Scottish ale beer how many degrees. Recipes for making ginger ale. Irish dark ale

Reading the works of English (and not only) authors, you can come across such a phrase as "a mug of ale." Usually this drink is associated with something magical, witchcraft, perhaps because of the origin of the word ale from the ancient English language, where it was formed from the concept of "magic", "intoxication". And its creators are the British. Ale is a type of beer that is top-fermented in a warm place. This drink was in great demand during the Middle Ages due to its ability to be stored for a long time. Today, ale is still especially popular in the UK, Ireland and Scotland. Unlike beer, ale has sediment and is not brewed or pasteurized. Very often when preparing ale, various herbal infusions are used. Due to its composition, this drink is quite high in calories and, according to some studies, is very beneficial due to the content of unfiltered yeast. In addition, as we noted above, it does not spoil for a very long time - so that on some bottles of English ale only the date of production is put.

Most Popular Ales

In the UK they love:
- pale/amber ale (made from light barley malt);
- brown ale (made from darker malt, often with a nutty flavor)
- dark ale (from dark, well-roasted malt malt);
- Scottish ale (strong, dark, with a bright taste of malt);
- red Irish ale (roasted barley is added to the malt);
- barley wine (strong ale, with an alcohol content of 8.5-12%).

The most popular in Germany are:
- pale Cologne ale;
- ale altbier (with a pronounced taste of hops and an alcohol content of 4.8%).

Belgians prefer:
- light ale;
- reddish ale with a rich flavor of malt;
- Trappist ale;
- red-brown ale.

Ale Recipes

Village ale:
- 23-25 ​​liters of cold water;
- 3 liters of hot water;
- 2.4 kg of rye flour;
- 0.8 kg of buckwheat flour;
- 0.2 kg of dry yeast;
- 1.2 kg of barley malt;
- 1.2 kg of rye malt.

This drink can only be prepared by the happy owners of a private house, stove and kegs. Although, someone, perhaps, will contrive to create it in a city apartment. Add barley and rye malt to rye flour and pour in 3 liters of hot water, knead the dough and put it in the oven for 12 hours. Then transfer the dough into a barrel (volume 25 liters) and dilute with cold water, filling the container to the top. In a separate bowl, knead the dough in water from buckwheat flour and yeast and leave it for 2 hours to rise. Then take a clean barrel, put buckwheat dough in it and fill it with strained malt infusion. Leave the mixture for 4-6 hours to ferment. When bubbles appear on the surface, shake the drink in a barrel, bottle it, close it and take it to a cool cellar. It is best to put the bottles in the sand.

Non-alcoholic ginger ale:
- 2 l. water;
- 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
- 1.5 tablespoons grated ginger;
- juice of 1 lemon;
- 1/4 tsp dry yeast.
Let's make a reservation right away that this drink cannot be called ale in the full sense of the word, but this does not change its taste and refreshing qualities. Grate a piece of ginger rhizome on a fine grater and put in a jar that you will use for fermentation. Add sugar, yeast, lemon juice there and pour in water. Then close the jar and shake well, shake. Next, leave the ale to ferment in a closed jar at room temperature for 2 days. After the specified time, bottle the drink and put it in the refrigerator. The next day you can drink ale.
Attention! For fermentation, plastic bottles and bottles are often used - in this case, you need to monitor gas formation and, if necessary, release gas a little!

It is difficult to imagine medieval Europe without a tavern and a mug of ale. Now this drink has lost its leadership to many others, but in the 15th century in England, ale was so popular that it was considered an essential product at the table. In more southern countries they drank wine, but in the north everything was bad with vineyards, and therefore the harsh islanders brewed ale.

In fact, its history goes back even further, like all brewing. There is evidence that the Sumerians had something similar in composition, but the drink known to us now began to be brewed in the British Isles. And this is England and, of course, Ireland.

Ale and wine will not compare. These drinks are very different. But it is worth mentioning what is the difference between ale and beer. Here I would like to warn that the question itself, on the one hand, may not be entirely correct. Because ale is a type of beer. But on the other hand, somehow it still stands out from the rest of the assortment, and therefore there is a difference between ale and beer (lager). Which is what the story is about now.

Ale prepared according to the classical technology does not contain hops. Thanks to this, it acquires a mild sweetish aftertaste, and in general it cooks much faster than a lager. Unlike other beers, ale is produced exclusively by top-fermentation. That is, in the cooking process, a special type of yeast is used, which eventually forms a characteristic cap on the surface.

However, with the spread of hops throughout modern Britain, a number of ales still got a bitter aftertaste, as brewers began to add seeds from the cones of this plant to the composition.

Features of the production of classic ale

The top fermentation method is generally less technologically demanding and therefore it is quite possible to make ale at home or in a small brewery.

