Oksana Afanasyeva why in a headscarf. Yarmolnik Oksana: biography. Oksana Afanasyeva has always loved men older than herself

Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva have been together for 35 years. Two characters, two solid personalities, two leaders did not find each other immediately. The meeting with Oksana turned Leonid from ...

Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva have been together for 35 years. Two characters, two solid personalities, two leaders did not find each other immediately.

The meeting with Oksana turned Leonid from a fickle conqueror of women's hearts into exemplary family man. She was last love great Vladimir Vysotsky. Yarmolnik became her husband, friend, lover and father of their only daughter.

Oksana Afanasyeva

She had a difficult childhood, this strong girl. She was only six years old when her mother died. Oksana remembers very well her childhood and the pain of the loss she experienced. The little girl stayed with her father, a fairly popular writer at that time.

Companies often gathered in the house, where alcohol flowed like a river. She studied at the most prestigious French school, and at home she saw her father every day drunk, who, in a state of intoxication, was often aggressive.

And he was still trying to find the perfect stepmother for his daughter, not realizing that his early grown-up Oksana did not need any replacements for her beloved mother.

After school, the girl entered the textile institute, choosing for herself the profession of a costume designer. At some point, she made a cardinal decision to exchange the apartment she shared with her father and start her independent adult life.

Oksana Afanasyeva and Vladimir Vysotsky

She often visited the theater, trying not to miss the premiere. And one day in the administrator's theater on Taganka, fate brought her together with Vladimir Vysotsky. It is her, Oksana Afanasiev, who will be called the last love of the great bard.

For his sake, she will leave her fiancé, and live with Vysotsky for two bright years. the last two years of his life. Jn loved her, he idolized her and died when she was around. Then she was only 20 years old. And two years after his death, fate gave her a second chance to love and become loved.

Leonid Yarmolnik in his youth

Leonid was born in Primorsky Krai into a military family. He did not show much zeal for studies, but he played the accordion virtuoso, graduated from a music school. In high school, he became interested in literature, and then the theater. After school he entered the Shchukin school.

While working at the Taganka Theater, he began acting in films. It was about the movie that the actor dreamed of. But this world did not accept him immediately. In fact, Yarmolnik's debut took place only in 1974, in the film "Your Rights".

He was remembered by the audience in the role of Theophilus in the film "The Same Munchausen", and also on numerous humorous television programs. A little later, he will play a lot of movies bright roles that audiences will love.

Leonid Yarmolnik - "The same Munchausen"

In the theater he had great work in a wonderful acting environment. Even during his lifetime, Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky gave him some of his roles.

Young Yarmolnik could rightly be called a womanizer and heartthrob. The first love happened to him at the age of 15, however, the girl was older than him and was very condescending to the feelings of the young admirer.

The actor's romance with Zoya Pylnova lasted for seven years. Then there was the first official marriage with Elena Valk. He actually had a lot of women. He seemed to be looking for his soul mate. And he found her in 1982.

Fateful meeting

Leonid and Oksana

They met at a party with mutual friends. Oksana was already in the company when Leonid Yarmolnik arrived with Alexander Abdulov. And Leonid almost immediately realized that he was gone.

He immediately began to look after a charming girl with a sad look. He joked, he was all courtesy. After the party, he went to see her off. And a day later he lived with Oksana.

Leonid Yarmolnik with his daughter

Leonid realized that he had finally met his perfect woman. And that he simply has no right to lose her. Many dissuaded him from relations with Oksana. But it was absolutely impossible to convince Yarmolnik. He loved and was loved.

He had enough intelligence and tact not to ask Oksana about her past with Vladimir Vysotsky and, moreover, not to be jealous of him. In 1983, Oksana and Leonid had a daughter, Alexander.

Perfect family

They both don't like to talk about love. They achieved the main thing in their family - harmony. The once loving Yarmolnik became an exemplary family man. He dearly loves his straightforward Ksenia. He always speaks of her with undisguised tenderness and respect.

He also became a very caring father and a completely crazy grandfather for his grandson, little Petya.

Leonid Yarmolnik with his grandson Petya

Oksana herself admits that only such a person as Leonid Yarmolnik could become her husband. They do not make their lives public, preferring to solve all problems within the family. They had a period of a long showdown, when they were on the verge of a divorce. Oksana even wanted to leave.

But looking at the situation from the outside, I realized: she has no right to deprive her daughter of such a wonderful father. He has no right to ruin the happiness of his daughter Alexandra, who loves dad immensely. Leonid also decided to moderate his emotionality in order to save his beloved wife and daughter.

