Curly horse. Horses of the American Curly Bashkir breed: photo, description, history of origin. american riding horse

Among the various breeds of horses there are amazingly beautiful curly horses. Moreover, curly (thanks to a special gene) can be not only their coat, but also their tail, mane, and even eyelashes. And these amazing animals are hypoallergenic, and therefore it is a real pleasure to communicate with them.

1. Transbaikal horse

Breed of horses, Turkic-Mongolian origin.

2. A horse with an accommodating character and a meek disposition

Horses of this breed have a heavy broad-browed head, eyes of an oriental type, a short and muscular neck, a well-proportioned and well-muscled body.

3. American curly Bashkir of nightingal color

Unusually beautiful breed.

4. Curly Transbaikal buckskin suit

Aboriginal horse breed.

5. Foal of the Curly Transbaikal breed

Curly foal.

6. Friendly animal

These horses move well over rough terrain and mountains, are good at chores and are great for horse shows, hippotherapy, equestrian tourism and children's sports.

7. Feature of the breed

Horses of the curly-haired Transbaikal breed are distinguished by a special coat.

8. A horse with a thick and lush mane, tail and coat

The height of a curly horse is from 147 to 150 cm.

9. Bright curly Transbaikal horse

The breed, obtained from the mixing of the horses of the ancient Turks who inhabited Transbaikalia, and the horses of the Mongolian tribes.

10 Exotic Horses

Plush horses.

11. Curly horse

A great rarity in the world of horse breeding.

12. An irreplaceable helper of nomadic peoples

Horses, unpretentious to food and content.

13. Curly beauty

Hardy horses adapted to year-round herd keeping in a sharply continental climate.

14. American Curly Isabella Bashkir

The long and curly coat allows this horse to endure more severe frosts.

The Trans-Baikal horse is an aboriginal horse breed that was bred by steppe nomads as early as the first millennium BC. In this breed of horses, the blood of its wild ancestors was preserved to a greater extent, and with it valuable biological and economic signs and differences. With a small stature, horses of this breed are distinguished by amazing endurance, perfectly adapted to year-round herd keeping in a sharply continental climate, undemanding to feed, tireless in work, especially under saddle.

The breed has Mongolian roots, as it originates from Transbaikalia (Chiginskaya region). Consider the features of the breed and historical data.

Their history dates back to the thousandth year BC. At that distant time, a way was found to breed an aboriginal horse. The most amazing thing is that to this day the blood of these animals has retained all the genetic material and is pure.

This breed of horses, predominantly of Turkic-Mongolian origin, has developed over many centuries on the territory of the modern Chita region from a mixture of horses of the ancient Turks who inhabited Transbaikalia and horses of Mongolian tribes.

On the lands of Transbaikalia, they distinguished themselves by excellent health, strong immunity, their unpretentiousness and strong endurance. These animals have a well-developed musculoskeletal system. A few centuries ago, horses themselves could look for food for survival and spent a lot of energy and strength on it, while remaining in excellent shape. To date, the described breed is quite rare and is grown mainly in Transbaikalia.

These animals can be found in two more countries - Tajikistan and Saudi Arabia. As for the United States of America, Transbaikal horses began to be transported to this continent at the end of the nineteenth century. Most likely, this was due to the fact that many settlers from Siberia migrated to the local territory. The number of curly horses on the Chita land now is about three hundred animals.

Until the 17th century, the Trans-Baikal curly horse practically did not differ from the Mongolian horse. It was kept in a herd way throughout the year, acquired remarkable qualities - unpretentiousness, endurance, good health, resistance to heat and frost, the ability to independently find food.

Curly horses are a rarity in the world of horse breeding. In addition to Transbaikalia, curly horses are found in small numbers in the territory of modern Tajikistan in the local Lokay breed of horses, as well as in Saudi Arabia and in some other countries. Since the end of the 19th century, curly-haired horses have appeared in the USA and Canada, it is quite possible that they got there with the horses of immigrants from Siberia. Currently, in the Chita region, the gene pool herd has 300 animals of different sex and age groups.

