The relatives of Dmitry Hvorostovsky refused to erect a monument to the artist on the main square of Krasnoyarsk. Died Dmitry Hvorostovsky - state of health in recent days, testament, latest news How does the singer Hvorostovsky feel

Dmitry Hvorostovsky - opera singer, People's Artist of Russia. Today, people follow not only his work, but also the latest health news, because the singer is seriously ill. During his creative activity, he achieved a lot - he won the international competition of opera singers, began to help young performers, won the love of opera music fans. He would have reached even greater heights if it were not for the disease, which began to take a lot of his time and effort. The latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky today is not very comforting, which makes his fans worry.

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Photo: Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Serious illness

The first information about the illness of Dmitry Hvorostovsky appeared in 2015, and today his health has deteriorated significantly. The first news was published on its official website. The artist immediately mentioned that he was not going to give up and believes that he will be able to cope with a serious illness.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky decided not to hide the terrible diagnosis for the reason that, due to poor health, he could not tour and give concerts. And the schedule was scheduled for several months in advance. In order not to mislead fans, the artist told them everything as it is.

The site said that the singer underwent a detailed medical examination, passed the necessary tests. The disease did not affect the artist's vocal abilities, but led to the appearance of constant dizziness.

The official diagnosis of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is a malignant brain tumor. At the time of the examination, the cancer had progressed and had reached stage 3. This diagnosis was made in one of the London clinics. The singer was examined in England, since it is here that he has been living with his family for the past few years. Immediately after the announcement of the diagnosis, Dmitry underwent a course of chemical irradiation and several radiology procedures.

The first stage of treatment was successful. The singer began to restore concert activity, began to travel with concerts around the world. Despite all the hardships, Dmitry is optimistic. He is supported by his wife and children, as well as friends from Russia, England and other countries of the world, where he is well known and loved.

In the photo Dmitry Hvorostovsky with his family

By the end of September 2015 Dmitry fully returned to the stage. In an interview with one of the publications, he admitted that during treatment he did not go to church and did not turn to God, because he does not believe in the other world and in life after death.

The song helps him tune in to the positive, gives him faith that the disease will recede forever.

Misfortune never comes alone

A brain tumor is not the only disease that prevents Dmitry Hvorostovsky from living in peace. At the end of 2016, he suffered from pneumonia, as a result of which he was hospitalized in a clinic. For this reason, his concert in St. Petersburg was cancelled. At the end of May 2018, the singer injured his shoulder. He did not cancel the speech. The injury did not prevent him from performing well in the concert hall.

Latest news about the health of the eminent baritone

In early July 2018, the baritone's wife Florence posted several family photos in which her husband was wearing glasses. These photos and the latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky made fans worried.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky with his wife

Due to oncology, the singer began to lose his sight, so the doctors prescribed glasses for him. Subscribers Florence noticed that her husband in the pictures looks tired, but still smiling. Hvorostovsky's wife supplemented each post with warm words.

The love of his wife, children and fans is the only thing that saves the artist from depression and helps set him up for a positive outcome. And in light of the latest health news for today, Dmitri Hvorostovsky will need it throughout 2018.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky

On September 6, 2018, one more latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky became known today. The media reported that the famous singer got worse. Treatment of the tumor did not improve, but worsened Dmitry's condition. A common cold can be fatal. The artist does not lose hope and is still positive. He did not cancel concerts and performances, although his health leaves much to be desired.

Boris Kholodov about the illness of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The famous baritone has been fighting the disease for 2 years now. He gets better, then worse (as evidenced by the latest news on the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky 2018 for today). What predictions do doctors give? Is it possible to get rid of a malignant tumor in the brain once and for all? These questions concern fans of Dmitry Hvorostovsky for a reason, because a few years ago, the people's favorite Zhanna Friske died of the same disease. The singer was treated for a long time, but this did not bring the long-awaited cure.

