Seasoned wolves are smart, hardy predators. Lyrics of the song (words) King and Jester (KiSh) - Mother wolf

Spring was late that year. Snowy islands of unmelted snow lay everywhere, huge puddles of melt water gathered along the roads. Making it impassable and causing great inconvenience to the villagers. There were still frosts at night. Nature, as it were, froze in place, waiting for the real sunny days. Spring could not enter into its full rights.
It was getting dark. Light rain fell. The whole sky was covered with gray clouds.

A middle-aged man, in kirzachs, riding breeches, a quilted jacket, dressed over a tunic and pulled down to the very eyebrows, with an astrakhan cap, was walking along a rural road in the direction of his house, with a quick gait. Behind him, two paces away, ran a thoroughbred hunting dog. He walked, and muttered something quietly to himself, by facial expressions and lips, one could understand that he was scolding someone, or rather swearing. Approaching the gate of the house, he raised a massive hook and opened it with a sharp movement. On his shoulder was a double-barreled shotgun, which he held by the butt. left hand and also, a bandolier full of cartridges. On the right side on a leather belt, dangling big hare who dragged him hunting dog named Dunya. She was so trained in hare hunting that she herself, without a master, brought home a caught hare. It was an amazingly rare dog. He entered, closed the gate, put the hook back in its place, and descended the stone stairs into the yard.

Lips still betrayed him, as he did not stop, "communicated" with someone in obscene language. The house where he lived was a solid log house, assembled from oak, cleanly planed diamond-shaped logs. Below was the first floor, where they were located: on the left, a wine cellar with large clay jugs buried in the ground up to the very neck, and a pantry. To the right is the living room, where there was his soldier's bed, an oak table, with home-made three-legged chairs in the national style, and a stove. The room was warm, clean, comfortable and smelled delicious food. Sitting on the bed, he shouted loudly:

Kato, where are you? Come here! - sending in her direction a couple of not entirely personal expressions about where she goes and so on.
A woman of above average height entered the room, on her face, still untouched by wrinkles, it was written that in her youth she was a real beauty.

What happened to you? What happened, why are you screaming like that? I was in the barn, milking a cow, she answered quietly. - Do you want to eat?
He nodded his head to her in agreement and held out his leg and boot to her.

Help me take it off, my legs are completely swollen, I walked so much - he muttered. The woman grabbed his boot with both hands, and joint forces, he safely pulled his leg out of it.

Second! Where are you going? he muttered, stretching out the other leg with the second boot, which was also successfully removed from the leg. She took both boots, carried them into the hallway and brought a bowl of water.

Maybe you can still tell me what happened and why you are so angry, who made you angry? What!? Again the forest was stolen? He looked at her calmly, but said nothing.

Having put himself in order, the man sat down at the table, pulled his plate towards him, taking his exclusive fork in his hands, the handle of the fork was made in the form of a naked woman, and he knew a lot about them (not in forks, of course!) and quietly began to eat. There was a jug of red wine on the table, he poured himself a full faceted glass, muttered something, and drank.

What happened is that I went to the forest to check my traps, which I set for the wolves, a few days ago - he said, breaking off a crust from freshly baked bread.

I set five traps and all but one were in place, one, the newest one, which I bought recently in the city, was gone. The people do not go to those places, there are wolf paths, which means that a wolf got into it! – he swore with obscene prefix.

A woman out of respect, did not pay attention to his swear words special attention, since, for a long time, she got used to them, all the more they had nothing to do with her and did not mean anything, they were turned to the wolf.

So what? Where is your wolf? What, did he untie the trap and leave with it? she asked him with an insinuating smile in her voice, afraid that she would not completely piss him off.

Think what you say! How can a wolf untie a trap tied by me?! No, he was apparently very big and healthy! Tore off the trap by force and ran away with it! – already as the, calming down, he answered.

