Shakro, Magomedov, Zhanna Kim - who are all these people? Fatima and Zhanna of Colonel Zakharchenko Have you heard about Andrey Kochuykov

Zakharia Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, is suspected of extortion from Zhanna Kim, owner of the Elements restaurant

As Rosbalt was told by a source in law enforcement agencies, Kalashov was detained on July 11 by employees of the Department "M" of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, carrying out operational support in the case of extortion. Shakro Molodoy was handcuffed to the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, which is investigating the statement of Zhanna Kim. There Kalashov was interrogated. It is worth noting that he had previously evaded subpoenas from investigators. Arrests in the case will continue tonight.

Zakhary Kalashov has long been a prominent figure in the Russian criminal world. True, in his promotion to the top of the mafia elite was long break. In 2006, Shakro Molodoy was detained in the UAE and extradited to Spain, where he was charged with money laundering and organizing a criminal community. Kalashov was sentenced to a long term of imprisonment and was released in October 2014. He immediately returned to Moscow, where he took the place of the "boss of all bosses" underworld, which was empty after a sniper shot and killed thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan) in January 2013.

The residence of Kalashov was the Golden Palace complex, in which one could constantly meet the "authority" Andrey Kochuykov (Italian). While Shakro was imprisoned, the Italian looked after his interests in Russia. And after the return of Kalashov to the Russian Federation, Kochuykov entered the inner circle of the crime boss. In December 2015, both of them became involved in a very unpleasant story.

According to participants in the events, in April 2014, businesswoman Zhanna Kim met designer Fatima Misikova. Last long time lived in London, where she was known as Fatima Mishikatti. Zhanna Kim asked Misikova to create the Elements restaurant and one of the bars from scratch. However, the customer was not satisfied with the quality of the work, she paid the designer 600 thousand euros (for the work already done) and broke off relations with her. According to the interlocutors of the agency, Misikov did not like this amount. According to them, Fatima was familiar with Kalashov, to whom she turned for help.

On December 13, 2015, some people called Zhanna Kim, introduced themselves as Misikova's lawyers and offered to discuss conflict situation. And the next day, a very representative delegation came to Elements. It was headed a tall man accompanied by a large number of bodyguards (he was later identified as "authority" Andrey Kochuykov). The guards immediately blocked all entrances and exits from the institution. Kim called the police and called her lawyer Eduard Budantsev, a former KGB officer and RUBOP. The latter arrived not alone, but was accompanied by Vladimir Kostrichenko, a partner in the Dictatorship of Law law firm (a former employee of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate), security guard Pyotr Chervichenko (a former OMON fighter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) and two of his employees, including the former special forces soldier of the Federal Penitentiary Service Roman Molokaev.

It quickly became clear that Misikova had ceded the right to claim the debt (the unreceived amount was estimated at 9 million rubles) to the visitors. They wanted to immediately receive 1.5 million rubles. And in case of impossibility to pay off, Kim was required to rewrite the restaurant to third parties. The interlocutors of Rosbalt note that Budantsev asked the “guests” to leave and not appear in the institution without a court decision on recognition of the debt and the corresponding writ of execution. In response, the Italian explained that he was here on behalf of the thief in law Shakro (Zakhary Kalashov), he had already decided everything, so there would be no court hearings. Also, Kochuikov very sharply recommended Budantsev and his people to leave the restaurant. During the bickering, as eyewitnesses told the agency, the visitors tried to push Zhanna Kim into the VIP room to sign some documents. Budantsev and his people began to interfere with this. Here the nerves of the Italian could not stand it, he called everyone out into the street.

On the street, the conversation did not turn out long. According to one of the participants in the events, the Italian, stating that everything happens according to Shakro’s decision and there is nothing to discuss, asked: “Don’t you recognize the thieves’ power?” Having received a negative answer from Budantsev, the “authority” was laconic: “The bald one (Budantsev is cut to zero - Rosbalt) in my trunk, give the rest to the cops.” At that moment, six people attacked Budantsev. Molokaev rushed to help him. Other people of Budantsev grappled with the thugs. A massive fight broke out. One of the people of the Italian - Kitaev - shielded the chief and took out a pistol. It was not possible to determine who started shooting from the camera records. Interlocutors of Rosbalt claim that Molokaev was the first to be injured. He was shot several times in the back. Budantsev's men also began firing. At this moment, the thugs moved away from Budantsev and he took out a premium combat pistol.

In total, as a result of the shootout, two people were killed, including Kitaev, five were injured.

