Analysis of the poem "I do not like your irony" by Nekrasov. Nekrasov's poem I don't like your irony

“I don’t like your irony ...” Nikolai Nekrasov

I don't like your irony.
Leave her obsolete and not alive
And you and I, who loved so dearly,
Still the rest of the feeling preserved, -
It's too early for us to indulge in it!

While still shy and gentle
Do you want to extend the date?
While still seething in me rebelliously
Jealous anxieties and dreams
Do not rush the inevitable denouement!

And without that, she is not far away:
We boil stronger, full of last thirst,
But in the heart of a secret coldness and longing ...
So in autumn the river is more turbulent,
But the raging waves are colder ...

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "I do not like your irony ..."

In 1842, Nikolai Nekrasov met Avdotya Panaeva, the wife of the writer, in whose house writers often gathered. This woman, possessing not only a journalistic gift, but also an outstanding appearance, literally captivated the aspiring poet. However, many regulars of the literary salon fell victim to Panaeva's charms, but she reciprocated only Nekrasov.

This romance lasted for almost 20 years, bringing a lot of suffering not only to the lovers, but also to the wife of Panaeva. He was forced to become not only a member love triangle, but also lived under the same roof with his wife and her chosen one. However, after the death of a child who was born to Panaeva from Nekrasov in 1849, relations between lovers began to cool.

In 1850, realizing that a breakup was inevitable, Nekrasov created the poem "I do not like your irony ...", dedicated to the relationship with the chosen one. He notes that he once had very tender feelings for this woman, who was no less in love with the poet. However, time can not only smooth out hatred, but also destroy love. This is exactly what, according to Nekrasov, happened after the death of the baby, as if a certain invisible thread linking two people. The poet realizes that love has not yet completely died out, noting: “For the time being, you wish to prolong the date shyly and tenderly.” But all the signs of the upcoming separation have already shown themselves, and the author understands that no one can turn back time. He asks his chosen one for only one thing: "Do not rush the inevitable denouement!"

There is no doubt that it will come soon, although Nekrasov notes that both of them are still "full of the last thirst." But the irony of the beloved, which the poet does not like so much, indicates better than any words that this novel will very soon end in parting, because "a secret coldness and longing" settled in the heart after the death of his son.

True, Nikolai Nekrasov tried with all his might to save this controversial union, so it broke up only in the early 60s. Moreover, this happened contrary to the expectations of the poet, who expected that the death of her husband Panaeva would force her to reconsider her views on the relationship with the poet. However, this woman did not tie her later life with Nekrasov, deciding to remain free and no longer marry, which the poet counted on so much. As a result, the couple broke up, which was predicted by the author, who in the depths of his soul hoped that Panaeva would still marry him.

Nekrasov's poem "I do not like your irony ..." stands out from the list of the main topics on which the poet wrote. This is an intimate lyric that tells about the relationship between Nikolai Alekseevich himself and his beloved Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva at that time.

The verse was written in 1850, five years after the beginning of the poet's close relationship with Avdotya. Around this period, the first sprouts of cooling appeared in their relationship, which Nekrasov writes about. The poem became available to the general public in 1855, when it was published in Sovremennik.

Main idea and theme

The main theme of Nekrasov's verse is the emergence of love in the past, its gradual dying in the present and the vision of complete cooling in the not so distant future. This is the story of two loving and beloved people who appreciate and cherish what is between them, but who came to the conclusion that the relationship has entered the stage of extinction and can be stopped.

At the beginning of the work, the author admits to the rejection of irony on the part of his beloved. Such an attitude of the beloved to what he is doing, the hero refers to signs of withering of feelings and asks not to behave like this, because irony is the lot of those who have already experienced a period of vivid attraction. He asks his beloved to prolong the feelings and passion that still exist in the relationship.

The second part of the verse is a clear demonstration of the behavior of the hero's beloved and his own feelings. She is gentle and shy on dates, she still wants them to last longer. He is full of zealous feelings and still burns with them. He asks his beloved not to bring the end of their relationship closer.

And, despite the requests, he already clearly sees the end, what in question in the third part of the work. And that is the culmination of the whole message. Emotions in the two of them, according to the hero, are boiling, but differently than at the beginning of the relationship. Now they are trying to quench the need for them, as if thirsty, greedily swallowing the remaining feelings. Meanwhile, in the heart there is already a growing longing and coldness of the future alienation.

Structural analysis

The lyrical poem "I do not like your irony ..." consists of three stanzas, each with five lines. The rhymes used by the author violate the seemingly strictly defined order, and, thereby, once again emphasize the conflicting feelings that are also present in the soul of the poet. Contrasts opposing each other reinforce the impression. Passions boil in the heroes of the poem, but there is a secret coldness in the heart.

