Small rodent. Are rodents a class or species? Are rodents a species or order? Characteristics of rodents. What do rodents eat

Surprisingly, almost half of the species of living mammals are rodents. AT quantitatively rodents are by far the most successful. These toothy animals have spread all over the globe. By total number rodents have superiority over all other mammals.

This is partly due to the high rate of reproduction inherent in small animals: in a house mouse, puberty occurs at the age of 5 weeks and during the year it can bring more than 50 mice. In addition, rodents were able to perfectly adapt to different conditions a habitat. Squirrels get fat begging in the parks. House mice and rats take advantage of humans growing crops and stockpiling food. Muskrats and nutria feel great in irrigation canals and artificial reservoirs.

What do rodents eat

Most rodents are herbivorous, but some species also consume other foods. Agoutis eat fruits, grass, and shellfish. Muskrats periodically eat fish, crayfish and freshwater shellfish. The golden-bellied beaver rat feeds almost exclusively on animal food- snails, fish, mollusks, frogs and even waterfowl.

Mice eat what people intend for themselves. These are cheese, bread, lard and much more. But in nature, the diet of most species of mice consists of seeds, fruits, plant shoots and insects. Grasshopper hamsters living in North America pretty good at hunting scorpions and even other rodents.

In the distant past, some rodents were very large. One of the extinct species of North American beaver was the size of a small baribal bear. South America boasted a rodent, which, judging by the bones, was no smaller than a wild boar, with a head like that of a bull. The largest among modern rodents is the South American capybara, whose weight is more than 45 kg, and the length from the tip of the muzzle to the base of the barely noticeable tail is 1.2 m. Beavers reach a length of 90 cm (without a tail) and weigh almost 35 kg. Porcupines and muskrats are slightly smaller. However, most modern rodents, including mice, are small. A small animal requires less food than a large one and is more likely to survive in conditions of food shortage. A small animal is an easy prey for predators, but it can easily hide. Large animals reach sexual maturity late and give birth to relatively few young. Small ones ripen early and for their short life produce numerous offspring.

Rodent teeth

A distinctive feature of rodents is that their protruding chisel-like incisors grow throughout their lives. Latin name of this animal species Rodentia means "those who gnaw". Rodents gnaw for two reasons: firstly, to eat, and secondly, to prevent the incisors from growing too much. If the teeth do not wear out, they will eventually sink into the opposite jaw. Rodent teeth are very strong. Rats and mice can even gnaw through concrete.

However, not every animal with chisel-shaped incisors can be attributed to the order of rodents. Many mouse-like animals, such as shrews and moles, are also not rodents. They have a completely different system of teeth, and they eat exclusively animal food. Rodents, as a rule, eat plant foods.

Rodent voice

The squirrel chirps in a high voice, the mouse squeaks, the porcupine grunts when it meets an enemy, and in other cases grunts. The capybara also grunts like a pig, and when pleased, it clicks softly. Tuko-tuko living in South America, digging a hole, makes sounds similar to its name.

Other rodents communicate using different sounds. Prairie dogs announce danger with their shrill barks. The grizzled marmot, found in the north of the Rocky Mountains, emits a whistle that can be heard for 1.5 km. Some rodents gnash their teeth loudly in irritation. The shaggy hamster from East Africa begins to grind its teeth, even if you just look at it. And the already mentioned grasshopper hamsters sometimes stand up on their hind legs and howl like miniature wolves. Reed rats, going out at night in search of food, continuously emit a metallic "bang" sound.

Rodents are the most numerous class of mammals of the chordate type. More than a third of the species of all mammals belong to rodents. hallmark representative of rodents is the presence of two pairs of large well-developed incisors, which are constantly growing and, thanks to special structure are sharpened throughout the life of the animal. These incisors are essential for rodents to feed, burrow, defend against enemies, and attack.

