Accurate speedtest. Low Internet speed over WiFi: what to do? How to increase internet speed

Check the speed of Wi-Fi in a smartphone - not so difficult task for any owner of a mobile device. There are several applications for a variety of operating systems that allow you to test not only speed WiFi connections, but also the speed mobile internet. Today we want to introduce you to one of the most reliable and reliable applications for measuring Wi-Fi speed - Speed ​​Test.

Speedtest- an easy way to check your wifi speed

Find "SpeedTest" in Google Play store or on the official website of the application. Do not download applications from third-party sites to avoid viruses infecting the operating system. This application uses your location to determine the speed of Wi-Fi to test the server that provides you with Internet. If this feature is disabled on your smartphone, or you have denied SpeedTest access to it, the application will try to use your local IP address to measure speed. This method will be less accurate.

Step 2Turn on automatic location

That is why, in order to check the Wi-Fi speed in your smartphone with maximum accuracy, turn on the definition of your location. For example, in Android smartphones, to do this, go to the settings section, select the "Location Services" item and enable the "Use Wi-Fi data for location determination" item.

Step 3: Run a speed test

After the above manipulations, open the application and start the test by clicking on the "Start test" button. On the smartphone screen, you will see a measurement of ping speed, incoming and outgoing speed. After measurements are taken, the data will be displayed at the top of the display. At the bottom there will be a button that starts a new test. To see more detailed information, select the Results tab at the bottom of the screen. It will show you all the results of tests carried out by the application before, which you can use for comparison.

Step 4Measuring Mobile Internet Speed

To check the real speed of the Internet connection, all you need to do is turn off Wi-Fi and turn on the connection using your mobile operator. After that, you just need to turn on the test again. Thus, you can check whether your operator delivers the promised speed. Perhaps the quality of the services provided is not so high and it's time to think about how to change it?

Deciphering the results

So, we figured out how to check the speed of Wi-Fi in a smartphone. Let's see what these numbers mean.

ping- this is the time it takes to receive a response from the server after you have sent a request. Naturally, the smaller it is, the better for the connection.

Incoming speed shows how fast you receive data on your mobile device. Most operators call this speed higher than it really is, because they call the maximum possible speed.

Outgoing speed is responsible for uploading information from a smartphone to the server. If you are going to send e-mail large files or are going to use video calls, then it should be at least 3-5 Mbps.

Now you know how to check the Wi-Fi speed in your smartphone and your opinion is important to us about how often you use the Internet from your smartphone and how important a high connection speed is to you.

Understanding how to check the speed of the Internet can be extremely necessary. The reason is the slow loading of sites or the desire to make sure that the data declared by the provider corresponds to the real indicators. The following methods for determining the data transfer rate will help users to cope with the task.

Before you start checking the speed of the Internet, you need to familiarize yourself with a few preparatory stages to make the procedure easier to understand.

Terms used

Working with various services and programs, the user comes across words whose meaning may be unknown or incomprehensible. Some of them will be discussed below:

Device preparation

The device from which the Internet speed test will be carried out requires a little preliminary preparation. It should be borne in mind that the speed when connecting from modems and routers (routers) is much lower than a home (cable) connection. What need to do:

  1. Connect to the network from the device on which the scan will be carried out. If other equipment is connected to the signal source, first disconnect them from the network.
  2. Close programs that can affect the result: a torrent client or a browser with open tabs, others.
  3. When checking through online resources, disable extensions in the browser, including the ad blocker.

Speed ​​measurement is also available with wi-fi, but the information may not be accurate.

Built-in tools

This method is quite simple and available for checking the Internet speed on Windows computer 7 or Windows 10, while the procedure itself does not depend on the OS - the operating system. Execute as follows:

  • Open the "Network and Sharing Center" by left-clicking on the network icon in the taskbar.

  • Find an active Internet connection among the available ones and click on it.
  • The window that appears will contain the properties of the Internet connection, allowing you to see the approximate speed.

This method is seriously inaccurate. It helps to know top speed Internet, however, can give exaggerated data. Often there are cases when, at a speed of 1 Mb / s or less, values ​​\u200b\u200bof 15 or more Mb / s are shown.

Checking with online services

An easy option for finding out and checking the speed of the Internet on a computer is sites specially designed for this. With their help, the speed of wi-fi and any other connection is measured. The best ones will be discussed below.

Before starting any check, it is necessary to clarify the speed indicators officially provided by the provider. Knowing these data, it will become clear how the declared values ​​correspond to reality.