They had the strength to start life from scratch and never regretted it. Although once Oksana and Leonid nevertheless divorced, but only in order to decide housing problem. But the second marriage in 1998 was then celebrated very widely.

Leonid and Oksana Yarmolnik

In the Yarmolnik family driving force and the motor is, of course, Oksana. But she has enough female wisdom to turn everything in such a way that Leonid considers her every idea to be his own. In her own words, the highest female talent is to make a man feel absolutely free.

They have their own recipe for happiness in the family

Perhaps they are happy because each managed to preserve his own personality in marriage, without dissolving into his beloved. Each of them is busy doing what they love. Leonid says that his wife understands his profession much better than he does in what his wife does.

Oksana is a well-known costume designer in the capital, a successful designer. She also owns her own studio, where she sews her author's soft toys.

Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva: a boring marriage that turned a womanizer into an exemplary family man.

They never tried to prove who was the boss in the family. They just go together hand in hand. When Oksana fell ill, her husband admitted that he would have endured his own pain more easily. This seems to be true love.

4/7/15 05:48pm

Ksenia Yarmolnik thanks for the truth!!
He really can't write, his top is cut out of "Spark" pictures!

The wife of actor Leonid Yarmolnik Oksana in an interview with SNC spoke about her relationship with her famous husband and secular representatives of Moscow. To the question of Ksenia Sobchak, whom Oksana does not like in Moscow, the theater costume designer, without batting an eyelid, named Nikas Safronov.
The woman developed a hatred for the walker when he came to her event without an invitation.

“Safronov figures out where everything is happening, appears, gives interviews about how wonderful he is, how he helps everyone. At the same time, it does nothing. At auctions, he raises the lot to the limit, and then is washed off without redeeming. We carried out the action "Dolls from a Star" in the "Metropol", the money was collected for specific children. Nikas showed up in sweatpants—from the bathhouse, I was told. I was shocked. I observe: he does the same. Raises the last lot to fifteen thousand dollars, the person who was ready to buy the doll no longer bargains. I ask the organizers: "Did you give the money?" - “He said that he was from the bathhouse, there was no money. Bring it tomorrow." The next day, his secretary calls. I say: “Oh, how good! You probably wanted to bring money? - "No, there Nikas wanted to convey something to you." I got angry: “You know what, tell Nikas, if this bastard doesn’t give back the money again, I’ll call a press conference, I’ll arrange this! I'll kill this goat with my own hands! He stole! He killed a child! He stole a child's life! This money was already there, he stole it, you bastard!” My husband told me: “Are you crazy? Why are you doing this to him?" - "Lenya, I told him that he was a condom!". Lenya, he told me that Nikas would kill me and do the right thing. Oksana never received any money from Safronov, and the artist himself hurried to send his album to the famous couple with a request to paint a portrait of Yarmolnik. “I open the album, and it says: “I know that Oksana has a bad attitude towards my work. I hope she sees the album and changes her perception of me as an artist." I write the answer: “I looked at the album. The opinion has not changed. The artist is shit! I do not care! Let him know that he is a shit artist! And a liar. He stole other people's work, signed with his own name and sold it.

In Moscow, Gostiny Dvor ended the 13th Fashion Week, where 43 leading domestic and foreign couturiers presented their models.

Compared to last year, our fashion has moved further along the path of commercialization. Most of the collections are made in the spirit of Western design (Nina Donis, Alena Akhmadullina, Victoria Andrianova), and only Slava Zaitsev and Oksana Yarmolnik showed romantic collections that can be assessed as collections for the soul.

Zaitsev looked back at the Soviet 40-60s, when after the war women suddenly began to look for ways to please. Oksana Yarmolnik showed the collection "Sensations" made of linen in the spirit of minimalism. These are clothes for women whose pronounced sexuality does not repel men.

theater artist

It was not by chance that a powerful support group came to her shows in the person of Oleg Yankovsky with his wife, Leonid Yarmolnik, Igor Vernik: after all, Oksana is a theater artist. She has been working in the theater since 1984. She has more than 80 performances at the Snuffbox, at the Moscow Art Theater, at Sovremennik, at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Each of her items is handmade and exists in one copy.

I have two collections, - says Oksana, - one in the showroom - for children, the other is shown on the podium - this is a collection women's clothing"Spring - Summer 2005". She has no commercial prospects, but in fact, I am not very interested in the fashion industry, although I graduated from the textile institute. I am realized in another - as a theater costume designer. Finally, I'm working on interiors. (Oksana created fashionable forged screens, three-leaf, with rust effects).

