Honored guests of Alexander Malyshev - Yakuza. Malyshevskaya organized crime group Petrov Gennady Vasilievich crime boss children

The Spanish Supreme Court is mastering the unfamiliar concepts of "vor v zakone" (thief in law), "autoritievti" (authorities) and "hermanos de Tambov" (brothers from Tambov). These words appear in the indictment brought by prominent investigating judge Baltasar Garzon against twelve Russians and three local lawyers.

Those arrested are suspected not only of being leaders or accomplices of the “Tambov-Malyshevskaya” criminal gang and laundering money. They are accused of tax evasion. Back in 1931, this old but effective method allowed the American authorities to send the leader of the Chicago mafia, the famous Al Capone, to prison.

According to the materials of the Spanish preliminary investigation, the arrested Russians underpaid several million euros, and the sources of their income were very vague, which allowed justice to become interested: where did the yachts, villas, Mercedes and Jaguars come from, as well as 11 million euros, which one of the defendants tried to invest in a Russian bank?

In the Spanish indictment, the leaders of the group named Alexander Malyshev, Gennady Petrov and Vitaly Izgilov. They were arrested in luxurious villas in the resort towns of Spain during the Troika operation, in which more than 400 Spanish police officers took part.

State corporations and banks

Sources close to the Spanish investigation told Novaya Gazeta that, according to the materials of the case, Malyshev and Petrov's plans included, as it were, obtaining contracts from the United Shipbuilding Corporation, which was recently created in Russia. This state corporation appeared last year and is still in its infancy. The initiator was First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, the board of directors was headed for some time by Sergei Naryshkin (now head of the presidential administration), who was replaced Igor Sechin- Deputy Prime Minister in charge of industry and energy ( commentary by IA "Ruspres"- back in 1992, Alexander Malyshev could often be met in the reception room of Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office. He could regularly get there only through the head of the receptionist, Igor Ivanovich Sechin, whose influence was already sufficient at that time to control access to Putin. Malyshev did not have to wait long in the dressing room, since the business relationship with Sechin was very reliable.).

Rosprom, which, in particular, oversees the shipbuilding industry, told Novaya Gazeta that they could not yet comment on the situation, and the press service had not yet been formed at the United Shipbuilding Corporation. They explained to us that at the moment the process of changing the president of the state corporation and corporatization of state unitary enterprises that will be part of it is underway.

According to the indictment, Alexander Malyshev has a common business with entrepreneur Sergei Kuzmin. Kuzmin's wife Svetlana is also accused of knowingly taking part in community activities and contacting Gennady Petrov .

Kuzmin owns 80% of the Spanish company "Inversiones Finanzas Inmuebles" (Inversiones Finanzas Inmuebles SL, in translation - "investment in real estate"). 20% of the company is owned by businessman Leonid Khazin, who also appears in the criminal case.

In the resort town of Marbella, the company is located at the same address and has the same telephone number as the World of Marbella company (MYR Marbella SL). Khazin is its leader, as well as a representative of the Swiss MYR SA. The World of Marbella website says the firm has been operating since the 1980s and is part of the Mir group, which includes nine companies involved in marketing, financial planning, real estate, and research and development of industrial technologies. The group claims that during the period of its existence it has implemented investment projects in Europe for 500 million euros. Industrial facilities, residential complexes and prestigious villas worth several million euros each are listed. In 2006, Mir Group planned to invest 70 million euros. Among the completed projects on the company's website, in particular, are: a health complex in the south of Spain, apartments and a restaurant in Marbella and a villa in the Sierra Blanca area.

As we managed to find out, in the early nineties, Leonid Khazin from Sverdlovsk was a co-founder of the German company Globus Electronics Import-Export (Globus-Elektronik Import-Export Handels GmbH), the head and founder of which was an emigrant from the USSR Yakov Lipovetsky. He supplied coffee to Russia, and now he is engaged in nutritional supplements.

Lipovetsky told Novaya Gazeta that he met Leonid Khazin and his friend Alexander Kostinsky in the early nineties, because they had good connections in the state-owned Vnesheconombank (now the state corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs) and ensured accelerated wire transfer and money conversion. Subsequently, they became his partners. Since 1993, according to Lipovetsky, he has not dealt with Khazin and Kostinsky, the entrepreneurs left Germany. Lipovetsky is also familiar with Michael Rebo , who appears in a criminal case and was recently arrested in Germany at the Spanish request. Yakov Lipovetsky is perplexed about this, in his opinion, these people could hardly occupy any serious position in the criminal hierarchy, as the Spaniards report.

We managed to get in touch with Leonid Khazin, who was in the Marbella World office. He perceives the Spanish criminal case as a misunderstanding and is confident that the authorities will sort everything out.

“I've been working here for over twenty years and have had no problems with the law,” he says without going into details. When asked what connects him with those arrested, Khazin replies that he is no less interested in this than we are. Khazin refrained from explaining, citing that he continues to work and that clients are waiting for him.

One of the arrested, whom the Spaniards included in the top three leaders of the criminal community, shortly before his arrest, negotiated with representatives of a Russian bank. According to the indictment, on April 3, a certain Koba reported Vitaly Izgilov that he can get a serious interest if he transfers 11 million euros from a Swiss bank to a Russian bank, where he becomes a major shareholder. According to the Spanish document, a meeting subsequently took place in Puerto Banus, which was attended by Izgilov, Malyshev and Denis Gordeev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Baltic Development Bank. [Verbatim quote from indictment : IZGILOV mantiene el día 3/04/2008 una conversación con interlocutor no identificado y apodo Kobe, quien le indica la posibilidad de obtener una comisión del 25% sobre la suma de 11.000.000 € que el primero se ocuparía de hacer transitar desde unaentidad bancaria suiza a un banco ruso en el que el propio IZGILOV tendría control accionarial y que resultaría ser el BANCO BÁLTICO DE DESARROLLO del que Denis GORDAEEV es un relevante Ejecutivo ycon quien recientemente IZGILOV se reunió en Puerto Banús, en compañía del también imputado en las presentes Alexander MALYSHEV - commentary by IA "Ruspres"].

A week ago, we contacted the Baltic Development Bank and sent the bank's representatives the text of the indictment. However, Denis Gordeev did not comment on the situation.

The Baltic Development Bank was established in 1994 in Kaliningrad. By 2000 he moved to Moscow. According to one of the former affiliates of the bank, it seemed that the origins of the bank were a Korean citizen Cho, who had good contacts with representatives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the Kaliningrad region.

Prior to joining the Baltic Development Bank, Denis Gordeev was the head of a department at MDM Bank. Affiliate of the Baltic Development Bank, Sergei Medvedev, was the former head of cash operations at MDM Bank, and former chairman of the board of directors of the Baltic Development Bank, Igor Nizovtsev, was also an employee of MDM Bank. The press service of MDM Bank reported that the Baltic Development Bank had never been part of the ownership structure of MDM Bank.

real estate temptation

One of the projects of the World of Marbella company by Leonid Khazin is a villa in the Sierra Blanca area worth $3,053,000

The scale of the Spanish operation is wide. Not only Russian businessmen were arrested in Marbella. The high-profile operation "Troika" was preceded by a police action, which overnight mowed down almost all the officials of the resort town. In 2006, Marbella Mayor Marisol Yage was arrested on suspicion of corruption, along with assistants, notaries, lawyers and the local police chief, and the city council was dissolved. A total of 23 people were arrested. They are accused of financial fraud, price gouging, money laundering and abuse of power.

It can be assumed that the Russians arrested in 2008, whom the Spanish law enforcement agencies suspected of the same money laundering for several years, settled in Marbella on very fertile ground. And after the Spanish justice took on its own regional civil servants, Russian cases also surfaced.

Spanish real estate has long attracted Russians. Russian officials also have an indirect relationship to it (indirectly, since it is rare for any of the high-ranking Russians to register expensive property in their own name). With investing in Spanish real estate was partly due high-profile Russian criminal case No. 144128 of the St. Petersburg Corporation "Twentieth Trust" (more details: Novaya Gazeta, No. 73, 2005). Since 1992, officials from St. Petersburg have been transferring budget money to the corporation in the form of loans, although the company was almost bankrupt.

From the Twentieth Trust and its subsidiaries, funds flowed to eight countries of the world, mainly to Spain and Finland. More than $1 million and 12 million Spanish pesetas went to five Spanish companies. In Spain, two apartment hotels of the La Paloma tourist complex were built in the resort town of Torrevieja. There is also a restaurant there. In the resort town of Rojales, the villa "Dona Pepa" was bought and renovated.

Vladimir Putin (currently Prime Minister), Alexei Kudrin (Minister of Finance), Dmitry Pankin (Deputy Minister of Finance) and other well-known persons were mentioned in the materials of the criminal case. The case was dismissed in August 2000 "due to lack of corpus delicti".

