Unblock phone. How to unlock "Android" if you forgot your password? Step-by-step instruction

Almost every person has forgotten the code from a smartphone at least once. In such a situation, many begin to panic, thinking that the gadget can no longer be unlocked without the help of specialists. In fact, there are several options for what to do if such a situation occurs. So how to unlock Android if you don't remember your screen lock password? We will follow one of the instructions below.

Smartphones from the Android company are tied to accounts in the Google system. Users register in the system and start Gmail in order to download various files (music, applications, games, books) in Google Play. This application is installed in Android by default.

How can I remove the lock using this information? Pretty simple: the user must enter the wrong pattern 5 times. After that, a button will pop up on the screen: “Forgot your pattern?”. To further unlock Android, you need to click on this button, and then enter your personal Google account information.

Important! This method is only suitable for devices that are connected to the Internet (mobile or Wi-Fi).

What to do if you forgot your password on Android and data from your Google profile? In this case, you will have to tinker: fill out the form on account recovery. To do this, you need to go online and follow the link from your computer, laptop or phone. Next, enter the data that remains in memory - the mail address, password or other personal information. When the Google account is restored, you need to try again to unlock Android if you forgot the password using the method described above.

Restoring access to the device by rolling it back to factory settings

How to reset password on Android, and how to reset settings? AT English language there is a phrase hard reset, literally translated as "total reset". A similar procedure is performed on various devices in order to reset all available settings, in particular, the lock key. After performing a hard reset operation, there will be nothing left on the device other than the factory settings.

In the process of resetting the settings, the utility “sewn” into the device will be used. You can find this program right in the settings, but since the phone is locked, you will have to use the Recovery Menu.

Important! After the operation is completed, all user files stored on internal memory, will be removed. Documents on the flash memory (SD card) will remain.

How to remove the lock on Android?


  1. Turn off the device. How to disable it? If the smartphone “does not want” to turn off, then it is worth holding down pressing the button for a longer time or pulling the battery out of the gadget.
  2. After that, you need to enter the Recovery Menu by sequentially or simultaneously pressing several keys. The exact combination depends directly on the smartphone model. How to recognize her? Go to the manufacturer's website and find a description of your device model. In one of the sections, the required combination will be indicated to enter the Recovery Menu.
  3. What to do if there is no way to go to the manufacturer's website? There are a few basic key combinations you can try: center + volume up + power off (works for most Samsung smartphones); volume down + turn off; volume up + volume down + off. From these combinations, you can understand which keys most often help you enter recovery mode.
  4. After entering the Recovery Menu, a list of available functions will appear. You must select "wipe data / factory reset". After clicking on this line, a notification will appear in the menu, requiring the user to agree to a total cleaning. You must click on "Yes" and then the procedure will be launched.

After resetting all settings, you will need to restart the gadget.

Unlock with ADB utility

ADB is a program used for Android debugging. Debugging is a procedure during which various malfunctions and errors are eliminated. The ADB utility needs to be downloaded separately. It is desirable to download the program from the official website (ADB refers to the Android SDK).

How can I unlock this method?

With the help of ADB, the user does not just remove the lock - he deletes data about it. However, other personal documents stored in the internal memory are not deleted.

How to remove the password using ADB? The user will need a computer, a utility downloaded to it, and the phone itself. The debugging procedure will take place after connecting the device to the PC via USB.

Note! The device must be in USB debugging mode.

This feature is available by default on most gadgets on operating system Android. If there is no such mode in the USB connection menu, then the user will not be able to use this unlock method.

How to remove blocking data? Instruction:

  1. Download the Android SDK from the official website (it will be downloaded as an archive). After connecting the mobile phone to the computer, unpack the archive into any convenient folder. The ADB utility can be found inside the folder after unzipping.
  2. To work with the utility, use command line. In order to start the debugging procedure, press the key combination Win + R. After that, you will need to enter "cmd" in the line and click on "ok".
  3. Now it will be necessary to register the path to the folder with the utility. After each command, click on "ok" or Enter. What combination of commands should be used to change the lock key? You can try a few (they will be given below).