In the first stanza, Nekrasov uses a ring rhyme, in the second he uses a cross rhyme, and in the third he turns to a mixed one. In his stanzas, Nekrasov skips the stresses, thereby conveying the excitement to the reader.

Emotional coloring is also very contrasting. A number of experienced feelings, Nikolai Alekseevich describes tenderly and romantically: “ardently loved”, “shyly and tenderly”, “full of thirst”. There is also a negative in the stanzas - these are “jealous anxieties”, “denouement of the inevitable”, “secret coldness”.


In his work, the author sought to convey to the reader the idea that two loving people, who gradually came to the verge of parting, when the first calls about the cooling of feelings appear, should not rush into a final decision or draw hasty conclusions.

In 1850, Nekrasov wrote a poem called "I don't like your irony." Five years later it was published in the Sovremennik magazine, a year later the writer included it in a collection of poems. This work is written as an appeal to Avdotya Panaeva, then the poet was madly in love with her. The romance of these two personalities began in 1846 and lasted about twenty years. However, their love never ended in a real marriage, so if you parse the verse, you can consider the work “I do not like your irony” as a prophecy.

Avdotya was the wife of a friend of the writer Ivan Panaev, these two people side by side revived the contemporary magazine. In 1847, Panaev and his wife and Nekrasov began to live together, the husband recognized their love and allowed him to live with her. civil marriage. Although this connection embarrassed them, they were so close to each other that they put up with such a life. Relationships were not so prosperous among people, they had quarrels when certain time the couple even cooled towards each other.

Poem "I don't like your irony"

This work is written in intimate lyrics, it is included in the Panaevsky cycle of Nekrasov's life. It talks about love relationships and describes in detail the reasons for the changes and other variations in communication between the characters. The poem is about development. love relationships, as well as all sorts of troubles in them, the fading and complete cooling of feelings between the characters.

The main idea of ​​this work is love, what is it real life. Such a warm feeling must be cherished and taken care of, because if you show some kind of weakness, you can lose love and feelings will simply fade away. The poem itself tells the author's appeal to his beloved. The reason for telling this story was the mockery of her beloved and her irony towards the author.

If we analyze the verse, then it should be noted in the first stanza that the lyrical hero acknowledges that, nevertheless, his feelings are fading, that once crazy and bright love turns from warm to cold. The irony here is provided for those people who have never loved or have already lost their love.

The second stanza describes the current state of the couple's relationship. Now the woman is a little shy and at the same time very gently shows a desire to extend the date, and jealousy, anxiety and dreams can be traced in the heart of the hero himself. What follows is a suggestion that the ultimate denouement will still be the extinction of love. In the last stanza, the hero no longer harbors illusions. He knows that it is pointless to hope for a relationship to continue. So the end of all this love story scandals and conflicts will serve, and that in this situation the heart has already grown cold towards each other.

Trails, images

In the verse, there is a confrontation between cold and hot, boiling and icing. Love here is described by many metaphors: "those who loved passionately, jealous anxieties and dreams boil, boil stronger, full of last thirst." There are also many metaphors of indifference in the verses, for example, "anguish of the heart." The author compares the feelings that are preceded by cooling with a river that begins to rage in autumn more strongly, although it is already cold.

Thus, the unequal feelings should be noted here, they are distinguished by both cold and warmth. The river will rage for a while. But in the end it will still freeze. Also in the work there is an unfinished thought, this can be judged by the ellipsis, which is left at the end of the verse. For the sake of the attention of his beloved, the author compares their feelings with a raging river.

Also in the poem are pronounced epithets, which are of no small importance. They appear in negative colors: "jealous anxieties and dreams, the last thirst, the inevitable denouement, secret coldness." They are also opposed by other epithets already in a positive coloring: “to those who loved passionately, you wish shyly and tenderly, they boil rebelliously.” In the lines of the action of lyrical heroes, the author means it as love, but it is accompanied by a state in which they are deprived of feelings.

Size, rhyme

These two designations are presented in the poem in a very unusual light. The meter is in iambic pentameter, but there are a lot of pyrrhias here, so the rhythm goes astray, you can compare it with a person who speaks, but is very worried, so he cannot even out his breathing. This effect is very clearly seen in the last line of the first stanza.

In the poem, each stanza consists of five lines, but the rhyme is different. So in the first stanza she is in the form of a ring. In the second part it is crossed, and the third alternates between the last and adjacent. This disorder can be compared with internal state lyrical hero. In general, we can say that the rhyme here differs to a large extent, even if we compare male and female.

Basic moments

The poem "I do not like your irony" forms a single lyrical diary, which displays the shades of feelings of the hero himself. The work itself belongs to love lyrics and reflects a certain moment in the life of a person in love. Here are all his experiences, anxiety, so there is no specific event and history, but only a description of feelings. The poem begins without an overture:

I don't like your irony
Leave her obsolete and not alive
And you and I, who loved so dearly,
Still the rest of the feeling preserved -
It's too early for us to indulge in it!

