Why I went to study abroad and I advise you. Canada: Come study and stay alive! Briefly about immigration through education The financial issue can be adjusted

The Communists submitted a corresponding bill to the State Duma. The author of the initiative was a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin. If the document is adopted, then state and municipal employees will not be able to arrange their children in foreign schools and universities on the territory of foreign states

It is assumed that the ban on studying abroad will be in effect until the children of officials reach the age of majority. The explanatory note to the document says that the rule should also apply to top managers of state-owned companies.

The exception is officials who, on duty, live abroad for more than a year. The ban will also not affect branches of foreign educational institutions in Russia and branches of Russian schools and universities abroad.

Deputy from the Communist Party Valery Rashkin says that in this way officials will be personally interested in improving the education system in their homeland.

Valery Rashkin Deputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party“Recently, from all sources, including research statistics, we receive information that the quality of education of our children in schools is deteriorating. Education itself is not just lame, we are losing culture, we are losing quality, we are losing traditions. It worries us. So we have prepared a law that would oblige, push civil servants - everyone on whom the quality of our education in the Russian Federation depends in our schools - so that they are interested in improving the education system. They have children, they have civil servants, and today, we see, they boast that their children study abroad, where they receive a better education, as they say. And all the doors for a career, for work, become open for them. Why is it permissible for a civil servant, on whom this very quality of education in Russia depends, without working, without improving the quality of our education, to send his children abroad to study? It is this law that allows us to turn on the lever, in which a civil servant will think about what he did or what he did not do while in the chair of a civil servant, so that our education is prestigious and that foreign parents, parents from abroad, on the contrary, bring their children to us came to arrange in our schools.

Yevgeny Revenko, a member of the State Duma from United Russia, called the bill a trolling amendment and a populist initiative.

Evgeny Revenko State Duma deputy from United Russia“Firstly, this is not a priority task that is now facing the deputies of the State Duma of the federal assembly of the seventh convocation. Recently, a lot of contradictory and provocative information has appeared about the personal life and about the children of civil servants. And that is why I think that this proposal is populist and is aimed primarily at increasing his personal media activity. And I would call it a trolling amendment. In the end, it is up to everyone to evaluate the possible risks and benefits of teaching their child abroad. And, of course, first of all, legislators should be engaged in improving the quality of education in our country. And so, you know, the easiest way is to ban and not let go, but you try, do it. I don't see any sound idea here. This kind of amendment does not solve any problem.”

It's not that anyone really needs a real excuse to fly to a country far, far away to get a world-class education and try on the romantic image of an exchange student, but if you're still undecided, here's our a list of 25 reasons why you should do it.

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Life abroad is different from holidays or vacations.

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Paella, chimichanga, katsudon - cross out what is already familiar.

Another system of education

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You will learn a lot about other cultures

Attention to cultural factors is an important skill that can be developed while studying abroad. Western universities provide a unique opportunity to get to know not only local students, but also people from different parts of the world, find out how they live, what holidays they celebrate and what is important to them.

Another look at your culture

It is easy to take your own culture as an absolute, but living in another country can help you look at your native culture from a different angle and expand your views. You will stop simply following the norms and principles that surround you from birth, and begin to analyze what is happening.

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Getting into a completely different environment will help you better understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Understanding is the first step to developing new skills.

you will grow up

A leap into the unknown greatly accelerates the process of rebirth of a teenager into an adult. You will have to rely only on yourself, buy food and wash clothes, but it's all worth it.

Multiply your life experience

One of the main benefits of studying abroad is the life experience. You will learn how to organize your life so well that it can be put in a suitcase, learn how to cope with unforeseen situations, be independent and self-sufficient.

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When you're thousands of miles from home, spontaneity and risk-taking are your best friends. Open your mind to new experiences and impressions and fun will come into your life.

Awareness of the beauty of simple things

Studying abroad generally means having even fewer possessions than the average student, and being away from home will teach you to appreciate those little conveniences you used to take for granted. Say "Welcome" to your newfound appreciation for your parents making homemade meals or having more than two pairs of shoes.