Curly horses of the described breed are distinguished by their extreme endurance, strong body build, and their amazing adaptability to difficult climate conditions. They can adapt almost all year round to herding on pastures, unpretentious in forage, they are quite easy to accustom to the saddle.

Adult animals of this breed reach one hundred and forty centimeters at the withers and weigh up to four hundred kilograms with this growth. An adult can be called a horse that is five --- - six years old. They have a long body, which is located on strong strong legs. Among the horses there are also centenarians who are already under twenty years old, but at their age they do not lose their ability to work, and some even give birth. As for the color of the Trans-Baikal breed, here the color can vary from gray to red.

The curly-haired Transbaikal horse as a separate breed was documented in 1940. The breed has Mongolian roots, as it originates from Transbaikalia (Chita region).

It so happened historically that horses of this breed have a curly six all over the body. All representatives of other breeds of horses cannot boast of such a feature. Transbaikal curly as a species continue to develop to this day.

We can safely say that these beautiful horses combine the best qualities, such as excellent endurance, perseverance, good health, high adaptability and hard work, and, last but not least, pliability to saddle. With a small growth, they have preserved especially valuable qualities, biological characteristics.

The book of horse records says that Dmitry Nikolaevich Peshkov managed to gallop from the Amur Region to St. Petersburg in one hundred and ninety-four days. Dmitry was an equestrian centurion at that time of the Amur regiment. He rode a horse of the Trans-Baikal breed all this difficult journey, starting on November 7, 1889. And all this time, his horse named Gray, who was already full thirteen years old, was carrying him. The brave officer rode mainly through the winter snowdrifts. He ended his journey on May 19, 1890. It has been recorded that on some days Gray could walk up to eighty-six miles in twenty-four hours. If we calculate the total length of the road, we can say with confidence that it was a record for that time. The range of such a horse crossing was nine thousand five hundred kilometers without changing the horse.

American horse breeds are mostly varieties that can reach high speeds. There are practically no heavy trucks among them (the only exception is the American cream horse). This is due to the conditions under which these species were formed. After all, the colonists had to travel on horseback for very long distances. Here, horses were required to be able to develop speed and a smooth ride, so that new breeds were specially formed special gaits that were most convenient for riders. Many people often associate American horses with mustangs. Indeed, it was precisely such wild or feral horses that originally corresponded to the characteristics described above. But all this is in the past. Currently, American horse breeds are found on racetracks around the world. And they had a great influence on the development of this area of ​​horse breeding.

american riding horse

This is a variety that is especially popular in the United States. It was bred in the nineteenth century. Based on the Canadian, Thoroughbred and Morgan breed. Although her stud book has been kept since the 1880s, she was known before, for example, was used during the Civil War (1860s). But in those days it was called the Kentucky horse. Indeed, the birthplace of these horses is the state of Kentucky. Also in those days, it was bred in the states of Virginia and Tennessee, that is, in the south of the United States. Today, representatives of this species can be seen at parades, during various performances, they are also used for amateur equestrian sports and tourism.


These are quite large animals, the height at the withers is 152-162 cm, although there are also specimens up to 173 cm high. The average weight ranges from 450-540 kg. These are very beautiful animals (a lot of attention was paid to their exterior from the very beginning), with a very proportional physique, a long neck, a straight profile and a strong back. Suits can be varied. However, most often there are bay, brown, red and black individuals.

Important! This horse is known for its characteristic gait, which is called "reck". This is a special kind of four-beat type of gait. The interval between paces is very small, it is convenient for the rider, but at the same time, a frisky run allows you to develop a fairly high speed.

This variety is also often referred to as five-gait because it can canter, trot, walk, amble, and walk. For representatives of this breed in the United States even hold special competitions, which are currently very popular.

On the basis of the described type, another variety was bred in Tennessee - the American walking horse. Its main characteristics coincide with the American riding breed, and its distinguishing feature is an even smoother and wider step.

