When is the birthday of Kirkorov's children. Who is the mother of Philip Kirkorov's children: insider information. Alone with myself

Do you know how old Kirkorov's daughter is? What is her name and who is the girl's mother? If not, we recommend reading this article.

The long-awaited child of the king of pop

November 26, 2011 Russian media reported that the daughter of Kirkorov was born. famous singer confirmed this information. His first child was born in one of the elite US clinics. Baby got double name Alla Victoria (in honor of the late mother of the pop king and ex-wife - Pugacheva).

Who is the girl's mother?

Philip Bedrosovich could not stop looking at his princess. He postponed all business and concerts in order to spend more time with Alla-Victoria. Many people were sure that Kirkorov's daughter was born from However, the singer denied such rumors. In one of the TV shows, the king of pop spoke about the girl's mother. Allegedly, this is his old friend Natalya Efremova. She doesn't public person. Philip also claimed that his mother lives in the same house with him and Alla-Victoria, takes care of the girl and is engaged in her upbringing.

Replenishment in the family

On June 29, 2012, during a concert in the Bulgarian capital (Sofia), Kirkorov announced the good news - his son Martin was born. The audience gathered in the hall congratulated him with loud applause and shouts of “Hurrah!”. Philip's son was born in the same clinic as Alla Victoria. The difference between them is 7 months. This once again confirms the information that Philip used the service of surrogate mothers. Be that as it may, the pop king loves his children very much. He does everything to provide them with a bright future.


On April 8, 2012, Kirkorov's daughter found her guardian angel. After all, on this day her christening took place. Preparation for such important event took place under conditions of high secrecy. And all in order to prevent the appearance of paparazzi and representatives of the yellow press. Philip invited several photographers who captured the most touching moments.

The christening took place in the church of Elijah the Prophet, located on Ostozhenka. Philip Bedrosovich carried his daughter in his arms. The girl was wrapped in a snow-white blanket with a veil and lace trim. The eyes of the famous father shone with happiness.

The popular TV presenter Andrey Malakhov was chosen as the godfather. They have a strong friendship with Philip. But the name of the godmother was not disclosed. Rumor has it that she was an old friend of the singer, the same Natasha Efremova.

Despite the fact that the girl has a double name, she was christened as Alla. The ceremony was attended only by close relatives and friends of Kirkorov, among whom the Yudashkins, Lolita, Nikolai Baskov and A. B. Pugacheva can be distinguished. All of them prepared gifts for Alla Victoria.

First birthday of Kirkorov's daughter

On November 26, 2012, the king of pop arranged a grand celebration for his eldest heiress - Allochka turned one year old. People close to him came to the house where Kirkorov lives with his children. First of all, this is Father Bedros with his wife Lyudmila, Galkin with Pugacheva, Ani Lorak with her husband. Gradually, the room was filled with luxurious bouquets of flowers, toys and beautiful outfits. Alla Victoria received these gifts from star guests. Everyone was seated at a large table, which was literally bursting with delicacies, Bulgarian cuisine, expensive snacks and noble wines.

present tense

Kirkorov's daughter has grown noticeably. She is already 4.5 years old. Alla Victoria and her brother Martin are very similar to their famous dad. They have dark hair, large Brown eyes and a sweet smile.

From the age of 3, Allochka began to dance. She also studies English language and masters modern gadgets (tablet, iPhone, and so on). Philip does not send his children to a music school. He believes that the son and daughter should show interest in this themselves. And forcing them to make music is wrong.

After the demonstration on television of a program dedicated to the children of the singer Philip Kirkorov, on the Internet, disputes and discussions do not subside. Showing the whole country the faces of grown-up heirs - a three-year-old Alla Victoria and biennial Martina Kirkorov doomed them to their own fate - to be always under the guns of television cameras. Of particular interest to the audience of the program, in May holidays which took first place in the rating of views on TV, caused a curious detail - the name of the "mother", which the star's daughter accidentally called. As it turned out, Kirkorov's children have a normal family, with "dad Philip" and "mother Natasha." The singer's children do not at all suffer from inferior upbringing by a "single father", because, as Kirkorov explained, their mother is simply not a public person. However, many have wondered: how can one woman be the mother of two babies at once, born in just seven months apart? SUPER shed light on an intriguing story by identifying the very "Natasha's mother".

