Why zyxel wifi router slows down. The router cuts speed: ways to solve the problem

Recently, a good friend of mine decided to change his WiFi router to a new one. The old one did not suit him, or rather, the speed of the wireless network did not suit him. I purchased an expensive ASUS router. But what was the surprise of the owner when it turned out that the new router also cuts wifi speed. The first reaction is that the device is faulty! The store went to the meeting and replaced the device without talking. But on the next copy, the picture was completely repeated. After that, a man came to me.
Using his example, I will show you why the real speed of the WiFi network is lower than the declared one and how you can achieve maximum performance from your Wi-Fi.

Before moving on to active manipulations with the device parameters, you should understand what the theoretical and actual data transfer rate over a wireless network is. This will help you to really look at things and not chase the "white unicorn" in search of hurricane speeds.

Buying modern point access or router, the user reads that the box says Wireless N150 or N300, which means, respectively, the theoretically achievable connection speed of 150 or 300 Mbps. It will also be displayed in the connection information when a computer is connected.

But, unfortunately, you will not achieve such indicators. At best, it will be possible to achieve at least half. You just have to understand and get used to it. Values ​​of 150 and 300 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band have been achieved under ideal laboratory conditions. In real life, it is necessary to take into account a bunch of other environmental factors that negatively affect the passage of the radio signal. Really high speeds can only be obtained using equipment of a different frequency range - 5 GHz, where the theoretical limit already reaches 7 Gbit / s. But this will require the replacement of both the router itself and the network adapters on computers and laptops. And this is still a considerable financial cost.
The following tips will help you get the most out of your router. For example, I will take the most common model today - D-Link DIR-300. If you have a different device - just do it by analogy.

WiFi standards used

In order to get the highest possible speed, an appropriate standard must be used. wireless communication. In today's usual band, 2.4 GHz is the standard 802.11N.

We go into the Basic WiFi settings, find the item "Wireless Mode" and set this mode in it forcibly.

Attention! Here it should be borne in mind that in this case the old and much slower 802.11G will not be used, which means that those devices that used it will no longer see the network!

Radio channel and its width

The second important parameter that has a significant impact on achieving maximum performance is the radio channel.

Firstly, if you have many access points in your neighborhood (6 or more), then they can use either the same or intersecting channels at the same time. And this means that they will interfere with each other. You will think that this router cuts the WiFi speed, but in fact the interference from the "neighbors" will be the culprit. They, by the way, will also suffer with the same problem. To avoid this, you need to find the “Channel” item in the settings and select the least loaded one there. On the latest firmware for D-Link routers, this is very conveniently implemented:

The most clogged channels are marked in red, the free ones in green. Everything is simple and clear. Other models may not have such a built-in analyzer. Then you will need to install the inSSIDer program on your computer and scan the range with it.

Secondly, the maximum speed performance of the wireless network directly depends on the channel width used:

By default it is set to 20MHz. This is no longer enough and the value must be changed to 40MHz.

Turn on WiFi Multimedia technology

Very often, wireless devices fail to reach speeds above 54 Mb / s until the WMM mode is enabled on the router. The point here is that the WiFi Multimedia function is a special automated mechanism for ensuring QoS Quality of Service.

In the menu of the D-Link DIR-300 D1 router, this function is displayed in a separate section. On other models, this checkbox is usually located in the advanced options.

P.S.: At the end of the article, I want to remind you of the need mandatory update drivers wireless adapter, as well as the firmware of the router or access point. In my memory, there were a couple of cases when it turned out that the router cuts the Wi-Fi speed due to the fact that the old firmware was used. Flashing to the latest version in this case will immediately solve the problem.

The speed of wired Internet access depends on the quality of communications and network equipment. The speed may decrease due to poor cable connection and specifications equipment (computer network adapter, router, switch).

