaevskaya Hermitage, dilapidated by Soviet beekeepers. Experts have long noted that the MP is supported by those in power and some "charitable" foreign funds. Donations from parishioners in the MP's income structure are only 6%. But does money really not smell for Orthodox hierarchs? Bearing in mind the recent reprisal against Bishop Diomede, the fake Local Council, all the dirty incidents of the first year of the Patriarchate of Kirill (Gundyaev), it is impossible to believe in such naivety. Credulity is characteristic of a flock of sheep, by no means of shepherds with the sharpest fangs and excellent appetite.

What remains for Orthodox Christians? To protect the holy name of the blessed Prince Demetrius, desecrated by the "knights of Solomon's temple" - and the Church desecrated by them! Otherwise, our hope is worthless, and the Judge will say to us: “I don’t know you.”

“Deceive all Orthodox Christians,

Having caught through deceit, catch to the demon.

It will not be possible to be desired by you,

Go ahead and fill the space yourself.

Nice place there and the first lodges

Will be assigned to you, O Masonic faces.

Play comedy now while you're alive.

Play you a tragedy, forever unhappy.”

Actual Quote I.A. Ilyin. “The Right to Truth”: “This is our misfortune and our danger: we live in an era of militant evil, but we do not have the right instinct to recognize and determine it. Hence the countless errors and wanderings. We seem to look - and do not see; we see - and do not believe our eyes; afraid to believe but having believed, we still try to “persuade ourselves” that “maybe all this is not so”, and out of place, and at the wrong time, we sentimentally refer to the gospel “do not judge”, and forget the apostolic “take away the evil from yourselves” ( Corinthians 1:5-13). We make a mistake and are ashamed to say: “I made a mistake”; therefore, we cling to it, prolong it, get bogged down in evil and multiply temptations. And the militant evil perfectly knows our blindness and helplessness, and develops the most skillful technique of disguise. But sometimes he does not need any special technique: he will simply call himself differently and speak, like a wolf in a children's fairy tale, in a “thin voice”: “your mother came, she brought milk” ... And we, as if we were just waiting for this, are gullible “kids” , now the “doors are wide open” and everything is ready. We need vigilance to human falsehood; susceptibility to someone else's insincerity; hearing for lies; a sense of evil; conscientious impression. Without it, we will be deceived like stupid birds, caught like rabbits and squashed like flies on glass.


On each face was written the consciousness of his own physical strength and at the same time pride from belonging to a secret order, standing outside and above the rest of society, participating in an important and fascinating rite, about the meaning of which the uninitiated can only speculate, and, moreover, false guesses.

Kurt Vonnegut. Utopia 14.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

As you know, the Templars, or Templars (from the Latin word "templum", i.e. "temple") were members of the spiritual and knightly (military monastic) Order of the Poor Knights (comrades) of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, founded in 1118 in Holy city of Jerusalem by the Burgundian nobleman Hugh de Payen (Payne), who became the first head (Grand Master) of the new pious chivalric brotherhood.

Initially, the Order of the Templars was called upon to protect pilgrims on a pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulcher from Muslim Saracen robbers. By the middle of the XII century. The Knights Templar reached an unprecedented peak. There were almost 9,000 Templar commanders alone (commanderships, that is, autonomous territorial military-administrative-economic units) alone.

From 1300, the Order of the Templars was subjected to severe persecution by the French king, "collector of lands" Philip IV the Handsome. Hundreds of Templars were thrown behind bars, subjected to sophisticated torture in order to extract confessions from them in crimes against the crown and the church. In 1307, mass auto-da-fe began (public burning of accused templars at the stake). In 1312, the Knights Templar was officially abolished by a special bull of Pope Clement V (a Frenchman by birth and a subject of King Philip the Handsome, who helped him take the papal throne, which was soon transferred from Rome to the French city of Avignon, where he remained for 70 years).

On March 18, 1314, the Grand Master (Grand Master) of the Knights of the Temple, Jacob (Jacques) de Molay, went to the stake in Paris on charges of aiding the devil, worshiping the "idol of Baphomet", etc. Already shrouded in clouds of smoke, the old Templar cursed the king and the pope, swearing to them that they would outlive him by no more than 9 months. The prophecy of Master de Molay was fulfilled with amazing accuracy. Pope Clement V died suddenly a month after the burning of Jacques de Molay, on April 20, 1314. The King of France, Philip IV the Handsome (Le Belle), moved to another world on November 29 of the same year.