Eduard Budantsev Presnensky court chose a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest. The Italian, as the alleged organizer of the massacre, was sent to a pre-trial detention center by the servants of Themis. He was charged with hooliganism with the use of objects used as weapons (part 2 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Zhanna Kim applied for extortion, after which the Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow initiated a case under this article, the operational support for which is carried out by the Department "M" of the FSB of the Russian Federation. As part of this case, Zakhary Kalashov was detained.

Yuri Vershov

"Life", 07/12/16, "Shakro Molodoy did not calculate his strength"

Employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation detained the leader of the criminal world of Russia, Zakhary Kalashov, known by the nickname Shakro Molodoy, accused of extortion

Today, Zakhary Kalashov was interrogated by investigators of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow in the framework of a criminal case on extortion large sum money from the owner of the capital's restaurant Elements Zhanna Kim and a shootout that occurred in this restaurant on December 15, 2015, as a result of which 2 people were killed and five were injured. Moreover, the interrogation was preceded by a detention in the style of Hollywood action movies.

Everyone stay where you are. The FSB of Russia is working, - such screams were heard this morning in the courtyard of the country mansion of Zakhary Kalashov, located on Rublyovka. According to Life's source in law enforcement agencies, the operation was attended by several dozen fighters of the FSB special forces of the Russian Federation and operatives of the "M" department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who carry out the so-called operational support of the criminal case of extortion, in which Shakro Molodoy is suspected.

The fact is that for more than six months, Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, who is involved in this criminal case as a witness, did not appear for interrogation at the request of the employees of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow, who are investigating this criminal case of extortion, - they say Life in the police. “That's why it was decided to carry out the forced bringing of citizen Kalashov for interrogation,” they say in the power department.

According to Life, in order to detain Zakhary Kalashov, the special forces of the FSB of the Russian Federation had to neutralize more than 20 guards.

During a search in Shakro's house, two Makarov pistols and a handgun were found. fragmentation grenade, - they say in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and add that if it is proved that the found trunks and a grenade belong to authority, then he can become accused under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Illegal possession of weapons."

According to the investigation, in April 2014, businesswoman Zhanna Kim met designer Fatima Misikova. Zhanna asked Misikova to create from scratch the interiors of the Elements restaurant, located on the first floor of a residential building on Rochdelskaya Street, a few dozen meters from the building of the Russian Government. In November 2015, when the work at the restaurant was completed, Zhanna Kim told Misikova that the quality of work left much to be desired and she terminated the contract with her for further repairs to the establishment.

By this time, according to the investigation, Kim had paid the designer 600,000 euros for the work already completed. However, this amount did not suit Fatima Misikova and she turned to her friend, Zakhary Kalashov, who was considered the main thief in law in Moscow (and in Russia) after the legend of the thieves' world of Russia Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Khasan, was shot dead in 2013 .

According to the Spark database, Fatima Misikova owns the capital's Atelier 8 LLC, which is engaged in architectural activities and design of premises and buildings. In addition, Misikova owns three firms located in St. Petersburg. These are the Nart-Uyut hotel, Avrora LLC (which leases real estate) and the Vega company, which sells food products. According to the SPARK database, the total profit of Misikova's four firms in 2014 amounted to 15.4 million rubles.

According to operatives, Shakro promised the designer Fatima Misikova to solve everything with the debt quickly and quietly. Then, on December 13, 2015, the director of the Elements restaurant Zhanna Kim received a call from an unknown person who, posing as Misikova's lawyer, invited her to meet and discuss how to resolve the conflict. The very next day, December 14, at about 9 p.m., a group of “lawyers” arrived at the Elements premises, headed by Criminal authority Andrey Kochuykov, nicknamed Italian, who worked in the brigade of Shakro Molodoy.

“It was the Italian who, having entered Zhanna Kim’s office, told her that Fatima Misikova had ceded to him the right to claim the debt, the allegedly unreceived amount for the work was 9 million rubles,” the detectives say. - The Italian demanded that Kim give him money, and if they are not there, then rewrite the restaurant to his friends. Then Kim said that she needed to consult with lawyers and called her lawyer Eduard Budantsev, former officer RUOP.

In the evening of the same day, Budantsev with three comrades - former employees of law enforcement agencies Vladimir Kostrichenko, Petr Chervichenko and Roman Molokaev - arrived at the Elements restaurant.

