Tricks for beginners with fingers. How to learn how to do simple tricks - discover the secrets. How did it happen

For an illusionist, finger tricks are clever tricks based on deception of vision or attention with the help of quick body movements, distracting maneuvers, etc.

What to do with kids in their free time

All children are different. Active people like to run, jump, jump. Passive ones choose quieter activities: board games, drawing, watching cartoons, etc. But there is a kind of entertainment that everyone likes. This is the magic of focus.

Types of tricks

The most common classification of tricks:

  • Simple. To carry out such tricks, you do not need to use any props. Their number may be minimal. AT this category include tricks with fingers, coins, ropes, rubber bands, etc.
  • Complex tricks require more thorough preparation. The presence of a certain amount of equipment and props, the time for working out (improving skills), the method of presentation to the viewer. An assistant is almost always needed.

Every person at least once in his life was in the role of an illusionist. It's nice to surprise friends and acquaintances, just pass the time. And if you are in the company of children, then you can delight them using ordinary tricks with your fingers.

Sometimes, watching a magician, at some point a person begins to confuse illusion with reality. What cannot be explained is perceived as a miracle or magic. But common sense returns to reality, explaining what is happening with the usual sleight of hand.

Illusionist Basic Rules

With fingers and become the consummate master magician? The following rules will help you:

  1. To get results, you need constant training. Manual dexterity does not appear on its own, it must be developed.
  2. The set trick needs to be rehearsed, and preferably in front of a mirror. How large quantity once the focus is rehearsed, the better the result.
  3. The secret of the trick is important. It does not need to be revealed, because the viewer will lose interest, and he must suffer in guessing.
  4. During the demonstration of the trick, you should not warn about what is about to happen. Otherwise, the viewer will guess what and where to look. Therefore, the secret of the focus will be revealed.

Simple tricks

They attract with their unpretentiousness. Tricks with fingers are one of them. The ease of preparation and conduct is available to everyone.

Simple tricks with fingers and their secrets

Consider some interesting tricks and reveal their secrets.

  • "Trick with rope on fingers and knots." There are two knots on a rope about one meter long. The magician, slowly wrapping the brush of one hand with it, draws the other along the entire length. swings magic wand and unwinds the rope with a quick movement. Viewers see the absence of one node. Further, this procedure is repeated, and as a result, the second node disappears. The trick is that the knots are fake and are removed from the rope at the moment when the magician runs his second hand along the entire length of the rope. You need to prepare for this trick in advance and start the demonstration with knots already tied.
  • "Living Pencil" One hand clamps a pencil into a fist. Next, this hand must be turned with the thumb down, and the rest towards the audience. The second hand must be pressed against the fingers of the first hand and carry out translational movements. As a result, the audience will see how the pencil begins to move, that is, come to life. The secret of this trick is quite simple. After the second hand closes the fist with the pencil clamped in it from the audience, it is necessary with the help of the thumb, which is located below, to rest against the pencil shaft and start slowly squeezing it out. The movements that are made with the second hand are distracting.

with fingers

Based on the above examples, you can please your friends and loved ones with simple and interesting tricks. The main condition for mastering these tricks is desire, some free time and patience.

The only way to hone your skills is with constant practice. Even the simplest finger tricks can fail if not rehearsed. Constant training and exercises help develop hand motor skills, which for children is milestone not only in the knowledge of the surrounding world, but also in the development of the thought process.

How to improve magic skills

The only way to hone your skills is with constant practice. Even the simplest finger tricks can fail if not rehearsed. Constant training and exercises help develop hand motor skills, which for children is an important step not only in understanding the world around them, but also in the development of thought processes.

In this article, we will tell and offer instructions for creating interesting tricks. You can surprise guests and friends with them.

Various tricks, manipulation of people's minds today is considered to be one of the types of performing arts. Illusionism originates in the distant 17th century, it is this time that the first mention of magicians dates back. The ability to surprise people with the help of sleight of hand, various tricks makes it possible not only to earn money, but also simply to amuse people.

What are simple and easy tricks, and how to do them?

Watching how deftly magicians turn everything around into solid magic with completely simple hand movements, almost all of us begin to believe in miracles. However, in reality, most "miracles" are just sleight of hand and the ability to captivate the audience.

At first glance, it may seem that to repeat the same to us, ordinary people, is simply beyond our power, but by devoting a little time to this matter, we can be convinced of the opposite.

So, we present to your attention the simplest tricks.

