What documents are in the traffic police. What documents are needed for a driving school? Full list. How is the theory exam

A prerequisite for admission to the exam in the traffic police is the submission of documents, the list of which is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 106 of September 14, 1999.

The list of documents for passing the exam in the traffic police includes:

  • Passport or other document proving the identity of the candidate.
  • A document that confirms the registration of the future driver at the place of stay or place of residence.
  • Statement. /
  • Medical certificate in the form 083 / y-89 (original and copy). /
  • Certificate of completion of driving school driving school (not required if the candidate studied individually).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Previously issued driver's license (if any).

Previously, it was required to present two matte photographs 3x4 cm, but with the introduction of the rights of a new type, this has ceased to be relevant. Now the driver is photographed in the traffic police building right before receiving the certificate.

The passport

General requirements
The candidate must present a valid Russian passport, which indicates the full name, place of birth, year of birth, citizenship, registration or permanent residence. If the future driver has reached the age of 20 or 45, he must definitely exchange his passport before the exam, otherwise the documents will simply not be accepted from him.
When enrolling in a driving school, a package of documents with an expired passport is usually accepted, but it is reported that the candidate will be allowed to take the exam only after exchanging the old passport for a new one.

Registration and registration

Paragraph 12 of the first section of Government Decree No. 106 states:

Taking exams from citizens, issuing and replacing them with driver's licenses is carried out by the State Inspectorate on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation where the citizen is registered at the place of residence or at the place of stay.

That is, documents for passing the exam in the traffic police must be submitted where you are registered or registered.

At the same time, paragraph 13 of the first section of Government Decree No. 106 states:

Taking exams, issuing and replacing driver's licenses for citizens of the Russian Federation who are not registered at the place of residence or at the place of stay, is carried out by the State Inspectorate at the place of their actual residence

Sometimes this paragraph is interpreted as the obligation of the traffic police to allow persons without residence permit and registration to take the exam.

The decision on the admission of citizens to exams, the issuance or replacement of driver's licenses outside the registered place of residence or place of stay within the subject of the Russian Federation is made by the chief state traffic safety inspector of the Russian Federation, the chief state traffic safety inspector of this subject of the Russian Federation, the head of the state safety inspectorate road traffic URO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the heads of the relevant departments of the State Inspectorate authorized by them.

Thus, it turns out that the decision to admit a candidate to the exams without a residence permit or registration is made only at the level of the local, regional or all-Russian leadership of the traffic police. At the same time, it is not said anywhere that the manager is obliged to resolve this issue in favor of the future driver and allow him to participate in the exam.

In practice, the candidate is simply offered to register or register in this locality and only then submit documents.

Data validation
However, not everything is simple here either. If the future driver has been living at the location of the local traffic police for more than 1.5 years, his documents are accepted without additional data verification. When registering or registering for a period of less than 1.5 years, the candidate is required to provide a certificate from the traffic police at his former place of residence stating that he has not previously received a driver's license and was not deprived of the right to drive a car.
If the future driver cannot submit such a certificate, the traffic police sends a request to his former place of residence. By law, the answer must come within 1 month, but the head of the local traffic police department can extend this period up to 2 months.

Other identification documents

The list of such documents on the official website of the traffic police, in addition to the passport, includes an identity card (for officers, midshipmen and ensigns), a military ID (for contract soldiers and conscripts), a passport (for citizens who permanently reside abroad and temporarily stay in Russia ) and other documents proving the identity of a citizen, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Registration document at the place of registration or place of residence.

Usually such a document is a Russian passport with a corresponding mark. In addition, a certificate of registration or other document confirming registration with a mark of the FMS of Russia may be presented.


A single all-Russian application form does not exist. Each region uses its own form, approved by the local leadership of the traffic police.
can be downloaded on the website of the local traffic police department (unfortunately, samples are not posted on all sites) or found on the bulletin board in the traffic police building.

Medical certificate in the form 083 / y-89

Approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 831n dated September 28, 2010.

The old certificates are no longer valid. In accordance with Order No. 302N dated April 12, 2011 (Appendix 2), the validity period of a new document is 2 years. In some cases (after reaching a certain age, in the presence of certain diseases), the validity of the certificate is reduced to 1 year. A certificate can only be issued by a certified medical institution (as a rule, these are polyclinics specializing in professional medical examinations). The address of such an institution in your locality can be found in the traffic police.