A hefty wolf, was apparently seasoned! What strength he had to break the trap, he reasoned to himself, where you can find it now, even the devil won't find it! He lay down somewhere in his lair and licks his wounds. The trap was powerful, you would never take it off without help.”

It was dark outside, there was no electricity in the village yet, so everyone used kerosene lamps, raising the wick, the flame of the lamp lit up brighter, he took the newspaper and began to read, the newspaper was printed in Georgian script, but the words and content of the text were Ossetian. Then there was a time when the Ossetian language was taught in schools using the Georgian alphabet, since all the letters of the Georgian alphabet coincided with the Ossetian pronunciation.
These two elders, both a man and a woman, were very close relatives to me, nowhere closer. The man, and his name was Kote, he was my own paternal grandfather, and the woman was naturally my grandmother, her name was Kato, that is, Catherine. She really was very beautiful woman, and this was evident in the photographs of her in her youth, where she sat with her friends, always in the center, prominent, and she had some kind of, not a village look.

In the country people go to bed early, because they have to get up early, and there was always enough work and worries. Grandfather lay down in a cleanly made bed and, with thoughts of a seasoned wolf who had dragged away his trap, fell asleep.
Do not think that he forgot about the killed hare, he butchered it, immediately coming home, and after cleaning the skin, sprinkled it with salt and left it until the morning. The whole house was full of various skins and skins of wild animals, who were not there: bear, wolf, fox, there were especially many badger skins.
My grandfather was a well-known hunter in the region, and also worked as a forester. The forest was rich, oak, beech, pine trees, he even moved his log house closer to the road so that the forest would not be stolen.

After this incident with the trap passed certain time, he almost forgot about him, the search for him in the forest did not give any results. Grandfather, as before, went hunting, set traps: for a bear, and for a wolf, and for a fox. Life went on.

Once, walking through the village, I met my godfather, it was old man, about seventy-five, wiry, with sunken, always unshaven cheeks.

Hello Kitty, how are you? Why don't you come in more, don't you visit the old man? the godfather replied.

Yes, somehow, there is no time, there is a lot of work both in the forest and around the house, you know, Kato and I are alone, the children rarely come to us.

Okay, come to us, let's sit down and talk for a while, you're not busy with anything now, - the old man insisted on his own. He, apparently, also had no one to talk to, and now he was looking for an interlocutor.

Well, I’ll just drive the cattle, and I’ll definitely come to you - grandfather answered, feeling that he would not leave him so easily.

What, he became so attached to me, come in, come in, thought grandfather, he had never been so hospitable before.

It was evening, just when the shepherds brought the cattle, he led his cows into the barn and went into the house.

I, Major, - that was the name of the godfather - invites me to his place, I'll go and find out what he wants there - said grandfather, putting on a clean tunic and pulling on chrome boots. By village standards, he walked "with a needle"

The old man's house was not far away, he quickly reached him, the dog in the yard recognized him, sensing his own, did not even bark, and he knocked on the door.

Major, where are you, welcome the guest, Kote, I! shouted the grandfather in his hoarse voice. The door immediately opened, it was clear that they were waiting for him. He came in, greeted the household and sat down at the table. On the table lay simple village food: bread - torne, cheese, various pickles, a whole boiled chicken smoking and, of course, a jug of natural red wine.

After drinking and eating, the old man asked about his affairs, about the news in the region, about successes at work, which of the wild animals he caught or shot while hunting. Grandfather caught wild animals in traps, alive, because then he handed them over to some state artel and got money for it.

Grandfather told him about his affairs and for some reason he remembered the incident with the lost trap, and he decided to tell about this amazing story.

Yes, more than a month ago I had a very rare case, and for how many years I have been hunting, this happened to me for the first time - Kote began his story.

In those days I set several traps on the wolf paths. And then a hefty, hardened wolf apparently fell into one trap, he was of such strength that he tore off the trap, and disappeared into the forest with him - grandfather continued his story - For more than a month, I have been looking for him and can’t find any traces of a wolf with a trap on the paw. He seemed to have sunk into the ground.

