Dream interpretation priest. New family dream book. why dream of a church, father, letturgy

Dreams bring joy and hope to people's lives, but there are times when they bring only loss and disappointment. It is worth being attentive to the signs that come to you in a dream. Why is the father dreaming, how to interpret such a dream?

Why is the father dreaming - the main interpretation

Dreams of religious significance are perceived by people in a rather twofold way, some get scared and begin to think that they have sinned, while others are looking for a favorable meaning for themselves in such dreams. What is most interesting is that most of the dreams in which the priests appear are realized in reality.

If you see in a dream a priest who conducts a service in a church, such a dream suggests that you will have a wonderful time with your family. If he is dressed in a black cassock - you will have dinner at your house, if in white - you will have dinner in a good establishment.

If you ask a question to him, you are worried about the health of a person close to you. If you kiss his hands, a long journey awaits you. With It is also worth paying additional attention to the interpretation of such events in a dream:

The father is standing on the bell tower - you will be characterized by thoughtfulness and many pleasant memories;

If you hold a prayer book in your hand, you will have a good rest in an unfamiliar place;

If you met his gaze in a dream, joy and high spirits await you;

If you touch his cassock, you will celebrate a significant date.

If he stares at the dome of the church- you should expect changes in professional field, but what kind they will be - the interpretation of the whole dream will tell about this. If the priest meets you on the threshold of the church, your plans will change, even if you have been planning them for a long time.

It is also worth taking a closer look at such dreams in which he enters the temple- you will get the favor of a stranger. If about he decides to leave the temple- your old friend flares up with sympathy for you.

It is important to remember exactly where you met, and how the meeting went, what he told you and what he advised, what he was indignant about. If a the meeting with the priest took place on the street You will have to work long and hard. If you meet him in the bazaar, you will fall in love, and the person will be worthy. If a you are bargaining at the market, and the priest stops you- Do not invest excessive emotions in communication with loved ones.

If you meet with the priest in another city, but next to it you see a church - expect a trip or a business trip. It will be successful and will bring you additional profit. If you and the priest are on the same train, you will bring a surprise, a gift to the authorities, for which you will be thanked.

If you happened to ride in a car with the priest- wait for the arrival of friends. If the priest accompanies you on the bus, you have an unnecessarily soft character. It is also worth taking a closer look at such interpretations of dreams:

Walk arm in arm with the priest - you will have a good rest in a pleasant company;

If you give him a gift, you will receive a profitable offer;

Why is the priest in a cassock dreaming - to joyful news;

If in a dream you introduce the priest to friends - in reality you want to be alone;

If you dine together, you will be accompanied by peace of mind and luck.

If the priest asks you about something in a dream, you will make a non-standard decision that will allow you to move up the career ladder. If you dare to enter into an argument with him in a dream, you will receive an increase in wages, a bonus. If you make a bed for him in a dream, you should take care of the usefulness of your sex life. You need to fill it with love and trust. If you wake him up in a dream, you will become confident in your abilities. You will be able to resolve conflicts and problems that have tormented you for a long time.

What is the dream of the priest in the church according to Miller's dream book

What is the dream of the priest in the church? Miller's dream book says that this is pretty auspicious sign, which promises an improvement in affairs within the family. No one will need affection and care. If in a dream you feel uncomfortable during a service in a church, you should stop committing sinful acts in reality and attend confession.

If the priest serves in a cassock, such a dream promises you protection from above. If there are many priests, you should heed the advice of friends and not decide difficult situations on one's own. If the priests gathered in front of the church, expect a huge celebration. If they are in black cassocks, you will be the hero of the occasion, but if they are in white, friends will invite you to the holiday.

What is the dream of a father in a cassock according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a father can appear in a dream to a young girl as a symbol of the purity of her thoughts and desires. If she dreams about how the priest seduced her, she is content with base feelings and lust, and true feelings she does not have. What is the dream of a father in a white cassock? To imminent marriage. BUT if he dreamed married woman- to strengthen the marriage.

Why is the father in a black cassock dreaming? To hidden facts in relationships between people. It doesn't have to be cheating, it's just worth trusting each other more. You need to open up more to your loved one. It is important to remember that there should be no fear after such a dream, as it promises God's providence and grace.

