My debts by last name. How to find and check a writ of execution by number

In today's conditions market economy, for all goods, and most importantly, services have to be paid. But not every person copes with the heavy burden of payments, and sometimes, simply because of their employment, they miss the deadlines for making them. Organizations and institutions that long time there is an unpaid debt, apply for assistance in assisting in its payment to the judicial authorities.

After the court makes a decision to collect the debt, bailiffs begin work with the debtor. Therefore, so that serious methods for the forced return of debts are not applied to the debtor, it is best to find out in advance about the presence or absence of debt in the FSSP.

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The reasons for checking the debt of the FSSP may be:

  • overdue payments on credits and loans to banks and other creditors;
  • unpaid utility bills;
  • delay in the payment of alimony;
  • partial or complete non-payment of tax payments or state duties;
  • exposed, but unpaid traffic police fines and others.

Consequences of outstanding debt

Many people think that if you do not hurry up in advance about the presence of possible debts in the FSSP, then nothing special will happen. After the time established by law, the bailiffs will notify the initiation of enforcement proceedings in the form of a letter and thus simply remind you of the presence of a debt. But not everything is so simple and more serious actions may follow this letter.

If the debtor does not respond to the notification, then the bailiffs, after the time allotted for independent appeal, are sent to his place of residence. At the same time, the bailiffs will have an unpleasant conversation in which they will force the debtor to recognize the debt and notify him of more significant actions, in case of non-payment of it within the prescribed period.

But if you do not respond to this visit and do not start repaying the debt, then the next visit will not be easy sudden, but also terribly unpleasant. The bailiffs will arrive with an official warrant, according to which they will describe the property of the debtor within the amount of the debt. In this case, not only financial inconvenience will arise, but also unpleasant gossip from the neighbors, seeing the situation that has arisen.

Extreme measures of the FSSP

An inventory of property, acting in the form of equipment and furniture, by bailiffs is not yet the most terrible action upon the return of a debt. After all, as a last resort, they can seize your ownership of housing and put it up for sale in order to cover the debt at the expense of the proceeds.

In addition, in case of a prolonged delay in paying debts, the FSSP has the right to take the following measures:

  1. Freeze all bank accounts of the debtor until the full repayment of the debt.
  2. If there are funds on these accounts, then the bailiffs will most likely take them partially or in full to pay off the debt.
  3. The outstanding debt of the FSSP becomes the reason for issuing a ban on the debtor to travel abroad or any business trip.
  4. When the previous three points of measures do not give results, the bailiffs can arrest the debtor while clarifying it financial position and opportunities.

How to find out about debt

There are three ways to find out your debt to the FSSP:

  1. Go to the bailiffs on your own without waiting for notification. Thanks to this approach, you can not only find out information about the debt and its amount, but also favorably resolve the issue with the judicial authorities for its repayment.
  2. If notification has already been received, then clarification of information on the actual presence of debt and its amount. The letters sent by the bailiffs always contain information about the bailiff who specifically handles the case and his contact details, in particular, the phone number. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant and extreme measures on his part, you can call the bailiff and specify the size of the debt and the timing of its repayment.
  3. The third method is the most convenient and simple, providing an option to avoid unpleasant conversations with the bailiff, use the appropriate search service online.

FSSP debt check by last name

Using the FSSP online debt check service involves searching possible debts based on the introduction of specific personal data in the appropriate window. First of all, the simplest search task is to enter the name of a potential debtor.

True, the surnames can be the same for a huge number of people, so the service was developed with data clarification in the form of entering a date of birth.

FSSP verification of alimony arrears

Alimony is a child support payment made by one parent to the other parent. Legislation allows you to go to court with a request to recover alimony from a negligent parent, even to undivorced spouses. Therefore, you may not even know that a person was presented with a condition for the payment of alimony, and the debt is already beginning to form.

It is only possible to check the availability of alimony debts with the FSSP. To do this, you will have to contact the bailiffs specializing in child support debts or an online search service.

FSSP verification of debt by the number of enforcement proceedings

If the debtor has information about the number and date of enforcement proceedings for debts of a different nature, then it is easiest for him to enter this information in the search bar on the official website of the FSSP online. Thanks to such actions, it is possible to identify information about the actual existence of debt, its amount, date of issue and other information related to a particular case.