How to remove the password? Such a procedure is a kind of "hacking" of the graphic key, with the subsequent removal of information about it. After completing it, you need to restart your phone. The system may require you to supply a new key, which will need to be done.

Flashing the gadget

What is flashing? Changing or reinstalling software. You can draw an analogy with reinstalling Windows. Almost all tablets and smartphones can be "reflashed" through various utilities and programs. You can also replace the chip in the gadget (a similar procedure is usually performed in services).

What does flashing give and how can I remove the block with it? This method can add to the device additional functions for various settings. Firmware files can be both official and unofficial. You can download a similar file on specialized sites or from the manufacturer. After flashing, all files and settings are deleted, including the lock.

Important! After installing the "left" firmware, the user must be prepared for the fact that the manufacturer will revoke the warranty. That is, if a person has a guarantee for the phone, then after flashing he will not be able to use it.

How to reset the settings on the device using flashing? You can perform this method using a computer. To do this, connect your phone to another device via USB and select the debug function. Further, it all depends on the smartphone model and on the type of firmware.

You can also reflash the gadget through the Recovery Menu. In this case, you will also have to download the firmware file from the computer to the gadget. After that, you will need to go to the Recovery Menu and flash it. As a result, it will be possible to change the password immediately after the reboot.

The details of the process depend on which firmware you are downloading. The procedure is quite complicated, so it is better to resort to it only as a last resort.

Unlocking by uninstalling the Aroma utility

This method is only suitable for those people who have superuser (root) rights and a custom Recovery menu.

Important! The custom menu is, in fact, an improved recovery version, which provides full access to the advanced menu. That is, such an addition gives the user the right to perform large quantity functions.

How to reset a password using this method? Instruction:

  1. You need to download Aroma as an archive. Then, without unpacking, transfer the program to your phone. After that, you should go into Recovery and press the button combination. Again, each device model has its own combination, but the most common one will be given as an example: volume up + turn on (or off).
  2. After going to the menu, a list of available functions will appear. You need to click on "install archive" or Install zip. After that, a new list will appear, from which you should select the function to select the archive “to” (“Choose zip from / sdcard”). Accordingly, then you will have to go to the folder with the utility.
  3. Click on the archive with the utility. After that, a new menu will appear. You need to go along the path / data / system /. After this step, a list of files will appear, among which there will be gesture.key (graphic key), password.key (regular password). They must be removed. The final step is to reboot the gadget.

Important! You may also need to remove the locksettings files (db-shm, db, db-wal).


All these instructions answer the question of how to unlock an android if you forgot your password. With their help, you can disable the password or simply access the phone without entering it. If you still have questions about this or that, feel free to write in the comments. I will be happy to answer you and help you in any way I can. Share this article with your friends if you like it and it helped - maybe your friends need help too. Good luck! See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

A mobile phone is a kind of storage of user data in case of loss of control over the device. We will consider the case when the device is locked, but it is not possible to remember the unlock codes. And then a logical question arises: "What if the user forgot the password on the phone?" So, let's look at the main points of unlocking.

Oh, how many of you there are!

Unfortunately, there is no universal code in the world to remove restrictions on the use of devices from different manufacturers. Moreover, even the unlocking methods for each specific model of the same brand have fundamental differences. Therefore, some phone modifications require individual methods to be followed in the process of removing a security or blocking code. This article will look at the unlocking features of major brands in the mobile industry such as Samsung and Nokia. To your question about what to do if you forgot the password on your phone, a capacious and, of course, useful answer will be given.

Ladies and gentlemen, you won't have to remember your Nokia password if you use...

Method number 1

If the data on the phone is not so important to you, try entering the service number - *#7370#. The mobile device will reset user data and return to factory settings.

Method number 2

This method is an exceptional option to get a qualified answer to the question "what to do if you forgot the password on your phone." This is an appeal to the official website of the Nokia manufacturer, where you will be provided with support and suggestions for solving a difficult problem.

Method number 3

It is no secret that there are some services on the Internet that allow you to get a master code. As a result of the generated IMEI of your gadget, you will be sent a unique digital combination, by entering which restrictions on the use of the phone will be lifted.

Method number 4

Contact a specialized service center if you do not want to "bother" over the creation of various devices and learn the basics of working with a soldering iron.