More than 2 thousand species of these animals are known in the world, which are combined into suborders (squirrel-like, porcupine-like, mouse-like), each of which is divided into families (about 30 in total). The most numerous suborder is murine, in particular the family of hamsters, which includes voles, hamsters, gerbils (half of the species of the fauna of Russia and Ukraine). Widely known families are squirrel, beaver, pig-like, nutria, chinchilla, jerboa, mouse. Representatives of rodents - mice, rats, chipmunks, beavers, guinea pigs, muskrats, nutrias, marmots, jerboas, ground squirrels, squirrels, etc.

Paleontologists believe that in the process of evolution, rodents evolved from common ancestors with insectivorous animals. Fossils have been found in the layers of the Paleocene period of the Cretaceous era (about 60 million years ago). Currently, the closest "relatives" of rodents in terms of structure and lifestyle are representatives of the order of lagomorphs.

Rodents are distributed throughout the Earth, except for Antarctica, inhabiting all habitats. This group of animals is most diverse and numerous in open areas of temperate and subtropical belts. Most rodents are terrestrial animals. Among them are semi-aquatic species that are able to swim and dive perfectly. Some rodents (flying squirrels) live in trees and move by flying from branch to branch. Hollows, rock crevices, burrows are used as shelters. Most species of these animals are active throughout the year. Some species living in cold climates fall into hibernation of varying duration when the temperature drops.

Rodents are animals of small, rarely medium sizes. The largest representative is the capybara, or capybara, which lives in South America. The body length of the capybara reaches 1.5 m, and the weight is 60 kg. The smallest animal is the baby mouse. Its length is up to 5 cm. The teeth are adapted to the processing of solid plant foods. They feed mainly vegetable feed- fruits, seeds, green parts of plants, wood and bark. Only a few species have switched to feeding on insects and other invertebrates, such as rats.

Appearance is very diverse due to differences in lifestyle. The structure of the body, the size of the limbs, the tail, the shape of the auricles in different species of rodents differ. The limbs of most rodents are plantigrade or semi-stopigrade. The tail may be absent, as in guinea pigs, or may be longer than the body, as in mice and jerboas. The hairline is well developed, in some species the hairs are modified into needles. The color of the cover of different species is varied.

The structure of the teeth of all rodents is similar. This is a characteristic feature of all representatives of the detachment. They have one pair of enlarged incisors on the upper and lower jaws. The incisors are constantly growing and grinding. Due to the fact that the front surface is covered with enamel and the back with dentin, the teeth are capable of self-sharpening when the animal gnaws something. Rodents do not have fangs, and the incisors are located at a certain distance from the molars. The gap between the incisors and molars is called the diastema.

The brain is relatively large sizes, but large hemispheres underdeveloped, have a smooth surface and do not cover the cerebellum. The digestive tract of rodents in connection with the use of coarse plant foods has characteristics buildings. It is quite long, there is a caecum, where food undergoes long-term digestion by fermentation. The stomach is simple or multi-chambered.

Rodents are able to reproduce at an incredible rate. Most species give several (up to 7-8) litters during the year, and each can have up to 10-15 cubs. The number of rodents can change dramatically, increasing during periods of mass reproduction by 100 or more times.

The value of rodents in nature is enormous, as they are food for many animals. Many species are pests of agricultural crops, in particular, cereals. Some species can be carriers of helminths and pathogens infectious diseases human (plague, tularemia, encephalitis). Therefore, in order to limit the number of rodent pests, they are being fought, destroying them with biological, chemical, by mechanical means. Among rodents there are fur-bearing animals with valuable fur- nutria, muskrat.

Rodents are the most numerous and widespread group of mammals. It includes about 1600 species, which is more than 40% of the total volume of the world's mammalian fauna. The origin of rodents is associated with primitive insectivores..

Rodents are distributed throughout the globe (except for Antarctica and some oceanic islands). They are found in various zones, altitudinal zones and landscapes. In many places, rodents settled after humans.

Most rodents are animals of small and medium size, feeding mainly or exclusively on plant foods. Large forms are few among them. Peculiar to them dental apparatus: no fangs, incisors one in each half of the jaw, very strongly developed; with them, animals bite grass, bark or exfoliate seeds. Indigenous have a flat chewing surface with bumps or loops of enamel and many have no roots. Incisors and molars grow throughout life.

