Lucky numbers that bring good luck. Money and Luck Codes: How to Attract Success with Numbers

Numerology- the science of numbers and their influence on our lives. The founder of numerology is the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who claimed that numbers rule the world. He deduced the main principles of numerology for many years, studying various teachings about numbers and combining them.

Indeed, our life surrounded by numbers, we see them everywhere - on the dates of our birth, car numbers, banknotes, on addresses, passport series, etc. It remains only to find out how these numbers can attract good luck?

To answer this question, remember on what days the happiest events in your life took place, with what numbers do you have the most pleasant memories in the past, and what number do you like more than others? If until now you have not attached much importance to numbers, then right now you can try to speed up or slow down the events around you, attract love and good luck, and avoid trouble. Don't believe? The results will surprise you if you follow our tips:

1. The luckiest number. To attract good luck and happiness, constantly repeat to yourself "Twenty-one." Because the numerological meaning of the word "happiness", if you add up the letters, converting them into numbers, is 21. In life, the number 21 carries positive energy to every person, so you should try to choose it in all processes. For example, if a deal or an important meeting is to be concluded, then it is better to appoint them on the 21st. When the outcome of the negotiations turns out to be bad or the deal breaks down, there is no need to get upset. This means that the magic of the lucky number has protected you from subsequent more serious problems.

When buying an apartment and a car, you should also try to have the number 21 in their number. To achieve your goals and find your love, write the number 21 on a piece of paper, put it in your pocket and always carry it with you. Lucky number you can also use it as a password on your phone or computer, as well as select 21 seats on a train or bus when buying a ticket.

2. Destroyer numbers. Pythagoras himself did not like double-digit numbers and wrote that they had negative qualities. In his opinion, the numbers 11, 13, 17,19, 23 and 26 are especially detrimental to a person. Pythagoras called the number 7 the luckiest and happiest number. He argued that people whose names consist of seven letters are doomed to happiness and good luck .

The learned mathematician not only studied the influence of various numbers on human life, but also found their connection with geometric shapes. For example, he believed that the number 44 is a destroyer, since it is the imposition of one square with 4 equal sides on another of the same. As a result, the sides become 8, and this is the number of infinity. Therefore, everything connected with the number 44 is doomed to fragmentation to infinity, i.e. to complete destruction.

If you wish to delay or prevent an event in your life, repeat the Four to yourself. For example, yours tells you that he wants to marry a girl you don't like at all. Invite him to wait another four weeks or months, and he himself will understand that her chosen one is not at all what she seems. The number 4 is a square, which is the most stable figure. It is she who has the power to slow down and delay actions.

3. Helper numbers. If you have to work a lot and you always don't have enough time, repeat "Ninety-one" to yourself more often. 1 is the beginning, and 9 is the end, that is, these two numbers together mean a full cycle. In addition, the number 9 means change, and the number 1 is considered the fastest. So it turns out that the 911 rescue phone number was not chosen by chance. Sorcerers and magicians know that the number 911 is the number of the universal office, where everything has its own time.

If you're late for work or your pay is delayed, to speed things up, for example, so that the transport arrives faster or find an additional source of money, repeat as often as possible to yourself: "Twenty." The number 2 doubles all your efforts, and the number 0 nullifies the force of opposition.

4. Numbers of prosperity and wealth. If you want to get rich or increase your fan base, imagine it and keep repeating "Seven plus one." 7 is the number of mystery, and 1 is the number of energy and purpose, but their sum 7+1 = 8 is the number of infinity. Conversely, if you want to reduce something, such as your weight, imagine yourself slim and repeat "Ten minus one" more often. The number 1 will give energy, and 10-1=9 - the number of changes.

If you are planning to build a house or redecorate your apartment, or want to improve your relationship with your boss or loved one, imagine how it all should be and repeat: "Forty forties." magical meaning The phrase "Forty Forties" has been known to people for a long time, which is why they named an unprecedented number of churches in old Moscow that way. Everything you do will turn out the way you want or even better if you constantly say "Forty Forty".

The magic of numbers to attract money will help to establish financial situation and get out of debt. Learn how to work with numbers in order to attract money.