American cream horse

The American Cream Horse is believed to be the only draft horse developed in the United States. There is a version that it comes from a heavy truck. The first representative of the breed presented to the public is the mare Old Granny. It was registered in 1911, researchers do not know about its origin. A few years later, from this mare and a black stallion, a cream foal Nelson was obtained, which is considered the founder of the breed.

American cream horse

Unfortunately, the breeding of this variety was accompanied by difficulties from the very beginning. First the Great Depression, during which many farmers went bankrupt, then the widespread use of agricultural machinery. Officially, this breed was registered in the 1950s.

Outwardly, the features of heavyweights are noticeable in the representatives of this breed. These are animals 163-176 cm high with a strong back, strong legs and a medium-sized broad-browed head.

Note! Cream horses are distinguished by a calm disposition, they are very obedient and hardworking, well trained.

standardbred breed

The standardbred horse is also called the American trotter. Unlike the cream horses described above, representatives of this breed can be found not only in North America, but also in Australia, in the countries of Northern Europe, Italy, Russia, that is, wherever equestrian sports in general and trotting in particular are popular.

This variety was formed during the 18-19 century. But officially it is believed that it was possible to withdraw it only in the 19th century. The ancestor is considered to be the stallion Gambletonian X, who was born in 1849. The standardbred breed was bred on the basis of thoroughbred riding horses, Norfolk trotters, to a lesser extent, Arab breeds were used for this.

standardbred breed

The standardbred is a variety that was originally bred to race on the hippodrome. The name itself ("derived according to the standard") arose because from the end of the 19th century. only horses corresponding to a certain indicator of speed are entered in the studbooks, because from the very beginning attention was paid to agility.

Important! For a trotter, the indicator should be no more than 2 minutes. 30 sec. 1 mile, for pacers even a little less - 2 minutes. and 25 sec. Even today, the world record for the one mile is held by the American Trotter (1 min. and 51 sec.).

Despite the fact that when breeding the breed, the exterior was not put at the forefront, outwardly the American trotter looks very attractive. Height can be 155-170 cm at the withers. Suits can be any, but most often brown and bay. Crows and grays are rare, they even try not to allow the latter to be bred. In general, the American Trotter resembles Thoroughbred racehorses, but has shorter legs.

American curly horse

The American curly horse looks very unusual. This breed has a long history. It begins in 1898, when farmers from Nevada noticed a small herd of horses covered with hair with large curls. They drove the animals to their farm and soon decided to breed them with their horses. The selection process took a long time. At least officially, the new breed in the United States was registered only in 1971. Its full name sounds like the American Bashkir Curly Horse, that is, the American Curly Bashkir.

American curly horse

The main characteristic of representatives of this breed is wavy wool. Interestingly, in the summer it is partially shed, and by winter it grows back. If breeders are interested in what breeds best tolerate harsh winters, then they will be interested in curly American horses, since they perfectly tolerate frosts down to -40 ° C. Height averages 138-150 cm, with stallions taller than mares. The bodies are muscular, the legs are relatively short and strong.

Important! The American curly horse is a rather meek and docile creature. He is easy to train. Representatives of this breed are used both for agricultural work and in sports.

Other American horse breeds

There are other American breeds of horses, for example, Appaloosa, Palomino. Specialists who wrote term papers on this topic in their student years will surely remember more quarter horses. The latter are a cowboy horse breed, the hallmark of which is the development of high speed over short distances.

Another interesting variety is the American Miniature breed. Unlike those described above, even today for Europe and Russia it is rather exotic. It looks like a small copy of an ordinary riding horse. It is interesting that she and modern horses of habitual growth had a common ancestor - a primitive horse, whose height at the withers did not exceed 50 cm. For some reason, which scientists currently do not know, the development of the two branches of the species went differently, and this is how the ancestors of modern miniature horses appeared. Today they are specially bred, and according to the standards, the height of such a horse should not exceed 86 cm.