"Speedtest" is one of the popular services for checking and testing the speed of the Internet, which is quite simple to use for this.

  1. Go to the official website of the service.
  2. Click on the "Begin test" button.
  3. After that, the service will determine the necessary indicators. First, the ping will be shown, then the incoming and outgoing speeds.

A simpler service for measuring Internet speed, created in Russia, is When visiting the site, some indicators are automatically determined, including the user's location and provider. To find out necessary information, scroll down the page and click on the "Start testing" button. Based on the results, the necessary information is provided.

This site is intended for web developers and those who wish to check a certain Internet resource for errors and other parameters. However, it is also possible to measure the speed of the Internet.

For this:

  1. Click on the "Internet speed test" button.
  2. In the window that opens, select "Start internet speed test".
  3. The results display the basic information described in the previous examples.


A service from Yandex, with which it is possible to test the speed of the Internet. To do this, just go to his page and click on the "Measure" button. In addition to the information described above, information about the user is displayed, including provider, IP address, and location.

This service differs from all others in that the user does not need to click on any buttons or search for data among other information. When the site opens, automatic check internet signal. The window shows large numbers with the necessary information.


The resource was created specifically for users of the specified company. To use it, just go to the site and click on the "Start testing" button. The time check will take no more than two minutes.

Other services

Exists a large number of other sites that check the speed indicator online. The sites below are equally effective, recommended for use:


With the help of software

Considering that problems with the Internet signal can be serious, the use of online services sometimes does not work: the site, for example, does not load. In this case, you should pay attention to the individual utilities installed on the PC.

Torrent clients

No matter how surprising it may seem, but with the help of a torrent client it is possible to determine the speed of the Internet on a laptop or PC. During the download process, each torrent will report information about the name, file weight and the amount of traffic processed. To find out how fast a file is transferred - using BitTorrent as an example - left-click on the line with the names of the columns listed above. In the window that appears, check the box next to the "Download" item, if it is not displayed immediately, and view the resulting values.

Special utilities

In addition to online services, there are also PC programs that test the Internet connection. Works with any type of connection: Wi-Fi, router, etc.

One of the few programs with a portable version. It is light weight and takes up little space after installation. For quick access to functions, a utility icon is added to the taskbar. To get accurate information about the incoming (DL) and outgoing (UL) speeds, you need to click on this icon.

There are many others on the web, no less effective programs. The list of the most common includes the following:

  • LAN Speed ​​Test.
  • Speed ​​O Meter.
  • BWMeter.


Using the tools described above, the user learned how to determine the speed of the Internet on a computer, get information about the current Internet connection at home. In order for the information to be accurate, several of the methods listed above must be used.

Hi all! Sometimes it is necessary to check the speed of the Internet. In this article, I'll show you a few ways!

Delay- time to download data. The lower the score, the better.

hesitation How stable is the internet connection. The lower the score, the more stable.

Unloading- the speed of downloading data from your computer.

The fewer programs will use the Internet, the more accurately your speed will be displayed.

You can test speed with my plugin above or…

Check internet speed in SpeedTest— This is the most popular service on the Internet. Over time, it has proven itself and it measures the most accurately of all services. There are of course glitches, like everyone else, but in most cases it shows exactly.

Just click START and the service will automatically find the server closest to you and measure the speed.

If suddenly something does not show exactly, try to select the service manually.

2ip another service that allows you to measure the speed.

Click Test, after which the speed measurement will begin. If the measurements are not accurate, we try to choose another site.

Yandex and one more most exact test from Yandex.

Here we just click to measure the speed.

Internet speed tester

If you do not want to constantly climb services, there is a program that can measure the Internet.

It does not require installation (portable). Therefore, we select the version for the bit depth of the system and run it. We wait further, further and it is ready.

In the tray where the clock will appear a new icon. We wait with the right mouse button and click measure speed.

We are waiting for the start!

The program will show the ping, and the speed of incoming and outgoing.

Only the speed is shown not in MB (Internet connection), but in MB (download speed per second). Therefore, if you need to know the connection speed, then multiply this figure by 8. 11.3 * 8 = 90.4 MB, i.e. right, my connection is 100MB.

Wi-Fi networks have become quite dense in everyday life modern people. If five years ago a wireless router was a curiosity, today such devices are available in almost every apartment. In this regard, the question more and more often arises of how to measure the speed of a Wi-Fi connection.

Communication standards and types of networks

First of all, it is worth noting that there are several standards for this connection:

  • 802.11a.
  • 802.11b.
  • 802.11g.
  • 802.11n.