As it turned out, the children of Kirkorov call their godmother, a close friend of the singer, a 48-year-old businesswoman, their mother. Natalya Efremova. The woman has been keeping in the background for three years, while playing an important role in the history of the birth of Alla Victoria and Martin. Kirkorov and Efremova have known each other for more than ten years - once Natalya owned a huge store fashion brands in the center of Moscow, where the king of pop often visited. Soon the acquaintance grew into a strong friendship. AT recent times Efremova retired from business and devoted herself entirely to the role of "guardian of the hearth" in the house of a close friend. As the singer’s children themselves told without concealment on the air of the program, “mother Natasha” is always with them and lives at their house - in country house Kirkorov on Nikolina Gora near Moscow.

Three years ago, Efremova first appeared in public and hit the cameras during the christening of Kirkorov's daughter Alla-Victoria. Once again, Natalya came out at the end of 2012, having come to the show "Christmas Meetings", where Kirkorov performed and instantly found herself in the spotlight of the press. Since then, Efremov has been strenuously avoiding publicity. In circles close to Kirkorov, many are surprised at the step taken by a woman who actually devoted her life to raising the children of a close friend. Many people notice another striking detail - a clear similarity between the facial features of a woman and Kirkorov's daughter - Alla Victoria, admitting that it is Natalya who may be her "genetic mother".

Recall that in the "genetic mother" of another child of Kirkorov - Martin, bloggers have already managed to record the singer Anastasia Stotskaya, revealing a striking portrait resemblance between the son of the pop king and her own child - four-year-old son Alexander.

By the way, from the point of view of medicine, the mothers of the artist's children could well be, like different women, and one. Indeed, in order to have children, a man only needs to take “biological material” from any woman – eggs, which can later be fertilized by sperm and “planted” also to several different “surrogate mothers”. In this situation, children from one father can be born almost at the same time - as in the case of Kirkorov.

A professional child psychologist shared his opinion on why Philip Kirkorov “appointed” one woman as the mother of two children and what role she can play in his family with SUPER Sabina Wheat.

- Kirkorov did absolutely the right thing, not depriving children of a normal childhood and creating a “correct family model” for them. - explained the actions of the artist Pshenichnaya. - And here it doesn’t matter who the woman who the children call mother really is. Growing up in a family where there is only a “single father” leads to certain developmental deviations and severe psychological trauma for children.It is very important for a child that the mother object be the main, reliable one. Without a mother, children are doomed all their lives to feel aboutloneliness and uselessness. Nearby there will be no main thing - a loving maternal object that would admire and enjoy the child. The father cannot fully fulfill the maternal function.

But how will a child feel, who in the future, for example, realizes that such a “mother” is not his own?

Definitely trauma and stress. There can be very severe mental disorders. The child will always subconsciously feel that he was born in some other way. But eIf the father - in this case Kirkorov - can give the child a permanent and reliable maternal object, such a mother who could be a "holding" for him, then this is good. The main thing is that this "mother" does not change - all the "transitory-leaving" options the child will be terribly traumatized. This is especially important for girls.Incomplete families always affect the feelings and development of the baby. If it was hidden from him long time all of which can lead to severe depression. If you have children, then you definitely do not need to subsequently hide from them how they were conceived. And in no case should you hide from a child at an already conscious age who the woman next to him is.

Philip Kirkorov was born in April 1967 in Varna, Bulgaria. The singer's parents, Bedros and Victoria, early childhood instilled in little Philip a love for the song, took him on tour, celebrated him good voice and great vocals. Therefore, his fate was predetermined. With the available talent, Philip had one path - the stage. Here he achieved great success and appreciation of the public - this is evident from the numerous titles and awards of the singer. From the height of his age, Philip Kirkorov can sum up the intermediate results of his path.

Some facts

Despite the fact that Philip was born in Bulgaria, he lives in Russia. He studied at a simple Moscow school, graduating with a gold medal, entered the Gnessin School at the Faculty of Musical Comedy, which he graduated with honors. Which is not surprising - having a textured appearance, Kirkorov, whose height is 197 cm, gained popularity among the public, only appearing on stage.

For the first time he starred in the program "Wider Circle". Having sung the song "Alyosha" in Bulgarian, he impressed not only the audience, but also the directors, who began to invite him to shoot programs. His fans are still worried about:

  • his manner of dressing;
  • his scandalous antics;
  • What is his personal life like?
  • even what is his height, weight, age at a given time.