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Whether at work, school, or play, you can use your new global mindset to make your case and control your future.

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Even if your friends finally get tired of hearing about it (spoiler: they get bored), your study abroad experience will stay with you for a long time to come.

You will begin to value your home and family more.

Any memories of arguing with your parents or fighting with siblings will pale in comparison to the memories of what a great family you have (and the family will have enough time to forget about your unattractive character traits). When you return, family bonds will become even stronger!

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Of course, it depends on where exactly you want to study, but in many places in continental Europe, Asia and Latin America, you can study at a prestigious university and still not earn five-figure tuition credits.

Use your free time to study

In between lectures and lab sessions, you will likely have plenty of free time to explore a new location. There is always a better way to pass the time than scrolling through Facebook, like sightseeing, visiting the local market, or tasting exotic foods.

Use the prospect of international employment

Although you can always return home after the end of the program, many choose to stay and apply for a work visa. Even if you decide to return or decide to look for work elsewhere, the international experience gained during your studies will be well received by employers.

Diversity is the spice of life

Change, diversity and new experiences are exactly what makes life a life. Shake it up a little: go study abroad!

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Poll: Will Putin manage to "deoffshorize" the elite?

Officials and deputies were urged by the Kremlin to return their children and parents who live and study abroad, such a rumor was thrown into the media this week. Later there were denials, but the sediment remained. How many families of the Russian establishment live abroad? Does this situation pose a threat to national security? Would you send your child to study abroad? BUSINESS Online is answered by Airat Khairullin, Dmitry Potapenko, Ildus Yanyshev, Nikolai Svanidze and others.


Airat Khairullin- Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

- I was always upset ... When you have to fly abroad on a business trip from Moscow at the end of the week, there are always a lot of officials on the plane. And when I returned on Sunday evening or Monday morning, I saw the same faces. Several times, after talking, I found out that these officials were just going to their families for the weekend. I think this is wrong. I decided this question for myself a long time ago: my family does not have any property and property abroad. Moreover, I am a deputy of the State Duma and, according to moral principles, I could never allow myself this before. I told myself that I would invest only in my native country, my native republic.

On the one hand, getting an education in the West is not bad, but in fact, children who study and live abroad for two or three years, they cannot find themselves when they come here. They return completely brainwashed, adapted to that life, because the system of assimilation, the system of ideological education and accustoming them to those Western norms and values ​​works very seriously there. The child actually becomes practically a citizen of the country where he studies. It is difficult to say whether Putin will be able to reverse these processes. It will be very difficult, because the disease is neglected, unfortunately. These things could be turned a blind eye, but these officials with foreign assets are vulnerable. And it is possible that this can be used to put pressure on them so that they make certain decisions to the detriment of our country.

Andrey Devyatov- political scientist, sinologist:

- This situation with relatives abroad does not pose any threat to sovereignty. The very threat comes from the anticipation of additional pressure measures that US President Obama promised to introduce on Monday or earlier. We must not forget that a limited contingent of our armed forces is in Syria. And they are there fighting against rebels, terrorists and other enemies of the legitimate government of President Assad. Due to the fact that in the United States there is an uncompromising clash of views on the political line of the country's exit from the crisis, there is an opinion that one of the ways out of the crisis will be a full-scale war. And a full-scale war can very easily come from an armed conflict, a limited, local war. The Syrian campaign is one of these local wars.

If the Americans add military pressure, this may end up with the adoption of some kind of NATO decision to intern all citizens of the Russian Federation who are abroad, or to take some kind of police measures in relation to them, to check their reliability in terms of integrity, compliance with the norms of civil society. Otherwise, maybe they are all terrorists, some kind of extremists, radicals who, instead of tolerance, humility, patience and meekness, will demonstrate support for some decisive actions of the Putin-Medvedev administration. Therefore, they may end up there under checks, or they may be interned. In order to prevent any provocations against them, against these children and wives, otherwise they will take the children and beat them, some woman in the store will be accused of stealing a diamond, and such warnings are made.