To have a general idea of ​​​​what this wonderful drink is, it is also worth considering its main varieties.

So the story about ale, its history and features has come to an end. You can talk about this old drink for a long time. But in conclusion, I would like to note: in order to understand what ale is, it is best to feel it on your own experience. And try, of course, draft. Because if you really drink, then real English ale.

Ale - a drink with a subtle fruity taste, it is a type of beer. The Indo-European root "el" means "intoxication", and the name fully justifies the content, because the drink contains from 3 to 12 percent alcohol.

In the article:

El - a bit of history

The history of the drink stands apart from the general one. That ale, which was sung by Walter Scott as a favorite drink of knights, appeared in the distant 15th century in England. However, analogues of this drink were made by the ancient Sumerians, which was long before our era.

Interestingly, ale was included in the list of the most necessary products during the Middle Ages. It was easy to preserve, because special conditions were not needed for storage, it did not deteriorate, like, for example, milk. In addition, they could easily and quickly satisfy hunger. For comparison, a mug of ale could replace a portion of bread in terms of calories.

Features of the drink ale

Many compare ale and beer, the difference between them is small. There are no hops in the classic ale recipe, this drink is different from.

The flavor bouquet consists of herbs and spices, which are boiled in wort instead of hops. The resulting product is not subjected to further filtration or pasteurization.

Today, many brewers quite often neglect the traditions that have developed over the centuries. They add hops when making ale so that the drink they make can be called beer.

There is another important difference between ale and any other beer - this is the production technology. The drink we describe is made by the method of top fermentation, the temperature during this process varies between 15-24 degrees. Unlike most other types of beer, the yeast does not go down during brewing, it stays on top, thus forming a head of foam. Top fermentation is also distinguished by the fact that with it many higher alcohols and esters appear, due to which a specific taste and a pronounced aroma are formed.

The final stage of production is the holding and ripening of the drink in a room where the temperature is 11-12 degrees above zero.

If we take the average figures, then in order to get a fresh portion, it will take approximately 4 weeks. This applies to fast varieties, which can often be found on the menu of various drinking establishments. However, there are varieties of ale, the creation of which will take as much as 4 months.

Ale types

Irish and British ales are classified according to several parameters:

  • by color;
  • by taste;
  • by aroma;
  • according to the additives used in the sourdough.

Due to the fact that there are quite a lot of varieties of the potion, we will list only the most famous varieties:

Barley, Barley Wine

Epic Barley Wine Ale

This type of ale is also popularly called "barley wine". Why? It is worth reading how many degrees it contains and everything will fall into place. So, this species contains from 9 to 12 degrees, and the density of the must is from 22.5 to 30 percent.

Unforgettable taste of the drink is provided by fruity aroma and pleasant malt bitterness. In addition, this ale has a characteristic color - darkish, with a slight golden and copper tint. After aging, the taste becomes much softer. This ale will be brought to you in a wine glass.

Wheat, Weizen Weisse

Schneider Weisse Weizen

A light-colored ale with a moderate combination of fruity and floral aromas. Wheat flavor or smell of fresh bread is allowed. It is characterized by a dark golden or light straw color.


Contorter Porter Ale

This drink was originally created for those people who were employed in menial jobs. Porter is an abbreviated name, and the full name is Porter's ale, which translates as ale for port workers. A feature of the porter is the presence of a large number of additives, herbs, spices and aromatic substances.

Depending on what additives were used, the porter may have a different shade: light, golden or dark. Interestingly, several varieties of malt are used in the preparation of porter, this allows you to change the flavors. By the way, as for the fortress of porter, it ranges from 4.5% to 7%.

Stout, Stout

Double Stout - Black Ale

This drink is a dark descendant of porter. Its distinctive feature lies in the fact that roasted malt is used in the manufacture, this gives a rich color, as well as subtle coffee notes.

For a long time, this variety was considered so useful that it was prescribed to drink for lactating women and pregnant women.

White, Weisse

Light drink, has a sour taste. It received the second name Berlin, this is due to the fact that such ale has become very popular in Germany. The drink contains light fruity notes, which become more pronounced with prolonged exposure. The color of this species is light straw. There are pubs in Germany that serve this variety with sugar syrup.

What is useful ale

In many European countries, the tradition of drinking ale is associated with the fact that it was considered a source of useful substances.

If the drink is made in compliance with all technologies, then it has vitamins B and E, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium and potassium. As we already mentioned, the potion is very nutritious and high-calorie.

El has anti-stress properties. One cup of the drink helps to relax and get rid of depression.

In general, this type of beer is a universal drink. It is pleasant to spend time with him in the company of loved ones and relax after a busy day at work. Unforgettable taste will relieve you of anxiety and give you real pleasure.

