A program that searches for similar files. Finding and removing duplicate files using the program - Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

Hello Dear Friend.

When working with files and documents, we often make backup copies of important data. In one folder in another in the third ... And then we even forget how many copies of this or that file we made and where they are stored on the disk.

As a result, free disk space is eaten up by unnecessary copies of files and folders. How to find duplicate files on all your drives and delete them?

Everything is very simple, we will use a small free utility with support for the Russian language - Soft4Boost Dup File Finder.

You can download the program here:

After installing the program, the main window will open:

If we check the box next to "Ignore file names", then the search will not use a match of file names, the search will occur by internal content file. This is very important, because the same files can be named differently. Fortunately, all the tips in the program are in Russian.

Below you can select the type of files to search for duplicates.

Select the desired disks or individual folders (by clicking on the plus signs). Then you need to click on the folder image with an arrow to the right to add desired list folders to be scanned by the program.

In this window, select the method for deleting files. The first option is in the trash with the possibility of recovery. Please note that the size of the basket is limited. To increase the size of the recycle bin, go to the properties of the recycle bin icon on the desktop and set the size in megabytes.

You can also choose the option to permanently, but I recommend deleting to the trash first. If something is wrong, you can always restore the file.

Press the "Search" button.

After the scan is over, a window with found duplicate files will open in front of you.

Select the files you want to delete with checkboxes and click on the button at the top of the "Fix problems" window, the selected duplicates will be deleted.

like this in a simple way you can get rid of numerous duplicate files on your disks.

Of the minuses of the program, I would note the impossibility of viewing the found files by double-clicking the mouse. It would be very convenient to immediately look at the file and remember what kind of file it is.

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A program for finding duplicate files is most often needed by users who store on disk a large number of music, photos and documents.

And, although you can delete such extra copies manually, specialized applications can save a lot of time.

Especially if the files are located in different folders or in hidden directories. You can search for such duplicates using the universal software or designed for a specific data type.

In the first case, the search speed increases, in the second, the probability of finding all copies increases.

Universal Applications

Universal applications for finding copies mainly work on the principle of comparing file sizes. And, since the probability of matching the number of bytes in different photos is practically equal to zero, the same values ​​are considered a sign of a duplicate.

Sometimes the algorithm provides for checking names, which is also an important parameter for searching, especially since the same data in most cases matches the name.

The advantages of the programs are the ability to find files of any type with their help and the relatively high speed of work. The disadvantage is the lower accuracy of detection. So, for example, none of these utilities will consider the same photo saved with a different resolution as a duplicate.

1. DupKiller

An application that searches for files with almost any extension can be downloaded for free on the official website of its manufacturer.

Among the differences of the program is the interface in Russian, fast work and a large number of settings.

With DupKiller, you can compare files by size, by date, and by content (the latter feature is supported only for certain types).

Rice. 1. DupKiller program window.

2. Duplicate Finder

The Duplicate Finder application allows you not only to search for duplicate files with different extensions, but also to sort them.

For the convenience of users, the utility settings allow you to search by size, by checksums, and by name.

In addition, it can be used to delete empty folders and "null" files. And among the shortcomings, one can only name the lack of support for the Russian language.

Rice. 2. The result of the Duplicate Finder application.

3 Glary Utilities

The program is not one utility, but several at once - for fixing the registry, for cleaning the disk, and even for managing security.

One of the applications in the set allows you to search for duplicate files. Among the advantages of the utility is the Russian interface.

The disadvantages include a certain slowdown in the computer when using the application.

Rice. 3. Utility for finding duplicates as part of the Glary Utilities package.

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4. CCleaner

The main task multifunctional program CCleaner is a cleaner hard drive computer (as well as tablets and smartphones, since the application also has versions for Android). And among its advantages can be noted:

  • ease of setup;
  • setting multiple search criteria;
  • ability to ignore some files (with certain size or date of creation, as well as system or hidden).

Important: If files with a size of zero are found, they do not need to be deleted. Sometimes it can be information created in another operating system (for example, Linux).

Rice. 4. The CCleaner system optimization program can also search for duplicate files.


Among the advantages of another program, AllDup, one can note the support of any modern operating system Windows - from XP to 10th. At the same time, the search is carried out inside hidden folders, and even in archives.

Although the comparison of information by default occurs by file names, so it is advisable to change the settings immediately. But in the process of searching, each found duplicate can be viewed without closing the application.

And if a copy is found, it can not only be deleted, but also renamed or moved to another location. Additional benefits of the application include a Russian-language menu and completely free work for any period of time.

In addition, the manufacturer also releases a portable version in order to look for copies on those computers on which the installation of third-party software is prohibited (for example, on a work PC).