One of the former heads of the investigation team, Andrey Zykov, told Novaya Gazeta that pressure was put on the investigators, Oleg Kalinichenko, an operative of the anti-corruption department of the St.

* Brothers from Tambov - (translated from Spanish).

Help "New"

Alexander Malyshev, a well-known St. Petersburg "authority", has repeatedly come to the attention of law enforcement agencies in different countries. At home, he was tried for premeditated murder in 1977 and for negligent murder in 1984. In 1992, he was arrested, and by 1995 received two and a half years for illegal possession of weapons. Released because he had already spent time in pre-trial detention. In 2002, he was detained in Germany on suspicion of forging documents to obtain Estonian citizenship. The founder of the group, named after him "Malyshevskaya", which since 1987 was considered a competitor of the "Tambovskaya" grouping. The leader of the Tambov gang, Vladimir Kumarin (Barsukov), was arrested in Russia in August 2007.

Gennady Petrov was a ward of Kumarin, and then Malyshev, although in Spain they continue to associate him with Kumarin. It is possible that the groups that had been at war in St. Petersburg since 1987 found a common language in Spain, where their representatives retrained as businessmen and established business ties with each other.

Vitaly Izgilov, who is credited with the nicknames the Beast and Vitalik Makhachkala, was already under arrest in Spain in 2005, but was released on bail. He was called a member of the "Bauman" and "Vidnovskaya" groups. In Spain, they suspect that he is a thief in law who settled in their country and took a leading position in the new criminal hierarchy.

Closing indictment
(main theses)

Preliminary investigation 321/06 J.

The named persons are known as a criminal community and are part of a criminal structure, divided into groups and divisions. They are accused of having moved to Spain in 1996, because then in Spain they did not know about their activities, and developed a criminal activity that allowed them to receive substantial funds and real estate in the country. To achieve this, they used lawyers who became advisers to the criminal group.

1. Gennadios Petrov,
2. Yuri Salikov,
3. Yulia Ermolenko,
4. Leonid Khristoforov,
5. Alexander Malyshev,
6. Svetlana Kuzmina,
7. Leonid Khazin,
8. Olga Solovieva,
9. Ildar Mustafin,
10. Juan Antonio Untoria Agustin,
11. Juan Jesus Angulo Perez,
12. Ignacio Pedro de Urquijo Sierra,
13. Zhanna Gavrilenkova,
14. Vitaly Izgilov,
15. Vadim Romanyuk.

According to the materials of the law enforcement agencies of Russia, the European Union and the United States, the leaders of this structure are of Russian origin, they are from St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Arriving in Spain, they settled in the Costa del Sol (Malaga), the Levant and the Balearic Islands, and from there, through intermediaries and subordinates, they controlled illegal activities, including murders, beatings, threats, smuggling, fraud, falsification of documents, influence trading, bribery, drug trafficking.

The profit derived from criminal activities was sent to Spain thanks to the assistance of financial consultants serving this structure and becoming part of the Tambov-Malyshevo community, which is characterized by a number of temporary links between individual groups.

The community has integrated into the legal economy through equity and shares in companies, as well as investments in countries such as Germany. Various individuals made investments through companies and numerous banking transactions that masked the real origin of the money of the criminal structure. To assimilate into legal economic activity, they used the creation of fake companies and false incomes, as well as individuals who forged documentation.

Each of the leaders (Petrov, Malyshev, Kuzmin and Izgilov) had his own subordinates and his own sphere of activity.

Gennadios Petrov

Petrov is known in the criminal environment as one of the "authorities" of the Tambov group, and the Russian authorities have information about him as the creator of a rigid hierarchical structure. Petrov was in a Russian pre-trial detention center at the same time as Sergei Kuzmin. To hide his Russian origin, Petrov obtained documents on the origin of the Greek, and Spain turned to Greece with a request to provide information about him.

Petrov is linked to Vladimir Kumarin, another leader of the Tambov group, who has been in pre-trial detention in Russia since August 22, 2007.

Petrov helped free his subordinate Yuri Mikhailovich Salikov, who was in pre-trial detention in Spain in a VAT (value added tax) fraud case - the so-called "VAT carousel".

Petrov created companies together with Yuri Salikov, Viktor Gavrilenkov and Sergei Kuzmin, and is also associated with Georgy and Petr Vasetsky. Submission to Petrov was unconditional, for example, Leonid Khristoforov, referring to him, called him "boss". And once he was asked to use his influence and prevent a murder. Petrov also took advantage of his influence and sought the removal of data from the archives of law enforcement agencies in Russia and Greece.

Constantly communicating with other members of the community, Petrov gave orders for bribes and punishments if they did not obey him.

An analysis of companies associated with Petrov showed that since 1998 they have accumulated movable and immovable property worth 30 million euros. The latest acquisition was a property in Mallorca for 7 million euros. The money came from five companies in the Virgin Islands.

During the preliminary investigation, the accounts of companies with more than 10,300,000 euros were frozen. These earnings are unverified as the firms did not conduct commercial activities.

Gennady Petrov settled in Calvia in Mallorca and was a tax resident of Spain. He is charged with major tax evasion: in 1999, Petrov and his wife did not declare income in the amount of 2,270,000 euros, without paying approximately 880,000 euros. For 2000, 52 million pesetas were not indicated, without paying 120,000 euros, for 2001 they forgot to remember about 985,000 euros, without paying 350,000, for 2003 they did not give 180,000 euros to the treasury.

On May 30, 2001, the company (“Inversiones Gudimar SL”), of which Petrov was the sole administrator, bought the yacht “Sasha” in Italy (registration number 6-PM-1-01111-01) for 3.5 million euros, and indicated in Spain that the yacht was not even worth 700,000 euros, having underpaid 530,000 euros of tax.

Finally, for 2005, Petrov did not indicate any income, but on June 22, 2005 he allocated a land plot as a contribution to "Inmobiliare Calvia 2001 SL" and received 4,156,900 shares of the company, each worth 1 euro, thus not paying more than 1 million euros taxes.

Yuri Salikov

Salikov is accused of being an active member of the Tambov group. He created companies with Kuzmin and Petrov, and the profits from illegal activities could also come to him.

In 2005, after the Spanish preliminary investigation (protocol No. 376/05), Salikov was required to be sentenced to 12 years in prison. He was accused of VAT fraud in excess of 28.5 million euros. He contacted the other members of the group and asked for bail to be posted for him. He was released in March 2008, and despite having his accounts frozen, he lives a wealthy lifestyle with high incomes.

Yuri Salikov and his wife Marlena Barbara Salikova live in Calvia. In 2000, the couple declared only 12,000 euros, hiding 1,502,531 euros of income and not paying 600,000 euros. In 2002, the couple declared 41,000 euros, although in reality the income amounted to 900,298 euros.

Yulia Ermolenko

Accused of being active in the community led by Petrov, she had ongoing personal and professional relationships with other members of the group, which was established through phone tracing. Her phone number was found in the notebook of a certain "Schulish", who was arrested in Mallorca at the request of the German authorities for bribery, threats and bodily harm. Ermolenko controlled the bank accounts and was aware of the financial flows of the community. She was the administrator of the companies that served as fronts, and together with the lawyer Felix Untoria Agustin and the manager Julián Jesus Angulo Pérez, she made decisions about the activities of the companies. Ermolenko is related to several episodes of the case. The point is that the money received from criminal activity was transferred to the legal economy.

Leonid Khristoforov

A member of the "Tambov" group, has permanent stable ties with Petrov. Together with Petrov, they arranged the supply of cement from Russia, hiding the origin of the products. Khristoforov addresses Petrov as a subordinate to the boss. In conversations, they discussed meetings with thieves in law. Although Khristoforov's legally declared income did not exceed 100,000 euros per year, he was able to purchase a boat for 400,000 euros and 1.9 million euros of real estate.

Alexander Malyshev

He is Alexander Lagnaz Gonzalez. Accused of the following crimes committed from 1996 to the present. Malyshev is the leader of the "Malyshevskaya" organized criminal group, partly associated with the "Tambovskaya". In 1990, the Malyshevskaya police operation was carried out against him. The group headed by Malyshev has a clear hierarchy. The next place in the hierarchy is occupied by Mikhail Rebo and Pavel Chelyuskin, who share business with Malyshev. Next come Eldar Mustafin, Ruslan Tarkovsky and Suren Zotov, who manage Malyshev's assets in Russia, obey his instructions and manage the money. They are minority shareholders in some businesses, protect and ensure the safety of Malyshev, such as Alexander Yakov, who is the head of Malyshev's "security service".

