What kind of mother Elizabeth II was for her children. Is Prince Andrew sleeping with Goga from Kazakhstan? Sarah Ferguson was a target for British tabloids, angering the royal family

royal life at Buckingham Palace. Part 6. Family (6) Prince Andrew.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York full name Andrew Albert Christian Edward; genus. February 19, 1960 - British Prince, Rear Admiral.

Third child and second son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The title of the Duke of York was granted to him on July 23, 1986 - the day of his marriage to Sarah Ferguson.

Prince Andrew (left) and Prince Edward (right).

Andrew had always been a tomboy, what was called the "nightmare" or "enfant terrible" of the palace. In February 1960, it seemed to everyone that never before in the royal family, the expectation of the birth of a child was not delayed for such a long time.

Journalists and onlookers besieged the bars of Buckingham Palace, turning into icicles under the influence of a wet, dank London winter. As at Ascot at the four-day races, the bookmaker here took bets from loitering mouthers, and the sex of the baby was the subject of the bet. For the first time since 1857, a reigning queen was due to give birth. Prince Philip replaced his wife at many official ceremonies, and at a banquet given by the Lord Mayor of London, he struck those present with the statement: “I beg your pardon, but she has other duties tonight.”

Elizabeth had already drawn up a plan for Andrew's life, uttering one phrase: “I would not want this child to know the anxieties and cares of royalty. I'd rather he was just happy."

Perhaps it was in connection with this phrase that the legend was born that her third child is her favorite. Indeed, with Andrew, the queen took the opportunity to avoid some of the duties imposed on her by her position, she was glad that she could, in a sense, hide behind motherhood from the all-seeing eye of the public.

Many years had passed since the birth of Anne and before the birth of Andrew (due to the sudden and premature death of the king and the corresponding rapid and unexpected ascension of a young woman to the throne), and Andrew had the good fortune to find in Elizabeth a mother overwhelmed with new ideas, a woman of very excellent spirit from the way she was when she gave birth to Anna.

Elizabeth had been wearing the crown for eight years and was confident enough to dare to dedicate herself to her son without any remorse. For example, Elizabeth appreciated those evenings when the governess had a day off, because it was a wonderful excuse to personally bathe, swaddle and rock her child. She strove to spend as much time with him as possible and very carefully followed everything that happened in the nursery.

Andrew's upbringing and education bears the stamp of the personality of his nanny, Mabel Anderson, whom members royal family They call it “our Mabel” and which the press service refers to as “a Rolls-Royce among governesses”. It must be said that the nannies of royal children have always played a special, privileged role in the family and sometimes even attended official ceremonies and receptions. With Andrew, Mabel “reigned” the longest in the nursery, located on the third floor of Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth was pleased that the nanny had the courage and temperament of Mary Poppins and was always in a good mood.

Andrew was a very restless child, invariably cheerful, but also unpredictable; he never showed resentment that his parents were not present at the celebration of his birthday for the reason that they were on an official visit abroad. When he was three years old, Elizabeth introduced him to a pony; first he learned to ride a half-breed Valkyrie, then he began to ride Mr. Dinkum, and then a polo pony named Zamba.

Very early, his father began to teach him swimming in the palace pool, along with his cousin David. One day, Andrew decided to play a joke and poured a bucket of foaming bath salts into the pool. By such actions, he created a reputation for himself as a jester, a clown, and witnesses talk about his favorite “things”: for example, he loved to tie shoelaces from the shoes of royal guards and soldiers together, tie a banner in a knot, steal silver cutlery and plates from laid out for official banquets desks, pressing multiple bells almost simultaneously in the palace, setting off fire alarms in Sandringham…

One of the palace footmen declared that the most restless of all the royal offspring was quite "capable of wreaking havoc and panic faster than a crowd of English fans." Another servant said that Andrew was constantly banging on something or hitting someone, even the unfortunate royal dogs of the Corgi breed. Once one of the lackeys, who was tired of all this, rebuffed the prince and “rewarded” him with a good slap in the face and a black eye. And what is most surprising, he had nothing for it! No punishment!

At the age of four, Andrew was introduced to the custom of kissing the hand, and he obeyed him and began to kiss the hand of his mother, aunt and grandmother when they met. However, the palace staff never hid and does not hide their attitude towards his swagger and rude demeanor: "You rarely hear from him "thank you" and "please." Andrew Morton told a very revealing story: leaving Clarence House after dinner with his grandmother, Andrew met in the corridor a butler who had long served in the palace, and, passing by him, for fun, ruffled his hair. The angry butler did the same to the prince. Andrew mockingly exclaimed, “You have no right to do this! I just had my grandmother comb my hair with her own hands!” And the butler, without raising an eyebrow, replied: “It’s a pity that she also didn’t comb your manners ...”