The Knights Templar and its history are shrouded in many legends. According to one of them, on the eve of the beginning of the repressions brought down on the Templars by King Philip the Handsome in 1307, members of the Order of the "poor knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon" managed to take out most of his treasury in 18 galleys outside of France in an unknown direction. And in the same 1307, Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich Krasny, while in Novgorod, where he was gathering forces to fight his opponent Prince Mikhail of Tver for the Great Table (the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir), met there these 18 ships with Templar refugees, who brought "an incalculable amount of gold treasury, pearls and precious stones." Bowing to the prince, the fugitives complained to him about "all the untruth of the prince of the Gauls and the pope." Prince Yuri immediately found the means to organize an armed struggle against Mikhail of Tver.

According to one version, in Moscow long time there was a komturstvo (commandership) of the Order of the Templars. Serving people from the West, who arrived in Moscow, according to chronicles, in 1305-1311, from the Horde, Lithuania and "from the Germans", were the Templars, who fled from the French king and the papal inquisition to the extreme East of Christian Europe.

According to one of the legends that have arisen around the Order of the Temple, in 1147 a certain Theophrastus (Theophrastus) de Mont-Olympus founded the secret "Order of the Asiatic Brothers". After the defeat of the Knights Templar, its eastern preceptories allegedly became the habitat of the "Asian Brothers". From this deeply secret organization, only a few documents have survived to this day - in particular, the so-called "Sealed Letter from Prague", which the Grand Master of the Order of the "Asian Brothers" Marquis (Margrave) François de Montresor (life time: the end of the 16th century) before sent to prison to his brother in Prague - the then residence of the Emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" Rudolf Habsburg, who gained fame as the "patron of warlocks" and known for his passion for the secret sciences (in particular, alchemy and astrology), as well as esoteric teachings.

Subsequently, in the history of Europe, various organizations, including Masonic and paramasonic organizations, arose more than once, declaring themselves the successors of the Order of the Temple, allegedly not completely destroyed, but surviving in the deep underground. These claims were fueled by one undoubted fact: the countless treasures of the Templars, which allegedly served as the main motive for the defeat of the Templars for King Philip the Handsome, disappeared without a trace and, despite all the attempts made, were never found.

Many of the later true (or imaginary) successors and followers of the historical Templars seriously professed the cult of "Baphomet" (which the inquisitors only accused the historical Templars of, and which far from all of them confessed - and many, having confessed under torture, subsequently retracted their testimony - for which, by the way, they ended up at the stake, as they fell into heresy again!). What do we know today about "Baphomet", who was allegedly worshiped by the historical Templars (not all, of course, but only a narrow "circle of initiates")?

Countless gossip, rumors, ambiguous interpretations. but nothing really reliable! The French archaeologist Jean Charpentier, an ardent enthusiast of the history of the Templars, discovered two underground sanctuaries in Provence and found statues in them - supposedly! - Baphomet. One of these statues depicted an androgyne (rebis, bisexual creature), dissected by a longitudinal purple stripe, standing on a crocodile; the other is an anthropomorphic (humanoid) creature entwined huge snake. Judging by the writings of the mystics and alchemists of the 15th and 16th centuries based on the Templar tradition, Baphomet should be attributed to the so-called Aeons-Demiurges (creators of the lower, material world) of the Gnostic pantheon. Gnosis (both pagan and Christian - although this division is rather methodological) is characterized by its absolute intransigence towards the "created world" ("lower deity", "demiurge" - literally; "half-creator", or "potter", sometimes referred to in Gnostic tradition "Yaldabaoth").

According to the Gnostics, the creation of the world is the result of a weakening or dispersal of the Deity, a manifestation of anti-theistic power. The "creation" of the world, that is, completeness, a certain degree of formalization of the material element, means for matter being left to itself, separation from the generative energy of cosmic Eros. Under such conditions, the matter, according to the Gnostics, begins to reproduce itself, splitting up in an infinite number of less and less diverse combinations. This leads to submission, and then to the destruction of "Dynamis" - the creative masculine principle. "Dynamis", according to the teachings of the Gnostics, not only provokes birth, but also passes into the born and becomes active in it, forming an indestructible succession or phallic ligature of the Magic Spear. But this is just a guess. Torn off from Dynamis-Eros, the divine fire is sprayed, its formative energy is embodied in material substance; as a result, a created world is created, doomed to decay. And here comes the hypothesis of the Aeon-Mediator, capable of stopping the process of dissolution, harmoniously uniting Matter and Form. Hence the purple stripe on the statue of the bisexual Androgyne-Baphomet, combining part and whole, man and woman, past and future. Of course, these are all extremely difficult questions to comprehend.