Gentleman's set of "Samsung" solutions

What should I do if I forgot the password on the phone, and the information in the device is extremely necessary? Basically, reset methods almost always involve inevitable data loss. But there is one simple solutions a similar problem. Let's remove the restrictive password from Since the phone is an Android device, therefore, other devices running the same OS can also be successfully "released" from the state when the user forgot the phone lock password.

Method number 1

Start your phone. Please note that your SIM card must be installed in the device. After the screen prompts you to enter a password, call this gadget. Without accepting the call, go to the "settings" menu, select the "Privacy" section, then "Reset all data" and confirm with the appropriate consent. The password will be reset, but the user information will remain in place.

Method number 2

So: I forgot my phone password, what should I do and how can this restriction be removed? The following technique can serve as the answer: Hard reseta. With the phone turned off, we sequentially hold down the three buttons "Vol +", "Home" and "Power". After the brand logo appears, release the keys. At the end of the information initialization process, your attention will be offered a service menu, where you need to select the “wipe data / factory reset” item. Confirm the action by pressing the "Home" key. Then on "wipe cache partition delete all user", and again "Home". From the proposed list, select "del" and press the "Home" button. After the reboot, activate "reboot system now". The phone is "untied" from the password.

Method number 3

Complete reset of user settings and return the phone to its original state. Enter the code: *2767*3855# and press "Call". On some smartphones, you can go to engineering menu using the combination *#56658378#. Find the "Reset phone password" item and enjoy the full use. By the way, the password takes the value of the standard "0000" or "00000000".


Good luck and be careful. Always write down passwords, as human memory is imperfect. The account also requires a certain "ritual" of storage, because in some cases it is possible to recover the password only if you have an account. google records.

Setting a password on an Android device is a fairly reliable way to protect personal data from prying eyes, but this method of blocking has its drawbacks, the first of which is that users simply forget their passwords or the gadget falls into playful children's hands. A logical question arises: what to do in this case? In this article, we will consider only the main, “painless” ways to unlock. For starters, small lyrical digression: you should always have a backup copy of the most important data, at least - the phone book. Most have proprietary applications for these purposes (for example, Samsung's Kies), there are cloud storages (Dropbox and so on) and the standard ability to synchronize Google.

Method 1

The first, easiest and most understandable way is with your own Google account, but this requires access to the network. Enter the wrong password several times. After 5 incorrect attempts, the screen will be locked, the inscription "Forgot password" will appear, you need to click on it:

Fields will appear for entering the username and password of the Google account to which the smartphone or tablet is linked:

Press the "Login" button. You will be prompted for a new password. I think it's not worth reminding that a password is needed remember (or write down for accuracy). We confirm our actions. Now on the device a new one, famous You will receive a password, which you can remove if you wish. This method involves the complete saving of all data on the device. One of the nuances is the need for an Internet connection. A couple of solutions:

  • insert another SIM card with activated data transfer;
  • turn the device off and on. there is a short period of time as soon as the download occurs, during which it will be possible to have time to call the top curtain.

Second possible problem- Lost Google account password. In this case, Google itself can help this page. Account login - the first part of the e-mail (before @gmail.com).

Method 2: Call from another phone

It does not always work and not on all devices. In any case, it's worth trying before moving on to the third method. The first requirement is the presence of a radio module for calls. You can try to make a call from another phone, pick up the handset and try (without ending the call) to get to the bottom of the smartphone settings.

Method 3: Remove all data from the device

The next method is more radical and entails the loss of information on the device. Google provides the "Android Remote Control" feature (if it was previously enabled on the device and it is connected to the network). It allows you to erase the data on your device from a PC. To do this, you need to go to link and enter your details:

A plate will appear with the name of the device and the approximate location:

In it, you can delete all data from your gadget:

The device has returned to factory settings.