Beer is a fermented drink, popular all over the world, made from grains and yeast. There are many different types of beer, although they fall into two main categories: ale and lager. The term "lager" is often interchangeable with "beer", especially outside of Germany, which is why some consumers make a distinction between beer and ale rather than lager and ale. The difference between beer and ale is how they are brewed and how they ferment.

Before hops became widespread in Europe, ale was brewed without the use of hops. Once hops hit the breweries, there was a difference between beer and ale based on cask-fermented yeast: Ale uses yeast that gathers at the top, while lager uses yeast that ferments at the bottom.

Brewers start brewing beer and ale in the same way. Barley or other type of grain (malt) is germinated in a humid environment, then dried. Brewer's yeast and sourdough are added, usually very quickly, before the malt spoils. Other ingredients, such as hops, are added to deepen the aroma and temper the sweetness of the malt.

Definition of ale

Ale is fermented at high temperature and as a result matures faster. The yeast rises to the top as a starter for the beer, creating a yeast foam at the top of the keg. The lager is fermented at a lower temperature and the yeast settles to the bottom as the beer matures. Traditionally, beer is brewed in German caves, which are quite cool, especially in winter.

Beer and ale are different from each other - in taste, as well as in the brewing process. Ale has a bright, rich, more aggressive, hoppy aroma, and a high alcohol content. The beer has a velvety and smooth taste with a clear, clean finish. Examples of ale include any beer with Ale on the label in many German specialty beers.

Ale is consumed in Belgium, the British Isles, and many former British colonies, including the United States and Canada. Lager is widespread in Germany and other European countries, although some German branded beers are actually ales. Many consumers have difficulty trying to distinguish between beer and ale on the basis of just one flavor, as many modern breweries incorporate a variety of brewing methods.

What really separates ale from beer?

All beers are brewed from a basic combination of water, malt, hops and yeast. The difference is in the yeast. From this relatively small variant comes the many changes and differences that make these two beers unique.

Brewed using top-fermenting yeast at mid-range room temperatures. For this reason, ales are usually kept between 60° and 75° Fahrenheit during the fermentation stage. This type of yeast and fermentation temperature gives the ale a fruity and spicy taste. In general, ales are more reliable and complex. Common ale styles include lager, Indian pale ale, amber varieties and strong porter.

(lagers) are made from bottom-fermenting yeast that perform best at lower temperatures, between 35° and 55°. Fermentation is slow and the beer matures more stable so it can be stored longer than ale. Yeast accentuates its presence in the finished beer less. Compared to ale, beer varieties have a cleaner and more distinct quality hop accent and malt flavor.

Is one style better than the other? Absolutely not. It's a matter of personal taste or what you crave at a particular moment. All beers are equally good!

Foods that pair well with common beers include:

  • Pale Ales– salads, snacks, fish and seafood
  • India Pale Ales (IPAs) pair well with pork, pizza, fried chicken, as well as light salads and seafood dishes.
  • Hefeweizens and Wheat Beers- fruit dishes, cereal salads and desserts seasoned with warm spices (cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg).
  • Amber Ales is a worthwhile centrist beer and pairs with just about everything: burgers, fried cheese, fried chicken, soups and stews
  • Strong Stouts and Porters barbecue, stews, stews - any kind of meat dish. In addition, rich desserts with chocolate and espresso flavors.

Beer is a low-alcohol drink produced by yeast fermentation from barley malt, rice, corn, hops and water. Each of the components, taken separately, will give a different value. For example, barley grain in terms of energy value is carbohydrates, and in terms of protein and salt content, phosphates.

On average, 100 g of beer contains 46 kcal. One glass of beer 300 ml contains about 150 kcal. It is 94% water.

Effect of alcohol:

A small amount of Excess
Nervous system
  • Pain inhibition.
  • Dull reflexes.
  • Depression.
  • Impaired coordination.
  • creative and intellectual decline.
  • Personal degradation.
The cardiovascular system
  • Changes in blood pressure and cardiac output are not significant.
  • Cutaneous vasodilation (warm and red skin)
  • Heart rate, cardiac output and blood pressure at 30'.
  • Harmful effects in conditions of alcoholic cardiomyopathy.
  • Reduced threshold of sensitivity, fatigue.
  • Possible muscle disorders.
  • Fibrillar breaks, contractures, etc.

What could be better than a cold, misted glass of fresh beer in the midst of a hot summer? That's right - two glasses! And you can’t argue with that, especially if you have a real connoisseur of a foamy drink in front of you. Beer is loved in all corners of the world, and it can be called one of the most popular drinks on the planet. Among the huge number of its varieties, everyone can single out for themselves their own, the most delicious, refreshing and invigorating. Our person is well acquainted with traditional wheat or lager, but ale beer is no less popular among the British or Irish. What is it?