Today, North America in general and the United States in particular are leaders in the field of horse breeding. The total livestock numbers in the states and Mexico exceed that of China. And American horse breeds are gaining popularity outside of their homeland.

The breed standard has existed since 1940 and is still valid today. About half of the representatives of this breed are distinguished by curly hair.

The Trans-Baikal horse is an aboriginal horse breed that was bred by steppe nomads as early as the first millennium BC. In this breed of horses, the blood of its wild ancestors was preserved to a greater extent, and with it valuable biological and economic signs and differences. With a small stature of a horse of this breed ...

... are distinguished by amazing endurance, perfectly adapted to year-round herd keeping in a sharply continental climate, undemanding to feed, tireless in work, especially under saddle.
This breed of horses, predominantly of Turkic-Mongolian origin, has developed over the course of many centuries on the territory of the modern Chita region from a mixture of horses of the ancient Turks who inhabited Transbaikalia and horses of Mongolian tribes.

Until the 17th century, the Trans-Baikal curly horse practically did not differ from the Mongolian horse. It was kept in a herd way throughout the year, acquired remarkable qualities - unpretentiousness, endurance, good health, resistance to heat and frost, the ability to independently find food.

Curly horses are a rarity in the world of horse breeding. In addition to Transbaikalia, curly horses are found in small numbers in the territory of modern Tajikistan in the local Lokay breed of horses, as well as in Saudi Arabia and in some other countries. Since the end of the 19th century, curly-haired horses have appeared in the USA and Canada, it is quite possible that they got there with the horses of immigrants from Siberia. Currently, in the Chita region, the gene pool herd has 300 animals of different sex and age groups.

One very interesting fact from the book of horse records: the centurion of the Amur horse regiment Dmitry Nikolaevich Peshkov arrived in St. Petersburg from Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur in 194 days. The brave officer rode mainly in winter: he began his journey on November 7, 1889, and ended on May 19, 1890. Under his saddle was a horse of a local Trans-Baikal breed named Gray. He was already at the age of 13, of small stature - 135.6 cm at the withers. On some days Gray passed up to 86 miles per day. The total length of the route was 8900 versts (9500 km). For its time, it was a record for the distance of an equestrian crossing, and it was accomplished without spare or replacement horses.

American Curly Bashkir is an extraordinary breed with many amazing qualities. Its origin is not entirely clear and there are several theories about its origin.

Main characteristics
Origin: USA
Distribution: USA
Suit: any
Height to withers: 1.47 - 1.5 m
Usage: saddle, agricultural work, sports
Personality: stubborn, hardy, friendly, docile

According to one such theory, this horse is descended from Russian Bashkir horses, although this theory does not look too plausible upon closer inspection. Sheng Thomas, author of "The Curly Horse in America - Myths and Mysteries", in correspondence and consultation with Russian scientists, the USSR Ministry of Agriculture, the Moscow Zoo and other experts, found out that Russian Bashkir horses do not have lines with curly hair. However, experts have confirmed that the Lokai horse found in Tajikistan has a characteristic curly coat.

Could the Lokai be the prototype of the American Bashkir? In fact, this is practically impossible, since not a single record of these horses has been preserved in the logbooks of ships that ferried Russian emigrants to the west coast of America.

In addition, horses were used to a limited extent in Russian agriculture in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Herd breeding was not very successful, and most settlers were forced to keep a limited number of horses. In 1817, there were only 60 horses owned by Russian emigrants. Goods were transported to Okhotsk, the main Russian port that traded with Alaska, by ships, not by horses.

At that time, the journey through Siberia to the port was very dangerous, and almost half of the horses died every year trying to overcome this path. In this region, Yakut horses were used, named after the local population. Therefore, it is likely that any horse that came to America with emigrants was Yakut, and not Bashkir or Lokai, which come from a region much south and west of Yakutia.

Another theory about the origin of the American Bashkirs claims that the ancestors of these horses could cross the ice isthmus to America during the Ice Age. However, there are no facts confirming the presence of horses on the American continent from the last ice age until the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors.