Depends on the standard maximum speed data transmission. In other words, the router itself limits it.

In addition, networks are divided into two types:

  1. Local.
  2. Global.

The first option is a private group. Its members do not have access to the Internet. The essence of such a network is to combine computers and other devices into one group for the exchange of information. For example, it can be a corporate network that unites several departments: accounting, human resources, and so on, giving them access to a common database. The speed of such networks depends only on the characteristics of the equipment (router and network adapters) that is used.

The second option is networks with Internet access. Here, the access speed depends both on the router and the PC network card, and on the provider. It is worth remembering that real speed Wi-Fi is different from theoretical. Let's look at this point in more detail.

Actual wireless connection speed

So, as you already know, the real data transfer rate over the air is lower than the declared one. Below is a table with actual values:

WiFi Standard

Claimed theoretical speed

Real (actual) speed

As you can see, the data transfer rate over Wi-Fi, even in local networks, differs from that declared by the manufacturer. Even if it is practically not influenced by extraneous factors.

If we talk about global networks, then everything is much more complicated. In addition to the fact that the equipment itself, which is used by users, reduces the speed, the provider can also set some restrictions. In addition, there are several factors that affect access to global network:

  • The quality of materials (wires, switches, and so on).
  • The number of subscribers who are simultaneously connected to the Internet on the same subnet.
  • Multiple access points can also interfere with each other.

All of these factors can negatively affect your Internet connection. wireless communication. Now let's look at how to check the speed of a Wi-Fi connection.

Checking the local connection

If a we are talking about local connections, everything is extremely simple here. You can see all the data in the network information. To do this, click on the connection icon in the system tray (lower right corner of the desktop Windows desktop) with the right mouse button. Select "Network and Sharing Center".

In the window that appears, find the inscription "Connections". Opposite it, you will see the type and name of the network to which the computer is connected in this moment. Click on the inscription "Wireless Network Connection". A window will open in which you will see the speed of the local connection with the router.

There is another way how to perform a connection test. This option involves using the command line. Press the key combination [Start] + [R] on the keyboard, write CMD and press .

Thus, we launched the command line. Now it remains only to register the ping command.

By itself, this command means checking the speed of sending and receiving data packets. But for the command to work, you need to specify where the request will be sent. In our case, you need to write it like this: ping Where is the IP address of the router. Yours may differ. Check this value on the router itself or in the instructions for it.

Then the system will start the test. In order to conduct a Wi-Fi network speed test, the system will send 4 requests. Below you will see information about how many packets were sent, how many packets were lost, and how long it took to complete the operation.

Here you need to understand that the more time was spent, the worse the connection speed.

Normally, ping (the time taken to complete the operation) does not exceed 30 milliseconds.

Ideally - 1-4 milliseconds.

WAN Speed ​​Test

How to find out the speed of a Wi-Fi connection over a global network? It's even easier here. First, you can do the operation in command line, but instead of the IP router, write the address of a site on the Internet. For example, ping or ping In this case, requests will be sent to these sites. But this way you can only find out the ping

Understanding how a router works will help you resolve problems quickly if problems arise. Let's take a closer look at how you can check the router for performance and increase the speed of Wi-Fi.

You can diagnose the device at home

It is recommended, for starters, to try to find Wi-Fi using a tablet or laptop. The fact is that interruptions are possible with software and settings on the technique itself. For normal wireless communication from other sources, you must do the following:

  1. You need to check if Wi-Fi is enabled.
  2. Then set up the wireless connection in the system. To do this, you need to go through Start / Control Panel / Network and Internet or use a special icon on the desktop taskbar. Next, select Network and Sharing Center / Change adapter settings / Enable.

Checking Network Stability

The fact is that the lack of Wi-Fi or its low speed may be due to the poor quality of the provider to which the router is connected. In order to check this, you need to do the following:

  1. Turn off the computer and plug into its Ethernet socket network cable from the router.
  2. After a few minutes, turn on the computer and, within half an hour, using the Internet to visit various sites and watch videos, analyze the stability of its work, as well as its speed. This can be done on your ISP's website or by following the link
  1. Turn off the computer, reconnect to the router. If necessary, connect another network cable from the router to the computer.
  2. Turn on the computer and test the Internet for half an hour.
  3. Compare the results. If the Wi-Fi operation is significantly different from the network operation when connected directly to a computer, the router needs to be reconfigured or repaired.