In the article:

The Magic of Numbers to Attract Money in Monetary Amounts

The numerology of money manifests itself in all situations that are associated with costs, purchases, finances. So, for example, there is a number of money amount. It is calculated when operating with a certain amount of funds - both for buying something and for receiving income. Let's analyze this method with an example. Suppose that we have 17,000 rubles to purchase a smartphone for work. Let's spend numerological calculations by summing up all the digits of this monetary amount:

Now let's see what the resulting figure means.

1, 2 or 7 are symbols of spiritual wealth that do not contribute to profit. Applying to our example, a smartphone bought for this resulting figure would not facilitate communication with customers and business partners.

3 - the number of increasing income and active business development. The amounts that this number gives in calculations can be safely loaned - they will definitely return, and they will also benefit in the form of interest or friendly gratitude for help. However, it is not worth saving such an amount in reserve, otherwise it will quickly leave. In our example, the number 3 would be good for buying a means of communication to communicate with customers - a smartphone would quickly pay off the profit received from them.

4 - the number of hard work and stability, which does not promise large incomes. Not the worst option for our example, but there are better ones.

5 and 9 are numbers for charity and waste. With a high probability, in our example, games would be launched from a smartphone more often than important calls were made.

6 - stability and accumulation. Such amounts are good to spend on regular payments, ranging from replenishing an account on a SIM card to utilities or mortgage payments. This number is also suitable for our example.

8 - the number of the most daring and unusual projects, but, in general, one of the most favorable for money. It was it that became the number of the amount of money in our example. This means that the calls that will be received on this smartphone may contain non-standard offers, but they will certainly turn out to be extremely profitable.

What to do if the amount of money that you intend to spend or receive contains an interpretation that does not suit you? Let's assume that the smartphone in the example costs 70,000 - this amount gives the money number 7, one of the most unfavorable for our example. In order to turn it into a more suitable figure eight, you just need to add one unit. Leave in the store for 1, 10 or 100 rubles more - and money luck will smile at you.

In the same way, you can calculate the numbers of money for everything that has to do with your income. This can be the number of the office, the building of your enterprise, as well as the number of your work car and even the phone - all this in one way or another affects the financial situation and the direction of monetary energy.

Numerology of money to create a talisman for wealth

Knowing how magic numbers work to attract money, you can do it. Almost everyone knows what fiat bill or coin- this is a strong amulet that can pull anyone out of poverty. This is the name of a coin or banknote, spoken in a special way. It is stored in the wallet and is not spent under any circumstances.

Numerology for attracting money is directly related to the creation of such money talismans. Each bill has a code. If you add up all its numbers, you can get the number of this bill - a numerological indicator that will tell you whether this bill is suitable for creating a talisman just for you. Before you speak it, check whether it will definitely work in the right direction.

Usually in such calculations, all numbers are reduced to a single-valued form, and the values ​​\u200b\u200bof numbers from 1 to 9 can be found above. However, in this case, it is permissible to leave the numbers 11, 22 and 10 - they have separate values. Ten is the number of monetary luck, but stability cannot be expected from it. 11 - the number of profitable acquaintances, and 22 - stability in money matters.

Magic numbers to attract money - the right timing

Another number of money in numerology may be associated with the date of an important financial transaction. If you take out a loan, a large sum in debt or investing in a business, choose the time that is right for this. Knowing the meaning of each number, let's try to analyze this technique using an example. So, suppose that on November 05, 2016 we plan to lend a large amount. Let's make standard numerological calculations by summing up all the numbers of this date:

Let's bring the number to a single-valued form:

7 is the number of spirituality. On the monetary transactions it positive impact does not render. In this case, the situation can develop in different ways, and it will always be disadvantageous for both parties. In this case, you can reschedule the meeting, for example, the next day, which will give the number 8. Eight - a symbol of wealth and increase in income. In our example, the money will return fairly quickly, and the situation will benefit both parties.

Numerology to attract money - simple rituals

Eight is the symbol of infinity

Numerological rituals will help attract money energy and make friends with . They are quite simple - numbers whose influence is needed in this moment, are written on paper, by hand, are used as screensavers for the monitor. The main thing is that from time to time they catch your eye. In addition to numbers from 1 to 9, as well as 10, 11 and 22, there are several more money numbers that are especially effective in numerological rites.