Wireless speed is affected

  • The Wi-Fi standard used by the router and the receiving adapter (802.11b/g/n/ac). For example, an outdated router or a receiving adapter in a laptop operating in the 802.11g standard reduces the speed to 15-20 Mbps in an apartment building.
  • The data rate used by the router and the receiving adapter (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz). Support for the frequency of 5 GHz allows you to significantly increase the speed of Wi-Fi in the home.
  • The area and configuration of the apartment, the material and thickness of the internal walls. To cover apartments with an area of ​​​​more than 50-70 square meters with a wireless network. m or "piercing" thick walls often require more powerful Wi-Fi equipment, sometimes a combination of several devices.
  • The location of the router. Installing a router behind a metal door, in a shield or in a cabinet, especially a metal one, negatively affects the quality of Wi-Fi reception in the apartment.
  • Interference from other Wi-Fi networks operating in the same band (2.4 GHz). The problem of reducing Wi-Fi speed due to interference from neighboring networks is solved by choosing the least loaded channel in the router settings, changing the router to a more powerful one or supporting 2 bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz).

Responsibility of the provider for the quality of communication at different stages

1. Parameters that depend only on the provider:

- congestion of the provider's channels;

- the quality of the provider's equipment at the nodes and in your home;

- the quality of the cable and its connections from the attic / basement to the apartment;

- the quality of network equipment provided by the provider for rent.

2. Parameters that depend only on the subscriber himself:

- the quality of home network equipment owned by the subscriber (router, network adapters in devices);

— the quality of communications conducted by the subscriber during the repair of the apartment (cable, Internet sockets, cable connections);

- parameters of the computer (laptop, tablet, smartphone) of the subscriber - for example, support for the Wi-Fi laptop adapter of the Wi-Fi 802.11n standard;

- Availability software, actively affecting the speed of the Internet - for example, an antivirus or a running torrent client;

- the presence on the computer of hidden malware(viruses, trojans).

3. Parameters that do not depend on either the subscriber or the provider:

- capacity and workload of servers on the Internet;

- the quality of communication lines outside the provider's network (for example, an intercontinental cable at the bottom Atlantic Ocean);

- in the case of Wi-Fi - interference from other Wi-Fi networks and household appliances, walls, doors, the power of the transmitters of the router and receivers on the client's device, the location of the router in the room and its remoteness from the area where the Wi-Fi network is used.

What is the maximum speed RiNet can provide?

Maximum throughput channel to the apartment - 100 Mbps. This is much more than is necessary for the real tasks of the home user. The channel can be expanded up to 200 Mbps - 1 Gbps upon individual request.

How to check the speed of Internet access?

If you want to understand what speed your ISP provides you, measure the speed of a direct wired connection. Wi-Fi connection speed is affected external factors, which do not depend on the provider (see above - Parameters that do not depend on either the subscriber or the provider), and such a test will not give reliable information.

The easiest way to check the speed of a wired connection is to plug an internet cable into your computer or laptop. If the results correspond to the tariff speed (deviations in the test readings within 5 Mbps are permissible - this is due to the peculiarities of the operation of Internet services for measuring speed), then if there is a problem, it is not related to the quality of the provider's services, but to the operation of the Wi-Fi network.

There are websites on the Internet where you can measure the speed of data exchange between your computer and servers on the Internet. A popular example is http://speedtest.net.

Questions and answers

– My router supports 150 Mbps (300 Mbps). Why is my Wi-Fi speed only 20 Mbps?

– When connected to an 802.11g network, the maximum throughput is up to 54 Mbps. When connected to a network using the 802.11n standard, up to 150 Mbps. But this speed is not the actual speed of downloading or uploading, since part of the traffic goes to the technical needs of the network. In practice, the download speed when connected via the 802.11g standard is up to 23 Mbps, via 802.11n - up to 50-90 Mbps (depending on the model of the router and adapter on the client device). Some expensive router models are able to support real speed about 100 Mbps or even more.

– When you move the cursor over the label "Connect via local network"I see the inscription "Speed ​​100 Mbps". Does this figure mean the real speed?

– No, it only shows the maximum possible connection speed of your network adapter with network equipment (switch, router). This indicator is not related to the speed of the Internet at your tariff.