Rodents have long intestine and developed caecum playing the role of fermentation tank". It is especially strongly developed in species that feed on grass and tree bark (for example, in voles). On the contrary, at mice, feeding mainly on seeds, the caecum is less developed.

Most species are characterized by the ability to multiply rapidly, which is associated with early puberty and a large number of cubs born.

Rodents are of great practical importance. Many species are important objects of the fur trade. Among rodents there are many pests of agriculture and species that spread dangerous diseases, for example, the plague.

The breadth of distribution and the variety of living conditions determined the great systematic and ecological diversity of rodents. Among them are terrestrial, underground, arboreal and semi-aquatic species.

About 35 families are distinguished in the order.

Extensive family squirrel (Sciuridae) includes protein, chipmunks, gophers and marmots.

Squirrels- woody representatives of the family, common in the forests of Eurasia and North America, more than 150 species in total. In the forest zones of Russia lives common squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris). It was artificially acclimatized in the Crimea, the Caucasus and the Tien Shan.

Squirrels- moving animals. They live in hollows in trees or make nests on branches (“ gayno"). They breed more than twice a year and give birth to up to 10 cubs. They do not hibernate for the winter, but the color of their skin changes - the red squirrel turns gray. Over a vast range, the color of the summer skin of an ordinary squirrel varies from red (in the west) to black (in the east).

They feed mainly on the seeds of coniferous trees, less often on berries and mushrooms. Due to the variability of the yield of coniferous seeds, the number of squirrels varies greatly over the years. In low-feed years, squirrels roam widely in search of food and often run into the vicinity of villages, parks and gardens. Squirrel- an important species in the Russian fur trade.

Close to proteins chipmunks (Tamias), inhabitants of coniferous, mixed and partly broad-leaved forests of the Old and New Worlds. Most of the species are distributed in North America. The way of life is mainly terrestrial, they climb trees well, and take refuge in burrows. They hibernate for the winter. Lives in Russia asian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus), it inhabits the forests of Siberia and the North-Eastern part of Europe. It differs from the squirrel in its smaller size, striped coloration and less fluffy tail.

The terrestrial group of the family is represented by numerous species gophers and marmots. They are common in the steppe and mountain regions. All species live in burrows, usually in colonies. Unlike squirrels, they reproduce once a year. They feed on grass and seeds, mainly cereals. Most species are harmful to crops and are being controlled. In addition, ground squirrels and marmots are carriers of dangerous diseases, such as plague and tularemia. They hibernate for the winter. In most species, it begins in the second half of summer. Associated with the drying of fodder vegetation. A particularly long hibernation, about 8 months, is observed in yellow ground squirrel (Citellus fulvus), inhabiting the Trans-Volga and Kazakhstan steppes and semi-deserts Central Asia. This ground squirrel usually lives far from crops and is not a serious agricultural pest. Its fur is valued higher than other species.

In the steppes of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan, it is common small gopher (C. pigmaeus); in the European part of our country (east to the Volga) is also common spotted ground squirrel (C. suslicus).

Similar in lifestyle to gophers prairie dogs (Gynomys), living in the desert-steppe landscapes of the plains and foothills of North and Central America. They live in burrows in large communities of several thousand individuals, where a complex group structure of relations develops. Like gophers and marmots, often rise on their hind legs and scream when threatened.

In the steppes of South-Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia and in the mountains of Central Asia and Siberia are common marmots. Systematically and biologically, they are close to ground squirrels, but differ in much larger sizes. typical view bobak (Marmota bobac).

Representatives of another family are close to squirrels - flying (Pteromyidae). They are distributed in the northeast of Europe, throughout Asia, in North and Central America and inhabit tall forests in the temperate and tropical zones.