15 contributes to the activation of the creative energy of a person, as well as the disclosure of abilities and talents. If your work is creative, use this number. It is drawn on the pulse of the left hand before exams and interviews, as well as business meetings. However, before practicing numerological rites, make sure that the number on the hand does not look like a cheat sheet.

21 is responsible for activity in all its manifestations, and also contributes to the appearance leadership qualities. It must be used by all people who hold leadership positions. The number 21 will help someone who has such a desire to take such a position. This is the number of salary growth and career advancement, power and ambition.

Many people love to play the lottery. For some, this is a relatively inexpensive way to have fun, but for someone it is a real hope for better life. In order to increase the chances of winning, you can use numerology. The properties of numbers 3, 6 and 8 have already been described above - they attract good luck and monetary energy.

Numerology of money by date of birth

Date of birth also helps to attract money

The magic of numbers to attract money is also related to the date of birth. It contains a lot of information. Almost everyone knows about magic square of Pythagoras, which is able to tell about a person's inclinations, his talents and even abilities for witchcraft that are present from birth.

The numerology of money by date of birth divides people into nine types, depending on the date in which they were born. In order to calculate your number of money, sum up all the digits of the day on which you were born - so that the result is unambiguous. For example, the number 1 is true for those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th.

1. At units, there are no inclinations to financial success. There are people who get all the benefits without much effort on their part. You don't belong to them.

2. deuce indicates that you are not very lucky in money matters. Conspiracies for good luck will become your assistants in gaining financial well-being. In addition, you need to stop paying attention to helping those in need - think about yourself first and stop giving to others what is useful to you.

3. The number 3 indicates that you do not know how to save money. What appears in your wallet, or is spent immediately, sometimes goes into circulation. You are active and open to new ideas, moreover, you tend to strive for more, not stopping there. There are chances for monetary success if you learn to build long-term goals.

4. A sign of stability. People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st rarely boast large savings. Most likely, you will prefer a smaller, but constant income. You won’t have to live in poverty, but you don’t even have to dream of a personal island. In order to change the situation, you need to think outside the box.

5. People with money figure equal to five, do not like to delay cash. They spend it as soon as they get it. For such people, money is spent both on obtaining pleasure and on useful investments. In order to change the financial situation in better side, you need to devote less time to entertainment, and more to work.

6. Six attracts money, but this does not mean that people born under it receive all the benefits without effort. They have to face constant trials and limitations. You can only get rich if you put your knowledge and skills into practice. A decent education and considerable experience in the chosen field of activity will be your passes to the life of your dreams.

7. born under number 7 prefer spiritual riches to material ones. If your financial situation causes too much trouble, you will have to digress from the development of spirituality. Your knowledge can be a good source of income.

8. Eight- another monetary figure. Almost all your ideas related to receiving money are successfully implemented. You must not stop there. It also does not hurt to learn how to profit from several sources - you are quite capable of more than one project.

9. Nine indicates a person who is far from the material world. You are interested in knowledge and the hidden meaning of life. Perhaps this is your mission, but it will still not work to realize it without a penny in your pocket. In order to improve the financial situation, you need to pay more attention to ways to make a profit.

Have you ever wondered what role the numbers play in your phone number? Meanwhile, numerologists say that the presence of certain numbers affects the life of the owner of a SIM card. Based on the theory of the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, based on which, your number can attract good luck and wealth, or vice versa, bring only trouble.

When choosing a new number, spend your money and buy one that will affect your life in a positive way. We give the meaning of all the numbers in the phone number according to Feng Shui.

Number 0. This number is ideal for those subscribers who want to achieve spiritual balance and harmony. In business, it will bring good luck and will favor all new beginnings.

Number 1. The presence of a "one" in the number indicates that its owner will be successful in all matters, and will also contribute to the development of leadership qualities. Number one will always help you to be the first, a real leader, to achieve victory and success in life.

Number 2. The owners of "twos" in the phone number are adherents of order. They are very conservative, adhere to traditions, strictly follow their life goals and achieve their goals. Most often, they devote their lives to serving society, occupying prominent positions in it.

Number 3. brings good luck to careerists, those who like to travel the world, lead an active lifestyle. Vibrant activity, activity, doing business - it's all about people with a "three" in their phone number.