There are a number of other theories about the origin of the American Bashkirs, but upon closer examination, they are easily refuted or not supported by any facts at all. A DNA study was conducted on two hundred American Bashkirs to determine if this horse belongs to a separate breed. It turned out that this was not the case, and a number of other breeds influenced the development of this breed, for example, the American Quarter and Morgan.

Fortunately, the modern history of the development of this breed is known to us. It begins in 1898, when young Peter Demel and his father were riding through a mountainous area near Austin, Central Nevada. Father and son noticed there three strange horses with steep curls of hair all over their bodies. They became interested in these horses, they were especially worried about the question of where they came from, the answer to which has not been given so far. Since then, only curly horses have been bred on Demel's ranch, and Peter's son, Benny Demel, continues to breed them on his ranch to this day. Many American Bashkirs in America can be traced back to Demel's herd.

The breed was officially registered in 1971 and today it is very popular. These are unusually stubborn and hardy horses, able to survive in the most adverse climatic conditions.

Horses selected from wild herds are easy enough to ride and train, and those that grow up next to people have an unusually friendly and accommodating character. They are excellent for agricultural work and for sports, showing excellent results in western style competitions and classic English disciplines, show jumping, dressage, hippotherapy and horse shows.

One of the amazing features of this breed is that these horses are able to completely shed hair on the mane (and sometimes on the tail) in the summer and grow a new one for the winter. In addition, they shed hair all over their bodies in summer, which grows back in winter. Moreover, winter wool varies in degree of curlyness from light waves to steep curls. Interestingly, people who are allergic to horsehair do not experience allergy attacks in the presence of American Bashkirs.

The curly-haired gene is quite dominant, so the descendants of American Bashkirs crossed with smooth-haired horses give curly-haired offspring.

Transbaikal curly horse June 1st, 2017

The Trans-Baikal horse is an aboriginal horse breed that was bred by steppe nomads as early as the first millennium BC. In this breed of horses, the blood of its wild ancestors was preserved to a greater extent, and with it valuable biological and economic signs and differences. With a small stature, horses of this breed are distinguished by amazing endurance, perfectly adapted to year-round herd keeping in a sharply continental climate, undemanding to feed, tireless in work, especially under saddle.

The breed has Mongolian roots, as it originates from Transbaikalia (Chiginskaya region). Consider the features of the breed and historical data.

Their history dates back to the thousandth year BC. At that distant time, a way was found to breed an aboriginal horse. The most amazing thing is that to this day the blood of these animals has retained all the genetic material and is pure.

This breed of horses, predominantly of Turkic-Mongolian origin, has developed over many centuries on the territory of the modern Chita region from a mixture of horses of the ancient Turks who inhabited Transbaikalia and horses of Mongolian tribes.

On the lands of Transbaikalia, they distinguished themselves by excellent health, strong immunity, their unpretentiousness and strong endurance. These animals have a well-developed musculoskeletal system. A few centuries ago, horses themselves could look for food for survival and spent a lot of energy and strength on it, while remaining in excellent shape. To date, the described breed is quite rare and is grown mainly in Transbaikalia.

These animals can be found in two more countries - Tajikistan and Saudi Arabia. As for the United States of America, Transbaikal horses began to be transported to this continent at the end of the nineteenth century. Most likely, this was due to the fact that many settlers from Siberia migrated to the local territory. The number of curly horses on the Chita land now is about three hundred animals.

Until the 17th century, the Trans-Baikal curly horse practically did not differ from the Mongolian horse. It was kept in a herd way throughout the year, acquired remarkable qualities - unpretentiousness, endurance, good health, resistance to heat and frost, the ability to independently find food.

Curly horses are a rarity in the world of horse breeding. In addition to Transbaikalia, curly horses are found in small numbers in the territory of modern Tajikistan in the local Lokay breed of horses, as well as in Saudi Arabia and in some other countries. Since the end of the 19th century, curly-haired horses have appeared in the USA and Canada, it is quite possible that they got there with the horses of immigrants from Siberia. Currently, in the Chita region, the gene pool herd has 300 animals of different sex and age groups.