And what will our Ministry of Foreign Affairs do in such cases? We already know what it will do. The British Foreign Secretary said that there should be peaceful demonstrations, pickets in front of the Russian embassy. And our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, instead of saying that we will take adequate measures and start holding pickets and demonstrations in front of your embassy, ​​began to stand in opposition, recall the Vienna Convention and pour accusations. Instead of saying: we will do the same. But we don't say that. Therefore, our media, which play on the side of civil society, will blow in the direction of inciting this hatred, exacerbating contradictions and sliding into war...

Ildus Yanyshev- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr":

- If from 60 to 100 billion dollars are annually exported from Russia, then perhaps half of this money belongs to entrepreneurs, and half to officials. Thus, the threat is not that people are leaving, but that capital is leaving. And people just follow the money. The problem is not that it is necessary to prohibit the departure of children or return them from abroad. This is a fight against the investigation, but it is necessary to fight against the original source: to deprive people of the possibility of illegal enrichment and undeclared export of capital. Here it will be correct. And when the capital has already fled, calling on people to come back is ineffective.

Yakov Geller- General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan":

- If there was such a team, then, in my opinion, this is most likely a warning not to us, but to “them”. So to speak, to bristle before the attack. Check bomb shelters, approve bread rations, advance Iskanders... These are all links in one chain: to show our readiness and fearlessness. How to say: "We are not afraid, we are ready for anything." But, of course, if the wife ends up in the camp of the enemy, then this, of course, is unpleasant. After all, we are not guaranteed that the country where our loved ones are located may close the borders. And that's it, they will stay there, in the lair. And it's very annoying. But the question is completely different: where are we going? We live in a besieged fortress, and we must understand that everyone is against us. Or not everyone is against us yet... So, of course, there is a threat that our "partners" will close the borders and not let them out here, to us.

In this regard, I recall how I happened to meet in New York with a man whom his parents, as a baby, miraculously managed to take out of Poland before September 1, 1939. He spoke in Yiddish, and I, hearing the words that my mother repeated, answered him quite automatically. “They managed to leave, they managed!” he repeated. It's good that we managed... And I remember this in connection with your question about close relatives abroad. Little whether that there can happen! And after all, we were seriously warned about possible provocations on the day of the so-called solidarity with the Syrian rebels. In my opinion, it is perfectly reasonable to warn about possible provocations and all sorts of evil intrigues. Why do you think that they will treat our wives and children with love there abroad? What is this impression about?


Dmitry Potapenko- businessman

- As far as I know, there is practically not a single high-ranking official whose children do not live abroad or study there. And deoffshorization is nothing more than beautiful words. I feel like we're pushing ourselves. I can read English quite well, and, frankly, apart from the hysteria in our media and abroad among the far right, which has always existed in any country, it is nowhere to be found. Nobody is going to fight with us. We are like that John, who the hell needs us... A child is not our property under any circumstances, I would like to remind you. It is impossible to send a child, this is not a suitcase. As for the education of their children abroad: why? If they want to learn, they will learn; if they don't want to, they won't.

Nikolai Svanidze- historian, TV presenter:

- How many of our people live there, I don’t know, but I think that many representatives of the Russian elite have children who study and live abroad. This is, in general, a certain lifestyle, when the father earns and lives in Russia, and spends money abroad on the education of his children. His wife and parents may also be there. I think if such a decision is made, there will be a very serious degree of indignation of this elite, a rather serious degree of tension within it, this will affect exactly that part of society on which Putin relies, namely, the political elite.

In so many countries, families live abroad, Americans go to France, or the French go to the States, or the Chinese go to the States or somewhere else, to Germany, for example. Does this pose a national security threat to anyone? Only in an absolutely schizophrenic situation can this be perceived as a threat to national security. She is not here in any way. My child is an adult, he studied here. But if I thought that education was better there, if I had the means for this, then I would seriously think about it. Why not? And why is it possible for athletes to train and live abroad, while everyone else cannot study there or live? I don't understand what this has to do with national security.