Also, in the case of debt repayment, using the number of enforcement proceedings on the same service, you can verify the reality of its closure.

How to find out about debt online

One of the convenient ways to check the debt of the FSSP is an online check. It is considered suitable due to the speed of verification and the absence of unpleasant contacts with bailiffs. This is done by entering the official website of the bailiffs.

In addition to the amount of the debt, you can immediately print a receipt for its payment. The main thing to remember is that if the amount of the debt is paid, then in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is best to notify the bailiff personally.

The bailiff will know about the payment in a few days or even weeks, since updating the database takes time.

FSSP debt check through the official website

To obtain information about the debt of the FSSP through their official website, you need to be provided with a computer and a working Internet. Turning to a special debt search service of the FSSP, you must fill in specific personal data.

Once in the search service, you need to select the tab corresponding to the status of the applicant, namely a legal entity or an individual. Next, a simple person fills out a form containing information about the full name and date of birth, and presses the search button. To complete the search, you will need to enter the suggested characters to certify the computer that the person is not a robot.

A window appears where all existing debts are listed, indicating the date of initiation of enforcement proceedings, the reason for the debt and the full name of the bailiff. If there are no debts, the service indicates that nothing was found for the request.

Information through social networks

In addition to directly contacting the official website for information online, you can use the services social networks VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. To do this, a person must be registered on one of these sites, or rather, have an account.

To obtain data, you will need to type in the search line certain words “FSSP Data Bank” or “How to find out the debt for enforcement proceedings”. After the search, a form appears similar to the official website, after filling which, information about the debt or its absence appears.

Mobile app

What is even more convenient and practical, especially for people who are in constant motion, is the ability to download applications for finding FSSP debts on your phone. A specialized search program was created with the condition of supporting such popular operating systems Android and iOS, which are supported by most smartphones. To download, you need to access the Internet once with the appropriate request.

After downloading, the application is installed on the phone according to all the standard rules for installing programs.

When a person suspects possible loan arrears, alimony, fines and other types of payments, it is best not to delay and check your fears. Most likely, if there are debts, and they are not returned for a long time, then the creditors will file a lawsuit against the debtor, which will decide on the forced collection of debts. Work on the execution of the court decision is carried out by employees of the FSSP.

Accordingly, all information about the amount of debt is contained in their database. You can find out the debt on court decisions by contacting the FSSP directly or using a special electronic site.

According to statistics, the number of debtors in the Russian Federation exceeds 10 million. In accordance with Russian legislation, various measures may be introduced against debtors. Usually, consumers who are hiding from paying a debt, deprived of some property blocking bank accounts, etc. If the debt of the debt defaulter exceeds 10,000 thousand rubles, he can be put on the wanted list and a ban on traveling abroad can be imposed.

The range of debts from which the consumer can hide is quite large. With regard to some debtors, enforcement proceedings may begin due to refusal to compensate for damages as part of an accident, various fines, obligations for alimony, taxes, and other debt cases. It also happens that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not know that enforcement proceedings are being conducted against him because of some kind of debt.

Such confusion may occur different reasons. For example, if a notification of a debt was not correctly delivered by the postal service. It also happens that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have registration at the place of residence, which will also be the reason why the bailiff will not be able to deliver the necessary notification.

Sometimes you can find out about problems with paying a fine or alimony when you try to leave the Russian Federation. At the border control, you may be notified that there is a debt dispute for one of the reasons mentioned above. Even a banal check of your rights by a traffic police officer may reveal that you are wanted due to non-payment of debts.

Not knowing the situation will not help the debtor to avoid punishment, but on the contrary, it can aggravate the problem at the most inopportune moment.

For example, if you have already learned that you have a debt to the state and want to quickly resolve this issue in order to go abroad. In this case, it will take time for the bailiff to consider the payment of the debt and make a decision to lift all sanctions against you. This procedure will take a lot of time, as a result, your departure from the country may be delayed.

That is why, in order to find out the debt from the bailiffs and not get into unpleasant situation was developed online system. Now, to inquire about the debt you need to spend a minimum of time.

To obtain information about the debt by name, it is enough to use the Internet. Just visit the official website of the Russian Federation (Federal Bailiff Service), where you can find comprehensive information about the availability of enforcement proceedings against individuals / legal entities. The interface of the created service is intuitively simple and accessible.