  1. "Magic number". This trick does not require even sleight of hand from you, however, at the right time it will amuse friends and defuse the situation. To implement such a focus, you need to do the following:
  • Ask the person to think of any number between 2 and 20.
  • The guessed number must be multiplied by 9.
  • Now ask to add two digits of the received number.
  • Then subtract 4 from the resulting number.
  • The result of all the above manipulations will be the same hidden number, ask to remember it, but not to name it. Agree, it would not be interesting to finish the focus just like that.
  • So say you need to think a little. At this time, ask to guess the letter that will correspond to this number. Guided simple rule, counting in order, for example, number 1 - letter A, number 2 - B, etc.
  • In our case, this is the letter D.
  • Then ask the viewer to guess the country for this letter.
  • After all this, announce the result. Most likely, the viewer will think of Denmark, since the letter D is the most common option.

Let's look at an example:

  • Let's say a person thinks of the number 5
  • Multiply 5 by 9 to get 45
  • Now we add 4 and 5 and get 9
  • Subtract 4 from 9 and get 5
  • 5 was the number that was originally guessed
  1. Guessing a vegetable. This trick also depends not on sleight of hand and the ability to mislead the public, but on human psychology. But after all, the simplest tricks are based on such “magic”:
  • So, you take 2 pieces of paper and write on the first cucumber, on the second tomato. Then put one piece of paper in the left pocket, and the second in the right, the main thing in this matter is not to confuse where which piece of paper lies. Why these 2 vegetables? According to statistics, these vegetables in our country are the most common and often called. If you are in another country or want to impress foreigners, then this nuance must be taken into account. Because each person names the vegetable that he uses most often.
  • Next, give each participant a piece of paper and a pen.
  • While you are doing all these manipulations, you should not tell the guests what exactly they will need to do.
  • We divert people's attention. We ask you to count something, to guess the riddle, that is, we divert their attention from the focus itself.
  • After all the actions, ask all the guests to write any vegetable on a piece of paper without hesitation. Mandatory requirement to write immediately on command, without thinking.
  • Now ask one of the spectators to read out what he wrote, and pull out a piece of paper with the corresponding vegetable.
  • Attribute your success to well-developed telepathic abilities, joking about it, of course.
  • Of course, such a trick, like all the others, has a certain chance of failing. You need to be prepared for this, so figure out in advance what you will say and how to act if, instead of a well-known cucumber, someone writes far from everyone understandable word"Romanesco". By the way, the latter is a variety of cabbage.
  1. magic beads. This is a very spectacular and interesting trick, however, for its correct execution, it is necessary to show sleight of hand and attentiveness so that the guests see magic, and not truly scattered beads:
  • So, for a successful trick, we need an assistant, a person from the audience, a company who will give his beads for the trick (necessarily with a clasp), fishing line, scissors, an empty glass, a sheet of paper.
  • The magic itself lies in the next moment. You take beads, demonstrate to the public that they are intact. Next, take the beads and, distracting the audience, thread the fishing line through all the beads, next to the main thread. Tie the ends of the fishing line - all this, of course, should be invisible to the eyes of all guests.
  • Take the necklace by the fishing line and show the audience that it looks like an ordinary decoration, however, now you can safely cut the extra thread.
  • Now comes a very crucial moment, you must cut the line and simulate the beads falling into the glass, gradually releasing them from your hands.
  • Well, it would seem that the end of the focus, but no.
  • You make a kind of bag out of a piece of paper and put supposedly torn beads in there, then send a thread there.
  • Several magic spell words, a couple of hand movements and you get a whole and unharmed jewelry
  • After that, be sure to focus on the leaflet, straightening it, showing that it is without a secret.
  • As a container in which we will fill the beads (supposedly a torn jewelry), it is better to take a glass cup, not too high. Items such as a bag, a plate, especially an opaque one, will not work and will make guests doubt your abilities.
  • The decoration must be held by the upper edge of our additional thread, and we will cut the bottom edge. At the same time, keep the beads low above the container, otherwise the guests will be able to see that the decoration has fallen as a whole, and not the beads individually, as it should be.
  • Such a trick is not at all complicated, but before showing it with someone else's thing, it's better to hone the art on your own.

There are still a huge number of other, no less interesting tricks, some of which will be discussed further.

How to learn to do magic tricks with cards: step by step instructions, secrets

This is perhaps one of the most common tricks that even novice illusionists are subject to. That is why now we will consider the most interesting of them.