Curly horses of the described breed are distinguished by their extreme endurance, strong body build, and their amazing adaptability to difficult climate conditions. They can adapt almost all year round to herding on pastures, unpretentious in forage, they are quite easy to accustom to the saddle.

Adult animals of this breed reach one hundred and forty centimeters at the withers and weigh up to four hundred kilograms with this growth. An adult can be called a horse that is five --- - six years old. They have a long body, which is located on strong strong legs. Among the horses there are also centenarians who are already under twenty years old, but at their age they do not lose their ability to work, and some even give birth. As for the color of the Trans-Baikal breed, here the color can vary from gray to red.

The curly-haired Transbaikal horse as a separate breed was documented in 1940. The breed has Mongolian roots, as it originates from Transbaikalia (Chita region).

It so happened historically that horses of this breed have a curly six all over the body. All representatives of other breeds of horses cannot boast of such a feature. Transbaikal curly as a species continue to develop to this day.

We can safely say that these beautiful horses combine the best qualities, such as excellent endurance, perseverance, good health, high adaptability and hard work, and, last but not least, pliability to saddle. With a small growth, they have preserved especially valuable qualities, biological characteristics.

The book of horse records says that Dmitry Nikolaevich Peshkov managed to gallop from the Amur Region to St. Petersburg in one hundred and ninety-four days. Dmitry was an equestrian centurion at that time of the Amur regiment. He rode a horse of the Trans-Baikal breed all this difficult journey, starting on November 7, 1889. And all this time, his horse named Gray, who was already full thirteen years old, was carrying him. The brave officer rode mainly through the winter snowdrifts. He ended his journey on May 19, 1890. It has been recorded that on some days Gray could walk up to eighty-six miles in twenty-four hours. If we calculate the total length of the road, we can say with confidence that it was a record for that time. The range of such a horse crossing was nine thousand five hundred kilometers without changing the horse.

On the Internet you can find ads for the sale of these horses. The price starts from 20,000 rubles and goes up to 100,000 rubles.

Among the various breeds of horses there are amazingly beautiful curly horses. Moreover, curly (thanks to a special gene) can be not only their coat, but also their tail, mane, and even eyelashes. And these amazing animals are hypoallergenic, and therefore it is a real pleasure to communicate with them.

1. Transbaikal horse

Breed of horses, Turkic-Mongolian origin.

2. A horse with an accommodating character and a meek disposition

Horses of this breed have a heavy broad-browed head, eyes of an oriental type, a short and muscular neck, a well-proportioned and well-muscled body.

3. American curly Bashkir of nightingal color

Unusually beautiful breed.

4. Curly Transbaikal buckskin suit

Aboriginal horse breed.

5. Foal of the Curly Transbaikal breed

Curly foal.

6. Friendly animal

These horses move well over rough terrain and mountains, are good at chores and are great for horse shows, hippotherapy, equestrian tourism and children's sports.

7. Feature of the breed

Horses of the curly-haired Transbaikal breed are distinguished by a special coat.

8. A horse with a thick and lush mane, tail and coat

The height of a curly horse is from 147 to 150 cm.

9. Bright curly Transbaikal horse

The breed, obtained from the mixing of the horses of the ancient Turks who inhabited Transbaikalia, and the horses of the Mongolian tribes.

10 Exotic Horses

Plush horses.

11. Curly horse

A great rarity in the world of horse breeding.

12. An irreplaceable helper of nomadic peoples

Horses, unpretentious to food and content.

13. Curly beauty

Hardy horses adapted to year-round herd keeping in a sharply continental climate.

14. American Curly Isabella Bashkir

The long and curly coat allows this horse to endure more severe frosts.