At the age of four, Andrew began attending lessons at the palace school, which Elizabeth organized for her children. His first teacher was responsible for teaching four more children, two boys and two girls, one of whom was Cathy Seymour, Lord Dunboyne's daughter. Later, their son Margaret joined them. When Andrew was eight and a half years old, Elizabeth broke with custom again by sending him to an elementary school at Heatherdown, near Windsor Castle. Charles was the first heir to the throne to receive schooling outside the home, from ordinary teachers rather than visiting teachers at the palace, and Andrew followed in his footsteps. He, like everyone else, put on a gray school uniform with a red cap and shared a dormitory (bedroom) with six comrades, and saw his parents only at the end of the week, on Saturdays and Sundays.

Like his older brothers and sisters, he was entrusted to a governess who took care of his upbringing and education. By the age of 19, he received a diploma in the history of economic and political sciences and went to the Royal Naval College. In 1979, Prince Andrew joined the Royal Navy to train as a military helicopter pilot. The prince was later accepted as a trainee on a military helicopter, signing a 12-year contract effective May 11, 1979.

Already on September 1, he received a promotion, and in 1980 he was awarded a green beret. Until 1982, the prince takes refresher courses and becomes a full-fledged pilot. He joins the 820 Naval Aviation Squadron, serving on board the aircraft carrier Invincible, in which he continues to serve.

On April 2, 1982, the so-called Falklands War began between Britain and Argentina over the disputed islands. The main role in this war was assigned to the Royal Navy and naval aviation, so the British Cabinet made every effort to return the prince from the danger zone, but Queen Elizabeth insisted on her son's desire to remain in the service and participate in the war.
After the end of the war, the Invincible returned to Portsmouth where it was received by the Queen and Prince Philip along with the families of the other crew members. In his book about that war, Commander Nigel Ward said that the Argentine government was deliberately preparing a series of assassination attempts on the prince. Andrew himself was described by the commander as "an excellent pilot and a very promising officer."

In February 1984, the prince received the rank of lieutenant, after which the queen appointed him her personal assistant-adjutant. After that, the prince commanded several units in different regions of the planet. On February 19, 2010, his 50th birthday, he was appointed an honorary rear admiral.

Andrew's character is distinguished by extroversion, individualism and unpredictability, but this, perhaps, is what allowed him to quickly find his way in life and not be in the shadow of his older brother, heir to the throne. His appearance and figure, comparable in beauty to appearance and figure young actor, who plays the role of the first lovers in the theater. The appearance of this man, courageous, sexually attractive, somewhat impudent and impudent, self-confident and even a little arrogant, is very appealing to some Englishmen.

As a young man, he gained a reputation as a playboy prince, and after serving in the Falklands War, became the subject of nasty press comments, going on vacation with his current girlfriend, American actress Koo Stark, who previously appeared in pornographic magazines. Thanks to my sister-in-law, Princess Diana,

Andrew fell in love with her red-haired friend in Westminster Abbey. Upon marriage, Andrew received from the queen the traditional title of second royal son- The Duke of York, he also holds the title of Earl of Inverness and Baron Killeleysky.

Sarah Ferguson was like a breath of fresh air when she joined the royal family. The couple made a number of successful foreign trips representing the Queen. However, cracks soon began to appear in the marriage, which immediately found itself in the spotlight of the media. The Duchess of York has often been subjected to harmful criticism from the press for her taste in clothes and overweight.

Andrew's naval career meant he was often away from home, and the adventurous Duchess of York began to spend a lot of time with American fans, Texan Steve White and John Bryan. Later, these relations became public knowledge. When incriminating photos of the Duchess and her "financial adviser" John Bryan appeared in the national newspapers, the Duchess was at Balmoral, where the traditional summer holiday is held with the rest of the royal family. She left with a scandal, which again provoked a strong reaction from the newspapers.

The couple divorced in May 1996. It was a civilized divorce, they shared custody of their two daughters and continue to spend joint family holidays with them. “We managed to work together to bring happiness to our children,” Sarah Ferguson said in an interview.

The Duke of York (whom the evil tongues call the "Duke of Pork", that is, the "Duke of Pigs") has his official residence near Windsor, where he lives with his ex-wife and two daughters.

The Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York have two children: Princess Beatrice of York (b. 8 August 1988) and Princess Eugenie (Eugenie) of York (b. 23 March 1990).

Sarah Margaret Ferguson

Since the duke has no sons, there are no heirs to the title (peerage titles, except in special cases, are inherited only through the direct male line). If Prince Andrew does not remarry and have a son, then after his death the title "Duke of York" will return to the crown and can be assigned again.

Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York is a member of the British Royal Family. Eldest daughter of Andrew, Duke of York, second son of the current Queen Elizabeth II, and Sarah, Duchess of York.

The eldest daughter of the Duke of York Andrew, second son and third child in the family of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and Sarah, Duchess of York, nee Ferguson. Is the seventh in order in the line of succession to the throne of sixteen independent states(Great Britain and monarchical states British Commonwealth). At the time of her birth, Beatrice was the first princess to be born into the royal family since the birth of her aunt Princess Anne in 1950.

She received her primary education at Upton House School in Windsor, after which Beatrice, like her younger sister, Princess Eugenie of York, studied at Coworth Park School. According to rumors, young Beatrice was not very popular among her classmates; her childhood was also marred by her parents' divorce in 1996.

Despite everything, Beatrice grew up polite, modest and sweet. She admired her modesty and natural charm. Growing up, she became one of the most talked about beauties in the world. In addition, she does not miss any opportunity to declare her great love for her grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. The sisters continued their education at St. George's School in Ascot. In 2008, the princess became a student at Goldsmiths College at the University of London, her subjects of study are history and design.

The princess is exempt from many mandatory official high ceremonies, as the family decided that she should devote all her time to studying. Princess Beatrice lives a full life and manages everywhere - she gains knowledge, has fun with her sister, applauds warmly at fashion shows and only occasionally participates in royal ceremonies.

Being 19 years old british princess went to work as a saleswoman in the famous department store Selfridges in London. Her responsibilities included servicing VIP clients. For a month, Beatrice worked five days a week from nine in the morning until five in the evening. The Queen's granddaughter did not receive money for her work - this became her work experience, which is supposed to be acquired by all members of the royal family.

In 2009, Princess Beatrice was hijacked when a uniquely numbered BMW 1 Series was stolen from a parking lot near a shop where the royal was shopping. And although the princess, like any member of the royal family, appears everywhere accompanied by a policeman, this did not save her - the policeman accompanied Beatrice to the store. Despite the fact that the car remained open and with the key in the ignition, the princess was surprised and annoyed by the daring theft - the car was a gift from her father, Prince Andrew. In 2007, the extravagant princess starred in Jean-Marc Vallee's film The Young Victoria Young Victoria is a historical melodrama about Queen Victoria. And although Beatrice is a direct descendant of Victoria, her role in the film turned out to be quite insignificant, she did not even have to say a couple of words in the frame, playing one of the maids of honor.

It is known that Queen Elizabeth II gave all her grandchildren a stern warning about the abuse of visiting too expensive London nightclubs, however, her grandchildren calmly ignore this warning. In general, the expediency of paying from the pocket of taxpayers bodyguards for the daughters of the Duke of York is a very discussed topic in Britain - each bodyguard costs the treasury a considerable annual amount, while neither Beatrice nor Eugenia perform any official or special royal duties.

Princess Eugenie was born at Portland Hospital on 23 March 1990 as the second child of Andrew, Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York, sixth granddaughter of Elizabeth II and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Baptized at St Mary Magdalene Church, Sandringham by the Bishop of Norwich on 23 December 1990.

She was the first royal child to have a public baptism. Her godparents were: James Ogilvie, her cousin; Mrs. Ronald Ferguson, second wife of her maternal grandfather; Mrs Patrick Dodd-Noble and Miss Louise Blacker.

She and her sister are the only grandchildren of the Queen to be elevated to the title of Princess and Her Royal Highness, as opposed to their cousin, Lady Louise Windsor, daughter of younger son Queen Edward, who is only legally a princess, and a second cousin, Zara Phillips, who is the daughter of Princess Anne and therefore is only entitled to the titles of her father, who did not have them. In accordance with the charters issued by King George V, they are not presented to the title at the direction of the Queen and her parents.

Eugenie is also the first princess since her grandmother's aunt, Princess Mary, to use the name Victoria in her full name. Queen Victoria requested that her female descendants bear the name Victoria in their full name, however, neither Queen Elizabeth II nor the deceased Princess Margaret, Princess Anne, and Beatrice were not named Victoria.

As a member of the royal family, personal coat of arms, based on the coat of arms of the monarch of the United Kingdom.

In January 1999, Andrew took an appointment with the Navy's Diplomatic Section and finally left the Navy in July 2001. He has since taken on the role of UK Special Representative for International Trade and Investment. Andrew loves the game of golf and is a patron of the Golf Foundation.