Khafiz Mirgalimov- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, Communist Party faction:

- How many family members of our establishment now live abroad - I do not have such figures. Now the laws are such that if there is money, anyone can go somewhere, arrange a child there. But I do not see a threat to our national security in this. I believe that if such categories of people send someone somewhere, they should be aware of what the international situation is, what is the attitude towards us in this country, and so on. They must take into account not only the narrow interests of their family. If they think about their safety, they must also consider the current situation. Since the children were sent abroad, it means that they have already thought about safety.

But I would not send my children to study abroad. What for? We have good teaching and a good education. Why spend extra money? I trust our education system. Although, if he were president or we had a majority in the State Duma, we would have adopted a new law on education. In Soviet times, our scientists created excellent schools, excellent scientific directions. This should not be forgotten.

Marcel Shamsutdinov- and. about. head of the regional branch of the party "Parnassus" in Tatarstan:

- Many citizens live abroad, it will not be possible to return. There is no particular problem in this. What is the problem if a person with a family lives abroad? This does not create a threat to sovereignty and national security. This creates a weak economy, lack of public opinion in the country. If I had the opportunity, I would send my child to study abroad. It was Peter I who said that one should study where they teach better.


Haris Salikhzhan - imam of the mosque "Heter" of the museum and public center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan:

- Now a lot of relatives in the establishment live abroad. I don't think it will be possible to return them. Too many of them. But I'm in favor of returning. I would have gladly returned my son Ildar. He lives in the center of American imperialism - a professor of physics in the USA. I dream that my son will return to Russia. That's where the smartest people went. So my son entered the physics department of KSU without exams, graduated from it and went abroad. The Soviet government taught him for 10 years at school, then 5 years at the university, the state was harmed.

But how to return? Ildar himself wants to return, but the family is against it. The wife doesn't want to. You have to be interested somehow. He now lives in Columbus, Ohio. I don't want to send my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to study overseas. I myself was in America, my wife lived there for six months - nothing good, they also have their own problems. Here the son would have retired here, and in America she is 65 years old.

Viktor Shenderovich- writer:

— No, of course, Putin will not be able to de-offshorize the elite, because then the whole point of his rule would be lost. And it consists in withdrawing money from Russia. Steal here and store there. This is the meaning of the existence of the entire Russian elite. I think such statements are more for PR use. To demonstrate to what in the political sense is called “cotton wool”, his patriotism, that all around him are such evil oligarchs who withdraw money and take out families, and he is such a patriot. Despite the fact that his daughter is also partly not in Russia and is classified.

Radik Gafurov- ex-president of the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation:

- I think that it will not be possible to return, because this must be done with unambiguous steps, so that it is clear, the signals must be clear. Not half measures: like yes, but like no. There are many such people in Putin's entourage: their parents, children, wives are not in Russia. They go here to work, for our officials this is not a state, but a factory in Russia. Guys hired from abroad come, the money was pumped up, and there were mansions. I think that most officials have families abroad, well, except for 100 people who are on the sanctions list, they are politically restricted persons. And the rest go there.

This is a very serious problem - a threat to the security of the country, because the children who left there are in fact the heirs of the capital earned by officials. These children are saturated with that culture, they live there, get married there, they have friends. They live by this mentality. And what will happen is what happened to the nobles after the revolution, who went there, thinking that they would be accepted there, and they played balalaikas there. I think that the children of officials on balalaikas will play in the West in front of customers.

Vakhit Imamov- editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Madani җomga":

“Children of the elite study abroad. They cannot be returned in the same way that billions and trillions are flowing out of Russia. I know that many children from Kazan study there, I have the good fortune to know them by sight. Although they graduated from Oxford Universities, I don’t see them getting smarter. What is the result? I do not see him. I saw scientists who returned, because in the 1990s, hundreds, thousands of scientists went abroad, and only a few returned. They were lured by money, laboratories. If you know, in the 30s there was a war between Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong in China, our Red Army was sent there, and they did not make a revolution there first of all, but began to return emigrants who fled during the civil war. Harbin was then filled with Tatars. They began to lure, they say, everything will be fine. The two brothers, one of whom stayed in Harbin and the other returned to Russia, agreed that they would send photographs to each other. They didn’t want to write a letter, because they could read it, but they agreed to take pictures: if standing, it means that there is a good life there, if sitting, then it’s bad. The brother, who came here, sent a photo in a lying form - that means it was super bad under the Soviet regime.