We have one species in the forests of Europe and Siberia - flying squirrel (Pteromys volans). The flying squirrel is active at dusk and at night. Spends the day in a hollow. With the help of a flying membrane located between the front and hind legs, the flying squirrel makes gliding jumps from tree to tree up to 50 m long.

Outwardly similar to protein and species of the family dormouse (Gliridae). These small arboreal animals are distributed mainly in wide deciduous forests Europe, Central and South Asia. Unlike squirrels, they hibernate for the winter and fall asleep easily with a steady drop in temperature. Most large view- dormouse - regiment ( Glis glis), a small animal (body length 15 - 20 cm, weight - 150 - 180 g) with a fluffy tail, often lives in gardens and causes harm by eating fruits. known forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula), hazel (Muscardinus avellanarius), garden (Eliomys quercinus).

Family beaver (Castoridae) contains only two species, one of which ( castor canadensis) is common in North America, another ( C. fibers) in Europe and Asia. These are large (up to 30 kg) rodents with a massive body and flattened tail. The toes of the hind legs are connected by a swimming membrane. Beaver fur with thick undercoat and coarse awn is beautiful and waterproof. The beaver lubricates him with a secret anal glands.

They live in colonies along forest streams. The dwelling is made of branches and pieces of tree trunks. huts and burrows. Settling on the river, beavers are building on it dams, raising the water level and making it relatively constant. In summer they feed on herbaceous plants. In winter - bark and branches of trees. For the winter, stocks of branch food are made, which are placed in the water near the dwelling. They breed once a year, bringing 2 - 4 cubs. They become sexually mature in the third year of life.

In the past Euro-Asian beaver was numerous and met in many parts of Europe and Siberia, spreading to the forest-tundra in the north and semi-deserts in the south. On the territory of Russia in the XIX century. it was almost universally exterminated. At present, thanks to the protection and artificial resettlement undertaken in the middle of the 20th century. the number of beavers in Russia has increased markedly, and they are found in many areas. The area has been restored and canadian beaver.

Family jerboas (Dipodidae) unites peculiar desert and steppe rodents, possessing (in most cases) very long hind legs and short front legs. The tail is long, often with a brush at the end.. They move very quickly by jumping only on their hind legs, which is very important when living in the desert with its sparse vegetation and meager food supply. Some species harm plantings of melons and industrial crops. They hibernate for the winter. The largest of all species of the family big jerboa, or earth hare (Allactaga major) (body length 19 - 26 cm, tail - 30 cm).

In total, 26 species of jerboas are known. Their distribution covers desert regions North Africa, Southeast Europe, Asia Minor and Western Asia, Transcaucasia, Central Asia to Northeast China and Mongolia.

Animals from the family porcupines (Hystricidae) (13 species) are distributed almost throughout Africa, in the Mediterranean, in Western, Minor and South Asia. Near the southern borders of Russia, in the Eastern Transcaucasia and in the foothill regions of Central Asia, one species is widespread - Indian porcupine (Hystrix indica), the largest of the Eurasian rodent species. The back, sides and tail are covered with needles, the lower surface of the body is covered with hair.

Lives in burrows, often in gardens. In some places harms melons. Nocturnal lifestyle. A disturbed porcupine bristles and rustles loudly tail rattle. Running away, it can suddenly stop and stick needles into the attacker. It is wrong to say that a porcupine can throw its quills arbitrarily far.

Mention should be made of the family capybara (Hyarochoeridae). capybara, or capybara (Hadrochoerus hydrochaeris), the largest species of rodents: a body length of about 1.5 m and a weight of 50 - 60 kg. It is common in South and Central America, where it lives in low-lying tall grass areas along river banks.

To the family c wine (Caviidae) belong to animals known as domestic "guinea" pigs. Type of pig Cavia porcellus porcellus well known as an inhabitant of living corners of schools, kindergartens and as a laboratory animal. In nature, they live in small groups among grass and shrubs, build burrows.

To the family Khutian (Capromyidae) belongs to the well-known in Russia nutria (Myocastor coypus). Her homeland is South America. However, in the XX century. nutria was introduced to Europe and North America. Lives in Transcaucasia and is successfully bred in Russian fur farms.