- I heard that for maximum speed, instead of twisted pair, you need to run an optical cable directly to the apartment, is this true?

– The maximum throughput of a conventional 4-core copper cable (twisted pair) is 100 Mbps. This speed is real, and more than enough for home use. However, using all 8 cores and connecting the cable to the provider's gigabit port, you can get 200-1000 Mbps. These speeds are achievable with a copper cable length of up to 100m. For distances over 100m, an optical cable is used. Inside an apartment building, the distance from the provider's equipment to the apartment is much less than 100m, so it is advisable to use an optical cable for laying lines between houses.

Using an optical cable to connect apartments is unjustified and very risky. Its main disadvantages:

- Optical cable is easy to damage and difficult to repair. It is brittle, and complex welding work is required to restore it.

- Unprotected from interference, a faulty receiver at one subscriber makes it impossible for other subscribers to work on this line (in one entrance).

- There is a tangible threat to the security of the personal data of a subscriber connected together with neighbors to the same fiber-optic line. Due to the peculiarities of modems and the network structure, it is easy to get access to someone else's equipment and someone else's information, for example, to make long-distance phone calls through a neighbor's sip account, at his expense.

— Operators generally do not allow connection to optical cable any modems other than those provided by the operators themselves. There are situations when a subscriber needs non-standard equipment (covering a large area with a Wi-Fi network, using a 5GHz frequency to increase speed, connecting Apple routers), and the capabilities of a standard modem are not enough.

Hello! As you probably already understood from the previous article about, I got wireless Internet. And today, I want to tell you if the speed of the Internet connection will drop after you install a Wi-Fi router.

It is clear that if you download something on your computer, which is connected to the router via cable, and still download via Wi-Fi, then the speed will be divided. But the very fact of connecting to the Internet through a router will not change anything.

Of course, I got an interesting coincidence, through which I wanted to throw my Wi-Fi router out the window, but now everything has settled down like that, it was like this.

I didn’t use my Internet from Kyivstar Home for two months, then I arrived and immediately installed a Wi-Fi router, connected everything, installed it, just before the evening I did it all, then I go on the Internet, I start actively opening pages on the computer, and they are loaded through one and not very fast. I do not have a very fast rate, up to 4 MB, but still. On Wi-Fi on the phone, too, it didn’t fly very well.

Well, let's sin on the router, at first I tormented him with the settings, then I picked up the pliers and went to crimp the connectors again. I just did not use the network cable that came with the router, I needed more, so I crimped my piece of cable, more. So, I changed all the connectors, checked everything, connected it, but it's the same. It is almost impossible to use the Internet, pages are loaded through one typing error “Unable to find remote server”, and very slowly.

Yes, I think it needs to be tested. I brought a laptop, well, to exclude that the matter is in my computer. Connected it through a router, still the same. I connected the network cable directly, without a router it is just as badly loaded.

Well, everything is clear now, the point is not in the router and not in the computer, but in the Internet itself from Kyivstar. We solve the problem, I call 460 and tell the operator that this and that, almost nothing is loaded, to which he replies that there really are problems on the equipment to which I am connected, which the company's specialists are already solving, and in two days everything will be fine if no, then call again.

I also thought then, yeah, they will decide, they will have to change the provider. But to my surprise, today everything works well, well done, everything was repaired, and I didn’t even think about it.

I wrote about whether the presence of a Wi-Fi router affects the speed of the Internet connection, but it doesn’t affect it at all (at least the TP-Link TL-WR841N router), I didn’t notice anything by eye. Here are some more screenshots from the speedtest.net service where you can . Checked on a computer that is connected to the router via network cable and from your phone via Wi-Fi.

As you can see, everything is stable, both on the computer and on the phone by WiFi connection. and I get my 4 MB declared by the provider completely. So everything is fine, put yourself Wi-Fi in the house, it's very convenient. I had another question, do I need to turn off the Wi-Fi router at night. I googled a little and drew my own conclusions. Routers are designed to be on all the time. But in order for it not to radiate its “harmful” waves all night, I turn it off and advise you. Yes, and try to put it away from your head, so there is enough radiation, and then there's Wi-Fi. By the way, I wrote about the dangers of Wi-Fi, you can read it. Good luck!