19th century French occultist Eliphas Levi (former Catholic priest Alphonse Constant) in his famous work "The Doctrine and Ritual of Higher Magic" (the Russian translation of which was published in St. templars. On fig. 24 of the St. Petersburg edition we mentioned above depicts a bisexual androgynous monster with a female torso, eagle wings and the head of a goat, whose skull smokes with sulfur between its strongly parted horns. A pentagram (Star of Solomon) burns in the forehead of the androgyne, his stomach is covered with fish scales, crossed goat legs trample the earthly sphere, the left hand is directed upwards, towards the growing moon, the right hand is directed downwards, towards the moon at a loss. The inscriptions on the hands of the androgyne - "coagula" and "solve" denote two fundamental principles of alchemy, expressed by the imperatives "bind" and "resolve" ("bind" and "solve"). A similar image of "Baphomet" is given (under the name "Chernobog") in the anti-Jewish work of I. Lutostansky "The Talmud and the Jews", and in the anti-Masonic book of S. Nilus "There is near at the door".

Meanwhile, there are reasonable doubts about whether this chimerical creature is related to "Baphomet", who was allegedly worshiped by the historical Knights of the Temple, convicted of heresy by the Pope and the King of France. According to the interrogation protocols of the templars, in some cases they spoke of worshiping an idol with a cat's head, but most often they spoke of worshiping a male head with a long beard and "eyes sparkling like carbuncles."

In general, "the water is dark in the clouds."

Penotus, one of the students of the famous physician and magician Paracelsus, gave the following explanation for the phenomenon of Baphomet; "Baphomet is the God of knowledge, not of the knowable." Probably, Penotus had in mind active, transforming, transforming knowledge. Be that as it may, whether the historical Templars worshiped "Baphomet" or not, but the cult of "Baphomet" professed by their successors and followers, in the light of the foregoing, can only be characterized as having a sharply anti-Christian character.

In the 20s. 20th century in Soviet Moscow there was a secret esoteric organization called the "Order of the Templars", the symbol of which was, however, not the traditional red cross for historical templars on a white field, but a completely atypical blue six-pointed star-hexagram (akin to the one that later adorned the state flag of the Jewish state Israel). The Moscow "Templars" were crushed by the organs of the GPU. Recently, protocols of their interrogations in 2 volumes were published in Moscow. As is clear from the interrogations, this occult lodge had nothing in common with the historical Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, except for a similar name.

At present, in the USA and Great Britain (in particular, in Scotland), along with numerous Masonic lodges of the Scottish rite, which includes Templar degrees, there are separate para-Masonic organizations "Order de Molay" and "De Molay Commandery", the latter having its own "youth wing" (ironically referred to by its opponents as the "Masonic Scouts").

In the famous painting by the American battle painter Don Troiani "Farewell Salute to the Enemy" (reproduced on p. 186 of the illustrated "History of civil war in the USA"), depicting the surrender on April 12, 1865, of Confederate Confederate Army General John B. Gordon to Northern Unionist Major General Joshua L. Chamberlain, behind the latter one can see white, with a black border and a red pawled Templar cross, banner 1 th division, which is also the banner of the “Commandership de Molay.” On page 187 of the same book, there is a photograph of General Chamberlain with the same red palmate Templar cross on his uniform.

Along with the British (originally Scottish) Order of St. Andrew (also called the Order of the Thistle; the thistle flower is the national symbol of Scotland), in modern Western Europe (but also, for example, in Ukraine ) continues to exist whole line Knights Templar - "The Sovereign Order of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem", "The Order of the Knights of the Cross and the Temple", "The Order of the Lords of the Crusaders of Montfort", "The College of Jacob (Jacob) Molay", "German (aka German) Order of the Templars", "Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem", etc., tracing their origin to the ancient Order, founded in the XII century in Jerusalem by Hugues de Payens. As a rule, they have the legal form of officially registered public organizations created on the basis of rather vaguely formulated ideas of "Christian humanism" and are mainly engaged in resolving social tasks, the fight against poverty, the development of mutual understanding between peoples, etc. Unlike the Hospitaller (hospitable or hospitable) Orders (such as, for example, the Teutons, Lazarites, Johnites or Maltese), the modern (supposed) descendants and successors of the medieval Templars prefer to labor mainly in the field of patronage or general support of cultural and spiritual life, run their own schools, etc.