- Did you work in the cinema?

I tried to work in the cinema and I don’t do it anymore. The costume designer is interested in art cinema, where the costume is an integral part artwork. And just dressing someone is boring and uninteresting. The theater fully satisfies all my creative ambitions.

The artistic director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Lev Durov, said that you are a very strict artist, extremely demanding, and he is even afraid of you.

I am pleased to work with him, he does not interfere in my work, and this creates co-authorship.

- Do you have any favorite actors?

I love working with Marina Zudina, because she has a great sense of the image. For her, a stage costume is primarily a costume for a character.

Femme fatale

Oksana Yarmolnik became a fatal woman for Vladimir Vysotsky. Vysotsky met her two years before his death.

Oksana and Vysotsky, as described more than once, ran into the administrator of the Taganka Theater. "Listen," she said to her friend, "something I don't want to meet with him." And she: "What are you?! Yes, all the women Soviet Union they just dream of being in your place!" She mentally imagined countless of these women - and went on a date.

They met like two relatives: “I think he also had something to discuss with me. Now young people are not interested in anything except money. And our generation was completely different, we knew a lot, although there were no computers, we read a lot, including and banned books, went to underground performances and concerts. Nobody thought about money. It was a time of romance, alas, gradually disappearing from our lives ... "

Wherever he appeared: in the company of friends or in a huge hall at a concert, he easily subordinated everyone to his charm.

Marina Vladi was far away, Oksana perceived her as his relative, her existence did not affect their relationship in any way.

Oksana heard the most important words in her life only a year after meeting Vysotsky. It happened in Bukhara. They lived in a hotel. Vysotsky suddenly came clinical death. He was miraculously saved. Helped by a local doctor. He made injections into the subclavian artery. When Vysotsky regained consciousness, the first thing he said was: "I love you." Vysotsky never threw such words.

Oksana was with him on that fateful night when Vladimir Semenovich died. This was in 1980. The company got together. Photographer V. Nisanov recalled: "... They drank until 2 am. Then Ksyusha (Oksana Yarmolnik), doctor Tolya Fedotov and Seva Abdulov went to his apartment. Ksyusha remained in the apartment with Vysotsky. At 4.30 in the morning it became known that Volodya had died. .. When the doctor approached Vysotsky, he was cold."

She left his apartment immediately after the funeral. Not that some personal things - I didn’t even take the documents. “We were naive and believed that since the church was separated from the Soviet state, we could easily get married even without stamps in our passports... Volodya found one priest who fell under his charm and agreed to marry us. But it didn’t work out...”

He lived on the sidelines. "One role of Hamlet is already a small death"...

Another life

Two years after Vysotsky's death, she married Leonid Yarmolnik and gave birth to a daughter, Sasha.

- With Yarmolnik, a completely different life began for you ...

Yes. We also met Lenya at the Taganka Theater. Then we met by chance...

Yarmolnik worked at the Taganka Theater for 7 years. He did not have star roles, but he had urgent inputs instead of Vysotsky. In 1983 he left the theatre.

Your husband played in V. Todorovsky's film "My half-brother Frankenstein", the premiere of which was a great success. How would you rate his work?

Complex issue. Now everyone is interested in commercial cinema, and Lenya became the producer of this picture. Mass audience success, like the "Night Watch", this work will never be. This picture is very deep. Those who saw it, after viewing it, are in a state of some kind of depression. What, as it seems to us, is happening somewhere on the side, may suddenly touch you too ...

On the 50th anniversary of Yarmolnik, Oksana gave her husband a surprise. Leonid opened the garage, and instead of his Mercedes, there is a Pobeda 1954 - the year in which Lenya was born.

Leonid Yarmolnik is an actor who, in addition to high professionalism, is also valued among colleagues by his pure human qualities. He knows how to be truly kind, honest and true friend. Leonid proved this more than once, showing effective care for close people, colleagues and acquaintances. His creative career was not easy and the actor gained fame before he played his most interesting roles in the cinema, humorous sketches on TV, for example, the image of a "chicken tobacco" Leonid Yarmolnik's wife, theater artist Oksana Afanasyeva, knows how to appreciate her husband for all his virtues, together with shortcomings and weaknesses.