Reconfiguring the router

Sometimes, in order to restore the functionality of the router and increase the data transfer speed, it is enough to reset its settings. For this you need:

  1. Disconnect all signal cables.
  2. Turn on the router. Find the “Reset” button on the case, press and hold it for 10 to 19 seconds. If you hold the button for more than 20 seconds, the router will switch to emergency mode. A reset will be indicated by flashing, changing the number or order of the LEDs. After that, we release the button and get a router with "default" settings.

To reconfigure a 3COM router

  1. Open a browser installed on a computer or laptop.
  2. To go to the router settings page, enter in the address bar. You will be able to sign in even without an internet connection.
  3. Enter the password and login "admin" / "admin" in the menu that appears. After that, all settings will become basic.

Checking the router driver

The reason for the lack of Internet connection may be:

  • driver failure;
  • lack of driver after reinstallation;
  • outdated driver.

In this case, you need to download the driver from the computer or laptop manufacturer's website. When downloading from less reliable sites, you can download many malware and viruses.

  • click the star on the desktop taskbar and, if necessary, enter your network password;
  • if there is no connection, use the "Troubleshooting" option;
  • if that doesn't work, delete the network connection and then create it.

Checking the Internet with Ping

Ping is a network connectivity test utility. To run it, do the following:

  1. Open the command console - Start - Command Prompt. At the command prompt, type CMD and press Enter.
  2. After the black window appears, enter the command Ping / Network address of the router. After the name, the keys "n" and "t" are indicated. In this case, n, t are, respectively, the necessary and unlimited number of packages. If you select the "t" key, Ping will need to be stopped with the Ctrl + C command.
  3. After clicking OK, the results will appear on the screen. Among which:
  • response time (time) - the speed of receiving / transmitting information. The value should be no more than a few units, but preferably about one;
  • Lost - indicates the number of packets lost. If the value is greater than zero, the router is faulty and should be taken to the service.

If the ping command fails, the router is most likely in recovery mode. To restore it to working capacity, you will need the services of a service center.

Thus, the absence of Wi-Fi does not mean that the problem is only in the router. Perhaps, by understanding the details, you can independently achieve a good speed for your wireless network.

Before you understand how to determine the speed of a WiFi network, you need to decide on the concepts that are used to measure this indicator. Most users have already heard or seen terms such as megabits, megabytes, kilobits, and kilobytes. How do they differ from each other?

It is megabits and kilobits that are used to indicate the speed of the Internet. They characterize values ​​such as the speed of bandwidth, ports, devices, communication channels, and interfaces. The following abbreviations for these units are generally accepted: Kb / s, Kbps, Kb / s, Kbps, Mb / s, Mbps, Mb / s and Mbps.

There are frequent situations when ordinary users mistakenly identify or confuse the units of measurement of Internet speed with indicators of the rate of downloading files from the network. This data is measured in kilobytes and megabytes and is abbreviated as KB/s, KByte/s, MB/s, MB/s, KB/s, KBps and MB/s. As you can see, the difference in spelling lies in the capital letters B or B used in the designation of kilobytes and megabytes. The value of the specified units of Internet speed and the rate of downloading information is different. So, for example, one megabyte includes eight megabits. A similar proportion is also valid for kilobytes and kilobits.

In other words, to find out the speed of the Internet, analyzing the available data on the download rate of a file, you should multiply the value in megabytes by eight. This will make it possible to receive data in megabits. Accordingly, to convert the speed back to the download rate in order to predict the file download time, you need to divide the number of megabits by eight.

How to properly test the wireless network?

It should be noted that in order to obtain objective and most reliable information during the WiFi speed test, you should exit all programs, applications and games currently running on a personal computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Determining the exact characteristics of the communication channel is largely due to the chosen method and the conditions of the Internet connection. It is recommended that during testing the WiFi speed, boot the system in safe mode with support for network drivers (if the procedure is performed on a PC or laptop with a Windows operating system). To implement such an input, immediately after turning on the computer, use the F8 function key, and then select the desired mode of operation of the operating system.

It is also recommended to configure the WiFi router to operate at a frequency of 5GHz, if the router model provides such an opportunity. This will ensure stable work wireless connection. When using a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the probability of obtaining incorrect data on the exchange of packets in the network increases significantly. This is due to the impact on the final result of other (for example, neighboring) routers located nearby.

Moreover, it should be noted that in order to best result To check the WiFi speed, you should set the operation mode in the 802.11N standard in the access point settings. It must be supported not only by the router, but also by the equipment with which the wireless connection speed is checked.