The fact that the children of officials study abroad threatens us with the fact that money goes abroad. One parent who taught his child abroad told me that he spends at least $7,000 a month. For a month to educate my daughter. I didn’t send my children abroad, I didn’t even send them to Moscow. Although the daughter could enter MGIMO, she passed the exams. The selection committee said that the most important thing is: if you don’t find a job of a Russian scale in some department, administration, at least on central television, then what is the reason for your child here in Moscow.


Ivan Kazankov- Chairman of the SPK "Zvenigovsky":

“Why are you asking me, it doesn’t bother me at all. I have problems in the Mari Republic - yes. I live here, the problems of the Mari Republic are problems for me. Why send children to study abroad? I studied in Russia, and everything seems to be fine. Therefore, I think that getting a normal education in Russia is quite enough. We need to live with our people.

Sergey Mayorov— Chairman of the Board of Directors of Magnolia Group of Companies (Naberezhnye Chelny):

So far, Putin has succeeded. Whatever it takes, it works. And it works out very well. Moreover, in this case, the idea is correct, because the people who leave, if they return with their knowledge and skills, I think they will bring a lot of things to the Russian economy. As a rule, all representatives of large business have alternate airfields, because the basis of the sustainability of society is medium business. They have both production and housing - everything is here. And big business, as a rule, does not always trust the current government. Therefore, children are taught there, so that in which case there is already an adaptation to those conditions. This, of course, is a threat to Russia, because, firstly, it is a sign of distrust in the current government. And the second is that the most wealthy people educate their children there. And then they don't come back. This is the loss of human capital for us.

I would send my children to study abroad, but only after receiving a Russian higher education here. When they already have a definite worldview. And then, I would send only for additional education and on the condition that they themselves wish it. I have three children who received Russian education, and no one said they wanted to study abroad. The fourth is growing up. I hope he doesn't say either. We have a normal education adapted to our Russian environment.

Akhmet Mazgarov- ex-president of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan:

We need to split the question in half. If talented children, for example, study at the Sorbonne, Cambridge, Oxford, and so on, I welcome this and consider it right, because all of our Nobel laureates studied and trained abroad. Academician Kapitsa studied with Rutherford in Cambridge, Academician Landau studied with Bohr, and so on. But then it is necessary to create conditions - to return them to their homeland. Just as Stalin created Academician Kapitsa in his time, when Kapitsa came to Russia for a vacation in the summer and they did not let him go back, but here they created good conditions. They allowed us to create an institute, recruit the necessary personnel, and gave us an unlimited amount of money. And if children, wives of officials somewhere live and rest at our expense in the south of France, then this is wrong - they must be returned, measures must be taken.

I myself have two children - the girls studied abroad. One in America, the other in Germany. Due to the fact that education in the country has become worse than in Soviet times, frankly worse. I myself now teach at the university - the dominance of officials, teachers and professors do not have time to write papers that are unnecessary to anyone, which are sent to them by officials. There is no time to engage in science, there is no time to engage in education, so education has deteriorated. The very fact that our universities are not included in the list of the best world universities is evidence of this. Therefore, naturally, if there is an opportunity to study abroad, then this should be used, and then they should be returned to their homeland. Although the girls, as a rule, stay there and get married. All the same, as in China, in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to control the return process. When Kazakhstan gained independence, everyone was sent en masse to America, the bulk returned, and in China 100 percent were returnees. Why did China take the leap? Because a huge number of students were sent to European educational institutions, overseas with the condition of return, creating an environment better than even in America. It is very useful, without it it is impossible.