After all, there is still an opinion among fans that the pop king keeps a lot of things secret and does not want to expose his personal life to the public.


The king of pop met Alla Pugacheva in 1988 at the opening day of Ilya Reznik. Soon she invited Philip to "Christmas Meetings", for which several songs were written. This meeting was not accidental, because a few years later, the singer begins to court the prima donna, as a result of which in 1994 the lovers got married and even got married.

Gossips consider their marriage a fictitious one - because of a career - which is evidenced by his growing popularity. Pugacheva and Kirkorov toured a lot together, and Solo career formed successfully. But ten years later, disagreements began as in professional activity, as well as in family affairs. As a result, the marriage of Kirkorov and Pugacheva broke up. Many reasons were given - this is the difference in age, and the absence of children, and the debts of Kirkorov, and his homosexual, and the appearance of Maxim Galkin. Whatever it was, but the divorce took place. Over time, all discord subsided, and former spouses treat each other with respect and maintain friendly relations.

Their personal life developed in different ways: Pugacheva already had a relationship with Maxim Galkin, they later got married, but Philip did not seek solace in women, but earned him in his work. He still remains the king of the Russian stage, the most popular and sought-after singer, starred in TV shows, takes under the wing of young singers, novels with whom he is credited with. And then the pop king shocked everyone with his unexpected fatherhood, when a daughter and a son were born.

Children of Philip Kirkorov

Recently, the singer and producer Kirkorov turned 49 years old. He considers the birth of children, Alla Victoria and Martin, to be his main achievement. They were born from surrogate mothers, and the age difference in children is only 7 months.

Philip went consciously to the birth of children, he decided to prove to the whole world that single people can also experience the feeling of fatherhood. He stated that he intended to raise his daughter himself and was studying literature on education. And a few months later, another news stunned the singer's fans - his son was born. The age difference between the children of Kirkorov haunted the townsfolk for a long time, although the singer himself did not hide the fact that both the daughter and the son were born by different women, only surrogate mother Martina does not live in America. For a long time he did not even show the press even a photo of his son, only when the baby was one year old, photographs from his birthday were posted on the Internet.

The son and daughter of Kirkorov have different mothers, but they are very similar to each other. The children of Kirkorov live with their father and mother in a mansion, next to the castle of Maxim Galkin, as the children themselves told the correspondent during the filming of the program for the NTV channel. Philip Kirkorov confirmed this, saying that they are a normal family and the children have a mom and dad, she's just a non-public person.

The children of Kirkorov have a happy childhood, they are surrounded by the attention of Philip's numerous relatives, adored by their father, who melts while communicating with them and from an imposing adult man turns into a naughty, in no way inferior to his children in games.

Philip Kirkorov, one of the most prominent representatives Russian stage, is successfully engaged in creativity, but fans are also interested in his marital status.

There is little information about the novels of the pop king. There were rumors about his connection with the singer Anastasia Stotskaya, and the most striking relationship, of course, was the marriage with the prima donna - Alla Pugacheva.

Not a single beloved singer made him happy with children, so in 2011 the artist used the services of a surrogate mother who gave birth to a daughter, Alla Victoria, and in 2012, Martina-Kristina Kirkorov.

In an interview with NTV reporters, Philip talked about his decision:

“Families that do not have the opportunity to become 100% happy (and 100% family happiness is children's laughter nearby) have long been solving this issue in our civilized world. And I, so to speak, am not a pioneer.

Alla Victoria

Christening Martin

Natalya Efremova - "mother" of Kirkorov's children

Kirkorov still has not admitted who is the real biological mother of the kids. The same woman simply could not physically bear them, since the age difference in children is 7 months.

The media found out that the godmother of Philip's children is his close and longtime friend, Natalya Efremova.

She is a businesswoman, has been friends with the singer for over 10 years and is main woman in his house. The artist does not talk about the nature of their relationship, and Natalya herself is not too eager to communicate with the press.

The artist's children call Efremov mother and live together. The media notes that Alla-Victoria looks like Natalya, it is likely that they are related.

For the first time in public, the children of Kirkorov appeared in April 2015. 2-year-old Martin and 3-year-old Alla-Victoria gave an interview to the journalist of the NTV channel program - Leonid Zakoshansky.

Then the fans learned for the first time about “mother Natasha”, who lives with children in the singer’s house.

“It’s just that our mother is not a public person,” Kirkorov explained.