  1. Tricks with 4 kings. The simplest trick that even the most inexperienced fakir can show. In this issue, it is very important not only to show magic, but also to tell a fascinating story, which, in addition to informing the public, also distracts it.
  • So, the first thing to do is to pull out all the kings from the deck, as well as any 3 more cards.
  • We stack the cards in our hands in such a way that only the kings can be seen by the guests. Additional cards should be behind the kings.
  • Next, we begin to tell the story of a bank robbery. The bottom line is that the kings want to rob a bank, and they want to get into the room through the roof of the building.
  • At this stage, all 7 cards must be placed with the rest of the deck. The back of the cards must be on top, exactly, as well as 3 additional cards. We say that the kings hit the roof.
  • Now you take the first card from the top (the spare, but people will think it's the king because they don't know about the additional cards). At the same time, be careful and do not show anyone what kind of card it is. Say that this is one of the kings who will stand on the 1st floor and put the card somewhere on the bottom of the deck.
  • We send the second king (also a spare card) to the 2nd floor, in the middle of the deck.
  • The 3rd king (the last spare card) will be on guard in the basement, put it in the middle of the deck.
  • The last king (really the king, the first in the deck) remains on the roof, show this card to the audience.
  • The king, who was watching everything on the roof, reports that the police are sent to them and everyone should immediately come to him. Tap the deck 4 times, supposedly calling all the kings, and then open the last 4 cards
  • All of them must be kings.
  • After that, invite someone who wants to see that the deck is not fake and that there are no more kings in it.
  • In this trick, the most important thing is to quietly take 4 kings and 3 more cards, and then quietly fold the fan of cards.

  1. Here is another simple trick with guessing the card.
  • You hold an ordinary deck of cards in your hands, show it to the audience
  • Next, anyone must select a card and put it on top of the deck, while you, of course, should not see the card
  • Now we remove the deck and lower part put on top. During this manipulation, we peep the bottom card of the deck, it will be a guide for us
  • Then one by one lay out a deck of cards with pictures up. The card we need will lie in front of the bottom card of the deck that we memorized
  • So that the focus does not fail, do not rush to lay out the cards. In this case, even if there is some kind of hitch, it will be written off to the desired scenario.

How to learn how to do tricks with a coin: step by step instructions, secrets

Such tricks always delight guests and spectators. In order to be interesting to show representations with such elements, of course, you need to practice, because here the point is solely in the sleight of your hands and their location.

  1. For the first trick, we need 2 any cards from the deck, a small thin magnet, 2 absolutely identical coins, glue, a glass and scissors
  • First, let's prepare the props. The magnet must be thin, otherwise it will be visible and it will ruin the whole focus. You can buy it from craft stores, or you can borrow it from any of the decorative magnets we usually use to wrap refrigerators.
  • Now we take a card and glue a magnet on its front side.
  • After carefully stick on top another of the same card. We glue it so that visually the card is no different from the others in the deck.
  • When all this is done, put the card in the deck so that the trick is more believable and the audience does not understand what its essence is. You can easily identify the card, because in the hands it will feel good that it is thicker than the rest.
  • Further, in fact, it is already necessary to show the focus itself. But you must first check whether your coins are magnetized, because it happens that there is no such effect. In this case, a miracle will not happen and you will be exposed.

  • All is ready. Begin. We go out to the audience and explain that now you will show how the coin will literally seep through the card and fall into the glass.
  • Put a glass on the table, you have a deck of cards in your hands, the coins are neatly and discreetly hidden behind the container.
  • We shuffle a deck of cards, sort through them in search of the right one, pull it out and throw it on the table, right on one coin. Be careful, the card should "pick up" only one coin.
  • Further, without twisting the card, without showing it to the audience, we put it on the glass.
  • Then we take the second coin, show it to the guests and sharply hit it on the glass. As a result, the coin, which is actually already in the glass on the magnet, will fall into the glass.
  • At this point, with a deft movement of your hands, you must take the coin that you knocked with and remove it from people's eyes.
  • Almost simultaneously with the previous action, you must show a glass covered with a card, with a coin inside.
  • Be careful with the size of the magnet, consider this fact when choosing a coin. A big coin needs a big magnet. The size of the magnet should be at least a couple of times larger than the size of the coin. In this case, you can casually throw a card on the table and be sure that the item will be magnetized. Otherwise, the miracle may not happen.

How to learn to do magic tricks with your fingers: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with hands and fingers deserve special attention. Agility and speed of movement are always in the first place. It is appropriate to show such tricks not at various children's events, at home. You need to refrain from them on the street and if the audience is too close to you.