Very peculiar, specialized rodents leading an underground lifestyle are united by the family mole rats (Spalacidae). They have a valky body, without a pronounced neck, a flattened head, short paws, eyes hidden under the skin, no auricles, fur low, velvety. Mole rats dig the earth with their chisels, and throw it out with their heads. The lateral folds of the lips behind the incisors close and tightly close the mouth. They feed on the underground parts of plants and, in search of food, construct a very complex move system. Distributed in the steppes of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Sometimes harm agriculture.

Deep specialization to the underground digging way of life was revealed in naked diggers (Heterocephalus glaber) from the family excavators (Bathyergidae), living in shrouds and semi-deserts of Central Africa (Somalia), digger It has a short(up to 9 cm), hairless body. Under the ground with incisors and head digs underground tunnels up to 40 m long. Animals keep in clusters up to 30 and even 100 individuals and have a complex family-group hierarchy.

Family mouse (Muridae) - the most large group rodents, distributed almost throughout the globe. Most species are small animals that live in burrows. The food is mainly vegetable, some species sometimes eat small animals, such as insects. Very high fecundity and early puberty are characteristic. Under favorable conditions, some species are able to breed all year round. Among mice there are species that significantly damage crops and food stocks. Some are of great epidemiological significance. The largest number of species rats(sort of Rattus) are common in tropical Africa and South Asia. Widely known and widespread gray rat, or pasyuk (R. norvegicus), settled after man throughout the globe, except for Antarctica and some oceanic islands. They live more often in buildings, but sometimes far from housing. The harm caused by rats is well known.

ubiquitous mice: in human settlements - house mouse (Mus muscle), in the corresponding names of natural areas harvest mouse (Apodemus agrarian) and wood mouse (A. sylvaticus). They differ from mice in a short tail and the structure of molars - voles: gray (genus Microtus), red (genus Clethrionomys). They are ubiquitous. Peculiar animals live in the tundra of the Arctic lemmings(genus Lemmus), some of them turn white in winter.

Voles also include muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) – large rodent with valuable fur. The homeland of the muskrat is North America. During the XX century. The muskrat was acclimatized in Western Europe and in Russia and settled in water bodies almost everywhere. This is a semi-aquatic animal living in reservoirs overgrown with vegetation. The muskrat occupies the grass and earth huts or does burrows. It feeds on aquatic vegetation. Like all species of mice, the muskrat quickly reaches puberty and actively breeds, bringing 2-4 times a year, 4-12 cubs. After acclimatization The muskrat has become one of the most important fur-bearing animals in Russia.

To voles numerous hamsters. They are one family with them. hamsters (Cricetidae). Well known, kept in captivity gray hamster (Cricetulus migratorius), Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus).

Big ones live in the desert gerbils (Rhombomys opimus). They are relatively large in size and have a long drooping tail. Settle in colonies, constructing complex underground cities.

Squad of rodents

Detachment unites different types squirrels, beavers, mice, voles, rats and many others. They are distinguished by a number of features. One of them is a peculiar structure of teeth adapted to eating solid plant foods (tree and shrub branches, seeds, herbaceous plants). All rodents, unlike lagomorphs, have one pair of incisors in the upper jaw. They are devoid of roots and grow continuously throughout the life of the animal. In addition, they grind unevenly, they look like a chisel, since their front side is covered with a harder and denser enamel than the back. The molars have a wide surface and are adapted to grinding plant foods.

Most rodents are very fertile: during the year they bring numerous offspring several times.

Rodents are widespread on our planet and are very diverse; there are about 2 thousand species of these animals.

Squirrel ordinary

Squirrel ordinary- a small animal with a somewhat elongated body and a long fluffy tail. She lives mainly in old coniferous and mixed forests, on trees, can climb the trunk, deftly jump from branch to branch, from one tree to another. Movement through trees is facilitated by such structural features as strong hind legs, sharp claws on the fingers, long fluffy tail, which acts as a parachute when jumping. In summer, the squirrel is red, and in winter it is light gray, the color change has a protective value. Summer coloring makes it hardly noticeable on the trunks. coniferous trees, and the winter one hides the animal against the background of snow.