In Russia, at least three times they tried to bring Malyshev to justice for illegal possession of weapons and premeditated murder. In Berlin, he was arrested for providing false documents in order to obtain Estonian citizenship.

In 1996, Malyshev moved to Spain together with Olga Solovieva. He is also in contact with other defendants: Sergey Kuzmin (they have common businesses), Vitaly Izgilov (telephone conversations with Malyshev were recorded. Izgilov was arrested in 2005 during the operation “Ogro” (The Beast), Viktor Gavrilenkov (issues about Greek documents were discussed with him) , Gennady Petrov (business partners, have a common economic adviser), Juan Jesus Angulo Perez, Cypriot lawyer Nikolai Egorov, Olga Solovieva (community finance) Malyshev also had telephone conversations with Ildar Mustafin, Mikhail Rebo, Nikolai Aulov, Ruslan Tarkovsky and Suren Zotov.The conversations reflected the group's economic ties and activities.

Malyshev uses "brothers from Tambov" ("hermanos de Tambov") to solve problems and as a means of influence. He gives direct instructions to fund managers about what money should be open and what money should be hidden. Over the period approximately 2001-2008, the volume of laundered money amounted to more than 10 million euros.

With Petrov and Kuzmin, Malyshev shares the highest place in the hierarchy, they are "authorities" and tried to stay on the sidelines, not keep any funds and not leave signatures.

Olga Solovieva

Partner of Alexander Malyshev, had indirect connections with other defendants. Malyshev has no economic education and Solovieva's knowledge helps him manage the community's finances. With the help of lawyers Juan Jesus Angulo Pérez and Ignacio Pedro Erquijo Sierra, they laundered the funds received from criminal activities.

Solovieva cooperated with her mother and daughter - Tatyana Solovyova and Irina Usova, lawyer Nikolai Yegorovich, who managed businesses in Cyprus, as well as a certain Armand, who represented their interests in Switzerland.

As for the connections between Malyshev, Solovieva and Petrov, for example, on July 31, 2001, the company owned by Petrov (Inmobiliaria Balear 2001 S.L.) made an alleged deal to sell the Standing Ovations boat for 100,000 euros to a company (Peresvet S.L.) , the only leader of which was Solovyova.

The accounts associated with Solovieva and Usova received money from Switzerland, Russia, Hungary, Estonia and Latvia. 970,972 euros were transferred to Boris Pevzner and sent to a company (SBZ Investments Ltd). This Cypriot company returned the money to Spain to Peresvet S. L., which invested it in real estate.

Money transferred from Cyprus was either cashed out or invested. Thus, 3,100,000 euros were cashed out and 5,100,000 invested. The Cypriot SBZ Investment is the largest recipient of funds and hides Solovyova and Malyshev. In reality, the money of this company returns to Spain, goes to deposits that guarantee Solovyova's income, goes back to Cyprus and again returns to the name of another person. Thus, the inflation of the capital of a Cypriot company is artificial and necessary in order to justify the presence of large funds.

Ildar Mustafin

He is accused of being involved in money laundering. Between 2001 and 2008, about 10 million euros were laundered. He received direct instructions from Malyshev and demonstrated obedience in telephone conversations with him. Mustafin is fully aware of the criminal structure and its leaders, although he denies knowing about it. He is connected with Mikhail Rebo, with whom he is united by monetary transactions, he is acquainted with Vitaly Izgilov, met Petrov several times, and is also aware of the management of Cypriot companies that are part of a criminal structure.

Ildar Mustafin plays the role of a link between Malyshev and Russian government officials in order to use the influence of officials. With such connections, he obtained information about government contracts, and also received advance warnings about the beginning investigations regarding the group. Malyshev's telephone conversations indicate that Mustafin, Mikhail Rebo, Suren Zotov, Ruslan Tarkovsky and Pavel Chelyuskin are involved in a common business, and that they all recognize Alexander Malyshev as the "boss".

In regards to the group's restaurant business, Malyshev instructed Ruslan Tarkovsky that he should receive $10,000 a month from Mustafin until he paid $80,000 for "bad" months.

German authorities confirmed that on April 12, 2008, Mustafin, Malyshev and other members of the criminal community gathered at the birthday party of Mikhail Rebo, but in fact it was an occasion for a visit to Berlin to discuss business.

Vitaly Izgilov

Once he was already in pre-trial detention in Spain, was involved on suspicion of criminal activity in 2005. His participation in the current case can be traced through telephone conversations that he had with Viktor Gavrilenkov. From these conversations, one can understand that Izgilov is a "thief in law", and that he created a new hierarchical system in which Gavrilenkov is his subordinate. From the recorded conversations, it can be understood that Izgilov is engaged in money laundering, and that the money comes from illegal activities under his control in Russia.

When Izgilov got into pre-trial detention in Spain, he was promoted in the criminal hierarchy.

On March 4, 2008, a conversation took place between Izgilov and an unidentified person, Arkady. Arkady said that a body was found in the forest, he used the expression "a piece of meat thrown in the forest." At the same time, Izgilov had a telephone conversation with another person - Vadim, who said that a tablecloth from Izgilov's restaurant was found next to the corpse, this could "create problems" and it all depends on the district prosecutor.

Since 2005, Izgilov has received large amounts of money of unknown origin to cover his expenses in Spain. After visiting his home, the investigators found that over the past few months he had purchased expensive cars, one of which costs at least 40,000 euros, and another ordered in the US - 115,000 euros.

On April 3, 2008, Izgilov had a conversation with an unidentified person whom he called "Koba". He told him about the possibility of receiving 25 percent of the commission from 11 million euros, which Izgilov would transfer from a Swiss bank to a Russian bank, where he would become a major shareholder. This bank is the Baltic Development Bank, whose board of directors is chaired by Denis Gordeev. Izgilov met with Gordeev in Puerto Banus. Malyshev was present at the meeting.

During a search of Izgilov's house in Alicante, five cars were found: a Mercedes S-500, a Mercedes S-55, a Maserati Quatroporte, a Ferrari 550 Maranello, and a historical rare car "Clinet" (worth 40,000 euros), as well as various jewelry, 20,000 euros and 10,000 dollars.

Vadim Romanyuk

He is accused of being a member of a criminal community, was a subordinate of Gavrilenkov and participated in business management, as well as money laundering.

Zhanna Gavrilenkova

She is accused of assisting a criminal structure and advising her husband Viktor Gavrilenkov, who sought to take a leading position in the criminal community, which also operates in St. Petersburg. Illegal income and her husband's funds allowed her to lead a rich lifestyle. During a search at an address in Alicante, two Jaguar cars (Jaguar S-type, Jaguar XJ8) and a Mercedes A-160 were arrested.

Leonid Khazin

He is accused of being an active member of the criminal community. Owns 20 percent in a Spanish company (Inversiones Finanzas Inmuebles S.L.), in which Sergey Kuzmin owns 80 percent. Khazin is a representative of the Swiss company MYR S.A. and Spanish MYR Marbella S.L. and the sole administrator of Ayurvida S.L., registered at the same address as many of Kuzmin's companies in Marbella - business front structures that allow Sergey Kuzmin to be called a successful businessman.

Svetlana Kuzmina

The wife of Sergei Kuzmin is accused of being an active member of the criminal community and knowingly taking part in money laundering. Maintains constant contact with Alena Boyko and Gennady Petrov, as well as other members of the community.

Living in Spain, she is well aware of the activities of the companies and knows that they are just a front for receiving illegal money and acquiring real estate. Svetlana Kuzmina is an administrator of several Spanish companies, as well as a director and chief accountant of Panamanian companies (Banff Investment and Kost De Inversiones).

The company (Ken Espanola De Inversiones), in which Kuzmina was the sole administrator, acquired a Mercedes S-500, increasing the capital to 20,000,000 pesetas thanks to the contribution of Sergey Kuzmin, who on August 12, 1999 made a contribution to the company by transferring real estate to it.

The alleged sale of company shares between 2004 and 2006 allowed the legalization of 4,463,044.7 euros (…).

The Spanish tax authority is requesting the preliminary detention of the said persons without the right to release on bail and with the right to release Leonid Khazin on bail of 6,000 euros and Zhanna Gavrilenkova on bail of 100,000 euros.

The indictment was signed by investigating judge Baltasar Garzon.

(None of those listed in the indictment can be called guilty before the verdict of the court).

Thanks to Paul Lauener for help in preparing the material

Despite the huge number of criminal authorities and leaders, not all of them are known to the general public. Only a few managed to "become famous" and get some kind of recognition in criminal circles, and subsequently become influential and wealthy law-abiding citizens.