  1. Severed finger. This trick is quite simple, however, you need to do all the movements quickly, clearly, without hesitation.
  • When performing this trick, spectators should not see back side arms
  • Show your hands to the audience, twist them
  • We show guests one hand, thumb which is looking up
  • Next, we attach the second hand to this hand so that with it we can grab the thumb of the first hand into a fist
  • Clench your finger into a fist with your index and middle fingers

  • Now we open our fist a little, quickly press the thumb to the palm, send the thumb of the other hand in its place. At the same time, his nail should be slightly visible between the index and middle fingers.
  • After that, trying, making efforts, “tear off” your finger with a sharp movement, showing the hand, the thumb of which will be pressed to the palm
  • Now we return the finger to its place. Initially, we press our hands to each other and gently, but quickly straighten our thumb into a fist. Next, we remove the fist and pull out the thumb of the second hand, which is shown between the middle and index fingers
  • That's all the finger is in place, and the audience is delighted

At first glance, the focus may seem difficult, but in fact it is not, it just takes a little practice. And another very important point, all the roughness should hide the game of your face. Do not be afraid to show emotions during the focus, to scream when you “tear off” your finger and rejoice when it appears again in place. All these little things will make viewers pay attention only to the necessary details.

How to learn how to do tricks with paper: step by step instructions, secrets

Paper tricks are exactly what a beginner illusionist needs. The props of such numbers are always available, and even a child can perform them.

  • We will start with a comic number that will help you set the audience on the right wavelength. There will be no magic and sleight of hand in the room. So, you give a piece of paper and a pencil to anyone and ask them to write any words or sentence there.
  • Next, ask this leaflet to pass to any other person and promise that you will write the same thing on your piece of paper. Then a couple of seconds of silence, as if you are trying to guess the word and write “the same thing” on the sheet, then having prepared the audience for the result, show the sheet with the inscription, voice it, explaining that you fulfilled the promise and wrote the same thing.

Now that the guests are in a playful mood, you can show following tricks. We will analyze the simplest and at the same time interesting of them:

  • We draw a masterpiece in front of the public. So, we need to take an easel, paints, brushes, a sheet of fairly thin paper, a reproduction of a painting, oil.
  • The essence of the trick is that you first wrap the picture with paper and attach it to the easel. Next, place a sheet on it blank paper and start drawing.
  • The audience sees that you are taking paint with a brush, but in fact there should also be oil on the palette. Having dipped the brush into the oil, as if drawing, begin to drive it over the paper.
  • The paper will begin to oil, and the image of the painting will begin to appear.
  • In a matter of seconds, you will draw a masterpiece right in front of all the viewers.
  • When doing a trick, do not forget about facial expressions and playing with the audience.

We recommend that you start with just such simple tricks, they will help you learn how to behave in front of people, “play” in public. Only after you have mastered how to show such illusions, move on to something more complex, where, for example, everything will depend on the dexterity of your hands and the ability to keep the audience on their toes.

How to learn to do tricks with the disappearance: step by step instructions, secrets

The most interesting tricks, according to many people, are the disappearing tricks. After all, to believe that the object that was just in front of you has disappeared is simply unrealistic, but we can even do this.

  1. Pencil disappearing trick. The key to your success is a fairly loose shirt with long sleeves.
  • We take a pencil in our hands and hold its edges on 2 sides with three fingers: thumb, index and middle
  • We show guests only the front side of the fingers
  • We begin to put pressure on the pencil with the fingers of the right hand. Thus, we slightly move it to the wrist of the right limb
  • Next, we make a few simple manipulations with our hands, as if distracting the audience. For example, a couple of movements up and down
  • Next, we squeeze the fingers on the left hand so that the pencil lies completely on the wrist of the right hand
  • Now it's up to the small, quickly, but carefully put the pencil in the right sleeve
  • Then we show the audience that there is no pencil
  • You need to do the trick quickly, distracting the guests with your movements, facial expressions, etc.
  • It is not necessary to show such a trick without practicing in advance, since such "magic" tends not to occur.

Disappearing tricks
  1. Here is another very simple coin disappearing trick.. We need a table covered with a tablecloth, a coin and, of course, spectators. The trick must be shown while sitting, and the guests should not be located on the side of the magician, but in front of him, at a sufficient distance (not immediately in front of the table).
  • So, put the coin on the table. It is very important to put it not too far from the edge of the table. 10 cm will be enough
  • Next, we begin to intensively rub the coin into the table with the whole palm. At the same time, each movement of the hand should slip the coin closer to the edge, until it finally sends it to your knees.
  • After that, without fussing with the same rubbing movements, we return the hand to the place where the coin was originally, and make a couple of movements only with the fingers, and not with the whole palm
  • We begin to say a funny spell, words, and sharply raise our hand
  • We are surprised to say that it worked.
  • During all these manipulations, you need to take the coin from your knees with your left hand, so that later you can “get” it from a completely unexpected place.

How to learn to do magic tricks with a handkerchief: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with handkerchiefs are standard at all performances of fakirs, and for good reason. It is tricks with such props that are done quite easily, however, they always make a special impression on the audience.