The story of their love was unusual and even somewhere tragic. Yarmolnik, who knows how to please women due to his special charm, has always been a success with them. He had several serious hobbies and even one marriage before meeting with Oksana. In the early 80s, they met at the Taganka Theater. Oksana was exactly that last girl Vladimir Vysotsky, which was whispered so much on the sidelines. They were in touch with the great bard of our time for the last 2 years of his life. According to some rumors, Vysotsky suggested that Oksana terminate her marriage to Marina Vladi and get married, but she didn’t care: an 18-year-old girl needed not a stamp in her passport, but love.

Two whole years have passed since the death of Vladimir and Oksana and Leonid met again. Later, she recalled that she was touched by the way Yarmolnik played the roles that he inherited after a person close to her: the way Vysotsky himself would have played them. Leonid and Afanasyeva got married in 1982, and in 1983 their daughter Alexandra was born. Oksana, who loved her child, nevertheless, a year later went to serve in the theater. Even now, she is not too eager to create clothes for the cinema, considering this the work of a “cloakroom attendant”. Theatrical costume is created on long years and is part of the creative process.

Later, Oksana opened a private studio for the release of soft toys handmade and her author's items are well-deserved popularity among connoisseurs. She often uses her toy "masterpieces" for charity trade and gifts for sick children. In addition, the artist is actively involved in the design of furniture, home decorations and much more. The matured daughter followed in the footsteps of her mother. She is a glass artist and successfully creates sculptures from this fragile material. In January 2014, Alexandra made her parents grandparents, giving them a grandson, Peter.

Speaking about his other half, Yarmolnik still expresses his delight and joy that she once became his wife: “I can’t live without her! We can send each other 30 times a day, we can quarrel. It has nothing to do with love." The idea that the wife of Leonid Yarmolnik shares these convictions suggests itself. They have been together for almost 35 years and are still interested in each other, live together, participate in common projects and know each other as themselves.

Leonid and Oksana Yarmolnik.

Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva have been together for 35 years. Two characters, two solid personalities, two leaders did not find each other immediately. The meeting with Oksana turned Leonid from a fickle conqueror of women's hearts into an exemplary family man. She was the last love of the great Vladimir Vysotsky. Yarmolnik became her husband, friend, lover and father of their only daughter.

Oksana Afanasyeva: life before Leonid

Oksana Afanasyeva.

She had a difficult childhood, this strong girl. She was only six years old when her mother died. Oksana remembers very well her childhood and the pain of the loss she experienced. The little girl stayed with her father, a fairly popular writer at that time. Companies often gathered in the house, where alcohol flowed like a river. She studied at the most prestigious French school, and at home she saw her father every day drunk, who, in a state of intoxication, was often aggressive. And he was still trying to find the perfect stepmother for his daughter, not realizing that his early grown-up Oksana did not need any replacements for her beloved mother.

Perfect family.

They both don't like to talk about love. They achieved the main thing in their family - harmony. The once loving Yarmolnik became an exemplary family man. He dearly loves his straightforward Ksenia. He always speaks of her with undisguised tenderness and respect. He also became a very caring father and a completely crazy grandfather for his grandson, little Petya.

Leonid Yarmolnik with his grandson Petya.

Oksana herself admits that only such a person as Leonid Yarmolnik could become her husband. They do not make their lives public, preferring to solve all problems within the family. They had a period of a long showdown, when they were on the verge of a divorce. Oksana even wanted to leave. But looking at the situation from the outside, I realized: she has no right to deprive her daughter of such a wonderful father. He has no right to ruin the happiness of his daughter Alexandra, who loves dad immensely. Leonid also decided to moderate his emotionality in order to save his beloved wife and daughter. They had the strength to start life from scratch and never regretted it. Although once Oksana and Leonid nevertheless divorced, but only in order to solve the housing problem. But the second marriage in 1998 was then celebrated very widely.

Leonid and Oksana Yarmolnik.

In the Yarmolnik family, Oksana is undoubtedly the driving force and motor. But she has enough female wisdom to turn everything in such a way that Leonid considers her every idea to be his own. In her own words, the highest female talent is to make a man feel absolutely free.

They have their own recipe for happiness in the family.

Perhaps they are happy because everyone has managed to preserve their own personality without dissolving into their beloved. Each of them is busy doing what they love. Leonid says that his wife understands his profession much better than he does in what his wife does. Oksana is a well-known costume designer in the capital, a successful designer. She also owns her own studio, where she sews her author's soft toys.

Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva: a boring marriage that turned a womanizer into an exemplary family man.

They never tried to prove who was the boss in the family. They just go together hand in hand. When Oksana fell ill, her husband admitted that he would have endured his own pain more easily. This seems to be true love.

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