Gennady Petrov - leader of the organized criminal group

Gennady Petrov became known in the late 80s of the last century as the leader of the Malyshev criminal gang. In 1987, in St. Petersburg, there was a redistribution of spheres of influence between criminal authorities, as a result of which the St. Petersburg "mafia" was divided into two warring camps: "Tambov" and "Malyshev". The latter were headed by the previously unknown Gennady Petrov.

At that time, Petrov held the position of an ordinary foreman at the Moscow railway station, having just left prison. By the way, he was serving time for negligence and an article related to money forgery.

"Historical showdown" in Devyatkino

As mentioned above, in 1987 there was a redistribution of spheres of influence in St. Petersburg. The banal brawl in the market in Devyatkino was to blame for everything.

Alexander Malyshev, the leader of the group of the same name, established the so-called rules of the game in the clothing market in Devyatkino. As a result of the conflict between the members of the organized crime group, related to the rules of trade in the market, an "arrow" was appointed.

About 80 people took part in the dismantling, among whom was Gennady Petrov. Having shown himself as an experienced diplomat, Petrov quickly gained respect among the "fraternity" and soon began to be considered the leader of the Tambov group.

High-profile arrests

The year 1993 was marked by the high-profile arrest of two authorities - Malyshev and Petrov. They, as well as about a dozen other members of the organized crime group detained along with them, were accused of extortion and banditry.

However, Gennady Petrov escaped the trial, as the lawyers invited by him managed to prove his non-involvement in the above crimes. And his colleague Alexander Malyshev escaped with a "slight fright" and, after hearing the verdict on charges of illegal possession of weapons, was released in the courtroom.

These circumstances contributed to the speedy move of Malyshev to Spain. Later, namely in 1998, Gennady Petrov, the leader of the organized criminal group, followed the example of his older comrade and also moved to a permanent place of residence in sunny Spain.

But before going to hot countries, Petrov managed to acquire serious and important connections. So, he became close to the future Minister of Railways Nikolai Aksenenko. He took an active part in the development of the Baltic Construction Company (which is currently one of the most important areas of his commercial activity).

Under police control

Being a recognized Gennady Petrov, whose biography is filled with connections in various fields and structures, from the moment he moved to Spain, he was under the scrutiny of law enforcement agencies.

There were many reasons for this. While abroad, he continued to lead the organized criminal group, gave orders and instructions that were unconditionally carried out by the "brotherhood". In Spain, Petrov created many companies whose main goal was to launder criminal funds.

Also, the Spanish police became aware that Gennady Petrov, along with his wife, evaded taxes for several years. For example, in just one year, the Petrov family did not declare income in the amount of more than 2,300,000 euros, without contributing approximately 900,000 euros to the treasury. And this is not an isolated case.

In 2001, Petrov purchased the Sasha yacht, which cost 3.5 million euros. At the same time, the price of the yacht was indicated in the declaration as 700,000 euros. The Spanish treasury received less than 500,000 euros in taxes from this transaction alone.

Since 2005, Gennady Petrov has stopped declaring his income altogether.

Criminal schemes

However, this did not prevent the St. Petersburg "mafia" from developing and multiplying its capital.

In the late 1990s, Petrov Gennady, the Malyshev group, which was under his control, organized a shadow business. Its essence was to register a huge amount of expensive real estate for front organizations. By the way, there were more than 100 such companies. Further, through these one-day firms registered to the same people, real estate was resold at an inflated cost.

Law enforcement agencies in Spain suspected that Gennady Petrov, an organized criminal group belonging to him, was laundering money obtained by criminal means in Russia in a similar way.

In the early 2000s, he, along with his "comrades", was detained by the Spanish police, but rather soon released. After being released, Petrov and his family urgently returned to Russia.

Petrov family business

The Baltic Construction Company is the pinnacle of Petrov's commercial activity. It was in this organization that he invested most of his financial assets.

This company gained active development thanks to the connections of the St. Petersburg authority with the Deputy Minister of Railways Nikolai Aksenenko. Thus, the Baltic Construction Company became the main contractor for all state orders of Russian Railways and the Ministry of Railways.

Took an active part in the commercial activities of Petrov and his son Anton. According to various sources, he is the founder, co-owner and shareholder of at least 40 companies (including LLC Baltic Monolith, LLC Siat SPB, LLC Green Farm, LLC World of Cold, LLC Baltic Air Conditioning Systems, LLC Transcond, etc.).

Has the Petrov family and is most directly related to the network of jewelry stores "585".

Elite real estate

Naturally, the owner of such a huge fortune will not live in an ordinary apartment.

Deciding to return to his homeland (or rather, forced to return), the St. Petersburg authority took care of where his family would live.

So, where did Gennady Petrov settle down? St. Petersburg is the city in which he achieved heights in the criminal world. So, on (by the way, in one of the most elite areas of the city) in 2003, the construction of the most expensive residential building in St. Petersburg began. Petrov bought an apartment for his family in the said house.

The Petrovs are the owners of 260 square meters on the street. Taurida, as well as luxury housing abroad (particularly in Marbella). Gennady Petrov became frequent after returning to his homeland and to Moscow, where he acquired a number of elite and expensive apartments.

Instead of a conclusion

Currently, Gennady Petrov, an authority, businessman and major investor, permanently resides in Moscow and St. Petersburg. His business is growing and developing. He continues to actively involve his son, Anton Petrov, in his commercial activities.

Gennady Petrov himself tries not to advertise his criminal past and positions himself as an investor, head of large construction companies. However, among other powers that be, they associate the name of Gennady Petrov - the Tambov organized criminal group, the Malyshev group - as a single whole.

In addition, it is no secret to anyone that over the years he managed to acquire serious acquaintances and connections with both Russian officials, government officials, and heads of state-owned companies. In particular, Petrov is credited with a rather warm relationship with the head of Sberbank Gref, as well as with Korytov and Sirotkin (heads of Gazprom), Kumarin (chairman of the board of directors of Petersburg Fuel Company) and a number of other influential people.

Born September 9, 1958 in Leningrad. He arrived in St. Petersburg from places of deprivation of liberty in 1995.

Previously engaged in wrestling, but did not achieve much success. He has many acquaintances among athletes. After two terms of imprisonment in 1977 (premeditated murder) and in 1984 (careless murder) he was a "thimblemaker" at the Hay Market, worked under the cover of the Kumarin group and had the nickname "Baby". He put together his own group in the late 80s, uniting under his leadership the "Tambovites", "Kolesnikovites", "Kemerovo", "Komarovtsy", "Perm", "Kudryashov", "Kazan", "Tarasov", "Severodvinsk" , "Saranians", "Efimovites", "Voronezh", "Azerbaijanis", "Krasnoyarsk", "Chechens", "Dagestanis", "Krasnoseltsev", "Vorkuta" and bandits from Ulan-Ude. Each group consisted of 50 to 250 people. The total number of the group is about 2,000 militants.

He was the manager of Nelli-Druzhba LLP and the founder of the Tatti company, which owns a network of commercial stores.

After a showdown with the Tambovites, he fled to Sweden, from where he spread rumors about his death in a shootout. He returned after the failure of the trials of his colleagues. In October 1992, Malyshev and 18 of his closest connections were arrested during the implementation of the development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the case of businessman Dadonov. On August 25, 1993, the closest associates of Malyshev: Kirpichev, Berlin, Petrov were released on bail. For the release of another colleague - Rashid Rakhmatulin, the Association of Boxers of St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation of French Boxing, the Tonus cooperative and the administration of the prison where he was kept petitioned. Rashid was released, and the supervising prosecutor V. Osipkin, who opposed this, was soon dismissed from the prosecutor's office.

The trial of Malyshev ended in 1995, he was sentenced for illegal possession and possession of weapons to 2.5 years of general regime, but since he spent 2 years and 11 months in the "SIZO", he was released.

Source: Kompromat.Ru, 1996

Alexander Malyshev moved to Spanish Malaga at the very beginning of the 2000s together with Olga Solovieva. In essence, Malyshev fled from Russia. This happened back in the spring of 1998 - after a series of failed assassination attempts on him. In the same year, he managed to obtain Estonian citizenship. When it turned out that during the paperwork, Alexander Ivanovich presented a fake birth certificate, the Estonian authorities imprisoned the newly-made citizen for a whole month. Of course, this was far from Malyshev's first walker - he had previously been under arrest on charges of premeditated murder, banditry and illegal possession of weapons.

After his release, Malyshev hastily left Estonia and took refuge in Spain. Here he appeared already as Alexander Langas Gonzalez, marrying a Hispanic woman and taking her last name.

For the period approximately 2001-2008, according to the Spanish police, the volume of laundered money amounted to more than 10 million euros.

In 2002, Malyshev was detained in Germany on suspicion of forging documents to obtain Estonian citizenship.

At the moment, with Gennady Petrov and Sergey Kuzmin, Malyshev shares the highest place in the hierarchy of the criminal group they created.