No doctor can tell how cancer will develop and respond to treatment. The cure depends not only on the experience of the doctor and the quality of the medicines, but also on the individual characteristics of the body. Neuro-oncologist Boris Kholodov tried to answer numerous questions from fans of Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

Question #1. How dangerous is a brain tumor today? How can it be detected and treated?

A tumor in the brain can be either benign or malignant. A benign tumor can only be called conditionally, because it can also affect important nerves in the brain, which will worsen the general condition of the body.

A brain tumor

Dmitry Hvorostovskaya has a malignant brain tumor. It not only worsens the condition of the body, but also poses a threat to life, as evidenced by the latest news about his health today. There are different types of malignant tumors. The most dangerous ones develop rapidly and do not make themselves felt in the initial stages. The famous baritone lost coordination of movements, and his eyesight fell.

This suggests that the tumor is located in the back of the head, or in the central part and touched important nerves. This aggravates the situation. Treatment should be complex and long. Dmitry asked for help when the oncology had already reached stage 3, which aggravated the course of the disease.

Question number 2. Was it possible to recognize the tumor at the initial stage?

Formations in the brain at the initial stage of development almost do not manifest themselves. Changes cannot be noticed even if a person regularly takes tests. The only method to detect changes in the brain is MRI. It is usually prescribed after a person has gone to the doctor with health complaints. It turns out a vicious circle. If a person complains of a lack of coordination and severe pain in the head, this indicates that the disease has developed seriously.

A neurologist may suspect serious brain diseases after the first diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to contact the clinic, even if you are concerned about minor health problems. In many cases, this saves lives.

In Dmitry Hvorostovsky, the disease manifested itself in the last stages, so it was not so easy to cure it. The latest news about his health today is not comforting ...

Question number 3. What could have caused the disease?

The tendency to form malignant tumors in some people is genetic. But the predisposition still does not say anything. There are also “harmful factors” that contribute to the development of oncology:

  • contaminated air;
  • the use of low-quality drinking water;
  • transmitted viral infections.

All this does not cause cancer, but reduces the protective functions of the body. As a result, the cells become malignant.

Question #4. Could brain cancer have been caused by stress?

There is no direct relationship between emotional stress and the occurrence of oncology.

Question number 5. Is there a connection between the illness of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Hvorostovsky?

These two famous people, both are associated with concert activities ...

No, there is no connection. The fact that 2 famous people fell ill with similar diseases does not mean anything. It is unlikely that public activity can be considered the cause of a terrible disease.

Question #6. Is it possible to cure oncology in Russia?

Yes, there are enough qualified specialists in our country. Modern clinics and medical centers are equipped with the necessary equipment, so it is possible to diagnose and treat malignant tumors in Russia. Dmitry Hvorostovsky is undergoing treatment in London. But this, rather, is due to the fact that he has been living in this city for several years.

Russia supports Hvorostovsky

Today, the opera singer lives in England, but in his homeland he is still loved and respected. Immediately after the news of his illness, Russian stars expressed words of support in his direction. The baritone Phillip Kirkorov and Anna Netrebko were the first to support. The latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky today is reported to the public by a close friend Igor Krutoy. In his last interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, he called on people to pray for the life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who is fighting an unequal struggle with a serious illness.

Russian oncologists said they were ready to treat Dmitry Hvorostovsky in Russia. They have everything necessary for this. Today, the qualifications of domestic neurosurgeons make it possible to achieve good results in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky: photo 2018

Where do roots grow from?

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born and raised in Krasnoyarsk. In this city, cancer rates are on the rise. Experts attribute this phenomenon to nuclear burial sites located in one of the satellite towns. Radioactive waste was brought here from all over the world. Local residents could not influence this in any way, because officials showed them papers with official permission.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky's aunt, Nadezhda Stepanovna, lived in Krasnoyarsk all her life. In 1996, she died of bone marrow cancer. This is a wake-up call, because cancer can be genetically determined. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the baritone also lived in a polluted city.

Nadezhda Stepanovna endured the disease very hard. She was in severe pain. In the last months of her life, she did not get out of bed, could not straighten up. The spine was deformed, due to which the woman's height decreased by 15 cm. 20 years ago, doctors had less ability than they do now. Perhaps today Nadezhda Stepanovna could be cured.

