The best prices for tours to Greece, all inclusive, at the moment. Weather in Greece in November The warmest place in Greece in November

It's amazing how quickly time flies! Almost two months have passed since the summer, and with them many working days. Everyone managed to do a lot of important things during this time, but the main thing is to miss the starry nights, sandy beaches, the azure sea and the gentle rays of the southern sun .... Does the soul demand the continuation of the “banquet”?


weather features

November weather in Greece is not stable. It is characterized by sharp drops during the month. Sunny weather can be replaced by prolonged downpours, during which the air cools down to +16 degrees, and in the case of prolonged rains, even lower. But still, sunny weather in an average November is not uncommon, but summer heat is not to be expected. There are much fewer hours of sunshine than in summer, and there is not enough solar energy to warm the air and the sea. Crete and the eastern islands of Greece (Kos and Rhodes) are characterized by warmer weather, while Zakynthos and Corfu are already closed in November. The chilliest and coolest place in Greece in November is the resorts of the Halkidiki peninsula.

As for the water temperature, with the exception of Chalkidiki, the sea is still suitable for swimming almost everywhere. In the first decade of the month in Crete, Rhodes and Kos, the water can reach 23-24 degrees.

In general, the weather in the resorts of Greece is getting colder every day and by the end of the month the last tourists leave them.


Now you can plan your vacation more carefully to save as much as possible. And the form below will help in this, because the price depends not only on how far in advance you book tickets, but also on the days of departure, transfers and other factors.

Things to do

November is the time when you can fully experience magical action discounts, the absence of endless crowds of tourists, the air that has cooled down from the recent heat and much more. After all, you have long dreamed of seeing this amazing world of Hellas with your own eyes, touching the centuries-old history with your own hands. Moreover, in November this can be done without wasting everything that is “acquired by overwork”, but, on the contrary, significantly saving your budget (on average, a trip will cost you from 400 to 800 €).

Greece is rather a vacation full of sights, which is much more comfortable to enjoy in the off-season, when there is no sweltering heat. Try to climb the Acropolis in the 40-degree heat, when all thoughts are only about how to quickly escape from there and hide somewhere in the shade. But it is a real pleasure to walk through the ruins of ancient cities, plunging into the atmosphere of a thousand-year history, when there is no pandemonium, the sun pleasantly warms you and a light breeze blows.

In addition, in November you have a unique opportunity to watch firsthand how hardworking Greeks harvest kiwi, persimmon, oranges, lemons and olives. You can also take a symbolic part in the collection of fruits and taste the local young wine of the current harvest.

Lovers of speed, risk and vivid impressions at home Olympic Games find the most different kinds sports. But they are especially popular in the autumn-winter period. skiing, paragliding or rafting, as well as climbing Mount Olympus with a height of about 3000 meters - a favorite route for all climbers. Thus, Greece has everything you need for an informative and memorable stay here, not only in summer, but also in autumn. The only difference is that tourist activity is now concentrated in the mountains.

Greece in November best time and a place not only to have a good rest, but also to update your winter wardrobe by purchasing high-quality Greek-made outerwear. Greece is a leading producer of quality leathers and furs for coats, fur coats, jackets and hats. Such products can be easily afforded by both ordinary citizens and tourists, as well as wholesale representatives of well-known European manufacturers of outerwear. Needless to say, if there are so-called fur coat tours, the purpose of which is to purchase outerwear.

As one famous song says, nature has no bad weather. So in Greece, rest at any time of the year is a unique and memorable adventure.

Residents of Russia are accustomed to meeting the golden autumn in September, November is the season of rains, cold, and sometimes snow. When such gray-gloomy weather causes melancholy, there is a great option for a warm have a great holiday. Indeed, in Greece, November is gold autumn. For warm walks, to get acquainted with the sightseeing Greece - this is the most ideal month. Warm weather offers to explore many sights and enjoy historical sights. You can visit ancient monasteries, famous temples, acropolises, pantheons and soak it up deep peace spirituality. Or you can pay attention to historical details and plunge into mythological Greece.

The sea in November still retains the warmth of the sun, with which it is saturated over the summer. average temperature water + 19C, and air + 21C. As you can see, the weather is very conducive to walking, and the nice thing is that it is mostly sunny. Light rains are possible, but they are usually short-term and do not overshadow a cozy rest.

If there is a desire to capture a piece in November, or rather an echo, of the velvet season, then we recommend going to one of the islands: Crete, Patmos or Rhodes. There, in November, the temperature remains slightly higher than in other areas, and rain is very unlikely. And of course, the existence of discounts on tours to Greece at this time of the year is very pleasant.