If a man dreams about how he confesses- he is tired of leading a wild life, and he wants to opt for one woman. Whether he succeeds or not - he will tell about it full interpretation sleep. If a young woman dreams about how her father is crowning her, it is time to legitimize the relationship, otherwise they will come to an end.

If in a dream a young girl sees a baby whom the priest is baptizing, she should expect replenishment in the family. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, her birth will be successful and the child will be born healthy and strong. Nothing will bring fear and grief to her house. The child and she are under protection.

What is the dream of the father in other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that a dream in which the priest serves in the air symbolizes a wonderful opportunity for you to use your knowledge and skills in the future. If he addresses you in the theater, your work will be highly appreciated and well paid.

See how the father works is also a good sign. Especially if in a dream he digs up a garden - such a dream promises you worthy fulfillment. challenging task. If he gives gifts to children, your loved one confesses his love to you. If he smiles sweetly at you, expect a pleasant date in an unfamiliar place. If he buries the deceased in a dream - do not be afraid, such a dream only promises a calm and spiritual life.

In an esoteric dream book it is said that it is worth looking closely at all the deeds that the priest does, perhaps he will read a sermon for a long time - you will be tormented by remorse for a long time. If you dream of confession itself, it is time to repent of all your sins before loved ones. They will forgive you and through repentance your relationship will improve.

If you see a priest of a rather large build- such according to autumn dream book promises you happy and long life. If the priest is thin and exhausted, you will have to work tirelessly. If the priest with a beard is your close people are on your side and will always support you in word and deed. If he does not have a beard, it will bother you stranger what exactly - will tell the interpretation of the whole dream.

If you imagine that one of your acquaintances has chosen to serve God- support him in all endeavors, do not condemn his actions, now he needs your support more than ever. If you yourself decide to renounce everything worldly in a dream, you are pretty tired and do not find the strength to continue to struggle with the life situation. If you see yourself in a dream at a confession with a priest, try to remember all the details of the dream - they contain the secret of solving your most important problems.

Anyway, a dream in which you happened to meet a priest should not cause fear and negative feelings in you. You must remember that dreams do not fully reflect reality, and often carry important clues. Use them to your advantage. If dreams are repeated again and again, you do not learn from them, do not use the opportunities that life gives you. Correct the situation and get much more than expected, trust life.

Cult ministers - be they priests or shamans - have always been both respected and feared. With the clergy, who encouraged exemplary behavior and condemned human sins, the laity encountered not only in real life but also in my own dreams.

And why the priest is dreaming, every popular dream book tells. A priest in a dream is the personification of human ideals, a symbol of divine will that directs a person to the true path. The appearance of such a vision can mean the correctness of the path chosen by the person and the upcoming reward.

Or the image of a clergyman in a dream warns the sleeper: you need to adjust your behavior in order to avoid trouble. If you dreamed of a priest, try to remember the details of the image you saw, as well as the actions that took place in your dream.

  • The priest could be seen from afar.
  • He could talk to you and invite you to church.
  • Or you watched the priest during the service.
  • You might have dreamed of a confession scene.
  • In night dreams, the clergyman blessed you or refused to bless you.
  • In a dream, you yourself were in the role of a priest.

The meaning of your dream will depend on the mood and vestments the priest was in in a dream, how he talked to you. With the help of proven dream books, you can interpret whether higher powers are preparing to reward you or are waiting for you to take some action.

Golden attire and black robes

If you saw a priest in a dream from the outside, at some distance, most interpreters explain such an image as a harbinger of a prosperous existence in the near future. But if you dream of a father, and you, either in a dream or upon awakening, experience some anxiety and discomfort, sleep is a warning for you. He says that there is someone in your environment who is trying to dominate you, and you need to make an effort not to fall under third-party influence.

Why does a convinced atheist dream of a priest? For the dreamer, this will mean that in the near future they will try to draw him into some kind of adventure, which can have an extremely negative effect on his reputation. You need to literally consider under a microscope all the business proposals that you will receive, because the scam can be very well disguised.

Seeing a priest in a black cassock means that you will have to defend your authority from others. A priest dressed in black is dreaming, explains the Small Velesov dream book, - this is a signal that you need to reconsider your priorities and try to be more condescending to others.