Method 4. Hard Reset

You need to do a Hard Reset (factory reset). This is done from Recovery mode. In most cases, it turns on as follows: when the smartphone is turned off, you need to hold down the power and volume up buttons:

After the image appears on the screen, release the power button. The gadget will boot into Recovery mode (the menu may look different, but the essence remains the same):

On some devices, it is done a little differently, for example, in some Samsung you also need to hold down the Home button, and in some places the decrease button is used instead of increasing the volume. Using the volume buttons, you need to select the item Wipe data (Clear memory) and confirm by pressing the power button. The device will warn about the subsequent loss of information and ask you to confirm the actions.

Ready. The gadget returned to the factory state. These are the main methods for solving this problem. There are also options with the need for ROOT rights and / or flashing. On Android gadgets different manufacturers this is done in different ways, from 3 minutes of several simple operations to long dances with a tambourine. This is a topic for a separate large article, in this material we will not touch on it. Readers are asked to write in the comments about methods that are universal, but not listed above.

Articles and Lifehacks

Even the most magnificent phone in the hands of an inexperienced user can be capricious, for example, blocked. What to do if the phone is blocked? So the person became the owner of a new phone, from which he most of all expects joy and efficiency. The new phone, of course, will bring many benefits. It is hard to imagine that a completely new communication apparatus can be a source of problems, for example, if something bad happens to it or to it. If the phone does not turn on and you cannot make a call with it, then, naturally, the owner begins to worry, and then rushes in search of a person who will solve all problems. But not everything is so scary, you can first figure it out yourself, this is how user experience accumulates. We fix problems on our own.

What should we do if the phone is blocked

blocking mobile phone is a common occurrence. What to do if the phone is blocked? First, it is necessary to clarify the reasons for such situations. This will help not only get rid of the current trouble, but also avoid it in the future. You must first determine the types of blocking, which can be different. After all, it can block both the phone and the memory card or SIM card. Even blocking by the telecom operator may occur. Currently, the most common brand of phones is the Finnish brand Nokia, so you can understand the blocking situation using the example of one particular phone, by the way, they say that it is these devices that can be blocked most often. There are many simple ways unlocking the device. If the phone has not been flashed, then there is a very affordable way to unlock it. A cable is taken to connect the phone to the PC, and then run the J.A.F. program, then in the "BB 5" tab, check the "Read PM" item, and press "Service". In the window that appears, write 307 and determine the place where we save the password, and then click "ok". It is necessary to strictly follow this algorithm.

What to do when the phone is locked - the following steps

After the above steps, you will need to run Nokia Unlocker - this is a free firmware. You need to find the path to the file that was previously saved using the password. The "Definition" task is activated, as a result, simultaneously in 2 windows it will be possible to see a code that will help unlock the phone, as well as a memory card password. So you can unlock the phone by independent forces.

Articles and Lifehacks

If you have forgotten your password, then, of course, you will be interested in learning how to crack the password on your phone. Usually this procedure is performed using special. You will be able to provide professional help specialists service centers, because they are often approached with such requests and they have the appropriate knowledge, equipment and software.

But if you want to try to carry out such a procedure yourself, then this review can help you.

Password cracking options on the phone

  1. To hack old models, there are special calculators that, based on the data entered about the phone, generate some kind of universal master codes. By entering a similar code into the phone, you can bypass the user password, this was done intentionally for the masters of service centers. But over time, manufacturers questioned the feasibility of such a simple approach and complicated the principle of bypassing a user password.
  2. For newer models, there is an option to bypass the password with a factory reset command. these commands can differ not only from manufacturer to manufacturer, but even from model to model.

    For example, for many models, you can try to dial the command *2676*2878#, but keep in mind that then there will be a return to the factory settings, that is, even the phone book will be cleared.

    Some phones are reset through a special service menu. For many HTC phones, for example, you need to press the volume down and briefly power on, and then select "reset" in the menu and then the settings will be set to the default value.

  3. Another way to crack a password is to use special programs. They get direct access to the resources of the telephone set, and then generate a password for you to enter it or reset the protection themselves. Here is a list of some of these applications.

List of programs that crack the password on the phone

  • Unlocker and Unlocker 2, as well as Universal Simlock Remover- help to unlock a lot of phones from the oldest to fairly new ones.
  • You can also look CyberBOG He also does similar things.
  • But Phone CORD PACK it simply contains a database of master codes, the input of which will help bypass the set password.
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