Source: Novaya Gazeta No. 50 dated 07/16/2008


In the mid-90s, Alexander Malyshev was seen by journalists like this.

Malyshevskaya OCG is the most numerous, but less organized criminal community. He has mafia connections in the middle management of the city. It includes a large number of criminal elements. Dangerous in physical collision. The main goal is large commercial structures (including banks). One of the methods is to get your people to work in structures and firms of interest, to acquire a controlling stake, to train your economic personnel in the official educational institutions of the city.

Spheres of influence: Krasnoselsky, Kirovsky and Moskovsky, part of the Central and Kalininsky districts of St. Petersburg.

hotels: "Oktyabrskaya", "Okhtinskaya", "Pribaltiyskaya",

restaurants: "Polyarny", "Universal", "Petrobir"

markets: automotive in the Frunzensky district, on the street. Marshal Kazakov and allegedly took control of the Nekrasovsky market.

Trade in antiques. Gambling business. Particularly controls Nevsky Prospekt.

Malyshev's residence was located in the Pulkovskaya Hotel, there was an office on Berezovaya Alley (Kamenny Ostrov), where he received businessmen and, in particular, met with Oleg Golovin, chairman of the board of Petrovsky Bank. The mediator in the negotiations was a citizen of Cyprus Getelson.

He maintained contacts with Moscow through the leader of the "winged" group Oleg Romanov (killed in autumn 1994). He created a number of bandit firms: calling prostitutes at home, cafes, saunas, buying up non-ferrous metals, etc.

I used Caucasians to work on knocking out debts. He transferred money to financial institutions (banks) of Cyprus, with their help he achieved influence on the largest banks in St. Petersburg. With the money of Malyshev, the Kiselev Music Center was created, the holidays "Vivat St. Petersburg!" and White Nights of Rock 'n' Roll. Organized the underground production of small-caliber revolvers. At the meeting in 1993, he secured the drug trade, leaving the "Azerbaijanis" only the sale of agricultural products.

After the arrest of Malshev, Moscow thieves in law tried to get their hands on St. Petersburg crime. Andrey Berzin (Trouble) who spoke against this in March 1993 at the Moscow-Petersburg gangway was killed. In the same year, there were attempts on almost all prominent St. Petersburg bandits.

Despite the fact that Malyshev was in prison for a long time, his authority still remained high. Through his lawyers, he continued to manage cases. Its structure by 1995 consisted of 350-400 fighters.

Source: Kompromat.ru, 1996

On June 13, 2008, Alexander Malyshev was arrested in Spain as part of the high-profile Troika operation.
Some time after the high-profile arrests, journalists were able to understand in general terms the essence of the offenses charged against Russian gangsters in Spain.
Firstly, a list of detainees was published on June 13, 2008 in different cities of Spain:

Gennady Petrov;

Yuri Salikov (Petrov's longtime companion);

Yulia Ermolenko (Petrov's legal adviser);

Leonid Khristoforov (Petrov's right hand);

Alexander Malyshev, aka Alexander Lagnas Gonzalez;

Svetlana Kuzmina (wife of Sergei Kuzmin, an old comrade of Petrov);

Leonid Khazin;

Olga Solovieva (civil wife of Malyshev);

Ildar Mustafin (accomplice of Malyshev in the early 90s);

Juan Antonio Felix (Spanish lawyer);

Ignacio Pedro (Spanish lawyer);

Julian Perez (Spanish lawyer);

Zhanna Gavrilenkova (wife of Viktor Gavrilenkov - Stepanych Jr.);

Vitaly Izgilov (Moscow thief in law, nicknamed Vitalik the Beast);

Vadim Romanyuk.

It was in this sequence that their names appeared in the official papers of the Spanish justice. Of those listed, only Zhanna Gavrilenkova and Leonid Khazin were released by the court on bail of 100,000 euros and 6,000 euros, respectively. The remaining thirteen were arrested.

According to journalistic sources, development began several years ago. Since the autumn of 2007, the Spanish police have been actively listening to the mobile phones of those arrested, conducting covert surveillance of them, and recording the arrivals of guests. As part of the international cooperation program, investigators received information from Greece, Germany and Russia.

The press drew attention to the fact that even in the general, descriptive part of the charge, the documents contain accurate data on the past convictions of Petrov, Malyshev, Khristoforov, Kuzmin and Mustafin. Moreover, the Spanish Themis knows which of them and when went through the same criminal cases together and how they met decades ago.

Further, the documents contain information about the hierarchy in the world of the "Russian mafia". According to officials of the Ministry of Justice, after the arrest of Vladimir Kumarin in 2007, Gennady Petrov became the most influential figure. This was due to the huge amount of money he accumulated and his connections with high-profile people from 1996 to 2008. The Spaniards are convinced that Petrov's relationship with Malyshev was not excessively close. Nevertheless, it is Alexander Malyshev who can be called the boss. So, according to one of the reports, “Malyshev depended on Petrov financially, and Petrov on Malyshev - historically. Only Malyshev had the opportunity to order and act by force.

Next to Gennady Petrov, the Spaniards put the figures of Yuri Salikov and Sergei Kuzmin. Yulia Ermolenko is considered to be Petrov's trusted legal adviser. Leonid Khristoforov is also present in the scheme, as a person especially responsible for the security of Petrov's business in Russia.

And in the immediate vicinity of Malyshev, according to the calculations of the Spaniards, is Ildar Mustafin. His area of ​​responsibility is similar to that of Christopher. The personal clerk of Alexander Malyshev is called his common-law wife, Olga Solovyova.

Near the link between Malyshev and Petrov, Viktor Gavrilenkov settled with his wife Zhanna. It is thanks to Gavrilenkov that the Spaniards add the brand "Tambov" to the adjective "Malyshevskoe". Indeed, Viktor Gavrilenkov is the brother of Nikolai Gavrilenkov, nicknamed Stepanych, who was killed in St. Petersburg in 1995.

At one time, they peacefully coexisted in the same brigade with Vladimir Kumarin, until nine bullets hit Kumarin in 1994. Kumarin never concealed his certainty that it was the Stepanychis who made the decision to liquidate him. After the assassination attempt, which cost Kumarin his hand, it so happened that Gavrilenkov Sr. was buried in the Kiev-Pechora Lavra, and the younger was shot from machine guns at the Nevsky Palace Hotel in 1996.

Victor Gavrilenkov appeared in St. Petersburg only after the arrest of Vladimir Kumarin - 12 years later.

In connection with the interest in the history of the origin of private property and Russian capital in the provinces of Malaga, Valencia and the Balearic Islands, journalists mentioned Vitaly Izgilov, a Moscow thief in law nicknamed Vitalik the Beast. They did not support the opinion that Izgilov was closely connected with the federal thief in law Shakro-young, who had settled there. They referred to the recordings of Izgilov's telephone conversations legalized in court. According to Spanish law enforcement officers, many films reflect the stereotype of the behavior of Russian gangsters in Spain.

Although the main focus of the charges still concerns tax crimes, nevertheless, all those arrested are charged with two unifying articles of the Spanish Criminal Code - 517th, part 1, 517th, parts 1, 2. They relate to the organization of a criminal community.

The following are accusations under articles: 301 - legalization of proceeds from crime; 390 and 392 - falsification of financial and other documents; 305 - tax crimes against public property; 251 - forged contracts.

An analysis carried out by law enforcement agencies suggests that since the mid-1990s, in Spain, the defendants have created several closed joint-stock companies, which received huge funds from the offshores of Cyprus, Panama and the Virgin Islands. In turn, these ZAOs, through their subsidiaries specializing in real estate transactions, laundered money by buying up land and mansions in Spain. The Spanish side directly names two main structures involved in illegal transactions: Inmobiliara Calvia 2001 and Inmobiliara Balear 2001.

In addition to accusations of non-payment of taxes on tens of millions of euros, the Spaniards consider all real estate transactions of these companies illegal and are confident that they will be able to confiscate assets worth 30 million euros. In the meantime, the assets of the detainees and their accounts have been seized. According to the materials of the criminal cases initiated against our "authoritative" countrymen, there are many Russians, whom the Spanish royal prosecutor's office could not take by surprise.

The prosecutor's office believes that in addition to Mikhail Rebo, the financial brain of the "Tambov-Malyshevsky" arrested by the German police in Berlin, the following may be involved in fraud:

Sergei Kuzmin (Petrov's partner);

Salikov's wife Marlena Barbara Salikova (Polish by nationality);

Ruslan Tarkovsky (Mustafin's partner);

Suren Zotov (a major businessman from Russia);

The Botishev family (Sergey, wife Nina, daughter Anna), who own five offshore companies in Cyprus;

Tatyana Solovieva (mother of Solovieva) and Irina Usova (sister of Solovieva),

Dordibai Khalimov;

Boris Pevzner.