The squirrel lives in hollows or arranges on trees, at a height of 2 to 6 m, spherical nests made of twigs, moss with a side entrance. In summer, squirrels are born in them (from 3 to 10), which after two months become independent.

In summer, the squirrel feeds on the seeds of conifers, mushrooms, insects, and can attack small birds and their chicks. Squirrel collects for the winter large stocks food, as it does not hibernate. AT very coldy she climbs into a hollow or nest and sleeps there all day long, curled up in a ball.

The squirrel has a big commercial value, the winter fur of the Siberian squirrel is especially appreciated.

Beaver- one of the largest rodents (body length reaches 80 cm). It is adapted to life not only in terrestrial, but also in aquatic environment. On land, he seems clumsy, but in the water he moves superbly due to the streamlined shape of his body. When immersed in water, the beaver's auditory openings and nostrils close, and the lips close behind the incisors. The tail is wide and flat, covered with scales, acts as a rudder when moving in the water. Swimming is also assisted by the hind limbs, the fingers of which are connected by a swimming membrane. Fur with a thick undercoat that does not let water through.

Beavers live along the banks of rivers and lakes with thickets of aspen, willow, and birch. They dig holes on steep banks with access under water, and on low swampy banks they build huts from thick branches, twigs and earth, which are well cemented with silt, are strong and also have an exit under water. To maintain the water level in the river, dams are built from sticks and branches held together by silt and earth. In summer, beavers feed on the succulent parts aquatic plants, in autumn and winter they eat young bark and shoots of various deciduous trees. Beavers breed once a warm time of the year. Cubs are born sighted, covered with thick dark brown hair, swim well, but cannot dive. The beaver has many enemies, especially wolves, wolverines, lynxes and foxes.

Once upon a time, the beaver was a valuable commercial animal; its beautiful fur has long been valued. Currently, beaver hunting is prohibited everywhere.

forest mouse

Rodents also include gray rat, mice, voles, etc. In the European part of our country, in Central Asia and Western Siberia lives little animal - forest mouse. By appearance it is similar to a field mouse, but somewhat larger, it has a different color: the back is red, the belly is white, and there is a yellow spot on the chest between the front paws.

Wood mouse lives in mixed and deciduous forests, in places with well-developed undergrowth and an abundance of deadwood. Active at night, during the day it is in a hole under the roots of trees or in hollows.

It feeds mainly on seeds of deciduous trees, hazelnuts, berries and even insects, eats tree seedlings. forest mice are considered pests of forestry, as they are destroyed in in large numbers tree seeds, preventing their renewal.

bank vole

In the forest and forest-steppe zones of our country lives red vole.

It is also small, but unlike the mouse, it has a less blunt muzzle, a short tail covered with short, sparse hair.

The color of the fur is dominated by red tones.

In winter, the vole lives in haystacks or in buildings, in summer - under the roots of twisted stumps, hollows, heaps of brushwood. Here she arranges nests with branched passages. The vole feeds mainly on green parts of plants, seeds, berries, mushrooms. Many people feed on it predatory beasts and birds. During the years of mass reproduction, the vole destroys a huge amount of seeds of forest trees, as well as stocks of vegetables in warehouses. Therefore, it is considered a pest of forestry and agriculture.

gray rat

The largest representative of mouse-like rodents - gray rat. It is widespread on the territory of our country and lives in a wide variety of conditions, in residential and commercial buildings, in basements, in stockyards. In summer, it is often found in vegetable gardens, wastelands and fields. The rat is very dexterous, mobile and fearless. However, she is very cautious and skillfully bypasses various obstacles.

Gray rats are omnivorous rodents, as they feed on small animals, such as voles, small birds, eat human food supplies, carrion, grain, etc. They are agricultural pests and carriers of many diseases.