So in conversations, time flew by quickly, the cuckoo on the clock cuckooed for eleven hours.

Yes, Kote! interesting story you really told me about that wolf who stole your new trap from you - the godfather began - in those days, I also went to the forest. I collected a young, not blossoming dzhondzholi, I collected quite a lot! - the godfather began, from "far away" his story.

On the last day of gathering, when I went to the forest, there were a lot of gatherers in the forest. Even from Sachkhere, people arrived, I deviated a little from places general collection and decided to find better fruit-bearing trees by climbing up the slope. I really found such trees and began to collect unopened jdonjdoli flower buds and got carried away. Making my way through the dense thickets of bushes, I heard a sharp click, and I felt a sharp pain in my leg. Raising my leg, I saw something black with a short chain on the boot, it was a wolf trap, - the old man said not very cheerfully, recalling that pain and his surprise.

I fiddled with it for a long time - the godfather continued his story - I could not unclench its slammed doors with my hands, and since the pain was more or less bearable, I untied the trap and with it I barely made it to the house in a jump. At home, they helped me take it off ... - the old man said angrily with the addition of obscenities, finally making sure whose trap he fell into in those days.

Grandfather listened to him and did not understand what this old man was telling him about: about some kind of trap, about boots, about how he got home in agony, about how he barely got rid of him.

Wait! You didn't drink too much?! What are you telling me about - grandfather asked with a questioning face - what do you want to say?

Eh! Kote! What am I telling you!? - asked his godfather, - Yes, dear, it was about the fact that I was that "experienced" wolf, and your trap has been lying around in my attic for a long time, up there! and he pointed to the ceiling.

It's good that I was wearing boots and woolen socks, they saved me! Major finished his story.

Call your son! - he turned to his wife - Let him go up to the attic and bring that trap, you see, I said that it could only be his trap.

Grandfather, joyful that his trap was found, said goodbye to his godfather and went home, and a cheerful story about how the Major fell into a trap spread instantly throughout the village in the morning. Everyone made fun of him, and then he regretted for a long time that he had told her and returned the owner, that trap. And before jokes and pranks, grandfather was much, he had no equal in fun in the village.

Like this amazing story based on real events.

1. Dzhondzholi - a plant of the klekachkovy family, a small tree-shrub, unblown flower buds are eaten. Used for salting.
2. Sachkhere - the inner region of Western Georgia, adjacent to South Ossetia. From there, peasants often crossed to collect jonjoli.

My name is known!
And me everywhere
Fear for no reason.
I'm tempted to laugh!

"Very scary guy" -
Their stereotype.


Of course, you are right -
I more dangerous than a wolf!
I have no control
I have a double shotgun.

No doubt you
My eye will notice!

I am seasoned old wolf! I know a lot about hunting!
And with a gun at the ready I go out into my native forest.
For me in the forest forever the beast equal man.

Brave people long ago
You won't find one.
It must be clear to you -
What a head start to any ladies!

Give for my head
Many coins are ready.
I am happy to accept the challenge
In the name of new victories!

I have no interest
Survive you from the light.
But prayers, to be honest,
It's not interesting to listen.

After all, I'm a hunter
You - not the judge!

I'm a seasoned old wolf! I know a lot about hunting!
And with a gun at the ready I go out into my native forest.
For me, in the forest, a man is forever equal to the beast.

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Korol i Shut (KiSh) - Mother wolf.
Album "Seller of Nightmares".
Music by: Mikhail Gorshenyov.
Lyricist: Andrey Knyazev.
Sound engineer: Pavel Sazhinov.
Sound producer: Sergey Bolshakov.
Mixing and mastering: Sergey Bolshakov, Nashe Vremya studio.
December 5, 2006

Wolves are mistakenly thought to be extraordinarily brave. Actually, this is very smart predator. Therefore, thanks to their intelligence, they rarely take unnecessary risks. It is easier for them to hunt weak and sick animals. At the same time, the wolf can kill game that is much larger than it is. For example deer or elk.