During a verbal skirmish between Eduard Budantsev and the Italian, a fight broke out, in which the rest of the men from the support groups intervened. During the fight, Budantsev pulled out a premium 17-round pistol "Walter" and opened fire on the people of the Italian who attacked him, - they say in the UK.

According to the materials of the criminal case, Eduard Budantsev killed two people from Andrei Kochuykov's support group - employees of the Moscow private security companies Alexei Kitaev and Philip Domaskin - and wounded five others.

Eduard Budantsev, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow in December 2015, chose a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest. He was charged with hooliganism with the use of items used as weapons (part 2 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The court, as the alleged organizer of the shootout and the massacre at the Elements restaurant, sent the Italian to a pre-trial detention center. He was also charged with hooliganism with objects used as weapons.

At the same time, Zhanna Kim filed an application for extortion, after which the Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow opened a criminal case in which not only Kochuykov was involved, but also Shakro, who acted as a witness.

“According to our information, in relation to Zakhary Kalashov, the court may choose arrest as a measure of restraint and charge him under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The investigation considers Shakro Molodoy to be the organizer of extortion of money from the owner of the Elements restaurant Zhanna Kim, - Life was told in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The other day, according to Life, the Presnensky District Court, in a case of extortion from the owner of the Elements restaurant Zhanna Kim, arrested 34-year-old Project engineer and 49-year-old friend Andrey Kochuykov named Gamido. As part of this criminal case, investigators conducted searches at the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Presnensky District and arrested two police officers who, during a shootout in the Elements restaurant on December 14, 2015, were sitting at a table in one of the halls of the institution and watching the carnage without interfering in what was happening.

“The investigation suggests that the officers worked for Shakro Molodoy,” a law enforcement source tells Life.

After the detention of Shakro Molodoy, investigators conducted searches in the Golden Palace hotel and entertainment complex, located on 3rd Yamskoye Polya Street.

After his return from Spain in 2014, Shakro Molodoy turned the entertainment complex into his headquarters. The fact is that, according to operational data, now this complex is controlled by his associate Kostya Manukyan, who is wanted by Interpol for creating a criminal community in Spain and money laundering, an intelligence officer tells Life. - It was in this case that Kalashov spent more than eight years in Spain.

According to Life, in January 2016 Zhanna Kim sued individual entrepreneur Andrey Sergeev, who promised her to make an air conditioning system in the Elements restaurant, for which he received an advance payment of 1.6 million rubles. However, apparently, the customer was not satisfied with the work done and she turned to the Moscow arbitration, where she stated that Sergeev had done nothing and demanded the return of the advance plus a penalty - 2 million rubles. However, it turned out in court that Sergeev worked without concluding an official contract, respectively, Kim cannot count on any compensation.

The entrepreneur himself declined to comment on Life, as did the owner of the Elements restaurant.

According to the Spark database, Zhanna Kim owns four LLCs: Keanu (apparently, the Keanu bar located on the Patriarchs is decorated on it), Gangam Style, The Fifth Element and Avantage. The restaurants "The Fifth Element" and "Gangam Style", registered on Rochdelskaya Street, as follows from their SPARK base, are the founder companies of the Elements bar-restaurant. And the Avantage company is engaged in trade in building materials and sanitary equipment.

Alexander Raskin

Actor Pavel Derevyanko attended the concert of the Uma2rman band, where the band presented the album "Sing, Spring". The party took place in one of the Moscow clubs. The movie star came to the event with a girl, which caused not a hefty interest from the media representatives. Everyone immediately decided that this was the new chosen one of the actor.

All evening Paul did not leave his chosen one. The lovers did not hesitate to hug and hold hands. When asked about who this mysterious stranger was, Derevyanko did not answer in detail, calling the girl his girlfriend. According to insiders, the new darling of the actor is Zhanna Kim. She works in the restaurant industry. According to her, she and Pavel came to listen good music and chat with friends.

The journalists managed to find out that the new darling of the actor managed to light up in the criminal chronicle. Recall that in December 2015 there was a shootout in the Moscow cafe Elements on Rochdelskaya street. This place belonged to the restaurateur Jeanne. According to some versions, the brawl began due to the fact that Kim and the designer of the cafe premises could not agree on the amount of payment for repairs. Criminal authorities were involved to solve the problem.

In her free time, Zhanna pleases her Instagram followers with professional photos stylish images and pictures with my daughters. The girl brings up two charming babies who are engaged in ballet and dancing. With early years Mom instills in them a love for art: on weekends they all go to museums together to study the work of great Russian artists.