Rice. 5. Search for files using the portable version of AllDup.

6. DupeGuru

Another useful application that searches for duplicates with any extension is DupeGuru. Its only drawback is the lack of new versions for Windows (while updates for Linux and MacOS appear regularly).

However, even a relatively outdated utility for Windows 7 copes well with its tasks when working in newer operating systems. With its help, even system files are easily detected, and the menu is intuitive and Russian-language.

Rice. 6. Detection of copies using the DupeGuru utility.

It is noteworthy that, in addition to the usual universal option, the manufacturer has created a utility for searching files certain type. There is a separate version for images and another one for music.

And, if necessary, clean your computer not only from documents and system files (which, by the way, need to be deleted very carefully - sometimes it’s even worth leaving an “extra” copy than to disrupt the system’s performance), it’s worth downloading these applications.

7. Duplicate Cleaner Free

The utility for detecting copies of any file Duplicate Cleaner Free has the following features:

  • filtering data by extension;
  • Russian interface language;
  • the possibility of free use;
  • high speed operation.

Its disadvantages include slight restrictions when searching for images (for this it is recommended to purchase a paid version) and not quite accurate translation of individual menu items from of English language. However, due to its efficiency and ease of use, the application enjoys a certain popularity.

Rice. 7. Search for duplicates using the Duplicate Cleaner Free utility.

Search for duplicate audio files

If the results of the search for duplicates do not suit the user, you can consider an option designed for certain files. For example, for music accumulated on a disk.

Such a need often arises when loading several albums and collections of the same artist at once - often the same tracks appear in different folders.

They can have similar sizes and differ, by and large, only in names. Especially for this, there are utilities for searching for similar melodies.

8.Music Duplicate Remover

Among the features of the Music Duplicate Remover program are a relatively fast search and good efficiency. In fact, this application, as it were, “listens” to the composition and compares it with other audio files.

At the same time, of course, its operation time is longer than that of universal utilities. However, the amount of data checked by the program, as a rule, is ten times less, therefore average duration checks rarely exceed a couple of hours.

Rice. 8. Detection of copies of music and audio files by albums.

9.Audio Comparer

Among the advantages of the Audio Comparer utility are a very simple menu and a quick search for copies of music. So, among several thousand audio files, it finds copies and duplicates (of course, if any) in just 1-2 hours.

At the same time, neither the size of the track nor its bitrate (bit depth, that is, the quality of the sound, the change of which leads to a different amount of data with the same duration of the melody) does not matter for detection.

Rice. 9. Find duplicates with Audio Comparer.

10. Dupe Guru Music Edition

The application is one of the additional versions of the free utility DupeGuru. The speed of its work is less than that of the universal version, but the probability of detecting a duplicate audio file is several times higher.

The principles of operation and the interface almost completely repeat the basic program, and one of the main advantages is that Music Edition considers music with the best bitrate to be “originals”. And, it means that removing duplicates will not lead to the loss of higher quality audio files.

Rice. 10. DupeGuru version for finding duplicate music.

Find copies of photos and other images

Just as often, the user may need to remove duplicate images. Especially if there are several collections of personal photos on the hard drive, sorted by date or location.

With the help of special software, extra photos and pictures will be detected and destroyed, and there will be more space on the HDD (SDD, flash drive and other drive).

11. Dupe Guru Picture Edition

The application for finding identical pictures is another option for the DupeGuru utility, which can also be (and even desirable) downloaded even if you have a universal version. At the same time, photo analysis also takes longer than searching for files of any extension, but the result justifies itself.

Images are determined even when there are several duplicates of the same image on the disk, but with different resolutions and, accordingly, sizes. In addition, to increase efficiency, files with any graphic extensions are checked - from .jpg to .png.

Rice. 11. Image search with another version of DupeGuru.

12. ImageDupeless

The ImageDupeless program is characterized by high speed and small size, which can be important when used, for example, to download 2G mobile Internet.

At the same time, it is distributed free of charge and has a Russian interface. And the manufacturer periodically releases updates to it, increasing the efficiency of image search.

Rice. 12. Stylish ImageDupeless application interface.

13. Image Comparer

The advantages of the Image Comparer application, in addition to a simple interface, include the presence of a step-by-step wizard that allows you to learn how to quickly and efficiently search for images.

This feature distinguishes the utility from most others, for which you will have to read help files that are not always correctly translated (and sometimes even provided only in English).

In fact, the application is another version of Audio Comparer, and is also distributed under a "shareware" license - that is, the user will have to pay for certain functions.

Rice. 13. Image Comparer app is a good way to find duplicate pictures.