Online services and programs

Below are the most popular and efficient services and programs to determine the speed of WiFi. Among these, we should highlight, which is the most common service for performing tasks of this kind. In addition, after the completion of the WiFi speed test, this service provides each user with an extract from the analysis. Among the functions of the service there are additional options. For example, the ability to compare the results obtained with data from other users or provide statistical indicators of all your checks. In addition, the service will show the best provider locality relatively speed characteristics and network performance.

It should also be emphasized that measures the bandwidth of the gateway from any server to the user's equipment. By the way, it will be noted that the length of the communication channel can be significant. Therefore, it is recommended that when choosing a server to check the WiFi speed, choose the geographical points closest to your computer. It is also worth noting that the test is best done in the morning or at night.

In this part of the day, as a rule, the network is not heavily loaded, since the Internet activity of other users of the provider is, for obvious reasons, reduced. Of course, a number of other factors also influence the reliability of the final test results. Nevertheless, the analysis of the speed capabilities of the network can provide quite real information about its characteristics. The very procedure for determining the speed is quite simple and lasts only a few tens of seconds.

Other services to check

Among other services and programs for testing WiFi speed, one can name such as Speakeasy Speed ​​Test. This is a fairly simple speed test tool. wireless network. It has a simple and understandable functionality, user-friendly interface.

How to increase wifi speed?

wifi internet speed

Like the Internet in general, it is measured in kilobits or megabits per second. They are denoted by the following abbreviations: Kbps, Kb / s, Kb / s, Kbps, Mbps, Mb / s, Mb / s, Mbps. Do not confuse them with other speed measurements - kilobytes and megabytes per second - this is not the speed of the Internet, but the data transfer rate of the program. It is most often displayed in utilities such as ftp or torrent clients. They are denoted very similarly, but the letter "B" ("B") is large here: KByte / s, KB / s, KB / s, KBp, MB / s, MB / s, MB / s or MBps. Their ratio is as follows:

1 byte = 8 bits

Accordingly, if the ftp client displays a data transfer rate of 5 megabytes per second, then multiply this number by 8 and get an Internet speed of 40 megabits per second.

How to measure wifi connection speed?

Click on the "Measure speed" button and wait for the system to test. And we see the result:

It turns out that I have an incoming speed of 3911 Kbps, and an incoming speed of 1937 Kbps. To translate this data into megabits per second, you need to divide these values ​​​​by 1024 - that is how many kilobits in a megabit. We get 3.81 Mbps and 1.89 Mbps. It was the speed of the wifi connection to the Internet that was measured, and not the speed of the wifi router's cable connection. Now we disconnect from wifi, insert the cable and make the same measurements. If it turned out that the cable speed is higher than the wifi connection speed, then we read the article further.

Low wifi speed

So, if you have low wifi speed, then router cuts speed. Scientifically, this is called throughput or WAN-LAN routing speed. The filling of the device is responsible for this parameter, the parameters of which are usually indicated on the sticker on the bottom and are designated as H.W. - Hardware. If they do not match your tariff plan, then you need to change the device to a more powerful one with more bandwidth.

Also, the speed through wifi depends on the type of internet connection. In decreasing order, they look like this: DHCP and Static IP - VPN - PPTP.

In addition, the specifications indicated in the instructions and on the stickers are calculated for ideal conditions work - with a minimum distance from the router to the device, in the absence of third-party interference, signal-absorbing materials and with minimal network load. That is, if you have a naval communication point near your house, the router is in the next room behind a reinforced concrete wall, and at the same time your sister downloads all the Interns series via torrent, then it is quite logical to assume that your wifi internet speed will be much lower than indicated on the box and in the tariff plan, and you will not be able to enjoy playing Counter Strike. In practice, the real one is two to three times less than indicated in the specification.

WiFi router speed

In "nature" there are several standards for wireless data transmission technology over wifi. I will give below a table in which theoretical and practical speeds are correlated:

How to increase wifi speed?

In order to increase the speed of a wifi connection, you need:

1. Choose a provider with a DHCP connection

2. Use the router and adapter with maximum throughput that support the IEEE 802.11n standard

3. Install the router in a place in the apartment so that it is not covered by thick ceilings and is located as close as possible to the location of your devices.

4. Keep in mind that with a heavy home network load of various kinds of file downloads, the time to open pages in the browser will increase

Following these rules, you will always have high in your house. I wish you good luck, and for a snack interesting video, by increase wifi speed with a can of beer!

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