Cindy Crawford's daughter is recognized as the most beautiful girl in the world. Star kids style: Cindy Crawford's son is Presley Cindy Crawford now

“I also really like running, but the classic exercises of the “old school” are better on my figure - they taught me my last coach Radu, with whom we even recorded sports videos. On the this moment I have a new trainer with whom I work out at home three times a week. He makes me do push-ups, squats, kettlebells and walk a lot. After the birth of children and after my recent tour, in which I presented my book, I had to take breaks in training. But now I have a very intensive program with cardio. I also try to walk and bike a lot on the weekends.”

Cindy Crawford's Beauty Secret #2: Starting With a Very Healthy Smoothie

“I always start my day with mashed spinach, almond milk, half a banana, protein powder, raw cocoa, and fresh mint.”

Cindy Crawford's beauty secret number 3: save your nerves and go to the sauna

“Recently, we had an introductory course on meditation for my whole family. I don't do this regularly, but it was very interesting to learn about beneficial effects of meditation on my state of mind from a neuroscience point of view. It's like new tool, which is at my disposal, and with which I can relax when I need it. But my favorite relaxation ritual is infrared sauna: 30 minutes with a good book and I'm a whole new person.”

Cindy Crawford's Beauty Secret #4: Protect Your Skin From Direct Sunlight

“Since the age of 30 I have been using sunscreen cosmetics from the brand Meaningful Beauty, which is constantly refined and improved by Dr. Jean-Louis Sebage. I am also a fan of the procedure “ skin microresurfacing”, which is done to me by Hollywood beautician Christina Radu every four weeks. But no matter what, Sun protection is a must for me. Because my skin tans quickly and easily, I always use creams with SPF, wear wide-brimmed hats and hide under beach umbrellas.”

Cindy Crawford's Beauty Secret #5: Pay Great Attention to Hair Care

“I am an adherent of the idea that if beauty rituals can be combined, then you need to do it, because I do not always have enough time for stepwise, consistent care. For example, if I know that I am going to wash my hair immediately after a sports workout, then I apply it to my hair before training. medicinal oil, after all, a fat tail is not a hindrance to sports. Lately I've been in love with the mask. Lush "Jasmine and henna".

Unfortunately, now my hair is not as thick as it used to be. Constant styling and coloring while working as a model spoiled them very much. If I have time, I try do not blow dry your hair and wait for them to dry naturally. I also try to refuse styling, if possible: I found that if I go to bed with my hair twisted into a bun at the top, then by morning they take nice shape waves. Well, I don’t use elastic bands so that I don’t pull or break my hair, I use a hairpin with a clip.”

14 year old Kaia Gerber, daughter of Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber, first appeared on the cover of fashion magazine alone

Photo: DR

The girl starred for the September issue of the British magazine Pop. "Isn't she the most beautiful girl in the world?" - editors ask subscribers in the official Instagram edition.

This is not just an issue: it has three different covers at once, on which Kaya poses in different emotions, and the volume is 720 pages! young model will appear in several images that were created during two separate photo shoots.

“I won’t say that I never dreamed about it, because this is really what I dreamed about,” Kaya said in an interview with the magazine about her modeling career. But I didn't think it would happen so soon. I still can't believe it - even after French Vogue came out."

Recall that in April the girl became the heroine of Vogue along with her famous mother. It should be noted that Cindy Crawford "got" her first cover when she was 16. The supermodel's daughter was two years ahead of her.

In addition, Gerber also starred for Teen Vogue, where she spoke about her resemblance to her mother: “When I look at her, I see, in addition to physical data, a lot in common - we have the same manners. I realized this when I watched old videos with her. I don’t know if it’s genetics or something else, but we even have similar facial expressions.”

We are used to the fact that all models from glossy magazines and famous beauties they look perfect on the red carpet and each of them has a chiseled figure without the slightest flaw, and they don’t even know what cellulite and flabby saggy skin are. But this unretouched snapshot of 48-year-old supermodel Cindy Crawford that has been leaked online will change your idea of ​​celebrity bodies.

Apparently, a photo from a photo shoot for Marie Claire magazine, taken back in 2013, was accidentally leaked onto the Internet, blowing it up! There are even rumors that this picture will be published in the next issue of this magazine.

Regardless of its origin, this picture has great importance. Many women who saw the true body of the 48-year-old mother of two children expressed their admiration for the courage of the supermodel and admitted that it added to their self-confidence.

The actress is not afraid to show her face without makeup and uploads morning photos to her Instagram

Just like many women, with age, Cindy Crawford began to sag the skin on her legs.

February 2015

According to Cindy Crawford herself, one of best secrets beautiful aging is comfort in your own skin. This photo is a beautiful demonstration of her words.