  1. So, we need a scarf, an assistant, and, in principle, nothing else, only sleight of hand and the ability to tie knots in a special way.
  • Any viewer can be chosen as an assistant
  • Next, we take a scarf, it should be large enough and twist it so that we get a tourniquet
  • Now we take a twisted scarf and put it on the person’s hand, doing it from the bottom up. That is, the fabric of the handkerchief will hold the hand from the underside
  • We must place the left end of the fabric in ourselves left hand between index and middle fingers. Hold the right end arbitrarily
  • Next, put the right end of the handkerchief between the ring and middle fingers. At this point, there is already an air loop on the viewer's hand
  • The right end, after placing it between the indicated fingers, should look towards the thumb and lie on the left end.

  • We press middle finger to the palm. At this time, the thumb and middle fingers of the left hand hold the right end of the fabric.
  • We take the left end of the scarf, thread it into the resulting loop and continue to hold the right end with our left hand, tighten the loop
  • Visually, it will seem that one strong knot is made on a person’s hand
  • Next, wrap the hand in the opposite direction with the right end of the scarf, after which we tie one simple knot and at the end of this manipulation we sharply tighten the knots
  • At this moment, all viewers will see a miracle - a handkerchief, passing through a person’s hand, literally jumps off it and ties into a knot in the hands of a skilled magician

The trick with the disappearance of the scarf and the appearance of the rose is also very popular, however, these tricks require special props, so we recommend that you initially hone your skills on the simplest trick presented above, and only then move on to something more complex.

How to learn to do magic tricks with an elastic band: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with an elastic band are slightly less popular than the others, however, for a beginner magician, these tricks are considered the most suitable.

  1. We need to take a ring, cut a clerical gum:
  • So what do we do next? We stretch the elastic band through the decoration, while it is important to stretch it not for the entire length, but only for a couple of cm
  • The rest of the gum will be hidden in our hand.
  • Then we raise the hand that holds the elastic band without a ring, and shake it slightly
  • At this point, the decoration will fall down the other end
  • Now you should very carefully and gradually begin to let go of that edge of the elastic that is loose. The ring will then move up.

During this trick, it is very important not to rush and do all the movements very smoothly, otherwise the elastic band may jump out of your hands and the ring will simply fall to the floor.

How to learn to do magic tricks with a cigarette: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with cigarettes are very unusual tricks, however, for their performance we need special props - that same cigarette.

  1. So the first focus is disappearing cigarette in the nose. From the props, we take a special fake cigarette. As a rule, an elastic band is attached to the end of the cigarette from the side of the filter, with which you will get rid of it during the trick. The filter itself moves over the cigarette, with the help of which the effect is obtained that the cigarette is placed in the nose.
  • We take a cigarette, previously under the jacket in the sleeve area, we fasten the elastic band, creating tension
  • Next, we hold a cigarette in our hand and substitute it to the edge of the nose, so that the viewer can visually see that the cigarette is just at the opening of the nose
  • Starting to move the props filter up, giving the impression that the cigarette is sinking into the nose
  • After that, we let go of the cigarette, the gum works, and the props quietly fly away

  1. And one more interesting one trick with a special cigarette. The peculiarity of this cigarette is that it looks like a real one, but inside it is hollow and this can be seen from the side of the filter. Also included with the props is a tube - a kind of case for the same cigarette, when the cigarette gets there it is not visible due to the fact that its cavity is black, like the cavity of the case. With all this, get a common person she cannot do it without the help of a magician, and in principle this is what we need.
  • Well, the focus is on the shrinking cigarette. To be more precise, we put an allegedly ordinary cigarette into the case, and take out a very small
  • We put a small copy of it in the cavity of a large cigarette.
  • With your finger we press the part where the cigarette can fall out. We show the audience that the cigarette is quite ordinary, and put it in a case
  • After that, close the case with a cap and pronounce any magic words
  • We shake out a small cigarette from the case
  • The case can be given into the hands of guests and spectators, a cigarette is not visually visible in it and it will not get out of there, even if you knock on the case

Showing tricks is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because these are not just hand movements, this is a whole action that must be accompanied by real magic.

  • Show tricks only after long workouts. You shouldn't tempt fate. Train at home in front of the mirror, so you will see everything that happens, as if from the side
  • Always be prepared for things to go wrong. In this case, you need not to get confused, but quickly and imperceptibly correct the error.
  • If there is no opportunity to correct the mistake, you need to be able to quickly switch people's attention to another object, focus, etc.
  • Hone not only manual dexterity, but also acting skills, because by showing tricks, you literally play the role of a magician. Do not be afraid to be funny, pronounce words clearly and with appropriate intonation
  • Showing tricks, do not rush, there is no need to rush in this matter. You need to do quickly only those movements and manipulations that the viewer can notice, do them differently
  • Before showing focus a large number people, show it to someone from your family and ask them to objectively evaluate it. Based on this, decide whether you have enough skills to demonstrate such an illusion.
  • If you are working with props, do not save on it, otherwise it will easily let you down at the wrong moment.