Also, the court of Spain has frozen 25 million euros received on the accounts of companies controlled by the defendants from banks in Russia, Panama, the Cayman Islands, the USA, Latvia, Switzerland and the UK.

But the core of the accusations are the materials received from the Spanish tax police.

For example, on May 30, 2005, CJSC Internasion, owned by Gennady Petrov, purchased the SASHA yacht for 3.5 million euros, but did not pay VAT. That is, she hid from paying 530 thousand euros. And on June 22, 2005, Gennady Petrov donated seven large land plots in favor of CJSC Inmobiliara and in return received 4,000,000 shares at a price of 1 euro per share. For which he did not pay taxes.

And there are hundreds of such examples.

The Spanish government is convinced that it understands how money from offshores was legalized through a ZAO. After that, they bought real estate in Spain and Germany. It is not yet clear where the money came from offshore. And whose money was it?

Help. Articles of the Criminal Code of Spain imputed to members of the "Tambov-Malyshevsky" community:
515, 517 - creation of illegal (criminal) associations - up to 12 years in prison;

390, 392 - forgery of an official or commercial document - up to three years in prison;

305 - causing damage to the state treasury of Spain - up to six years in prison;

301 - acquisition of property knowingly obtained by criminal means - up to two years in prison;

251 - assignment of false rights to property - up to four years in prison.

It must be taken into account that, in accordance with Spanish law, punishments under certain articles can be summed up when sentencing.

Leader of the Malyshevskaya OCG

Was born: in 1958 in Leningrad

Education: the average

Summary: He walked the classic path of a gangster. At first, newspapers wrote about him in connection with the crimes committed and court sentences, and now - in connection with his return to his homeland as a pensioner.


He was born in a communal apartment on the corner of Ligovka and Obvodny Canal. Parents were from Pskov peasants. In the atmosphere of the most Spanish place in Leningrad, Malyshev learned to defend his "ten kopecks."

In 1971, his father, a correct Soviet artisan, received a three-room apartment in a nine-story block building on Pionerstroya Street in the Krasnoselsky District. And there, among the district petushniks, his son is at ease. Endowed with strength by nature, he is engaged in freestyle wrestling, slowly becoming a leader.

In August 1975, he entered the Leningrad Mechanical and Instrument-Making College with a degree in metal cutting. But in the fall, he gets involved in an unequal fight with the neighbors on Mechnikov Avenue, kills, for which he receives six and a half years in prison.

In 1979 he was released to a settlement, he joined the Komsomol and left ahead of schedule. After his release, he worked as a barmaid at the Yantar pub in Pushkin, and in the spring of 1983 he became a cloakroom attendant at the Riga bar in his own Krasnoselsky district. Then it was called the prestigious word "bouncer". In a similar position, but in the bar "Tallinn", a guy from Tambov, expelled from LITMO, Vladimir Kumarin, works in those days.

Six months later, Malyshev is again condemned. He sometimes laughs at himself: "I sit all my life for a fist." The second time he clashed in a cafe on Veteranov Avenue because of a girl, after which the victim hit his head on the tile and died. This time three years in prison.

When both came out, the era of Gorbachev and the cooperative movement was already in bloom. Masters of Soviet sports imposed tribute on the emerging bourgeoisie. The word "racket" flashed. When Leningrad was renamed Petersburg in 1991, Malyshev's name was already a brand. And the world of organized crime was divided into thousands of those who swore allegiance to him and into "Tambov". Whatever was going on in the world of power entrepreneurship was associated with him, even if he was not in the know.

In 1992, 17 strong guys are arrested. And the godfather Malyshev is charged with organizing an armed gang.


In February 2010, the Spanish National Court of Justice announced the release on bail of three Russians suspected of money laundering, financial fraud, tax evasion and organizing a criminal community. The amount of the pledge is 1.4 million euros. Of these, exactly 500 thousand should be contributed by Alexander Malyshev, who is also Alejandro Lagnas Gonzalez, who is also the founder of the so-called Malyshev group, which at one time controlled almost half of St. Petersburg.

Our compatriots went to jail in a southern country on Friday, June 13, 2008, after the Spanish police, together with attached units of the National Guard, carried out a full-scale military operation. According to official figures, more than 400 people took part in it, who hunted for a group of people of Russian origin in the resorts of Palma de Mallorca, Malaga, Alicante and Marbella. 15 people were taken into custody in Spain and one (by the forces of the special squad of the investigative unit of the Spanish prosecutor's office) in Berlin. The European media then wrote about the triumphant completion of the operation, which lasted several years, code-named "Troika", the main goal of which was "the Russian mafia in Europe."

- I can say that in addition to the General Prosecutor's Office of Spain, the work was carried out by employees of five more departments of the police, the customs service and the Central Bank, - Jose Carrau, one of the lead investigators in the case, told Ogonyok at the time. - We have a large number of financial documents, several hundred hours of telephone conversations are recorded. A total of 25 arrest warrants have been issued. Some of the suspects are still hiding abroad, including in Russia.

The detainees were charged immediately under seven articles of the Spanish Criminal Code: 515, 517 - the creation of a criminal group; 390, 392 - forgery of official and commercial documents; 305 - causing damage to the state treasury; 301, 251 - the acquisition of property obtained by criminal means, and the misappropriation of rights to someone else's property. In total, such a set "pulls" for 40 years in prison.

With the light hand of prosecutor Baltazar Garson, famous after the "Pinochet case", the Spanish press began to call the detainees Hermanos de Tambov - "brothers from Tambov." The same name was later included in the official indictment. Although for any Petersburger to call the group of Alexander Malyshev "Tambov" - it's like admitting that Moscow is better than St. Petersburg. Or confuse Sredneokhtinsky Prospekt with Liteiny. Because, unlike the "come in large numbers", it was the "Malyshevsky" who were the root of the St. Petersburg group.

True, for the sake of justice, it must be admitted that with the leader of the Tambovskaya gang, Vladimir Kumarin (who is currently on trial in Moscow), Malyshev was not just familiar: in the mid-80s, the future defendant in a high-profile Spanish criminal case bore the nickname Malysh and hunted by playing thimbles at the Leningrad Hay Market, which was partially protected by Kumarin. They became irreconcilable enemies later, after a criminal showdown, in which two hundred people took part.

The question of why suddenly in 2008 the Spanish "Troika" ran into a criminal element of Russian origin remains unanswered. Let's try to analyze several versions.

Version one: greetings from home.

In his native St. Petersburg, after leaving abroad for permanent residence, Alexander Malyshev appeared only once - in the fall of 2007. The visit happened after his main enemy, the leader of the Tambovites, Vladimir Kumarin, was arrested. According to experts, this single visit by Malyshev was enough to make "serious people" worried: the redistribution of property in the Northern capital was completed a long time ago, and no one wanted a new round inevitable if Malysh returned. According to rumors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a corresponding order, and a voluminous dossier on the Malyshevskys was promptly handed over to the Spanish colleagues.

Perhaps these are just rumors, but in the indictment, signed by the investigator of the fifth department of the National Court of Justice, Balthazar Garzon, all the previous convictions and sins of both Malyshev and Petrov are scrupulously listed. Up to the exact date and time of the crimes and a description of how and where the accused met. It's hard to believe that the Spanish police have been following their "career" since 1977...

Version two: uncivilized business.

According to the official position of the Spanish investigation, the Troika operation began back in 2006 with an inspection of the activities of numerous commercial enterprises established by Alexander Malyshev and Gennady Petrov. The Spaniards believe that the defendants created several closed joint-stock companies, to whose accounts huge sums were transferred from banks located in offshore zones in Cyprus, the Virgin Islands and Panama. The money was spent on real estate transactions, so, according to the police, when buying up plots and houses in Spain, Malyshev and Petrov simply laundered criminal capital. The investigation believes that at least two structures created by business partners were involved in illegal transactions: Inmobiliara Calvia 2001 and Inmobiliara Balear 2001. The prosecution considers all real estate transactions illegal and hopes to confiscate assets worth 30 million euros. Another 25 million transferred to the accounts of these companies from banks in Panama, the United States, Switzerland, Latvia and Russia, has been frozen by court order.

The materials of the Spanish tax authorities also appear at the heart of the accusation. There are several hundred such episodes in the indictment. On May 30, 2005, for example, Internasion, owned by Gennady Petrov, bought the Sasha yacht, paying 3.5 million euros for it. VAT on this purchase was never paid, so 530,000 euros were hidden from the Spanish authorities. In June of the same year, Malyshev and Petrov transferred seven land plots to Inmobiliara, receiving 4 million shares at a price of 1 euro each. No taxes were paid on this transaction.