Neither Pavel nor Zhanna post joint pictures on their pages, they are probably afraid that they will cause unnecessary questions from the public. By the way, on last week they were seen together at the premiere of The Crew, but they tried not to draw too much attention to themselves.

Recall that Pavel Derevyanko is raising two daughters, who were born from his marriage to Daria Myasishcheva. The relationship did not work out for the couple, despite the fact that they tried to reconcile and move back together in 2015.

“True, we don’t all live together, and I can’t always be with the girls, because I work a lot and often leave Moscow. But Dasha, their mother, and I built up during this time great relationship- full of respect, mutual understanding and kindred love. Raising our children together, we also have our own personal lives. It is very convenient for us to live in this not quite standard system that we created together, ”Derevyanko said in an interview with Hello.

Almatinka, who opened the Korean restaurant Elements by Edward Kwon and the popular Keanu bar in Moscow, Zhanna Kim spoke about her experience in the restaurant business in an interview for L'Officiel Hommes magazine.

She has been in the restaurant business in Moscow for more than two years, but in this short period of time Zhanna has already had to deal with the criminal world. Last year, Elements was attacked, which, of course, Zhanna did not expect. She says that she was in shock, completely at a loss and still has not recovered from this incident. A lot has changed in her life this year. But the support of family, children, friends and a loved one helped her cope with all obstacles.

According to the owner of the restaurant, after this shootout there was a recession. “I tried to protect the restaurant from any events and news regarding this issue. It was necessary to pull myself together, daily motivate the team to return to the usual rhythm of life and work. Probably, only my perseverance helped me to restore my work step by step”, Jeanne says.

She also believes that there is no theory of how to protect and protect yourself from such incidents, no one is safe from this. Confirmation of this is news about terrorist attacks, beatings of women, attacks.

The owner shared her secret of success with her. She chose her native Korean niche, using her knowledge of national traditions, culture, and food when creating. Jeanne admits that she could never make a good Italian restaurant. The girl put her whole soul into her project, while trying not to compete with anyone, she just did her favorite thing. No matter how much competition motivates and keeps her in good shape, she tries not to get hung up on it. Zhanna says that she is very lucky with her team, as big success any business depends on it.

Like any person, Zhanna was afraid at first, but at the same time she was interested, she was in anticipation of something new. Everything is simpler in Kazakhstan, but in Moscow it was necessary to start from scratch, the girl says. “For me, it was a sharp exit from the comfort zone, a jump more in psychological terms than in career. But I want to say that Moscow met me positively, although many said that it was a harsh city. There were moments when I wanted to quit everything and leave - it was unbearably difficult, I understood that I lacked experience and professionalism.

According to the owner, the names of successful projects like Elements by Edward Kwon restaurant and Keanu bar have interesting values. The name Elements was created by the restaurant's chef, Edward Kwon. If everyone tries to choose trendy names for their restaurants, or names related to food, then Edward is not afraid to associate his restaurants with something unusual - a laboratory, elements, Jeanne narrates. When choosing the name for the Keanu bar, they proceeded from general image man, the image of Keanu Reeves arose, since it is he who is close to two cultures - European and Asian, embodying the modern Asian mentality.

When it came to food, Zhanna noted that dishes that are more or less familiar to consumers are popular: in Kazakhstan, they prefer meat dishes, and in Russia Korean dumplings are often ordered.

Jeanne loves Korean food. Korean cuisine is healthy, and at the same time, it has a certain brightness. The girl would recommend kalbi chim - stewed beef ribs with eringi mushrooms and ginkgo nuts, shibimbap - rice with veggies and gochudyan sauce, a lot of interesting soups. It's better to go and try it, of course.

“I love to cook, but I love to eat more. Breakfast, lunch, dinner - for me is always a serious process, flavor combinations, notes. But, unfortunately, there is absolutely no time to cook. Although I am very good at cooking impromptu meals. I can’t say that I am a first-class chef of a certain dish, ” Jeanne says.

According to the owner of the restaurant, in order to become a favorite place, you need to calculate the cuisine, audience, interior and prices. This is the main set of criteria that a restaurant must meet if it wants to be considered a good establishment. Opinions about restaurants may differ, because each visitor has his own opinion on this. The main thing for a restaurant is to create and feel the atmosphere, expressing gratitude and respect to each guest.

In Almaty, Zhanna's favorite place is Korean House, if you want Italian dishes- Parmigiano, and the best lagman is in Bellagio.