Number 4. It is ideal for friendly and sociable people whose activities are aimed at making useful acquaintances.

Number 5."Five" in the room represents the five natural elements. Earth, water, fire, metal, wood - all these elements are contained in the "five". This is a neutral number, but it has a powerful impulse and carries positive energy.

Number 6. Many create an association that "sixes" bring bad luck, but this is not true. In fact, they are a symbol career development and material well-being.

Number 7. Many subscribers are chasing numbers in which the number "seven" is present. And this is not surprising, because the "sevens" bring people good luck, reliability, stability, confidence.

Number 8. A number representing infinity. "Eights" - this is prosperity, good health, success. Happiness in personal life and many other benefits.

Number 9. The numbers in which there are "nines" differ in luck, wisdom, and the experience of their owners. People with "nines" in the room are very stable and prosperous in life.

The mere presence of one or two same digits doesn't say anything in your phone number yet. In order for the number to bring positive energy, it must be present in it from three identical numbers. If there are even more of them, then the energy will only increase. Only in this case, you can count on luck.




With the help of numbers, you can change the course of life: attract love, restore relationships, increase wealth, push back troubles ...
Here are some of the combinations that anyone can use.
3-3-3-5-7-9-9 - The code for attracting the energy of abundance, helps in solving financial problems, attracts monetary energy.
1-8-5-1-5-1-8 - A code that helps to overcome obstacles.
5-1-1-2-4-6-1 - A code that gives confidence and strength, helps to harmonize personal relationships.
8-9-3-1-5-4-2 - The code of good luck in any endeavor, gives strength, power and health.
Don't believe me? Try it yourself!


If you need to speed up this or that process (for example, you are late for work, and, as luck would have it, there is no transport, or there is no money left in your wallet, and the long-awaited salary is delayed), repeat to yourself as often as possible: “twenty”. 2 will multiply your efforts, and 0 will negate the force of opposition.

If, on the contrary, you need to slow down this or that process (for example, the child told you that he intends to get married urgently, but this is not included in your plans), repeat to yourself: “four.” 4 is a square, the most stable figure. It is she who will delay, ground the action. In addition, all sides of the square are equal, so wherever you rush, it is the same everywhere - stability and slowdown.

If you need to add something (for example, the number of banknotes in your wallet or the number of fans), imagine this and repeat: “seven plus one.” 7 is the number of mysterious action, 1 is the number of purpose and energy, but 8 (7+ 1) is the number of infinity.

If you need to reduce something (for example, your own weight), imagine yourself slim and repeat: “ten minus one.” But in this case, be prepared for changes: 10-1 = 9, and 9 is the number of changes.

If you need to build or restore something (new year, relationship with your boss or loved one), imagine this something and repeat: “forty forty.” Say “forty forty” and what you talk about will multiply indefinitely.

If, on the contrary, you need to destroy something, you must imagine this something and say to yourself: "forty-four."
First, these numbers look like two lightning bolts.
And secondly, the imposition of one square (4) on another square (4) crushes any stability into parts, because there are eight corners, and 8 is the number of infinity.
So crushing to infinity will come out - into dust.

If you lack happiness, luck, lightness, repeat: “twenty-one.” By the way, if you calculate the numerological meaning of the word “happiness” (that is, add the letters in their numerical calculation), then 21 will also come out!

If you do not have enough time, repeat to yourself: “ninety-one.” 9 is a change, 1 is the fastest digit. In addition, 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end, that is, the full coverage of the time cycle.

This series of numbers will always bring you good luck, you can write it on a piece of paper and always carry it with you, you can pronounce it in difficult situations. You can use these numbers when playing the lottery or as important dates.

Start at new moon!

7753191 - this is a magic mantra that came to us from Tibetan monks.
By repeating this seven-figure mantra 77 times daily (pronounced
one digit each: “seven seven five three one nine one”), you will attract
into your life money and other material goods.
The mantra really works.

What to do with a piece of paper on which the numbers 7753191 are written after
of how the time of 77 days will pass? -

It is necessary to connect four elements to this leaflet.

You have to start with the element EARTH. If you have a pot of earth at home
(for flowers), then you need to purchase some seeds of the plant and first
bury your leaflet with the numbers 7753191 with the words:
“The earth is full of riches, now my dream is in you” (say 3 times).