Find out the debt by last name online

The Federal Bailiff Service (official website) allows you to find out about debt via the Internet.
Within the site there is a special section - the register of search for enforcement proceedings:

Here you can set in detail all the parameters of the search for the debtor, select territorial bodies, region, wanted object and other data.

It is also possible to find out the debt not only by last name, but also by the number of enforcement proceedings:

To find the corresponding search form follow this link

If the search gave a positive result and your data is in the list of enforcement proceedings, resolve this issue as quickly as possible. By phone or e-mail find out from the bailiffs about all the details of the enforcement proceedings initiated against you.

Online debt repayment

Redemption litigation won't take long. This financial transaction can be carried out through a bank branch, payment terminal or on the web.

  • Oplatagosuslug - the service allows you to make payments by withdrawing money from a card account or from a phone account, allows you to pay only part of the debt, and not the full amount at once.
  • RoboKassa - Many payment methods and options, supports almost all types of electronic currencies. Maximum amount - 15000 rubles. Commission - 3%, you will have to pay the entire debt at once.
  • Qiwi - payment of a debt without interest, as in the case of a robocash, the maximum amount is 15,000 rubles.
  • Yandex Money - since March 16, 2015 also allows you to pay off debts to the bailiff service.

To timely perform an FSSP debt check online means to save yourself from numerous troubles. To date, it is the bailiff service that is one of the most efficiently working departments in the Russian Federation. After all, this structure uses the most modern services that allow you to quickly convey information to debtors, and at the same time, giving the latter a chance to repay it as quickly as possible.

If a person has an outstanding debt to the state, one should expect sanctions from the relevant departments. The best way out of the situation is to find out about the debt to bailiffs online and pay it off. Otherwise, you may face such unpleasant consequences as seizure of property, blocking Money on a bank account or even a ban on leaving the territory of Russia.

When is the best time to check debts with bailiffs?

When is the best time to check debts with bailiffs?

Of course, you can wait for a “letter of happiness” and after receiving it, putting aside all your affairs and worries, take measures to pay off the debt. However, it is much more effective to check the presence of debts to bailiffs on your own. It will take just a few minutes to check, and if the results are not the most positive, they will save you much more time.

"Payment for State Services" allows everyone to check the debt from the FSSP online, just by indicating in a special form the series and number of their passport or TIN. You will receive absolutely free and almost instantly all necessary information, and also, if there is a debt, it can be paid immediately.

If you suspect that you have an outstanding fine from bailiffs, you can find out the debt at any convenient time. Although, we recommend, even without suspicion, to periodically check for debts.

Who can use the service?

Residents of all regions of the Russian Federation can check the FSSP debt on our official website.

If you decide to check the debt and find yourself in debt, then repaying it with the help of our service will not be difficult. Just fill in all fields of the form:

  • date, category and Spanish number. production;
  • the amount of debt;
  • purpose of payment;
  • payer information.

And proceed to payment. You can make a payment as with your bank card, so from the mobile phone account.

This service allows you to check an individual for the presence of enforcement proceedings and debts on the basis Federal Service bailiffs. To check, you must enter the full name and date of birth, as well as select the region of registration of the person being checked. You can get information quickly and anonymously, both in relation to yourself and other individuals. How to check a person on the database of bailiffs In order to verify an individual, it is necessary to fill in the fields of the submitted form with the relevant data. Verification can be carried out even on incomplete data of a person. In this case, its result will be a list of all persons corresponding to the entered parameters. After filling in the form fields, you need to click the “Check” button and wait for the results. Verification is carried out according to the most relevant and reliable sources. The result is provided within a few seconds. If the person being checked has no debts to the FSSP, and enforcement proceedings have not been initiated against him, as a result of the check, the system will issue an appropriate message. What information can be obtained The result of the check is a table containing the following information about the person being checked: - Full name of the debtor and his date of birth; - Number and date of commencement of enforcement proceedings; - Data of the executive document; - Address and phone number of the FSSP branch at the debtor's place of residence; - Surname and telephone number of the bailiff. The information in the database is regularly updated and expanded. Verification can be carried out against individuals registered in any region of the Russian Federation.