Business lady everything free time spends with children. It is important for her to know what they think, what they want and what they are interested in. For her, children are the most important project, the most interesting hobby, and passion, and the meaning of life.

Jeanne considers her children, the satisfaction that she receives from work, friends to be the most important achievements. “I lost a lot this year, but I definitely gained a clear awareness of intangible achievements. Everything else is yet to come."

On the process of high-profile case thief in law Zakhara Kalashova(Shakro Molodoy) and 12 other accomplices in the Nikulinsky court of the capital on Tuesday planned to interrogate the main victim Zhanna Kim. It was she who, according to the prosecution, " right hand» Shakro Molodoy Andrey Kochuykov extorted 8 million rubles. The conversation with the hostess of the establishment ended in shooting, during which two people were killed and eight people were injured. The woman who appeared before the court and the crowd of defendants refused to testify, referring to Article 51 of the Constitution.

Interrogation at night looking

The interrogation of Zhanna Kim, who after the events on Rochdelskaya left for her homeland in Kazakhstan, was expected from 12 noon. To organize a video conference with her, the process was moved for one day to Moscow City Court where the appropriate equipment is available. The hearing began at the beginning of the seventh evening. This happened because the defender of one of the defendants Eduard Romanov had an accident when he was returning to Moscow from Kaluga, where he was on a business trip. Once in the courtroom, he immediately announced "pressure on the defense." The lawyer said that even in Kaluga he was approached by employees FSB and “offered” to proceed to the Moscow City Court “accompanied by them”. The defender was indignant, because he had notified the presiding officer in advance where and when he would be. “Setting my location and inviting me in this way is pressure!” the lawyer was indignant.

It must be said that all the defendants, and mainly Andrei Kochuikov, nicknamed the Italian (he is called the "right hand" of Shakro Molodoy), strongly objected to the interrogation of Zhanna Kim. They insisted that the procedure for interrogation on the territory of another state was violated, and the woman they saw could not be identified.

It is worth noting that Zhanna Kim, who came to the Alma-Ata City Court for a video bridge, was not seen by the journalists. The screen on which the image was broadcast was turned towards the lawyers.

However, prosecutors Ruslan Mustafayev and Tatyana Minakova stated that there were no violations and accused the defenders of trying to drag out the case. This caused an angry tirade from Andrey Kochuykov.

Provocative behavior of the Italian

When the prosecutors read out her testimony, the judge noticed that the victim was holding some papers in her hand. “What do you have?” the judge asked. In response, she said that this was her last testimony and complained that they read out not only them, but all the interrogation protocols. There were four of them. She did not answer questions from participants in the trial. Kim agreed to answer only questions from the judge. She confirmed her testimony and assured that she “owed nothing to anyone” for the repairs. According to the victim, she demanded reports from the designer for the work done, but she provided partial papers. Misikova did not provide final reports at all.

At this, the interrogation of the victim ended and, despite the protests of the defendants, the process was interrupted until February 1. Eduard Romanov is expected to testify on that day. He will most likely be followed by an interrogation of Zakhar Kalashov on Friday. It was he, according to investigators, who sent Andrey Kochuykov to a "showdown" on Rochdelskaya.

Kalashov himself denies this. In total, there are 14 people in the dock, including Andrey Kochuykov, several of his guards and builders. The deceased Kitaev and Domaskin are tried posthumously. Everyone is charged with two episodes of extortion (part 3 of article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in 2015-2016: 8 million rubles from Zhanna Kim, co-owner of the Elements cafe on Rochdelskaya Street in Moscow, and 10 million rubles from businessman Lev Garamov. The process began in October 2010. None of the defendants pleaded guilty.

Knights of the offended lady

Defenders of the defendants believe that there was no extortion from Kochuykov and other defendants, but in the case we are talking about a civil dispute. The Italian himself suffered for standing up for the honor of his girlfriend Fatima Misikova. “I would call him a knight who, because of his lady, got into a situation that was expected, but unpredictable. But the actions of "Budantsev and Company" I would call the actions of the "roof", which worked out its held or not held fee. After all, no evidence that he and the people who came with him were Zhanna Kim’s lawyers was presented to us in court,” Kochuykov’s lawyer told Business FM Konstantin Trapaidze.

Interestingly, in the course of another process, over the policemen who came to Rochdelskaya, it turned out that Budantsev had received a call from Kazakh businessman Kenes Rakishev before the “showdown”. Giving evidence in court in the police case, Budantsev admitted that he did not come at the call of Zhanna Kim, but at the "request of his friend Rakishev."

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