Wolf, gray wolf (lat. Canis lupus)

Mammal, predator of the Canine family.

Wolves are the largest members of the canine family. They live in various parts of the world: in the forest, on the plain, in the mountains, and even in the desert. You can meet wolves on all continents except Africa and Australia.

Although some wolves live alone, most prefer to live and hunt in packs. Taking advantage of their numerical superiority, predators drive large game, including deer and wild boars. And, again, the weakest and defenseless individuals are selected as objects.

The Arctic wolf (Canis lupus tundrarum) is one of the largest wolf subspecies.

A wolf pack usually consists of about 20 individuals, led by a leader. Everything here is built on a strict hierarchy. An exception is made only for wolf cubs, who can do almost everything. They are allowed to frolic under the supervision of old hardened wolves, who teach them the art of hunting. Such an organization within the pack makes it a cohesive, single organism, and each wolf is ready to sacrifice his life, protecting his brother.

Each flock has its own characteristic howl. It serves not only to indicate the location of the wolves, but also for communication between members of the pack.

Listen to the voice of the gray wolf

In many areas, wolves were completely destroyed. This was a consequence of the growth of civilization, which limited the space needed for the survival of wolves.

Did you know that wolf...

  • It is a very hardy animal. In search of food, it can run a distance of more than 150 km;
  • in two weeks it can run about 600 km;
  • averages a distance of 20 km per day;
  • in the past, even buffaloes and bison became victims of wolves;
  • the maximum speed of the wolf is 60 km / h;
  • the most large population wolves live in Canada and Russia;
  • they also eat fruits and berries;
  • relations in the pack are much stronger than in other social animals;
  • They hunt not only large game, but also small animals and birds.
  • Wolf dimensions

    Height at the withers: males - 70-85 cm (sometimes up to 90 cm), females - 60-75 cm.
    Body length: on average 100-130 cm, sometimes up to 160 cm.
    Tail length: 30-50 cm.
    Weight: male 45-60 kg (in exceptional cases up to 75 kg), females 30-50 kg.
    Lifespan: 12-16 years (in captivity up to 20 years).

    The wolf is a common animal in the world, which, despite the deep penetration of civilization into nature, still lives in the wild in most countries located on the Eurasian continent, as well as in most of the territories. North America. It is a predator, which experts in the field of studying the animal world usually refer to the canine family. It is believed that it was the wolf that became the progenitor of all types of domestic dogs.

    In turn, the second part of this stable phrase, the adjective "mother", was also originally applied mainly to the animal world, and not only to wolves. In relation to animals, the use of this term usually means that it has reached full maturity - both sexually and socially, that is, it is ready for independent life and acquiring offspring.

    As for the wolf, the age at which he reaches full maturity, that is, matures, in wild nature usually is about 2.5-3 years. At the same time, its weight present moment most often it is at least 50 kilograms, but it can reach 70 kilograms or more. Thus, a hardened wolf is a large dangerous predator, which under certain circumstances can pose a threat even to humans. However, in normal conditions wolves usually feed on ungulates corresponding to its main habitat.

    Figurative sense

    In a figurative sense, the expression "hardened wolf" is usually used with a slightly different shade of meaning: the adjective "hardened" in this case most often means "experienced", "experienced", "who has seen life". At the same time, the use of this adjective is precisely coupled with such an animal as a wolf, which is dangerous predator, gives this expression an additional semantic coloring.

    Thus, in most cases, the phrase "hardened wolf" is used in relation to people who have rich life experience and are able to put it into practice to achieve their own, sometimes selfish goals. At the same time, however, it cannot be said that this expression has a pronounced negative connotation: rather, it expresses respect for people who, thanks to their personal qualities, are able to achieve a lot in life.

    The portrait of a person who can be designated by the phrase "hardened wolf" is often quite close to the description of people involved in business or politics, so its use can often be found specifically in relation to people from these areas of activity.

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