Why do you need a check on the FSSP database

Checking against the base of executive produces may be required in various cases. Firstly, the service allows you to quickly check your debts and repay them in a timely manner. The presence of debts in enforcement proceedings can become an obstacle to traveling abroad, the reason for the seizure of property and bank accounts, the imposition of fines and other problems. Therefore, it is very important to find out about the existing debts and pay them. Secondly, it is possible to check a person when applying for a job, deciding on cooperation, collecting personal information, etc. Also this service allows the creditor to check whether bailiffs have initiated enforcement proceedings against the debtor.

The FSSP maintains a single database of debtors in in electronic format. Therefore, it is not a problem to find out the amount of debt from the bailiff online. Not all information is published. But what is in the public domain is enough to see and pay the debt in time and, thereby, save yourself from problems.

Is there any debt and how much? Instructions on how to find out by last name

To obtain information, you do not need to enter passport data, TIN or other information, for example, information about a car.

If nothing was found by your last name, it means that there are no enforcement proceedings against you. However, after 10-12 days, the data should be checked again using the same algorithm, since information is entered into the database with a slight delay.

In the bank of enforcement proceedings, it is possible to check debts both by the number of the writ of execution and by the number of the enforcement proceedings. But such sections are needed for people who are aware of the debt and only find out certain information.

How to pay the found debts?

If you find debts in your name, then on the page you will find the “Pay” button. You can transfer money online, through banks and payment systems that will be offered. Among them are large banks (Sberbank, Promsvyazbank, Tinkoff, etc.), payment operators (QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex money, etc.).

In addition, there are other ways that may be convenient for the debtor:

  • terminals and ATMs;
  • through the State Services website;
  • bailiff in person.

Opposite each debt found, the bailiff, his phone number and the address of the location in which the case is being processed are indicated. If you have any questions, you can always talk to him personally and find out the points of interest.

Information about the debt should disappear from the database within a week after it is paid. This period is necessary in order to transfer the funds received to the claimant and make adjustments to the database.

What debts are included in the database?

By visiting the site, you can find out the debts from the bailiffs of the following varieties:

  • administrative offenses;
  • taxes, fees;
  • alimony;
  • loans;
  • debts under contracts (deliveries, contracts, services, etc.), under which the court has collected money from you.
  • collected in judicial order the amount of damage that you caused by your actions against third parties.
  • other debts that have been collected from you in court.

When do enforcement proceedings begin?

Enforcement proceedings begin only on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force, issued performance list, which was transferred for execution to the bailiff service. Sometimes courts issue court orders. This is the same as a decision and a writ of execution in one, that is, a separate writ of execution does not need to be received. If you found and learned about the debt to the bailiffs via the Internet by your last name, then there was a trial against you.

You may not be aware of court hearings and may not receive subpoenas if you become an administrative law offender. For example, while driving a car, you exceeded the speed limit on the road and the camera recorded you. If the conversation is about the recovery of alimony or debts, then you should be notified of the time and place of the meeting.

The recoverer (plaintiff) may not file a writ of execution immediately. Therefore, in practice, enforcement proceedings may begin after a few months.

In administrative cases, bailiffs are sent a decision on bringing to administrative responsibility (instead of a writ of execution), which is issued either by a court or an administrative commission.

There may be such a curiosity: you suddenly find out a debt for an administrative offense that was committed a year ago. It's pointless to look for someone to blame. It's better to just pay.

What are the risks of non-payment of debts?

If you found out about the debts, but did not pay them, then get ready for unexpected surprises and unexpected guests:

  • a ban on leaving the country is imposed if the amount of the debt exceeds 30,000 rubles;
  • the debtor is deprived of a driver's license if he has a debt of more than 10,000 rubles for alimony, for administrative offenses or for harm caused to health or resulting in the loss of a breadwinner;
  • all bank accounts, salary card, credit card, pension and other income are seized;
  • the bailiff comes home to the debtor - if the money withdrawn from the accounts is not enough to pay off the resulting debt, then the property is arrested;
  • a ban is imposed on registration actions in the traffic police (for cars), in Rosreestr (for real estate);
  • It is possible to foreclose both movable and immovable property. Everything seized will be sold for next to nothing at auction.

Many compatriots learn about debts immediately before flying abroad, when nothing can be done, and no one will return the money spent. Preparation for a vacation should begin with the payment of debts, and this should be done not a day or two, but a few weeks before departure.

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