If the priest dreamed of you in full dress, he says Gypsy dream book, this promises an increase in well-being. True, according to the interpretation Noble dream book, this may be due to certain obstacles in cases or documents, which, nevertheless, will be resolved in your favor.

When you dream of a priest who is talking to you, you should try to remember his words as accurately as possible. This may be a direct message for you: what is worth doing in reality and what is not. New family dream book believes that a conversation with a priest in a dream can also portend an increase in your social status.

To dream that the priest was favorable to you and invited you to enter is a good sign. This means that your life choice is correct, which means that you should be afraid of this moment nothing. On the contrary, we can expect some pleasant and important news.

The opposite meaning carries a dream in which the priest was unhappy with you, prevented you from entering the temple, or you failed to receive his blessing. Dream Interpretations unanimously talk about what a vision is - a sign to rethink your actions in recent times. Perhaps you offended one of your loved ones and you need to eliminate this unfortunate injustice. Or maybe you are subject to the sin of despondency, and you should not anger God by saying that “everything is lost”?

Services and sacraments

Seeing a priest in a dream at the moment when he is busy serving in the church, Miller's authoritative dream book believes, is a signal to take care of your own health right now. You should not wait until the disease becomes apparent and gives you a lot of anxiety.

If you dream of priests reading prayers, Vanga's dream book explains, this means that it is time for you to ask Providence for the fulfillment of your cherished desires. Esoteric dream book believes that seeing a priest during a church service or means the onset of not the most favorable circumstances for the sleeping person. He can get into an ambiguous position, but he will be able to resolve the situation in his favor.

Seeing yourself in a confession with a priest in a dream is also a clear warning. Because of your own indiscretion, you can get into an awkward position, out of which it will be possible only with serious patronage. But a defender in exchange for support may require you to tell everything without hiding, and this is far from always easy.

I had to see myself in the role of a priest who forgives other people's sins - soon relatives and friends will require your attention and help. Just try not to turn into a "vest" that everyone wants to cry into. Seeing yourself in the image of a clergyman is a favorable sign. Such a dream means that you have enough strength to realize your wildest ideas. It is only important not to be afraid and decide on the first step.

Another very auspicious dream about a priest is a vision in which you receive a blessing from him. On the one hand, a blessing from a clergyman in a dream, as in the previous case, means that you are able to carry out your most daring plans.

On the other hand, if you received a blessing in your dreams, in reality you may have a serious patron who will help you in the implementation of your projects. I dreamed of an archbishop who gives a blessing to the flock - this speaks of great career prospects for the sleeper.

Also a good sign a vision is considered that the priest has married you to your chosen one or chosen one. This means that you can be confident in your life partner.

But talking about love with the clergyman himself or an inappropriate passion for him in a dream warns: be more careful in choosing your “soul mate”. If you had to see a priest of a different confession in a dream, you will soon have a serious choice.

For many people, priests and ministers of the church evoke a sense of trust and hope. We turn to them for help and comfort in the most difficult periods of our lives, talk about the most intimate and wait for wise advice. The appearance of the image of a clergyman in a dream suggests that the human soul longs for repentance and forgiveness, it's time to correct life's mistakes and mistakes. Why is the priest dreaming, and what secret meaning bears such a dream?

Dreamed of a priest - the meaning of sleep

Dreams, in the plot of which a person sees a priest, have deep meaning and encourage the dreamer to think about his spiritual development about the meaning of life.