The Duke of York's public concerns include supporting the Queen as Head of State, supporting businesses in the community and finding ways to improve their ability to bring prosperity to the UK. In addition to these duties, His Royal Highness also contributes to the development of charitable organizations, provides patronage and support for initiatives that promote social and entrepreneurial activity youth.

To be continued...

As you know, fairy tales about princes and princesses that children love to listen to always have a happy ending. The heirs to the throne in them are distinguished by ambition, valor and are guided by the ideals of goodness and justice. However, in reality, as practice shows, the children of monarchs often find themselves at the center of scandals and become participants in lawsuits that are initiated in connection with their far from exemplary behavior. Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, was no exception in this sense. His business reputation in the British kingdom, where conservative foundations and traditions are strong, has certainly suffered. But does the moral character of the aforementioned heir to the throne really leave much to be desired? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Curriculum vitae

Prince Andrew was born on February 19, 1960 at Buckingham Manor.

The boy became the second male offspring, who was born to Queen Elizabeth II in marriage to the Duke Edinburgh Philip. He was named after his paternal grandfather, who bore the title of Prince of Greece and Denmark. Prince Andrew, like other children of the royal family, was raised by a governess. By the age of 19, the young man already had a diploma in the history of economic and political sciences. Taking the document with him, he goes to study at the Royal Naval College, and soon he is enrolled in the flotilla, where he begins to learn the basics of the profession "pilot of a military helicopter."

The beginning of a pilot's career

It did not take long for the heir to the British throne to get on a military aircraft as a trainee. In May 1979, Prince Andrew signed a twelve-year aviation contract.

In 1980, a young man receives a green beret. Over the next two years, a member of the royal family studies in continuing education courses, and then becomes a professional pilot. He joins the command of 820 Naval Air Squadron, which serves on board the aircraft carrier Invincible.


Soon, a military conflict between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands begins to develop. Striking Forces European powers were, of course, naval aviation and the Royal Navy, so the English Cabinet did not want to endanger the health and life of the middle son of Elizabeth II. However, she did not support this idea and insisted that Prince Andrew participate in the war for national interests. After her, the royal couple met their son in Portsmouth, where he arrived on the ship Invincible.

The heir to the throne received gratitude from the commander, who called him a promising officer and a high-class pilot.

Career Peak

Prince Andrew (son of Elizabeth 2), whose biography undoubtedly deserves separate consideration, continues to climb the career ladder: in 1984 he was awarded the rank of lieutenant, and his mother appointed him as a personal assistant - adjutant. In the future, the royal offspring is entrusted with the command of the army in various parts of the planet.

In the winter of 2010, the Duke of York, in honor of his fiftieth birthday, receives another military rank- now he is an honorary rear admiral. After some time, Prince Andrew (son of Elizabeth) decides to complete military career and move into civilian service as a UK Special Trade Representative.

Personal life

The relationship of the offspring of the British queen with the opposite sex has acquired a lot of rumors and rumors. Prince Andrew got married when he was 26 years old.

His chosen one was the daughter of the sports manager of Prince Charles - Sarah Margaret Ferguson. They were also familiar with young years, but the real spark of love between them ran in 1985. Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson met by chance at the royal races. Sharks of the pen wrote that Princess Diana played an important role in starting a relationship, who wanted to distract the prince from an unsuccessful romance with actress Koo Stark. The wedding took place in the summer of 1986 at Westminster Abbey, at the same time Prince Andrew was awarded the title of Duke of York. Andrew presented his wife with a truly royal gift - wedding ring, inlaid with a Burmese ruby.

In the early 90s, when the head of the family "went to sea", Prince Andrew's wife led a far from reclusive lifestyle. She was often seen in male society. Thus appeared the first crack in the relationship between Ferguson and the Prince of York. In 1992, the royal couple announced that their union was coming to an end, but only four years later an official divorce was issued. In marriage, Andrew and Sarah had two daughters - Beatrice (1988) and Eugene (1990). Subsequently, the ex-wife of the Prince of York, along with his offspring, moved to live in a family residence. Sarah Ferguson remained and remains on friendly terms with Andrew.

Scandal #1

One of the unpleasant incidents that negatively affected the business reputation of the Prince of York is connected with his ex-wife.

She was accused of the following: she wanted to get a large sum money for organizing the acquaintance of his ex-husband with one entrepreneur who had problems in business. It was expected that the royal offspring, who held the high post of special trade representative, would help resolve the "business" troubles of his new acquaintance. The deal was valued at £500,000. Moreover, “close to the court” gladly took an advance payment for her work. Subsequently, the fraud was revealed, and Prince Andrew, whose photos began to appear en masse in the British media, hastened to declare that he knew nothing about his wife's intentions. Sarah Ferguson also said that she “decided on such a bold act” only because she was experiencing financial difficulties.