At the end of October 2009, the Vatican published 700 pages of secret archives concerning the Templars. One of the published documents - the so-called "Chinon List" - testifies that, as a result of a special investigation carried out at the direction of Pope Clement V in the first half of the 14th century, the accusations of heresy were dropped from the Order of the Templars and its members, which served as the basis for their arrest. , torture, execution by burning at the stake and confiscation of property. However, for many centuries the results of the investigation were not made public.

In 1980, the "Confederation of the Orders of the Templars" (Confoederatio Ordinis Templarii) was founded in Rome, not recognized, but not banned by the Vatican. However, the modern Orders of the Templars are mostly busy fighting each other and endlessly arguing about which Order is the true (legitimate) successor to the ancient Temple. Some of them are engaged in charity and officially declare that they profess the ideas of "tolerance", i.e. national and religious tolerance, mutual understanding between peoples, etc. Naturally, all this bears little resemblance to the behavior of the original, medieval templars, for whom the most optimal option for "development of mutual understanding between peoples" was a horse attack on "infidels"; and the "poor brethren" were not too fond of charity, because they needed every coin to fight the Saracens.

But even assuming that at least some of the majority of the modern "Orders of the Temple" really come from the ancient brotherhood of Hugh de Payen, they still, over the centuries of their secret existence, most likely, have lost the right to be called his legal successors. And above all - because they stopped fulfilling the main vow of the Knights of the Temple - to guard pilgrims on the way to the holy places. After all, to protect the pilgrims secretly is absolutely impossible.

For the most part, modern templars are knights, but not warriors and not monks. They do not live in castles and monasteries, they do not guard pilgrims either openly or secretly, they have completely different ideals and pursue completely different goals.

The only exceptions are members of the legitimate successor of the medieval Order of the Templars - the Supreme Knightly Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (Latin: Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani), whose Grand Magistrate is located in Porto (Portugal).

This is the end and glory to our God!


What do you mean? "Legitimate" means "in accordance with the law"; "legitimate", "authoritative". A legitimate monarch (in particular, a king) is a monarch (in particular, a king) who occupies the throne of a country in accordance with that country's law of succession to the throne. Philip IV the Handsome is the legitimate son, heir to the throne and successor of his father, the legitimate (legitimate) King of France Philip III the Bold, who occupied the throne of France after his father in accordance with the law of succession to the throne. Therefore, Philip IV the Handsome is the legitimate (legitimate) king of France. Why do you have doubts about this?

Well, how can I tell you, I just met the opinion that the Capetian branch is not entirely legitimate as the heirs to the throne of the Franks. There is an opinion that Hugo Capet did have something to do with the death of Louis V, the son of Lothair, but the rightful heir to the throne of the Franks was just Charles of Lorraine from the Carolingian family (and this is not counting the numerous love affairs of queens and kings and their result, although the era of the reign of bastards begins after the death of the Order). But the Carolingians also came to power by betraying the majordomo Pepin the Short, who betrayed his king Childeric III - last representative the Merovingian dynasty, which descended from the Trojans, namely from the family of King Priam - Paris (Paris-Paris-Paris, Lutetia Parisiorum).

And then I will continue the thought: But what am I leading to, and to the fact that the Order of the Knights might know something like that much more. The fifth Albigensian crusade looks all the more strange, and besides, the grandfather of Isabella of Aragon was a participant in it. And by the way, the Order of the Templars patronized the Albigensians. Why did I talk about this, because the official version of the defeat of the order does not look logical. And therefore, if all the same, the Carolingian-Capetian-Habsburg family is not the legitimate heirs of one of the most powerful kingdoms in Western Europe, then the history of the defeat of the Albigensians, and then the Templars, begins to take on a completely different color.

In my opinion, the version about the origin of the Merovingians from the Trojans is no less legendary than the version about their origin from the earthly offspring of the Savior, or the version about the origin of Ivan the Terrible from "Prus, brother of Caesar Augustus", the Scandinavian kings - from the god Odin, etc. Such fantastic genealogies were widespread in the Middle Ages. The Knights of the Order of the Temple conscientiously participated in the crusades AGAINST the Albigensians (otherwise it would be strange to expect warrior monks, whose spiritual leader was the Pope - the inspirer of these crusades).

But the chancellor of the counterfeiting king Philip the Handsome, Guillaume de Nogaret, (the actual murderer of Pope Boniface VIII, patron of the Order of the Temple) was indeed the son of heretic parents who belonged to the Albigensian Cathar sect. Grandfather Nogaret was condemned as a heretic by the Roman Catholic Inquisition in Toulouse during the Albigensian Crusade. So he harbored a grudge against everything Roman Catholic, including the papal throne and the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple.

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