Find copies of movies and videos

In addition to music and images, another type of data, duplicates of which are searched separately, are video files. After all, if you have 1-2 or even 4 terabytes of hard disk space, even movies can be “lost” on it.

Or home videos distributed in different directories. You can save space by deleting video copies using specialized utilities, the number of which is much less compared to applications for finding other files.

14. Duplicate Video Search

The operation of the Duplicate Video Search program is based on the comparison of bitrates, sizes and titles.

At the same time, different formats are also compared - .avi, .mpeg4, .mkv, etc. And the results are given in the form of thumbnails with file characteristics.

Rice. 14. Duplicate Video Search video search results.

15.Video Comparer

Video Comparer is highly efficient. However, it has a significant drawback for the domestic user - the utility is free only for the first 30 days (after which you will either have to purchase full version, or carefully clean the registry and install the trial one again).

In addition, the program interface is only English. However, for those people who constantly work with video on professional level, you can think about buying the application.

Moreover, it costs only 20 euros for home use and has a very high speed - up to 500 videos of any size are checked in 40 minutes.

Rice. 15. Identify duplicate videos with Video Comparer.


The advantages of programs for finding copies of files are serious enough that at least one of them should be installed on every computer.

Especially if the user is constantly downloading from the network various information. With the help of utilities that detect duplicates, you can save more than one hour of your time and several gigabytes of disk space.

One of the most quick ways Score HDD- storage of duplicate files. Surely many are not even aware of their existence ... they may have different origin: random copies, many identical downloads, and so on. One thing is for sure - they can really create some problems for you.

A lot of duplicates are created because of the need to keep the file "safe"... for example, before editing a document, I could make a copy just in case, and then forget it... or I already have such a document, and I downloaded it again from the mail. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of such doubles and it turns out that you score free place useless information.

With these tools, you can figure out and remove duplicate files in minutes and free up a lot of valuable hard drive space. I will only consider free utilities so you have nothing to lose!

Search for duplicate files. Overview of the best tools

This utility is probably my favorite tool for finding and removing duplicates, because it has a lot of great features: It is cross-platform, completely free, and also has an advanced labeling and selection algorithm.

What are non-clear duplicates? Several identical files may have different name. For example, you may have two files on your computer: example-file.avi and example file(1).avi- the utility understands this very well and can also mark them as a duplicate.

By the way, the utility also has other editions: Music Edition and Picture Edition, optimized for finding duplicates in graphic and audio files - even if they are recorded in different formats. This is very important, because it is audio and graphic files that most often become duplicates.

Duplicate Files Finder is an application that searches for duplicate files (which have the same content but not necessarily the same name) and allows the user to delete unnecessary files.

Duplicate Files Finder can only find exact duplicates. The principle of its work is to enumerate all the files on the computer by size and compare them by content. On the one hand, this is logical, but it is quite sad for video and graphics. (after all, depending on the compression algorithm, they can have different size) , but for everything else the program is just great.

Thanks to this comparison algorithm, Duplicate Files Finder is much faster than its competitors.

AllDup is a powerful duplicate search tool created by one person, Michael Thummerer. The utility has a number of settings for searching for duplicates from: file name, extension and data type, date of creation and modification, and many more different parameters.

AllDup has many useful features and great flexibility in terms of finding duplicates, but you have to pay for the functionality. The interface here is not at all friendly and this can drive an insecure user into a dead end. However, if you can figure out the program, then this application will be a good tool for finding duplicate files.

Duplicate Cleaner requires fine manual settings before you can use the functionality of this program to one hundred percent.

At manual setting you can choose in which folder you want to find duplicates, and not scan the entire computer as some other programs offer us. As a result, you can delete these duplicates, move them all to a separate folder, or create shortcuts to the only necessary file instead. In general, the impressions are positive - so I recommend it.

If you are a Windows user and want to get rid of endless copies of images, then SimilarImages will be more than ever for you. Images are, in my opinion, the most common source of duplicate content on a computer. For example, I know that I have a bunch of duplicate photos in different folders ... and given their number, I have no desire to deal with them manually.

The program has flexible settings and can detect inaccurate duplicates - this is especially true due to the presence of artifacts that appeared during the image compression process.

The great thing about SimilarImages is that it shows you two images when it finds duplicates, and you can decide whether to keep them or remove the duplicate.


All as in real life When junk creates a terrible mess in your home, duplicate files can accumulate on your hard drive. Such files are very difficult to delete, because you forgot about it, and ordinary system cleaner programs will not find them - as they are legally found on the hard drive.

Use the programs that I have listed for you to find duplicate files to free up space on your hard drive. If you know about other utilities - share with us in the comments.