Scandal #2

Another painful incident for the Prince of York was the accusation of sexual harassment, the object of which was underage girl. The plaintiff appealed to the American court so that justice would prevail.
She claimed that the son of Elizabeth II repeatedly found herself in bed with her: they say, he really liked the figure and slender legs of the girl. The victim added that for the "night of love" she received from the Prince of York 15 thousand dollars. The plaintiff also added that she worked as a courtesan for a certain banker Jeffrey Epstein. Among his regular customers was Prince Andrew. One way or another, but the defendant in every possible way denied the sexual relationship between him and Epstein's concubine.

Case out of the ordinary...

An extraordinary incident occurred with the second son of Elizabeth II, when he was in the residence of Buckingham Palace.

Law enforcement took him for a thief. Prince Andrew decided to take a walk in the palace garden in the evening. Seeing the man and not recognizing him, the police asked to show the documents. In addition, law enforcement officers pointed a pistol towards the heir to the throne, but the police rejected this version of what was happening. This response from employees law enforcement was explained by the fact that on the eve of the incident, a certain person tried to illegally enter the territory of the palace. Naturally, the police apologized to Prince Andrew for the inconvenience caused.

Finally, we note that the Duke of York has no male children: if he does not remarry and have a son, his title may return to the Crown.

Prince Andrew is heir to the English throne. Served in the Navy. Has the rank of Rear Admiral. His full name is Andrew Albert Christian Edward.

Biography of the prince

Prince Andrew was born on February 19, 1960. By Chinese calendar it was the year of the Rat. He became the third child in the family of the British Queen Elizabeth II after Prince Charles and Princess Anne.

From childhood, he was brought up in Buckingham Palace and was perceived as one of the likely heirs to the throne. Now, however, such a development option is practically impossible. He is 6th in the order of succession to the British crown.

Title of the Duke of York

At the age of 26, he was granted the title of duke. It happened on the day Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson. This is the title given by the kings of England and later Great Britain to members of their families. It has been leading its history since the end of the 14th century. Almost always it is received by the second son of the monarch. During this time, an exception was made only once. The name of the title comes from the British city of York, located in the county of North Yorkshire.

The title was first given in 1385 to Edmund Langley, the fourth son of Edward III. He became the founder of the House of York. A war broke out between this dynasty and the Lancasters in the 15th century, known as the War of the Scarlet and White Roses.

The military confrontation, which lasted from 1455 to 1487, ended with the triumph of the Tudors, who marked the beginning of the New Age in English history.

Today, Prince Andrew is the Duke of York.

Unhappy marriage

The duke's wife was the famous English writer and philanthropist Sarah Ferguson. She is actively engaged social activities is a TV presenter and film producer. At the time of her marriage, she was 27 years old.

She was born in London to Major Ronald Ferguson and his wife Susan. After the divorce, her mother married a polo player and moved permanently to Argentina.

Sarah received an excellent education at the College of Royal Secretaries and has been working in a public relations company since the age of 18.

The wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah took place in Westminster Abbey. After her marriage, she became the Duchess of York. However, the marriage was not successful. After 10 years they divorced. During this time they gave birth to two children - Beatrice and Eugene.

After breaking up with Andrew, Sarah lost her royal title, but retained her ducal one. She can part with him only in the event of a second marriage. Prince Andrew, Duke of York, whose personal life worries most British subjects, after the divorce decided not to start a new relationship. To this day, he remains single.

Another interesting fact about the duchess. In the popular series Friends, in the fourth season, she made a cameo appearance when Joey asks for compliments on Chandler's hat. There is a clear allusion to the passion for headdresses of the current British Queen Elizabeth II.

Eldest daughter

Prince Andrew's children this moment are members of the royal family, are seventh and eighth respectively in the list of succession to the throne.

The eldest daughter, Beatrice, was born in 1988. She was educated at Winsor School. As a child, she was a quiet and withdrawn child. The big tragedy was the divorce of the parents, the separation from the mother happened when she was 8 years old. At the same time, she attracted the eyes of others with her modesty, natural beauty and charm. Over time, she became one of the most talked about beauties of the British Empire.

Unlike many other children of royalty, especially outside the UK, Beatrice lives a full life, often appears in public. She loves to go to fashion shows.

Work experience, which all members of the royal family must receive, Beatrice acquired at the age of 19 in a popular London supermarket. She served important clients. She spent a month at this job without getting paid for it.

In 2009, her car was stolen from the parking lot while the princess herself went shopping. Despite the fact that the car was left open and with the keys in the ignition, many were surprised by the theft of the car. After all, it was an exclusive BMW with unique numbers. This gift was made by her father - Prince Andrew.