To undergo a medical examination, you must submit a passport and a 3x4 photo (in some clinics you can take a picture right on the spot). You need to be examined by an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, neuropathologist, therapist, gynecologist (only for women), narcologist and psychiatrist. If the clinic does not have its own narcologist and psychiatrist, the staff of the medical institution sends candidates to neuropsychiatric and narcological centers (you can find out how this happens in your clinic on the website or by phone).

Certificate of Completion of Driving Courses

Issued in a driving school. There is no uniform all-Russian form. The certificate does not expire and can be presented even many years after graduation.
Persons who have studied independently or with private instructors do not need to present this document.

Receipt for payment of state duty

The receipt form is issued either at a driving school or during the delivery of a package of documents to the traffic police.
The state duty for a driver's license is 800 rubles, for a temporary permit - 500 rubles.
You can pay the state duty at any branch of Sberbank or through the terminal right in the traffic police building.

Previously issued driver's license

Granted if the candidate already has a driver's license of another category.
It should be borne in mind that if less than 3 months have passed since obtaining a driver's license of any category, the candidate will only need to take a practical exam. If the rights were obtained more than 3 months ago, you will have to pass both theory and practice.

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We have already talked about how the internal exam is held in a driving school. In this article, we will talk about how to pass the first stage of the exam at the traffic police, namely the theoretical part. What is tested in this exam? What mistakes are made most often? What you need to know to pass the traffic police exam the first time? We will answer all these questions right now.

What will happen on the theory exam in the traffic police

20 theory questions in one ticket. The exam is considered passed if the examinee answers correctly at least 18. The ticket includes questions of different categories:

  • general provisions;
  • road signs;
  • road markings;
  • traffic lights and traffic controllers;
  • start of movement, maneuvering;
  • movement speed;
  • overtaking, advancing, oncoming traffic;
  • stopping and parking;
  • crossings;
  • use of external lighting devices and sound signals;
  • malfunctions and conditions for allowing the vehicle to operate;
  • traffic safety and driving technique;
  • provision of pre-medical care;
  • general duties of drivers;
  • the location of the vehicle on the roadway;
  • route vehicle priority;
  • towing of mechanical vehicles;
  • application of special signals;
  • motorway traffic;
  • training ride and additional requirements for the movement of cyclists;
  • traffic in residential areas;
  • movement through railway tracks;
  • pedestrian crossings and places of stops of route vehicles;
  • transportation of people and goods;
  • driver responsibility;
  • use of alarms and emergency stop signs.

The ticket often contains all categories of questions, that is, the first may relate to the topic "Transportation of people and goods", the second - to "Traffic safety and driving techniques", etc.

Most of the questions contain illustrations that represent traffic situations or signs. All tickets are test tickets with a choice of answers, you need to choose only one correct one.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that the examinee inattentively looks or does not pay attention to the words "allowed", "not allowed". Also, most errors are caused by tickets with the answer “in both cases”, when both options are correct, but the student is in a hurry and indicates only one correct answer.

How is the theory exam conducted?

The delivery of theory to the traffic police is as follows. A group of examinees enter the classroom to take a computer test. The exam can also be held in the format of a test on a special form.

There are 20 questions in the test. Each of them provides answers. The examinee must select only one by ticking the box on the computer or on a sheet of paper. It is not necessary to follow the order of the questions. You can answer the easy questions first, then the difficult ones. To eliminate the error of passing computer testing, the answer is accepted by the PC only when you double-click.

The time allotted for passing the theoretical exam at the traffic police is 30 minutes.

Most dealers experience anxiety and uncertainty. The main thing to remember is that there are 800 exam questions in total. If you have taken everything apart and taken online tests many times in preparation for passing the theory, everything will work out. At the exam in the traffic police, there will be nothing new in the tickets, as well as there will be no oral questions and other unscheduled moments. All theory tickets are the same throughout Russia.

What do you need to pass the exam successfully?

To significantly increase your chances of successfully passing the theoretical exam in the traffic police, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Learn by heart the theory of traffic rules. We recall the school years and begin to delve into the features. Some of the questions may seem very difficult. For assimilation in such cases, we recommend that you analyze the question, study it thoroughly and try not just to memorize it, but to understand the essence. Then it will be easy for you to navigate during the exam.
  • Ability to use computers will be an advantage. We are no longer in the "paper" age - the era of computers has come a long time ago. In the traffic police, the exam can be taken on a computer.
  • Conduct yourself with restraint and calmness. If you feel like you can't concentrate because of the excitement, take a mild sedative that doesn't have a sedative effect. You don't want to scare everyone in the class with your snoring, do you?
  • Pay special attention to difficult questions of theory. There are questions that are remembered from the first time, some, on the contrary, are not remembered, for the life of me. Here we are working with them. We are trying to identify a pattern and, as already mentioned, to memorize.
  • Take online tests at home. Tutorials are a good thing, but practice at home through online simulators, of which there are now many on the Internet.