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what clothes celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the son of the singer Shakira and the defender of the Spanish football club "Barcelona" Gerard Piqué - Sasha, and today the hero of our column is Presley Walker - the son of businessman Randy Gerber and supermodel Cindy Crawford, who celebrates her 50th birthday on February 20.

click on photo to view gallery:

Click on the photo to view the gallery Cindy Crawford first became a mother at the age of 33: the son of supermodel and her husband Randy Gerber - Presley Walker - was born on July 2, 1999. Despite the biased attitude of some doctors to home births, Cindy gave birth to her first child just like that - in her own mansion in Los Angeles, under the supervision of a midwife and a nurse.

I asked Randy why he wants to name his son after Elvis Presley, to which he said: "Elvis had the last name Presley. And for our son, Presley is the name,"

The boy's grandmother Ellen Peckman told about unusual name grandson. Cindy also liked the name Presley, because she herself is not indifferent to Elvis's music. In addition to music, Crawford has always loved sports, so after giving birth she released video tutorials for young mothers, with the help of which she brought herself into shape. The passion for an active lifestyle was later transferred to Presley: when the boy grew up, he became interested in surfing, skateboarding, and also became a member of the Malibu Youth Water Polo water polo team.

One year old Presley Gerber

Randy Gerber and Presley

Presley and Kaia Gerber

We live in Malibu, and for people who have never been here, the name "Malibu" seems impressive. Actually it's simple small town which allows children to walk a lot on fresh air. My son, for example, hardly gets out of the water,

Crawford said in an interview. But sports achivments- far from everything that Presley can be proud of: the young man inherited from his parents a bright appearance that can conquer not only girlish hearts, but also world catwalks. True, the mother of a blond handsome man claims that her son is not too happy with such a hype around his appearance:

Presley grows up as an ordinary boy. He really doesn't like it when people pay attention to him.

Everything changed when Presley turned 16: first, the young man starred with his family for Vogue magazine, then joined his sister Kaya in a photo shoot for the CR Fashion Book gloss, founded by Karine Roitfeld, and recently made his debut in the CR Men's Book solo photo project. needless to say that now leading publications dream of seeing Presley on their pages, and modeling agencies compete for the right to engage a guy in their ranks? Whether Gerber Jr. will follow in the footsteps of his mother or choose a non-model sphere for development, time will tell, but we will show Presley's style in detail.

Cindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford and Rande Gerber with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son Presley and daughter Kaya
Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber with son Presley and daughter Kaya

AT early childhood Presley, like all active boys, did not get out of sweatshirts, wide jeans, shorts below the knee and t-shirts with prints. In all this, it was convenient for him to run and play - in other words, to indulge in simple childish joys. When Presley grew up a little, the number of jeans and T-shirts in his wardrobe only increased, but some things that were fashionable among teenagers were added to the arsenal - for example, caps with neon patterns or skateboarding shoes. He did not refuse them even during rare appearances on the red carpet: Cindy began taking children to social events quite early, but she always chose either cartoon premieres or children's parties - events that were interesting to Presley and Kaye.

When Presley crossed the threshold of 14+, his style became less and less like that of a simple teenager from Malibu. No, he did not hit the pursuit of brands, he just began to give preference to more restrained images. Wide-leg jeans gave way to skinny trousers, and checkered sneakers gave way to high-top Converse. In wardrobe young man more shirts appeared - plain and checkered, leather jackets, coats and even classic suits. Love for conciseness was also manifested in the works of Presley: the young man became seriously interested in photography, choosing his sister Kaya as the main muse. The guy dedicated a separate Instagram account to her - @kbyp, where he publishes his author's pictures. Looking at his photo, we can say with confidence: Presley has every chance to compete with Brooklyn Beckham, who recently shot a campaign for Burberry, and begin his ascent to the Olympus of fashion photography. He has the genes for this extremely worthy.

0 February 10, 2016, 14:30

During a recent interview, she spoke about her marriage to. The former top model explained what difficulties awaited her in living together with the actor, and speculated about why the relationship did not work out.

I didn't think then that I was too young for marriage. Even though it really happened. I was with Richard for 6 years, but the marriage seems to have lasted a couple of years,

The 49-year-old star said.

Recall that the supermodel and actor got married in 1991, when Crawford was only 25 years old. After 4 years, the couple officially divorced, however, judging by the words of Crawford, the disagreements between the then spouses began much earlier.

Cindy also answered a journalist's question about her relationship with Richard today:

We have friendly relations. True, he is again "stranger Richard Gere" for me, because we practically do not see each other.

I think our main problem was that we both focused on different things. I don't even know if we were friends... You see, I was still young at the time and he was Richard Gere,

Explained the model.

Later, I began to grow professionally and move on. But it was very difficult for me to change the relationship in which I was then,

Cindy confessed.

I think our relationship with Randy is so strong because we became friends right away. With him, I did not pretend that I liked baseball, meditation, and so on.

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