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Removing duplicate files sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort, because for this you need to "overshoot" a considerable number of individual files, folders, and sometimes even disks. But with the advent of the Duplicate Cleaner Pro program, this task has been greatly simplified. The program will not only help you find duplicates with maximum speed and accuracy, but also qualitatively remove them without leaving a trace.

Such cleaning of the computer from duplicates and similar files helps it to work faster and better, because the hard drives will not be busy junk files. As a result, not only the speed of the system will improve, but also the quality of its work. Duplicate Cleaner Pro helps not only find files on hard and floppy disk drives, but also trace the path, size and date of creation of duplicates.

Download a program to find duplicate files

You can download the program for finding and removing duplicates from the link below for free via torrent. The Duplicate Cleaner Pro program is multilingual, and Russian is also available. It has many search options, such as by title, by content, or by tags in music tracks. After finding a duplicate, Duplicate Cleaner Pro will remove it to the trash or move it to a new location you specify. There is also a preview feature for duplicate images.

1. Install the program, do not run.
2. Copy and replace the contents of the Crack folder to the folder with the installed program.
3. Register the program with any serial number.

Everyone has a folder on their computer in which they store various photos or images, and it often happens that duplicates of such files appear on the hard drive. The question immediately arises, how to quickly get rid of them. The article will list a number of programs that are able to perform such actions quickly and efficiently.

It is a simple and easy to use program that is able to search in several ways and create galleries from selected images. What sets it apart from other tools is the presence of an assistant window, which makes using Duplicate Photo Finder even easier. Among the minuses, one can single out paid distribution and the absence of the Russian language.

Duplicate Photo Cleaner

Duplicate Photo Cleaner is also an easy-to-use program that can also read a wide range of graphic object formats. It has several ways to search for duplicates, and the presence of a Russian-language interface distinguishes it from most of the solutions described here. At the same time, Duplicate Photo Cleaner is paid, and the trial version has very limited features.

Duplicate File Remover

Another powerful tool to find copies of photos is Duplicate File Remover. In addition to searching for images, it is also able to scan your computer for other identical files. The capabilities of Duplicate File Remover significantly expand the plugins that are installed with it, but you can activate them only after purchase license key. Another disadvantage is the absence of the Russian language in the settings, but this does not prevent you from using Duplicate File Remover for its intended purpose, since all actions here are performed on an intuitive level.

Duplicate File Detector

This is a powerful multi-tasking program that is able to instantly find the same documents in the specified directory. Duplicate File Detector supports a large number of formats that will be checked during operation. This is the only tool among those we have reviewed that provides the ability to hash any file, for which there is a built-in hash calculator. Thanks to the latter, you can get the result in 16 hash codes. Using the Duplicate File Detector, you can rename the selected group of files according to one of the proposed templates. The program has been translated into Russian, but it is paid.


ImageDupeless is a powerful tool for finding duplicate images on your computer. In terms of its functionality, it is very similar to the previously described Duplicate Photo Finder. The same assistant is present here, the same possibilities for searching for identical graphic files and the function of creating a gallery from images. But ImageDupless has a Russian-language interface, which distinguishes it from the background of the mentioned program. The main disadvantage can be considered paid distribution and the fact that a lot of features are available only after purchase.


DupKiller is one of better ways to find not only duplicate images, but files in general. It provides the ability to search almost anywhere on the computer, has a very wide range of settings, and supports plug-ins. In addition, it is distributed completely free of charge and translated into Russian, which makes it possible to use it without any restrictions.


AllDup is small free program, which is designed to search for identical (including graphic) objects on the hard drive. It supports a large list of formats, which guarantees a high-quality search for duplicates. There will be more AllDup great option for computers that are used by several people at the same time. Against the background of the rest, it is distinguished by the ability to create several profiles with certain settings. This feature will greatly save time for users, which would be spent on reconfiguring the program. More on the list positive qualities AllDup, you can add the presence of the Russian language and free distribution by the developer.

Dupe Guru Picture Edition

Using DupeGuru Picture Edition, the user will receive a free, simple and straightforward duplicate photo search engine on a computer with a Russian-language interface. Among the additional features, it is worth highlighting that here you can export the results to a browser or to a CSV format that is readable by .

Dup Detector

Dup Detector is probably the simplest utility on the list provided. It does not have the Russian language and any additional features, except for creating galleries from images, but at the same time it provides several options for finding duplicate photos. In addition, Oak Detector is distributed by the developer absolutely free of charge and supports a large list of graphic formats.

This article reviewed programs that can quickly and effortlessly detect duplicate photos on a hard drive and permanently delete them. Which tool to use, let everyone decide for himself, but you should know that any of them will 100% cope with the task.

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