  • If the dreamer had a dream in which he accidentally met a priest on the street or in a public place, then he will soon hear about someone else's repentance for their sins or deeds.
  • Hearing a sermon from a priest - the dreamer needs to let go of the past, think and draw conclusions.
  • If a priest is dreaming of accompanying a funeral procession, a person should be prudent and careful in his actions or statements.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream at a confession before a clergyman means a person’s desire to change himself and his life, to break out of the routine and monotony. It is worth listening to what the priest was talking about, what advice he gave - this is a hint from higher powers about how to behave further. Especially prophetic meaning is a dream that is periodically repeated.
  • To see confession from the outside - you will become a witness of other people's sins.
  • Standing in a church on the eve of a divine holiday and seeing a priest who is serving means that the dreamer needs public approval and recognition. He cannot solve his problems on his own and needs support.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • The appearance in a dream of a priest reading a prayer means that the time has come for repentance for sins, it is time for the dreamer to turn to God and ask for forgiveness.
  • A dream in which the priest blesses, carries positive value. A person can soon count on the support of an influential person or he will be successful in a new business.
  • A dream in which the dreamer saw himself as a priest speaks of a person's calling to serve people and do good.
  • I dreamed of a Catholic priest - they are waiting for you big changes in the very near future. You may have to take important decision making tough choices.
  • A priest and a wedding in a church are dreaming - a happy marriage awaits you.
  • Confess to a priest - soon you will find a way out of a difficult life situation, and an influential person will help you with this.

Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, the clergyman is a symbol of anxiety, torment, doubt, and also dark side person.

  • Seeing a priest from Miller's dream book is a disease, both physical and mental. You should devote more time to health.
  • For a woman, a dream in which she is in love with a priest carries a warning. One should beware of lies and deceit on the part of a lover. If a priest flirts with a girl in a dream, in reality she will be accused of excessive frivolity and passion for entertainment.
  • Confession to a church minister - you will find sadness and anxiety about your bad deeds.
  • To see a priest, but not to enter into a conversation with him - they can subordinate you to someone else's will, impose someone else's opinion.
  • For a man to see a priest in a dream - it's time to subdue his pride and accept the criticism of others with dignity.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book for a girl, the priest is a symbol of virginity and the purity of her soul.

  • I dreamed of a romantic relationship with a church minister - the girl starts a relationship with the wrong men. The dream speaks of the dreamer's desire to gain purely spiritual intimacy.
  • A dream in which priests dressed in black robes accompany the funeral - your relationship with your lover, unfortunately, has come to an end. The dream speaks of the fading of desire, feelings or attraction to a partner. It is necessary to bring a new wave of passion into your relationship or break it off so as not to torment each other.

Religious dreams leave a special mark on the soul, and make you think about your life, actions and aspirations.

In reality, one of us often sees clergy in the church, and someone leads social life and is extremely rare. Why is the priest dreaming: father, holy elder, patriarch. If you dreamed of a priest, the dream book says that this dream is a symbol of observance of moral standards. Seeing a priest in a dream is a neutral event; this dream is not good or bad. The dream book will tell you what events to expect in the near future, what you should pay attention to Special attention as well as good omens.

If you dreamed of a priest, you lead a decent life, and Higher power you are patronized.

What feelings do we experience when we meet a clergyman in reality? From reverence and awe to vague fear - after all, the priest is present not only at christenings and weddings, but also at the funeral rite. Therefore, the question often arises of why a priest in a black cassock is dreaming, is this a sign of imminent death. We hasten to reassure you, among the many interpretations of what priests dream of, there are none so gloomy.

Did you see the priest in the church

If you dreamed of a priest in a church, you will soon have a good time with your family. As the dream book says, a priest in black means that you can count on a pleasant atmosphere during a home dinner. If he was in white attire, then dinner will take place not at home, but in an expensive restaurant.

The dream in which the priest stood on the bell tower means that you will plunge into nostalgic memories and deep thought. However, it will only benefit you.

If the priest held a prayer book in his hands, soon you will have a trip to a city that you have not been to before and a pleasant pastime with new friends. If the priest had a low bass voice, you may jump to conclusions, and because of this, you will quarrel with your close friend.

See the ceremony: baptism, communion, wedding, funeral

If in a dream you saw the rite of baptism, you need to think about your reputation. Probably your friends underestimate you, considering you more stupid person than you really are. A dream of a funeral service in a church is a bad sign, it portends the collapse of the most significant things for you. You should not hope that the problem will be solved by itself, act to change the situation for the better.

Being a priest or a monk is very difficult, so if you saw him in a dream, you should work on yourself.

Under what circumstances did you meet the priest?

According to the dream book, the priest, the priest, seen on the street, is a reminder of your weaknesses. You should become more demanding of yourself and engage in self-discipline, how you need to be less lazy, otherwise you will not be able to complete the things that are important to you.