True, while describing in detail the schemes for conducting financial fraud, the Spanish investigators could not answer one question: it is known from which offshore accounts the money came, and it is already clear how these funds were legalized. But where did the money come from in these offshore accounts?

Version three: big ear.

The Spanish newspaper ABC, which obtained access to the documents of the National Court of Justice, claims that financial fraud is just the tip of the iceberg. “Throughout the investigation, the police had access to thousands of telephone conversations of the accused - at first there were seven of them, but then there were more. From 230 records, hair stands on end, the sources say, because these conversations testify to the enormous power of the arrested leaders, their connections in Russia and former republics of the USSR, a whole range of crimes: murders, arms trafficking, drugs, extortion, bribery, illegal transactions, cobalt and tobacco smuggling, contract attacks, threats ... All these operations were managed from Spain, where the mafia leaders moved in 1996 to conspiracies".

This version seems to be the most entertaining. Admittedly, the passage about "leading global mafia operations" is hard to take seriously after the thimbles and shootouts over the stolen leather jacket. But no one takes this seriously - after all, it is not so much about the defendants in the case, but about the business in which they were assigned a certain role. What is this business, who else was involved in it, how the income from it was distributed - these are the key questions that not only the Spanish investigative machine seemed to be trying to find answers to.

The fact that the connections of the “Malyshevskys” are of interest to the investigation in the first place was first reported by the same Spanish newspaper ABC. In her opinion, "the data revealed during the investigation, which lasted two years, indicate that the thieves in law, arrested as part of the Troika operation, had the opportunity to bribe the highest echelons of Russian power, and shamelessly used this opportunity." The newspaper believes that Malyshev and Petrov carried out delicate assignments of high-ranking Russian officials, receiving lucrative contracts in return.

The newspaper did not explain the degree of delicacy of these instructions, but quite transparent hints appeared in other media - among other things, we are talking about the illegal arms trade, which allegedly involved not so much the former St. Petersburg authorities as their "contacts". The partner in these operations seemed to be the legendary "black merchant" Monzir al-Kassar (his villa in Spanish Marbella is located just a couple of kilometers from Malyshev's villa). Al-Kassar has been widely known among "arms businessmen" since the middle of 79th. He supplied "goods" to Algeria, Libya, Syria, Iran, Bosnia and Croatia, and among his clients were the Palestine Liberation Organization, Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

Allegedly, it was this master of the shadow market who became an intermediary in the new business of the "Malyshevsky": they ensured the purchase of weapons and equipment at Russian military factories, and al-Kassar sent the cargo to its destination. It is said that it was thanks to the efforts of the founders of this "joint venture" that Hezbollah militants were able to use Metis-M and Kornet anti-tank missile systems in battles with the Israeli army in southern Lebanon in the summer of 2006. The name of another participant in the "concession" is also mentioned: Viktor Bout, who was arrested in Thailand last year and is still in a Thai prison at the American request, allegedly provided transportation of especially valuable cargo to Iran and Syria.

According to sources familiar with this conspiratorial version, the well-established scheme of mutually beneficial shadow business was destroyed by none other than ... fugitive FSB lieutenant colonel Alexander Litvinenko, who passed information to Spanish law enforcement agencies about Russian crime bosses who had moved to Europe. Incidentally, this information is confirmed by the influential Spanish newspaper El Pais, which reported that the fugitive Chekist advised law enforcement agencies in Spain 6 months before the polonium poisoning.

In particular, he conveyed to the Spanish prosecutors information that kingpin Zakhary Kalashov (better known as Shakro-young) is negotiating the supply of Russian weapons with representatives of the Kurdistan Workers' Party. And it seems that it was after this tip that the police car (which is important - not only Spanish) began to consistently grind the links of the criminal chain.

First, during a special operation of the Spanish police in Dubai on May 7, 2006, Shakro-young was arrested (now he is kept under strict guard in solitary confinement in the city of Suera in the Spanish province of Zaragoza). In June 2007, al-Kassar was arrested. In March 2008, Viktor Bout was taken in Thailand. Arrest warrants for both, already in the United States, were issued by the same prosecutor - Michael Garcia. It is worth noting an amusing detail: the composition of the operational groups working on these cases almost completely coincided.

In June 2008, the turn of the "Malyshevsky" came. Incidentally, the day after Operation Troika ended, Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba said that the detainees were "leaders of international organized crime" and were accused of "illegal arms trafficking." It is characteristic that subsequently none of the Spanish officials repeated this accusation again - did the minister inadvertently let it slip?

Meanwhile, a few days after the arrest of Malysh and his entire company, al-Kassar was transported from Spain to the United States, where in February last year he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. And if this branch in the investigation of covert weapons operations can be considered completed, the rest of the plots in this story are still with an open ending: it is still not clear how Bout's fate will turn out, and it is not at all clear why Malyshev and his companions were released on bail.

The Spanish press started talking about the fact that such a noisy business was falling apart before our eyes and that Balthazar Garzon was in a hurry to announce his victory over the "Russian mafia". Garson himself, however, does not answer these accusations. In early March, he is going to come ... to Moscow. According to him, in the criminal case of "Russian authorities" there is not enough answer to the key question: what role did the high-ranking Russian officials with whom they contacted play in the dark affairs of Alexander Malyshev and his accomplices? The Spaniards have a list of "contacts", the content of the conversations is known. Garzon sincerely hopes that he will be helped in Russia...

Source: Magazine "Ogonyok" No. 5 of 02/08/2010

In 2012, the National Court of Spain put on the international wanted list a Russian businessman with Greek citizenship, Gennady Petrov, his wife and his friend Leonid Khristoforov, whom the Spanish authorities suspect of involvement in money laundering and membership in the Tambov criminal community. Now Gennady Petrov, according to media reports, may be in St. Petersburg. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region is not yet ready to confirm or deny the information about the search for Gennady Petrov and Leonid Khristoforov.

In the summer of 2008, Spanish law enforcement agencies conducted a large-scale operation "Troika", during which the authoritative businessman Alexander Malyshev and people from his close circle, including businessman Gennady Petrov and Leonid Khristoforov, were detained. This operation, which was led by Judge Baltasar Garzon, was presented by the Spanish authorities as the liquidation of members of the Tambov criminal community. Natives of Russia were suspected of involvement in money laundering, forgery of documents and tax evasion. This operation began with an inspection of the activities of Gennady Petrov's enterprises, through which, according to the Spanish police, money was laundered.

In 2010, Leonid Khristoforov and Gennady Petrov were released on bail of €300,000 and €600,000 respectively. The following year, the Spanish authorities gave Gennady Petrov permission to visit Russia to meet his mother. After this visit, the businessman returned. In April of this year, Gennady Petrov and his wife, as well as Leonid Khristoforov, received permission to go to Russia for treatment. However, they did not return. According to the St. Petersburg online newspaper, Petrov and Khristoforov notified the Spanish authorities of their poor health, confirming their words with medical documents.

Three months later, the national court of Spain, according to the Spanish ACB, issued an international warrant for the search and arrest of Gennady Petrov, his wife and Leonid Khristoforov.

In the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Kommersant was told that a number of information requests from law enforcement agencies of Spain were in the local branch of Interpol. However, the St. Petersburg police are not yet ready to say that it is Leonid Khristoforov or Gennady Petrov who are wanted. The security forces explain this by the fact that, as practice shows, persons on the international wanted list often change their personal data. Therefore, it is possible that Leonid Khristoforov or Gennady Petrov may appear in the inquiries of the Spanish authorities, but under different names.

In Russia, Gennady Petrov became widely known only after the Troika operation, when the European media began to write about the Russian mafia. Leonid Khristoforov became famous back in the early 2000s during the trial of the murder of State Duma deputy Galina Starovoitova. He testified against the group of Yuri Kolchin, convicted by the city court of St. Petersburg for the technical organization of the crime. Leonid Khristoforov told how he sold one of the members of Yuri Kolchin's group the Agram submachine gun, from which Galina Starovoitova was killed.

From the end of the 80s of the last century, criminal brigades began to appear in all regions of the collapsing Union. They did not hide from anyone, they were not afraid of anyone, they acted brazenly and defiantly. Members of gangs stole, kidnapped and killed people, took other people's property for themselves, and all this with virtually impunity. The brigades in large cities were especially cruel, where there was something to divide and what to fight for. Since the beginning of the 80s, the largest association of criminal groups, called itself "Malyshevsky", operated in Leningrad.

History reference

The dashing 90s "gave" Russia the majority of today's oligarchs, businessmen and major politicians. At that time it was very easy to "rise" both in terms of finances and authority. The newly-minted democratic state turned out to be practically defenseless against hundreds of criminal gangs that arose in a “free” society like mushrooms after rain. These gangs were usually headed by strong, charismatic personalities who managed to organize disparate gangs and create a powerful personal army.