Stanislav Kharadzhiev— General Director of Quantor LLC (Naberezhnye Chelny):

- I believe that with the right approach, the authorities may well deoffshorize the Russian elite. There are all the tools for this, you just need a desire, and, probably, the creation of appropriate conditions. So that, in addition to some violent and administrative measures, this would also be beneficial. This is how it is done all over the world. There must be logic in all this. It is necessary to create conditions for it to be better here than there. When, for example, there is a question to bring a business out of the shadows, the state creates conditions so that whoever they want to bring out of the shadows will be a little worse, but this is better for him than being in the risk zone every day. And he comes to the conclusion that it's not worth the risk.

Not just many families of the Russian elite now live abroad, but very, very many families. And this is certainly a very serious problem. Well, tell me, the Minister of Education of Russia ( former Minister of Educationapprox. ed.) children can study abroad?! From this and everything else that follows - and our programs in schools, and everything else ... I agree that all this poses great threats to the country - and its sovereignty, and national security, because all these things are interdependent. I sent my child to study abroad. But I'm a businessman, not a civil servant. And these are completely different things, I earn money for myself. I am not saying quite categorically that all civil servants should teach their children in Russia. But there must be some cultural component. A person must have some kind of limiter inside. He must understand that if he is the Minister of Education, then he has no moral right to send his children to study abroad. I think that this cannot be done.

Would you send your child to study abroad?

17% I think this is unacceptable, especially for the elite

10% No, our education would be better

10% Yes, already did it

63% I would send, but the money is not enough

Poll voting closed

Tell me, how did you get into an American university?

Now it is fashionable to apply to foreign universities after graduation. Since I knew that I had a good chance of success, I applied to several universities at once. As a result, invitations came from the USA and Germany. I opted for the University of Texas at Dallas. And after two years of study in Texas, I transferred to MIT (Boston).

What do you need to get to America to study at the university?

Big Desire J. Desire alone, of course, is not enough, you need zeal, and so that it is constant, and not a momentary impulse. Getting into a good university is a goal that takes several years to achieve. Prestigious universities in America do not look at the solvency of a future student. They are ready to provide full financial assistance if needed. They are looking for the very best, and it is not easy to prove this to a future student at the age of 18-19. There must be something that makes you stand out from the rest. In my case, it was a performance at the Olympics. As a schoolboy, I won one gold and three bronze medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Mathematics.

How were you received by MIT?

To be honest, I thought that I could cope with studying at MIT with ease, but after two months, I realized that my ingenuity and knowledge were not enough, I needed the utmost organization of my time. There you can not relax because of the fast pace of learning. You have to constantly do something, and no one cares that you are tired, or today you have no desire to do this or that project. But the university is doing everything to help you cope with this rhythm, and you gradually join.

From what date does training begin in America? Here we have, for example, from the first of September.

In America, different universities are different. Have us, too, since September. For freshmen there is a week in the black. You can arrive early and get familiar with the situation. For example, when I arrived in Texas, we were taken to a camp in nature, where for three days the guys got to know each other in an interesting way. Each student wore a badge that said that you dine in a group with those who have a red color, play for the bear team, and sleep in the house for which Nelli is in charge - that is, the whole day is scheduled. This is very convenient for beginners. Moreover, in each group there were completely different guys. For several days of competitions and entertainment, we were shuffled in all ways, so I managed to get to know almost all the guys.

What is the method of teaching overseas?

There is no clear curriculum, there are only frameworks. A student must take so many specialty subjects, so many general education subjects, and so on. Each student chooses for himself the subjects for the next semester - those that he likes: the main thing is that he fulfills several conditions. Another difference is that you cannot "pay for" the exam or try to write it off - you will simply be kicked out for this. Once I wanted to help my fellow student in the exam, but he refused and handed in the work that was not completed to the end, that is, it is very important for them to cope with difficulties and tasks on their own. Laws and regulations are above all. For example, alcohol is sold there in special stores and for those who are over 21. Guys and girls mostly do not smoke or drink, because a sports lifestyle is now in fashion for them.

We have a "five-day" in Moldova, that is, we basically study five days a week, but in Boston?