Greece in November is sightseeing tourism, which provides an excellent opportunity to touch the very, shrouded in legends, antiquity. This is rest and wellness sea ​​coast and good shopping.

The holiday season in November in Greece is just ending, so you can not be afraid of large crowds of tourists both at the foot of Mount Olympus and in shops. Spa services in hotels will delight you with low prices.

The ending holiday season associated with the cessation of the hot bathing period. That's why late fall (the Velvet season) is very favorable for excursion tourism to the ancient sights of Greece. Climbing the Acropolis is much better on a cool November day than languishing in the heat of summer.

Walking and relaxing in sun loungers on the sea coast and swimming in the pools of hotels will make your holiday absolutely satisfying.

Prices for holidays at this time are two to three times cheaper than prices for mid-summer. This is a huge "plus" in favor of November when choosing the time for a tour to Greece, and our search engine will help you choose an interesting and economical travel option.

You can relax with children in the fall in Greece, but it is better to do this until October inclusive. The sea water will still be warm. In November, the Mediterranean Sea has time to cool down and become cold. It will be uncomfortable for children to swim, and in November it is better to think about sending children to winter holiday countries during the November school holidays.

Holidays in Greece in November 2019 - from excursions to buying a fur coat

In Greece, in November, sightseeing tours of ancient sights are very popular.

Every path here is connected with history. You will see the famous Athens Acropolis and climb it, visit city ​​of Delphi with its famous oracle, on Mount Olympus feel the presence of powerful gods, and in Olympia imagine the competition of athletes. In Mycenae you will find yourself in kingdom of Agamemnon, and the island of Crete is a collection of various attractions. The labyrinth of the Minotaur, the cave where Zeus was born, the elusive kri-kri goats and fragrant thyme honey - you can list for a very long time. It is better to go on a tour of this unique place.

Although resort hotels in Greece are closed at the end of autumn, European service and entertainment in major cities at your service.

Shopping in this country is another reason to buy a tour this month. More precisely - to organize a "fur coat tour". The country has long been famous for its furs, high quality and inexpensive. Kastoria and Paralia Katerinis are recognized centers for the production and sale of inexpensive and high quality fur products.

November Greece 2019 - cultural program

In the first days of November, the country hosts the annual festival of Demetrius, in Thessaloniki: this is music, dance competitions, shadow theater and many other interesting events. And on the 21st - Introduction to the temple of the Virgin. Visiting any Christian church in Greece on this day, you will become a witness and participant in especially magnificent divine services and celebrations.

Weather in Greece in November

At the end of autumn, the rainy season begins in these places, but often Indian summer falls in Greece just in November. Few will dare to swim already, but you can still have time to soak up the sun under the rustle of the surf. And for sightseeing, you just need to take an umbrella with you just in case. The air temperature in Athens is +18C, in Crete and Heraklion +20C, in Halkidiki and Thessaloniki +15C. Water temperature - about + 15 ... 20С

Athens Crete Corfu
average daily temperature +18°C +19°C +18°C
average night temperature +11°C +12°C +9°C
sundial in a day 5 6 4
rainy days 9 6 12
sea ​​water temperature +21°C +20°C +19°C
* Weather in Greece - October

The weather in Greece in November will delight tourists who dream of getting to know the historical and architectural heritage of this country, but for a beach holiday you will have to choose a different period, since the sea temperature on almost the entire coast is not conducive to swimming (from 21 ° C off the coast of the Halkidiki peninsula up to 19 degrees in Corfu).

The air temperature also does not allow sunbathing comfortably. The maximum values ​​are typical for Rhodes and Crete, where during the day it is about nineteen degrees, and at night the temperature drops to 12 ° C. The rest of the country is colder. So, for example, in Athens day and night temperatures are 18 and 11 degrees, respectively. In Corfu, the nights are even cooler - only +9. And the most cold weather in Greece in November - in the north of the country (in Thessaloniki 15 ° C during the day and not higher than seven - at night).

Most a large number of precipitation during this period falls on the Ionian Islands (on Corfu - 190 millimeters). However, other parts of the country are quite rainy. In Rhodes and Crete, there are six days with precipitation (while precipitation is more intense in the Aegean Islands), in Athens - 9 days, and in Thessaloniki - eleven, but the rains here are usually small ( total precipitation - 54 mm).