Nikita Orlov, auto expert:

« The theoretical exam in the traffic police is certainly not as important as practical driving skills. However, without passing the theory, you simply will not be allowed to practice. Many try to "learn" the rules of the road or exam tickets, but it's pointless. You need to not only know traffic rules, but also understand them. Do not try to guess the answer in the exam ticket, and even more so remember the paragraph of the rules governing the situation. The most effective method of training will be the help of an existing driver. Ask parents or friends who already have a driver's license to deal with you for those tickets that are especially difficult. Only by understanding the principle of applying traffic rules in practice, you will catch luck by the tail in a theoretical exam.

Common mistakes

In most situations, when a cadet cannot pass the theory the first time, the reason is ignorance of the questions, inattention and haste:

  • Carelessness. Pay special attention to the words "prohibited" and "permitted". For some reason, these words are most often confused, although they are opposite in meaning.
  • Rush. Sitting at the computer, strictly follow the instructions of the traffic police officer. You should not rush and press the buttons, because the program can complete the test without starting it.
  • Ignorance. Most cadets make mistakes on issues related to intersections, traffic controllers and trams. Study these questions thoroughly and take your time in answering them.

To avoid mistakes, use didactic materials and practice more often. Only when you feel that you are answering questions not just automatically, but with an understanding of what is required of you in the question, will you feel confident and will not make mistakes. Don't be afraid to run out of time. 30 minutes is enough to read and answer 20 ticket questions. To make sure of this, note the time when you will study at home.


If a cadet can be allowed to retake the autodrome and the city after a period of two days to a week, depending on the workload of the traffic police inspection, then the theory is allowed to be retaken the next day. The number of retakes is not limited. True, you will have to pay 100 rubles for retaking, each subsequent one is more expensive by another 100 rubles. For example, to retake the theory for the fourth time, you will have to pay 400 rubles.

Subject to the rules and strict implementation of the recommendations of the traffic police, the theoretical exam can be passed the first time without much difficulty. The main thing is not to rush, carefully read the questions and, of course, diligently prepare for the exam.

After passing the exam, start working on your skills on the road as early as possible. As a first car, we recommend taking an inexpensive used car. At first, not everything will go smoothly for you, and with a used car, you will not worry about the integrity of the car.

Our blog will help you make the right choice. There we analyze the problems of cars of different models. And when you find your dream car, don't forget

The procedure for obtaining a license to drive a car is standard, which has almost changed since Soviet times. To do this, you need to pass a medical examination for the absence of contraindications to driving for health reasons and undergo training at a driving school. The driving school teaches the theoretical foundations of a car, traffic rules, driving theory, first aid rules, administrative and criminal liability for traffic violations and, most importantly, practical driving.

Before you start your studies and the subsequent passing of exams in the traffic police, you need to prepare documents

After graduating from a driving school, the final stage begins -. And, finally, the most pleasant moment in this procedure is obtaining a driver's license of the appropriate category. Data on the received certificate are taken into account in the national register of issued certificates for the right to drive vehicles. To obtain a driver's license, you must submit to the registration department of the traffic police for admission to the exams.

Documents in the traffic police required for admission to exams

The list of documents for passing the exam in the traffic police is prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2014 N 1097 You can take the exam anywhere in the territory of the Russian Federation, where it is more convenient. In the same place, or on the website of the State Services, you can submit documents for passing exams.

  1. Driving license application
    An application to the traffic police is possible, in which case the application form appears automatically. The date of the exams will appear in the applicant's personal account, and a warning will be sent to the postal address specified during registration on the State Services website a few days before the exam. Also, the application form can be filled out by hand and independently submitted to the examination department of the traffic police. Sample applications are posted on the documentation board in the reception rooms of the registration departments of the traffic police, where documents are submitted, or provided by a driving school.
  2. Document confirming the identity of the applicant
    As documents confirming the identity of the applicant, a passport is accepted, which must correspond to the age of the applicant (up to 20, up to 45 years). Expired passports are not accepted and must be exchanged first. If an application is submitted to a driving school, then expired passports are accepted with a warning that the applicant will have to exchange the passport for a new one before passing the exams. The passport must contain a mark on registration or registration of a citizen.
  3. A valid certificate of passing a medical examination in the form 003-V / y, which is issued from July 1, 2016 for a period of one year.
    Medical examinations of candidates for obtaining a driver's license are carried out by special medical institutions that have a certificate for conducting such examinations. The addresses of these institutions are available in the departments of the regional traffic police. To pass a medical examination and obtain the appropriate certificate, you need to have a passport with you. The standard list of members of the medical commission consists of a general practitioner, an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, a psychiatrist, an otolaryngologist (for categories C (C1), CE (C1E), D (D1), DE (D1E), Tm, Tb), a psychiatrist-narcologist, a neurologist for the therapist's decision. The medical certificate must contain the category of driver's license for which the cadet was trained in a driving school. That is, if a cadet studied in categories B and C, and only category B is open in the certificate, then there will be no category C in the driver's license.