A bit of history

Interestingly, the first mention of a drink similar to modern ale was found among the Sumerians. But it is traditionally considered that this drink originated and gained its popularity in England, at the beginning of the 7th century. Unlike modern technologies, the beer recipe of that time included not only malt and hops, but also a wide variety of herbs, roots, spices, fruits and even nuts. It had a rich, pronounced taste and aroma, it turned out to be nutritious, and it was prepared simply and quickly. Not surprisingly, plain beer soon became literally the "second bread" of the British. The foamy drink got its name "al", from the Old English "ealu", borrowed from the ancient Indo-European "alut", which means "magic" or "witchcraft". The fantastic spell of heady ale soon spread to other continents. In some countries, he fell in love so much that ale beer began to be considered the hallmark of every self-respecting pub.

What is ale

A drink with a "witchy" name is actually one of the only and main thing that distinguishes it from other varieties - the method of fermentation. Regular beer is brewed using the malt wort method. But the traditional English ale is a beer obtained exclusively by top fermentation, and for this a special type of sourdough is used. Yeast during the preparation of ale does not settle at the bottom of the barrel, but stays on top, forming a "cap". Fermentation itself occurs at a temperature of 15 to 24 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, the drink is maximally saturated with aromas and acquires a pronounced taste. After that, ale is sent to ripen in a cool room at a temperature of 11-14 degrees. When the drink is completely ready, the barrel is uncorked and fresh ale is enjoyed, this should be drained in 2-3 days, otherwise the drink may turn sour. Ale is not filtered and is drunk exclusively “live”, therefore, when you meet a bottle of ale on sale, pay attention to

Ale types

By the way, ale beer also has a lot of varieties, differs in its taste, aroma and can be light or dark. Here are just a few of the most popular:

  • Stout - Stout is a strong dark variety;
  • Strong ale - Strong - strong ale;
  • Bitter - Bitter - ale with a bitter taste;
  • Pale Ale - Pale Ale - light and bitter;
  • Mild Ale - Soft ale - with a mild taste, reminiscent of kvass;
  • Brown ale - Brown - mild taste, brown color;
  • Light Ale - Light - light light ale;
  • Porter - Porter - popular in England;
  • India Pale Ale - Indian strong pale ale;
  • Old ale - aged - strong and tasty;
  • Barley wine - barley - has a wine flavor, sweetish and strong.

There are varieties that have a bright fruity tint, barley or even nutty. So, for example, Stout (dark ale) is a beer made on the basis of roasted barley or malt, it is strong and contains about 7-8% alcohol.


It should be noted that ale is not only tasty, but also healthy. And for those who follow their forms, you need to know that with the help of ale you can easily gain weight. Such beer does not undergo any processing, because the yeast, sugar, fungi and enzymes that appeared during the fermentation process remain in it in full. El is rich in B and E vitamins, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and manganese. The amino acids contained in it improve metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin. Ale is useful to drink to improve digestion, it tones, soothes, dilates blood vessels, it is useful for atherosclerosis and for those who suffer from high blood pressure. But, we should not forget that beer ale degrees can be quite large, for example, strong varieties of alcohol can contain up to 12%, so everything is good in moderation.

Arguing about tastes

Not every Englishman or Irishman can resist an inviting pint of aromatic drink. But for some reason, ale did not take root in Russia. Everyone who has ever tried this unusual beer is divided into two fronts: some like it, but others say that the taste, to put it mildly, is “not very good”. Surely such hostility can only be associated with the fact that we are used to putting everything on the shelves. If it is beer, then it should taste exclusively beer, if it is kvass, then kvass, and if it is wine, then it should have its own, special taste. Ale is a relatively new drink for us, and often the spectrum of its taste can consist of a variety of shades, which we are simply not used to. Such beer tastes bittersweet, moderately carbonated and can have completely different aromas, from fruity-herbaceous to the smell of “smoke”. But those who liked the drink will certainly remain its fans forever.

El "Shaggy Bumblebee"

Be that as it may, there are still fans. In pubs, various types of ale are increasingly beginning to appear and, of course, they do not go unnoticed. Someone really likes ale, and someone tries it for the first time - for the sake of curiosity. Due to a very limited shelf life, we will not be able to try a true English ale. Therefore, quite recently we have our own Russian version of the famous drink. Beer ale "Shaggy Shmel" was born in Mytishchi thanks to our contemporary, well versed in beer wisdom - Mikhail Ershov. Thanks to his efforts, today each of us can enjoy the taste of real ruby ​​ale.

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