We also study five days a week. Parties and festivities are usually held on Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday is usually a preparatory day for the upcoming week: you have to do everything at home, as well as start homework for the next week. If you didn’t do anything over the weekend, then you have at least one sleepless night ahead of you. In order for the guys to withstand the workload and to reduce stress, MIT’s management sets an additional day off every month when students can catch up or just get some sleep.

Is it true that lecturers sit on their desks during lectures, like in the movies?

Yes it's true. Freedom of action is almost complete. This also applies to students. You can just come to lectures and listen, if the student is not interested, he can open a laptop and go about his business. I want to note that at the end of each semester, students fill out questionnaires in which they indicate the positive qualities and shortcomings of each teacher and give them their wishes. So before the start of the semester
choosing the class of interest, the student can look at the characteristics of the professor who will teach him. In general, the teachers are wonderful, they work with full dedication. They not only teach us complex material, but most importantly, they tell us how they represent certain things, what promising ideas are now and what they themselves think about it. Some lectures are given by Nobel laureates, and, believe me, they have a lot to tell.

More and more young people are choosing to study abroad. They are not afraid of either a change in their usual way of life, or the distance that will separate them from friends and relatives, or a change in the language environment. Studying abroad is a serious step, so don't take it in a hurry. If you are in doubt whether to go to study abroad or not, then read 10 reasons why you should decide to take this step.

Immersion in the language environment

The best way to master a foreign language perfectly is to live for some time in the country of the language being studied. You will constantly communicate with native speakers, your lectures will be held in this language, so you willy-nilly hone your knowledge of a foreign language to the level of fluency in it.

Not standard training

Studying at a foreign university will be radically different from your usual teaching. You will have the opportunity to try other methods of teaching, assessing knowledge and passing exams, immerse yourself in a completely new academic atmosphere for yourself. Abroad, you will not surprise anyone with online learning or doing homework via the Internet, skype conferences and presentations on tablets. Studying abroad provides more freedom in learning and acquiring new knowledge, as well as the use of modern technologies.


Young people, as you know, do not sit still. On weekends and holidays - you can not only explore nearby attractions, but also go on longer trips around the country. Studying in another country, many tourist destinations become available to you, which previously seemed sky-highly expensive and inaccessible to you.

Meeting new people

In a new country, you will make many new acquaintances and perhaps even a few true friends. The student environment involves constant communication, parties and other joint activities. Well, try to be an interesting and original interlocutor.

Getting a unique experience

Going to study abroad is a unique experience. Getting into a new environment, a person has to adapt to it, change his habits, look for a way out in unfamiliar situations. This will allow you to know yourself better, and in ordinary life it will be easier for you to cope with unexpected difficulties and problems.

Knowledge of another culture

Each country has something special, something that others do not have. There is something in people that distinguishes them from others. You have a unique opportunity to get to know another world, get acquainted with a new worldview, appreciate other beliefs and values, study their traditions and customs.


We are accustomed to live as we lived, to communicate with the same people. Getting abroad, you will not be able to remain the same, but what you will be depends only on you. If in your hometown everyone considered you a nerd, then here you have a chance to become educated, well-read and at the same time open and sociable. During these few years of study, you will learn a lot about yourself, so do not miss this chance. Students who study abroad receive not only a prestigious education, but also broaden their horizons. You will be more informed about the rest of the world, get rid of most of the stereotypes about other cultures and people, and become more open.

Cost of education

If you compare the cost of studying at a prestigious university in the capital and foreign universities, you will be surprised that the price will be either the same or even lower than in your country. Add to this bribes to teachers, voluntary-compulsory contributions to the needs of the university, and that's it. that it is more cost-effective to study abroad.

Gaining additional knowledge

Students who left for foreign universities on exchange for 1-2 semesters noted that during their studies they received the necessary knowledge that they were not taught at their own university. What can I say if you study all 5-6 years.

Employment Priorities

Those graduates who studied abroad are more valued at home, they have every chance to get a job in an international company. From the point of view of the employer, an applicant who has studied abroad has more internal motivation, independence, he is open to new acquaintances, ideas, changes, he is not afraid of difficulties, he has a high level of foreign language proficiency - all this distinguishes such a candidate from the rest.

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