Until now, doctors have not come to a consensus on whether oncology is associated with heredity and negative environmental factors. The reason for the occurrence of a cancerous tumor in Hvorostovsky's brain may lie in a completely different way. Yes, and should I look for it? The main thing is that the baritone cope with cancer and continue to delight the audience with his work.

Today it became about the death of the famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky. The artist died at the age of 55 after a long battle with brain cancer.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky learned about the terrible diagnosis in 2015. Then he decided not to hide the truth from fans and the public.

“Due to a progressive illness, I canceled one event, the second, the third, I didn’t want any rumors to spread, empty speculation began, and I stated everything as it is. It was a completely logical step on my part, ”the artist explained in an interview.

At the same time, Hvorostovsky noted that the disease did not come as a surprise to him:

“Apparently, I approached her. For a long time I could not get rid of a pessimistic mood, a black perception of the world appeared, a feeling of apathy and fatigue. I stopped getting pleasure from work, I was very tired, indifferent to what was happening around. Perhaps the reason was the physical condition, but for the time being I did not understand this.

Doctors told the eminent patient: “Most likely, you will not die,” and prescribed him grueling courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

“In the Rochester clinic in the USA, I had a powerful biopsy, an operation under general anesthesia, without which it was impossible to understand which treatment method to choose. Holes were drilled at the base of the skull. If you bring your hand to the area that has been irradiated, even additional heat can be felt. There are moments when the blood rushes, and everything there begins to pulsate. Unless the music is playing. This is the result of radiation…” Hvorostovsky shared.

After six weeks of irradiation, the artist was partially bald, "the hair on the back of his head fell off." The treatment hit hard on the body. Relatives helped Dmitry to cope with difficulties.

“In chemotherapy, the main problem is the duration of the course. It is necessary to tune in for at least six months of systematic treatment. Grit your teeth and endure. The support of my wife was very helpful. Without Florence, dealing with the situation would have been much more difficult. Flo never allowed herself to doubt that a different outcome is possible, except for the victory over the disease, ”said Hvorostovsky in an interview.

But the artist himself stubbornly fought for his life:

“I forced myself to go to the gym almost every day, although at that moment all sorts of complications began, the sciatic nerve became inflamed, I could hardly move, get up, sit down, walk ...”

There were periods when the artist felt better. So, this summer Hvorostovsky performed in his native Krasnoyarsk. The audience gave him deafening applause, but the singer did not find the strength to sing an encore. He burst into tears right on stage, and the audience cried with him.

“I thank you all for such an award, for respect. My performances make me move on, move forward, ”Hvorostovsky expressed gratitude to the public after the performance, which became his last.

Dmitry until the end kept faith in a successful outcome: “I have a healthy body, and this should help to cope with the disease. Will definitely help. I know. Now it will only get better."

However, the artist's condition deteriorated markedly. He lost his most valuable asset - his voice. According to media reports, Dmitry could only speak in a whisper, and later allegedly became completely dumb.

His friends and colleagues spoke about the last days of Hvorostovsky and the bitterness of loss.

“I managed to say goodbye to Dmitry last night at 21:00. And today, early in the morning, his wife Florence called me and said that Dima died a minute ago, - said conductor Konstantin Orbelyan. – It was at 3:30 at night. He died in a hospital in London. Unfortunately, the fight for his life ended today.

I cannot say that in the last minutes he was conscious. His parents arrived yesterday morning. They saw each other. We even managed to talk as much as possible. And they also said goodbye to him, although until the last minute no one believed that Dima would leave. We all hoped for a miracle."

“This is a huge injustice - he left four children. He died very hard and courageously. He was a man with a capital H, a great talent. This is the first Russian singer who has gained such worldwide fame,” said composer Igor Krutoy.

Before his death, Dmitry Hvorostovsky made a will, in which he asked to bury part of his ashes in Moscow, and part - in his small homeland, in Krasnoyarsk.