At the age of 19, just like her mother, she appeared on television. Beatrice played an episodic role in Jean-Marc Vallee's drama Young Victoria. She played one of the royal ladies-in-waiting.

Today in the UK, the issue of the expediency of maintaining the royal family is being actively discussed. Only the protection of princesses annually takes a lot of budgetary money. At the same time, Beatrice often leads nightlife, visits clubs and discos.

Princess Eugenie

British Princess Eugenie is eighth in the British crown's list of succession to the throne. She was born in 1990.

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson baptized their daughter at St. Magdalene Church. This was the first public baptism of a royal in the history of the British crown. She has the title of princess.

In her full name, she goes by the name Victoria. It was the will of the famous British Queen Victoria, but few of her descendants in the female line carried it out. Eugenie became the first Princess Victoria since the time of Princess Marie, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century.

Order of succession

Prince Andrew, son of Elizabeth II, is sixth in the line of succession to the British crown. The current monarch is followed by the son of Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, who is already 68 years old. It is he who, in the event of the death of his mother, will become the British monarch.

The next two of his sons on this list are William and Harry. William has the title of Duke of Cambridge, he is 34 years old. He was born from the marriage of Prince Charles to Princess Diana. He graduated from Eton College, visited many countries of the world, even reached Chile. Labor service took place on a British dairy farm.

Getting a second higher education, defended thesis dedicated to coral reefs. His second university was the Scottish University of St. Andrew. And after that he did not leave his studies, he decided to receive a military education. At the Royal Military Academy he was awarded the rank of officer, served in the air force.

He is currently serving in a rescue helicopter with the rank of captain.

Prince Harry scandals

His brother Prince Harry is the Prince of Wales, as is his father Prince Charles. He is 32 years old. At the same time, in the future, the title of Duke of York will most likely pass to him, since Andrew has no sons. It is followed by the glory of a difficult child, constantly getting into trouble. At the age of 17, he was caught using marijuana. Like his brother, he graduated from Eton College and went to travel the world. Traveled to Australia and Africa.

Filmed on the Black Continent documentary about the plight of orphans in one of the poorest countries in the world - Lesotho.

In 2005 he got another into one scandalous situation, to which for a long time received close attention from the press. He came to a private costume party in military uniform German Wehrmacht with a swastika on the sleeve. As a result, he had to make a formal apology through the media.

In 2011, media attention was again riveted to him, but this time on a positive occasion. Prince Harry on the world stock exchange tried himself as a broker and closed the most big deal in the world - by 18 billion euros.

In 2012, he was on a business trip to a British military base in Afghanistan. According to the tabloids, it was Prince Harry who flew the Apache helicopter that destroyed one of the leaders of the Taliban terrorist movement.

Title transfer

Most likely, it will not be possible to inherit your title to its current bearer. Prince Andrew, Duke of York has no official sons. Therefore, after his death, the title will return to the crown and in the future may be assigned to another person of royal blood.

This will happen if Andrew does not marry again and have a son. Only in this case will a new, young Duke of York appear.

Personal coat of arms

Britain's Prince Andrew has his own coat of arms. It is based on the coat of arms of the United Kingdom, like the rest of the royal family.

The emblem itself is a shield divided into four parts. Diagonally, in the first and fourth fields, is the English coat of arms - three golden leopards are depicted there. In another part - the Scottish coat of arms. It depicts a lion overgrown with lilies. In the rest of the shield, the Irish coat of arms is a harp shining with gold, located in an azure field. It also has silver strings.

On the shield are silver breezes (these are heraldic elements that distinguish representatives of the younger generation of a noble family). At their ends are sea anchors.

The shield itself is surrounded by the Order of the Garter. Heraldic animals hold it around the edges. On the left, the symbol of Scotland is a unicorn, on whose head is a crown with such breezes that are depicted on the shield. And on the right - the British lion, with exactly the same silver breezes.

Prince Awards

Like all British royalty, Prince Andrew has a large number of awards and titles from almost all territories that make up the United Kingdom.

Most of the awards, of course, were awarded to him in the UK. These are medals of the silver, gold and diamond jubilees of Queen Elizabeth II, three royal Victorian orders - a knight of the Grand Cross, a knight commander and a commander.

England awarded him the Order of the Garter - this is one of the oldest orders in the world, considered the highest award for British knights. The number of people to whom it can be awarded is strictly limited. In addition to the monarch and members of the royal family, there cannot be more than 24. It was established by King Edward III of England back in 1348.

In Norway, Prince Andrew was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olaf, in New Zealand - a commemorative medal, in Canada - a badge of the Armed Forces, in the United United Arab Emirates- Order of the Federation.