After that, the reader is presented with the dynamics of all anxieties and experiences that lead to discord in the life of a hero in love, the denouement creeps up quietly, but it will be inevitable:

While still shy and gentle
Do you want to extend the date?
While still seething in me rebelliously
Jealous worries and dreams -
Don't rush the inevitable denouement.

In the second stanza, emotionality is greatly facilitated by the anaphora. So a significant emotional load in the text puts the repetition of two lines in the text. Also, the parallelism with the word "while" increases and each sentence enhances expressiveness. In the climactic stanza, the lyrical hero denotes his relationship with his beloved as seething and boiling, which leads to complete extinction:

So in autumn the river is more turbulent,
But the raging waves are colder ...

This poem very accurately conveys the whole process of the hero's mental life, where the notes of confession are traced. Readers know Nekrasov as a people's sufferer who follows the people and tries to show the public the tragedy of the situation. However, in this poem, the author is presented in a completely different light, so many critics have compared Nekrasov with Pushkin.

Analysis Details

Like many writers, Nekrasov was no exception and wrote his own poem about love, which he did quite well. The author dedicated this verse to his love, here Nekrasov described all his feelings and experiences. It is based on the moment when the hot feelings of crazy love at a certain moment cool down and completely disappear. Everything shows that this factor significantly influenced the hero and brought him a lot of torment. Here he recalls with great tenderness the old days when they loved each other passionately, but there are many contradictions.

In this poem, it seems that the hero with last hope urges his beloved to hear him. The author understands that completely different feelings are already arising and describes the consequences that may come. Here the hero rebels against the word irony, which arose between two loving hearts. Such a feeling, according to the author, can arise only at the very end of a relationship. It is his position and thoughts that the author expresses on behalf of the hero, who, in turn, describes the great role of understanding and sincerity between the heroine herself and him.

So the character compares his feelings to a fire that burns and is ready to burn everything around. However loving lady she no longer feels it and she has only a remnant of this sincerity left. The hero also understands that in all this there is his fault, it was for him that love cooled down and ceased to be so hot. Then comes the culminating moment in the last stanza, where it is described that only fading boiling is left of love, and in the very heart there is a cold with longing. A poem using iambic pentameter uses feminine and masculine endings. This work is very typical for Nekrasov, it helps to recognize him from a completely different perspective.

Nekrasov's works are very diverse. It is interesting to teach them to children in the classroom at the lesson of literature. He devoted many of his poems to the theme of a difficult peasant fate, however, in his work there was also a place for love literature. The text of Nekrasov's poem "I don't like your irony" is dedicated to his acquaintance with Avdotya Panaeva, married woman who had an attractive appearance. An affair broke out between Avdotya Panaeva and Nekrasov, which lasted about 20 years. This novel brought a lot of suffering to all participants in the love triangle, however, most of all mental suffering Panaeva's husband had to experience it. And only when the child born from Panaeva's connection with Nekrasov died, the romance gradually began to subside.

When it became obvious that the relationship would finally break up, Nekrasov had a poem, which he completely dedicated to his chosen one and his relationship with her. The woman loved the poet very much, and the feeling was mutual. The poet hoped to marry Panaeva after the death of her husband. However, having become free, the woman did not begin to bind herself with a new marriage to Nekrasov. After the death of a child, a thread seemed to break between the lovers, at the same time, as love was still alive. But the poet feels that a break with his beloved is inevitable. In order to feel the depth of spiritual longing, you need to read the verse “I do not like your irony” by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. It can be downloaded online from our website.

I don't like your irony.
Leave her obsolete and not alive
And you and I, who loved so dearly,
Still the rest of the feeling preserved, -
It's too early for us to indulge in it!

While still shy and gentle
Do you want to extend the date?
While still seething in me rebelliously
Jealous anxieties and dreams
Do not rush the inevitable denouement!

And without that, she is not far away:
We boil stronger, full of last thirst,
But in the heart of a secret coldness and longing ...
So in autumn the river is more turbulent,
But the raging waves are colder ...

In addition to socially oriented poetry, in the soul of N. A. Nekrasov there was always a place for feelings of personal order. He loved and was loved. This was reflected in a group of poems that are commonly called the "Panaev cycle". An example would be the poem "I do not like your irony ...". The analysis will be given below, but for now let's briefly get acquainted with his lyrical heroine.

Avdotya Panaeva

lovely clever woman, whom her parents hastily married, because the girl with all her heart strove for emancipation. She imitated sought to put on men's clothing and - oh, horror! - Painted on a mustache! They married the journalist Ivan Panaev, who was not distinguished by fidelity and did not hamper the freedom of his wife.