The Trans-Baikal horse is an aboriginal horse breed that was bred by steppe nomads as early as the first millennium BC. In this breed of horses, the blood of its wild ancestors was preserved to a greater extent, and with it valuable biological and economic signs and differences. With a small stature, horses of this breed are distinguished by amazing endurance, perfectly adapted to year-round herd keeping in a sharply continental climate, undemanding to feed, tireless in work, especially under saddle.

The breed has Mongolian roots, as it originates from Transbaikalia (Chiginskaya region). Consider the features of the breed and historical data.

Their history dates back to the thousandth year BC. At that distant time, a way was found to breed an aboriginal horse. The most amazing thing is that to this day the blood of these animals has retained all the genetic material and is pure.

This breed of horses, predominantly of Turkic-Mongolian origin, has developed over many centuries on the territory of the modern Chita region from a mixture of horses of the ancient Turks who inhabited Transbaikalia and horses of Mongolian tribes.

On the lands of Transbaikalia, they distinguished themselves by excellent health, strong immunity, their unpretentiousness and strong endurance. These animals have a well-developed musculoskeletal system. A few centuries ago, horses themselves could look for food for survival and spent a lot of energy and strength on it, while remaining in excellent shape. To date, the described breed is quite rare and is grown mainly in Transbaikalia.

These animals can be found in two more countries - Tajikistan and Saudi Arabia. As for the United States of America, Transbaikal horses began to be transported to this continent at the end of the nineteenth century. Most likely, this was due to the fact that many settlers from Siberia migrated to the local territory. The number of curly horses on the Chita land now is about three hundred animals.

Until the 17th century, the Trans-Baikal curly horse practically did not differ from the Mongolian horse. It was kept in a herd way throughout the year, acquired remarkable qualities - unpretentiousness, endurance, good health, resistance to heat and frost, the ability to independently find food.

Curly horses are a rarity in the world of horse breeding. In addition to Transbaikalia, curly horses are found in small numbers in the territory of modern Tajikistan in the local Lokay breed of horses, as well as in Saudi Arabia and in some other countries. Since the end of the 19th century, curly-haired horses have appeared in the USA and Canada, it is quite possible that they got there with the horses of immigrants from Siberia. Currently, in the Chita region, the gene pool herd has 300 animals of different sex and age groups.

Curly horses of the described breed are distinguished by their extreme endurance, strong body build, and their amazing adaptability to difficult climate conditions. They can adapt almost all year round to herding on pastures, unpretentious in forage, they are quite easy to accustom to the saddle.

Adult animals of this breed reach one hundred and forty centimeters at the withers and weigh up to four hundred kilograms with this growth. An adult can be called a horse that is five --- - six years old. They have a long body, which is located on strong strong legs. Among the horses there are also centenarians who are already under twenty years old, but at their age they do not lose their ability to work, and some even give birth. As for the color of the Trans-Baikal breed, here the color can vary from gray to red.

The curly-haired Transbaikal horse as a separate breed was documented in 1940. The breed has Mongolian roots, as it originates from Transbaikalia (Chita region).

It so happened historically that horses of this breed have a curly six all over the body. All representatives of other breeds of horses cannot boast of such a feature. Transbaikal curly as a species continue to develop to this day.

We can safely say that these beautiful horses combine the best qualities, such as excellent endurance, perseverance, good health, high adaptability and hard work, and, last but not least, pliability to saddle. With a small growth, they have preserved especially valuable qualities, biological characteristics.

The book of horse records says that Dmitry Nikolaevich Peshkov managed to gallop from the Amur Region to St. Petersburg in one hundred and ninety-four days. Dmitry was an equestrian centurion at that time of the Amur regiment. He rode a horse of the Trans-Baikal breed all this difficult journey, starting on November 7, 1889. And all this time, his horse named Gray, who was already full thirteen years old, was carrying him. The brave officer rode mainly through the winter snowdrifts. He ended his journey on May 19, 1890. It has been recorded that on some days Gray could walk up to eighty-six miles in twenty-four hours. If we calculate the total length of the road, we can say with confidence that it was a record for that time. The range of such a horse crossing was nine thousand five hundred kilometers without changing the horse.

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