    It is possible to undergo an examination and obtain a conclusion from a narcologist and a psychiatrist only at the place of permanent or temporary registration. It is not necessary to visit these doctors in person. The necessary seals can also be supplied by relatives if they have a medical book. The only exception to this rule is Moscow. Read more about this.

    In the absence of their specialists in drug addiction and psychiatry, the polyclinic sends candidates to psycho- and drug dispensaries to obtain a certificate stating that they are not registered there.

  4. Certificate of completion of driving school.
    The certificate is issued by the driving school and is valid indefinitely. It does not have a certain standard form, but must have a clearly distinguishable official seal of the organization with the signature of the head of the driving school. It should contain the studied disciplines with an indication of the number of hours and the final results of tests (exams, tests). Driving courses are classified as vocational education. Passing the final exams externally or in absentia is not possible. The future owner of the rights will be required to listen to the theory and dash off a certain number of hours driving a training car with an instructor.
  5. Previously issued driving license for another category of transport
    If the applicant has a previously issued driving license for another category, then he is required to provide it. It is worth knowing that if no more than 3 months have passed since the moment of obtaining the rights to another category, then the candidate has the right to pass only one practical driving test. Otherwise, he will be forced to pass both theory and driving practice for this category of transport.
  6. Stove of the payment order for the payment of the state fee for passing exams
    A receipt for payment of the state duty can be obtained at a driving school or at the state inspection department in the process of processing documents for passing the exam at the traffic police. The amount of the state fee is set at 2,000 rubles. from 08/03/2018, a new type of driver's license is issued, in which an information carrier is embedded. State duty for such rights is 3,000 rubles. The duty is paid at any branch of Sberbank. In many regional traffic police departments, Sberbank terminals are installed for making payments right at the place of application.

Video: How to pass exams in the traffic police

Answers to a few questions about obtaining a driver's license

1) Hello! I am Russian, I live in another country, I come to Moscow in September for one month, I have a lot of driving experience. Can I, having a registration in Omsk, learn the theory on my own without studying at a driving school and take exams in Moscow? Do I need to register in Moscow to get Moscow driving license and can all these procedures be completed within a month?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get a driving license in your situation within a month in Moscow. It will be necessary to study at a driving school, after which you can get permission to pass the exam at the traffic police. Moscow registration is not required, because. you can get rights at the place of real residence. However, the traffic police will make a request to Omsk to obtain information about the rights you previously received to drive and to be held accountable for violations. This process can take up to 2 months, which you can bypass if you bring the necessary certificate yourself. You can try to negotiate with the leadership of the driving school about passing an accelerated course with an actual knowledge test and registration of training retroactively.

2) Hello, my daughter was trained at the Rostov driving school, where she paid for the education and passed the exams. Does she need to re-take exams to obtain rights at the place of registration?

Exams that were taken at a driving school are not retaken. Exams in the traffic police can be taken not only at the place of registration, but also at the place of actual residence, that is, in Rostov-on-Don. You need to get a license to drive a car in the traffic police department where you passed the exams.

3) Please answer this question. I graduated from the courses for category "A" 7 years ago, but I did not pass the exams in the traffic police. Do I have the right now, on the basis of those documents, to pass exams in the traffic police for category “A”?

The certificate of completion of the driving school is indefinite. Therefore, you have the right to prepare documents for the exam and take tests at the nearest traffic police department.

4) Hello, 18 months ago I successfully passed the exams, but I could not pay the state fee. Can I now get a driver's license by paying the state fee without retaking the exams, and what do I need to do?

If you have a document confirming the successful completion of a driving school, and information about passing tests in the traffic police is stored in the database, then there will be no problems with obtaining a driver's license. Otherwise, you will have to retake the exams.