Very peculiar rodents live in the steppes, semi-deserts and deserts - jerboas. They have short front and very long hind legs, a tail with a flat tassel of hair at the end. Jerboas move by jumping, while the tail serves both as a rudder and as a support (see textbook drawing, p. 231).

jerboas lead night image life, live in burrows, and hibernate for the winter. They feed on seeds, leaves, stems of cereals, tubers and bulbs. wild plants. In turn, they are the prey of desert predatory animals, birds, and reptiles.


Porcupine- the largest rodent, body length from 60 to 90 cm, and weight about 27 kg. He has small eyes and ears. The front of the body is covered with bristles, and the back with needles. The tail is covered with short needles (see textbook drawing, p. 231).

The porcupine is distributed in the south of Central Asia and Azerbaijan, lives in desert foothills and hilly places. The day spends in a hole or in a cave, and at night leads an active lifestyle. It feeds on plants: green parts, roots, bulbs and tubers, fruits and seeds of trees and shrubs. In some places it causes damage to agriculture, eating potatoes, corn and gourds.

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Order Insectivores This order includes hedgehogs, moles, shrews. These are small animals with a small brain, the hemispheres of which do not have furrows and convolutions. The teeth are poorly differentiated. Most insectivores have an elongated muzzle with a small proboscis.

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Order Chiroptera This order includes the bats and wings. The only group of mammals capable of sustained active flight. The forelimbs are turned into wings. They are formed by a thin elastic leathery flying membrane, which is stretched between

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Order Lagomorphs These are small and medium-sized mammals. They have two pairs of incisors in the upper jaw, located one after the other so that behind the large front ones there is a second pair of small and short ones. There is only one pair of incisors in the lower jaw. There are no fangs, and incisors

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Rendezvous No. 10 Rodents and Lagomorphs This rendezvous was scheduled 75 million years ago. It is here that the pilgrims are stopped and surrounded by a horde of rodents. Here we welcome rabbits, related hares, and slightly less closely related pikas. Rabbits were formerly classified as rodents because

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7.2. Order Primates Humans belong to the order Primates. To understand systematic position a person in it, it is necessary to represent the phylogenetic relationships various groups this

In the article I will consider different kinds and which rodent to choose as pet, their maintenance and breeding. I will tell you about the features of caring for each type of animal from the list.

The most popular types of rodents for home keeping


The cost of the animal is from 200 rubles and more.

This is a cute nocturnal animal. It is quite difficult to tame him, but it is possible. For its maintenance, you will need from strong rods with a house, a pair of ladders or tunnels and feeders.

The cost of the animal is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Or the Chilean squirrel weighs an average of 300-500 g and reaches a length of 30 cm. The rodent itself is inexpensive, but its maintenance requires money and time. First of all, he needs a home. Since this is a protein, then the corresponding cell is needed. The cost of a cage for squirrels is 3000-3500 rubles.

Degu is a pack animal, so it does not get along well with other animals. Alone, the Chilean squirrel lives much less. They are comfortable to keep in pairs.

The degu's coat is dense and coarse, so it should be brushed regularly. The animal will cope with this on its own, but it needs a sand bath installed in the cage.

Grabbing or lifting a degu by the tail is strictly prohibited. If you pinch his tail, the skin will peel off and the animal will run away. The exposed section of the tail bleeds and dies.

Degus are very sensitive to heat and high humidity, cold and noise. Optimum temperature for him 24-26 degrees. Pungent odors also adversely affect the condition of the animal.

Also, a cage with an animal cannot be placed next to such indoor plants how:

  • Sanseviera;
  • Room feces (Spathiphyllum);
  • Feronia;
  • threader;
  • Flamingo flower.

The main quality of degus is their sociability. Walking is one way to bond with your baby.

Degas should be released into the apartment under exceptional supervision. He will chew on anything that gets in his way.

In this article, we examined several types of rodents and their breeds. They also learned how to care for each of the species. Noticed some features of the breeds.

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