Invite a priest to your home - soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation and you can get out of it only thanks to your influential friend, who will demand from you detailed explanations situations. If in a dream you fell in love with a priest or even kissed him, this is a sign that you will soon be condemned, your reputation will deteriorate so much that you will be ashamed to look into the eyes of your friends.

To be a priest in a dream and conduct ceremonies

If in a dream you yourself were a priest, this means that one of your acquaintances needs advice and support, and you may well give them to him. This person, although shy, is morally pure, and by doing a good deed, you will clean your karma for yourself. Who exactly is this person, your intuition and observation will tell you.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, girl, child

For a young girl, a priest in a dream is an omen that her affairs will develop successfully. If in her dream a girl falls in love with a priest, her reputation will be ruined in the near future.

If a woman dreams of a priest, she is on the right track. Good luck will smile at you for a long time. But if the priest behaved inappropriately in a dream, this means that one of your friends harbored a grudge against you. This is not your fault, and your friend is wrong.

For a man, a dream in which he sees a good priest is a good sign, your business will go well, the main thing is to show diligence and kindness. A dream about a priest for a child is a good sign, promising a carefree and happy life.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep by day of the week

  • Why does the clergyman dream on the night from Sunday to Monday - a difficult life period awaits you;
  • If from Monday to Tuesday - you will not be able to get the support and sympathy of others when you need them;
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday promises success, recognition in society and material well-being;
  • From Thursday to Friday, a dream portends you a meeting with a person who will make you a very profitable offer;
  • Sleeping on the night from Friday to Saturday is a sign that you should rest;
  • A dream from Saturday to Sunday tells you that a lot of small troubles await you, but do not worry, they will be your joy.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

The dreaming priest is interpreted differently in the dream books of popular authors. Most compilers of dream books believe that the image of a clergyman they see is a positive sign, but the interpretation is highly dependent on the details and the general atmosphere of the dream. Let's turn to time-tested sources and look into those dream books that are considered the most truthful in order to find out in more detail the meaning of your dream.

Miller's dream book - anxiety due to illness

Miller believes that a priest in a dream is a harbinger of illness in reality. Seeing him serving means an early illness and anxiety. If a woman dreamed that she fell in love with a priest, she should be wary of being deceived by her dishonest lover.

Seeing yourself in a confession to a priest in a dream is a sign of future humiliation and sadness. Most likely, you have committed some act that will soon cause concern to you and your relatives.

If you saw a priest but didn't talk to him, someone might try to enslave you or force you into some unprofitable contract. Be attentive to all the offers that will come to you in the coming days. If you spoke with a priest, high honors await you soon. The priest looked sad or tired - someone will do an evil deed towards you.

If the priest behaved inappropriately in your dream, your reputation is in jeopardy in reality.

Wangi's dream book - help other people

If the priest has blessed you, you can count on support influential person, such a dream prophesies success in all matters. Seeing yourself as a priest is a sign from above that you are called to earth to bring good to people.

Seeing a Catholic priest in a dream means imminent change, you will need to make difficult choices and accept correct solution. If the priest married you in a dream, expect happiness in a relationship with your loved one. Confess in a dream, from which you can get out thanks to your influential friend.

Freud's dream book - take care of your health

Sigmund Freud believes that the priest symbolizes the male sexual energy taken under control, and his presence in your dream suggests that you should strive for safe sex using contraceptives. Otherwise, you will face many problems.

Modern dream book - take care of your reputation

A priest in a dream is a sign of great trouble. If a woman dreamed that she fell in love with a priest, she should be wary of deception. And if the priest himself sought her love, in reality she will be condemned for her love of entertainment. After such a dream, you should try to look more serious in the eyes of others, even if it will be dust in your eyes, at the moment it's better for everyone.

If you confessed in a dream, humiliation awaits you in reality. Most likely you have done or will do something that will bring trouble to you and your family. A father in a dream is a spiritual mentor, a dream with his presence is designed to remind you of your imperfection and the need to work on yourself.