More on the site:

Updated: February 12, 2014 by: admin

AT modern world it is already difficult to find an institution that does not have wireless access to the network. Even in public transport there is Wi-Fi. What to say about houses and apartments. Gone are the days when home internet tethered you and your computer to certain place. Now the network catches throughout the apartment, you can access the Internet from any device.

These are, of course, pluses, but there are also minuses. Often the demon wired Internet does not correspond to the speed declared by the provider. For example, when connecting the tariff, you chose the speed of 100 Mbps, then when connecting via Wifi, the speed will be lower. This speed will be when connected directly via cable. Through wifi - about 50-60 Mbps.

Why is the Wifi internet speed slow?

Wireless Internet is convenient. Wired Internet- it's fast and reliable. It is very difficult to argue with this. After all, wired Internet is connected directly to the computer. It works faster and more stable.

When connecting to a router wirelessly, be prepared for less powerful Wi-Fi. It won't be as fast or reliable. In this case, the equipment itself chooses which signal to pass. The router is designed to distribute the stream to other devices. This is the main reason for the low speed of the Internet over a wireless network.

The router cuts the speed several times. This indicator will depend on the power of the device. But, it is worth noting that the more powerful the equipment the more expensive it is. In this case, expensive equipment justifies expectations. No wonder there are different routers on the market. There are cheap ones, there are expensive ones. There is a difference between them, otherwise there would be no point in creating them, and the client would not need to buy them.

We found out why the router can cut speed. main reason is its power, which depends on the price.

How to increase the speed of the Internet through a wi-fi router

You can increase the connection speed of the router through its interface. It is worth noting that routers come from different companies: Rostelecom, Beeline, etc. Accordingly, the bandwidth for transmitting and receiving Wi-Fi data will be different.

The access point to the interface will also be different. As a rule, it is written in the instructions or on the router itself. There you can find username and password to enter the office. So, what are the ways to increase the speed of wireless Internet:

A few more options to increase speed

To increase the speed of the router, you must:

If you have done all the necessary manipulations with the router, but the Internet speed does not rise, then you need to look at the settings on the computer.

How to increase internet speed on laptop

If checking the router itself and change settings it did not give results, then you need to go to the laptop:

  • To do this, you need to go to the task manager. You can use the combination Ctrl-Alt-Del.
  • Select the "Performance" tab. If you see that the network is overloaded, but you are not using the Internet at that moment, you need to go to the processes that are running in the background and disable them.

If this test fails, then need to see autoload. take away unnecessary programs. For this you need:

  • Use the combination Win + R.
  • In the window that opens, enter "msconfig".
  • Select the program you want to remove from startup.

If these actions did not lead to a positive result, you need to check the system for viruses. If the program finds viruses, then after removing them, everything will be in order.

If the antivirus did not help, that is, did not find any problems, then you can update the drivers to latest version. Required Driver can be found on the official website of the company that manufactures computers of your brand.

Another reason why the Internet speed is slow is the wrong routing configuration. To fix this, you need reset old settings. For this you need:

  • Run cmd mode as admin. The mode is started by right-clicking on "Start".
  • Now you need to select the desired option.
  • After that, a console mode prompt will appear.
  • AT command line you need to write "route-f". After this action, the connection will disappear for a few minutes.
  • Now you need to enter "ipconfig / renew". Press Enter.

If these steps did not help, then you need to reinstall the system. This method is radical and serious. If you never did these it is better to entrust it to a professional. This option will help to achieve the desired effect. If that's the point.

So, we talked about wireless Internet connection. We analyzed options for increasing the speed of the Internet through wi-fi and a laptop. It should be noted, before using tips, check the speed of the Internet, what signal the router has. If the router transmits a signal of 50–60 Mbps, then this is normal. Also consider where the equipment and gadget are located. Before resetting your laptop, use all the options to improve the speed of the Internet via wi-fi.

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