Then plant the seeds (but not the shoot of the plant). pouring water,
You will attach the element WATER. Watering, you need to say the words:
"Water and earth, revive the seeds" (3 times).

The element AIR must be attracted by simply airing the room,
and the pot with the Earth should be brought for a minute to the open window with the words:
“I need you, Air, like light, and give Dawn to my dream” (3 times).

This can be repeated every day, but always three days.

When the sprout appears, then it is necessary to attach this event to the elements of FIRE.
Light a small candle and say the words (3 times):
"Burn, Fire, candle, burn and destroy poverty,
Let the sprout grow that hides the money sheet.
And I will prosper with him, attract wealth in money.

Money codes

Write in green ink on blue paper.
Carry in your wallet.


Store in a safe or box.


Write in red ink on pink paper.
Store at home


Write in blue ink on white paper.
Carry in your wallet.


Write in purple ink on pink paper.
Carry with you on deals.


Write in green ink on yellow paper.
Carry in your pocket.


Write in gold ink on green paper.
Keep in your pocket when you gamble.


Write in pink ink on white paper.
Carry in your wallet.


Write in blue ink on pink paper.
Store in a safe.


Write in blue ink on green paper.
Take with you on business trips.


Another money code, very


Charging business cards.

This rite is for business people who without business card does not leave the house. I'm nervous, God forbid!

It's just that not everyone has them. I have, and I did the ceremony.

Helps great! The purpose of the rite is to attract success to the sphere of your business.

Performed like this: write in tiny letters in one of the corners of the card magic word with Latin letters -


Put a stack of business cards with a written word on the table, sit at the table in a dim room, you can light a candle. Look at them for 40 minutes without looking away and mentally imagine how they fall into the hands of the people you need, how much money they will help you earn,

how you spend this money, how great everything is and happiness smiles at you. Imagine how much money you will earn with these business cards. Transfer your energy to the cards, take them in your hands, think of them as your friends and helpers. Then blow on the stack three times. Set the cards aside.

This must be done for 28 days. Yes, the rite goes on for a long time! But he's worth it! Then business cards can be put in a purse and, if necessary, distribute them. It is best to start the ceremony on Wednesday. Your success is guaranteed!


Written on a wallet credit card, you can write on a piece of paper and put in a purse.

In order not to frighten others, for example, on a gold-colored credit card, you can write in gold ink to match. After writing, do not use the card for several hours, the code is activated.
If later the code is erased - it's not scary, it has already been applied energetically.

Numerology of money will help to reveal magical secrets prosperous and rich. It is believed that financial success depends to some extent on a person’s energy, on how much he is able to “pull” crispy banknotes into his life. Pay attention to the banknote numbers that appear in yours.

Numbers are fraught with special magic, so a person who knows how to use them is able to achieve success in everything.

Concerning financial matters there are a few secrets:

  • Never ask the Universe for money - wish for what you can buy with it
  • Forget about stinginess - give gifts to loved ones and donate to charity, at least a little. In this way, you will create a financial funnel, and money will begin to come into your life.
  • Do not save in a few cases: do not spare money for yourself on holidays and birthdays, invest in successful projects and help those in need

These simple steps will already help to enter the financial flow and never need funds.

BUT digital code each bill will help define her story and understand how happy she is.

wealth code


Lucky banknotes

If you want to put a fiat bill in your wallet to attract money, it is important to choose the right banknote. helps to find "lucky" numbers on money.

See what numbers are in the banknote number:

  • 6 and 4 are the numbers of harmony and stability. The most successful ones will help to increase capital and attract financial luck
  • 2 and 7 are unfavorable numbers. If there are bills with such numbers in your wallet, it is better to spend them as soon as possible. It is advisable to buy something that will not stay in the house for a long time - for example, food
  • 1 and 8 - such bills can be put in a piggy bank. They will attract money into your life and you will be able to save enough

But the happiest banknote will be the one with the numbers from your birth code. In our example, this is eight - with this number, a person has every chance of getting rich.

Watch a video about the magic of numbers and numbers on money:

How to handle money

There are a few tips to help create the right financial energy and achieve success:

These tips are quite simple, but if you use them, you will notice that crispy bills have become more common in life. New financial opportunities will arise, cash flow will open.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

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