There are also special, rare awards. Thus, the Canadian province of Saskatchewan awarded the prince a commemorative medal dedicated to the centenary of the founding of Saskatchewan.

Prince Andrew, whose biography is of interest to all fans of the royal family, in addition to various titles, occupies rare positions.

In 2000, HRH The Duke of York became President of the English Football Association. It is the oldest sports association in the world and has been in existence without interruption since 1863. Since then and to this day, she has been organizing football competitions in Foggy Albion and managing football affairs.

The position of President of the English Football Association is an honorary mission originally reserved for members of the royal family. True, such a tradition appeared only by the middle of the 20th century. The first president, in 1863, was Arthur Pember, an athlete, writer and journalist, who simultaneously played for the No Name Kilburn team. Until 1939, the presidents were active athletes, football referees.

Alexander Cambridge, Earl of Athlone, became the first member of the royal family to become president of the Football Association.

Prince Andrew stepped down as president in 2006, and the current president is Charles's son, Prince William.

The head of the British royal family is Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor) together with her husband - the Duke of Edinburgh Philip (Philip Mountbatten). The queen's husband, according to the law, does not bear the title of "king" and cannot be co-ruler of the monarchy.

Four children were born in their family.

Eldest son - Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales(Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales), heir to the throne, born November 14, 1948. He is married with a second marriage. The first marriage was concluded on July 29, 1981 with Diana, Princess of Wales (Diana, Princess of Wales), nee Lady Diana Francis Spencer (Lady Diana Francis Spencer) (1961-1997); divorced on August 28, 1996. The second marriage was concluded on April 9, 2005 with Camilla Parker Bowles (Camilla Parker Bowles), née Shand (Camilla Shand) (b.1947). She holds the title of Duchess of Cornwall (except in Scotland, where she uses the title of Duchess of Rothesay).

Charles has two sons with the late Princess Diana - William, Duke of Cambridge (Prince William, Duke of Cambridge), full name William Arthur Philip Louis (born 1982), and Henry (Harry) of Wales (Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales, full name Henry Charles Albert David (born 1984).

April 29, 2011 ( Kate Middleton), full name Catherine Elizabeth Middleton (Catherine Elizabeth Middleton). After the wedding, Catherine received the title of Duchess of Cambridge.

© Leon Neal

Princess Anna Elizabeth Alice Louise(The Princess Anne, Princess Royal, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise), the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II. She was born on August 15, 1950. She is rightfully called one of the most active and popular members of the British royal family. In 1973, Princess Anne married Mark Anthony Peter Phillips, Lieutenant of the Royal Dragoons. Having given birth to two children - Peter (Peter Phillips) (born 1977) and Zara (Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips) (born 1981), the princess broke up with Phillips in 1992 and then married Navy Captain Timothy Lawrence (Timothy James Hamilton Laurence), who later became vice admiral.

Peter Phillips, eldest grandson of the Queen, alumnus private school Gordonstown and the University of Exeter.

In the summer of 2007, the royal family announced his engagement to a simple, unknown girl, a native of Canada, Autumn Kelly. The Queen personally agreed to the wedding of Peter and Autumn, which took place on May 17, 2008.

December 29, 2010 . On this day, Peter and Autumn had a daughter, Savannah Phillips. March 29, 2012 the couple had a second daughter - Isla Phillips (Isla Phillips).

Zara Phillips, daughter of Princess Anne and granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II - European champion in equestrian competition, in 2006 brought Britain gold medal at the World Equestrian Games in Aachen, Germany. In 2012, she became the owner silver medal equestrian competitions at the Summer Olympics in London.
Zara Phillips is involved in many charitable activities.
July 30, 2011 Zara Phillips married her boyfriend rugby player Mike Tindall (Michael James Tindall), whom she met in 2003.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York(Prince Andrew, Duke of York), full name Andrew Albert Christian Edward (Andrew Albert Christian Edward), the third child and second son of Elizabeth II, was born February 19, 1960. He has been the Duke of York since 1986, after marrying Sarah Margaret Ferguson. The Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York, from whom he has been divorced since 1996, have two children: Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York, born in 1988, and Princess Eugenie Victoria Helena of York (Princess Eugenie Victoria Helena of York, born in 1990.

Prince Edward Anthony Richard Louis, Earl of Wessex (The Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Edward Antony Richard Louis), youngest child and third son of Queen Elizabeth II, born March 10, 1964. In 1999 he married Sophie Rhys Jones (Sophie Helen Rhys Jones) born in 1965. On their wedding day, Prince Edward received the title of HRH The Earl of Wessex (Sophie became HRH The Countess of Wessex). In 2003, Edward and Sophie had a daughter, Lady Louise Mountbatten Windsor. It was announced that all children of the Count and Countess would not be called Princes and Princesses and Royal Highnesses. Girls born from this marriage will be called ladies. The first son will bear the title of Viscount Severn, subsequent sons - the prefix "Reverend".