Why is the priest dreaming? Having studied many interpretations in various dream books, we can conclude that this is a rather ambiguous image. It is necessary to pay attention to the details of the dream: did you dream of a priest in a church or on the street, did you see a church ceremony, did you invite a priest to your home or preferred to confess in a church. Or maybe you yourself were a priest in your dream and performed rituals. All these details can tell a lot about your future and help with the interpretation of sleep.

Video "Why the Priest is dreaming"

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which Pop dreamed

What is the dream of the Priest Dream Interpretation - Superiority, dominance, dominance of the super-ego in human behavior or idealization of a strongly negative super-ego.

Rural (village) nature.

The image of potential values ​​at the disposal of the subject, which can be realized and realized by him in a positive environment. Subject ready at this moment to the realization of these values ​​\u200b\u200b- this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of a Priest

The priest dreamed in a dream - A priest or a preacher is a spiritual guide for people, so any dream in which they appear indicates your own shortcomings and weaknesses. You should be stricter about your actions. Seeing a priest, especially during a service, is a harbinger of illness, anxiety, or mental anguish. You see a priest, but do not talk to him, warns you against other people's influence - someone can completely subordinate you to their will. A conversation with a priest in a dream portends a high position in the future. If in a dream the priest looks sad and tired, he warns you of possible evil. Confessing to a priest in a dream is a harbinger of humiliation and sadness. This dream means that you have done or will do something that will turn against you and your family in the future. If the priest blesses you, you will soon receive the support of an influential person. Sometimes a dream prophesies success in all endeavors. If a priest crowns you in a dream, in reality you will have a happy, calm life with your loved one. If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, she should be wary of deceit by her lover. If the priest seeks her love, she will be reproached for her excessive love of entertainment. A Catholic priest in a dream portends a change in life. You will have to make a difficult choice or make a difficult decision.

Priest according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Priest Dream Interpretation - Well-being, messenger.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Priest in a dream why dream

Priest - A dream about a priest is an omen of well-being and happiness. I dreamed that you were in confession with a priest - in reality you have to endure humiliation. If a priest dreams of a criminal, the crime committed by the latter will be solved.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Priests from your dream

Priest - Pointer of the way, support, blessing; the unclean conscience of the sleeper.

New and most complete dream book 1918

Why dream in a dream Priest

Priest - Well-Being.

The meaning of the dream of the Cross (the message of the Tarot cards)

Priest, cross - Help from loved ones

The priest at the bed - There is hope, albeit weak

Priest - Repentance is needed.

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of the Priest in a dream

Priest in a dream - A priest in a dream is a harbinger of illness. If in a dream he is busy with service, illness and anxiety await you. If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, she should be wary of deceiving her dishonest lover. If a priest seeks her love in a dream, she will be reproached for her excessive addiction to entertainment. Confessing to a priest in a dream is a sign of impending humiliation and sadness. This dream means that you have done or will do something that will cause concern to you and your family in the future. The priest or preacher is your spiritual guide, and any dream in which they appear before you serves as a reminder of your own vices and weaknesses so that you are stricter in your actions. You see a priest, but do not talk to him, warns you against someone's enslavement. If you do not take this dream as a warning, complete submission to someone else's will awaits you. A conversation with a priest in a dream promises you high honors in the future. If in a dream the priest looks sad and tired, he warns you of possible evil.

Large modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Priest

Pastor - You saw the Pastor in a dream - a penchant for bad habits and a weak will - these are your qualities that will one day lead you to trouble; already now your lifestyle cannot be called impeccable; Don't chase pleasure, get down to business.

You dream of a saddened Pastor - the offense that you commit can be called grave sin; you will never regret what you did. The Pastor seems to long hair- the dream says that you have enough courage to confront the most authoritative and powerful person; you can't stand selfishness. It’s as if you are arguing about something with the Pastor - the dream suggests that you cannot argue with the opposite side. The pastor seems to be leaving you - if dark clouds were gathering over you, then soon the sky will clear up; your business will definitely go uphill. You seem to be listening to the Pastor's sermon - you are open to trouble, and it will not be slow to come. You seem to be the Pastor himself and preach a sermon - you will encounter difficulties in business and suffer some losses.

Erickson's Dream Interpretation

If you see a Priest, what is it for?

Pastor - doubts about religiosity, to have a conversation with him - to establish oneself in one's faith.

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