The activities of the groupings did not differ in variety. They tried to take control of small and large enterprises, establish their authority in the region and the city and, of course, get a lot of money. To achieve these goals, the bandits did not shy away from any methods: they kidnapped, tortured, threatened and killed people, engaged in raider seizures, theft, robbery and other illegal activities.

The police could not resist the well-armed and merciless bandits. Most government officials preferred to make deals with criminal forces rather than oppose them. The same few who challenged the bandits of the 90s, unfortunately, paid with their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Those bandits who were smarter realized in time that such a life is unlikely to last long, so they managed to organize a legal business in time or flee abroad with the money they earned.

History of the Malyshev group

The founder and leader of the group was Alexander Malyshev, a former wrestler, a man with authority in certain circles. By the mid-80s, he managed to commit two particularly serious crimes: premeditated murder and negligent murder. After serving his term, Malyshev was released. For several months he "worked" as a thimblemaker at the Hay market, worked as a porter, was a co-operator, even a member of the board of the joint-stock company.

For some time, Malyshev himself was "under the roof" of the Tambov organized crime group, his foreman was Vladimir Kumarin, a well-known crime boss in St. Petersburg. Gradually, his own team is formed around the charismatic Kid, several disparate gangs unite. Subsequently, this group will become the most influential in the city on the Neva and throughout Russia. Until 1989, the Tambovskiys and Malyshevskiys worked together, but after a ridiculous quarrel between the leaders, they became serious competitors.

Biography of G. Petrov

Gennady Petrov was born in Leningrad in 1947 during the difficult post-war years for the city. Despite his criminal record, he managed to get a job as a foreman at the Moscow railway station, but he became famous for a different reason. In 1987, fate brought him together with Alexander Malyshev, at that time already a well-known crime boss. Petrov joined his team and for several years they worked side by side. But a ridiculous quarrel over a banal leather jacket led to a shootout and the division of the group into two parts.

After the split, the biography of Gennady Petrov took a different turn. He manifests himself as a strong and extraordinary leader. Carries out a certain reform within his team, after which the activities of individual gangs were clearly distributed. Someone was engaged in drugs, someone in hotels, prostitutes and tourism, others carried out the protection of controlled enterprises.


At first, the group consisted of scattered gangs with their own little "princes" and spheres of influence in certain areas of the city. There were violent clashes, sometimes accompanied by murders, explosions, kidnappings, etc. Since the late 80s, these gangs have united under one command, a clear structure has been created:

  • The gang of "Sasha Matros" was engaged in controlling cargo transportation in Russia and abroad, had an official security service.
  • The gang of Yuri Komarov covered a large part of the business of the region, collected tribute from companies involved in tourism, camping; on this basis, clashes with other opposing groups often arose, and over time the niche went to the Chechen brigades.
  • Pankratov's gang was watching the largest hotel in the city and one of the districts.
  • Stanislav Zharinov's gang exercised "supervision" over the service sector in St. Petersburg.

One of the groups controlled the Krasnoye Selo, the other, created from the former prisoners of the colony-settlement, controlled the Oktyabrskaya hotel and the Krasnoselsky district. After separating from Tambovskaya, the leaders of the Malyshevskaya gang, including Gennady Petrov, seriously engaged in the competent distribution of the activities of controlled brigades, in everything in line with the motto "divide and rule."


In the dashing 90s, hundreds of enterprising people suddenly became rich, became owners of entire factories, holdings and even industries. And it all started the same way - with the forceful or relatively forceful seizure of property. So the Malyshevskaya brigade began with protecting markets, stalls and small cooperatives and gradually moved on to controlling the largest enterprises in the Northern capital, which formally continued to remain state-owned.

At first, the organized criminal group of Gennady Petrov was engaged in raiding, kidnapping and extortion, not caring about the consequences and possible criminal prosecution. Even then, the leader of the Malyshevskys makes influential friends at the very top of power. Over time, legal agencies were created that deal with the same racket, but now the bandits had official permission to carry weapons and conduct security activities. According to some reports, the company "Delta-22" carried out the orders of the leaders of the Malyshev group, was engaged in the abduction and murder of objectionable businessmen.

Legal business

The leader of the Malyshevskaya OPG, G. Petrov, by the age of 40, withdrew from open participation in gang activities. He proved to be a good organizer and manager. He quickly got used to the role of a businessman, successfully carried out transactions, concluded contracts, and, if necessary, resorted to more drastic measures. Petrov managed to make friends with many managers of St. Petersburg, and when they left for the capital in the late 90s and early 00s, he skillfully used his friendship to promote large commercial projects.

The heyday of the group

The years of "heyday" of the Petrov group begin in 1992. Then under the influence of the Malyshevskaya organized criminal group were the largest and richest districts of the city: Krasnoselsky, Kirovsky, Moscow, Kalininsky and Central. All private and state organizations paid a monthly "tribute", in addition, the bandits themselves opened commercial enterprises.

Basically, the leaders of the Malyshev brigade created sex salons, saunas, a small arms factory for the production of small-caliber weapons was opened. Most of the income came from the drug market, here the Malyshevites managed to "move" the Azerbaijanis.

Criminal activity

Over time, the organized crime group of Gennady Petrov went into legal or semi-legal business. Petrov opened a network of gambling establishments in the city and region. Close friends in the city administration and tax services helped him quickly collect the necessary documents and bypass all possible competitors.

Subsequently, connections with high patrons helped Petrov more than once in business. According to some print media, in 1992 he opened a construction company together with Mikhail Shelomov. By the mid-90s, the personality of Gennady Petrov in St. Petersburg and even in Moscow became known in the highest circles. One of his most significant and successful commercial projects was his participation in the leadership of Rossiya Bank.

The name of Petrov is associated with many criminal authorities and businessmen in Russia. Some he knew personally, others he did business with or lived in the neighborhood. So, among his acquaintances were the Kovalchuk brothers, the owners of the Rossiya bank; Gennady Timchenko, well-known Russian entrepreneur and founder of the investment company Volga Group; Vladimir Yakunin, Vladimir Kumarin, leader of the Tambov group; Petrov also spoke with Leonid Khristoforov, who was involved in the murder of Galina Starovoitova.

Life in Spain

In 1996, Gennady Vasilyevich Petrov and Alexander Ivanovich Malyshev were arrested by the Russian authorities on suspicion of banditry and extortion. But Petrov was lucky, he was soon released and immediately, with some of his close associates, moved to permanent residence in Spain, since there were more than enough funds for a comfortable life.

All business in Russia remained under the close supervision of the head, he controlled by phone. Subsequently, it is this habit of discussing cases that will become the beginning of criminal prosecution. Sometimes he personally came to St. Petersburg and Moscow to follow the work of his attorneys.

Operation Troika

The Spanish authorities have always paid close attention to wealthy Russian citizens who came to Europe for business or life. In Spanish prisons at different times there were criminal authorities Shakro Molodoy, Tariel Oniani and Vitaly Izgilov.

The Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon became interested in the case of the Russian businessman; he was already well known in the world in connection with the case of the Chilean dictator Pinochet. Together with the investigating authorities of Spain, the judge analyzed the activities of Petrov and came to the conclusion that he and his people were involved in murders, kidnappings and large-scale tax fraud.

The charges were based on telephone conversations conducted in Spain by Gennady Petrov. The investigation had facts about the connection of the Russian businessman with many influential people in the Russian Federation. He helped transport and “launder” huge funds, including budget funds, as well as solve the problems of competitors. Among his close acquaintances, the Spanish authorities name Anatoly Serdyukov, Viktor Zubkov, Dmitry Kozak and even German Gref.


The arrest of crime boss Gennady Petrov received a huge response in the world. It was not about an ordinary criminal, but about a person associated with the government of the Russian Federation. The Spanish and Russian media immediately reacted with a series of reports about the criminal sphere. The criminal investigation lasted 7 years and was eventually presented to the public on more than 400 pages.

Results of the investigation

While the investigation was underway in Spain, Petrov managed to get him released on bail of 1 million euros. Soon he asked to leave the country, allegedly to meet with his elderly mother, but once in Russia, the businessman got lost and was no longer going to return to Europe. The Spanish authorities have repeatedly sought the extradition of the criminal, to which the investigating authorities of our country have responded with a categorical refusal. Perhaps Petrov's influential connections in higher circles worked.

Today, the exact location of Gennady Petrov is unknown, it is only known that his activities continue. His two sons are involved in large projects, such as the 585 chain of jewelry stores, and also controls construction and financial companies in different regions of Russia. The Spanish authorities, in anticipation of a fugitive criminal, gave Petrov's property for charitable detail.

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