The relatives of Dmitry Hvorostovsky refused to install a monument to the artist on the main square of Krasnoyarsk. This was reported to Komsomolskaya Pravda-Krasnoyarsk in the press service of the regional government.

The day before, on January 19, in Krasnoyarsk they decided how the memory of the world-famous opera artist would be immortalized in his homeland - in our city.

Recall, Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away at the end of November last year after a two year battle with cancer. The artist himself bequeathed during his lifetime: to cremate his body, to bury part of the ashes in Moscow, part - in Krasnoyarsk. In early December, the capsule with the ashes of the artist was delivered to his native land. After that, the interim Governor of the region Alexander Uss instructed responsible specialists to create a working group, which will have to decide how the memory of Dmitry Hvorostovsky will be immortalized in Krasnoyarsk, and where the capsule with his ashes will be buried.

At a meeting of the working group, it was decided that memorial plaques would be installed on the building of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 1, where the future artist studied, and on the house in which he lived when he was little. Children's Music School No. 4, the Institute of Arts and the Opera and Ballet Theater will be named after the singer. At school, he began to study music, continued his studies at the institute after college, and served in the theater after receiving a diploma.

In addition, a special scholarship named after Dmitry Hvorostovsky will be created in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which will be received by students of music schools, colleges and universities, especially talented in the field of music.

We also recall that immediately after the capsule with the ashes of the artist was delivered to Krasnoyarsk, it became known that a memorial would appear in the regional center in memory of the famous fellow countryman. And for almost two months it was decided where the memorial would be installed. The final decision was up to the artist's family. They were offered an option: Theater Square - the square near the Opera and Ballet Theater, in which Dmitry Alexandrovich began his career. Relatives of the artist did not agree with this decision.

We gathered at a family council, there were both London and Moscow relatives, discussed the proposal to erect a monument on Theater Square and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to find another place. I was authorized to drive around the city. I looked at several options, presented them to the family council. Everyone was satisfied with the option of placing a memorial object on the lower platform of the Institute of Arts, - commented a representative of the singer's family, Alexei Zarkhin.

In the near future in Krasnoyarsk will announce a competition for projects of a memorial in memory of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Within three months, the competition commission will have to accept works from the authors and choose the best one, in their opinion. Then, it will take two months to make the monument, and some more time to install it. That is, most likely, by mid-summer, the memorial to our famous countryman will be ready. There is also talk that the capsule with the ashes of the artist will be buried there.


The daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky cried for a long time next to the urn with the ashes of her father

At the grave of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are his friends with a large photograph - a happy, smiling artist, carefree, healthy. That is how we will remember him. On Tuesday, at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow, the great singer found his last refuge. This was his last will - to lie here, next to those who are the pride of our country. ()

Dmitry Hvorostovsky managed to say goodbye to his parents before his death

A friend of the artist, conductor Konstantin Orbelyan, told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the last minutes of the life of an opera singer

The tragic news about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was confirmed to us by a friend, like-minded person and colleague of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, conductor Konstantin Orbelyan.

They have been working together for twenty years. We held hundreds of concerts, dozens of projects, recorded 23 CDs, many TV shows. It's been a lifetime in music.


Dmitry Hvorostovsky: “Before the illness, I seemed to feel that I should get sick”

The singer said that even before he heard the diagnosis, he had apathy, a very black perception of the world, there was neither joy nor enjoyment of work.

I was very tired, pessimistic. I didn't like living anymore. I felt it psychologically. Naturally, when you start to fight, you perceive life differently and you already want to survive. And the incredible love of the public inspired me ()

The loss, the news of which spread around the world. Dmitri Hvorostovsky passed away this night. He was only 55 years old. It's always sad when people leave so early. Hvorostovsky was a special person. Even after learning that he was seriously ill, the singer did not live for himself. He's so used to it. He performed as much as he could. Helped the children. Talent, soul and energy to the artist was measured much more than time.