The weather in Greece in November is conducive to visiting attractions located in the open air on clear days and museums on rainy days. True, it should be borne in mind that from the end of autumn they begin to work according to the winter schedule and usually close no later than 15 hours.

In addition, each monument and museum has its own peculiarities of work, so the exact schedule must be clarified in advance. So, for example, on Mondays the National Archaeological Museum, Mycenae, the castle of the Knights Templar in Rhodes, Delphi are closed for visits.

Significant event sports life Greece in November - the Athens Marathon, which is attended by several thousand athletes seeking to overcome the traditional marathon distance - 42 kilometers. The route begins in the city of Marathon, where, by analogy with the Olympic flame, the Marathon flame is lit. Then it goes along the coast, this section is hilly, and therefore very difficult for athletes. The race ends at the Panathinaikos stadium in Athens, built in the 4th century BC from white marble.

Another holiday celebrated in Greece in November is the day of Saints Michael and Gabriel, which is accompanied by services in churches named after these saints. Particularly colorful ceremonies can be seen on the island of Symi, in the Taxiarchis Monastery, in the Mandamados Monastery (Lesvos Island), as well as on the island of Santorini, where folk festivals are also held.

November 17 is the Politehnio feast day, commemorating the student uprising against government policy in 1973. It is accompanied by demonstrations, but they often end in clashes with the police, so it is better to avoid walking along the route of the demonstrations on this day.


Weather in Greece in November 2019: the end of the beach season? Water temperature and rain

When November comes in Russia, many residents watch the snow outside the window. Even in the south of the country beach season completed and the next will begin no earlier than six months later. They say that the weather in Greece in November 2019 is sunny, and the water and air temperature is around +22 degrees. Is this true and can we expect beach holiday in the homeland of Socrates in late autumn? We will try to find the answer together with you as soon as we get acquainted with the climate of the country and resorts.

Holidays in Greece mainly take place on the islands. And the islands are located in the Mediterranean Sea, where the climate is mild and the winters are warm in their own way. But this is unlikely to save you if you fly to Greece for a holiday in November. Sunny weather is already quite possible, but it’s not possible to swim in the sea every day, and sunbathing on the seashore is a rarity.

The most popular Greek islands are Rhodes and Crete. And these are the hottest islands this month. On average, the air here is warmed up to +20 degrees during the day. 3-4 times a month, the temperature at lunchtime easily goes over +25, and usually this is in the first half of the month. Other popular islands like Kos and Corfu are a bit cooler. It is about +18 during the day here, but there are also bursts of heat.

As night falls, the temperature drops rapidly. Somewhere up to +15, and somewhere up to +7 degrees. But in any case, in the evenings you will have to put on warm clothes, and sometimes take an umbrella with you, since it rains very actively at this time of the year.

On average, the islands experience 5 to 7 rainy days. Precipitation falls different amount, and if on Rhodes there are about 90 millimeters, then on Corfu there is just a flood and at least 190 millimeters of precipitation.

You can go to Greece only for two reasons: to the sea and to the sights. And in November, it is best to choose the second option, as the sea can be cold. In some areas, the water temperature is still high and not lower than +22 degrees, but already in the middle of the month the sea becomes +18 everywhere, and swimming in such water is simply impossible. Plus, the wind often blows, waves on the sea and this causes additional inconvenience.

Where is the best place to relax in Greece in November

If you are still going to visit Greece in November, then the following table will help you understand where it is better to relax and which resort to choose.

And so, a beach holiday in November in Greece is unlikely, but possible. But it’s great to go here for excursions and sights. Prices are low and sometimes discounts reach 50-70%. There are no lines and the roads are almost empty.

Greece in November: weather, tourist reviews and prices


“During the day in Crete it was up to +28, and in the evening it became cold. Sunny during the day, clouds in the evening and it often rains. It’s not very convenient to relax here with children at this time, since you can go to the beach closer to dinner, and they ask from the very morning, when it’s cool and the water is invigorating.”


“We had a great rest, although the weather sometimes failed. During the day it was often hot and the sun was shining, but there were also cloudy days. AT bad weather it is best to go on an excursion to continental Greece. But you can take a ferry to the neighboring islands, there is something to be surprised there. The sea is warm, but not always calm. AT strong wind strong waves and no swimming. In general, the rest is normal, but a month earlier it would have been better!


“The last time I come to Greece is at the end of autumn. It's rainy, cloudy and you can't swim. seduced by low prices and saved. In the rain, you don’t even want to go anywhere, and you had to overcome yourself in order to go on an excursion, and not just lie in bed in hotels. In general, to Greece only in the summer!

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