To create miracles and magic is not so difficult, for this you need to be patient and show all your imagination and dexterity. Training and your desire will definitely bring you a positive result.

Video: How to show tricks - spectacular tricks and their secrets

An experienced magician needs only his hands to demonstrate his skills.

Using exclusively sleight of hand, it is possible to learn how to surprise the public, but you need to know the secret of everyone, because even a trick that is very simple in the eyes of an inexperienced person sometimes requires considerable skill.

The main quality that a good one should have is dexterous hands. To show a real performance, often nothing more than skill and dexterity is needed.

Perhaps that is why there is an incredible variety of tricks with fingers, performed either without any objects at all, or with a minimum, consisting usually of a couple of small, simple knick-knacks that fit easily in a pocket.

This is the advantage of such tricks - they do not require site preparation, special devices or conditions. Everything you need is literally in your hands.

Nuance when demonstrating tricks with "bare hands"

What ? This is just an optical illusion that the viewer does not notice. When you show tricks without props, the viewer often sees the hands only on one side, and the other must be hidden.

Therefore, such performances are ideal to show them on stage, at holidays in such a way that the "audience hall" is on one side of you.

If you have decided demonstrate your art on the street to the crowd that surrounded you from all sides, the “magic” may not work, and you will be exposed very quickly.

In the crowd surrounding you from all sides there is a danger of exposure

In truth, tricks with hands are not so easy to learn . You need agility and speed. But if he does not make a mistake, he will receive the well-deserved admiration of the public. So, let's move on to the tricks themselves.

Focus with rubber bands

For you, in addition to your skillful hands, you will need two ordinary rubber bands of the same size.

You put one elastic band on the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, stretch it. Place the other one between the first and right hand and also put it on the thumb and forefinger, but of the other hand. Also spread to the sides. It turns out a kind of cross.

Show that rubber bands can't get loose , if you do not take them off your hands, convince the public that there is no catch. Someone from the crowd can even touch the objects himself, so that there is no doubt. And then the magician does a few quick steps , and the parts of the "cross" are separated, not jumping off the hands, but already separately.

The secret of the rubber band trick is revealed in this video:

How did it happen?

  1. The moment the illusionist indicates that the grip is tight, he makes a small movement that no one notices or attaches any importance to.
  2. He puts the middle one on the index (on one hand).
  3. After the hand goes down, and the loop imperceptibly passes from one pressed finger to another.
  4. The free finger, meanwhile, slips into the loop on the thumb of the right hand.
  5. And then you just release the loop from the middle one, and the “cross” falls apart.
  6. For effect, wiggle the rubber bands around to create the impression of "witchcraft", then spread your arms and enjoy the surprise of the audience.

The most important- do everything quickly so that no one notices your machinations. And for this you need dexterous trained hands.

"Severed Finger"

Even the simplest trick can be modified, and it will “play” in a new way.

A well-known children's trick when the thumb comes off the palm and remains in the fist, and then "sticks" in place. Even children know his secret.

But how to make it so that the big one, clasped by the index and middle of the other hand, breaks away from the palm, “rides” along the arm and returns to the palm?

The secret is simple:

  • You show that you grab the big left hand, and when you twist it, as if unscrewing it, you discreetly replace it.
  • The “torn off” large one is pressed against the palm of your hand, and you bend the other large one so that it turns out to be clasped by two fingers of the same hand.
  • Then we move the fist along the arm, return it to its place, “screw it” and at this time we again imperceptibly change fingers.

The audience will not suspect anything if everything is done quickly, neatly and deftly. The faster and more precise your movements, the better the performance will be.

These are the ones with fingers and their secrets. They are beautiful in their apparent simplicity, which only truly dexterous hands can create.

You can learn how to focus with a severed finger from this video:

There are many tricks that require no props other than the dexterous hands of an illusionist. They are great help in cases where there is no opportunity to use complex props or prepare a spectacular trick, and others ask for a miracle.

Despite their apparent simplicity, finger tricks require great flexibility and long training. Most of these tricks are based on visual tricks, where the audience sees only one side of the hand. For this reason, they are often performed on stage, at children's parties, or at home parties, but never on the street or during a bar party. When skillfully performed, such tricks are capable of capturing the imagination of the most skeptical viewer.