A brilliant literary society gathered in their salon, and every single one was in love with the beautiful and clever Avdotya Yakovlevna. But she answered, far from immediately, only to the crazy, crazy feelings of Nikolai Alekseevich, who, not knowing how to swim, drowned himself in front of her eyes in the Fontanka. Thus began a great feeling that lasted about twenty years. But everything comes to an end. And when the feelings began to cool down, Nikolai Alekseevich wrote: "I do not like your irony ...". The analysis of the poem will be carried out according to plan.

History of creation

Presumably, it was written already five years after the beginning of a close relationship in 1850, and published in Sovremennik in 1855. What could serve to cool such violent feelings? After all, A. Ya. Panaeva herself wrote poems about them. Let's try to reflect on the lines of Nikolai Alekseevich "I do not like your irony ...", the analysis of which is part of our task.

Genre of the poem

This is the intimate lyrics of a great civil poet.

The work tells about the feelings that have arisen in the past tense, about their state and the inevitable denouement and the alleged break in the present tense. Apparently, their relationship became habitual and monotonous and did not provide such abundant food for inspiration as civil poetry. Therefore, irony began to appear in the relationship on the part of Avdotya Yakovlevna, which only aggravated the coldness on the part of Nekrasov. This is how the poem “I don’t like your irony ...” appeared, the analysis of which we begin. But the poet must be given his due, he directly and delicately told his chosen one what it was in her behavior that he did not like, hiding nothing.

The theme was the emergence of love, its gradual dying and complete cooling.

The main idea is that love must be carefully cherished, since this feeling is rare and not given to everyone.


ON THE. Nekrasov divided into three stanzas "I do not like your irony ...". The analysis of the poem, we, of course, will begin with the first.

The lyrical hero addresses directly and simply to a close woman and asks to stop being ironic in conversations with him. Apparently, the sharp-tongued Avdotya Yakovlevna could not restrain herself when something was not to her liking, when she saw in something a disrespectful or inattentive attitude towards herself. According to the lyrical hero, irony should belong only to those who have experienced their inclinations or have never met them. And in both of them, who loved so passionately, there are still tongues of the flame of love, and they warm the soul. It is too early for them to indulge in irony: they must carefully preserve what they have today.

In the second stanza of the poem "I do not like your irony ..." Nekrasov (we are now analyzing) shows the behavior of his beloved woman. She still strives to prolong their dates "shyly and tenderly."

She, very feminine, is still devoted to him in her heart and cannot live without these meetings. And he? He is full of passion. The lyrical hero is still hot and ardent, "jealous dreams" boil rebelliously in him. Therefore, he asks not to be ironic and not to speed up the denouement. All the same, she will inevitably come to them, but let the beautiful relationship last longer.

The third stanza is quite sad. The poet does not hide either from himself or from his beloved that their parting will come soon. Their passions boil more and more. They are full of the last thirst for love, but "there is a secret coldness and longing in the heart." The lyrical hero bitterly states this fact. But you can't hide from him. Therefore, it is not worth ironically to destroy the former beautiful and languishing, tender passion.

Irony, which initially contains mockery, offends the lyrical hero, which is why he says: “I don’t like your irony ...”. An analysis of the poem shows the hidden context of Avdotya Yakovlevna's statements and the direct sincere words of the lyrical hero. He urges his lady of the heart not to demonstrate his negative position with or without reason, but to express sympathy and understanding to him.

Analysis of the verse "I do not like your irony ..."

The poem is written in iambic pentameter, but there are a lot of omissions of stresses (pyrrhic). They convey to the reader the excitement of the poet. For example, the first line in the first stanza begins with pyrrhic, and it ends with pyrrhic, while it is underlined with an exclamation point.

Each stanza consists of five lines, but the rhymes in each stanza are different. The poet uses ring (first stanza), cross (second stanza), mixed (third). The inner confusion of the lyrical hero is fully manifested in this way.

The poem is built on contrasts. It contrasts cold and hot, boiling and glaciation. Metaphorically, love is compared to a raging river, "but the raging waves are colder ...".

After these final lines there is a meaningful ellipsis. The river seethes, but it will freeze anyway, and the cold binds them both, "who loved passionately." The former relationship, seething with tenderness and passion, is metaphorically opposed to "secret coldness and longing."

Epithets have a negative connotation: the inevitable denouement, jealous anxieties, the last thirst. Others, on the contrary, are colored positively: feelings are "rebelliously" seething, the beloved is waiting for a date "shyly and tenderly."


Nekrasov and Panaeva broke up. Then her husband died, then she lived alone, and after that she happily married and gave birth to a child. However, the poet loved Panaeva and, despite his marriage, dedicated his poems (“Three Elegies”) to her and mentioned in his will.

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