Acquaintance with the children of Kirkorov

The daughter of the pop king Alla Victoria was born on November 26, 2011 from a surrogate mother, as her father announced on Channel One. The name was given to her in honor of the singer's mother - Victoria and his ex-wife- Alla Pugacheva. The girl loves attention, grows bold and open.

Baby Martin-Christine was born in America on June 29, 2012, Kirkorov named him after his favorite foreign artist, Ricky Martin. The boy has a calm character, good disposition, grows modest and courageous.

Children learn two foreign languages- English and Italian, are fond of sports, sculpting from clay and plasticine, show their acting skills. Their schedule is very busy - the guys are dancing, karate, go to tennis.

They stopped attending kindergarten because their father was not happy with their pedagogical approach. The education of the artist is helped by his aunt, Marie.

Alla Victoria and Martin with grandfather

"Philip is not strict dad, very good. He doesn't trust fashion methods education and raises them according to his plan and relying on his intuition. The kids love and respect him."

This video shows the holidays of the Kirkorov children in Miami:

The king of pop indulges kids in every possible way, surrounding them with luxury and expensive gifts.

He seeks to instill in them cultural and moral values. The artist instills in them a love for animals, often takes them to children's performances. The family attended the performance sea ​​lions at the Great Moscow Circus.

“We had an amazing day today at the Circus on Vernadsky and celebrated 1 year sea ​​lion A royal prince!" - shared Philip in social networks.

Children's birthdays are always celebrated in a big way.

Philip's daughter's 4th birthday

5th anniversary

6th anniversary

3rd birthday of Kirkorov's son (in a gray T-shirt)

son's 4th birthday

5th anniversary

Numerous star guests are present at the celebration: Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin with children, Yana Rudkovskaya, Ani Lorak. For this, the most expensive restaurants are rented, one of Philip's favorites is Moscow's Chalet Berezka.

Kirkorov Jr. is adored not only by relatives, but also by fans of the singer. Recently, one of the singer's fans gave them passport covers. handmade. They were decorated with pearls, gold embossing and the children's initials.

Philip teaches children to secular life, but does not insist that they follow in his footsteps as an artist.

“If they themselves come to this, then I will not mind, but push them in such young age I don’t want to do this,” he explained to the press.

On the program "Evening Urgant"

Children at Philip Kirkorov's concert (2018)

At Father's Birthday Party (2018)

On the podium

Performance in the ballet "Todes"

Philip Kirkorov, one of the brightest representatives of the Russian stage, is successfully engaged in creativity, but fans are also interested in his marital status.

There is little information about the novels of the pop king. There were rumors about his connection with the singer Anastasia Stotskaya, and the most striking relationship, of course, was the marriage with the prima donna - Alla Pugacheva.

Not a single lover of the singer made him happy with children, so in 2011 the artist used the services of a surrogate mother, who gave birth to a daughter, Alla Victoria, and in 2012, a son, Martin-Kristina Kirkorov.

Natalya Efremova - "mother" of Kirkorov's children

Kirkorov still has not admitted who is the real biological mother of the kids. The same woman simply could not physically bear them, since the age difference in children is 7 months.

The media found out that the godmother of Philip's children is his close and longtime friend, Natalya Efremova.

She is a businesswoman, has been friends with the singer for over 10 years and is the main woman in his house. The artist does not talk about the nature of their relationship, and Natalya herself is not too eager to communicate with the press.

The artist's children call Efremov mother and live together. The media note that Alla-Victoria looks like Natalya, it is likely that they are related.

However, of the versions about who gave birth to children to Kirkorov, the most plausible is the one that Alla Victoria was born from surrogate mother in the States. And Martin was born from Efremova in a natural way. It is worth noting that Natalya Efremova, born in 1967. - a successful business woman who also received higher education, becoming a military translator. The woman rose to the rank of lieutenant, which proves her perseverance and determination.

Since 1998, Natalia has been doing quite a lot profitable business, namely, the sale of branded clothing, which Philip Kirkorov often purchased. At the same time, the woman's twenty-year-old son Yegor, born from her first husband, is growing up.

Philip has known Natalia for more than ten years, she has gradually become the person with whom you can talk heart to heart. Currently, Natasha and Andrey Malakhov have become godparents babies, so before God they are their mom and dad.

It is worth noting that Efremova decided to become a “mother” permanently living with her children only so that they would grow up in a complete family, and Kirkorov was not considered in starry world single father.

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