In our country, a driver's license is a card of the established form (plastic card 54 × 86 mm in size). It contains a photo of its owner and personal information (name, surname, date of birth and issue, place of residence and expiration date). But in order to get hold of this document, there are certain rules for obtaining a driver's license, which are described in detail below.

Age limits for obtaining a driver's license

Any capable citizen of our country of the established age is entitled to obtain a driver's license. The minimum age for obtaining a license is 16 years. For such common categories as "B" and "C", you must reach the age of majority (18 years). The rest of the categories require the driver to be at least 21 years of age. We talked about this in detail in the previous article "".

Before applying for a public service, you need to undergo special training, as a result of which you will receive a supporting document. After that, a theoretical and practical test of knowledge and skills of future drivers is organized in specialized divisions of the State traffic inspectorate.

How to get a driver's license for the first time

How to get a driver's license in 2019, the question remains relevant for many driver candidates. Let's consider sequentially: where to start, at what stage, and what actions need to be taken to obtain an auto-certificate for the first time.

Transport categories

First, you should decide on the transport that you plan to drive in the near future. For this, according to the new rules, integers are set. From the age of 16, only mopeds and small motorcycles are allowed to operate. It is allowed to take the exam for the “B” category from the age of 17, however, the actual obtaining of rights will be delayed until the age of majority, in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 26 of the Rules for issuing driving licenses.

educational institution

In connection with the tightening of requirements for institutions that train drivers, their number has significantly decreased. However, for some unknown reason, driving schools continue to operate without the necessary permits. Very often, having paid money, candidates from these driving schools are simply not allowed to take exams at the traffic police. And from October 14, 2017, the traffic police began to check the authenticity of certificates of training in a driving school in order to exclude false documents. Bottom line: wasted time and money.

In order not to fall for the bait of such institutions, you should adhere to the following rules when choosing a driving school:

  • The cost of training should not be too low, unlike the average price tag for such services;
  • Before signing the contract, ask if the institution has a valid license with a positive conclusion from the traffic police;
  • Pay attention to whether there is a transport of the category you need in the work of the driving school.

Medical opinion

According to the provision established by Part 1 of Article 26 of the Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ, in order to obtain a driver's license for the first time, a citizen must pass a medical examination, and, as a result, receive.

Examination of drivers is carried out in medical institutions (budgetary or commercial) that have received permission and certificates in the prescribed manner. Certificates are issued on unified strict reporting forms and are valid throughout the country, regardless of the place of receipt.

But in the latter case, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, it is advisable to obtain a properly certified copy of the license and provide it to the traffic police inspector at his request. If the certificate is issued by a medical institution without a license, then the driver candidate will not be allowed to take the exams.

Exam in traffic police

  • Testing the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of candidates for drivers takes place in the form of an exam consisting of two parts, with some exceptions. The theoretical part takes place using special computer programs. Each ticket contains 20 questions on the subject of knowledge of the rules of the road, the basics of providing medical care to victims, as well as some of the provisions of laws relating to the responsibility of drivers;
  • Only after passing the first stage of testing, the future driver is allowed to the practical part. Skills are tested on specialized closed areas, as well as directly in a real traffic situation, with a trip to city streets. To obtain an auto-certification for category “A”, you do not need to take an internship in the city;
  • The exam is considered successfully passed if at all stages of the test the driver made a minimum number of errors or did without them at all. It is allowed to try to retake the exam without time limits 3 times. If this was not possible, then the next attempt is possible no earlier than in a month. Candidates who have passed the theoretical part of the tests are allowed to practice within six months from the date of successful completion.

Government duty

After passing the necessary examination check, the candidate must apply to the competent authority (traffic police department with a package of documents for obtaining a driver's license). But first, you need to pay the statutory duty to the state treasury. Currently, its size is 2,000 rubles. Details for payment are issued at the place of application, or are taken on the official website of the state body.

What documents are required to obtain a driver's license

In order to obtain Russian national driving licenses, the interested person provides:

  1. Written statement;
  2. Passport or other identity document of the applicant;
  3. Medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to driving;
  4. Driver's card, about the passage of special training;
  5. Properly certified consent of the legal representatives of a minor (from 16 to 18 years old) to pass exams and issue him a driver's license.

The final procedure for obtaining a driver's license

The certificate is issued against the signature of the applicant. The term of its validity, as a general rule, is 10 years. After a specified period of time, .

Having received a driver's license, very carefully check the compliance of all the data reflected in it and the presence of the necessary marks. Good luck on the roads!

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