Rubber band trick

Take 2 identical rubber bands. Put one of them on the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, and passing the second under it, throw it on the corresponding left. You will have a kind of flexible cross in your hands, which cannot be divided without removing the rubber bands from your fingers. Demonstrate to the audience that rubber bands never go through each other, or suggest that someone in the audience try to do it themselves.

However, for an experienced trick, nothing is impossible! A few quick movements - and the elastic bands are easily separated, while continuing to be stretched between the thumbs and forefingers of both hands.

You can learn this trick with this video:

Of course, to repeat this trick, you will have to practice a little. Spread your arms wide to tighten the elastic, and with the middle finger of your right hand, press it firmly against your index finger. Then quickly bring this hand down, slipping your fingers under the loop, and transfer the elastic band from index to middle. Thus, you freed your index finger. Once again, spread your arms and slip it into the loop between your thumb and the intersection point of both elastic bands. You should get a complex design in which the right rubber band is stretched simultaneously on the thumb, index and middle fingers. As soon as you release the middle finger, the elastic will hang in its original position between the thumb and forefinger, but. Already separate from his "neighbor".

It is important! All movements need to be worked out to automatism in order to do it very quickly during the performance. Otherwise, your secret will be easily revealed.

Simple tricks with the disappearance and appearance of fingers, their "passage" through other parts of the body and other metamorphoses are very popular at children's matinees. Ask the audience if they can stick their finger in their own ear? The answer, of course, will be no - but you can do it with ease.

To do this, put your thumb to your ear, and quickly press your index finger against it. upper part auricle. At the same time, you need to pull the earlobe to your finger with your second hand. Your thumb will be almost completely wrapped on both sides of your ear, and your index finger will not allow the flexible cartilage to turn back. Of course, you need to do all this very quickly so that the audience does not have time to see your actions.

Infinite Finger

No less unusual is the trick with the finger suddenly lengthening, as if it were made of rubber. You clamp the tip of the big one with your teeth and, for fidelity, holding it with your other hand, begin to take your head to the side. And - about a miracle! Your finger stretches out, and then just as obediently decreases back to normal size.

The secret of this trick lies in the skillful substitution of the finger of one hand with the finger of the other. Bite it and bring your other hand to your mouth, supposedly clasping your thumb with your palm. Your main task now is to quickly change hands, so that the thumb of the other hand is clamped between the teeth, and the first, “lengthening”, moves freely in the fist. Move your head away while spreading your arms to the side: the finger will stretch. Bring your hands together again, and it will return to its original size. All other movements must be repeated in reverse order: change the fingers touching the lips, and you can go to receive applause.

It is important! The most dangerous moment in this trick is the change of fingers. An attentive person may well notice it, so at the right moment you should turn your head slightly while raising your fist to shield your mouth with it.

severed finger

Straighten your palm and wiggle your fingers. Clamp the big one in the fist of the second hand. Ah, bad luck! The finger came off and remained in the hand, the nail peeps out of the fist ... It's okay, such a powerful wizard like you, it doesn't cost anything to grow it back! Another quick move and he was back in his seat.

Like all finger tricks, this one is based on sleight of hand and the correct position of the magician in relation to the audience. Make sure the audience can't see the back of your hand. Move them a little to divert attention, and squeeze the index and middle fingers of the other hand around the thumb.

After that, all movements must be performed as quickly as possible. Turn your hands a little and, unclenching your fist, press your thumb in your palm. At the same time, stick the thumb of the other hand in its place. If you did everything right, the second, “tearing off”, palm will show an almost real “fig”, only the tip will protrude between the middle and index. Now you just have to make a picture jerk, as if you were unscrewing your finger from your hand with effort.

You need to “engraft” the finger back in the same way: first, press your hands one to the other and straighten your thumb, then slowly “remove” your fist from it, while straightening the “fig” so that the audience sees the gradually decreasing tip of the nail peeking between the fingers.

By the same principle, you can easily do other tricks with tearing off and attaching your fingers back. The main thing is to work out the moment when one finger hides behind the palm and is replaced by another.

Do not forget that an important role in such performances is played by the artistry of the illusionist. An expression of surprise or fright at the right time will help convince the viewer of the reality of the metamorphosis taking place with your fingers. But the words are not required. On the contrary, you can, by experimenting, create own image, based solely on unusual tricks and rich expressive facial expressions.

Having learned the simplest movements, you can begin to master more complex tricks with your fingers. Video training for some of the most spectacular tricks you can watch in this video:

Incredible Facts

There are things that we believe almost anyone can do. But if you're like the majority of people in the world, then no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do it.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rules, as will be demonstrated in some cases.