On December 17, 2007, the second child was born to the Earl of Wessex Edward and his wife Sophie - son James Alexander Philip Theo Mountbatten Windsor, who became Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh Philip.

The boy bears the title of Viscount Severn.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, British Prince, Rear Admiral.

Prince Andrew: "Azerbaijan is a country of 'great opportunity' and the more British politicians and businesses come into contact with counterparts from Azerbaijan, the greater will be the material benefits."


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Is Prince Andrew being pleasured in Baku by a "blind Russian masseur"?

An article in the British The Independent says that Prince Andrew, Duke of York's close personal relationship with Azerbaijan is "unacceptable and shameful." The newspaper writes that the regime "bathed in petrodollars" has "stained itself with repressions and violations of human rights." Therefore, the desire of the prince to cooperate with Baku is “incomprehensible and inexcusable”, and close friendship with the “Absheron dictator”, considered one of the most cruel and corrupt leaders in the world, is also “shameful”.

However, the chest opens easily. According to another newspaper, The Telegraph, "the Duke of York continues to have a personal interest in Azerbaijan." In particular, he is closely connected with the golf resort being created on the Caspian coast, but, of course, the “personal interests” of the second son of the queen are much more extensive.

In Baku, the prince is received royally. For example, Ilham Aliyev took him to his own “luxury spa center, where a blind Russian masseur works, rumored to be the best in the world.” It is no coincidence that “Prince Andrew has visited President Aliyev eight times over the past five years.” He also invites the British ambassador to Baku to Buckingham Palace, demanding reports on the situation in Azerbaijan.

“We can only hope that Prince Andrew… will use these 'private meetings' at Buckingham Palace to convince the ambassador of the need to express serious concern about the many human rights violations in Azerbaijan,” said Amnesty International spokeswoman Natalia Nozadze. How naive some people can be!

Source: nv.am


According to The Guardian, Azerbaijani newspapers call Prince Andrew a "dear guest" who intends to visit Baku in the summer.

On Monday, after Prince Andrew lobbied in favor of increasing business cooperation between Britain and Azerbaijan, a storm of negative publications swept around his name. The newspaper called Azerbaijan an authoritarian regime in Central Asia, which is accused of repressions against demonstrators.

Despite concern over his willingness to do business with foreign dictators, the prince met with Conservative MP Mark Field, who heads the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Azerbaijan, and asked to lobby for more British investment in Azerbaijan. Field told the Guardian that Prince Andrew told him that Azerbaijan was a Cinderella with enormous potential.

The prince's behavior will raise questions about whether he is using his position to defend British or foreign interests.

Field and Buckingham Palace denied suggestions that the prince is taking steps based on the interests of the Azerbaijani leadership.

Source: lragir.am

British Prince Andrew and his Baku connections

The close attention of the British edition of the Independent was attracted by the long-term ties between the Duke of York Andrew and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who, according to the newspaper, "is called one of the most cruel and corrupt leaders in the world," the BBC Russian service reports. The Independent says Prince Andrew has recently officially been Britain's special envoy for trade and investment.

However, according to the publication, "lavish spending on taxpayer-funded private jets, not to mention his many reprehensible friendships with disreputable leaders and convicted pedophiles" forced Prince Andrew to resign. “The expenses of one of his visits to Azerbaijan included the rental of a private jet, which cost 60,000 pounds (nearly $100,000),” the Independent explains.

Officially, the prince was supposed to promote British business abroad. However, in practice, the newspaper notes, his activities "brought embarrassment and embarrassment to the government." “Over the past five years, Prince Andrew has visited President Aliyev eight times. According to Buckingham Palace sources, all of his dealings with Azerbaijan and other countries accused of violating human rights have been through the British government in recent years.

“The media in Azerbaijan have been circulating rumors for a long time that the prince has his own business interests in the region, including a golf club on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Buckingham Palace denies such rumors. Even in retirement, the Independent has found that the Duke of York continues to demand reports on the situation in Azerbaijan directly from the British ambassador in Baku, whom he recently had a face-to-face meeting with inviting him to the palace.

"We can only hope that Prince Andrew ... uses these 'private meetings' at Buckingham Palace to convince the ambassador of the need to express serious concern over the many human rights violations in Azerbaijan," Amnesty International spokeswoman Natalia Nozadze told the Independent.

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