He so wanted to sing right here - in his native Krasnoyarsk! Then Dmitry Hvorostovsky did not yet know that this was his last concert. But confessing his love to faithful viewers, he felt that he was saying goodbye to them. Despite the wild pain and fatigue, he gave his fellow countrymen all of himself. Until the last note.

“I had to return. I returned to you because I love you, because this is my hometown, ”the artist addressed the audience.

He spent only a few years in his native city after graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. Already at the age of 27, the stately and charismatic Hvorostovsky was sent to the competition of opera singers in British Cardiff, it is also called the "Olympiad of Musicians". The Soviet Union took part in it for the first time. And immediately - a resounding success. Hvorostovsky was recognized as the best singer in the world. And since then, he has been torn between the main opera stages - Covent Garden, La Scala, the Metropolitan.

The main baritone parts became associated with his powerful voice. Georges Germont in La Traviata, Rodrigo in the opera Don Carlos, Don Giovanni, Eugene Onegin. But since the age of 20, he himself dreamed of playing the clumsy and limping jester Rigoletto in the opera Verdi.

And, of course, Hvorostovsky's calling card is the role of Count di Luna in the opera Il trovatore. His favourite. But also the most difficult to implement. After her, foreign critics awarded the singer another title - the most refined baritone.

And for his partners, he has always been just the king of the stage. But not because he was powerful, but because next to him, even at a rehearsal, world stars felt like queens - Anna Netrebko, Angela Georgiou, Rene Fleming, Lara Fabian - today they are mourning their beloved colleague.

“We will no longer be able to hug you and see your beautiful face, but your voice will forever remain in our hearts,” said opera singer Lara Fabian.

“I am devastated. It is heavy on the heart because of the loss of a wonderful friend. His beautiful soul left too soon! Now his voice shines for the angels in heaven,” writes Angela Georgiou.

“I am heartbroken that my beloved friend and colleague has passed away. The world has lost a great artist,” says Rene Fleming.

As soon as he had a free week, he rushed to Russia. To the Mariinsky or the cozy hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Here he often performed songs to the music of Georgy Sviridov. The composer treated Hvorostovsky like a grandson, and always repeated that only one singer could perform his works so piercingly.

Success loved him, and failure seemed to bypass him. Hvorostovsky looked absolutely confident and happy from the outside. But alone with himself, he was tormented by a terrible presentiment.

“Before my illness, I seemed to feel that I should get sick: I developed apathy, a very black perception of the world - no perception, no joy, no enjoyment of my work. I was very tired, pessimistic, and as if I didn’t like to live already, ”said Dmitry Hvorostovsky, People’s Artist of Russia.

These thoughts seemed to be dictated by the tumor itself, which had already settled in his head. But it was completely impossible to believe in the doctors' diagnosis made two years ago. So young, always smiling and charming, he was now battling brain cancer. Three months of painful radiation therapy, but his main medicine - the stage - was banned.

“And then I don’t remember what I said. He said that, in principle, I achieved everything in my life, I did everything - I planted trees, I raised children, I had a wonderful career. What else? Yes, you go! This is what it was. And then everything went away. I can not. I have no right. You must not live for yourself. As always. Not for myself,” said Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

When the doctors allowed him to sing again, he arranged a charity concert in Ufa together with Rusfond to raise money for the treatment of sick children. Patients, including those with cancer. During the intermission, I wanted to cheer up everyone, because he, like no one else, knew what this daily struggle with the disease was worth.

“They are seriously ill here. We need very active, serious help - we need to help, we need to forget about everything. All ambitions. This is the most important thing that we have - our children, ”the singer emphasized.

The father of four children, he never showed that he was in pain. Planned all new concerts. Rehearsed to the last. And I was afraid to slow down. So that fans will remember him like this - with irrepressible energy and this wide smile!

"What are you most afraid of?" - asked Dmitry Hvorostovsky in an interview with TV journalist Vladimir Pozner.

“The only thing I'm afraid of is that life will fly by quickly, that's all. Because I feel its speed more and more, especially with my life speed,” the great singer replied.

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