But our body is designed in such a way that some tricks are almost impossible.

1. Raise one eyebrow. How to learn to raise one eyebrow?

The ability to raise eyebrows is an evolutionary trait. Baboons, mandrills and capuchins raise their eyebrows as a gesture of threat.

While most people can't raise one eyebrow, it can be learned.

Start by holding one eyebrow down with one hand and lift the other with your other hand.

Keep practicing this position in front of the mirror to get an idea of ​​what muscle movements are involved in raising the eyebrow.

Once you are familiar with the "mechanism", try to do it without the help of hands.

Practice in front of a mirror until you succeed. Good luck!

It is known that 99 percent of people cannot lick their own elbow., and 90 percent of people who are told about it immediately try to do it.

For some people, this task is quite feasible, and every day about 5 people try to apply for the Guinness Book of Records for the ability to lick their own elbow.

3. Move your ears. How to wiggle your ears?

Not many people in the world are able to move their ears, and scientists have figured out why. Unlike the facial muscles, the ear muscles have their own accessory nerve in the brainstem. Compared to animals, especially cats and bats, in humans, this part is very small.

If you don't know how to wiggle your ears, here are some tips to help you achieve this:

To learn how to move your ears, you need to find the muscles that move them.

Smile broadly and see your ears pop up a little. You can also squeeze your molars (molars) to feel the muscles.

Repeat these movements several times to develop the muscles that move the ears.

4. Reach out with your tongue to the tip of your nose or chin

The ability to touch the tip of the nose or chin with the tongue is genetic feature. About 10 percent of people can perform this action, and 5 times more people with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which causes joint hypermobility.

If you are one of the few who can pull off this trick, you can practice:

Stretch your tongue in a straight line in front of you, as if "putting a dot" with the tip of your tongue.

Pull your upper lip down over your top row of teeth.

Helping yourself with your lower lip, wrap your tongue over upper lip to touch the nose.

Remember that not everyone will be able to do this.

5. Tongue with a straw and other tongue tricks

Previously it was thought that the ability to roll the tongue into a tube is genetic and is determined by the presence of a dominant gene. Rolling the tongue into a tube was often a kind of test showing the presence of dominant and recessive genes in a class. However, subsequent studies on twins have shown that both genetics and environment influence this ability.

Here are a few more tongue tricks which most people will not be able to do.

6. Sneeze with your eyes open

We can't sneeze with open eyes, as the sneeze center in the brain sends coordinated motor impulses to nerves, which controls the muscles of the press, chest, diaphragm, neck, face, eyelids and various sphincters, and all this happens automatically.

If you keep your eyes open while sneezing, can they pop out of their sockets? The hosts from the TV show MythBusters tried it.

7. Tickle yourself

Almost all of us have places that are sensitive to tickling, and loved ones know how to take advantage of this.

However, a person cannot tickle himself, and this is scientific explanation. The fact is that the cerebellum responsible for this response anticipates our own movements and cancels the response of other areas of the brain to self-tickle.

8 Finger Trick: "Paralyzed Finger"

Perform the following experiment: bend your middle finger as shown in the picture and place your hand on the table. Now try to raise your thumb, index and little fingers. And now try to lift ring finger . Did not work out?

The fact is that the tendons of your fingers are independent of each other, with the exception of those that are in the middle and ring fingers. These tendons are connected and therefore, when the middle finger is bent, you cannot move the ring finger. There is a feeling that the ring finger is paralyzed.

9. Foot trick: draw the number 6 by moving the foot clockwise

Can you do several things at the same time? Try the following experiment. Sitting on a chair lift your right leg and draw circles with your foot in a clockwise direction. While you're doing it draw the number 6 with your right hand. You will see that your leg has changed direction.

Also try twisting right foot counterclockwise and at the same time draw the number 8 with your right hand.

Another trick: simultaneously twist the index fingers of both hands clockwise. Do it slowly at first, and then increase the speed. Do the task as quickly as possible, and soon both of your fingers will be moving in opposite directions.

10. Suffocate by holding your breath. How long can a person hold their breath?

It is physically impossible to commit suicide by holding your breath.

After all, we have a reflex that allows stagnant gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen to expelled with light deep exhalation. Even if you force yourself to overcome this reflex, you can faint due to lack of oxygen in your brain. After you faint, your mouth will open and your lungs will start working again.

In general, a person is able to hold his breath twice as long under water than on land, holding his nose and mouth (the record is 10 minutes). On average, a person can hold their breath for 30 seconds - 2 minutes underwater. The underwater breath holding record held by freediver Stig Severinsen is 22 minutes.

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